' . ?v.v,:.- ..:.,K t'fJjB- '- V.! v-fefei; ' -: '':-;i: C' -'' v 'A.-'nv'.'--- - r " f ; x . x j?;-; ; : ; .-; :r-cfx.-r Axxrxx xx-xx - wx -xx'--,XX:'X xxi ' r" '--'A- y 3aJiB$a t' ' " - v - 5, 1 . ' ' -i . - . v. emm&m&M?9i - . . '. :. . -; , . : : -.'TXV 'f, V-V ?.' .;-r- 'V ' . x , " , - Unwarp'tfbyp.rfY rge, to live like Brothi k.,;M j: r--' ; . V;4 A ' & Kf " v : . , V l tXXXt' FRIDAY;'-NOVEMBEH 22, 1822. r,. XNdi2Qcj. X?L VOL. XXIV. . . , . , i -: t . - ; .. t , v - -- ' , - - . , ... t , .., i . . -.4 . , ' - FpR .THjE REGISTER.. Gfktleven You are requested to mVish the following: renWks on Laos s pier which hare been copied from the Fdenton paper. ' , ' ; . In the first place thisnVr nnclert-Ves ti the power given to Justjc.es of the Peace and then to point out their crnt L.V.nH incapability to execute the in- J:c prvr vested, n? hem bv the Letrh Ja'are. As for Laos T know notl?in of him, but expect 'rom n'Sinaiinrr ... wrH- him nut expect Trri n- m.au.-i ... inr thst he h a Lawvet; and refph the Jrutices whom he ha f-r neior? iint rfthem T an sorry TntT tnry wrre cvn that even' jo'ce 'of 'he peace of nny ac onrrntance is a tawytr; oijr thin?: I v-;h tmth. tbo I Rnrvw several it are better luoce? rT jaw nan.uans ' - A J - - - and as tor settlTfr rxecm rs or vi;mmiv traors accounts, if he will make himself a -.nain'ed with the Juices nn the connr trv" e will find among: t' em'the best. Ac rriiVants in the StMe. He eems to th.k 'that there is too much power in the hands of the Onstahle : at nev ana tne nenT- i or combine tcether to keep the creditor . 00t of hiscim. Tow this may nv the ; cae .rn I.W sec'iort of country, but it is not 'so in Wnke. for we have laws tfat j viH p-ake Tonstahles collect the money, or mate a eturn of their papers within a . Ii!TM!ed time ; but I presume hues has net attended to tlMR p . ft of tefiibject. ; As for the extension of. the power "f the j Jostices of the, Peace"' whether it he con- ' sti-utinal or not I sh.dl not undertake to ' determine; but one tMn I Know, tr.ere 'wfirmcn of the first law knowledge, in the State, in the Assembly; "hen ir was passedVand I must say tint I have never yet heard farmer, merchant, lawyer or doctor say that they disliked the law j aw a far havine to sue in the County Court for all sums above forty shillings proclamation money, would.be trying, to do an impossibility, unh-ss the Courts were to he in constant session. And wonld it not be unreasonable if A owed B S4 50 fcr'a barrel of corn' that he should be thus sued and by the-time- he paid Laos his fee (S CO at least) ajd ftnolher fee, and the j rest of the costs, that he should pe'rhaps ; have tp pay 20 in all ? And if, Laos be anattorney I would as soop think he Would ; ask twentv dollars ffom A. or B as not. i To conclude, I. acknowledge I have ! seen sntne justices, some lawyers, and , other public characters, without qualifi- cations, but I can say the best," or at least as good judge ft law-as are in the State are amorgst tf justices of the peace in Wake and Ornr.ge counties ; and if Laos : were to apply 'o, either pt those counues he might find Justices who could pr ba Lly instruct him; FROM THE CHRISTIAN REGISTER. . ; GARDINER LYCEUM. Mr. Editor T observed in the Hallow el Ga2ette of the .12th ult. an address to the public, from the Trustees of the Gqr dm tr Lyceum. The knowledge that uch an institution is. about to be cstabli-hed, cannot be too widely dirTu-e(T. , That orr colleges are useful and necessary to those who intend. to pursue one of the learned professions cannot be denied-; but they are by