- u-;t.. nrrriion is"rreit (bin ur Baal: KnUs experience in the most .distant fcities Jf the Uniciv ami which it Is presumed rs en; iiu. owing to" tut determination 01 ujc - flanks of Virginia not to receive them, Bdt tq J tv; c'mi ;r much an nos- -KV And this depreciation 4will probably J". ..,r,r;r rf fioods from Petersburjri as hi Merclot there, (beinjr of them of limited capitals, j jwww Inonev -: for purcliasmff,the prodiieet of this mmr instances sell it at a discount to the Brokers,, in brderto meet their Bank J Sankf of lour Statefpr xrc ' It is tnis pn-r-asin? application- of the Merchants -and Broke" of Petershurg- for Specie; that has It times prodnced temporary suspensions of its i)UiJit in oun1" e necessity; of 'Mch is deprecated asniuch by .the Mer- -u.wtftf XoTth-Carolina, as those of Virpriniai jut thja Committee havcTeason to believe, I tlut the measure, vncnrYcr red itu unu .... Arnvrexsitvafnd self defence. leaving no '1' hrit that of caliinein the debts of . rum 01 ip. ----- ttAwrfer. to ofTer any apolocry for, or de Trnce of the course pursued by the Banks of a-, state, butlcve them to answer lor uiem- Vo'nr Committee' 'are of opinion, that ifthe jf erehant of this State,ho have heretofore pillTlKwrvr iv - - ---- . f J- as practicable, rithin our own State, they, tould altorether be freed from the difficulty vTi 111 a iicitiini""' v i ' " - : in making payment or tnem w n c u.ey now : experence. It is indeed behevciU that ir.ost of the Goods io which our Ierchants deal; might . be purchased as cheaply in our crnsea-ports, as in any other in the United States ; and if.thcy were under the necessi tv of applying to a distant market for a few f the more rare articles, they would be Able to purchase them at a much cheaper rate than they how procure them r.t Petersburg, and for w hich thev could probably make cpn Tenient pavment in some of our own valuable raw njaterials. Tor can it be doubtetHlf oui? lrrrhanfs were to unite in sentiment orfthis subject, -and the contemplated improvement in the "navigation of our Inlets and Rivers thall be effected, of which scarcely a doubt is now entertained, that men of capital and en trprize will be: induced to embark in, the 4iolesale business,' wliich wmild produce a competition, that could, not fail to reduce the price of Goojs of every kind to as Iowa rate here, as elsewhere,'' And our Merchants ii stead of making runs on the Banks farSpe would invest their funds m the purchase of the various products of the country for exr portation. . No depreciation ' would there fore take,' placeour Notes . would -at.' all times be equal to Spejcie, and the Banks be ing thus freed from the apprehension of con- ' etant large demanda by Brokers, would be h-ss sc npulous in accoromotlatirtg those mer- . chants and others who might occasionally ap ply to them for loans, and the mercantile - eoncerns of the State , would thus be .con ducted ith the utmost ease and harmony. Your Committee therefore recommend the adoption of the following Resolutions : Rkolvxi, That.it will henceforth be expe dient for the .Merchants of North-Carolina, whodiave heretofore been in the habit of trading at Petersbiirg, as far as practicabTe, to purcnase tn ear goous wunin our own : State. .V: -:: ' . . ' "--r : Reoiyw, "That men of capital and entcr- pnze, who shall enter into the wholesale bu siness in. this State,-and who. shall resolve ta deal on liberal terms, will deserve the united support "of every retail merchant in.Nortl-Carolina.