1 f Thc Senate went into .5,wAsrdcrntioncfT to the:trrtorv of Akaniws sacli lirwta at fchaH consUtute the lits o f hey ten to be owned frohvaad territory; andoJ preventing settieinents. on the Linds of the, tJrrited Statea, or Indian lands, west of those limits ; and that said Committee have leave lb report Ijv hill rf otherwise. ; t : v The House then, on motion of Mr. vance? toolcwp the.- bill-, to Appropriate a certain qunntity of land to defray the chtu-ffe of lay ing out and makinp: road from thcmouth o. the Miami of T.Ve Erie tojh Connecl.cut l!irrve j which after a debate of consider bte lenh was ordered to be engrossed it trill b seen Ihnt the Sf ate Knjineer4 jn acconlaive-with tho views and Wishes of Ureif PronM theorist respfctabte Ui7.enft of that part of the question,! ami; retiin mended to the ..oariKthe mire fr IbmiefliatQ .hnrirnvVment; Executive busmess ; aftc$ lfciciVlaey Aouraed to Monday; liA.lt 4 TraefAfrv;i:i ?.. r on !ltr. Bodnf rnwrnnd snid,.. that jn-the war: Whfcb we wre now apnr 'again the Pi ' rite in the West-India seas," it wns proven Ho . 1 j ' fc tK0K?; tf gIVC sonic M.IHUHI1 i sa-rcn etace-lin . J -Our jrallaht tars, he were t likely to fcain.m such it , war. 1 the hnNrjtoev acquired in JUc JaicMr, and So ft'tonVas tKe roail ffjirn AhevH1e til spiii m posie wwioa - of if. t t r I nflievetl the a enttese nne is pm rn tire pro V4 coucHf -rim?, That the following -wnendment to the ' Constitmlfitfof th"c ;tTntoV tates,;be propocil to the Lefcsfatucs of jhe acveral Statos. u Ti'eh.' wh'en raied by the I.eisla- her 8tJte ot rparrtaere ran;,Iiev .- 1 as tl j irt but h tie o ti.nt.rn re gm. r.e tloub but :liatva araserijl ? tmnjVMie and rejd a third tne to-morrow; J V?v v v Mres of tkree-fourths of the several StatCM, j j WOiwvfor thc CiHinesi'pair.J sWll b i-arur.to all intents nd purposes, as h t:onnj Haa(L from Cumberland to ;Yheelinjj J ;c A bill from the Seiare, -apjmim iu.-j hit inn i ' s tvavrj tf y ;iirsanzea ? t wiVeat Uc-CotT ttsaXliM tHc, np.mttce on aval Affairs he Instructed to inquire into the ex- rdiencv of aNow'ng Wmt y to the oncers andcrews f the" pubrcfmed vessel of the United Flitch; d o Xit nwr.er oirtvts, j and crews of : the pri;Mterrr.ed ; vessel of j Yiart of tbelsaid ronstifut:onv: W r : No elector of President k "VJce-Presidentl ,shiJ be nomated or a,rointel hy'lh Pre 1 sident ciec't 'to any ofHce, appointment or place, wh: tso rver : t . .,, j I i was twice read and cotmttcd.v Tl ie resoiuticin .of Mr.Vrijjht, Taid 6n the .Wlh 20th lilt, insticting the.MiTitary: r tit.'.Dn the brem;rt. eel jiy .I'c' ;-v-; flva 1 u 'in t;ui) 'rltiuteOai IC 7 ' t.s'S '.When the liouse of ReniTsontativcs sliall table I? : ,haa 300 Atres of Pin, LuAT& 1 th . and vYessc coarse - -i . . , - p ; . JTr. A. Smyth, of aoflered ,thc ioIlorr injf joiof re?