1 ;1 mvv.vI . s t f ''I 1 f h T " .V Oar are tbep!t rfair delightful Perer(; -f 1 '. ' '.-'H ' .'f I l1" -t. f I 11 ' 1 J 1 .... ..-J.J., r--.7-.-irt-: --t.. -rr rfr nI ''.v..' JSC 111"'!- . , T:, , l.v,,.. . ,v ;i. 1 1 V Ts w t -i'a. . ' "T. Vt' t ."IJ tSt..- ... A . - rFRIDAl. JAIN t'AKI ,3, JbJsio. U r , ",a. s-h i o , -1 -.w t - f, - - 1 1 i - - - "- ' ICUTC yj 1 'If '"f T-, ill An act to provid' a'Revenue for the: payment of tk e rivil li't a d. con- - tirrtnf charges of gover'nmentr - (The fas are the" furheas la year, except t! at IbiiliaVfl-taMes are $50p ; staire -pfaTfrs.&r. .n'ViWb'!Mh? natural rnrioitJrs S15 Brokers S2rO.T. , . To prnvlfle ' for the division f I called Da vhon. "I ' - a 5. To. amend , an act p.issed in 1 810. ! ti'anenl an-ecVntOl.-d an 'addition. j ll act to an ac entitled Fenie Coverts, ! luw to pas jandw Pnrvidir 2: that ; tFe certificate wbf di.J'idpe; of another j State of. the "execntioh of a deed by a ; Feme Covert,' shall be received in eyi-; denceV - C :'; -v . ' i 4. To repeal the 5th ecton oFan., act passed in curecnng ire iime " and .place for sale of lands and slaves 'under 'execution.-' JT e "sertioo re- UnTPinmpni ior inp u ii mis. iic . .every .'C'erlunfa Superior and County ' Court, and every . Sheriff shall have a .copy, and. the remainder fihall be. put t'ifitO'.tbfVhahds iif snch . justices as the 1 Coonfv: Courts shall-direct."! ' 1 ; . 6. To exeVririt rejjular Ministers ofj tbe Gopel,T bf every denomination,! from iryinx as Jurors. ) ,, t. yecj2ririg:jvhathog:shead and bar r?l tivVysVal be merchantable. ' ' 8, nppie'mptital to an act passed at the present session, ff)r the division 7 of Rwan County. Prov.idin for rnn 'vnir.gVne fines of the new county, fix (in the site of the new public build ings, &.C.1 ' : :' '. -,' .' 9. To amend an act passed in 1741 i'. r i V- .llvToreppaVthe 2d section of an ; ar t gsoo.) - .J4. To aulhnrize County Courts to :-u, T -r;7 V require AdministVators anrl others toji . :S1:I Jo facilitate ta require Administrators and others top ' -0,-l ";- giTf-ot'.erJrr: county security gupbn the!, amber mer. v - TetitioVoftheecuri.iel - 1 . , - ! u3 TJmpr T ht .. rf,' , ' , I the Gape Fear River I Jo- lo nromote Agriculture and r - 'V-n: vOlr I r Ivan vaovc nyarti,C ,t until ' it forms an AsrjV'- surveyeu auu reman, u.u, jJCHeY,xne. money appro-1 yvsricuiiure anu rauuiy Aianuiacrures. j P"4Jfa to beraisedf mm, the 'entries Giyi. to the (and for this purpose, : 'ances Avhich hyerain in the jiai,ds : - Sneriffsy' whith are to be paid to the UlerksorCouft8 for three years.).: Clerks! orCdurts.T s le to another. dayA rJerountXcqvrt tHe:cdurt-house,) .y 4 'fo prescribe-the timfc ait which i . eofitce.of.SherirT.sliaU eipireMPre : !r,D,nS -fori cases where the J- time of . "e holding of : a-"ct(urt jiarJbeeVal- .i tq jneet einiertnan usu 1 8 ;To amend " an ' act ; passptl in ,1821. to provide for the rxpcution of j proces where, there snail Deno pro per Sheriff in the county to execute ihP'samp.v (Thi act adris some fur thee. compensation to a Sheriff-'when he is' called,' upon to act in another county.) . , . , 19. To amend an act concerning n j.lavinjr cut roads, establishing: ferries, &c. i( Authorises the courts to layout roads from: a public road to a landing;.) 