limmm - pni wm ' "'II taM WWWi M lili l I liiiMMtaiaiiiiMM-- --..I-- - -mm r ---------WWWW . rrTTTiiiMUiiLmiWJJUIIIU " ; : -VVV t !' ..7 a7,,' 't.- 'V.Vi-- -f r.w.rp'rty ymjrfo. tolH )ikeBr6thrt.! . - fofc J;ft' .'" '7' W77. - " ;t -Tfot..' W(- ,, , .. - - - .i - y t ,--.. . ' .... . , ... , - . - . ; 7 1 . ' , ' ' .. : . , JOB THX BI6I8TIB. .ON. DRUNKENNESS J ; ' i n' that men would not pot an cemy,tn ,W mouths to steal awaj their brains.' All the cpmes orf earth 'do not destroy o nranv of the humTraQernor alienatQ och property, as f. Tf rou wish "to he always thirsty, be a ruriard ; for the often er anymore wi Sink, the cftener and more thirsty yoi Vrill he. 7 . . l- - - . 7i If vou seek to prevent ymir friends ra,s-, iiff no "n the world, be a drunkard ;; for that will defeat all their.enorts.-' 1 . , , If rru would efrertn?nr counteract you.f .wo attempts to do VfV a d.runkatd ; Ind will not be disappointed,1' V If vru wish to repel the, endeavors of he whole human race to raise you to cb ractf credit, and prosperity, be a drunk ird and you will most assuredly triumph. If rou are determined tobc.poor, be a drunkard : and you will sopir be Tagged sod rennyless. ' " ; ' - If ycu Vonld wish to starve your fami r be a drunkard ;: for tharwill consume the means of theipuppfe1' - " If rou tvouid be sponged on by knares, beadrttfkard; and that will make their L -task easv. . If wish o be roDDen, oe a uninii anl ; which will enable the thief to do" it with more safety. ' ..-''' . If you wish to blunt yonr senses, be a drunkard; and you.wjjll Soon be more sttpid than an ass. .. .. 7 . If you would become a fool, be a drunk ard ; and you will soon lose your under standing. : , v . . ' Jf vcn wish to incapacitate yourself for lionalmtercourse, be a drunkard ; for that will render you wholly tin fit for it. If vou wish all jotir prospects in life to be clonded, be a drunkard ; and they will seen be dark enough. . . . . X If you would destroy your body, be a drankaid; as drunkenness is te mother of disease. ' ) If ycu mean to ruin your soul, bea drunkard ; that you , may be excluded frcm heaven. - If yen are resolved on suicide be a Ifunk- r ird ; that beng a sure mode ot des' ruction. If you would expose both yourf lly and your secrets, be a drunkard j . and they will scou run out as the liquor runs in. -1 If you are platrued with great bodily strength, be a drunkard ; and it. ill soon be subdued by so.powerful an antagonist: If you would eel rid' of your money withnot knowincrhow; be,a ":rui kard, and it will ram-h insensibly. ! If you . would have bo resource when .) past labour but a workhr.nse;be a drunk ! ard ; and you will, be unable to provide ink ' nV. . .. v. If tou are determined to exp' 1 all ao - mestic. harmony from-, your house, be a cronkard; and d-scord with all her evil train will soon enter. :; , ' ' 1 11 vru wouln oe uncer strong suspicion. ier strong suspicion. 1 tlui.kof vse who seal from ;'j ies will rob others, r j , ) he a drunkard for htt . 411 oKi cc inai in .mt- who Tcll iiuu ii If you would be reduced tothejneessi'y j fsliunning your creditors,7be ,a, drAiiik- j , . . n m ; ana you wm soon nave cause 10 pre " fer the byc-path to the public street. , If you like the amusements of the court cf conscience, be a drunkard ; and ycu may he often gratified. 