- - ; t . " , t . ; RrsorviB, . That a Committee be appoint ed to correspond "with the Merchants in the several parts of this State, who have been used to purchase their goods from Peters burg, in order tobbtai 11 their opinions on the propriety of adopting, generally, the course proposed in the above Report. v All which is respectfullv submitted; JOHN S. KABOTEAU, Chrm. The Report was read and adopted, and the following gentlemen were ap pointed a Committee of Correspon dence : . ' .. " - ! J. S. Raboteau, AVm. Shaw, Rich'tl ismith, John Dunn and V.:U. Gales. un motion of Mr. 13. ,S.King, "it was Hksolkd,. That-the proceedings of tins meeting be published in the papers of this city; - :. J. GALES, Chr'm. A. J. Lawbexcx, Sec'y. Virginian. - ;;.c THE Race-Horse, Virginian, will stand the ensuing Season at my Stable, in Mtrklenburg County', Va. near Taylor's Ferr', on Roanoke, about five, miles south of the Courthouse; and wilHjeput to Mares at S50 the Season,;which may be discharged by the payment of g35j if paid by the first day of July next at which .timi the Season will expire ; but if any ferttlcman will send six mares or become responsible for them, the tarice will be reduced to gSO each, if paid as above-- 'ne dolla r to the flrnonri in all Instances. Cood and extensive pasturage- (it r6ngIy44recab,y. to h contract, he or they shall enclosed) and set vants board gratis, but no responsibility Jor acculents-or escapes., though the .greatest possible care" shall I taken to prevent either. r Itcanhot be expected in a newspaper fuvenisement, that I; should trace back S redigree through . a lonjj race of. an cesiors for two or three centuries, as has bren done by his former ow ner & breed and certified to be pure : suffice ii to . Vf he was gotten by the noted stallion - r Archy, out of Meritrix. one of.the best, .mares ever ,raised in this country,- and Partakes of the very best blood in -Eng-hu$ and,' Aoericat both by the si re 'and am side. -, (Sec M 1 . Harrjson'a last year's advertisement.) - . 1 , ' T' ' It is also deemed unnecessary to give a . detailed account of his .Performances. " is though fully sufllcientto sayilhat in .sweepstakes and purses, he Won for his the sum of 8l042iP," and is still , "loagnt Yiiai to be the best horse ever , raided in this ot anyTotKer country. ; Ht a btaotifuLbay; full sixteen hands blgli; . Stat beauty, fine muscle and exbelleut l , r gctter and worthy the attentioii own anj the breedof bories gerieralls-j in tne countrv. Vatouv r r:rnnT-d JOHN CV GOQDE. rtO. 6, 1823. ,21 5v set f ' i V rear .tmtil are' Snecif State Engineer, who will attend aOVilmmg ton from,the 22d inst: tothe lst'oMarch, for tae purjose ot:jeninitinjae.riansj,.re ceiving- Proposals, . Sc'conchldirig a Contract.) ForTthe information of ,those at a distance who may be. inclined to ofler fdr the work, Of the.EmbditkmrKt sf Jetties for tlie improve meat of the.. CahcFear Hirer below Jf'iU - ffiJntrton. -. ' : - .', --- ', l ne -cmaankments between UlarK s isiano; "and Eagle Island, and between Campbell's Island and the Western part of the River, are to consist 6T two" row-$ of piles;.; with clear, w-idth ofrten feet between theTiwo "rows jjrt each row the - piles arc to bemadeout-of good pine tirrder, of such size jis will square to 12 inches ; thev art'W be- hewnion. the twoirneeting aides so astd present jtVflat surface to "each other ofat? feast 10 inches jwide on aRvcrage.:Tliey are to be, driven quite, close-together, and as far into the bed of the river as it is , possible to drive therrt with a pile driving machine having a rammer of from 32 to 15. -Cwt. and! falling from a" height of 25 feet, at least, and when driven, thiis far, the pilcs are to be of suohi length as to JeaVe'"5 fee"t at east above lie ordinary height of high w;ater rtiark of spring tides. 