;.3:rr. - ! - J if1- 1 ' ! 1 v , (t I 'l'!ifc.3 5' , j: i fl - ' -vHv wiT 17TX! y i I GoIiieWr, ntl Feasleyv Bf -J ;.. - --wv,.. vrtV. SpaighVrby; nduom y "r:.1 , T.ATFSTFI I U KUKUrfi.. f 11 nnKp:Hia5rsf tbState vprioolwi)ence!ic saiieuii mr ittimo. 4 The- act vices; fi-niu .Xonon Vare thfr iVimnsf:6T.the. 5thi and from Paris to theft?tOcrber; but the?,at)- "lil-fiiiVCTbcrc'thai -beeo ' a good -.i . . tniStVni. vv firm. ' . ; r. ounce n iwiincai-ccui v' "'r t inTror . no'. dJn?atilonsoKa"IcWSyl iJ I v ; -f dumber ereV knovfflp jribnfeday ; r. v -: ".';ir: -.-gr gvV f ' f Dart;; CaptBVafe ; front; Cartf?aenap ; : NvbUh late life left "tshHM .a& Octet, r Vtive pofiitfop of the Patriot fare?, at :! " "the time ipfhis 'sailings Gcri;fontiUa, i - . .yho hajnstteo' appointed Cqmtnjni ! : vder-io Ch?ff all .th forcpsTemploj- .eil or-tolje e.mpiojea.nn uirwa-wwiHj ' Was at 'Rio He, la 'Hachai'-witliOp.roen,. 1 ' -. -and fnnmehliy ixpected . to beioined. " by .400 ihre, tinder 'ihf 'ComTnaad of 4 Colone! Ramose who a the n in m a V- Tnarcfrom lonvpox f Gen. Tae wa - U s : ens&tsl 40 thesicje of .Poro CaveUor (jcn. 'Paez wa a nd .Geo, SouWdtle Detveen aiencia and Caraccaa'.' ; : v ThrIastWvtcjps'teceived'at Car- thagenav from-"Morales, lstaf ed, that he had marched from Maracaibo into j-the interior, 'npoij ?a- nrej., expedition. IeVn two hundred men to garrison .that place.: Our informant thinks there mut be soroVerrnr-in the information recently rfcexved by letters from .J pjlra, representinIoralea a having 1S.IaI fiftrpn or sixteen' m'dea . below thut nlar.e. about the 15th October, fif--' fPAn hiinilrpd men, with the intention -4l:- if. nnrl ;Caraceas : as hei "consider it hfeWy improbable he could have passed 'from Maracaibo to that tiart of the coat without first having an encounter -with Montilla pr Sou blette, who were anxiously .hatching his movements. ;;. v . ."; A MnralesVnaral Jorce consisting of two 44 ri frigates, one brig of ,22 cuni, fnOr or five schooners and seve ral Rpcherafi.afrorded,however,a great facilitv Tor debarking and landing h.s troops-af ihe. Patriot isquadroa Con sisted of oly two briS since f he ra.s. inr of tn -htockade or Porto Cabell, and could not wake even a show ol. nnruirilinn." .1 ! - Gen. Bolivar was at Guayaquil, a bout one hundred and - forty miles nthnufh.Wpct of XTuito, and two expresses Had been despatched by o- Tcrtiment; Squiring hi immediate re- . turn-fd Cnlomba..Much diss.atisfac? tion waa anticipated oh the part of; p tion waa anticrpa Pnrps at hii late movements; ' Our informant gpeaks a language by yro'me8n fIatlerin-,as to the progress of the Patriot in "those qualificatipps necessary to constitute ihem a free and happT republican peopler v 'He also ates ilvat hp is not snr- prised at 'th numerous exaggerated' accounts received in this? country,. re' lative to the prorei of their arms, or . their advancement in the arts of civ-' lized lifei when it is almost impossible for'a persn on the spotto derive any . cbrrect information of passing events. "I' r -y. Beacon SENATE. aV - 1 ' , mrnAT, kov. 22. . ' . y . Mr. Glissbn, from the committee appoint ed to draw up Rules bf Order for the govern ment of this House, made a Report which was concurred in. ' : '.. " - S '" Z-w', t On' motion of Mr.' Spaight, the Senate proi ceeded to the appointment of standing com mittees which were made ks follow : Com mittee of Proposition- & Grievances Messrs., ; Baker, of Brunswick, Flowers, Jones, Sneed, Outlaw, Williams Wall, and Shober. ;r ' - jOn the