1 1 ff- , -. ,lf yru wruld;be a dead weight on the community, and cumber the ground' be a drurkard : for that will render. yon ue- less helpless, burdensome and titpensivej If you wculd be a nuisance, be a dnmk v rd ; fnr the apprcach of ra drunkard is like that of a dunghill.' p ; .If you, would be odious toyrur family, M Triends he a drunkard ; and you will soen be mere than disagreeable. If you would he a pest to society, be a dnkard, and vou will be avoided as in fectious..; 1 - 1 . " If you dread reformation of yotirfaults, he n drunkard ; and you will "be . imper vious to all.admonitions. . - r-- - If you would imash wfndows, break the peace, get your bones broken, tumble un der carts and horses and he loeked.tup in a prison, or watch housebe a funk'ard;: and it -will be strange if you do not.suc- reed.' " '-:' , ; -: Finally, if j-ou are determined to be ht Jeily destroyed in estate, body, i and oul, j a .dr.u"kard ; and, you will soon knew it is impossible to adopt a more effc e iLrncai to accqmplish your-END. ! ".unKvnness expels, reason ; drowns meRiOT i defaces beatfty ; diminishes Mrength ; inflames the bkd causes in ternal, external, and incurable wounds; r a u,tch to ;le- stnsts, a- Uvil to 'the noI, a thief to the purse the beggar's 0-upar.ion, a wife' woe; and chilui eVs . iiTMigi-man weak, a. "'-crnauatool. Iici$wi.rsythanabatt and i& a selfmurtlerer, who d'Snks to o jners ?CCcl heal;h, and 'robs himself oi lll)9n.--uroi(an Mug'azme.' S ' ; ... ? j ' v ; . 1 . readinS ' the above extract, I al mf jt myoiuntarily exclaimed, how awftm LIT- ucnd ?ow 5,ft9f verified in mr - -5wuiuouus aua amingst our re tives !, and will not our L triblatureoiow u ses5,!o ulauon to stOD the nr-ie'ri,u eo'iTJi .......j:.. -.u ' Jsne for tke lnoksl if wilhbe w:tvt-X-yyU ;A .rr7rJt.l,' v0"! 77s W , 'v.r7- . x' ; -7 spread evil? And if ttiey cannot entirely' preveht.canttty not 3 h some 5700 degree , obviate some ot the , dreadful consequent ces of drunkenness upon thel families and reaiiye$ of.tKese unfortunate.felloTvcreaV tures K SoVhe of our; 5ister States have Qone mucn. new-xoT u misiaKe noc, has a law, which renders, invalid .all con tracts entered Jntoby. such self-made ideots.and by tjiTat meins saves frorn beg gary and want th'efr'ii fortunate families. A CORRESPONDENT. : Nov. 21, 1822. 4 HE PORT Of 'thp Prtsidtiit and- Dirfctiirs, to the . - Stockh older s of fhk Uoanoke TavU ration Company , i ; , N The Works done on7 the JRoaipke Ca nal i during the present year are as; fol lows, viz : ; k - , .,; r.- v'-.'Ai AM the cutting which remained to be done at the lst , annual meetingexcept or six days work at and about -the The blasting at, & walling and banking around the' point of rocks invCpUJoynpf'a, plantation, and the erection . of four waste a weirs.. , 7 , . -v-tr 1 1 i trance to the Canal. , . - . l j ) The laying up. of two stone locks at the I T O J ---4- f, j 1 f nnrt -lavintr tin thrfrtiirlie rff thi niliar two ception; of about ten davs work. 7: ' ; The erection of a bridge across the ca nal where the road leading to Moore's ferry intersects it. b ; 4 " " ' - TTie excavating a Ijasin above the two first locks at the middle ground, and se curing these locks wjth a line of puddle' ing and banking on tGe outer side. , I3uildingA bank from the loot of the second lock, to tne head of the third, and fprmihg a basin there. .77 ' " p Erecting, a stone, wallabove the en trance to the canal, o Refcute it against drift wood in' freshets, to1 which' mav lie added the transpnrtat'inn of upwards of seven thousand teetot liwcd storie a dis tance of thirteen miles.. . ..... I Since, frora the last annual Renort 'the ! stockholders.. had reason to expect the ? entire completion of the.ctnal by" this t rtmle, it becomes the duty of the Directors i I- ' .1 J . . . . ' t to snew wuy iiar expecration nas not ) been realized. Those who haye.jjaid the. j hast attention, to, the1 prtress'of thls ca-i na, nave perceived tnat tiie stone. work 'crnneced with it, has presentexi tlie greatest , difneuhv thev have had to eni counter, and . this has arisen fr the want -.r : .t.t : r . 