; '.- u 'Aa; -v 'V.-r- -y '' ' '1.1- - Oartare the Bani of alT.dillfihtfn Uwwarp'd by prtr ragr Hk Brtkr. Pithlifihed fry requrxt. , jar.PTC AL COMMUNTOATIOK. f,0!t THE VaTIOVAL IKTELLIGFFP.; T hae n1wjvs toiJhf it a reep . aprirfec tn Hrrvf r a rrain method rf cnrn, evr n the UrMet diasf f fMn to sccumnlate th !art Tnrt.unend who ever compass tbe f rmer. J ftprr. not crv happier, but wiser and Setter too." Syjjfnham. ' ' ' . There a iR- T,ib'. tf s;xtf, ii;tinn or Mdirai Corr"'on cr varni!v PHyicin,? treating, in a. rlear ami Vconeise man ner, of the iipa?p of- the- Trnifed phtes, ivith thir names, svmptnm, causes, cure,, regimen and mean of T-rpventinn : comrrnn caesMrt ur?- rr, 88 fractures, dioratinns, :c.' the tranajrrmpnt and diseases of women ami children, with a 'Jirpnator. for preparing family medifine jind a glos sary explai"njr technical terms. To vhich are added n !rir Anatmv and "p!iT!o!o?v 'of the humnn bodv.'lisplav jrc its mechanism, and the laws thaf joTrp itt economy, and clearly point in"' out, on rational principles, the c!oe!and cure of dieaes:An Ks faT on Hvciene, orthe art of preserv ing 1 ealh, shewing: that. bv the non ujtural?. air, foml, exercise, sleep, e T3coation, and paions, the most feeMe frames, ivithout the aid of me dicine, may attain both pleasurable . lif an great aje : , v An American , Materia Medic.a, "point Inpout thrse precious simples wherewith God has graciously stored our meadows, fit'h's and wrods, for the heainfi; of our diseases, and rendering us happily inde pendent of foreign incdif'nes, which, thor.ch sometimes hard to be phrained, are frequently adulterated and always cpsth : AUo;-the; Kures Guide, des cri' ir'tr the qualif cations and detallinc the duties of a nurse, and teaching the mode cf preparing the various articles of diet, suita le-for the sick. The whole forming a crnplete guide to health, both of mihd aftdhndy. , The Medical Companion; in i's corhpa ratively unfinished form, ws ponored with the cmn,enJati' i s " niunv med; , characters, placed hv univerial snfrape at the tirad of the healinc art in the Unit ed States ; and also bv th sale tf fv larr.e editir-ns, with a. rapidly increasing dcirand for the sixth ; yet the author,' sensible that it mi?;ht be rendered still j jrote complete, and bett r calculated for j geneial utility, has devoted much of his un-e ana aneniion .in maK'n niuirnvf- . . , ,". . . .- 1 ir.cr.ts : and has' in tlvs txth edition in- ; j ..... ? . trodnred near thrre. hundred pages of new nd intereting matter, which cannot fail greatly to enhance its value. - ' Ir. the present, state of "the science of medicine, daily improving by experience, and adding rapidly to thenumher ofvalu .aMe remedies, he felt it incumbent on him toerlaree considerably 'on the disease' prtraiiv, as well as to make oth.er-ad.ui-tirns, which a work of tl is nature requir ed, in crder to its increased usefulness. In a familiar style he ha pointed out s ti e modiit operandi of the different reme dies; given the prognostics of diseases ; rrt ccd more particubtrly the circumstan ces whence the disorders originate, for. the purpose of guarding against their oc currence; distinguished those cases which. I . jtMr" reacily to simple means, from those, lich require the regular 'atteriuaixe of a nrrdira practitioner"; and detailed