committee of PtrivilJes and Elec-' ; tions Messrs. Troy, Bodd!e,vCar9on,'' Brayv irownngg, Hatch, Marshall, and Barnnger, ( On the committee of Claims; Messrs. Ward Peebles ' Baird, Vanhook, Jacocks- V hit- i Qcld, Robinson, and McLeary;-. SXTCKD AT,'. SOT. 23. The following persons were, appointed on norTs message, viz : : y :.: , - - On Internal Improvements, Messrs. Branch, j Jjcation otsucn. decision, . , , ' i : uu !nu?" mr..Mepane, liesoired, That Hatch. MiHer, Wade, and'Jooesi -i !. , i On morion of Mrt Strange, fumessagp was lhc co1101 on that part of the Governor's On the Militia and the Public Arms; Messil; sent to the Senate proposing to Jse' a joint i i1.01 Mes-tbPubUb'jauildings, McKavf-Mdary, Jacocka,: Barringer,.and J comrpee for. jtWurposeYbf dividing, the fi tcte-to' enquire 'into the, cause of Houze.- - . " ; . . . .- ; 6tat' ongresonal district, and stating m 4 , On Eduction; Messrs, Shobej; Brownrigg; 1,'tFiaV y'fl. Skinner; Jones, Blackledge;'! '4 transporting the Statue of Washington from Legrand, jorge, and Sitmner.-: t . - A j LCole, Dany, HrnnStrarige,r Wilmington to Raleigh. ; y 4 : t " On thefi eports' from the Legislature of It Fjshcr, Graham,' pf Ruthertord, v Gcr- 0n motlon, of Ilr Strange, the following .IBQuthvCa "V a- and "Massachusetts,. Messrs. v don, fori ne committee on 'the part of tliir amendmentra added; to thejules for the Graves, Cai w.1, DlackwelL Snced,and Wall. House S V, ; l5J ;V . - - - government Of this house, viz; That everv On the Report and Resolntions received, from Massachusetts, relative to the appropria- tion ot a portion. m me punuc lanos, tor t cation, McssrsOutlaw, Baker, of Brunswi Am. - . . V . - Jaird, rarkef and Callowa,, '.-, : tr. Caraert)npre senterl atoNJo amend xtr-ct'fSflAil In fSlOJrb TncmVftt 6t, enti tled an a4(lltional ktt o n fenlitled Fehie Coverts, hoab JInc PMa - ilr.J Jacocks presented the folloUnn reSo Intion,' that thetvmfcteA n& resolutions wer adopted,-Tii-: ;that the committee on the.' Jtvdicaary be-' . Instructed to fpnnn'irPw inrhptKer anv alterat ion li necessary Uh the l; iftt!yet6 the punishmenVofper-, f fjicinf; the iatfasor brands of othersan that ilhpv Wnort W hill or crthcmcise :" 'y- v i ; And that the same committee be instrticted ?to ehqulre into thVxediency,-of layinpr oiT ;the.itate mtoAf 'udiciar dstricts; anl ap- tpwtitmff adrUtjonal Jmlges, toiioiaiiio J i ' ..,ir!n;);Anf "rttfr f any -iher 'alteration or amendment-be neces- sarr" in the.1udiciarv svstem'of this states -, i VMr:Cu?oepper presented a1 petition from ftliei eitixena of Camden county, prarinsr the ; repeal of a law,.passed in the year 1 820, di- recung,.Tne.TBann'rn wmcu piujo r;'' on sheriffs and constables" shall be ,sold hereafter i also an. acf of 1821, directing the Hime andplacecf sales of lands and slaves tin- ler tixectinon "WineJi ws rcrrf ci io . c committee Vn Proportions and Grievances; The foUovnngv I"? were presented : "By fir, Glissorw a bill to alter thename of Amos Bro-ivne VaJUn, and totegifimate him b?ch,'bn 3 2 reading, ras rejected." . Mr. a bill to alter the times of hold- , Jimr the 8'upiprior Conrta- tn the 5th Ciremt," I which pa"ssed-its-firsTead:fisrr-nl on motion i ot ir, fipisrnt, was oraereu o on uie ui- Me f Ir. VilHamsoni bill allowing- to the f state the rlpht of . percmptorjr challenge to V jurors, in all prosecutions for capital offen ? ce. which phssed its first reatlituj; -; Mr. McKay, a bill declaring hat stares "and headinff ha11 be' mercbintable, which pased its fiript 'readinjpv