be puni$hm ' Uiblical criticsdrenr opmronmai . v "'7 t de-4 (he'tfetractinri oCthe,Turksii Empire 1 w.t t orK irrnn me inienor, weignin iiiav, in, h y.wtlTMf. ,wnprn: iif.W ha rnnnrfPil ' with the restoration of 14jS5 pounds 1 C( v i-r - lothef bns con taint nzabou six y pa- f Of the' first rate for : salevi Elirc w .13 3r T TPFHou! rn:Sa)ishorytreiratfpi-e; It is pleasat'tlv situated in a retiretnarh tct Jaruarf, -'1231 ; For. tms, apply to' t v -?vK.;HARD1NG . -r TT 1be soTdM the Jail in Tarbcrp', on ;pattin?av. :tlj? ? ejeventli of January, f p-pr. in ir.r-Siaf aHeafct, aliVfNo belples famtl j aviI! bft nriUd of its naf uralnroJpcMr, h'ecs e b'aft.been irnfortuvnfe; 'VVe rejoic that fnis remnant of feudal fjrannvjr abnlwIteVVi-1 anil We fruit ,LtM& 'act will Hhevil-of-tooipifpnsW' iffcnpraTlyprerails moar f cooTry oT that the wa! up. toour sisterfaes; Ke enfer railv foliotvea.vaBn,;His blntn-the-es- catfbeori'of.oar freeTGoyejhierit8'bff ts:3. (for his ;xpcn5;9if not previously U: selthaf (Tonjrreslias ;the subiectun Hcn aw-Negro-iiANUrTVthe pro-" Jer consftleViHon; Frtv of tfci fteo. '00' q'ur Gphe?al Assembly of 1820 pa -jiii' 1,"1823. -:V -r - J"VC15-rl- J jfsrfan art Tor the reJieffof insolvent jt'. Txr iii'i'irL'1! " V ilb'ior;.vh1chr was: hailed ; by;us:With . f -:nnp&iwi , -. ; . I. fViileVfih as retrospective, and for f HK:r.m?nation-.of'tbe Htydepts at tins ' ofI- rpaSon8tit Was" repealed in 121 . I 1 .AMmonr mi ThfirtHatr. tnp I4tli: i . ... T . . 1 '.r ... 1 Lr i, eofofiiAac -. rpcon'7f at the rtresent session, in a iwnVv of Gentlemen and Ladies. The Kx- : form u iwtn w triist will not be object trpscswill be resumed uith the coraijiencf- "jjttf o J. :,'" ' T i t - V went of thensninc year The Mate Te ntxf !lC liVimanac t was klgo' passed T.rtment. heretofore, under the uneni-t. , . . . V Fart,nl;iiiW;amm mttrii. ivh'o haa . .? this sion; which doM:our.f-fs? bithert o pven genera! satisfaction, The FeT laf U r i honour, d i reef in . t W 'h e. iffs f male, under Mrs. Msan l.. i:oxiren, witut: pvecy cuumy o piovioe ."'aneiS' 'r rapabiRy. to teach yomuj Ladies the usefiil -,tlp !p of.thrr prison err tlaring' the, ,ml ernamectai branches of Female Fduta- incUrh'enpv nf-wiiilPrS" v -Ln is indisputable. -The Subscriber pVdf inpnorin,e . - - i . h HVlf that the utmost attention shall be The act lor the Trnmn,on of A?ri tn the government, morals, health and culture and Huj8pho(d -Manufactwre tccrmmodation. of all committed to his care. -1 (which was mentinned in our, last) Board and Tiihion Fifty Dollars per Session, r alsplralculai!, if hronerW - imnrove K 4J grpaf lipnchr to oijr conntrv lVe"Jews,ctvbJch events are said to be predicted in the prophecies of Daniel.) How ihis is tobelverifie'th we-knovvt j nor : me ciowpzau oi macmuirej vtuut -never ipa:.sujeci - oi riaiwcu iaitu ihoujjbhmaJiitymig thV;retSlutoryiassacreV mo5t nnfrtemlly- ofjahet human ;i h3ppiness an'dj Amprafemfni yeryicindtliaf el . u nder-a -Sbtern men it -ori rat he-i? dpsolsim, rextphHh part of :Ku nrpe. Tji I f uch