I J. Hi II i 1 H P V IT r ?T0 THJ MEMdnY'bF AFRiiap l)id ever. Friendship shed tear," f 'More just, more tender, and sincere . Than thitwluch flo'vs without disguise, From aching- hearts and streaming eyes, : i 1 Udoo thr bier? "' . , Or when did veneration sigx A deeper sense of worth imply Or fond Affection's softeV breast ' "tleave with the pang of keener woe imprest ? While thai in Contemplation eye - Vc rfew the woth thnt cannot die, . A wee the voice of Truth pervades The grief that haunts sepulchral shades : "Ah! how can teljish sorrow dare o'er tomb to weep ;; : ' f The soul thou mournest, dwells not v'-'' " there-. ,.-'''' 1 ' . .' w It was not made to tleep." phi blest are they to whom 'tis given, To meet that trul and thqre its Heaven ' "The foilnwing beautiful and descrip tive Extract is taken from Sermons published under the ti tf eVf the Scotch ' "Pfeacher '.(; - ' ' x( v TwTce had iht son gone down upon ' the earth. nd; all As yet as qujet at the sepulchre ; death held his sceptre over the Son of Or Jt; l(tnt Ue. hcu passed on ;rae guards 'stood bV their post, the tav f theidnigbt moon glearned their helpers. 'And on their -spears "; the ' tnemifs of Christ exulted in their uc ; the "hearts of his friepds ere, sunk in despondency and in sorrow ; the spirits v of Inrv waited in anions suspense tobe hold the event and wondered at the depth ' of the ways of t?od. . At length th morn ! Ing star, arising in the east,'announced the approach of light; the third day bcran vVin dawn unon the. world, when on a sud- . - den the earth trembled to its centrr, and fx the powers ot neaven ,weir wami, u .angrlof Gotl descended, the guartlsshrunk hack fmm the terror of his presence md fell prostrate on the ground ; his cou : nance was like lightning, and h;s raiment ?a as white as snow ; he rolled away the stnnt from the door of the sepulchre, and sat upon it. But who is t?s that cometn forth from the tomb, with dyed garments from the bd f death He that is glor- ' ou in his apoearance, walking in the greatness rf his strength I Tt is thy Prince. O Zlon! Chrisiian, it is your Lord: ; He hath trrlden the wine-press alone; he hath gained his raiment with blood; but . new, as the first Born-from the womb of nature, he meets the morning of hisresur. rectirfn. He arises a conqueror from the ' grave ; he brings salvation to the sons of rnc n. Never did the fetuming.sun usher in a day so glorious! It was the jubilee of the-universe.- The -morning stars - sups together, and all the sons of God shonted aloud frjoy ; the Father of Mercies look cil down from his throne in the heavens ; with complacency he beheld his world restored; he saw his work that ft was good. Then did the desert rejoice ; the face of nature was gladdened before him, wbenthe blessings ofthe E'eroal descend ed as the dew otHeaven for the refresh ing of the nations." " . ' 4 ' nOUNDAltlKS OF CHRISTENDOM. -1'Take amap of the wrld, and en circle with your pencil those countries where woman is not a-prisoner or a slave ; where lire and property are se cured by any thjngjike a well regula ted police; where civilized manners' have obtained, and general science has burst the fetters of the mind, and jou will ejicircle precisely those regions n wbichj the rays of revelation shine. TH bonndarj of light is the pale of Christendom. ' ; . . " V PIETT. J r ' Piety communicates a divine lustre to the female mind -wifcand beauty, like the flower of the field may flou rish for a seisoq ; but let it be remem bered,, that like the fragrant blossoms that bloom in the air,;these;girts are fraiT ad fading ; ag will nip the bloom of beauty ; sickness land sor row will stop the current or wit and humour ; but in tluit gloomy time which is appointed for all, piety will support, the drooping; soul, like a re freshing dew upon the