2. . Cri the' outsile of 'each row' of piles there: 'to be a string piece of: pine timber of 9 inches square, ifixed about 2 feet froni the top of the piles, and to rnn horizontally tor the whole- length -of ".the; Embankment Opposite the centre of each pile there is tflj be. an auger hole vq 1 4 inches in diameter bored through the siring piece and pild, and a, white oak trenail of sifficicnt size driven quite through them both.. The "different pieces of timber used in the string pieces aTcj to.be joined by a scarf overlapping 18 inches at least. 3. In every 1Q, feet of length in the. enY bankment, there T& to be a cross piece- sum cient in length o extend from outside to out side of the string pieces, and to project there from at least 12 inches at each end ; these! cross pieces or braces are to be of timber that will square 12 inches, and to be notched 6 inches deep, so as to embrace the heads of the piles upon which they rest, and the out side string pieces. immediately on the upper side of these cross pieces is to be laid a string piece of 9 inches square, along the inside of. both rows of piles for the whole length of the embankment, and to be fastened to the head of each pile by a trenail as described for the oulsidestring pieces. 1 4. The whole of the. space on the inside of the piling is to be filled up with earth flush to the under side of the cross pieces, and in executing this part of the work, the contrac tor is to carefully arrange the soil, so as that part of it '.which is of a vegetable consistency may be pnt nearest the piles on both sides ; the intermediate space may be filled up with such other soil as can be conveniently ob tained v ' ' vi: Specification for the Jettie. 5. The jetties are to fcrinsigt of a single row of piles of 10 inches square," "driven firmly into the bed of the river, at the distance of 10 feet from each other. Each of these piles is to have a tenon at the top of 3 inches thick, 10 inches wide and 6 inches longi On 1 he top of these piles is to be placed a capsill, 10 inches 'square, with mortices on the under side for the reception of the tenons on the piles, there is to be a trenail of sufficient size to filj.an auger hole one and a half inchesjn diameter, to be driven through the cabsill and tenon ; the wpper side of this capsill is to be on a level with the ordinary height of high water of spring tides. , ' 6. Between each of the square piles, the place is- to be filled up with two inch thick pine plxnk piling, driven firnilv into the soil, and spiked by 2 spikes of 5 inches long, into the capsill. 