-uti6n''.:;. V ;v 'U':&t' '!foh bp the-. Smti'MjttnUe' of 'J?v twrnxZvefofths - Itoted Stiffrt- 'cJmHcdi' It ftau n vrished to inpVtheehcierry by pwvd- ' -inga st-midus of amrtber Viii,: If ether ' ibre asked leave. to 'bfTer the foEowing rct . llwr fnnnl. --'11 . - T li 1 1it.. 1.1 VAi'ply to J. Gale, i1, u., i hA -T t e Uirtted-Wares. or the r.oncr capMirrti i , .r . 7 ' Lr ' i - i"" "f prpviduiTpr arroirfK .?tne njiwy , wjui-nr Lhe. gtirtaWn-bj.t?! m'any pwtcn: oeen mn,mfr u.c ..: f : f ijlea, w coKsrdered'aBa-jireed .t.J Tl. MlHiWrn crrd bv.Mr. llocWv. ont Prs dento rei; who ahatt haTe ben a 1,, Hcser ;?1 tJ,e ktaje, of OhWajrrceabTe . . 1 . .i, i -'.c- -i 1 ' mcmorr ot the Senate at tlietime 01 m.v nT t . ..r(.. f n.v;v-iiCf.-;iv v mri'xo inquire iopedieney ial- j jhediorce, W was a limtl timcvreadA. and seik to th.el - '.vinir.a boumr to t.pubtc. aime2'Vc ms J ! Y XJ LSeite for" concurrfVnf e, y 4.. I private ankd rf-Ahc I. 5tntef, 1 1 ny f-e. appomtnivnt, or phce W b. TJieonsiderationthe unfinished bttsT, f , priicnera upturn' nntbe w taen hy f r T ie 7rJ,it,on wa Tcad wd orJer?d L 0f VcstWIavbeintttUe b;il ,rpyW nfor.'l f r--r ."' iratioti-and OTter some .rcmarKa by ir,.r . , . . .. . t vij 1 7i ; . .--- ' ' ' tortk tip ne bijl to ircorporHt'the-IJiwled 'rhr-'reovainder 'of the ilnv'a 9rttinsr was 1 1 The a.u-MdimMt, re,u.rtd hy the Com- J : t rmttee.Qu Naval AtiVrs were two t the one I Ii' IJW-jV. U . '.111:. 1:1V. "Hi'ij w 1 V 1 1 S - 1 he-billto iiprioxwTem. tar.aenii j 1. 0W-,rtbe Asw.imiciu so s that the OTiiwciiup.wi.rii.. . .v- ifeVctKft Ml.aH be hetl ;n AVasluhsrton Citv, 1 . Iness ofycsterclavbeingtUebill rpylinfor;; ; ; ; disciidimu theJliHUa of the JJnitedhStatQs, . v, J?SB.W imp(il wasVesuTocd; when 2 : labre frpm Itlie tlielU at-considerable length, cohel udniff 1 'ilvA'r -:rw..uL ,r:---i Jy a notion to strike out the first section 01 the bill. He wss folio wed by v .!';.' MesCrs. Chambers, Gannon, and.iViIham- j V 4 . 1 Johnson, ouy.w.WiireriK ni' instead of at tliif .difterent nvHttin-1ie x.ments in -acldijiDO-.ip '55yr.fr o,r vji n,; section, reserving- tp Coiv 4ftV! --Van,IJiir.ni .r.d tliet pM the ataer.ll J , a aiscretionarv-ipower to repeal the J v ;;." , trere orUeml to b?,pxni.teV artd ilic-bdl post--j f Ji,., : ! J , ' i hi) Upon to !o-.dv mL-.. lv?;J The imi 'further attiendeVi;' on nVo-ion Taylor, .w..,rst Io,-a?etTeotk6f .Mn ItfitcbelU in one' or twoTartieuiaw, 4 1-' trhicb he yeWW w;c potioe-.tri inHxliee. the pr;ncJFVd of which wa. to i:ivt tht- p-r7 ! j , t4 v 8 rcsp!tition propiKVn awep-lment t the . j S0()J j-rty to be bel l hv. hf Aswi.-dion 1 '; Conotitiitioa ofl d.iuteit Kttte . .MrT. ; to tjieVaWoftwo hundred ?V.o-isind dollars. ! j V . -': . prefaced (ha mrion with a few renvrks. Mc , j 11ic -ite cov.