20.'. Creating: the -8th division of. Mi.v Htiaand for other purposes. (Form ed nit of b-fee adjoin i no; divisions., ;v; 21 i jlV extend . tlie jurisdiction of bf SirWfiwr Courts, of Law and Courts of Boiiitv for tbe,; count of Rowan rto 1 t i e;.cnu my of- ia v in son . J or a i lmi icu .t i m p.TVn d f o r jother: pti rpo es. ; V,' '. 22; F"r the better regulation of the j Militia of this; State. (Imposinji: atj penalty on any "one who fails to com ply witli any 'call to defend any jail &c.) ' v.;;. . JV, 23. (T authorize any three Justices to appoint a Coroner in certain case Bealed provide for a 'different sale of h f When a nremature ydeatJ happens w Unils-ahI slaves in me naw.-mver jj an, there is no Uoroner.; . . j Regiment,; in Oranje county fnm the j 04 MalrinV: the ofEciala of the Sec-1 ! gebprahprovisicn "J f " - retard evidence in certain cases. '(For , i-.j5- Directing: the distribution of the c6n;fVof plat irrant. &c. , , ', Acts f Concres. This act provides I) 05 Concerning? Jails. ((Pi reeling ; - 5 v . . ' 'r . .1 ff r: li - -L . . ., ! ;. max i roe. acis srni.uy. inr urncrai j fe rfunry courts .to. provioe oiaivis ! Sfr. for the use of Drisoners.) 26j An act for the relief of debtors I ltlor OPDTS wmcn may ue cwirutu-w i- ter the, hist day ot May nexi. i;eoT ors riot liable to imprisonment for debts contracted after the! 1st day of May provided they - Honestly deliver ! over l.pir debts and property to their creiifTors.i ... v..- .i - - , 2- I o Mimir ine ierm oj mmr in certain officers therein named. (The Crerj of -tKe Supreme Court, County -arid Superior Court IQlerks. 'CIerk.& 1 Ma.er in Kauitv. County Solicitors, Reg:isters, Surveyors 'and .'Entry-ta- Kersare nerraurr iu vcapj'Mrniu n fourivears when vacancies occur, and i--. . .... . . - . ' y n . 9. To amend an act passed m 1741,1 are liable to removal in every four v toprever. tie stealing of cattle and TPar two-thirds of the Justice! agree? .rogs, ano a) ring and defacinimarks 'ng.t,ereto ? : I ! , ' ; ami brands, and inUmarkjns, nd mis- 1 28j To repeal the J3th gection of an ( act passed in 1818, supplemental to ; parked and unbranded. Punishing; ' nn nili roncerninir the Sunreme Court these offences as caes of petit. Iarce-;.rf jRO an act passed in 1821, sup '' '- ; I nlemental' to. an act concerning: '"the v .10. To authorise the county courts, goprjme, Court. (This act repeals the j-takeonrbor.d only of a Guardian formJr provisions in relation to the tQUo or more minors -holding proper- -tRepteri, and provide that he shall ty in common. . , hp lpcted annuallv. and fixes his sa- j--v-v .v. lJU- t 2yii o regulate m parr ine-praciice preine Court. The repealed action in thV Count v. and Superior-Court, gave power to the Supreme Court to ;; -(The! Court is to set.apart a day for irj manersor iaci. as we I as matters afe business, and witnesses not fo beJ . 