the trrar.s of checking or retarding the pi.o- gu :srf such cases. .. . . On the management and. diseases of "women he has, with the aid of the,-most popular authors, on the subject, given a ccacription of the complaints to which Uiey are liable, with instructions for their treatment, plain enough to be understood r tK j i. . z. ; ,i ..cuufA5, or cne patienu., inem-1 :eive9; and hich hesmcerely hopes will, IB a measure. Prevent a fnrther sarnfire f precious lives,' by- the .misconduct of unskilled mid-wives. CTo' all whicli has been added a general sketch of thedisea f infants and childhood. ' V ith a view of correcting the gross er roTsof the attendants op the sick, which is certainly of va t importance to. roan , kiid, there is introduced the Nuiaes J'J'cle ; and by this treatise it i& to be ped one. unitorm method will be attain ctJ. and that ignorance will no longer be a 'tlaakforoomsions.. Desirous that nothing .hou!d be omit "o, which in the least would add to the erf'"? f thc Wblt beliaa greatly improv a the Dispensatory, which is now ar- '-"Sea m a manner that will not in the. 3. perplex the reader ; , ha yred to render each formula wn as concise and clear. talremarL-B .,...,u -i. . . ? He .::: " " f ttMi vCbmpiredithn Eufopean Booksbf so tha Tin w,se a detailed Indexj J ' the same nature; it'has, especially iu re-" maJ tl ? hl,c"fc0A diiease lhe readerlativm to the ti-eatment of the tliseaiei of the bulk'of thevclme might, of the Ujnstration tinder-the Head of Hy cienr; bei: O'tfte irnporta'rice compared to tf. matter now introduced. . . 'It is not to one' description of persons alonev that; te- Medjcat rrmn'anion-wiU prove beneficisTJhut to every class of so ciety.. ToJthe student whose theoretical lcnowled ha9 pnly pre pa, rid him to corri ' nienre the nrr'uQus duties of his profes son, it, cannot he otherwise than exceed- 1 iojly useful ; for it will not . he, denied, ithat the rposi Experienced practitioner -'occasionally feels the want of a en id ? in ' Ids practire. it 5s worthy to be noticed, when the first edition of, this worfc was presented tothe:ubljc..Prvfessbr Barton with his usual liberality and philanthroi PV, enjoined upon Ti:s pupils to prnhuref a -copy ot it otore they entered , upon Mhe dnties of their profession, obserfine at the .same time that'.he himself had profiVed ;j hv it in pi.iCtic.e, refreshing his memory of what he had read in more voluminous i works.. - j I - ' ii To every family, more esnecially thse i inremote situations, t?e pocie-son of this book must be of tncateulab'e value ; for, .Conducted by such a! guide, it will not be presumpuicius to,sav, that nv person of j tolerable capacity -trd reasonable atten ; tion, mav be oa'ified. to practice wirh safety and advantaere ;n the rases of -rlisf ease most incidental .to on cl'rrate. Vfa- ov famiTes are,?:ioratn ever, of the mode to prepare the various articles of diet suitah'e for the s;rk. and with such the 1 ! i Nurse's Guide, as a family assistant, must I j be a va'u hi- acquisttHn . . i fo difBise medical 'knowledge, is the 1 I mwji ui uu-ti mime oi cuccKing xtne ca- ; 'i in t mi'ii iim ; u-,'eing evKient, f quacks are nitrttircd and .sustained exclu- j stvely by the-prejudice of mankind in! U thrir favor, arming from thir inabdi'v to i jjurle rightlv of their mrrrt." A popular 