-red wide Rt omid. ' . ' wtrrrted cVmstn w totr- on mouon of Mr. V'iPhros, rt N. C.-the fit the former amendment f the ConMittttiot in v ' 'a i;.,Vw .in thr rmVstn - ... f f . - Char ltorrVCvihey ilieiNiCi' sorgho advocated the bill ; iind Messrs. . prK NahvlMcl?ejrt.t ' f:t? f Vt.Woodcock and Floyd, m oppof Hfaird to thtewaVelierpyetly sitioft'to it. - r : 5 fi i:.tL..ijA jit.f ami ajjrrcauiq iputi v mi iiaiismuii ir( ohc (xtreneiiiFtfie , xvs MK.jiiio iqi .iryu ictimc wrsu-sj warihfthe viter;ofithrriart.tle welll k ipjtyf that pecnrrep0ijeinLpr tbe Oi'r,oti! Kiijaiitol 'irtjexaeri tin. ,? For' the.-Jat. five years, a fail ore on this rou te; p w i n jr. 1 0 : the-great bu I k1 . ..-.... . . . .... .. i ; 'Tdr. iWighr; from impressions of respect for the principle of the r-bi 9 jtivi believing , tlr.it. in sme titlier s'.ape, it would be; more i agreeable to t!ie House, move that.thc c'm-, mntee rise ami report progress, wnicn was asrefii to. Mrr oodcork then moved that' the :, bill be hddoii the table j which Was also agreed to. . ' : .-t-- 1 ! relation in .ih. eltiun of Pjf Tent .i bf or:n t lie-bill to be c:i -ivsscd fe PKnkntf the Vtd StneV V nk-h.it i':,.;, -A 'V vwas retoied that t pr;ensTmuv. ne 1 , The que?tioTswis not taken; when, on mo- ,' :tvftfr.t1 Rn ftr. I.w fhftcir i dirt 1 1' . ' . -i ' 4 -ft-'-" : . ' : lion, me iioiii;e.iii '0'KIti.N.'- he riejrant UitVmlshsr.-p tckef dnn the Liiicoliriteril ;Meci?ed in his (ioiiipr to airactattiriitinfi to tliisr- h wdch willturnivi mrm-irefor may yeaa HuiMeti iroujj-uie prouer Quarter. . y acres JN. A. T . , .. ' . : i lion, uxe iioiuciurouineti. . . f . k! f,i,.n.. Pm !.,in Hiu-kni tvmI . m . . . T - . . .... . .. i: , -. .jr: . A i hi . . . v. - i . I . i : . . l . . I . .. J r i. - i, waa intended Ui ctircaiwi said W-t it nai jl : 1 1... 1? V Wj; v '7 m1 ; " '-1 1 lUl jr,.v ye-'Teni.iy mm niji 111 V been foreseen'" tlMVthc. evil coukUm b.Vur i iJ, JCiSn 1 Av 'fflfart v; .?ays ; froifi? Ha r, which idice il ! in:afTcreMJbrm:t:;erem;d ; ;; been exteiic edio rnett it. , r. T. d-lil-J i' ; ln,; . vv.-h.v.l rv,,! P ., i, n,;,,rB tn rI T ; - ; edRnvuiionflness '.nrvc-inurg-tntRetjon- ""-:w,V-' r7 ui r.1'1 -A. , . ; , ' ; : j ' f - - ; ' provtmsr.1. fr tho ,fw ..hn.i!,I;.nte IJ .'.Ptl2 .CT" ?y I'SHcnUsltt xrt ' r-. ' lli 4hn pp-.r I MtMnj, F.mtotii: : V -;f: .). 5tiroiiM.be eoAtmliM Mn.i! 'i'Vr iKj i:fv:.rito,Io,,tl,erwTSoC, .,;l. be. hn.v?.A.tWh Jn-. ' ; f f roHvd ercrj; tUnc MKV. iM , .', . i.ifh.?l"l,b ' f S .A r" ' "'1 " iV. nan every Li week theihler in- , WTff g?pjaV Sorrel d?a?f hisVhihdfeetji'nJhS ;tiief:CUls; hnWeer?! l r--n : nnuirr,12.-v 4.. ;... of t!e inail," has been productive ofthe i ti e v i t abl e.t c o 1 1 ei ueuce'of jl e t a i hi n a portion - oi, . iiet prtcKei tor roar ami 1 1 1 ; i s n e e ! lesi: to a Id r t h a t s u c'i ..'