1 cnr mechanics in this pnrt of the country Conversant ,wit:i that kind of work, and h the necessity we have been under- of jiwhigr - sticn from the northward. These' , j entertain the greatest fears frqm the ,? erTects nf ounciin?ate during theWmm'er j i ..,d fall, and it is with the utmAtt ililHrni. tv tnat we have bten enabled at anv time t jto detain them here longer.han from the jCoiimerxement of winter to the lat of ( j,me: Xhe consequence " hS7be .nt that j.0,.r jtone work has been executed in th.- wmter. anfi spring, the v rst unfavorah'p seasons for. works of the, kind, and the more siiitaLIt ones of snmmpp a'nH foil fhave been entirely lost to us. and' hence the slow progress of all our stone wTrk in oruer to opviare tiieseMnconvrnie'n- ; ! , Cies,- tc to have the guard Irtck; the fourth j Jocfc at the middle ground, and the arjm- j duct completed at the earliest possible , perifd, a contract was. ;ma1e last winter wi!h "a'Mr. James Olcott fnim tlie New- Yovk' Canal; who It vas believed had in1 son7-h:uld corrimence' By the terms of this contract ajl the nibnth of June; Was allowed him, to. finish his job in, andfVrro his conversation and high recnamienda tiony the superintendents were led to place confidence "in his capa ity7for - executing it. jjui it. uas neen our misioriune to-nave, been grossly impostdi upon and deceived, by him, He comntehced operations," jt is true, wjth apparent vigor, and he brought on toj the'work a parcel of excellent me chanics from the north, but it seems more with a yiewt)f swindling them, the com nany.' andthei tieighborine nevDlewhd would trust him," than for the purpose of executing ni engasements. un the 10th J t;f May t- he secretly, abandoned his work, whiiouty the saipevintendents having h ad the mot distant idea of sucirah intention anil tarrkd with hinf -whatever he Could I get'-Ufe inanvpe'ajhiatyntersts. have sustained tiule ii.jury of that nature, from- him. As soon as ' the cha4 r-'cter". of his departure Vas cleafly y -cei taine'd", his men beTcame contumacious,- and werewith great d i fficul t y-persu aded - - -. irV IllVUllJf UV iliV. eyp atinn of one of wllich dme, of them hp)thing tp fall sickl the othefs became pWctrucfc d P9 inducement could be v.tfr reel 'sufficient tJ 'detain. U)em 77TIhis in tiie month 4f June' was the work aban doned, at a time, when it' was utterly ut I he blastmcr.the nit for the fourth lock. ! very edions and expens ve job. ;7 j The erection of a guard lock at the en- j locks at the same place: -, ' 1. . 7 and,be1owUhe,- The preparing-all the cut "stone for the. mittert, ana. tmro tne Knwn apiiit. anueouct ac iiuason s mm. witu tne ex- ;! . " uuence en,ougn at tne nprtn to l)ilng'ona hu fficiency cf haiids .to complete the, )oy n a few'.moqt.h.', wl before, the sicklv" sea- "1?". wSuvtcr,ru -. r-fc vrvroneffv7taketftfand Mplasses.7andIeSbrt, oxorpound f II lllf 1111 1 W V ' 1 1 1 V 1 1 t -(' n V 0 1 AM Wr j . I t ... .whui.wb . v w . L' w. m wrm I - I t . , . - . . - . . t . - . , ' T -, T i useci 'Uie'"dijfetlonarK ;pdwerith: which iiicy were inv",i ucici itiuiu w, put m' giiardlock f iWooda tocon. yert the stbne prepared for it toHhe fourth and adueduct txbv whitfe mVahs they se ureel the impoittahtlad viirf imme ' diate protection to the cabal from the ini ! fluericefpf freshets tp 'which it laid dpen, and "diminished he demand -for the labor, of northern ?mecb4hjcsf so difficult to, be procured. " - . 