-a7; ' -v A-v-A ' " A ' v v t A-A;VAA A':-:VA.I4tv& ;A&, n (TN GlllCRfv'V4 pjntd5atSc?cthcr tH ibe substitute .h't) f Biefi-hff M finish ed ntf Hie qaestiori a 'deaJbf-'ci Charffinr-thtf eiimt- ' 5 9ne"tiDn A4.? monfiTrfA the? petitions tjrcsentiwT tolar, 4 rntTunf Fvnrn-T hmraW-' Kl'rTaVAL'nai tO ;nar- ' Li -rajul tlli fSU BticS ' :: V . tT .mwtj , T?. rv-A i'- ' nntein ft;spepCh 'of : than two Jicmrs? H thcefairdL FosfluoaiSDe.nsTicie . ' nnriTviiip nriiiifiia iiiT:srHirTi 1 1 j i . i r irni'ui. in Miiiuirt til LUC' iirutJuaiLiun nc iiiiiiiuuiic iluu jiiic. t: Aiuutv. nv . v ---j f ereiaTanTOreaiiivis-. I r 1 '14 ii 1 1 ii i A A - A I.';'' if At' 'Mi l I I pniy with v'rth n-vidvf of c aK m yt -i tM-thsr'o . Tj-V;-Terif i rnVtTef.n;?hyvNataraJ H;tor'Gcolb- - . Svnifars t; but alsK Witlbp.Tieiripei?tn'H ' Tiir.nate took urvfor onsideTation the ; .Ue.siib)ectrbf.th bill; tieoofc, lustoncai ; Nviep of ASc ,traUe ana.intercourse-oi uns j 1 -V-TtishvCbiohM; ports: S', t v - J fa contested? kcttf)h fotftke ofijpcbPr J , r--Z r sn cuds: put Tcat'rictire acts' of -"V&lent of. thelted States. "The Qamtitu ,; i f 'ISlS'atxi 'j220,mlf nibfeiccsajiiniiilrl tfonhad porntd out a .iftqdfcjofOitj ; tf- .' v'pTovojiliTOVwvnfiowt f:.Uie'-el-6T tbe7 f case ; a majprjtyof theIrctprafvYotea Vcre ' I ' i y-i A C; -gard ' tojfortign tbelfgusef IJepiatativti) :itvhcrAUcan possessipni?, 'J; K 'ririJ:-'t .but,8pjj08ireumsces:hoaltlf arlse in 1 i ;1 ; CT--llJv?Baiur (Carman of tht:CbTriTnittce i tK'i Ja$risort .Vic thou!d;cnatea ci?p,iti '1 ' r:;:,'of FoVeintio ed ai0 mcjOed ej?ctift,e sliould. in iucji; l5 Vinate'W a eec!r:bfonrderablfe1engUva, k case -aaict- MrKrbeat tsea' in aeimpesf, : 1 'JrZ t.numbcr ofdfetail?" ami .fact3 cbhnetted with WitiithMf brcp. Vtbroin tb'abamsre nta; amWi5isul;j sues .woicrv naYe.'SunBT4ucn;jrT -wrvi Vf:' bucqpmercial uitercotinci whh;Great: Bri--C. taXiiand.betYbllJi.iif'a t? the-;Ude.lfrtrrol-jo . on the Subject, r the cause !indvbeccssityjof, ' Vv "byi rate : TcStTictirtii' toicl (?n' s by ! ; Closer ScMk! j andiinrcciprocI policy tj Great " t Brltain fixWvwhicli she as t JefftU recede ' y ;uia(lradbpte Jy beJUmtetl,; Stale?. Wete- vxirmy. anatenacuMtsiy utincrew io.r ! :3 jo tobfc.lhU josiQi.tofjutify Ue agency; . r. r- " vhich.bebadi U'ftn;'aniiltaiyf)njy -i y , principal, m pTodnciiij and inamtmjpjt l,be V,r retaliatorv reslwctrre svteittJof Jhis country ,;("thi3 be did br-capseysteni J ' borno bsnibihefntercjtt bCsome'paLTta of tbe V ' vdttotryj' tintl ft bad becm impuied;io Um k .IktiU'tliat he had i ajdedin : atloptrM atjd . .; adbenng-to'this policy. He.Vrged the ic- cess of the: sitemn.'VipdcatkalbYU doro, ajnltlweli soroetime'on jtl beneficial ' V 5 'etTect (referriflj totbe uiunlmify witU which -sT f that system wu jtdojited and'aaheredt toby Ci - - CbngTis'SvXof united counsel inVll questipns ,i'vVVbetwee'nvfbreirn'mtkna and' ourselves.- ;t ; V hen Mr. is. cnciwieiae. siirwa iaiy ; c : oveT'to'IcndaNVl.