01 law. j y " p V : 1 e ; . : allowH for attendance before that-day. A 12. Granting: further time t.perfect except in criminal caseO .i titles to.land witMn. this State fallow- i a u cix r r ig till he year 1 825.1 1 ' SO. To amendthe 6th sector, of an V;13. To appoint; Commissioners to passed in 18 2, for dividingthe Extend ard mark the dividing line be- S,ate to districts for electing pe-, M;ttveen.,the counties of Bladen and: "-f 1 -'-7 i . ?r p,imKa,i,i . s 1 theplacelof roeetn of the.&henfls in tlie navigation "of the Navigation of below tlie town ' vided. amonVst the several counties of l! . 33. sTo provide for the sale of the the Htatev accordin-to; their federal iIate VV. . lm tin.bor8. Ufft !.n. . :the.CherokeeJadians which4iavc been cultural Society ;: and raises1 a fund. S4orointing out te, mode whereby ; rejru! "iegV.es,lrom the County Societies i..irie,miiiita or inpr taip, snan nerfai-t are tuMornj ra Hoard ofA.'r cultured; ter. 0ejcaiiea into service, in cases or;, o at.deet at Kajehrh on the first Moni ttsurrectidnt (Seven justices are au , utyJter-tbeinetaintfof. the Legisla- J to call out asutdcient force. : !Qre5r the u8e,of whfcK oard.S.lOCK) j tyMi Wrt"?-) arpropria?e ;for : the purchase oT 35. .-.Supplemental to an act passed ' -TC fcCvd&n Xrr - ff nft rr lfra vtnrr no:, 4 t a i neocont apiriinn - Tai nrAmnfl nr" V .... I ........ . I.VIUIU4 1.U . I V VI tUIII V"CI ., U I 1(1 IU IIUIII 16-Ti;r--: ' .k v- . i. . ' r -r... v.: , f " tenL , tbmM) of p s6:-To give the County .Maperir L 36.- I o give the County &, Superior :, Courts; concurrent jurisdiction over ' -o. rr8- W uucr .ccu-r nnnrts concurrent lur d et inn v to regulate tre charges;of hVrirT, Co riiners' viuusiauies una omer Ollrccrs, in'certain cases'.'; : .gi:i;;k' V; S8."l'(i provide more eflectually for the collection of debtsdue the State;! 39., To advance thcj adminiitration j vi juauLc iu iuc ouurcme ouru i urlv which it may deem necessary and pro-r lehburg ' to appoirtt :a 1 commitfe of iVpate; of ,t,uraDerlanit j-ounr y , to Hi Wt- , . per, v'.. . 5r road. .t V ! V;;"fVf 40. To ench.ura-e the apprehension It -To .incorporate .EpgleXwfge, -of waaf Jwticwin.iiai ' i ? of rnnawav slaved in the Great DismSl No. Vl HiUbnrrtush.' ' M"Pm X. "wampfi, J ' 4i To incorporate a Company y,to l make a Tyrnpik? Hoadj: frosm vtinso llRivprxin' Hydjp-Counfy .to the town of.PIymouth, in HVashingjtop County. 42. Coricerhins Kntries of land h (certain coun ties witltiq this. State.- I rProhibiting: the entry of fewamp and Mar&hLands in future. ' .-. 43. To amend ' th lth section of an act pase,d in '.. 1 r?4entitled; an. act .directing; the mode of .recovering !ebts of 20 pounds and other. ' f Where tlie jyilgment is not satisfied by lands and teme$tJex gainst MliCr .proprtV3 ts" 'v SVf5 - ..vConCfirning:' Inspectors; in ' the town of- Wilmington, and for other purpose , ' - '- - VJ. 45'Tq amend an ,act riassed, in 1 Si 2 1 to p n ) m b t e fti e ad minis t ra t ion o f j u st ice ; ( Providi n gf t h a f w lien a cause has bten removed, tlie grounds foriin other removal "hall be. fully stated v in etail on oath &c.) ' i..v. . '" ' " 46. To prevent l'e destruction of oysters, and for othor V' purposes' (which prohibits oysters from bcin carried out .of the Stale.) 