parched earth. education. It is a companion which no misfor tune can depress no crime, can de .stro? no - enemy can alienate no v despotism enslave. At home a friend abroad an introduction in solitude a solace and in society an ornament. It chastens viceit guides virtue it gives at oncei grace and government to genius- -''Without itvwhat is man ? A splendid lavej a reasoning savage ! vacillating between th- dignity of an intelligence derived fronYGod, andthe degradation of passion,Vparticipited brUte8' :-:: ':': ( WATCH-MAKER' Sc SILV&R$liITIL JOHN C. STEDMAN has Commenced thev above business in this place and hopes, by his attention, to merit abortion of . public patronage. , All kinds of jKpairing' usual in such an establishment,1, done with despatch, and on the hortest notice. An assortment , of Silver Work will be constantly kept on hand i Spoons, Ladles, 8tc. manufactured to any pattern. - . - . N. B An experienced Watch-Maker will meet with good wagesif application be made feoon. ; . . .- " An Apprentice will be taken to the Silver Smithes trade. . . . ; v,. Cash given for old Gold, Silver, an J Brass. Raleigh,1 Au. 14, 1822. . " ' 95-tf IWee'DollatiJ. Year. O 7 l Aorcrliscmejitfi not cxcccdinc sixteen linea inserteH i,t- tiiAc hriHP. Animal Meetintr ofthe Board orTnis ?. 4ecs of this Institution, will take place the Executive Office,- on Saturday, Evening the 30th inst at early candle lighting.' 1 x ? By appointment of the .President, - V .. " CH AS. MANLY, Seoy. : Raleigh; Nov. 20, 1822. . 9-2 JAMES LITCHFQHD, Tailor, - RAVING jost arrived from the North and settled himself in Raleigh, nextdoor a bove Mr. Uichard Smith's Store, offers his services in the various branches of his profes sion, to the citizens of tbenlace and the pub lic: in gen ersl f and hopes from-his attention to business to merit a portion of patronage. He flatters lumselff from the great pains he has taken in being instructed to cut on Ma thematical principles, a, plan superior to any other hithertoin vented, and now in general use io most of tt e northern Cities, that it wdl be in his pov?r to give ample katisfaction to all those who may favor him with their, cus tom He bas also entered into an arrange mentlo be at all times furnished With the newest and most approved fashions. , , " Raleigh. 3d Octoler, 1822. 2- if SHARON FOR SALE. rrrtTiP. nfar on which I reside, may be' had on reasonable terms, for negotiaole pa th Rank accommodation. It , contains : about 49'acres of Ind, 6f good quality, bor dering on the Citv of Raleigh, and on a public rrtid ipadinc from the Citv. Sixteen or eigh-1 feert acres arexileared and under cultivation, j the rest is covered with a heavy forest growth, abounding with fire-wood and timber. I lie Url roPtaina an excellent rock quarry ; is! well watered by branches, and has tw6 rock springs near the house, equal probably to any in the countv. My dwelling is about 300 yards from' the town line. The; situation, j therefore, has the advantages of Jown and qountrv united, and is, in my estimation", the most desirable 'spot for a residence that 1 know in the State.Apply soon. II. POTTER. Sharon, 8th ?.Iay, 1R32. 81- x FOR SALE, lact of Land in the county of Warren, A V containing-, bv an old survey, 7UU acres, Vnrrent6n to Petersburg, about ten .mileal 11 J til l III. 1WAV iww ...w son s r em', over tne it oanoKc. i e aooc Land is wi-11 calculated for the production of Wheat, Com. Cotton or Tobacco. There is on : it . a comfortable dwelling house ' for a smafr family, and most out-houses .usually found on a farm in this country; There is bneii land enouch tb work eight or ten hands to advantage; on the threehift system ; at J this time well inclosed, and in a state of im- j j provement. l win sen on a creau or huikc an exchange for young Negroes. I, , WILL. MILLER. Warren