7. "When anv deviation or tilterationftfrom the Plans, Sections, or Specifications, as the case may be. is proposer! by the Engineer or Contractor, whercbv the work mav be in creased, altered er rliminished, due notice in WTitmg shall be given of the same by the party proposing surh deviation or alteration to tlieV other, and the Contractor shall not be gin to execute any part of the same until price is fixed and an agreement made, other wise"Tie shall have no payment for what he does, and In case the deviation is agreed to, and the demand made by the Contractor for executing such deviation shall be? more tharf the Principal Engiheef shall think Reasona ble, then the Board of Internal Improve ments or the Principal Engineer shall have it in their power to contract or agree with any other person for the same, . at ' such under price as they may think proper, without the Contractor having any demand against the the Board or Engineer aforesaid, -for such transaction,' and the Contractor shall: deduct out of the contract price such sums as may be saved by such deviation, i i ,r - .8. Should it appear, at any time during the execution of any part of the contract to thev said Board or their Principal Engineer, that I the (Contractor is not execntintr his work a- case he does not immediatelyremedy the, UC JIUUVC W Ullll ilUkll VV.11I.I1T, I 111 111 same, iney suaii uave i in uieir power xo sxop the vork until hecan' shew them satisfacto rily that he possesses the power of remedy ing the defects-or, insufficiency complained or," ana saiouia ne.iau in penprming'tneame, thd Board or Principal Engineer shall have it in their power , to discharge the Contractor from the work and take the contract out of his hamls, the value of the work executed anu materials ana, 1001s on nana oemg pre viously ascertained by thu Principal Enri- neer.' and which' shall be immediately, paid. II . A. 'Jt. 1 t it. 1 X - A " 1, . ' i liux incase uie vrunuuciur snail nave Deen lurnuming unneeBsary ioois ana impjements for the worki nl which, in the1 Engineer's opimoirinay oe !oi uuie or no use to tne work, ;the; said Engirieer may feiect such tools and implements, should he think pro- Per. ,-Lr.,;"::..;: .: .- ..-'iv. 4'-' -' X v fc y. ah me wors: must pe done to the en- tn?e satisfaction ot the i Pnncrpal Engineer,1 anu bwu tukciiiuuus way ocK maae m ine WorK. or nnuenaxs as may, irom time to time. appear to; himnes previously roarer as aDove specined,and in case any differenceVf opinion shall arise be tween the? Superintendants of -the wort and the Cpntractor,,respecting the ; explanation or meaning ot jmy part of the Plans; Sections or SpedficationSjUhe 'same shall, be left to .' ti . i f ! i ' -. . e tmai. v . r L, ", ; Blctrinff'oftheWorlteYor.themproteff;-U Hirer below -,w iWMmjmw I I r ?udjred :n fi sdoreme Court of North! Co prifnhlc-rnlifirouffh' the Narro ws. i "f rZC' Vm,!-7, ut ar'i , I ' , I : thelstrfWrch to be, execute agreea 1 , Lhi earions made out bv. Harroiton zuitou, 1 1 - r iu u;a M miiju,&wii;-,iiic inflcuvaoiiiiy nuu 1 i----... " .7 T r7- ;, 1 1 1 el ! xne.&pecncaiions are ucreumo amacu, :-.,-aleiglv Febv,6V i823;V;Kj 2Q-M r;;r-r,:,vsPECmCATlONjr;-, UvC: Number thesReoorter is indebted to the kindiiesV of T thev were prepared for the Press. ,. The Ca- iL iiift 1.1" H rir , 1 1KW ' :..:i'ir. MUIiES AKDW)RORSES: v.; IXHJlLUbe Sold, on Tuesday next, the iiotn insiii,in ironi or xjie vpuri7; House, precisely, at 12 o'clock; several v a ! 14'ti bl . wje 1 1 'brok c- M o 1 cfl n ot e jc ceVd i n g six years of age, and 5 or 6 good Plough I Horses, on a sharrcredit: Also, will be disposed of at the:sam&tirneV a ftneTblood; led Brood-Mare. . ' V v n . ;v -'V ., WMr;UUFFlN: ;Raleisrh. Feb. 14. 1823. 