47. To extend and. improve t'u tw o 5ta'e Riails from Vil!;sborqugh to the Tennessee lihe r ( A S. -Cu i o sj .a en m 5p;i r't of O rracoc'k Island to the. ' Tnkc?l States f"i te pnr- i -ptjs'of erecting t;pjht' Houe:'v, ; -I '.'49 Tp amenfl an :acj; pwsed :ti 1812 concerning: equitable inr restj Kntl , personal ep'atesi-fLal rihtKcsiyalJ here !. after be lih'e tn eVceciljn' in fk? m-truier as the equity .t" rettf'nipion'.'i'nt.'present. i . 50. Cionceroin; the "public arm s -CT'ie-arms to' be be conveyed to the ArseoaiT in Fayetteville. Sc.' ' , 51,. Giving Hav wood Superior Cour' concurrent jurisdiction with the County Court over the Rod from Jesse Bt llews 'ld lc to the southern bonnWiry lihe. 5i 52, To repeal part. of. .the 4th section of an-acf, passed in,1806, revising fhemititia laws' relative.- to 'artillerv p.nd Turht iofan try. grenadier! :md riuenien companies, in thisSute.. ' " :-r, ' : : .r ,53. To repeal and make void f?o my'cjf nf the 2d section of the act of 1805, ctiap; 680, of the re"viiied la ws of ihk Sqitc. as Hr"es to requ're ue seals, as well as the signatures, of the Jusiicefy of the "Ponce hefare whom the surveyors of the vacant and unappropriated land of this Sta'e shall called n, or req V;red to m he 1 1 oa h. out of Court, ' tnpehing the d?fic!n-J cies ot suc.i entne , as to the. .nuToaer ot j acres clairai d,' which shall found, oi1 actual survey, to h? wanting. r i 54. To fi; the time: of appointing the County -Trusees of eich of' the "counties in this 'State. To be appointed at the same court Sheriff arcel cted. - f- . PRIVATE ACTS. r l.vAp act to amend the 1st section of an, act passecl in 1821, for the better regulation of the county court of Meek-' Jenbursicounty;' ;; v.;'-'.4'."i'Xv ; f : 2.m I'o establish Ebeneze r Atad e rny in the county of tredelU and to incor porate the trustees thereof. v 3. Makinjcornpensation to the ju rors ofthe superior and county courts of Moore, Carteret, and Bertie coun ties. Y ; : '- V.:p'vt '"''-' 4. Concerning the town of Asheville, in Buncombe county. ; V i 5. To amend an act passed in 1 80, for. the better organization of the mili tia of Beaufort county. . ; 6. Concerning the towhf Salisbury. j - i I f 7 4 To amend an act ftir the' better ation of the town of Fayette vi He, passed in 1821. ;Y-:.'r-; 7i.v". To !!mv flnmmi(!nn t'n f!nn- stables ' in the counties of WarrenV Northamptoln aud Brunswick." ;' , ! 9. To prdvide forthe removal of$i Cleric olfice oh tne rcotfnty courtuf t- i in fj u 1 1 1 u ru i Mm e court nouse. r - 4 t , iu. io a ter tne times otnaiuing the county courts of Person;; 1.; To amend ; an- act passed in 1818, 0 . estabJ ish poor'and Work ) Mtwusiuvinecouuiycr lianidep, ana ,;1 "12. j To 'regelate1 thei county courts of Cabarrus Moore a'tid Al on tgbni efy j I ; I S.To ; i ncprpor ate; Golde n Fl e6ce liodge,fNo;;r4, in: the town of Mi lion and. for other purposes. knd ir other hurrrfisp i 5 ,t4vvFb thjbeiteri regulation i anif H. uiscipiine or ine ;muuia ot Asn coun To amend an act passed in 1806 t arid oirecung, me saie oiv puDiir tanas aa juMiiugxiic iowa oi ouiiiiiviiie,. f 