--'.4- i - 1 lS"CblWe tlwi5 fesxnbedjhc conswTera;Ubn V'il? of the proportion rnjide; by i'MfvTajlori of i Ta. to amend' the Constitution "Jpf the UnUexT, , , Stattis, lil rrpard to tie election "!pf I'reaidt nt ;f X oid Uiuted Slivfes, an4hbstitute.p ..ferwtl there .tQ bv-Mr. I4ck?rosiof N Jersey." , I ainr 'lavior, -ot t a. rose, ana aucjresset: inc 1 - senate auou an naur.in supporijoi nis own Droposition. and -ii -npo9itotr to tITe substi tute. Ue .oppbsetf the substitute, because lectioH of President bvthe ; Wectovs. and to" 4-. .throw the' election of President into the . .J ilous6.of TlepTesentatiTea, wjiere :tne sman , states wouurtrave.an unaue. weignuane .'feet of vfruch rnlghf in time b to proTuce ( ..revolution ln wrrpoliticsjlSj-stem, that Would i 'vbe; fataf to the; present ;eqUalityvaistgned'to , be fmall.'atates b the constitution f Mr. T. i 'laid down.the position that thbpbwej.of the rederai liovernmen naj? ; mcreareu, was in i creasing, and ought; at Jeast to bevx " tended t j be ; argued against" All "tneuaures ; : ,hleli -would hvelthe effect to produce-av iV' and bpposed bc eubstitutfe becauV.it VouUl f'. tend ;toJprot!ue that-rewlt.. Ho depicted A' . maiiv bfilie evils which -woulcf naturally J?rpw " j out of tbcVltction of Presidept by theHouse Yt ' ioO;. of Electors, b)".Ditfricts, throughout J? .' 'i T. the iiJnion, , it had a tendency; to. create an t ; V - cf Kepresentitives-the ppportuniiy-and the ' rxuptipn ;.its bad effects qnle nia3ilbiisir V'- Hess of legislation, and tfie jbterebts of the , " vitttionV tbe improper connection, it .would : X icreste between art lixecutivethiisi elected,' 3. r ind those In the--Iegisiature hus acted on. j v' A ;; The election of ihr r:xecutiv;by,tbe-i;egis- J r l JatiVe'brancn)everif pure, he deprecated as r t -rVl an . unnal ;ursi and v illegitimate cbntctiorTof J distinct-pobrers anid duties': his own ahiend- 1 - y, ment be thought would. Ivare the efiect to 1 it.-' :.Js Af TrM)nf wUrllU ' f keeo' the-election cf ,Presid e nt Vwhcre , i be framera of the constiifition dese'l ithouVl . K.' m-nA 4vber? it ouirht to beA-that is.' in the hands of the. KJectprs electeir bythe People, .1 and trpreventJ'alniosi lhe ;possIbi!ty of an i Mr. .T." nbw.il It should be ; in'his pbwer. to do so t all f for becoessed tbt the re 7 rnirki of that gentleinan.i.itAiniuced muchr V j 4mpr?sion on bis mind,as tliev; hadnq doubt Aw . '-jk ':r Cone:on.otnJejrs;? Hermoven, iprxjie purpose. i .' A uon,- to posxpone'.wi,e,uujci, vi i suay j -"v wh!chotioi was sgretd to. -A A,:v:r f 'rivA'r .V-". ' -. -.rrrxsni.nrfBf ir.---f.A--.; v V; t .."rrxsni.TTrBi la. A 'V V--Mr." Smith, 4f MdJasked and. pbtamed leave. , ' 7 N V C f J?eshjT, tyfh. Senate and Haute of Jlepre? i-J' i'jfiterilativ& pf ih'Viitieii State hfffmerita'Jin j J.y X'-: tfMJi brttheiroUbwtnf:wed f f .i. i Xt the constnauon or -.uieiJurtCQ states, pe'. A; -. tsc-... . f rislature" nf the spvpral ' i -?J vSlates T; w.hicb.Wheh-' ratified; by 44bcjTgfsK - - i, iinj infa.i i" r- -, - " - y f V i Jsalures ol tnree-iourins or me aiaies,.8nsut A tAf v-.-r-.M mutlttifidn rv .-A AJA IA : v Thst Cbngrcss shall ha p-wer. to adopt V iA I ' ahd'i execute? .5systenl; oT: Internalmprovci.. Y : oeoUbnfined to grearnational purposes.- NAThe Senate resumed -the coiwderatiph of . ... t.!;T-tn rttrulate''thecpinmeiial h?tei. , h' ": A, KwPn ?tbe:UDlted sStates and cer j Ttr,V?lh 'coloniai'DbiUi, an'd-aftersorael nfhoiH Houses afoftCTrss; by tl?' trisTrc'ires of ttfo-thiros of the Ststtf 9ttimoi(Tiit-" tVnVlberetoforetb&JMMl bk'or" pointfed t.nisii . v v vps- - "r - - w i - - L;p-.in iu mav-nrove to De .a rocKvjJ coi removes, on wbch tbe'i KbcWes bf. ,tlis ccninlnrTnavJbeJ uTccKetUrv -upaenjs iniprpRsicin, xuscouiji ' was thelprospeci- ofthe adop. ;ibn" of Rny-amendment;hewa9m ortei M-hicJi