andion motion of, Afr Baker, of Gntes . tliesameras referred to a seleet oommittee cqnsistinpr of Messrs. Ra- ker, McKays Baker,bf iiruiww it, Phelps, "and Culpepper.; i . ; . ' ? Mr. T5alcert of Gatcs from .the select Com 4mittee, to whom' was referred the hill declar inpr what Staves and Reading shall be mer chantable, reported 'the' same with ameiid ments.md the bill passed its first reading-. . Messrs Black well, IjndsaV, Shober-Ward and Troy, vere appointed a committee to en- qnir into, the expediency of issuing an addk tional quantity of Treasun' Notes. , The Senate proceeded to tile consideration of the bill to amend an ac,t telating to Feme -Coverts how to pass lands" and after some discussion on an attempt to amend the bill, it passed its second reading.-: ;'.-.; : The following bills were presented : : " 't" By Hr. Green, a bill exempting regular -.Ministers of the Gospel, of very denomina tion, from; servingras Jurors ; and Mr. Spur , geii, a bill for the division of Rowan County " which hills passed their firvt readings. ',v- Graves a bill to fix -the time of ap-. ; pointing the Cotintv Trustee of Surry, which it 4 I passea its nrstreaamgf anaonroouon oi jvir. MRay, was referred to a? select committee, consisting Of Messrs M'Bay,v Graves, Branohy (Marshall and Person, with instructions to Lprepare and report a general bill bp the sub-' Mr. Raiborn presented a, resojutiprr ,prb- posimr an allowance of ttollarsasacom pn'sation to Jaaies Patton, James Buchsnnon,' ' . ' . . A and Johiiv Slepheuson, for their. service in j e.aminvrgthe State Bond from the Buncoxftbe kmittee on the part pi the Senate which re land !Jny woKl (Liues to the Georgia Line, as solution Was concurred in, and the following bid ofl'bV commissioners appointed for that ! gentlemen were named" to compose the con. purpose, wliich passed jts first readings . ; . wr. wanj proposeu io oiviuc in isz ana : 6th. divisions -pf Militia, and moved that the I i committee on Militarv AflTa:rS be .instructed j i to enquire into the propriety of dividing these j two divisionsrinto three divisions and six. bri-1 gades which was agi-eed to. I ;i ne 0111 ior tne aivision ot itowan, ana tne j bill for the exemptibn.of Ministers from serv K ing as Jurors? passed their 3d reading by s -1 1 a oonotueraoie majomv; HOUSE OF COMMONS.- h ,rnnAT,-rov. 22. un rootion oi Air. jixon, Jtetoivea, that a committee be appointed, to revisethe Inspec- vuuv tion Laws', and that they be authorised to re to re- 'port b' bill or otherwise : and MesKis.'Nfxon, I Pugbf rateman, Fmb, and Ioore were j.named as the committeei r ' V ' : ' ' Mr Mebane from the Jiidieiarv committee, , to whom was referred- the bill to repeal the i second section of an act-passed in 1821, re ; ijpecling the Siipreine Court, "made a report ? recommending that the ame be passed into " a lawi prdereto lieipn the tabley T (v !A message -wasjveeived front tlie' Senate, j stating, that they liad passed a bill cbncerning the fown f Lumbertonvand asking the con ; currence of this House which bjlfpassed its first reading-' 1 . ..'"; v .' ',"r.:- 'i,,uo mouoii jpi ir, neury, Jtnoivea, mat xae committee on the Judicianv be instructed tor enquire whether the act of ,1821, rebuirintr the Reporter oft the Decisions of the Su- f preme : uoiut, s to publish he same, within three months after they have been madei has pot been complied with and if it has not, to enquire, what other and more" effectual ptoj- the people, the aw rate and putual pub- j ??. MiWVx. fay," presented a