18.To repeal an act passed7it 181 to increase the.rare or . ToiMaT.4ine nrg Bridge, in ,tKe, county of ?fe,w Ifan nver " T ' ' " V.W ?' J " Mr. - Ai m '; ' " a -J 1 4 4 ft .r iy- i o. repeal an sct passeu in iozi tfr: 'preVent the hawlins; of seines; be ! tween hcew Tnlef. ne'ir the "mouth of.Cape Fear River andarap Inlef com m on ly catten ti nwp' i n i er; ! : 20.. T. amend . relative to Nthe vappni Tru s lee for ; the coui ; arid jbr other purposes: t: i 21 ; l.o amend an act passed in ( to appoint Comrnisibners B'r..tn4it'fe : S2To incorporate the ' townv bf G 1 i n? b n v ill "S a m p on jco uty an dt p appoint commissioners o H -J 25. To restore tfames; Jat3aoiT,!6f f rfecbonty o.Moeibcred I 24.'For tlre betterlreufaliblnhtlf the? f county courts or Kowan,,anarop otner purposes. V , r, V-:;Hvi?-:';-'liPAi So. t oncernma: the county courts of Wa!: p. Carteret arid Johristjon. I 26. For the better, rei ulatn:; bf the ronnfv courts of Iredell cou rl.f V ;;'J ltlifK , ' 9JT. Concerning the town of .Lurai) t.;i 28.To amend an act passeI iniTBS' tor fne netrer reuianonor .tue Town of N-wbWn. '-':; ?'ri:5.. 29 To appoint Commissioners to assess the damages sustained by .rntjiyt viduals fro'rn the sfahlishoiehrof ftorton's Turnpike'rtoad. y " JoO. To & a ppoinf commissioners fV view ancl la V off? the Jlo$d leading, a -c r o ss' t he ; mf ni n tn i n from tlie town - of Wiikesborough to Mrs. - Bogle's in .Iredell county. ;; ;.;:-, v;.e : c 1 S 1 1 fV, i n c o rporate a M al e a n d iJFe-''mae-Acadetny lands;ottHs Q tt re 1 1 , i n J Wa r re n county fy Jh e In a me of Shady Gywve Acad einy. ' 52 -To amend an at passed in 18ir to authorize ile 'county ;c AV i I k es a n d I B r u n s w i c k r t o a ppoi ri t J a com'mitieeorifi ;3S.iTo?altef the; plice;of (Ko rpgimentat and battaliqn Utejin t he cou n t y ; p t Ne w , H a n o vj r. ; i J j34.; Giving ex d a is i vKj u ffed i ct io nto the superior cou rt of Bladen - of pleas and prose c u t i bp s 6fjt nevSta.te;v. v S5. T; appoihtcbni i ncorporate the' to wn of Hun tsville, in Sjjrry;cobnty- - avl'U : 36. To! authorize Thomas 'Gobbs of Wakp coiinty to erect a bridge across' , 3 . M.iKingifcornpen?afion to the; ju -,M; rors of the periot and county; courts of 1 Fra n k tin " and 1 Ca md hi&0ji!&i ' -8'Tri' iMtabiisbtHopexvelU-AcadeV my in ;-iigcoinbetcouniy i-s a nu roincon phva'te ,theJ trustee. thereof -'1;'.;' O.jTfi iexe m pt .; cr'tai fi Hzens i A6j H Vdr ciiupty; from public j4t. To stlish;Chlpf Pp3id my, in thecotintvof Anohvpd -to.'; '''' T.'s - - . .Jt '':- - r 42.-To ihcornofnte'Wuram Acad e m y,r i n i th; cou ptjr or ; Jau jortJ i ksH To" iiricor nffe.ester Lodge, Ko. Tz: in the cokhtr of Wakei .;,it4..; Toj' a'ufh'onzWtecu James - EnstWopda'c cqunfV, fo jcoljtiari;ear the. years! therein in'entinnedidlu cohtractwj th ere"niiahllianili 'foe 2'i and, t erect atovyn upon, and, ' for; other 1 purposes i . '' "; :! j purpose 46.Tb prevent fire hunting of fowl --I :sirntiflr riinffT - - !-- - if cou ; 1 4r. To; authorri:e the"coanty courts of tlielcou nt ies, t h'e'fei n fnehti on ed Tt 6' 'appoint cim m i ttei MP&nitfLi'. 