21 It v.. CHEAP HARDWARE., nnHK subscriber iiavine removed ? his X Store, from Jo. 56, to No. 11, Mar ket, 21 Door below Third Street Piilu delhhia. has ooened a large and gent-rkV .assortment of HARDWARE. CUTLE jIY; SADDLERY & FANCY GOODS, ! among which are the following: .7 J . -I Knives & Forks, Pen & Pocket Knives. Shoe and Butcher Knives, Razors, Scis- srsl Edge Tools, Files and Saws.ot cverv ;:les, rpffee Mills, Hammers, Tacks, Awl Blades and Hafts, Steelyards, Shovels and I T ugs,. Bed Screw s; : Spades A nd Shovels, .Bone and Japanned" Moulds, Jews' Harp's Scythes, - Straw Knives Augers, i Anvils, j ices. Hoe, Trace Chains, Commode Knobs, feed Caps, Candle SticksjTo rkey : I Oil -Stone, Cun y Combs, Ivory and Horn Combs, Brass and patent Cocks, fiateu and Japanried Castors, -Sirnff Boxes, Plat ed and -Tinned Saddlery of every descripf tiryi, Webbing,. Brass and Iroit-Wire,' Ja panned Ware, Table and TeaSpoons, Lead Pencils and Cases, Watch ChainsV Fancy Ptuses,PocketTBooks, Ink-Stands, ! Needles. Knitting Pins, Thimbles, Gilt, Plated, Metal, and Pearl Buttons, Glass and Plated Commode Kncbs. And a great variety of articles not here in enumerated, which will be sold at very ! reduced price:s for cash or acceptances, j ALLEN ARMSTRONG. , Feb. 14. ' 21 12t i The proceedings of certain mer chants of Petersburg in relation -to our - ; nanK XNotes, nave prouueeu a spirit in 1 our merchants which,' we trust, ; will eventuate in great ad vantage to this jState. It is surely high time that tie ! State of North-Carojina should furnish to its dealers its own supplies, through its own seaports, without sending to a Sister State for them. Arid ' if our Merchants once get into the habit of t'oing their business at borne, they will find it so convenient, that they will, not soon depart frorn a course so well calculated to promote the" pros perity of the Country, bee the Re port and Resolutions of the Merchants oi mis vIlj 10 a preceuiog column. The Supreme Court of this Siate broulit its term to-a close on Mon day last. A list of the cases decided j appears in to-day's paper. In our j next we hope to ne able to state the points ' decided. .A, first Number of the Reports by Mr Hawksr is ready for delivery, and the decisions of this term will be published in the course of a lew. weeks. - , v : The Board for Internal Improve mcnts adjourned on Thursday evening tne Dtn mst. to meei again in idts city on trie in ivjunuay id April nesc; .Mr. Fulton, our Civil .Epgineer,- in addition to the attention which he - is directed to pay to the Works about to be carried on at the Flats below Wil mington, and to the improvements making, by ; the several riavigation Companies! was - instructed by the Board to cause Surveys to be made of the principal iracts, of ..Swamp and Marsh' Lands" 'within : this .State ; to ascertain the quantity arid quality of each tract ; the most practicable mode of draining it and th e expense 0 f the work"; and for the sake of expedition he is authorised to employ, such nura ber of Surve vors and chain-carriers as 1 ed he'mav think nenpssarvv ' V: ; . Mr. Fultoij is also instructed to sur vey and mark the ljne of a Road from Wilkesborough to Salem, on the. best and most convenieni ground 5 to stir vey tM Koad Jrdm balem toaje.tte vine, anq' ascertain wneiner ine ais-r tance cannot fce hortened by altering: the present Road: and that he report ThejEneineer isf also directed "io cause the line fhe:RoMfand Canal i to ber jun from therRoanoke River, at or near Plymouthtdthewaters of . rungo Kiver, jn Hyde County; : thetl)ismit wainpl ahd to n as f well 6n the praciicabilit vvand utilitv 'r of theltCad .without eCanaasupon bejpublished in the tbrs'eof e"preseirt sucQeedinf-rflpirth 6M:kM fe' i j R ifle.. lxcks, Flints; UM "cers and' 'and Wisemin, Sheriff; ; f v: f Punches, Saddlers 1 Pincers: and Punches, -7 ; x-.t..,;t :-y- -v;.vi; j ; FKlDAYVFEJJKUAItVliClS j . ? , r 8UUI aitCIUllOUS JIS 1U MIS OpiIIIUII, Ofn 4J.yH ,muim;vuiw7-ih6. 