co. Aug. 13. j pft-tf , ; ; SHERIFF SALE. " ' TTllLL be sold to the highest bidder, T v for cash, the first Moniay, of De cember pext, .it Northampton Court House, a valuable Tract of LAND, be longing1 to the Estate . of Thomas Barrow, dec'ri--contaimng 1 150 acres, lying in Northampton county, N. C. on 'Roanoke River, near Norfleet's Ferry, and about forty miles from the town of Plymouth, and a good Boat Navigation from the aid plantation to the aforesaid town. The, said tract of land may with propriety be called one of the best plantations on, the aforesaid river, having a sufficient quan thy of cleared land to Avork torty or fif y hands to advantage. The soil is well a dapted to the culture of Corn, Wheat and Cotton. There is also a fgef brick Dwelling House, Cotton Gm and other Outhoiives. . A more particular represen tation of the land is deemed unnecessary. ! as tmse wiM.mg to purcnase would uo well to examine for themselves, before the day of sale'. Application to be made to Col. Brjin Randolph who lives near the plantation, and will at any tune shew the land to persons wishing to examine. The said land is to be sold by virtue of sundry executions returnable to next De cember Session of Northampton Court. , JAMES II. WOOD, Shit. Sept. 26. ' ? '. 8 . ' WARRENTON FEMALE ACADEMY. REMOVAL. JOSEPH ANDREWS & THOMAS P JONES, Principals of the above Aca demy, having disposed of thrir interest in the Premises now occupied by them, will, immediately after the close of the present Session, remove to' the. healthy and plea sant village of Williamsborough, in Gran ville County, i8 miles west from Warren ton. The School will open on the second Monday in January, 1823. The same course of studies heretofore pursued, will bt; continued, under all the same teachers, (they being members of the family.) The J?iipds"aftr instructed" not only in the ru diments of, kuow ledge, but also in the highest branches of science ever taught in Female Seminaries,' including Gram mar and Parsing. Belles Lettres, Geogra iV.iy, Chemistry. Botany, Natural Philoso- rnncipais paratu ges ; ana lectures redelivered on the different subjects, ac companied with experiments. Board and Tuition in all the afve branches, $60 per iessiyri. aIusic, Drawing, and Paintirig, ;itid.the Latin and Greek Languages are j iso taught, and are .charged as follows : iviusic ju uoiiitrs, , irawing auq rainting 20 dollars, : and tihe Languages 10 dollars, 'per 'Session."": ,! r'Vv;.. - Tat- amountv for;- Board and Tuition is payable in advance, and each lady is to 'I lumislilherselCJwith a'coverlida pair of 1 sheets, blankets and towels. . -! 5 -New Pupils pay only from the part of the Se sioir in which they are admitted.--"' There are 8 competent teachers,- w hose time is devoted to the business of this In-' HUion. : Wan toton, O. 291822. 6 il5J ny,- Astronomy, etc. - j. ue .. sess.a better philosophical ap 'iao most ei our coiu f''ut urfmOSEPB QJLESSr SOir. rtim?. r.m vixl A nnhal Communication l Gfand Lodge'of North-Carolina for the present-year; will beJield at Mason Hall, in the City of Raleigh, ol Monday; the 1st day of December next, at To'cldck P, M. -At which time the: Ofiicer.ndlembers of tbe Grand todge, and representatives of subor dinate Lodges are requested to attend. : LS By order of the M. W. V : r , JOHN A. CAMERON, h ' ;) Grand Master. B. X Babhiw, Grand Sec'y. ; 8-tlD SHADY GROVE, : iraitn County, mHE Examination of the Students at this ? M place commenced on I nursoay,uie iui, and closed on Friday, the 15th inst. much tc the satisfaction of ft large and respectable as sembly of Gentlemen and Ladies. The Ex ercises wr!l be resumed with the commence ment of the ensuing year.' The Male'De partment, s heretofore, under the superin tendance of Mr. Benjamin Cottrell, who haj hitherto given general