1 j medical education is aNo. highly impor J tant; on the on; h n 1 preventmr nnne- i cessarv apprehensions, resnectinr svmn- toms no means dangerous ; and on the other hand, giving the alarm, where de lav might prove fatal. And Aaiir, there are sigHtions in whirh a Ihrle meiical knowltdre may be of emeriti,! service to ... . , j .. f , i the coirtfoi t, of even lffe- of the patient, f Kr .1 ' . . ' . "tmrt irmar assistance, could oe pro- ! Cured. ; . The well established cl a racier of the Medical .Companion ridrntly proves, that, h.td proposals been issued for phb- edition of he- work as' f as nreUl K;t uviune, uy. : juvscnptioiu sus improved spring by manv inPuential friends' parti cularly 'MrTtibers of Cor.gr ess, who pro mised their cofdjal support in the differ ent sections of our country, innumerable i subscribers would have been obtained bv this time. But in coneience of the fre qnent;impositions practised utwn the' 15!e- J ral part of . the . community, in oKta;ning ),.,. ,if ... f , . snlscr!itionsiX'ftre pnblica".,n. for hots , ... i - ' . . of little r no value, and Neivg fnJy con I vmced of the importa: e of ie additional matter now ititrod-ce w'odd, n,,on 'he slightest exanvnktTC v. m oi'vioua as to induce thrse who i;r rri r,f.th I former editions, also.' o bee me'purriia- I oal do an of humanity in giving the vfrfm, nca.JCJFc&'akscmblcdM? r si rs.i it 'was-thought mo t -ad Sable not to j ja'oye an insertion in t!u:(r respective na-3,e:$ttftj 0f two iimdred and sixty-ifive icsll t.;e attention ;-f the public to the im- irsV 'Wr'- ... ' ' ' . .' . tJipusind .one.hundred and fo ptwementsnntil'thc wo U was po.hli lud. -And tow, with eirire co "fd-er.ce in its , merits, w ich is c'crrobra'd by nume. rous tesfimonialsf piefi ed to theVwork, from some of the most istiueuijhed phy- MC'ans in tne United ht-te i ts rcsrject- : r.'iiladelfih a. Dec. 51, 1 SO?. ' Dear Sir : T have crefnllv: infused your work," 7V Medical Coyhtianion" j and take' much pleasure in expi essinX my entire apprbba'ion of jherdan, and of the j utility ' with whiclv you have conducted j i your inbuiries. Your book cannot Tail to .'be a vu y aceeptablevYeseut to tlie public " F-"i "u epcciaiiKiu uuruwii coun- T . 1 j n.- . - J trymen. I really am of opinion, that vou are e -titled to owch praise for, the pains j which you have taken in ffurntshing qs with a work, 'the want af ,which has -long j been extieTiencedamong osivr B. S. BARTON, M. D.. ; Prnfptcnr rf X u tori'j VI oAr ' . Natural History, and Botany. ' . Dr. James Ew;ell. ' . - V ! t 1 PMaJeffihiaiJfug 13. 1816- ' Dear Sir J -1 have looked? over,'' with' some care, the copy of the- 'Flurd Edition . of the Medical C'owflTHow.'whTCli .-ypii j did me thf ivour to present tor me. j . v By tlie additions and revisions given to f thin new impression of the work, lt'is not i only enlarged, but exceedingly improved. quninted. v;,. ' ,Q C01 decided superi. ii trust .fullv submitted to the p'I)1t for their ge- 1 ' nc tue.suo.jecr or iiye. . Approved Jan. .ni-oiis-i.atrnnfl. .. ; . ! i Stock, respectfully report to this Society, . , , - irU''- I How far the wife's f t'.e auihor iive :h-at on f hursdaythe ?4th-ult. they at- U An act to repeal iart 'of an been accomplished, i-. ro tribofine, his : n,,5u o...f...Mn v i.,rxo,um,c.n oi v , the f State- ot -Maryland,.:-. ;mi-e to the cause of h'tt-namtv. the reader ,Slock; r-es , themselves higiily i784. and rKiwti force in - islef n ;, !.m fr;...' .r,.iin'w;nn. i-.