no means calculated to supply thnt particular kind of knowledge which is ne cessary to the Farmer and Mechanic. The utility t an institnion like the Ly ceum Hill be best shown by a few extracts from the addre a.'' '- V. ' - "The small number of.'mechanics nr. qn?inted with those principles of natural philosophy upon which Ihe successful oe raton of their arts denend. has been lohe a subject of regret. Artists, iris true, j are found in various, departments, who, oy means of uncommon natural talents, ar5 a'? l acquire the knowledge of those sc'entific principles, which are most need ful to them; but those to whom nature has been less liberal, can only execute in the way in which they have been, taught, and while they adopt" the rules" and reci pes of their predecessors, they are obliged to- perform'much unnecessary labour, be cause they aVe unable to distinguish the essential from the , accidental , parts of their processes. - And even those of supe rior endowments are obliged to spend rouch labour v; in acquiring principles, nich are mong Ihe' first rudiments of a regular education. Nor have our farmers nitherto had that knowledge which wmiM Cn A L I .. . "O- . -"ue tne-Ti o improve the powers o tneir soil, or the machines necessary foi f w rtuag u, ana. preparing their pro duce for the market.v;The knowledge n r ces.sarj' for these descriptions of persons is ccohned to colleges ; but science is there taugh t, not to persons who are to 'make a 4 Poetical use of it in after life, but as part t a course of general education to those ' "no are destined for the liberal nrofes scns. The details of the practical appli tat.cn of science tofthe particular; afts jould be altogether inconsistent with the ''c2XlJl of thLese institotions. . Neither touw Uiosevwho are to support themselves ty manual labor, spare the time' or meet its lonf fra' coUeSate course, with - ls.ong tram of preparatory stndie.i ti'ir. . . "- j . vy . ticularly when a large part of that course wouM no onlv be useless, but would serve tp give- them a distaste for their future pursuits tn life. . : - T V The practiral utTlitv of science" cannot be doubted, in an age where its investiga tions have produced soch astonishing im provements as in the present. There is scarcely an art-which -has not' rlirectlv or indirectly receivedfrom it important ser vices ; for science must necessarily be the fmmdation of every art. Not that the arts originate in the speculations of the philosopher, or cannot be practised with out an acquaintance 'with science, OV the. contrary thev frequnntK owe t' c;" begin ing: toaccident ; and Tbeknow'edtr; of .'he art but the knowledge of a few insulated facts. The 6e f cts, observed ibv the man or science lead him to an in vestigation optheir nature, nd the laws Jircnrding to which they are; produced. He discovers what is ecessarv and what is accidental in the firocess, and thus in- fers an easier and cheaper mode of arriv- ing at the same resuh. Chemistrv, as a j science, has already existed half a ce'ns'u- ! ry, anrt yet n science can so prordly ' j ;ho form -the 'bone and sinew and -muscle hoas.t its contribtrion to the arts, To ma- r of the'body p.Oiric. Thev aim nt! he pub ny trades, ir is absolutely necessary, and l,c irood. uatl hobe for ike nu:jlic mitrn- (U4aiiui)i rtn, inguv uenruciai. i r.e tan ner; the bleach er.Wie der, the dmgtist, the manufacturer of pof and pearl ashes, of soap, of copperas, and arl the salts of commerce, of spirituous and fermented 1- ! louors; all these, and very mnnv more,1 ' find their am dependent upon chemical ' processes. Jl'he mason needs chemistrv " to mix properly the ingredients of his I mortar, the blacksmith to temp?r his: edged tools and ev n the baker to fer-1 ... Uru. . r,e mese arts may m be and arev successfully practised Iv at- of science ; ,but a knowledge bf cherastrt'. . would enable men of an - inferior, class. of . mind to become ski'ful ; would make the ' success of all-more certain, enable them to investigate the canoes rf occasional , failures, and to guard against their recur ience. Agriculture, too, depend much upon; chemistry. It is the .huvi,ess of this sci I .ence to investigate the nature of soils, the causes of their fertility or barrenness, to ! ascertain the composition nf hsanore. and the k;nd best suited t0 iive trnitfnlness to each kind of soil. 1 r n-t . e t . . i ne py.cru nr ot i .a- vo,sier, who m a few years doubled; his crop, is suttiaent to p. ove the "tilitycf chemistry, when applied. to the culttva'tifin tI ' r . . . Vith a v:ew to furnish o farmers and mechanics the education here represented . as so useful, the Gardiner Lyceum has . been established ; and the course of study . n uc ari.w.gtu win a particular reier- ence to the wants ot those ciases, tor ( whose particular benefit, it is designed. As soon as a suitable apparatus can' lie proc red. lectu' es will fie-given upon the ces there taught ; and the applica tion of ihtj'sc sciences tp the. arts will be illustrated as fully as the nature of the lectures will admit. As fast as the funds of the institution wiil alhw, models will i be procured of the best machines employ- ! ed in the useful arts. Specimens will Pke- I wise be collected of vh;: natural pnnluc- i Hons of the country, ns oppbrtunit y offers ; anil, they wilbe deposited in a cabinet u; tne ijvcenni. . .... e Candidates for admission to the Lyceum "will be reouird to produce 'cer.iiiictiies of I .good' moral character, and will be exam ined, in the four fundamental operations of ! j uriiiiiiieiic ; hiuiiuvhi, suunai uuu, uiiuii- ; plication and division, both upon .simple 1 and compound numbers, and in v reduction. , It is .also very desirable that Ei gllsh ! Grammar should be understood by those j j entering the Lyceum ; and ahhougli the trustees do not at present consider it as an indispensable requisite yet tHey hop, it will have been studied by persons apply ing for admbsion." The Studies in the Lyceum will be ! ' V ' - " - '''. "!'- For the first year Arithmetic. Aleebra. Geometry, TrigonometryMensuration 1 of Surfaces and JoliUs, and 3qpk-veep- ing. .; ' ;..' ; ' T ''"' ;! .. In the second year Surveying, Naviga- tion. Mechanics, Hydrostatics, Pneur V matics, and Chemistry. ' v . - - . - No student will be required to attend to air the branches of instruction for the se cond year, but only those which. are: best adapted to his future wants. He wiil likewise be instructed in the practical ap-i I plication of the knowledge thusf acquired to tne particular art; woicn. ite. is jto prac tice. .-'' y.ff. .'.w-v' ' - ' 'j. Two" years Will complete what is deem ed an essential course phut instruction will be afforded to those who wish' tocon tiriwe their studies another year. ' . The studies' of the 'third year will be Other brandies of Natural Philosophy . theotheibranches of Mathematics "Ha turat History, and the first? votu.rae- 'bf : Stewart ilospphy of the MindfKf i There,;wiH be regular exerciseV in Eng lish composition ; jpm.l each Monday'.mornr inff all the classes will he instmr'ted in the principles of natural aud revealed relieion. l The trustees - consider nhe locat ition of the Ly ceum- ib the; town, of Gardiner as i - itn' ftn i' M;wi.'