I arm s as the sef d op th o s e acq n at nted wi tb. the desla t - ' flu The femarkable, propensityibf catsj In siickipff the : breath pf J nntftf has ehsTdedbyi niulsfutin ins ta fi ce i tc) eciiirre ol i i hkj th t d wn? J ks fc guard aaiiisi-jthisl dane ther had Jefif- &e lPntfrieir rf icdonies tic : ii iber I ret u rn Kefewasr itl1 htf&Mvri "(kit lWcfrTi.n jtKejblu tcl tif : , which Tw9Sttairl'ftuhdcaled5 and rreat t exer nous -were4 necessary xo cxincaie" stensersV and tevery one perished- wl th , the xdeptioo w one, whosa, name? Was 7 .wer-!o1iTffw trelatfelhevhSfe .exqepI!on;or.oetwos, ctlnyeiited in effects of arbitrary power speak of m.ssnouui vie ,iTreeK conquer,: ana i the rripire fail what; a - field will bei tfi-::shbo?rt.n I li eedcu Dy the into the r ; bu ti wpatw as opened ;A)r talent anl; enterprise: !fery:b This is; however, one'of those r?ee!f nixTO ahie day-dreaniS4 in which men some- rnnrani, anu npamg rne same cat, m ine times delight rto imlulse: . but ' ithouf the spirit of nropbecy, we tnaytirduceu,;t inearcy hejast; extremity! venrure t( preuic, rnat ine germs or j waia hiu a ic iy ,.u:r m t:iyu i civirromotionV7whj SI . ilH f 'i JJ 1(1 t-VrrV UlJftMim. Will UIIIM '"U a.:c iiiniiiifsiUiiuvuiu Vf tibi ;f Jb speedily be exfirpatednot peihips lllilil ilia eitn P Ktirf tr lioo I rr4 1 1 i art until the sun of liberty has irradiated , the darkest corner of the habitable' fflobe. 4, narahle in advance. r'. THOMAS COTTRFLL. Kov.22. 9 Verust there are few pnuntips In th Sfa'e..whch will any lonjrpr neglect to fornV their AIcn'fura' Si-ciety. " ' We have pleaore in stnipsr, t' at JHST HFCKlVFr. rrAVO ton. of Sweed Iron' 100 bushels p i urns ismiiu caau, ui rr, ,.-,.!-,.. . ' .... . , Snrar. Madeira Winet $2 15 per prnllon ir. ;rnirnn. so eminently iF:!iM2uisn- Boa rd con- hi 4UUU Desi spamsn recurs, j ujrrei .iwniniiij'nj a v iu r.f'2inrt;r, is ui Walnuts. - . ' , : V ' red at his liberal a'afyi and the A so. on consifrnmem, ior casn onjy, ni i t . - - j , - . .. ' tj:- tfiM tinned. to apportion, and .rerulafe .Tfnmns. do. PuclcTe. do. Seal Sfem "hoes, v i mvproifrps u nanns' im Bndle ValJng, Shoes. Misses Morocco i ooxs, c. provfinenr is necessarily an in- To conclude these already too long liVemarkvrepectinsc Greece, we tuote ! an iiuiranon or. a um'k rprjim, niosi j applicable to her prese't- sifuation, ' . i ".tThy. arts, thy ai-ms, thy riches & thy State,'; Thy pride of power, and all that made th.ee1"; ; great, ' 1 - These prostrate all in dust and ruin lie ; J BuV thy transcendent fame can never die : 'Tis not in fate to sink thy CJorie past Thery fill the World and -with the World shall , last r : :s. , - - tim, that she bV'kevnrr';'Pftn'0?.0r glass to euecc uex ooiect. vas not f untjl 'the cati made a third attenip 6ii 1.1 . , ..... death. ,F ---I f '-;;? The suin 'onTwoT iTlusand y Dollars has been matte 511 by jtlieT MercJinnU of J&stori for ihr ti&i 1 tit of tfie', farjnjy, fit" the JUte" Lieut. Alol of thp NavyvA We:kre glad to be.nfi4t the people of the City of