(i;,U'!f .herl with the size and. good appear- 1,"- s ,r ,WP ntHtrir't- of KC; : that the success of this literary lritliiclL i.,,v thiiinmantfei-'Bviihe Heri ComIv; H trar the second geueratiou ot Uaited4; generous and Benevolent disposition. With crreat respect, I am, dear sir; yours. Sec. N. CfJAPMAK M.-D. Professor of the Institutes 8c Practice bf Medicine and'Clinical Practic i in thetJni-ersity nf iMuisylvania;:! - '--v tidltintoreNov. s 1822 'Dear Sir: I have been truly gratified in the perusal of theSix'h Edition of your 'Medical Companion, 'or. Family PhysU rtan. The -improvements made in ' this hew impression of your, wrrk, compared with the former editions, are indeed extensive and important. ; Independent of your ha v ine enlarged ronsiderab'.y on diseases gen erally, you have introduced additional matter, which greatly enhances its value; . The introduction of t-e Nursv's Gu dt , as also the- treatise you have given on the management of fetnale complamts, will i hiive the most happy efvets ;n correctmg th"? pross trfors daily committed by igoo- raot persons and thereby save many va i lilable livs. :' :'A :. -. '.'' i T do not hesitat to say; that this , new i edition of your vMe '?c d Companion is de- fjdedly the best popular treatise on Me dicine thaC.hts'e.ve.r been published ; and useil gukie for heads of families, as. well a for voung practitioners of medicine, I take much pleasure in recommending it to the attention of our fellow citizensi both in town and country I WH orlv add, if your book meets with that encfMiragemenf to which it is justly .'entitled, you will very soon be called up- on, by the public, fir another edition, I nm", dear sir, with much icspect, your friend and eervHnt . , CGIJN MACKENZIE, M. D. Dr. James Ewell. . 'i Baltimore, 1 8 th'.Yo v. 1822. Dffar Sirr.'Vhcn the Medical Comia- ' 'anion was first published, 1 ..considered it , ered it , greatly superior to every work ot that character I had read. I have noV read j the sixth edition, and am much gratified in having it in my power to s:iy, that in N this edit top you have so enhanced the.va- - .hie -of the iwork as to claim my uriijuali-: ficd approbatl-m. ' . Dr. Kosh, d-tnng mv vesider.te in .j tus , honsei often )kc of his toteutioji-to pub- ' i ' lish a Medical Wcs k. frr tiiC live of fHiui- lies, adapt cd to th climate of t hr United Siates.v. As he reserved it' for the last ct Hof his labors, for the benefit '.of : inankind, (unhappily he did: not live to accomplish I his design. I.) the work now --presented to the public, yo'.i have tulhiled the patri joticntentic.ns of the great and good Rush, j to the u'most extent, ar.d I Sincert ly hope .your re ward may be as it deserves, ample. I am. dear sir, very truly, yours',:. I ASHTOV ALEXANDER. M D. - Dr. Jajiks Evtell. As. the -lisj-rmir.atiou of the . -'Medical !omPnion " ' with a publi, fpwsPaiie,'slni' Companion in uuauestionaoiv ne nitenfi-: i " ) 9 m "' .