..:..w T.1. - I riihrirfihnnf1 'a rul fertile Cnnntrvi where commerce is coritinoally: extending, and in ; jt , town possessing tmcommonly , fine mill privileges,Vand which-al ready, offers to the student in mechanics the exhibition of a greater variety of machinery moved by water than can be found in i any other town in the state." - ' ' The Lvceum was incorporated at the last session of the legislature. The trus tees are about erecting a stone edifice for the accommodation bf the students, 'and the insiitutiPn will go in m operation some time in January next, wMer the sjpfTih tendence of the Rev. Benjamin Hale. , " The trustees, conclude their address witli, expressing their.cnfldence, as' they are engaged m an object calculated to meet the; wants of a state which possesses all the requisites for becoming great, and distinguished in agriculture, manufactures and commerce, that y shall not .want the support and enci.t'fjement of the public. -They are engaged Ui no 'private enterprise. They expect to irofit no particular class of men, but to a: d those IOTTKRV. tT7 Tickets in H e Hillsborotish Masonic Lottery (price bo) OT sale at f J. Oa!ess 'Bookstore. v- ., . I " -J ... fw.,,T '. LITTLETON SI-LEC l bGHO(lL, - -A r- ' m' 1HK Prblic Ire informed that the pri; vnte. Sr.hool alif-ady iristitnted at" the house of the subscr'ilx't, wdj be open dur- . lhe folloxvim' year for the reception of numbeVof pupils. . X j 'The; Male Dt partmcnt will be conduct- j rd bv a young Oentlerrun from NYork, I who has received his education-at Yale i ' College ud exhibits satisfactory estmio- , nials of his quahacatioiy fmm the Pre n s:deht arid Prcrcssors of that institution. , Fie engages to jeacli..O.! the studies req-ii j site for admsoion into aiiy College in ihe Itniu-d States,- with te important :addi-' Hons, of (leprapiiy, EioxutiOii, ;:nd Com position, . .;, '-' ' Th- Feo-a'e 'Department will'be Tinder., the chrtrg'; of a LiidyVwho h-is ta'uiit i'V public- r.s we:l as private institutidns, for bMh, have always received the highest appro.OHt,ion.- fthe engagestp instruct her pUs in .ail .Iie ordinary branches of te- male education, and likewise, with the avsi,t.mce cf the Prii cipal of the uiale schoojf m Rhetoric, Composi ion, and the renerai principles of the Sciences. Les- ; on wi?l as'0 be given in Music & DrUw- . those vh( may wish to acquire these accomplishments. The follovmr are the terms upon which scholars will be i eceived : ' : -; i Bc;rd and Tuition per Session, payable ! in advance, S50 j Tuition alone. do.. 15 li 25 on ! I) ; awing. do. j Music, , : , ' do. j The first. Session .will commence Monday the 6tb of January 3823. " I It is1 unnecessary in this place to be 1 niort ' pr icuiar m stating the qutdihca- tions of the Teachers, or the peculiar au vant.vgesof the 'situation' Those parents who are. desirous of sending their chil dren may receive further information by applying W WILLIAM P. LITTLE. Lit tletoiii Warren county, N. C. N vember, 1822. 