biD tb an act naiL t& St S-SEK du. ossiorier1fortbe town of Cliarl HilL - ck, in Oranffti 1 fe-wbieh on tSt2i nro " .xadin K UZP:;Z.r:-X' coin nil tterie b era niOin.te( ttwra ftk"; tfi-Utrs 'X rirectinfS C welerhts And meisiirea, and tj.ttthey rtpqrt by WJ hthru-ise Messrs?; l?oyk;ni 4 p? JUirin, Carson & Frtnlc Were name as. iis . fjnmption .of Mj,Grahatafpf Newbern; HcioKtrL fat -a comuiittee be anpomted; . to whfimhali atand referrediall blllsftetheir, 2J reading; fof correctiopr-and lesrs, l,ffi ham Stwngtvlfinryyurnera BlahV hitmrtion of Mr. D LrBarrinerer, Wetotv- ed. that ho bill. of a tirivate fiature shaft be op- troduced in the House of Commons after te Pth .day or Deeeer. ne i which Tsolii- '-On motion of-Mr Fisner, JKesowea; 'tnat the committee orf that artof the Governors messaged which plates to the militia' 'and! the ptiDlic arms, oe instructea- ? . enquire mw jttie causes bf the falling otTih the. returns of ithe etTecttve militia. of the State j and to re port a bill amendatory t)f the existing laws, so as to insure, in firtufe, correct and full re turns of the militia throiighth e vai-i ous grades of officers,: from captains; up to major gene rals that ithe" laid rcommittee also enqnire into the "rifonrietvof repeaUhg so1 much of the . several acts now in fotce, as exempts from musterinc at creneral reviews,, the members of the Fire Companies, incorporated by said are'iiecessftiT in the existing laws providing" for the "safe-fceeriine'and preservafcon of the I public arms f the State, to report by bill or A messacrc was received from the; Senate, stating that in conformity vith the joint rules of -the two Ileuses, they had appointed a Committee of Finance, consisting tk Messrs. McKay, Branch, Williamson, Seawell, Baker, of Gates,' Spaight, Bethune, and Graves. : A message, was returned from the Senate, in answer to the foregoing, mforrning that body, that Messrs. Hill, Carson; Barringer," Jones, Jjggitts, Blackledge VVard, & Henry, form the Committee of Finance on their part SATCRDAT, S0V. 23, 1 A message waa rcelei.yed. from the Senate, committee be formed i on military land war rants; and Messr;: Hellen, Blackledge, 11. A'. Jones J. M. Bryan, "and Sneed werb named as this, committee, '.. .. ; , ' X ..' Mr. E. Rv Gl-ahamj presented a reaolntjoni that Judge Naah . be paid the sumv of . V dollars.br.iiolding the special Court of Oyer, and Terminer, .. for the codnty pf Craven, in Tanuary last which .Resolution was referred j tp tne committee oi claims ' .() fv motion of-Mr." Hill, Resolved, that so mucli' of the Governor V message as relates h . 4-.'.' . ( m j . i tQlRTernaJ improvements o '-ierreaw tne standing -committrV on If P:d.?Imdrlbye meiits that so mucTi as relates to education ! De reierrea .xo me stanuingcoijimiucc -on etfucation---antl that; sbanuchasTeJates toVg7 ricltiire be referred to the standing ' CQtn- mhtee onagriculture. v ' . -- ;1 A message was received from the.Senate disagreeihg .to the proposition or this House to appoint a joint committee, of one member i from each of the CongrcssioharHistriets, for j ithe purpose of dividing the State into Con gres9ionaI Districts, agreeably to the last ap portionment xf Representatives j.. and pro posing, in iwiotnct message, uwi.a scieci joint committee be appointed to enquire; whether or not it be expedient, to makp; a new arrangement of the Congressional Dis tricts of the StiiteV taking into view the last jcensus, and the apportionment by Congress : j and that the said committee consist of two