satisfaction, The Fe male, under MrsV Susan L Cottrell, whose capability to teach young Ladies the useful and ornamental branches of Female Educa tion, is indisputable. The Subscriber pledg es himself that the utmost attention shall be I paid to the government, morals, health and accommoaation. ot an cQnmuucu vums Board and-Tuition' Fiy Dollars er Session, payable in advance j -THOMAS COTTRELL. Nov. 22. - . NORTH-CAROLINA STATE BANK. Raleigh, JVov. 5M, 1822.; AGREEABLY to tbe 2d section d the nc. incorporating the State Bank of Nwrth-I darolina, an elect ion of nineteen Directors oi the Principal Bank is to take place annually, on the first Monday in December The Stockholder of the said Rank are therefore called upon to meet ahd hold said election, and to attend to .such 'other business in rela tion tatbe general interests of the Insliut. tion, as ray be judged necessary, on Afonday the 2d December, at 9 o'clock in the moro ing, at the Brk in RaleigSv. By onl ep of the Board, WM.H. HAYWOOD, Cdsh'r. , (TT Such btockhoklers as cannot crnve-t le"l,y Uend w.M please to send the.rprox LANDS . To be sold for tliff 'faxes due for the years 1820 and 181, in the county of Angon, the Court-house in Wades borough, on Monday the 20th day of January, 1823: T I Robert Palmer, 400 acres on Gold's Fork Ceorge Gray,. 300 acres on Grindstone creek i Collm King, 100 acres on Hrown crt'ek Isaac Galop, 5Q acres on Lane's creek ;'". Wm Hiidrcath, 100 acres on Stanback Ferry r ad . ; s ..; J. ; :';. Theophilus llolinsj 50 acres on Gold's Fork! Jesse M'Leudone, 570 acres on' Grinds tone crerk Obadiab Link far, J50 acres on LaneV creek Robert Hooks, 200 acres on Island creek .losephus Love, 100 acres on Pee liee Estate of Jolm Parmenter, 686 acres on Pee Dee , Nicholas Falk, 263 acrea on Big Brown creek Wm Hyde, on Iifcky river. Lunsford Paton, 150 acres on Brown creek. Sarah Threadgill, 422 acres on Pee Dee John Tyson, 104 acres on Butfaloe creek Thomks C; owder, 208 acres on Brown creek David Digues, 300 acres '. John AV Dismukes, 417 acres on Big Brown ' Creek' ;j ; '' John M'ltae, Va 500 acres, on Richardson's . creelt ' ' Isaac Baker, 200 acres on Crib's crrek Estate of Wm Curlee, 100 acres on Gordoine j Ci'cek Jordan Pate, 6Q acre on Lwe'a creek MaTy Gufh , 400 acres on Rrcky river Wilias Gurly, 200 acres on Rocky river :-i Nathan, llinsan, 200 acres on Rici ardson's creek j i '' ' . --:-!'.. Wm M'Intire, 150 acres on Rocky river Xeil M'Larin, 250 acres on Thompson's cr'k John G. Itushmga, 102 acreon Lane? creek Wm Brcady, 125 acres on Rocky river LuoVflJ Carpenter, 475 acres oii Rocky river Wm Lisk, 50 acres on Rocky river . Thomas Nush, 310 acres on Rocky river Richard Austin, 400 acres on LaneV creek ! Sampson Braswell, 150 acres on Gordoine ck Richard Bass, sen. 37 acres on Richardson V creek Wm Gurly, 220 acres on Hichardson's creek Charles Mullis 130 acreu on Richardson's . creek , . '; Job Rtgers, 500 acres on Richardson's creek Silas Watson, 500 acjes on Lane's-creek Charles Austin, 150 acres on, Lane's creek J' Elijah Barber, 80 acres on Pinch Gut creek Wm Caudle, 160 acres on Lane's creek Joseph Jordan; 400 acres on Lane's creek Solomon Lee, 200 acres on Gordoine creek Rich'd Manous, sen. 100 acres on Lane's ck Neil M'Gugan, 243 acres on Brown creek Jacob Williams, 400 acres oi Bever Dam ck Samuel Birmingham, 7$ acres on Savanah . creek .-i f '. ' C':W Wm Morgain, 150 acres on, Brown creek Andrew Mills, 500 acres on Brown creek Hardy O'Gwm, 150 acres on Brown creek; Abraham Wimberly, 250 acres on Brown - creek ' V ; .' ... Mills Harrel, 30 acres on Savannah creek David Hildreath,'200 acres on Pee Dee ; Benjamin Kindred, 100 acres on Cedar creek Sterling May, 3,1 acres on Stanback Ferry road :.