8 tlJ KUTBUSH IlVNDS FOR SALE. THE undersigned wdl offer for sale, at public auction, on the premises, on Monday the 2d dHof December; next, if i fsr, if not, on the next fair dayrbet ween 30 & 450 acres of the. most valuable Nutbush Laud; -being pa rf of the tract whereon Dr. John Wave resided at the time of his death. The lauds are of the very best quality. . They 'embrace the junctions of IndianCreek and Crooked Run with Nutbush, "The low grounds, which, are very' lite inferior, ifany, to the best of those jof i theHoanoke, will produce at least 5t)0 barrels of Indian Corn annually ; theproduce also To bacco of tht- first quality. The greja:er paft oft he high lands. are inferior to none iii the county, it is believed i , ?They are situated about two -and a half or three miles from Williamsb(yough, Where there is and has 'tjeen for years : a flotirishing and well regulated Male Academy, and there is how a fairrprc5pectf haying a most excellent Female one. One two & three years creditwilbe given tp the piir cB aser, pay in g fine rest from the date ; or should it be . preferred Bank accons modatiou can be had for therreater part or.the'paichasfr,;riiotfef.-;Ttie1an(ls will be shown jn the mean, time by eii her of the.iubscjjtVer.hy -Mri;. Knott; Mrs Hare's overseer.ToWbv-MrvLeo:4'are. v -i RICHARD BULLOCK, ; LEO.JH W DERoQNr t -ev: jEx'ofof Dr. Hare;- ! Granville county .-N;.C Oct: 2$iA'y U JCST REWtTI rHOH:WlUW- i lln two Vohue quartdj 'phce 0 rat hoards ? : s 03? pounur-py C KETCHES of the, Lite and k-l erce of NATHANIriL K J General ofthe Armies )f the United ENE; Major ! f J?!!W STAPLE & FANCY I AVR hist received their Fall suonlv of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, which, thev offer to their friends and the pub he generalty, on the most accommodating1 terms. Amongst their Assortment may be found the following articles,-viz : ; " " Superfine London Cloths and Cassimeres; Second quality do: do. of various colors, Bedford Cords and Satinettiv ; ; : ' ; Drab and Pelite Cloths and Coatings, Red and Whiie FlannelsV r X -' Spotted Flannels for Children, ". ; ', " , iSreeii Baizes of superior quality; Scotch Plaids,, . ' r--r-'. j ;.: Circassian. Plaids, - Black Bdmbazihe, . Tlai n aud Figured Bombactts, ' - ; - Pjain and fig'd Canton Crapes well assorted, Canton Crape Robes of superior quality, Y v . Italian Crapes of various colors, , :X":-. Black Lustrings and Sarsenets, ";'- v , Ieyantines and 'Florences, ' f . : Flain and' figured Satins, ' . . Rich stnped Silks (new style) ' -'' 'leriijo -Shawls,' and half Handerchiefsj, . 'i- k Cassiir.cre ditto, (pla;n and figured) ?; iiiacK L.eyant?neMo. - : r : , f rkney bguied Silk do. and Handkrcmefs, : ' BlacM and White Lace do. ' - V f I . Irish Linens and Long Lawns, , Thread Cambricks, Thread Laces and assorted Ribands, Linen Damask and Diapers, 10-4 ditto Table cloths, I' cotton and Jaconet CarnbricW. India l?opk Muslins and Figtired Cambricks, Muslin Robes, ' ;';;,. : . '-.( 0.'v. " "Valencia ;and .Florentine Vestings, n CalicoefejMark and light grcunded, Circassian Ginghams (a new article) r Cotton and Linen Sheetings andcShirtings, iouon cassimeres ana uimities, . l; , Black and Rfown Holland. - :. 'T.Vv' Ladies black1 and white worsted Stockings, Ditto sUk and Cotton. 4o : tfcnUemeTO'Tigont aqdi T.a,U WT ntw J r.? Lambs wool ditto.'- Ladies lind Gentleniens' Castoi Gloved '" 7 Dittc s ' j ' flo. Beayer &: Woodstock do. WhUte? ami cclpiiA'ed Domesticks, Rose, tripcd;;2 1-2 arid 3 pt. , Blankets;' X,adies and "Gentlemcns Slices, s- ' -.- : j Misses dittb, ; ., '" 'y : y :, ,A f-Irirg andpmall fihelL tuck and side bombs; i Cloth, Hair ami Teeth Brushes,, Superiorl Gilt Buttons, , ' ' Hardware and Cutlery, veil assorted. . . Italeigh, Nov. U, lb'22. , .8 ";' ;: . . HARDING CO. K , - Old Stand of the late George Nichothi on"yetteville Street i - OFFER for sale a I urge and e xterisive assortment of GROCERIES, tmon which ar Old French Brandy, H lland Gin, Old Jamaica and W. I. Hum, Ma deira, 3'tcil, Sherry, Lisbon, Teneriflfe -ind Malaga; -Wines, Peach and Apple Brandy.! Old Rye Whiskey, Cherry