New-York .areajou: tp:folloy the exro pie Ilijerallv seti !the city i Boiiton . ."Jo greatn'f ag-t)' ;' ihouses of correennn: 1 fias beenf fentpjoved fiiri'dmi'jd'f herih'Httse'a ibPfeiecimhy- fi iVf r a rl in T b A f r o i i mill v; A a nn ovirlanra thio fnrt. u 14 . - stated ina Juondbn. pa erhathe;jail .' at ; SeutbVorHf wbereo he bfthese ni i Us wast ptierationna : iw 4-. w'm A aUa rr fim r a I an r mio ' '-' : 1 The Legislature of South-Carolink adjourn- ' ed. jon the. 21st ult. having passed ; twenty-sijf ; ,acts. t A law was past l allowing1 the enlist- ' loO men, to sewe as a standing" body,! protection of. (Charleston. A State I to be opened for $"206,000 :xt 5 , pr A interest. The owners of slaves execjit ' . Hi . . : 1 1 fii' ill! mil" iif. ir r-r 11 nr uya t f ppi'i'ii' ill' i encoorasement 1 siren to thi s-ea l'i'' 'Zt f ; , J- - i u natiohal obiect e may not JPP aH . , m i;,Wei is tn ssinoo and l jis-gtioo eiiecTj, nui our cniuiren or , to oe exemot trom taxation, and Scott is to Td!pB -?rt. Rtraoned do. Wallf'ntr ' Shoes. Ton .nln(. :. V: VIj :rV,r V;: tR uy a wanted knwWse'ol the ad. r for the h ,vvf: x-r V , i : .van lazes, which must cventuallv ac- It loai 2s .Dec. 26, ' ' : '". ii43t. u ' ' I erne jto every , count. rV yhere libetil ; ce"l- " " - - C I ' I v f.j.- .rf otiitvp' 1 our children's children siirelv will. - r receive ?500 wiih a-like exemption. CoT. t - Ben V ci w rk :iv iv v 4 ... - -.! .... . . . T rnnslstinir of Coats. Pantaloons and.Vests. of Tntertiallrnvrnrsment is one o the fnoieau s ana Major ilson's slaves are to j ' ' I f The venerable'Ex-President Adams entered, his 88 (year ion tJjt S0tirof Oc t obi; r, i li v th I ; e nj oy m e nt of good York alibthelKin 'Mila shpulij ' ' frieinHe'pebient1aTy Richntflnitil' The Spaniards succeed iri 1738 ia" :X- , inducing thelfee fna to riseiffainst the wbiiesAt Sto,2ii 1 ntf thyi so rpnjendl led twpi.:i:f 1 .in a. warh hS i'gupsand arnVnttnitinn : chose a captairi aMs janditldtt f flying ma rced; to; SoatWrnhis'feTt re-very; uouse aun KuiiTf eyery, twnuc 1 i.v. ; I peraon ;uiey oinr, anil compelling inc v. iuc3 i" jiiiii iucniv. ttie.aiariu soot I! States Americi !! i f - - - .. A i . . . J TT 1 .1 rood qutlltT, and of the. newen rWon- . most nrorainf nt ratios .f Britain's , ...Jl"'- iso. ,W piece, of Superfine .rpd Cloths. prospVri.y, and th. prosnpri'v T tho.e 'i " SW: business for the season, y v ' ? . .v - Raleigh, Dec. . :? 14 FRIDAY, JANUAUY 3, 1823. cedeil or followed her exatple in res pect to this grand source of national : wtvnrion.-Srtch of the Mem bers of the. General Assemblv as were r ui 1 nis meaur ouvp newi fvo in : Wmier, whose icy reijm commenced late" tJian usual, has lost nope of its rigor by delay. The weather for some weeks has been com parativclv mild and pleasant for the season"; vet so unreasonable are' human wishes, that r. was .ve were anxious Winter should haye linger- j Wf ck,lwhen i number of Re(diitiotisr ed a KttJe lonsrer in the lap of Autumn; not I lvPr ,nnn.,i :A'..r ;fc .,c . , . , r 