7 -.,:-. ;r'" - .-u, 1 he gdard lock is fthus happily tciispos- en ot, ana lue state yvejwrer worts,, viz; the aq ned ufct and fnu rth locki and te arrangements made7 to, complete 'thepii are such as toBs?ifyMjhe belief that they will bejBnished by hrismas, v Prohnbly' a fourth; part ofHelovo lowe locks are yet to be laid up, at the aqueduct is its ber built ; the en stone, for theeii;a's be fore intimated and,' other materials! exV cept some , backing stone for the aqueduct,' are all prepared. , : J' "' 77.7i7V" v '. V.e have .taken measures to cause the existing latvs on the-, subject of falling trees into the river &'otherwise Obstruct ing Its' waters to be respected j and xm vitVCMCh of . .'ypo; Gent lemVn as ; reside near the 'river, to aid in. the furtherance of this important object ; there wjll he little lis? in making improrementV, if thiV fnjitful source 'of obstruction is permitted to cormnue. ; ' . v v : v -? ':' -;; 7, Amoqg the objects which have claimed the attention o( tjie directors during tfye I present verir,vthe wry mporjant one'of! navmg - surveys maae ot toe- rivr pom 1 tions , were contidea. they are satvshetl t that the ablest schemes of itnpfov'ement j will be offered for thyeir alo;timTfie j survey bclqWtbe falls Vastaken jn charge ihy Hamilton Fnlton'i 'Eq; Civil Kngmeer f for -Krrth-Carolinar and that thbove'the ; falls 7bv Thomas Moore, Esq. Civil 'En J girteer Tor'VirgiinaV . 77 jfy';-, ?.livFultons Report weWre in mofnehta- ry expectation of, receiving, & Mr;Moorf's was. promised u'i by;t!ie present meev'ne:; but we lament to say that his death, whicli recently occurred, will in all probability prevent our getjtinig it in sometime' to come. For present purposes, howe ver, some letters frpm him to the; Iresi- dent of the Board, have in a measure, no folded his views and will $uffic and in addition to these we may shortly expect a Report o the same 'part of the river from Mr. Fulton, mide at the Instance of the Foard :for Internal Improvetnent fir North-C ifolina Ifotil tl)eve;Ueports are received.!' we willjnot definitively, adopt any plan of improvements for those parts of' the Riyer which are the1 subject of them, but at the same time.' we are hot vithout particilarr views. in relation to them; i ,"s7 -: j . -.7: ,lr'--On the -Rier below the Great Falls. we 1 contemplate such improvefnents as will give a -dt-pth pf lour feet of water at Jthe shall w(est places, d-jring the 'driest seTason8, arid .seven fert during rdin ry seasons; pnd for the River. ?.love-the5e Falls, sHjCh as will bear some proportion to i hf great work' we are now aboul". to close a this pacei Four feet ofjwtpr xn the lower River will allj7.f tv'e'pas sage of such boats as cah'nayigate 'theAi bemarle. Sound in safetv, and this is c-Vn- H sidered the great desideratum rn relation to tne lower navieanon. i ne u ver auove attords long sneers ot nn water, intercept ed occasionalfy by small jshoals. . These. Ieinc: nei'her verv , many nor extensivei j should be itnpiw ed:in the basj ninnner An ordinary sluice,' o a via: ion wrtild af ford a verv inadequate cottccti -n between such pieces of Tine warer. as the Biver bev-f tween this and the Danville and tiiccyen; Island Slioals is represented (to bc'cm p'osed of, and would .bear no proportion to! y on r canal.' 