Bran I dy , Coi didls and Shrub, Imperial and i. Hyson Teas, latest importations, Loaf faml Lumj Sugar, Raisins, Almonds, &c. j : AH of which they dffer at reduced pri ' ces. Members cf Assembly will find it to their advantage tb call. : . t . November 14. j K S WATCHESj JEWELLERY, SILVER, LAIED AND BRITANNIA WARE. XX; . h. kunsman-: '' ..;'. . Ii iSP.ECf FULlA' informs the Citizens of ft- -North-Carolina, that he: has "established a Shop at Raleigh, where he has 'opened a. general 'assortment of every article in tiie aljove line, consisting in part, of , 11 J ?! . l)n,.4 I .-.r-r, Wn1iaa r& -V.Olti.anu Hci r.aiciii. lictv mivuw, C,oll and Silver Plain do.. ' do. Tine Gold Chains Seals and Keys, . ' i . Patent jDiamond and Pearl Ear Rings, : 1 1 Jet and Coral do,; do., ' Breast jins and Finger Rings, of every de- scription,' : ;- '.-':-'; V',! '' f -;'' Silver Table, Tea, Mustard and Salt Spoons, Soup Ladles and Sugar Tongs, v . r Britannia Tea and Coffee Pols, ' (- .-. Plated Castors and Candlesticks ' ' Coral," Amber and Glass Bead. . v Ladies Work Boxe . ' V?. '.-, !: Silver Thimblesi ' "v '&,' ' , .V-' r Pencil Casesi',-''--XXXf" v Silver Spectacles , ? - -; ' - ' Dirks'and Pistols,. , , M ' V , Gilt Goodsfof every description1 in the line. Clocks and Time Pieces. J r MILITARY GOODS. X' Epaulettes,: . .' .' -': - ' i-.' ::!'; '-j ,V"v; luraniry ana Aruucry jouiiuus, . Gilt and Plated Stars, V , ; Gilt and Plated. Prussian Lade, Silver and Plated Vellum; Lace: Gold PrUssiani Vellum Lace; C S.words'ahd Belts, - .'i -' y Gilt sinii Plated 'Codj'i v-ss ! ; ' v ;- Watch-MaiceiVs Toj6ts;imdJIateriais of every description, .togeherrrwith'a large' as aortment of Tiles,such'as Dentists', Clock-inalcexno-'mii X--' X'i WATCliES lAND. -. CLOtJiCsS X and Clock.repairing; business. c Haying devo ;n hft has nb'doubt bf eivW VenAra! :V'-i,MU: -. An elegant assortment of TJpibrellas, ' - Slielmerdmcs Hats and Morocco ditto f J , Linen "and Cotton Bed' Ticks,'""- i:;WX::' ' f their custom;- , As .he ;; intends making this a I Maxes t fti-tn.w vKi, i o 1 jkk?-, I AP AND SEASONABLE ...... . . . - . ! ' xx-jm GOODS. -- -.At B B . S JIJTLf, :'.-t TTAS the pleasure of announcing' , to' h y ? ".' friends and .customers,' that helias just receivedi and. is novxlabeninir, - a' 'handsome assortment of Cheap land Seasonable TJRY j" r GOOD'S, being particularly selected by him- . self, consisting injpart of : - ' V Sheppard's besf blue1 h black Velvet Cloths, 'X Superior drab Cloth for Suxtouts and Great- ' -.'Coats,--(- .4-, -i . .;-; Superior, blue; black, and fasbionable mixed 0 Cassimeres and Cassinetts, - iv- , ' v Fine white Ierseilles, Valencia' and Black . . 3'pieces elegant Ciiasslan Plaid, for Ladies . i uresses ana uioaKS, , ' - r . 2-pieces ricVTartan Plaid, '' ' 15 do - tf plaid and fisrured Bombazetts. aft v .fpmMO to 0 cents.; - . r ". ' S ' da superior Circassian h Domestic Plaid Do white, green and yellow do ' Elegant Cassimere jind Sierino Shawjfsj ' -8, 9, & 10-4 Rose Blankets; verjr cheap, 'J opx3 1-2 pint f " ; do,; i; ;- ; .;;'- - r- V' Belitrful Satin Damaslc fanHarin Crapes, J - Do' y ,dov globes,! SHawIs, and 5c-f3, .. Plain & figured black and colou'te'd Crapet, -v' 10 pieces fine !v44 jk 64 figured &yita1n;iTulJ ; , jaconet & Book' xVtu'shns, aj 50t7ScM. s 20 pjeCfcs fine 4 & 6 plain' and striped Cot . Jou (ambricks,at cts-' , !..' Vy. A superb collection of Calicoes Gingham's J -y$ ' 17 pieces fine and coarse, frifch Linens. :rf'X Long Lawns ind Thread Cambricks,'" 15 pieces bleached &- unbfeached Domestic K Sheetings & Shirtings, at from 20 to35ct ; Bandana Ilandkfs; attd Muslirt Cravats, ?: 1 ' Thread Laces and .Fjn'cy Ribands, . ' ;P Superior Bed Tick, and Counterpanes1, ; , Sjlk and Cottoij 'Stockings, ' - " Buckskin, Beaverand Castor GloveL, , Large ano! smaK Shell Tuck; & Side Combs Best silk Umbrellas,--Turkey red Cotton. V ! 