4V necessartq'shortennim W" PnVilv""- V'-r v:.r-f-;rV- - .;S'';-Bobert.;T..PIunketir.Wm.:'Mean3,admr. 'r-t:, - i - . ; Z from Mecklenburg Rule.for Pew trial made utitfiiropiinth y'OTcfinj' authorised tojtate, apd:we uq wiinne.utmo8tsaiiMaction,8ays ti $btm mpr:m$$j&u it.):tht the basin lat'Rock Land i ngi Q : that therelnuiyetoalils' n$ Obstacle to thej X ra nspo rjat 10 rt or p rouuee front a oove thejidls nf Uonncke to th h Jplq.ce. - In a wu i ina v t hi s ifw. 0 rK ; w lit c ly nag -0 ee Cfc so Ibn a subject dr and-ipterpstj, is complete. r ; i-jM. ; VVe state: focthe fn formft Horn of otir teatfersj thatian Office ha been lately established a r the Wake Forest in this ( Cou n IT "' of M hi ch Ge h CaT vi nfi ol ri es is rosiinasier. xjucii persons 1 nj.ua 1 s cc tio n of the cou n fy ; as a re "d si r ou 5 of recei vi ng the pu bl ic pa pe rsf tlii 4 wjR proved favorable .brjpprtttnity,-;t-i -Tlje iimfAJpurt otieas:& yuarrer Seslo n s f To r Dai 1 H? oh C o irn tV sa Vs Lt!ieiyet4Ca was qrgafc the Jasti xycek'xf Davicl: Mocl was elected gressional proceedings of the 5th inst jir. v,auipuen oi , unia unruuuceu, a Resolution to ascertain wlio had stip pressed a paragraph in a letter of tm Cashier of the S teube n vi 1 1 e Bank , to the Secretary of the Treasury before it was published, which produced much persona I re m a r k , a n cl i s n ot y et don e withi ihis subjectwas first brduffKj: before: ConrssXby some days ago. who had been charged by a writer in the .Vashipgton Repub lican with having, as printers to Con gress, purpos ly omitted certain parts o t d ocu m en ts : Jest t hey sh o u Id .1 hi u re tne siancung oi. tne oecretary ot sthe Ireasury in public Opinion. Tlius charged, : they asked of Congress the appointment of a committee to enquire iiuo me jacis. i ne enquirVv;wae made, and resulted in freeing them from'any. - .' . ' .i .. . --- . , .: i .' di a m e,-1 ca ppea ri ng mat . tne eras ures hnu been made by a Clerk in the, I rea sury liepartment whose business it was to attend to joatteis of thilkind before the copy reached their hands! In respect to. the erasure in the letter n o w in q uestion however, ' which was tne most material, no saiisiaciory evi dence v appeared'; No' .one could tell who marked it out ; ;and this enquiry is made to come, jf possible, at . this fact. It is no longer a question in which the rnnters are personally con cerned. It embraces a wider scope, entrauiing within its vortex high offi- cers or tne govemmeni ana memoers of Congress, whose conduct and mo tives are, arraigned with a freedom of which, in our Legislative annals, ex amples have been seldom seen. - In an enlightened age, and? a' free country like this, the shackles impos ed by Test Laws always appeared to us incongruous with the free spirit of our form ot government and we re joice that Marylanq. h&9 Tby a repeal oi ne x ei ijawb wipeu away uie stigma of intolerance which7 rested upon her. The law must pais the or deal of the next Legislature before i t is firmly established. Whe-princi'; pies are