-' -yr ,; Henry Miller, 108 acres on Savanah creek Shadrach Brelv, 50 acres on Smith's creek Thomas Crawford 50 seres on Lane's creek po do ; ,4 tC(rnlou in Sneedsbbro'. Enoch J. Evans, 2 town lots in Sneedsboro' -' uarrott 550 acre? on Mill V.rA Elijah Cottege 100 acres on Lane creek v John Elliot, jr, 233 acres on Bever Dam crk ! Nelson-Nash, 200 acre on Revr ; ti.W.iP Abel Stack 750 acrea on Lanes creek f Erwm Warren, acres on Bever Dam cr'k 1 horoas Waldfn;on-Lane'a creek " A ' Josbtw WilhamsiO acres on Ltuie creek foej Guledge, jr; 165 acres op Thompson's -crevk - y , . t i, Tbomas Gaddy, jr. 46 acres on Lane's creek John-Jones, 100 acres on Thompson's creek . Stephen Jackson 201 acres on Thomson's ck John Mrin 206 acres on T.hompson'il creek. . f r JOSEPH; MEDLEY, )Shf Oct.22.J822i , i SZ-J &5t .i :. jshed pegTeefiwid suaihetlooiy ing horse ever een.idrthi83ttii.;iull;fWfJ teen hands high.' -will stand the Jnext Seasot. at my house, ear T4y1o Ferr on Roan oke, in Meckle bur county, Va. abput fiv e miles south of the COurthonse The Terms Will be made known in d e tinie. ' " T . " JOHN C. GOODE. Nov. 1822.: i V FOR-SALE. HE valuable Plantation, late the proper tv of Geors-e Nichols;i dccd,'.containmg about 800 acres' lying '5jnile '.sbiitit'bf the City, of Raleigh, ad fqining the lands of Hut- enms AtKins,.jtucnari rh, anuuicia There is enough cleared, land to employ 6 or 8 hands to advantage ; itHe balance tc wood land, of superior quality. Part of the tract is superior, and, till of it of as good qua- IUV as any so new naicigu.; iy u jjichudcb is a comfortable two story dwelling-house, near an excellent Spring, with necessary out houses. . , " .' .; v! " ; x' ' ' ' The vicinity to IJaleicrh of this Land, where every artkle of produce will find a ready casn market, its oeing- m a gooa neinuor hood, and withal- very healthy, renders it a desirable residence. If I ; Those wishing to purchase, will, of course, view the premises. The more it is known, the more .valuable it will appear. If not sold before it be rented on the first of Janu ary next for the ensuing year;: p ' AlsOj'part of an unimproved Lot in the ci ty of Raleigh, near the Presbyterian Chtifch, and known as the " Church Lot." This is a desirable situation for a family, beings in a good and healthy part of the etty. , . -: ' ; v. . ; ' FOR RENT,-:-.,'' ' ; f : Two dwelling'-bouses iri Raleigh, one now- occupied by the Subscnber,- which is two stories high with all the necessary out hous es, and a large and excellent; garden. ; The other is now occupied by Mr. H. W ebb, and to it is also; attached all necessary out houses, and a large gardep." t i Possession of the pne I occupy may be had on the first of December i and; of 'that occupied by. Mr. Webb, on the first of Janu .ary next. .: ',' . - ' Benjamin A. Barham is authorised to sell tne lana an.u rent tne nousesv - , ; '. MA RG A RET N. H ASS AM. 7 Oct. 24th, 1822. " 5 ' TO GAOLERS. PPT Di ETER left my Plantation in Lancaster isj- ct, S. C. on the 5th inst. He is 22 years oiJ, 6 feet 2 or 3 mcheshigh, of slender make and thin visage, speaks With much cons equrnqe, and common y wilh his head thrown a little back "' He has at cancerous aficction on the bottom f his right foot. Th sore at present is smalt, but the surrounding scar larger than a dollar ; ? his jtoes on that foot are useless, and he always wears a shce on it I bought him last May of I r.' John R Vincenti Mr V. said that he brought him from Orange County, C. near the Caswell line ! ?f taken up I expect lie denies his name and owner. f " ' i ''' Any Gaoler(whp may have him in custody, will please direct a line to me at Liberty Hilt S. C. and satisfactory acknowledgments shal be rendered. JOHN GOOCH. Sept. 20, 182 5-6t WADESBOROUGII ACADEMY, '4; Male and Female Teacher are at present 1 wanted in the above Institution. The situation will be a desirable one for a Gen tleman and