2 cases ''fashionable Hats, V' ' A.hne assortment bf Calf Skin, Morocco; Kidj T Prunello & -elegant Macedonian figriredt 5 Silk Shoes, 'v - A variety 01 the first rate ,douhTe and fmii . i" j ' f hladM Knives, atfrom40 cts to $2 25.: X Knives and Forks,'-' 1 ' v;' . '' '; y '.:;'" j China and Liverpool Teas arid Coffees, 'V 1 Dishes and Plates, -Pitchers and Bowls, v 4 Spades, and Trace Chains.'-,' r.".' , ;; ' ; ; Handaonie rie Straw Bonnets, trimmed, ai $3 50 -and4-:'. ; '-yvy-.----y. , y - . . .' Raleiglv'15thfNov4l$22 CONFECTIONART- AND TOY STORE. 'jpHE Subscriber continues to "carry on hi ; w! business' ai histoid stand on FayettevUle.' Street4. "Bis assortment is 'more, extensivei y and general this fall than form He has jusi.receiyect a greatj variety ' of New J) i amongst which are Drcms, Truippt?!, C.dxs, v Swoans, Sccand cokstahtlykeepS on hand all kinks of C ANDIES and CORDIALSviz. ,v i Lemon. Candy, Cinnamon do i" PebDermint Droos. Sugar Almonds,' . I Sugr Caroway, ' Bosel do.v Peppermint do. ... Hbrehound do. Ginger . f do. Rock . . do. ' augar tuonanaer, "Pmries and Raisins; ; Soft Shell Almonds, Filberts. ' v?' -' Barly Sugar,. Real Spanish Segars Liquorice. Ball, - j j4 American .dittd. f T ? Lemon. - t Oil of Peppermint, Noyo, ; ' Ladies Comfort,7 CinnamonX V'; v V RatifieV...i-m5?''.. I Creanr de Oranee. Cherry. Brandy, : Lavender.: . ' ?uice,!f: Raspberry, 2 4Pcgt,,ijuruiJ,iu -? 4-. we ai$o Keeps a ; constant- supply- ot best if Madeira and other Jy ines,; Sponge and PbUpil , Cakes ; and having commodious rooms, stn, attentive servant, he will furnish jgentlemen - A witn iteiisnes on tne snortest notice ; anq whi . . uc iiianiuui to uiose who wui lavqjxr nun. wiu ... f 7 their'custonif .A f;- -yti , -! ' . 'A . ' RaleighNor. IS, 1 822 4:8-3 .-i": N B. He is in "daily, expectation Of receiv- ') - - a barrel of Alexandria CaAckEiis and a box rm'f' of Sweet Obattoje. J. f , ' .' --!.'D. .8 ' JA'KINN AL ATlONf .'A?-:;.i -COMPANY:- -: : 'l " XTOTICE is; hereby given; thaf the S?tbck of alf those Stocktibldersi who m y be in arrears for all or 4n'Arxrt of1 the First; Second, Thinly fourth, Ftftb, S.-xfh;.. Seventh,-. Eighth, Ninth, or Tenth Idsta.ent, on.the J7th day of D;..ceth ber.next, 'that the Stock of such'del n- ' quents will pn that day be sold at Vendue ; FREDERICK RANDL.ScV. Octob r29. 1822. ; A 8:5t ' ?T()RE; piJOHN PRIMROSEi'fic CO. "ARti now opening) in the Store-house, late l rf occiipied by Wm Shaw,' as a Grocery, (oh ' Fayette vjllef street tt choice selection- of Staple and Fancy dry goodswhich was pur chased in Newfforkj tot Cash,' uncx the im mediate, inspection tifon of the Partners And as this Concern intends doing altogether a caslr business they are deterniinedto-coin- menceand Continue to sell for imalj profits. .Thpi'r' friends. f'anifl' those whn tnav favnt ! them with a call, Will be able to judge for '.. j'tiemselves'" -'" .l " , ..riy :; ' ' ' Thev have also received, and intend keep- 1 i ig, aievrf Grpceries in general demand j such as Loaf and Brown Sugar, Coffee, Tea, 1 and Molasses Candles by the box ot pound :'''V.' v4' J f' .1 MS 'N. -- . :') . . . . . . ; : r rw,r i in-the ' War oL t"-Revolution! BalcishjNov. Wt - -f. 1 .

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