.t:ihs:3 fiiit vnbato hi?': I bone hhHE Subscriber oflrs for sale th. fii ie-PCANTATIONon Whichhe resides Ht the nioutli of N w RivJL; vaw v, til VI1310T tOUMr i the sou conUinfng,J)u ctiniation, one thou, acres 500 of which are cleared SlBlv... der ood fence ; eual in sil general, ?0 vuc- us. iiui.uiu 1 i.i2 seal) nrcl wu I Mlltl Ufll tAiIMt Kf .ttr' .....! : X I nibck the whole covered, more or W' j 1 wiu scus. inc 51 nuuiti oecmj)jsicion of I i a 1 1 ' : . - ' j are ot iigjrn ana quicK. sou, hiu would pros ;d 1 e t.v b irrel.s of , cuirn to'thg t'lhusaul tinn- ue.; oai.nce loiertiy. 'weli im. Dfrea wnu pine, j ns.improvementiare eq'ttl, if not suprio V to any in t iecdnn-2 U cons!.in off a lwo siorv Drellin? House, iiewly repaired ; Kitchen, S-uokc. ; Mouse, Uarn, &:aolef .'andnill other oat ! boost s usual on a large p!aniatnn.It$ j sitUHtion is open to th . sea, drf and heil" i thy. find. possessing every advantage and convenience tor liiiung, oysterioj, m tovhnsj; una is an exctlknt btanj w a . store. 1 stnui .n. 111c titbci rc 01 ir ni" oittvxri.ni i- ........ - . f- ' ' eiV-. fc.M CVrt :Ajthcrc.?. 9 pectin of ' Poi. di, ectly oppose !hc aborc, . nf 'S&Se S .ijllt W IIH'l. . &.Tt O&,. .under. g .U,,. ( I , 1.. 'a nR.t w.-Veq,! N'-Ki.!f, eSnMilifrrca i! Ste- t!l luce .. UVV,.Y-I f. i Ttnnfcs.ec, to inteweit tb5wtem' e tl,e. H hamocn.he rner- prvr.etyt thiit mi .ppropr.ation of HtleiitMtU ' - '7, r 1 v . -.V' v t ';'lL.'- 1 " V if r trhVie a Knoxville ? rheriw i benmmo-' n : bout onebiuidred acres cleared, of ureuj , cercneetis kecrhe no,i pd,aust,lM 'Ic I goofr s vif. atvl the buUnce.piny ' 'fid yojlprothfee inlt furrows and dilap.. iation, S J!-01- ferry, to . Charleston,- wequal.to the other, and affords aaexcee avlWdbj: ni?.it iftto the , u r-rlcctouki cruise m a pubte read. Vr.I "v V--P. 'Uirr;, ?:ct . " V.'Vr . " i I r-h.:V r.- c: u riHKr.. ( .,UT,n w J ... : ...,Ut' : "afr.-r hiWpi-imikf of kiW - rhn-rC;PP?n"ity or replying ia :r. vrener;nenj in m nc ct.i . -ci uiit:iii - wiore tj 1 W"" i'i; Also, tntt. ruAW lAliUiN cwo ibict 'terndtan tht?W he-lss at?,W. d .ThVnWt.Trte-ciiim cailertakll diV lhe MoU H frori tht; Courthouse of Oaslow coahty, .m wSc stae ior Charleston. op Uie w.st side bt the r.ver, conu,H 1 . t -11 111 niv''i i iu riii.iii 1 iiiiiiiirixnr v r Opniionii.or.wiiiliswere demoml rated ;tobe f.Ve. inail.i fiom Salisbnrv and Paleir-h I -&r5 line Ht Charloe; ami i -rTfw V.1' r' rcufo 5 ? ihe(TlJ,nJ Cd?t.e td:ir.lSV: he nulls Holvtl,eit. not lie back two or - VeVrtin- the Present Vthe United snV'beT dh ned to report iWlMZtf BPkT " ' ! f"f t"- .m their beinfc l uU& Zt d towvV.many; -ptektcd tf.e ehtUki Mf the Prcaklcnt bv tl.e . ' a'ndin?.tn .the Jt-oCP wrabe.: i, mid f '"ghutvi lu'jijj. o, f .aich. iropi 44 ss cause, .Kc rown.ioutof ( faoiaa of-Kcpresttr.tivcs. TMnkiuK sol,ejUlljr 3,ie wUhliV th"e yeurU., wiili te a: (Ire.ei.eps Jia'tP; pimf fated j,4ru' the VT- wrappers bein torn" off . 