1 . " v M"."'vt j:i r. T V 11a n meetings on the subject. At the firt, j a commuree or nve was app-"'inri to bring he buine beforo arrnther lijot- ing ip-proper frm. Thplat mt'tinc: neni on tne evpninz 01 vesteniav pted ptp and 'recommending to thp peotde to cl'use Delegates to met in this civ, Am the2l Mndav of November next, j . for the; purpose of deviins: a u';h!ef rplan'i.for, brinwinj; the subject before J A general Committee o (,or lence,. and a County Corres- firom selfish considerations, but that otir Le. jrulatort, who left the city pnfTuesd v lst, (a vjry inclement day.) iniirht have reached their homel in comfort, after a long absence, md (to some of them") a long" ionrney. ' . Manv of the Members of the late Assem- jit ucar m uicir minus uir jicasmi ir- !, fect;on, that they have actively aided the . passuce of some laws which have a tendencv - resprir . to ameliorate the condition of their fellow- ponding Committee, were appinted men rfl7, we trust, will feelthe happv con- !' Thi rnQntn-ii'i the riext' Register.' oniavinfctotheneifof ed. will appear in th means of otnmg information, jrerform- r " L . , , ' -ed what thev deemed their duty to their crn- ' Z. ' , ' xv : strtnents and the State. To those amonc-ct l ''-el CrrPf'V.s. V them whom we have the honor to find on cm? wt ek uithout iiitelli-renc from 'e have been for ! rel:s. hut t5(e Tavorabl- accounts :contaiiicu oi rliei? in dav-s paper 'have chtnidetely dissipated Jhe, fears : which jve ben t entertain wiicir ;' account. - Th situation of " .thii Ke.ior 'ic people cnnnot'be banished fmin' 'thp pitfliic. mjnfl. until .sQinethiuu de ; cisiv? Bas "tken place; "4 We i:eoice ! to seej Hoirt theifcoiitinued, eliorts. -. . 1 - 1 .to Bhaxe ol the-yoke,'of 'de.epotism,- fnar toe spirit; 01 noerryjis v not en w Subscription List (which we have the the (ii fv-ijuiv ty u i k iuu rtjxii; j wr iuvic r .thanks for their patronage to the Reristert - any of them having been our readers.slnce Its commencement 23"years ago. J Under the joint Editorship of J. Gates & Son, it will still be steadily devoted to the "omulgation of useful knowledge ; the dis semination of virtuous principles; the pro motion of Agriculture and Domestic Manu .uclijres, and the. firm support of every pa rotic endeavour to enhance the respecta bility and prosperity of the State. ror an impartial, detail Of . Congressional uusiness,and of the va erents at home and. pledge themselves. natter, .calculated to promote useful enquiry, j fitiuY ana inspire wnu oe found ir ted for that rom the commencement cw, the Bootsellimr and .ess,aswen as the Printing, will be canied political freedom. -They haveJn'bW a- S.1,rif the -firm of J. Gales & Son,'. who J ! risenvllkpi'lin'ti refreshed with ivmeHf- ' I iromtne long: ieinargy.orages,anu nave JIM t Cll 4MIII 111 o IflVlUI L branches Of the Legislature of Ohio,' met'on thetlJOth r iilt and decided 46 to;43, that it was: 'ine vpiedient nomfhat"? hi person to be' supported for the next Presidency. ,: Virginia and font nek if -7-The GotH venfion entered inr by Henrv Cfav, n t,(e part of Knu''ky ad Benjamin V L"ig!i, on f.e-part of .Virginia, havl ng ben unconditional! v. ratified by the General As.