7 : '; v7:-7 ?:,,7; Incleed this great work would seem to have been dune to ver 1 itt 1 e pu rpose, i f others on whidh US urility xlepends, should beg e fleeted in a slight and iinperfectrian ner. Our route to market being (a - very lengjhy one it must be better than Vpther. routes, in order to draw thb tradejod we do not conceive that all will have been I done .for this River '.which ougb t' to be rtone.Jiintil.tnenavigHition is renuercu so easy, that the game hands who raiie th1 crop can to market, that eve ry plant6V, can navigate his own boat ; fnr soJcgai'.Wr'anHiiice.'. management are required t5jia!keVa''16at up;op-doWrt tne mver m saietyso long wiu iw yinur tA Q crnnt rkrtvAri;rf PntlOH. ttieUl rectors at" the SnHhe Meeting availed therpsel ves-of the presence of the Northf ' rZ.M- ZJiJf!.. JT?-v?- .anrt J a4ied an xpreWibn of their opinion.', 'Mr.; Moore. Previous to leavintr the neiffhpor J ;nHKi,, uivt i ii elite , repoi t uu ".i and his yievvs qnfrespondingi with tir own, we beg lea v to refer you to the fol-; lowing extract frftm his reoort. l In the z . J ' . t - .:.... the "unDer Riyer are sojroproved ,ias;to7admit ef the descejiti of laievirahtides, nnving -surveys raae 01 rivr pom-j er$ betsub,ject to fratid'and; imposition. ;;The subject iokthgHhth'the River fmrh- the basin advldon liaVlner occupiC . 'i mr.pfns it is my opinion that It wouldjbe improper tfi attempt topoctfjlnto the River Ut this tlrae'; When f the AiDoerv 'secttctis of the ascertain,; wtith greariacciiracy id the.low- cst water, .the depth of the shoals hea K th? hasjn,.f vwhaMhey consist, hether they can be'easily renoyed, and if oot, whether. anartinlciadjertlVcart of 'swel U hg pver them, whhou t! p roducing m nyiplac'e t6d strong a current for fhet aljcentt of 1 age vessels, fv Thes6 e ncjui rie will probably, have weight in determ uung. the -sits apd jcxenseif the locks, :if'f: shonld' 6e!aVceMneltht!the$e' Palll'aaJ.': not besa tmpryed s':t6.i;aftniijt,vtlicii' pasi; sage oftfie rveseli that '"; aallyavigate ; the R iy er belo W 'when -f ui ly;laden, .U may becomei; conssderaition i whether :ltetwov low-ex" lc'ksjoohi hot '' placejdjePt these Falls, ar ty tp pass fieejvesefs, and that the ca-r hat thencto ;Ke - whtriiousesf :3brould be : deep enough to admit their taking Nir their lading at that place." ; Mr, FultohV re port ou uiis suDjecc nas noivev ' ucen rci ';. For' the. expenditures of i the' present year, as well as an estimate of expenses yet to be incurred hi vCpmpletingUhe ta hal ; arid for a! generat'yiew of the fiiian cial concerhs of jth'f ; Cotnpahyi We beg to? re fe r y pu to t! ve Repft'.of-the Treasu pr of t he Com pai vy h ere with laid before you , and which- weask you to receive as a parr f Vf currepoTi ,',.'roim: tn.isehibit,v it will a ppear ih at ,'4651 6 hay. been ' pai L out during ihe present yearriwhlchr shfn f being added to the expenditures up to the last geoe ral meeriog,' will gve total of expenditures 6f S2:9,200 ir, hi , which ir inchidtfdireal . estate nod tvegroesr7- We jiiyitc;yoa to an examin ;i of counts and vqnehers, V -.biguedi ; CAD'R JONES. Preset.: SAMUEL P ANN ELL; DAVID CL i Kv N WM. E. rSiKXDNAX, Y JAME5 BHUCEi 'Hr Y J OHN; "Ui -.g Aff U$&M jLtoano 1 .The ndersiffned.0Veasiirer, of tlieRoan- oke' Navigation Compauy,' i.e; pectfully re-1 ports, that since tne last annual meetingtuere has been received into the Treasury. ; 7 , ;-4'4'' 7 : - ,. '; ':; S&tfW -25 j. To which Wld the sum-then re , mulning in the ;tyeasury,'yiz. j ,714,12: 99- Malcini the rsurii . Ktf.,!,..7hV. disbursetnts,made pn account of canaVeX. f pensei,-have-arhouhtetV t6f 8364;10 1 ?.v.