Lady of Talents, as the Trustees are willing to give up the whole proceeds of the School to them, and it has heretofore had from 80 to 110 Students, at from $20 to $25, and a like number may ;be at present expected under properly qualified Instruc tors., " The local advantages of this Institution are equal to anv in. the, State, being considered the first healthy situation above the low coun try,, and receives a handsome support from South-Carolina. Hoard can be had in respec table families from $75 to $100 per annum f and. the Village alone furnishes about 30 Stu- -Applications inay be addressed to the Postmaster at Wadesborough. . Nov. 15 . ; - j-' 8--' -- LITTLETON SELECT SCHOOL. rilHE Public re informed that the pri-. It . vate School already instituted at the house of the subscriber, will be open dur ing the following year for the reception of a limited number of pupils. 1 " The Male Department will be conduct ed1 by '-a young Gentlem in rom N. York, who h;as received his education at Yale College, and exhibits satisfactory testimo-nials'of- his qualifications, from the Pre sident and Professors of (that institution. He engages to teach all the studies requi site for admssion into any College in the United States, with the important addi tions, of Geography, Elocution, and Com position. . :-'$t?!; V :-":k The Female Department Will be tinder the charge of a Lady who has taught in public as well as prite institutions, -for several years, . and w hose exertions in both have always received the highest approbation. She'engages to instruct her pupils in all the! ordinary branches of fe male education, and likewise," with the assistance of thePrincipal of the male school, in R hetoric. Composition, and the general principles of the Sciences. Les sons will also be given in Music & Draw ing; to' those who may wish ito acquire these accomplishments. f - : f The following are the terras upon which 1 scholars will be received : : I ' ; V . Board andCTuition per Session, payable --madvaji(, , r; :A-f .; '.' - 50 l union alone, : . do. ; ', : 15 Drawing, 5. do.. ma r : v-:, 15 music. I he hrst Session will com mence on Monday the 6th of January, 182Si ' : ' It is unnecessary jn this- placebo be mpre ; particular To stating , the qualifica tions, of the Teachers, or the peculiar ad vantages of the situation. lose parents whof are desirous of sehdrngrtbeiri chil dren may receive further information by applytng-tb:'? -iiH-::v " f 1 WILLIAM P. LITTJLE ri " Littleton, Warrea county, ,N; C :: November, 1822., i ;8- OJ:V " 4. - ! L 1 1 1 1 1 T II irtu. rinrw j "E have the pfeasurQ to announcf. Vity of Btiltmerv, on TU the 26th of jtext month. and aeeaM 'r In? scheme, wil be completed in ten r ngs Only, uqder the superintendence Commissioners appointed bv thp r " and Council.! ; e G-0Vtr' The capital prizes in the State I ntt.. ' 20,000 Dolliirs-2 of 10,0001-2 07 5& Smc, 4f e whole to be fl& pav'able m Cish. - anf ft r. Aaaress uraers. nnst-r a 1 fore: to i'-C 1 i ,lcPct' I. COirEN, Jr. j - Baltimore 8-3 NOTICE. fN pursuan be of a decree of tK r. Equity of Sampson County, yv he :J at mihlic anrtion. . at amnann - on thc.lOth d4y of Januan nextaboot Tu-1 1 Hundred Writes nf TnA. 1i!nr. .i sidof the Sjx Runs m said county, tyi " rrl. : m :ii i? J Iis . This Trarti will sntd in so as to suit purchasers, on a credit of en two, three, and four years, for bos L'r security, bearing interest from; the date Mortgages on the premises will Jie reqireZ The value jof those Lands for the cukvv of Corn and (Cotton, is too well tnovi inl need description. ! ' Those disposed to make advantag-ctmsseti tleraents, are! invited to examine them ; j WXI. K1RBY,C. 'itfs -Nov. 11, 1822.