-2 f c benefit, t!ie Editors pf rotigho.it tlie United States t IVashirigion, Jan. 3, J823. , From the JVeateni CaroKniiin. Raw AN AGRICULTURAL' .SOCIETY. A tance generally of the. animals brought forward. I rv.s exhibitionj although but the effort- of an infant society, plainly stvjys the great utility atid importance of SxicH institutions, and does much credit (to the zeal of its membersT -'This com - mittee rrport, that pf the stock'produced Samuel Jones had the best bull calf, Win, llf Wiid the best heifer calf, John Baird, jr.Hhe best boar pig anU Samuel Jopes the best sow pig ; and that they, a ward to the owners of tliese animala the premi ums established thereupon by this socie ty; -Tue committee further report . that Mrs. Kelly-exhibited a very fine and large yoke of oxen ;'.Michael Brawn an elegant, high blooded i horse colt ; : Dr. Ferrand tne best mare colt (by the imported horse Eagle) ; this is an anim d of great pro- mise ; and John Beard jr. the best breed ing sow. The committee recommend to tliis society ,v to awardtci the owneiS of these, last .mentioned ahimalshmibrary preniiums doe toTilfeir spirit . and enter prise. :- -'--' ";fc : . - , i J CWlLLlA.HvJvV AHD . ':'.. ' OH3ATlDJn1;; A -The committee1 on the subject of Do mestic Mknufactures,' beg leave to report Ho .this SHCtetv; ti at. thev attended the exhibit ion ot Domest tci - Manttft ctures on,' 1 Uie day and at the. plat e fixed upon-, by t hi! Society, Thei Aecttti hiittee areat "" a lossvfdr language; to express: thegriiiin cation f they felt f at tbir, eXhiDitiorir I We vvu iiui out ua iiiuuil lutikLk i lui - mv ittee; stab(?that Krs:,Kell exhihjrelf the . besrbiece of! fineimixed kh.omesptl. and the best'' homemade gTOghallsvM Kelly.also. produced three . eiegant coun terpanes,' of beaQtifol texthrgj and very ingenious workjm4nht vThis l-jdy jitgfv 1 deserves tlie thanks of this society fo? the-other numercjuV arid excellent speci mens she producefd . , - v; : s ; Mr. Steele showed us the bet piiecc: of home made flannel ; aiso two of -th best-pieces of dimiiy -: v ,.; jVfss. Roger b'rpught2-foy'ifine cured counterbaae, :wpoug!u itKvmdcH I taste and ingenuU'f; alsp acoveriid which comasittee. v A',Z i ,l " Mrs.1 Ferrahd exhibited the bst. pjec of home made carpeting ; that has yer been seerrb y a rtyj jbf t he f m c m be rs of , t h is committee.' ft' :.' "l J :t': ".''V- C:w'. Mrs; Wmi Howard produced the best piece-of woollen icloth. Thtpecimen does much credit o the : taste xf this lady. M iss Curininghlara." the ; best specimen of pun cotton. ; .: -1- "':-- - - 'Wi ; Mvs. Locke the finest and best pair of stockinets. Tne committee. besfdesvre- 1 commending, to te society to award to j those ladies such premiums as tne society :rralue and 'imponce, to themselveCand fully suggest ; a'-'yote of thanks fronorrthja : i. - society, "'to the ladies' who attencfed, the-;- .exhibition, and "ttio; deemed! otae, so f I deep au interest, in the prosperity of the j :'. ; I' j SAML. JONES; V , r VV Ad. MOOUE t- Laws of the United States. An aCt concerning the apportionment" of i Kepreseiuauvesin tltic oiae .ox vxiaoa- j Uia. . - r. ., p j Bel?? enacted by tne of Rcfircuentativw of jhe United ' States J of America in Loiig'ii.nassemblca,, I hat j from i and ufter tjie third day of jVlarcH, oae thousand eight hundred and iwenty- three, the State of .Alabama yiuall, h.iyt three members i the" House of Rpre st ntatives, in theCogress of the 4-Tnited States, it appearfag, ! from the returns otJ the Marsiiaj orAtaDama, aepqsuea