-3'1L;.rr.-r;.:.--i;Lt - Leavihff in the Treasury, at the present time, Balancer of 7 . U ) j 9,78 08 By reference to theVxlellnqiient .list; -here with submitted, it will be Seen' that there is due to theyGorapany onl'accbhnt of various 'instatbentsj the7 sum bf,:; 15,144149 y From1 this sum 'deduct , the, 1 v , : mountdviefrbm insblyentstoeX' 1!"; holders, .'7.,:. ' !;v ;V- v'i :i J .. 624r 65 " - There will then remain duot 77. the Company, which may be c6l-7 y 1 7 lectecLV.; I-'fi itf: 58896 -84.. To which add balance due for 7 ' negroes 'sold, oh wliich judgments . -have been obtaihed, 7 S 7 ' r -163r 50 .ludgment against late Treasurer 198 61 bove stated, - T :;, S ,7'v7:7tK" 70 :' . 9748' 03 Making the total.sum of. ; r..7.$2i;481 03 The claims! against the Cornpa ?: 7 ny, together with the) prohabj' ' ", ; eknense ; of .finishing the canal,' 7 ,:; l. f. may ,be estunated at1 ,7 :. 7; $19,160 And consists, of the fplloMf irig items i Balance duVf)avid Houston A j $5000 i Davis &; Palmer; - ' 7000 To complete the aqueduct ' .. t.'j : i f 4000 ; ? litre of ne-grpes 7 J( 7 ,7:M7 ' f 850' ;;7,, Due John Kulghari' . , 160. 7 ; ' Officers andl OversJeers ..-';. ,j j 2000 '; Remaing work to be done at the basiii 15Q . .' - .- ' . ' ' .' , . ' : ; . . 7 ' ' " 7 ' . .! ' ' ' . " - ; 7; ':,i60.,; Front the foregoing view which I have ex hibitedjdf the pecuniary affairs of! the Com pany, i,t will be seen that'prpyijded collections can"be made irt dii time5 piim i .denquenV stbckholdersthe fundspf tUef Company,' wkh out'ahy further requisition onrthe lstbcknold- - .- -ii ,' l . t-.. '.".IT a. '. era, will noi.viuy'De anipiy suTiciciu io imcc,v every expense hecessaiyto complete the pa nal, but 'will leave a balance ICtheiTrasujy unexpendedV which, ith anr fdrthe sition you may tninic proper to levy,- may fapplied to the hnprovement.of the navigation ot tne KiveraooveanaDeiow tne ur?at. jcaus. Nov. 11 1822;-77'.. .v;:.u 1 1 : NEW STORE. ; ' OWPlilMftOS;& 0.4 7014 1 4 1?B, nW ope'uing in.e StcrelhbttseIate Ally occupied, by AVm Shaw aVatirocefy, on ijayettevuie. street j ;a cuoioescjcpuuii Staple; and jFaney dry gopds,7which ar.nftr? chased in New-York for, cshi . nn im mediate inspection of one of lhe; 1 u Aftd as this Concern intends doing al ther a cash business, Ihejr kre" detein .to eom mence and' continue 'to, sell for sr profits.. ; ::;.hW.:)6epd: Jyjfitvpr; themitacill, rWini:ible udgefor.. sejve-s:'te:$'.: A smpgi ! Thev-have.also received, anc ntenxLkeen- 4ng, a few"; Groceries, in gen ul Remand such' Loaf arid Brown Coffee, Tea, Candles pyL fi&titfc 'fUvk Xeghorn, Straw;iind Satin Rpnnefsl; "rTtf. JjZ Bands jXace and Mtish'n-tCfps jWdrkd'AIus: i- -7X"C Lao?; Emhroidered atxl Crapes j ifhnxlarin & .Canton Grpe. Shawls i nil .mere Presincfj Black Bombazet bazetts CambncBl Loiig- ao 4 and articles willbe sold at reduccd fnrices foK CASH, amonirfst Whir.h are ttnrhfftl" 'j nrrif psrittl" TitrLi Swordj, Sui-Aand onitantlv! keens oil hand 8bniiT.Silk.VeIi;ets'f ''! rcasslan; Plaids Vphse ; Clothol ; Csi-' bttawis j: bfifell taod. mutation Con v-m ';. ' ahdtvory -.-doi t tfiurecL Popunsi- ; ,77t ns: -plain and ,tigiirt: hffdtn- h j f firurea"Btul pTain f JHooU' Mtisl-nsi: ' $ Lawn, 'Linen; iirurrhreaav .7' & V ; CambriCk f . Dinnty, Flnt;J,iartd4estics XS'Z Ladies Silk and Worsted IoseSUfc, .f-f ' ahd BeavW Gloyes tiGenttfeniaJll)Off t ' PQWder.J.iOXt;s W4?us Anttfie ,Ui,l ;"' , Cologne Water. With a variety ot ot her -4 . toov nuraetous for insertion.,. whicyt. 