f members for each Congressional District one I ftom each house, and that the said cpinmittee report by bill or otherwise: naming Messrs. j Carson, M'learv, craves, v aae, w an, ca ;.meron, Sneed, Outlaw, Lindsay, Flowers, f Baker of Brunswick, and Hatch, f or the com- ( )mittee on the. part of this House ; Messrs." i ncnr mhhci, ouucs, ouhjeut, v-uir:, au laney, liunt, strange, Meoane, mil, i-isner, Bea, Graham' of Butherfordand Gordon j A message was received from the Senate, i statinsr tJiat thev had passed, a bill to amend Ian act-passed in 1806, directing the. saleof ; puDiic ianas aujuwuu, uie iuwh 01 aiiuuiviiie. it passea us nrat rcaaing. , The' following bills Were presented ? Bv Mr. Grahanv Of ' Newbern, a bill to a- mend ait act passed in 17g8, for the better regulation' of the town of Newbern. . . Mr. Blackledge, a bill to amend &ti act passed in the year 4818, to amend an act passed in the yeKr 1815, to incorporate, a Companv to make a Turnpike Road from : i Ti 1- s-a - aX'a X rJ' i l" Vi n j i - 1.1 . . 0 . . . bills passed their first readings and thelatter was referred to Messrs. Blackledge, Blair, Pugh, Hastings and BarrOw.y ; Mr .; Graham,, a bill to incorporate a Lirit Infantry Company! in Newbern, which was read the . first time, and. on motion of Mr.! G. was referred to the Military Committee Mr. Blaira bill to amend an act passed in 182ti regulating the fees bf Nokries. 'Mr'. Blackledge, abilt to alter the mode of electing Sherifi's, and tor vest the riff ht there of in the power of the people of the State which bills were passed their first reaxlings, and the lattei- orde're'd to be printed. ' v. y On motion of Mr. CooperResolved, That the Judiciary, committee be; directed td ei. quire wrhetbeir anyandUf any, what altera- luun isnecessary in xiie aws relative to the , payment of witnesses attending or who are t summoned, at,-trials before justices of the Jcai;c, am j.nai uiey naveieave to report by ;bl"or0Vw member introducing a private petition ahalL K at the time, state it Jbr SSSfcj , stating that Messrs. Cameron, McKay; and ji to whbm was referred a resolution relative to Brownrigg, form ;the; Library committee on j ItheReportaQf th i Supreme Cau;itported, t!te part of thajb Houses A-V-'.'f ' : - t ias the best' rem'edy'.trt' their opinion, to secure f , .On motion of Mr.. Hellen,' Resolved that a i f ' op anrl tviifi.T-iklatlAn .Wutl oieana jiqinmaing taaDriei fioime lusct'proccjo o coysiaey jjic re- ID a vwoiary vomroitteei' to waom f& tefisrred tjtf ? bill ytaepeat cthe 5ecoid section of '!an actrbaSsfeo! in 1821-' resoetTncr thepre botu moveU ofj that tal the f erjirt'aTid bill bejiidntppst''- 91 1 pon wcu in ue tigauvf, oyireas anu rays, wo 1 A wnberbf private petiiibiis w& present ;rM: 3;The:ojKBV.jg; bUls werepresenedvizT, BiflBealt a1?R:to repeal an act tass sales' 61 .antls and isTayei (uner Tecutibnir 1 4MrClahcV;hiU H.mQ,itl3g1e Lodge; n,' : H?ii?b'gb; M:r,. Baft a ill to amfthe fir of an act passed in the fea 121. for'the bet ' ijjvw w3 vi i jicriif: lilt wuiCi - Jt.'r' ter regulationf the County Coutts'of.Meck- !enbuCdltyi''i;C Ir.' Sidbury, ar bill to repeal an acT.pisissed iri 1 82 1, ' increasing the' We jpf Toll at the BigBridge. m th e Cou nty of New:-Iahoyerr.; i . -.