1-d sought to'provtde a rcmedvand there: t bVcntrof bJ)Ciitiire thmtjie ujuvi 'the' i.ufherlUU jf T:.esalvvhcr V rC asked Wehtrcxluce blollo . - ' i rcsolation'r ' . : v y wA ao. ja rtate1tM3.ro.Mhe unvimtof hoTuUnuu r j-ffoi vs "i t W em , '.V' .t"80 t,.8 te. packages nmr , j.ertcfreH cp im Zetuftc taiuiloiist feAri Al . i.t- . - ...... . f 1 tl.t nrc i rM . fjn.r f.t;(.( ' mails L'-ouip- u-f itwarrllv. fivnnfti.tK- lnV nn ln!nfCndr,entof thefc.mSf;ti.t?ort ofthe H P0 :?? 3 k?. 1 . United States be'proposed to the Legislatures of Ue several mes ; -v . t ; - 4f The elect ortv of a President and yiee President shall meet on the ly of neirt, preceding the' expiration of the time y.ntiire.. ch ire.Jihle rt-pectvye . -per:! ; revenue Irom ciisfomsSl r.4.t-- whichVill -prohabJj' aecrnc .Tirthe year ir.23; f , J and the portron t?K rtrV. liirlr cdl -probfrnly i be received in. the course of tliat'vear, siatin flfce averag-e amount wh'th ImsbV.ii rt ceiv- M ',: been aprwintl.: for aprefleit- ankli) s!ne .lnfh;s!.f ;Wemei of VrcPresk!cnt,:acccrn ConatififtiJ the 517 ; ; 'h'': for, W bcsleA ami certified by them j.cne rK ?I ',!5vh!?, ?:sr-le p.h : delivered sealed to' thesidtf atl1tlilh,; CC I t: : j ..v . .i. j.r. - -1 1 irainkt that fuml in 1823 and 1824 from ihiw ter.- to be opeped and examined by hhxi ; and , if it snail Ippcar. Uiat no person , ha received , the . votes of a ".majority of die electors -ap ' riointed, the President of the" United States rK ahall fcrthwnih, by proclamation, ami also.byj I j i : , rrotifications to the Executives of e'ach state,! s V ' ' V publish 4 the number of votes gimpii to each ii person as rreswem, wnereupon me sjua eiec 1 . r, k " tors shall acraiu meet on Hie - V daV of- i 'fii -f jirxx succeeding nr nm niccno, mna rote ?! -; For one of the two ftericnsiAs President, who . aliallhave received, at: their firt'lcneetrnf:, :-.-' the rreateat ntimbeTo votes for thatrbffice ; fi'-J r "5r,:if U should .happen , that more - persons ; 'k j: than two alibiild hare, receive the; jrreatest ).' 1 number, and also an equal number of votes, I i.V ; of preceding years by whieh he proposes in his annual repon of the 22d oMJeccniber, l&22, to charge the'"estimated;uaexpeiided balances of 1823 and 1824 upon the revenues oi io. . : v:; - . -v--' ' By the Rules of tht? IlouseJ tliis resolve, lies one day, of coursei frit ith'leratimi,;''. The Housertherr proceetled to the cohsld eration of the;uafinlshed.btUiues of yesterday th e. bi U to i ncor porate : the . rlVatcrcal Association;? when ,::. " V :k . Mr. McLane, of Defajrreeahly to the iati-j .mation he irave yestenlav, delrfered; at cori-1 SIQCTSUHC tit:nj;iu,i:ia rn)vs ui larur wl Xlie