7. ' ' aHE Subscriber continues to "carry, on hif 77 77 j I business at his old tandj pr t'ayetteviUo ;: street. Hi1 assoilinent. is ipoextcnaiyo;.' and general this fall thn formeTlyi lie j'7.7 justreceived at great. varieW bf Ntwl'oyjSi jj-j.T U-Jtoks of CA'DIliS knd GOliUf AUr viz: : tX Lemon xjimuy. Petmermint Drot)d- Cinnamon do ftugir; Almbncl4-.N:.;; ; do.' Jf Suga'r Car. peppermint do, -;-tf t'iSu'gaf Cor. ;omnder; Horehbund do 7V Prunes and (ZalMns Ginger": ;-7 - do, 7 7 jrSof Shell Almond ' kocIc 4 , do, is Filberts, P,-a. 7:7' rBarly Sugar,Jv ,7 ileal Spanish Segarjr " ELkiuortce Baa- 74 if- American 'dltto. 7 ; i r 7 t.'f 7i',-:? ; coriDiALs; viz y,-X;- i i i Perfect Love!; '' -: 7 : Lemon. ' . -a';'- :;i ';. . 1 -; ; : un or peppermint, , a . ufc am ae ;rangef c ; i 4.- I'Noyo, :7 777 : .Cherry Bfandy,- ,.. :' ;- ' I f LAdies uomtort, ,i: . . uquc'jaw, . .. , ' . t Ciiinamoii; -"7" ,"-71 3 Vjayeiider, i r- iy'; ':': Raspbetry, - v - '. " He also keeris aieoastatit sunnlv of bestfv" i7-and liYing;conraoaioXis room ft aii lf" rP8 ?5! slf S- d2f-X- be thankful to those' who will favofir him witri their custom. 7 TU' DAVID S tl A Wi. llaleiffh. Nov; 15. 18221 " ?N B , fie is in ilaiiyf expectatioh of re- eir: a barrel of ALEiAsDiitA C bickers andV uuX WATCRiVS, jmv.ELLpRY, SlVR, ? PLATED JVND BHlTANNIA' ,WARE. V7V ,':7 :7 ,;- --v-j;;77V ,r:'..: " 7- ..:H.KUMAK.7;.7..';;--- EESPKCTULtYiinfbrms the Citizens of i ; Norih-narolina-that llias established 7 a Shop at 5aieigh where he7hasiX)peiied a, -.. ; generaV assortment .w.6':yeryi..arti';let inXlie V above line, consTstingjiD part bf "v k" ; .7 - v , Golci and Silver Patent Lever VVatcnei "'. ; Gold and! Silver Plain) V7 Mb. do. .: Fine Gok! phams, St l 's and Keys, Patent Duimbnd' and jpearl "Ear Ririgsi Jet and Coral 'C -3c! C do. -.7 7 Breast Pins and ri ngjer Ri ngs, cf every de-; . . 7.7 scription,:''! "-f.ix. V'' ' Silver Table, Tea Mustard and, Salt Spoons v t; Soup; Ladles atjdurl;6hgs,.w.VrV- f'.'-.i Britannia Tea arid: Cofiee 'Po1s, ;v7.7- PJated Castors au.d QindJesricXs, ; , v, , j Coral, Amber and Glass Beaas,' : 7 7 ; Ladies . Work'Boxe tei1! l!7; r.r SilyecThimble Silver Spectacles, Dirks andTisoIs,4 Gilt' Goods of evefy descrjptibri ip the Tutfi . 1-, ;V 7 IT if . MILITARY GOODS, v Epaulettes, ;7';-:.yP; v- f :J , A Infantry and ArtiUeryr Bultone , , Glt and Plated Strsi'j;' v; ;V 5!. Gilt and. Plated Prussian Lace, , r '?"Q Silver and Ylatd VeHmft Lacei v - MOKi rrussian veiium Lace,.-. 7, Gilt and;TIateil CorK .... v. 6idplated.Eaglesyi: V - J.'. U K. .-,1' ? ATOifai azu . ipoui ananatemis oi . 7 4: abrtment of Files,"shch,as Dentisfs', t?iocfc " ' ";:7". J ! 'miakersVand GunsDthMj1s:?r:.?;v,C 7"V VATC RES fAND lCLO CKS I, attentionr wil; be Paid to the Watcn l : and Clock! repajrihg' business; Slaving dr vo- .7 ; 4 y tdvthe!ptiaapat paibf ! hisrtitnef to Watchf ? piisiiwuun jw .ijiose ;wno wm iayoux 10m wiu llieirf cHisonTiAs .lief intend makihir this a ucfuiajieiiwjAncu nc souciu x bu&tc u. ,pui7p : uaieign OTi Jl, a oa -5t CAROLmBlfiLE SOCIETY. flHHE annua 1 meet wg of i V bocietv-j ttieondiMc ba'. fJe;:.SBaa.pipj5i tie;"Anniyersiry;; Sermoa .foivthe benefit' of - the TAstitutionX. will he preached k tlie Methodist Church - by the Rev. G. M. Anderson. : -. Tin ; . 'I 1 f r f.C s. ' ... .. , A ! i 7- c ."', v-7

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