-'Mr; Harbinl a bill ;toestabUsh;Kbenezer A- cademy inline'. c6untj(' ofxIredelT.vand to in corporate the Tnisteesjhereof. : Whlcbrbdls passed their' first readhig, ' - v - yV'; - , - ,1tlr. Ward" presented a ' bill to legitimate Harriett and' Hester 3fdls and Charlotte Mertpn, of the.cbimtV if 0nsl6w which was and Grievances.' . ' i . ,iiTE8aAT, Xoy 26. . . TTn mbtron of Mr.' Martin, r of Itockingham, Resolved, that the CbmiiiUe of Finance be instructed to enquire id.th'ci'e:x6die'nyof issuing a fiirther "amount in- Treasury Notes, and that they. have leaye.repo'pt bv billr j otherwise" 'ordered to lies on neiabler lj; . I Mr. James Skinner, from the committee of ' claims, to whom ' waa referred the resolution j directing the committee to enquire, into the propriety of allowing a suitable compensa ftion to -Jutlge ; INash for holding a - Court of Over and '"Terminer jnaderreport,- reCom- mending the sum of $122 to be paid him for nis services.' n : , j 1 Mr. WanI, from the balloting committee for Governor, reported that Gabriel -Holmes, i Esq .' was 'duly elected-: tf .1 - ' 'J y1 air. 'jicoaii, jrom uie jiiujciary ouniuuic.ee Reports, thepassae-e of a bill accompanying the report, the object of which; bill is to in sure the regular publication of f lie reports f 'Mr. Mvbane, from the same committee, to whom wi s referred 'the resolutiOp"directine them to'enquire whether any lteratjons,are lameiy'J the'ditidens of the Banks of Ca m'ent of witnesses, in trial .before' Justices of t a- r ' " ''a ' a'.".' a x, ? ' .'V necessary- in uie iaw nia.uvc, to, uie pay , a.'vtwji;ami uie uimieiia 0: uie. f.eace, reportpa, xnai n is unnecessary -xo ? make any alteration in said" Jaws. ; ! -'- 'c ' t Mr. Worth, from the committee on.Proppr. sitionS a;ui Grievances, to whom was referV-1 eq xae qui 10 legiutnaxe ttarriet ana .ti ester t li. a.' 1 ' a 1 -. 'a.-J- i MillSj and tjharlotte vSTerton, made a report, recommending its rejection winch several reports were Concurred in.; J.' :" . The following bills were presented, vir 1 By Mr.Cox, a bill to increase thb- pay of witnessesj whef e the court they attend is held at a aistance , ot zw mues or more, irom tne 1 place of thei?, residence. - ; Mr. Mehane a bill to amend an act passed in 1 806, or the more convenient administrai tion of justice, by providing relief for the counties in which, suits vin their superior courts nave onmay so, accomuiate that they cannotJ5e tried at the reguiaritrrms or these courts. Which bills were read the firat ttme and the latter ordered to'be jrinted.; . " "Mr. Sidbury, abill to repeal an act passed in 1821, to prevent th6 haulmg of seins be tween "the New -lulet, near the mouth of Cape-Fear River ahd Bar and HoweV Inlets . T : t a ! . ' . " i ' ' air. joyxm, a oih to mcorporate tne town of Clint op, in Sampson county , 1 Mr. B. A. Jones, a bill to authorise Hertry Smith to ejreci a -Tgute ou his- lands across a pilblic road in Halifax county. , The, Speaker laid before tlie house the foU lowing Report from the; Public Treasurer which was referred to- the,c6mmitteeof . Fi nancejahd ordered to be; printed : i ci - To the honorable the Geiierat:Jl$$embty of the State 'JVorfAit7roima ':' .'", Giw t;tiEXES-Th e laws of t the state m -ke it my duty ti iifbfnCybui Hhrit "th? rceiii( at the' iTeaiury pf NortharbSna, fort he ; yearwcommcncing '.writbefirstsrday bf No- f'tate iU The kusmtct would hereby respect' vembert1821, 'and ending with the Uxsi'day lfhlly submit toj the Legislature, the propriety of Octohe 1822-including sUndrjr paj antl the necessity pf extending the like re ments of arrearages and the public taxes of! medv against the makers of such bonds, as ja every other' desciiption, which became ' due ; at present provided by law, and in itfe, and were paid at the. Treasury