Olll, and, ways succeeded by the following- gentlci men : a rcou t t f I h i e ve u tK v h e i of the ht 'hest Inipoi lancc lo tli!cause of the i ; ANKFO ItT,' KOV. I S. Y 11 v- a vessel u hcli at nretl at 0le.asa very circuitous route before they petto Ashe- :n.. . .1 .l. . . ' i .i '. : - - . . vine ; Hiiu w-aen receiveu uicre, so gTear is the weight, that it is almost imposble forl t!ieni to get on regularly. v I am told the rider from AKhevillerwe.stward, is compelled to have a le horse packed with the mails, h!-s bairs ivintraiirht across the horse, from wav . . . . produce 200 1 barrels of corn ; part ot wliich i)T the first quality of tivrUnd, has nrodiiced ien barrels of corn to the acre, anl is under good fence and 'diicft. j v All or either of the above pUeeYwalJ j 1. be. iold a bargain, and on the most acwi- nno.l.itinj terms. Persona desirous to pof chase, are invited to caU.and devtie nrernises.; '-' . ' r of -. f WILLI AM. Lf HILL 1 W ' ... . t . on .nip .ism wcr. iroin AJiusianrinonie. ii we liriiHisai the a orKtsn ueet, wiiicii J ihe rnails mtfst be roUchfinjure4r4Vx; I u if erc,tio .severely -tn tha 3iorea, hatfifNAs-UiKij'oiite would go by the Warm , filially -'anchoied in the Dardati the said electors shall vote for bneof -them a President. -The said cleetoraliall .trans 'rpit one of the lists to be made at -thir first ji)ertin, and ali that to' bo rnade'at their aeephtf sliould it takeplace, to be procced ' ed upon as '.the Constitirdon has prescribeiL except. -that', thel' person liayin the greatest J Ttumbcr of votes at .the second megtlng of j the said electors shall be the Prewdenti But! jf two or more perions' shall have received! "j j the greatest, and. an equal number of,; Votes J vlat the second meeting of said electoral the , ; House of Representatives shall chose one of i j , . them for President 10 the mode prescribed by i ) . , . The leave was granted, and . ) was read and passed. to a second f U The bill from the other Housed : J ; - the present mode of supplving the army, rea5 ana fonimittei .f vis taktAup iivcomm'rttee o'f the whole; re-' S011?" TV ported witlioutamondmepL' and ordered to oJ.vc?i ?hf itr. Williams; of c;8gainst the biU. . Mr.;Pofwrd, agamstitv.);- Mr- IHigglevjiftetfii few remarks, offered an amendmeiit, which was agreed to-5$ to Mr,Wood then spoke against iV; followed by , ;. ;r;:K"- : ; c Mr. Hemphill, likewise opposed to it3 'h : I Mr: Puller in reply toits oppbnehtsA "TheY question : recurring v on theiengrpss mcnt of the bill for a thinl: reading, it was decided in the negative, 92 to 69, : : V i" -' ' - . , ' '-SlT'S .- 1 e. ; feBCJUDAT. 9. ' . Mr. Tod; from the Committee on MahufaC eHes" Its t lisastrbu s jco nd i t inn had 8p ead dismay throughout the whole. city. lTheojin; - Chronicle of the 15th KovvslatesJIiati Ihe KUisl was serious y tti(pyaed tvith .ihegoutt ll.rjgh- 4 W .liie, re'iiorys eon trad i cted 4n tjie; TO - -; ". r Mi i . - v.