- v : 9.lt YADKIN NAVfG ATION '. v COMPANY. IbJU 1 is hereby ?riven. thar r Stock of all those Stockholders !whn may ue ia arrears tor, ail or anvpnr,6f the m Second. Third, Fourth, Fifth Sixth, Seventh; Eighth, Ninth or Thul! Instatiiicntsj on the lTth day of ?)tccn ber next,' that the Stock -of such (V (u vfits Will dn that day be sold at Vetitlu io the town f Saiisbuty, - I "! FREmERICK RANDLK.ficV;; Octobe r 2(9, 1822, 8 St JUjST PUBLISH KD EyJo!teph Gale Son, Raleigh " The Tprth -Carol inn Register aU Umted Stajtes Calendar, for the year of our I,o j;d 1823, beins; the 47tH of. the Intlepeifence of the TJnited J?a'ej ' j compilen from authentic locurqenrsj the Rey. Colin M'lver." ; THIS "Work, besides ajri accurate Ca1endary' withthelusiial astronomical calculations; contains the names pf (the several Officers who conduct the State Government ejther m a Legislative, Executive or'Judicial capa ' city: xue name -or air me Jiagisirares ana subordinate Otlicers of the sever 1 counbcJ within the State the names of the several incorp'orateft Companies and voluntary sso ciations for useful, beneficen and pious pur. poses which j .exist within the State, with hstf of the principal officers employed in conduct ing the aflairs. of these Institutions a list a( tlie Post dfHcesn the State, with tbe namef ofthe several Postmaster and a' great, va- -riety of other matters, botlr of a CivD ani ; Ecclesiastical nature, relating to this Stale and to the) United States, a reference to which must prove a considerable conveni ence to all Our citizens. ? Nov. 20. ,; ."' 9 4t ' I - : j PUBLtSHKD AJvJ) FOR bALU, BY J. GALES, ' In two vvery thick Volumes 8ro. on tt re type, good paper ami well bound, i j Price ten dollars, . THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA, Including! the Titles of iuch ' Statutes anl parts of Statutes of Great-Britain as arc in force in said "State ;. together with die i4 rnnd rbarter errant tA bv flharlfs If. tO thf Propri etors jof Carolina ; '.the Great Deel of Grant from the Lords Proprietors; thef.raot from George U- to John Iord Granville? the Bill of Rich'ts ami Constitution of the S'lte, including tle names ofthe members if Convention jthat formed the sarne; bt Cm stitution of the United States with thj, raehdments'is & the Treaty of Peace pf 17j. with ma rfrinal Notes and References fRJ vised, underVtiie authority of the liinerai Aseemblyrby Henry Potter, M, I - Tavlori Bartlet tYanccv, Esqs.and publifJicd wc; in? to an aci of the Legislature of IflW.uDflefj the superinjf-ndence of Henry Potter. j, NUTBtJSH LANDS FOR SALE. riHE undersigned ViHofrer for sale,; JL pnbbcl auction, on tne prcm", -f Monday tlie 3d day of December n' fairfif notl on the next fair dav.bej 350 & 450 acres. of r the most va!uaD Nuibush v I.and ; being part ot the whereon Dr.John Hare resicJtd at tlm af hti deafhl The lands ' are m ? ;,ci very best quality. Tf el i v pi Corn- harm'' pari yi uic iu5i ur? V; . &,.::tt: in the .county, it ocneveu. , ;t , situated -about twoind a.kalfor miles from Williambrough, where w . . is and has beeri frr years a j ; and well fegulated Male AcadJf, there issnkw a fair pros, cct;-of most excellent female one.. w three yeirs credit wi:l be PvfJ.V,-'- t.J i fAWKii from the oj11 puicoascr, (jay 1115 "''v. '" or shouldj mod a tion can :aii be had for the M . of the purchase t money. , l "ner , ue - suowni in iuc ui 1"' " 7 Lthe subscribers, or by Mr Knott, '1 Hare orerseer. oby vir- ,- RIG HARP r.v.ExpsofPr.H81;: Granvi ie county v r -mm s7 mi a f v in rnn already made ofthe Tickets in th "vt .STATE LOTTERY, the W U tat jttncijons di in.uiair.vxrc. Jl Rdn. wit h 1 Nutbush. ; The' w emu ' which are very littlejnfennr, d., the - best bf those of ithe Roan(lc. J oduce. its least ot;u uarrv3 - - r . : 4 t At 1IH' annually ; they procioce Af dhP. firat . nii'ditV.i' nrcM n '-. i- I. - -rfr f ' 1 m

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