at stake nothing can be hazard ed by discussion and thtia the friends of totwatioti; have persevered until they have succeedeihateyer ques tion comes; before th pu6KcV; which: nasi a tendency: promote !free enquit ry, is desirable 5 'for in its ultimate is sue, Truth must be triumphaQt, ; and mankind: edified by an increase: Of Cases decided b$ the Judges of tht v Supreme Court, at their late term; i Thomas B; Littlejohn John .atillo, County 'Trustee, -irom Granviile---lJecreed that the Bill be dismissed without costs. John Cro well. Admini sferator,' v. - Daniel Mannl from.Nash Report filed-ExcenHons to the. report overruled Interlocutory de cree for ComplainantBiU retained for fttf- tli.i. k.nn ' "!" i.-'.V-'S ' . .Wm Jones, Ex'ru&ci v. Wm Person Ad- Lministrator of Thomas Personrr from; O range Mouon to aismiss tnoiu,. overruj. Pinal decree, for Complainants -Amo A, Combs v. Mark Brittain, Wilkes -Bule for new trial .discharged Juderment of the Couit below affirmed, with costs.,wX' N' . : Jacob' Rhodes t. Hardy Jlolmes, eX'r.V&Ci from Robeson-Bule for fiejif. trial made? ab solute. : ; i rw-vp fc & . David WMJllah v.Toble Bolden andl3avid Mv ersl from BuhcombeOfder of Survey ana fiats, to tne uourt oeiow. . . ... 1 1 . :.:r ,C .... . - Derir on-demis ofiSlades 'andTHaiightott v. fcere absolute Moses A.i-ocKe .tsaae ana.- i;nanesrr, Alexander, from Cabarrus--Rul6 vfor new trial discharged, and Judgment of the Court below, atfarmed,vith costs, yn. 1. v f Simon Jeffreys if, Yarbbrohgh"exJr,i from PrankJin Decree pf the Court Below reversea; "Report ?r6f Clerk! and llasterf of 1 at MaryBicndlernanV and. VillianXWrTght . v.v'j' 1 4 Soh n jReei frbmf ftowanx-Decreei that the -!f; r Befendahr w ithinithirty days after 'the'' ser ':: ., cvice.ot a.copr.01 tne ciecreej convey 10 om-.ii ... .1 f- Djainanis iwu traeis ui. iauu ui - ivuwau vuuu-. t:.- . -j. r. t; ij6httBowman'sAdmtrrta fames Greenlee' 'Adm'r and Chafles.McDtfWellVAdm'r. from U BiirkeOrder bf referenqc?td the; Clerk and Master of ilurkeV C. "vl3a11ev"vohnntr; Samuel ',PUersoni;V; j from : wnksUile.for a ne w trial discuanv- ediudgmeht'of the Cbubeldw aned i AVm. Pl Waugh V. SlontfoH Stokes aftdas; 1 i V; iVelborn fro AVilkesUKajfe ;f! rnade olutev;1 -1 . ' ' ' .' - 'James (rdhc ! frdrrt Martin Bule for a hew? trial made abVr ifi 4 1 if I solute i:--v.V': 1:.- ' ,'. ;Uf'i Tlmmas nflode'sC JaWi -. r 5uilfor-5rtf ctaagaihst tlie nefertdant,,- ?r V asbl.Ther bail bond obieeled in. not : 'v T r taken in pvifsuanc ; f The bondln; this ase as j ; Stance nxe xne common prntea pan uonusT -. , usVd b the Sherifis Judgmentbf the Coirrt -"!-y Jtha4r the bontis'uken AssembJyf Judgment; of the. Court below re-f 'u versed.-'.i! iv-X.; ViA-X:j--'y j jijk.rnj..c .LMnK. nies i-ong ana anotner . '.John. G: Blount t. James PaUbh'-frorh BunV' tionibe-Rule for a "new, trialhscliarerl, andV j; Judgthent anitnied widrcbstsW:";' ''f'-"v. IhSJo plirr-Kule for a newtrial discharired; and? Judgment afririned with costs. lr fi - V ,J ;;"; 1 KedarWhnWyrehialdl hfeck ancitf -others, from ( Wayncudc;nient of file Su- - V "perior Court aflirmed , with'costs; '.;'; , ' :.' -. . . K Doe on demise of John Stamps t'.iwilliata . missed. -.JiV,-.,;; f::c&: k Trustees! of .the Protestant, Episcopal A. Church W Trustees ; pT.' Newberh rAcademy ' , ' U i from Craven-Jadjiroentfor fiefendariLs ' ; ' 4 irvme, irom vus wcii-me;. ror new trial flis ., c : ' chai,-tUiIijttinBt'ahirm'ed with costtt'r Yt Den on 'denuse.of MTaturn't?. paine indX ' 1 ' U; avr,,from Currrtuc ' , dlsdiarged, f.n4 "JudOient 4011111641 . 