4ft 1 TA nrnrnnrafa f h a' Maxllnfi . uurg ana i ivoocson ;vgr.icuiiurai ?ooci Kinstbn Adademyaad toiegolltSilie vwuj an act passed in 1819 tloUle and U iyiaRyle are appoint ;r j1 j .i.! iffmiht of county :aiCwmmjsj5utfprto repeiyef-rjp-;.i::v' ill: rity! of Brunswick tionrt0r;k famqijnt 0,00(b i ;. s rcoantySto:iiis 'S'f nteryVRidbO' 5 IvTojrirrcbrpOrate 52.Td!regulMeHhe tourts of Pleas QuajrtefeH3essibns"bf Odslbw!do itfi . courts or umerfQra, Jt5urKe andvLiin " f ''a -1- ' rf'."yTk ' il' W . 1 :-.'- iNVi.' T Cox.' f' Lenir'-cwuri;W to buifcf k bridge -acrossN'ase River. . v. v '1 u 56. T((authofrWthV biiildip:of t'f tolC brida:e oVervDa'n ri?veri ,in. ihc! tV 1 ' to incorporate a compirtyNyr Ttjiat puf v .V ; j J .j: f)ose ? f Afxmler. ffenersoii; Homu V ' ? I jft 5 ' MlUt 4J .r VON' 7", 'f uaiLIAMUi !ll .. , ,. 4 . Ill' , i Pasquotafite'cnjin ' i '0 ,rr .r m m c m m - bw m u m m an ,hj t - m . i j rofs ,i n : tlie" 'courts of .M eck I e hburg.V?;;a '- couty." ; ;-,,r; 62: To divorce John White; of the.: WaPartftheh sectipa sV rU. -1 ,r 11A '.I I. f; I .1 ' -r- ui; n.e, v. t (i p v v. V "si iiui mi in e- won e W 1 counjyi?r rasquutanK, rrw iniswuev;vt 1 :'n J;:63.;'T;aothbHse ;f,F:' such books iri tfiReiteiofficel -as 'lf;i JTIeaors 1; ;emyr1p.the;c lnco.forat . M ng.y h e designat ion;of; roal -hands, so- u. 1 ' h1; far avxeectMbele r I pi i5 ... 66 iUf rec 1 1 n g 4t he -t manner -!. a p-; f j J'j ! .IVvtiWnte';-'; .-. , :1il' of.elections id ifnturenn the county' of f Hr Buncombe;mrfc S : ; 6$:; To resfbrej :DayiEtheridg:of ' ' 6 :j IV amend a h act passed, i rV 1 821 V k h i cspciiiiug nit; cuuuiy coLurts; or uoium- 4J hua CA.' vt-'-5-.v; "i :--l'-,v--: :'-':''''' Wnily; Jenkinjto collectvthearears ' i & ' of taxesrdtieiminEdge6m ; 7ir;fiobtinuev;inM . :8,nC?rfo! place .--'v" : ritwipublicairdi 7&, Supplemental toa n tipassed ., !. 7 u. I'puiM I, vMiunis5inners. enircotfrity; tt! efeta Drudge a-; l"rM: Gswfyftiver. inLenoir cou ntyj : ;'4; . . '71 .-iTnvr o. e patrols of RichV mnnrl fitrirftr.? 'y. ..... .. . y" v' f ! , - V. t.Wil.fl?PSPfl--W,.MCi(Fn't this- 1 sgl-.A'i:-Le j'-i' V Ui ne tt i 1 ve v Ri ve r i : B ii n r- imh' .: ' ' vi i ; OT.?xM5:t4?.it yeri' a4;'Caf terV" '" miysndlfbx otfierufpbse ,Z.n "Anniiintifia-riirniniirio . I-J., oundmark ar -V. ; : If. ( . i 4 :.' '"-nsFi w.? .-wuoriuge c across Peerriyer itV'QUtham cbuntyy't " n ty:;, -; v- ;-; :rc.i ; f -. ; r- fish -with;the sine ondm Goldiiig ; and J llenry ; flirt rnir S 5 :" andJb-Jejgitimate'thehjh 84?otore:5oKriShatefc 'iH'i?; Wl kfesto Credit; Svlf f 5' r '&85fcKlV AuthbriVel twS;.r oreV! fire1 V iijica 1 1 uic vii' ui ,asninetoat-t"fi r passed In ;i82r 65;)Tbihbrise'tbe ia(x,.(aie sneria ot oioites, ;o collect ar- ..'- . . 1 stjllpslb-tine diunty.n -II - 1 H" Cl tuci-vwumy courts cj P''' 'vf r-LltTlir.ttWAnfl ''AnHTT Mmtmmftw 'LJiT -1M ' 'i ' 3 I 1 t- A I Mi 1 if i i'.. I 4 I f.l (!) t" iyvi It- I L 1 i '; V! 1 ! HI V i! si ' I i 1,'i 9( m V M it - r f! r I. V -If .1 lit! Pi i I r . fl : 'I f A . i' I Ii IN ' f t . peal an act parsed m tbft dbanty court bf Meek

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