-cmb1 yiif Kentucky an lection 'wa held on. the 9rh ul.t.'tfpr wo; Commission rs to co. stMute,ia pa t of the Board to be organized :un- fnr 1 (he roii) pact bet ween .the s; two -state. and for tv a'torneys to-repr; ent thp intere-sts of that state before that tribunal. , ' -; -Hueh'Tj. White, of Tennessee, and Jacob Burnet, of Ohio, were unani oiouslv elected Commissioners.".- ; . Henry Clav and John Rowan were ! dijy elected Counsel for the State of Kentucky. K The Board of Comfnisioners is to nieet at Washington city in the course Sprinkle oiapieyeninftercopl)"i a.' grdu ndsvaii? the r are i coimnmi I v h left by iamilies!fter use, two or threa t limes in a weeK, anu .11 win not oniy 1 prevent jhmriea fron! Bugs of all kindl wiiicn usually injorevucuinqer pianis, but strengthen and in vigorate tjie vinej and ; cause it iof become exceedingly reached VVy toyv t whV re fa large resbyir terfan -assembly was JatteridlnffiJiVinelfl ffelast tlithekinglisieri pninl Henry Cb vv ift UingonEsq. UXt('i- to be-SecKjtarvfcif Jation Aa'iWUxi hyfnjp l ' 7 ' Q7': i iy wen inpuruitf the JNegro5es.--- sk'u anu 01 ne intoxication or tne ie-r i fruitful. .'2 Singular Ornament. Dr. Beattie groes, they attackedthem in an jopeai;, field, killed: S'mran(lriisnersed;th6, rest. Most of the: fugitives werta;- ken arid trtedjUil ui si luaurgvuiK were gut 10 upam vv ASj 4 ",.r- of next month. a physician to jGrreenwicb flospitat, Kng!and s said t wear, moyoied as a Jbr oac'i the, ball wliicb caused the death of Lord JNMson, in the battle Of Trafalgar. s rv m-' History .MessVs. Richardson and jidot B6ston,ihave lately. publisheiT a History of Massachusetts, from 1764, to July, -ir7t5, by Al den Brad ford, Secretary ot' (he CoinmNnwealtii. The work contains about 400' octavo! paxes, and is dedicated to the people uf Massachusetts. Every attempt of ! this kind should meet with the most .--.''. 1 II A 1 f : .11 1 spintea encouraemeni irom an parts or tne union, (oripe inceresi is gtner al, and not conSned to the individual state. No work jsiso much wanteds a well written afid authentic vHiatOiry of our country, i ,Of this ve have not yettthe presumpiiboVto beabt: ;-fi'he best was comiM'siwnately bestowed upon us by the pen o f a u I tal i aii , w U 1 cir thotigb an admiabe wqrkas his sou ri I ces of information were necessarily; Augustine, weye were clothed and paidthe sa!me:?ts Uie regu4 ffi lar. Spanish ' sold iers f $ tHi $V'i Hi Ta citqsaysarly f marriage toKefii I : ' us immoftalUs;thel proprit era piraf .af olyes to;Hyelwitliout woman who resdiyes to Ii vk Withonfc manarei enemies td tfo comlitt virhicbtheydwey unptmpY set ves,' destructive to the world, a no J- tates nature, a U heaven arid earth. :k(:, , K. .'i,;': ."! I ., . ;:-'V'-4.;l"rv-. - .