in tne office of the Secretary of State of tOvU nittd Sfates, that; he paid State of Alaba ma. at the parage pfi the' act,r enmle3 44 An act for the apportion ment of ReorV;-. seuatives among jthe several Spates, at- cording o the .fourth CiensU!r,', apr.ye":i.H March seventh, oke thousand eight hui dred and twenty-wo; was euti led to. the number of threej Hepresehtatives, ac cording to the population of the said Statty and the ratio established by the eaid actf ' . Aprovtd Jii 14, 1823. ; Ad act making 4 panial appropHati'n tor the Support of Government for the year one thousand;, eight .--hundred and v twentythree. ': -. j - ' :; '. ; '--); Be it enacted by the Senate and Mouse pf jie.reserttativtis'bf -the Uvi'ed States KeV fttid the same Jierebv is; aobroDriated for t he compensation granted by law' to the Senate and HI- use; of Representatives -and that the sahie j be paid out of any movie v In thc.Trekiurv not Othervrise &a- Diopriated. .1 -:! 'A.', :AA .A, . : - - s- - . : - A Approved Jar 14; io. act passed Dy in the- year Georgetown luinbia, , enlit led . 44 Aphca for an-'dditioii tj, Georgetown '"JnMt'mt?ner'cbuniy cf Refire&entatipe'f the United States of America, in Cokertss assembledAThki ! hq much of the, .tliird ''.seciionTof an accVbf the General Assaioiy .otyyie atate;of Maryland, entitled; An act for avaddir tion to Georgetown in Moni'gomery cpon- ty, as prohibits, the proprietors pt. the; lots fiontingj cv the j north Vsidotwatejr reet from ; sell ing or . erecting '.? buildog oft) the south . side I of said ialreetrj.on wharves ;made'brthe south side: of the afoyesaid streubej anti the saoie is;herf brepcale.': prietofs afpresatq Vshait-'bt'b'AW.pbwer' j to erect any'builfng.orf buildiu : tae south side . of. ato street, not 'authorized by an -ordinance; fofthe;; corporationof a6ec bejn thus iuU eorpratwn;Vtheii may seli ajiafdwpp eit her side: b the sajd$te tl wjt hptttraf ! f. cUosfcuie title tbitiiait pniihet oihervide asyjSydtiially Mfeyucpjuld havp done ;be. ?firt.thV hamp Qti-ther kfote.sa.iLl-' aCL of ApDroVean!-14;.13.p1-r; -i. P0ST UBLlSrlED ;!CJNiirtiiaSrit KviV2-:h: csV-V -ikr ::Tu 1 ' i r ? of Apur llordf lllbSf theIiepelitietJcje-ofm 1Aih rti t rl frn m a rl t h 0 f 1 1 i e I ma n e stahf 'It 'MdiMfirj iwal or?z j ?! tfV v aycment:wortlym ituejrrity or ine? ffeniiemaT wiir. ai.t tfic dieail of affairs of that ?tite;:.' We ample, lexbibitinc; the iadvaajen-; ! Jamm 1 .-4 h tv i-v . aWt uiAikol'vKAlf if liillil ,.' hf .itVi tnrv. ;ri ahT ;thm in t flsf Ahlishi 7 or:;ftwiyfiriii58 par ticu (ait rtotlcet!teilloWy;hi f;ft.;viU5lv , -t beyond feWr:theS tia: .main taui; -- ; ' -To secure to the-people the; enjoyinefnj- : ' civil and religious liberty -and tSir js1 -vv of civil ;-rights,;a: lcdvleab'f those '''rigbta, iOtheit: - Norhpuld this know.lpae be confined to at few jthe r more- univer&al -its tiifiusiou,. the,'V' f. '',u greater he security. .