of the State, 1 1 gainst such Tevenvfe officers ofHh Estate who within that-: nprIfvl-4-.tncr.thi. wltK' th ivl ' 'r&tl tn rvrint!anl nav'nn a theVare bound dends. declared by qur three several. Banks ) ! ta doj or of jrovKhng such other pracuu on the stock brTshares held in hem respec- i ble remedy as ishall be cbnsTdered more jftv. tively by, Novth-Carolina, and, which wereJ , per and advisable, 4- - ' ' payable imo the common Treastirv -the pur chase money or proceeds of the vacant and unappropriated land lateljyentered, and paid for in the course oTthei time Jabbye mentrdn edand t. e collection made from the bonds given by the purchasers oft the public lands j near KaJeigd, amount to :yi?7,vo444';rin eluding a dividend ofllOOdeclared by the Directprs of the Cape-Fear Navigation COni pany mthe year!;l821t on the shares held in it byjNortli-Carohna; :. ( J.- y "lbjthis sum, the balance remaining in the i reasury on tnenrst day ot November, 1821, and thereafter to be accounted for, as report ed to the last GerveralAssembly,: being4-aI- ded to-wit, , $114,099 54, an aggregate a- uaye oeen laaae witnin tue time, nrst aoove mentioned, including .Treasury Notes and ether monies burnt.to amount of 4126.701 69? . The vouchers for-which are in jibssessiou bf the Comptroller,1 and are, of course, in readi ness for the examinatidii of .the Committee of, ;This expenditure, bemir deducted from the sum total above mentioned, sviU be found to leaveri'balarice of $U4461 Sfremafiiinir in the; Treaatrry of tills State.on thet firstday pf Za .'a " . ' ' . . I ''X . . . . a 1 f itwycuiucr jiisiani, yet to De accountcu tor. iy br;: a vtrecificatiopi)fi the i vcf al Jiteros forming or composing the. receptim and ex.-pendTture-above mentroned.5 the Treasurer . uvuium. c4vc icpecuuuy ;io?Tcief.i- tut printed statement iurjdshed bvtnCbmp wpuidask leave respectfully to prefer to. the j 1 trollerv fqr, the use of !the iiembers of th present :General. Aisemblyi.il2, Kff '-''' ?V aettamoimror the dividends- declar- ttmp'for'.sharsa tJlS1 t waff nall ii. . - '.P M - thefii rers bf the " BmV rt -re,-' . fevTO Of 114,461 9Q iA-, pnea,; as- Destig the balance 4 : lefrpmthiPabiicTreaS fHhoKnann'thIS 0 i'"iuP4 :von tne D.efii Tny, credit as Public Treasurer .4. . I of CaFeirV at;Fayettevilfe rier is ui tins nublrc. h - . eisttor Uant; notes. ient A.r. -1- T" t daViofNWemberi ihsffv-3 "f? VTU : I : " Allll Idkrll 11 T . m lvv uruunx into acconnt -.J 1 worn and 3deemed Tra pqimedy Goyernor Frnk Un to subc r:,l the?.ellincf ietlbf the lands hH fatercbmmbnV called the ()hJ, 'x pa id into, the Ipubfic ifreftsiirv !ZU HtSflf j l being the nett proceeds of t" t al thane hv 'thim- "ir- into vucriia(i-a5 commisnjoners aforcsV which sum ! was ifottli with tind agrccabiv t ' law, placed Jit the credit of the Boarxl ot rf iernai impwveiiicnts,: as Has been like ' and since tlve fiirther sum f or lv lectetli (from the b6nls taken a th? T 1 820) up to Ue first day of the present m? Messrs Wejlbbrnejiml Talbfcrro,liri handed overt and delred at the Treas the b0nds aken to sedire the purchns- n2 ney Of the fahrls old by 'tliem,aS commi,. sionersaforesaidamountingto f 13,689 27V the whole of Vhicli remain on file un-i .li yettdbe.pad. :y '' Frd the statement which commence? tKi report, vil be perceired, that thefXpeil diture.s of the last year, including burnt, rnor&iKarticvvertf the hul; lie 110 KT ( h hnrti it mini-T tKo tk i ; V"cnco inree 01 me items container in'tV Comptrollcrla statement, Iai( befcte ti;c At: sembly early m the present Wess on, Sir I which, very; materially contributed to the 4 ation of tliej balance remaining in the Tr L. srj' on xne prst iay ot ivovehibcr, 1822- .u viitv fit i a & Kaie?grrtnp4U,048 99-. are Ban.ofNehuln Ifaleieh , an3 M ' 2 arcHek-in.liiteman1 50 ! a.. 1 , -.