- - ,: THK BKGlSTEn. eavp. to asar tH republication in our-rtpai pVEiofillowinette vv.uioii ;.Tiiicjuuc; appearance. 1 p tbe: AVekern Cariiil nia i of the. til t is one general : impf rtncetd' tle ci t i z.e ti a of - SouthrCatiiiia , O e b ral a i nrojett stage i;froini , Salist-rY) vjr;;Aahiertl 1 c Uy fe wporfj-in Fen nessee; 4 u f note np mie ahihaonlr jnMtacfeta he accorh pi ish m e ni jofjku obj ec t so ti esi ' uic ia(; ui:, uie ; roau .;-irp pi Asheville tathe Tennessee line- uThii dificofrjr, jt aflbrds me pleasafeto JprotMeneDMliatrbaU and. Qiirv. jjujroru uj passengers xFoin inesicKiy couu-; tiy!rt;ti.soklynoiithsf Inthe vmimmcr? Thrsline wpiild be an adyai itage t the Post Office Djepajrjment, and a'great coifyeftierice' to SoutH:UaVqliiia;' this en4 of ths tate and le ri niesse 6.1 anil .caused the' communicatiou from tiie ,west ta be more dhl to every I part of thU-iatate. ? -:r j v If this; line 'were, established TnanVUittle j routes tiught be dispepsfd wlth if they were: oidv.to strike this1 liViip. ; m'ir.h'tnriii.v' utmiII be saved in: small mail-rjoutes. . "Vf i hay sS w rhrctentafhimrKieiw sayjt Vould bepat3i4Hrc&nit niHinonf ki'nM . :-11 l- ' . . 'ZW-rv.""- f4iiiuxoe-n oDjeci viev theporse c'oiitiA.cta'onlieslxtent'.of thjJinedS fle:more'w jfc?fipnwne?tmieXroutes ShtertenedofsJtlH Viceableho the state. Irlioibe Voiflnr vrvir Jan. 11.; .If 4t-olm 4t V IPiUDAY, JANUAUV ir, ;1833. nn. fallnur.r Jii.cnstbt II r iClllltiU uui iviii"' Monday ne?t is the day tired by Ja for the ensuinjr vear: and,as ootou tire good order of our little coro.winj tv, Jut its good health in - rAnbii r:i . p nree. OH H'V " , nief the"ertfzeni m ? ffWp : IJCsisterertm ;r r- t: J a situatiort bjahealthyW of s V TheyilUindrrtake to give totheir pupils a complete Enhsh; Education; JmingaU 1 i fferen t ward $ vvil llROt be iaM y; mis umi now.sitiingnas app'r,- best academies: tdire th pi- tiritWtAi it Zm!"& TOntihgv audaiuslcfl Cf Prturther particuhrs.itnjrHthi.Hitr. tL .v.u, wIWicir cnaracters and talents, ap plication (. paiciyxy: be, rnadeto kaicl Courtier the:Act Session; eattWRUH n " fc 1 in Uith' 'secof an :act l$i8, suppleinefital:to an actc -v . theprefecurl, f act passeu n. 10 t r p.- aatconcerninSthep !Mr,liwknrop?eM Reports of the present term rw ; Press before he leaves tbej Gentlemen of the Barmiexpcc ef tti bubltshed in a ftr the adiournment of the, tourt.-, , y (MtjuittatM that iotb t.ihin ronnrr. were depof": lk, 41i Pn.f.k.fiice f Wllming100 - .....ick- fleceinbir last, which, b.vr , i.r val'- acfitisiion. " ' -:tt- . .- :-ntr fram FTU0: c-rti :ul- u .ence to thA Jletrt'mf ho'nA; IV HF atbird teadiinj. j

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