-It mayjustly he '""coti ,fAA sidered tfurjmde oftr texhiere; titryo iountain oi rorrannsmiciion, ,ior raiciiiSuu,. rriiv obtain such ' an '.'iedticatifin ! will ehahfe inni to" transact the. usital biismesi ' i tra i f of th e bfs theaa art tl jici tfi f s; tb! vn - 5" People : 6(Alaine vvhoVe nc Jpi iilfy it ; icai ii -i . It is, however, 00 ths general govern : meirt;that we ire jfHamlyldepen?fprpM5 v -r ' tectiorf aqd encouragement to corocnece audi .' -v- manu(ures.T.he;rekti $rmet A" . beingT particularly VconMpd to; CoigrV 4 the'NatiohlalVtohstt jectpf State legisTationV'Our eTteiJsic;oh-, ( ; nection iii navigution witl render every rnca :; surepfh'e.e'neraT.pveru fecf ihe -.poaimeraalrelatiopf the country A, inteTesting: to oiurtzeifa'ajfie vh'aa. al . f,'.." ready become the tWfdstat.e in the ijhi&'ihAt'A'A'' " show its annual increase ttv be- far jgreatef! than in f either of the pthet States; ' Our in- . ! dustrioua ( shipbuildcrs find cpnsUnt ernploy ' , raent, and bur .forests ensures us "n, abundant ; supply of, nvttnalsforthcfr jtiae; as well )tf -an impo'rtinf arid staple Article of - elp4jrta tion ; and our hardy,- entetprislng 6sbe(rrilen,' how TA tha Iiieln9nrb ; tha innhpl.' unH tm - i .: i wealUi'j of thecountryC ' kn ajr roeasurs; ..'J r i'.jV.f'j) r therefore, hich tioay relalej to the ;int-i;resta. ;, ' ' J pf commerce and : ispreaumed v ; : 4 ;! this stateiwIiaveitadtte uctii.AflVf'y- Ar' A .... -i IiefLcgfs lat a- e 0icdn..d nei i dayi the; 1st ihst;i ntIAs tffiA ' . .The Messajre of the 0averrior. to" th iLegisI at ufey which' is'i so hia "i va 1 ed i c- forv-ta5 transmit t ed to" hfiVfif If jni' f of thJgislature bDthesVne dar , $ t c wish we, uati yutii. ur , tuq yfiiuio , - of thik riTonmAnt. tshtr.h is diti titrniefh. ': W. -b.J . & '. M " fa. ,w . - ... .- . i . . - . O . , ' . . . . n. . . : ' k .... Z ' a this iTfmllenf Mpsiaire f . . f ln cnclasiOflIbuldfen ; i r. 11 :'. .. .'ri:i?L-, - :i.ir.'I- 'L.- ' ieuw.iwcnpxerauy,; weT?1.xoQmllexy.., . , i pressing on' thisea$ion;;; heajrIt ax .j tisfadjon that ha been . deyedb! roe from ' 1 r fthe rekemt : t'To one 'who had devoted'thfe fikt mornAt . ;' ' t of manlibbd. to tire; aejrycc. pfi Jiisouhtryi; I A. antf the causebf freedom." such tokens' 'of re : ' membrane and regard' areApuJiajly grate-; -':-' , f'ul : and tiiey r3iV7e.beenS mbrebrecioua to' ' me.'not hly'as tbev; Jndicate4 'f'gttyiip-- A':A probatioiir of humbly effort's to be tsefuL but''. . " ' ' have-sanctioned - the bbrbdHpttnipleg' ' ; ; which originated tand: perfected'the .irevola- . " A tion,,--But 'cpnsqousftbat';- the Haims of na-' - ? tui-e i6 exembtioh 'WtDeWi'UnTjLin?' 1 X'' tiesbf bftjsial responsibility' dahtibtbVresiab ed -with impimiry, 1 deem 1 iudxi j'nipe'raUve duty to . announce niy determi nation' to de, clirie; being cnsidered ; av -.candidate for re election tptbe bfTice of Cbae'f i Magistrate t, devoutly -inipiorlnEr the benediction of a Al- T migbtV'God onfall the interests' of the -Com- i vFrftQr thiaitiappetAr&,5that Gufernpr v jiii privateiiile;i?lajea v. 1 . . r .k..a a--- u ..7. .. ? t 1 .a m v jui e . i i u t 1 11 us c ivc oj u 1 1 h 4 r v- t' frb'in litib' I thorn ' ttlUf J kM'3Caifu'- 4ll1 Kb ali.lnl ' citizens,! my aincer wishes for your personal, ' - ' ' i J t f M w r.w u are-t vt ji t usy , t n i:w ? . ' , fcetledrtiics 1 hia riifmeiit''frbui'iiub-V:.: VWv ' I v.r.-'-I T - T-.T'TV ' " ' 'w. w. . .... j .-. . -i ! 4 : i it :li,' n A) it i 1, i" '!' 'I I i: ' V h i 'Hi I' V5 1 I!; 1 1 1 :,t 4! 1! 1 1 i a. Ml -v wu tdrge, ne rua expungea maoy , enterrks may be w . ' ! l-h:..-;.'.: A-;''.v-;;: ' i-.- - ,-:' '-,.- r:,;.r :-"::!'v::'''ys':,v-; i

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