-S A M fl Allv trnl cn.n- n.l lei k ' . .r 1 , r iwwi ii njui, rUjiut;iijiis a iner4 -t Whehwe reflect on"; t of ira- t ; provement' arid del ighr gained ; in that stnsle hrbiirV hdwdo theniulriiiid r i hoiir'aladyasH say; ; 9 what good; hasnifkedi us ft Wouldst 1 - iuuu kuvmv me iru worm oi time.m-' i . Tlie bill to amend theConstitution of tlie Sfaf of Oeorgi a , o. as' r. to Vest the election of Governor in the people rwas finally lost in the Sedfife of that j limited, must, iniuSany mstancel, be j State on,, the 4th inst; The, vote was, ( imperfect and erroneous; However," ayes 52 ; noes ly two thirds being; he deserves our warmest gratitude, as necessary to its passage. t j his work wilt be ofjthe greatestjnpor ) :; - jjtance to future ; rfistorian. ;I should James J. Wilson, Eq. -Postmaster ! ''therefore undergo, !at this period, the : '.at Trenton (n j) a metnber qf the : strictest examination as regardstie ! 1 1 ? .l'i v f ll A . . 1 1 . 1 . ' I ( tirPl v "i rrnhpil . in if hat nnnfpsii M I anldndiM : Un f(..Ari ln1 : -'.!. 'a ..r tt,l.l.:., i nous transactions andi' ' I . tV. ' v V v n- VjLi ' f'1,, i ' Ti if": . ' W t auuieiiuciiy ui u,c iciiyu ui ccvrai abroad, the Editors ! C0U?,,rT' U heuve rellect hat Greece , Senator of the United States, on Moni transactious. thatr it" incorrect, they Orieinal and selected m now ,s and. .compare jt. with what it : day lat. in a fit-of delirium, conceit-'Tmav ha avoided. !ad"fiut ;blindlvf foU , vas.inithf7zeiittbiir, herioO'-andlre-j ing his house to5 be: on' firei. threw jiim-1 Mmvekf- ' ' S I v a taste tor literary pur- , nown, unwards of.--' centunes t j -sett" init rS n two Uorv window, and hv :"! -, - v- l-:i vaC" " , the columns appropn. .1;;0? C;r, we look wtfi averted eyes, j (he fall broke both bis It-s abov thV of the present I f ,t f ""PV r.r .the? knees.aiid received other serjous inju- 'Uait- 'Mohuu5 Uutas ihe! public ineetrniMtCMlCttttaior.-: the A V. Ev. Post. fiends m that line; r-r " , : r "- ' J. Gales isdesirous that all accounts with un may be jdosed to , the end of 1822, ; as" oon as convenient. - - : T?ie Supreme Court opened its session on j last, .'An the Judges are pres'ent. -C . H,e Legislature :of thfs ' State ad larped stjie die on Tuesday last, ha vi ";iu session al nays, ic win i by the Capti6ns,rn'our first page. t there have been Dassed 45 bublic V? Private act?. Of theoWf uti-N 'J oi many of the Iatter olekriptrun, e 're not competent judge ;,-bu't re some public acU, whichVfor ;:ri!n.8m fiberalityi do. honorlto SslatprsV and: W more' i '''Shed neindinnri': cVi'iitK "ar,il nnr.l.' of t rue rc-at ness brave men sti ug-: ! gliu with -die storms of fate." Lord ,jyron, w.uie aposriopne ;io Greece, i ainbirgst t and ub- I : limy ' i maffe. -x r eaipu oy nis . prou nc i i lmliliL ha with a'prophetic spirit, aiT- j titrpa teU thee ttor ta.if . the. vf G recian ; Phalanijtu t hrb w.oft" the shackles of, the Ottoman pwer. ;r emake no a ' pofogy- for Quoting' it. " r x; . '-' - ; ' ni DO .. Al W 9m .. ... - . - - x nv wu"y "I imitation: ' - H act for;the rcli JcbtorVls this numbpi. : ; Jf.Ki.I.f wr ebts contracted after the 1st Hand who sThat mark" the fire" still sparkling' in each V CJC, . .: . ; . , ' , ..... Who voald: hut deem their , bosoms burnM i. '",anew-(f .' :". ' With tbyunuenched beam lost Liberty I ' 'And inan) dream, withal the hour is nigh : ' That gives them bact their fathers' heritage t For foreignvarms and aid they fo dl sigh, . Nor solelv'dare encounter hostile rage, .i . Or tear, tneir name( defiled from. Slavery's ' : riiduniful page; .