7--i ' costsi-' 'i-i-Vvt v'.- ; -.i' : iui-miu oviiita v, yyvi uyiuti .iironj ieTjoir c -Bule forhew" trial discharged and Juog- ' ment affii-med with xbstaV cUv. ; j Den on demis of MarthaT Crump iC Wm.: '-: Crumps irom 1 Chatham Judtftrient' of the obelowtnmed, there appearing nd'i reasons J3n the record for reversal. r . -5. 14 , f James-Townes vi: John Farrar; from Chat- v hari-?Rule for a w itrial dlschargetL" and : Judgment affirmed. with ostsi ; i ; : .William Sheepshanks; CbV ti.James Si' , : Jones, front' IIertford--Rule for ahewrtrial -1 r: nabsoluterj t?$- -l Den on demise of William 'Tate's heirs t. ? Ephraim Greenlee, from? BurkeUijjule for , new trial m'scharedV and Judgment affirmed; ; wiicort.-;v,-:,,v'- ;!..-VJ: . -Joseph Watt, v.VJatnes Greenlee:7 froth ! Burke liule for a new trial disehawrpH ami . Judgment afiiiiried with; costs; , lj :u ;i:v -.'.Charles' BussetCBato; 'fr ". George D. Holcomb,m Equity; m Burry-- V : h Thrrt. '-thai ;TTi&nrt4ri tt-ikr "?! . vey to Complainant trct tof land j in the - V ' County of Surryiandat -Defeiidants p the:costs of suitirT-;7..Vv:, . ! William Pegram Ceedv E:falefe C Another, in Equity;:; front ; Cumberland Alo- won xo cusmiss tne tm overruled. - K 4 . i v 5 " Patty -Taylor 'William Person 1 JiA . '.'il Equity, fror Halifax-becree of the Court oeiow reversea, znd jiriat decree'in favour of Complainants; (r .A-'iv ;tv;reri i VE parte Dempsey Taylor; from Nash-X Certiorari awarded. ! 4S-; ' ' '-: T-, i1 ; ' ' John Thompson & others v. Henry 6. Darnel, in Equity, from Orange Decree id fcvotnpf Complainantsf. f, .. ( , Thomas TerClerk,&cVi J6a;Skin'i ner, from WashingtoiWThis was a rule on ' Defendant Jo shew cause, wherefore costs in- ru.,,inrt:05r5 peloWf.arid noMncluded Skinner, from Wtf shin elon s&mA ii ;t ' JudentHeie of Turner, .vqi.fce t C tv3kmper..v-,;fv.,.i. .v,..,; . , r . jr, roni juincoolft4 dictment for passing counterfeit Bank Notes- .-.ir. ir. " iiuuniciu urresceaj M'' ... v;- l ml nut! sugestedi and Cerrari orderoa! dctaient PLerdbrari awirderU ' '.V' -' State. Joseph Hodc-e andii;,. nl Indictmehf jbr-.trespass-I m- geriogndispositiQrf,Rtr-B, Deloach ' ; V Grocer: ; - '.: ' V in xne. out 01 costs annexed to jtheaijscrhit - ;h sent to thw, usTiouldb taxed-- v ; i Judgment m favcf Plaintiff at hjsbwnr - "! - costsf:,- ,, t:,:: l 1 Natitty,'Slbnn;Adminiatitr!x3' 1 ' ' i tt;thlscity,oiryeste"rdar; mci&n;r,lX''X . 'A l?Vl.aence son, Mr.VTho - Alston; of this county on the'ethinsrM. "; i renct flf vthe'4ate Co I'.WtliiknR nr.-?. . roUerteho was confiifetd?-the''-Vtyevtfhtrt she, was attaxked ith ibo5 ftf er,t afcererkl i eeks! severe; iUnessshe hzWi&I re- ' heTonVwhefrfter.lanihniKTL severalnths;she paid thegref debt ot feaayVn-excmpiarr-teSfe11 r'soclal and domes tic; duties-and for maiiy ears Dast n follower of the Reweemer .sh. i,M t4iiteVto''4epIre: heftcss.';beiaon.' : , mong those b& mrbe;, oaUeda smcer? enristiajrta good neigh- v; jb aecti ' mistress. ism Tnce,Xhapei.Hii!, 0Ii th xsi mst ivir. james nogg, aged 59 years. -;t7JFaeiraifv-;ottV William Warden, merchant of thatlaa. ad advanced atre ' ' v . r . 1 4 6 if -0, Mi "1 : rr Pi ii V 1 I !i .4' !?' '. : 1 : f 1 till 11 1 1 1 i i. 1 1 31 I -'V . . il.ll. if.' ' ;;r 1 "sr.- . j ''A. V'V: ; -.4-

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