-l-iitld x ikl '. si-. . I- oriri wfAtrh" .n.l .1'.. 1 iCajjeFear Navigation Company, have c.aH xOjOperaie iq ivnr or aia or -ine ordinary re venue of thje state land can, tbcrefoivv'ib' longer he counted on in forming.ai) csafc of the amount of, the future 1 -ecei pis at t!i Treasury. It is hoped and beiievecl, howe yer, that in course of the present fisc -.l j cm. the redemption bf the mohev of the emissW of 1783 and will be accomplished ujkI shoujd fhph prove tobe theCase.thefiiTideV.Js thereafter .d4plared. by -the State -Bank mv be made to come in aid bf the re venue of the stateand wjjl, probably, form .considera!le' itemsand prove Valuable and etneient si! stitutes for. khe, sources of revenu above" mentioned su being, how no more, y The public Treasurer considers it his duty to present tc the Legrslature the fore'wig statementjand Wew of ihe present siUiatioii andfuture .tospecpj of thn Treasury ' of the il state ; not, indeed, with the intention of fij:' gesting the advisability )f any increase what- -ever of; tlie ! public, taxes at present laid ani in operationf and " which, he is persiuJ.-J, will cohtiniiei to prove commetisUrate to Che support of oWrnment, & to'tlie defraying-ill such otfjer items pf expenditure as will pro j ' bablybelauthorised ; ; his motive bein mere ly to shewthe1 probable continued solvency. or thexl reasurj-. . :;:. y There are, jat present and for some t!m past have beeps very considerable sums of money4ue toi North-Car l Una by bomlii ori ginally given for sums less than one htnidrtJ dollars j uthe'j makers of which are widely di. peefaiiktl'ell in distant and differeat sec tions of thbraitry 'and i'tjhelng' evident tht;c1tUI$cuty and' delay," not to nen tion probable osi, .tyill necessarily attena the cbfle ction bf those monies, unless some spe- ciarrovisioft be made to ensure and faciS- MucKand respectfull v, ; Gentlemen, four Oh't serv't, JOHN HAYWOOD, F. Tr Raleigh, 25tK Nov. .1822.. s v ' : . WEDXISBAT, WOV. $T. 1 :.-:"',"' Rprpivp.il from the Senatea bill toTC'Cl ill acttpassbd $ 1820, chl' lOVto'authqri thp eoiintv court of Mebklenbur? to an?? , a cAfflmit ort rnidsl alsct a bI tf reeaV. .anactassed 111821; tiering" rthc hmc holding the connty' coufti of Burke, ;!lt,. ' bills passed their first reading. . . On hmronof,Mr. 6urgen,vJ? tne reject cominixiee on tui. ij'.fp pernor's Message which "Telates to. the ,tm be directed Jo enquire mto theexpa.e tpfTevisipg a'iid amenrlingthe tiiinai and thatthcyreiKirt bv bU or other?..,; A message; was sent to tJie Senate, PJjYy infir to ballet tomorrow' morning for a ipr.fiPni-ral of ithe 15th Brigade, and l nating WmD.Sm3h for that ' . On motion, a fcessage was sent to tne ; ate, proposing tb ballot; on , ilonday next, for a Senator to ConiH-ess " rj; j itive to th issuing afurtiier aniountJr . wai amended. b striking out the who . . owingtyrhaJa select joint Gommr,. ntieniui ssumg heAmountsn Tfe,. f tha they have;ifave io ae surer or tne wtate, sum the Directors o -Object, and that Uk the:stae:Baiik4tfp th 811 1 1 report by mn or oxnerwwu. -to "i i it l- V ' -; - - :; f C' linv:W? 5 -v- -;V:-; r - - -.V-. . . C v:v:;f:4i' .: - --:. - ' ncl. :'r:.;---r--T 7 ,

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