-f - it f . , ' a rt. ii ' . ir: r r M vuiuvngF.- ugTu-ai; propu- enieapraCjUseuunMcu. ses a wager of five hundmi dollars,! a Bautist-issiouihr, d Cattle Showr which will l)be,!d er h.ts declared htbtself ajiUnttaiiahH -nai 1 1 in ore. in me yefiy ,i 014. arua- 1 an J lDII$.ia?aiB?M uitaaail prcos. itlilvi j :pu rpose'f freeJi ' ! ... -' - J '77 4M-: " Iii. ..i."-'"-.'2.. . . - ijy iue way, awaKeueupy Ian near: tiveBuIlock of v irginia,- of greater:ne'tH.T.tfi$w weight than any;that can oejexhtDitednh ascertain quarteri nu tiie Atioruey at;the. sapie tmte .-. and,: placed by any General7 vas apptaed tu, . to interpose ner, Eq.ihditdr of the American r ar-: enliiditened iawve;assureu;t1ie;--;-vf mer.y'-B.aJfirooife,.Aro6 thifthese days w this offer bev' -accefttedait "a'tiy tihie.'4 rc'iiiia ;;aupiibtei?4nd ettcbura&eti tVj previou one; Wr vis Among theadmirabtr axioms'bf Si Thomas Gverbury, there is one ! whiclf f -places kni honorsOn-ayeryonsplcua ' MCt ilia U, WOO na viewrji nt-an thingttbf trious aricfsto8 is; only good belQjdinto ;binv is ander; ' ti JV..fV '.(' 'v -ri sciouatiess'.of givingpleasure to otheraj , Th luxury; o f omondis iuot'tv ' r j . re as a; uiqsi ; i n nocent luxury tC hJb wltM fecJtions are suclVas make a man canaf next . Ddit Jose ented iyeterday by the Secretavof State to the President of ihelTniredr States.' as Envoy Extraordinary and MjnisterJnipottntra'ry trorii jexfejo. He wa aCeoninanitd bylColonel :Dbn4' Jose- Anastatio I oi i en, Secretary on hapiness.;:.:-5 : . ' :M 'l ' ' fe-l , V' " ... .. j. V.u- . ' Iii Halifax cbuntv;- onu the 11th iiif ' Elizabeth U. Whitaker, consort of Mr. Wil- uu a. v iii laser Otlconsumptionbn the :25th ult.1n the 42' ' '1 Major, ugri vaaaeii, and eldest dauglite? -v I ? of the lute Man AlfrA awik? te ?i 1 : Sii'v rd aid erest excited by the iujfe mgs of every ctirn to this diseaa. it .weitK whirfr those suffering 'H :v Wereborneby the deceasedli Of amUKi .Av t-'' r" K the exerciseof silomesUc - vutuea and Ker . w T blessjugj ofuleueredidcaigu. y Memqrkable JwcXcIn:?the ar. 1 64 on tiie :5 1 h of iJiceuibef, a boat on j tiieiM enai J croSaiiiiiid(t traj O :i4i-wuictt noinincr can sim. .ri.f. a J yf?:jHI MyiHort ctie'iQ :h, ulfc at ' resiaence in the i.iwh nf Hr' u. . MMWtaey " rtfiowart county.., .ifW ,..!;: -; . !Attheeatflf.CbUV Cbirles Cusbing, v j the firn oC Cunhino -1 K , xLinner.-TdVierc&antf:;WAhmr,V. :If : iAi,naries:ott. . Con i the 97lKlvr ; r a ,:r V- , - . 7 -v ' i -v '! ssr,.a about 60 vtarc'tho Hn.. T.u.- lJr.L 1 I if. j, 1! In j :. :i ! il, i A '. " : ;i1V -It: i !(! t: 9a 9 si h' Li It. i 9 il