he.wadd ta.kt; ;aiipther oppbrtu nijy f HiscuRsin; aawell as e other pro positions bn thesamb subject ' before" the Senate" -JUr. ".Jft: lvi.isbbmittiV;.tljefo1 jner as an amendment to Ihelbijg-inal Vesolu4 hreeMfitiis oftfik United $hite, of itmerpcai Crnj?rrt icm4(i, fir tfurat oj both onset wiidayfhereinj, .That .the followjnajrnend ment 6jf the cbnstitittion of the United States be proppafil.to' the legislatures of the sevi rat; States; which, when ratified 'by. threes rourtb's therebf shall be valid aa. part of said bonstitntion ". V4 ' - V 'j vv;a .A '-'; A' Questions of tbeSjalidilT of he electipn bf President, or- of rtbeproccedmiEfi J.tbereib, snail ue netcrminrji uyuic ininucrs 01 uuiti Houses fn Jojnf tiwet'inff. the- Senateshall V presii le,' ?aid tt inaMbtaty sbf themembers of each House shall constitqtei a, quorum in sucivnieeunK. c j-itics ui4 proceeding therein shall; bev prescribed by iawY'But:-no';alteration of those 'Ttdes'sJlafl have .effect until two years after it -shall have been made; i r Mrf " ? ';i ' .-. r.;';. Tciestions of the validity of the election. of Vrcr Prpsidenf, jor bfthe proceedings there in sludt bieterin1nt.Vthb Sv-nuib." ?Jhe rtdtHi of pfbeeedibs? theorem shall bepre'scVn)- ri!N snan navetenect unurxwo yeai,s.aivtM r f This Vropbs'itioit was. ordered tobc'pj'IiiVK V i . 1 " r, ' . . , -. - - If" - . ' ... - ieui ana xne cn:ue aujourneaj" j jAHCSE OF. KSPIIESETATIVES. r 'sV-V A'. rAlriAT, TEB. 7. OnThotion of Mr. Edwartl of N. C. ; f Resolivdi That tlc Committee bn the Post OT-ce and Post toads'bc instnicteci to -in quire : into the expediency of directipg the 1 maw route prupoeu w oe estaoirsnea dc tween Korfolktin Virginia, and Tarborcugh and Fayetteville, in North-Carolina, to passe through MurfreesHorough, in the latter StateV AOii motion' of Mr. Little; V "'-JReaUved That the committee on the pub lie lands be instructed to inquire into the expediency of authorising hereaft -fa person other't Uan UvtCPreaide'iir to !jiyall Patents lor land: A 'S.fZ: - AA-. - v'". ' The libuseJshfhSgainn committee of the whole oh thestaT of the Union resumed the cbniileralioa.f the bdl for the more effectual mot ret ion of domfstic inanuficture3 the pemling mo4wn,bein to stHke ftom the fUU j ns ciMtini clause. ? , v " . , M . " , rt Mr. Kustis delivered his seflriipentSsfterainst striking out the enacting xlaiise bf the bill,;be-cau.-e he vaM" favorable to most of the items 4of the bill, though opposed to others.- ' 'v.- IK lhichapannextspoke, for something like an hour, against We- motion c. strik e out the hattipg clause ttrthe till,- being decided- j ly in favor of Its general principle, though opposed o so high a duty 4s- was proposed on wobllebsr r ?A. A ? hrr .. A ! Orf motion of Mr.'Cuthbert; the committee then rose. This gentleman ."lias the floor. for to-roorrow.1 . a :; . . . 1 f ATC"R 1)T, ft. 8 1 8A - TheToIlowing resolution. Mibmittect by Mr. Ranking would, from Its "nitTejTie on the ta ble, one dav by a rulcof (hJtbuse : ' .. ) Jleiolvid, That, the president of the United! Mates pe reqnestea to lay.' beioreane Ii ouse of pcsertativest Coiigress. the Informiitlon heretofore requcst- souiaon oi - uiis. aouse, in relation bpnugs, jeau ana, coppe? uunes ; a stwb bther.information as He ' pofseSjion of, 'or obtain, aS to The prpbaiJi yame pt eacn ottnem, Ant of the resen atioitiVcbed to each! Tbf thbxtepfc to hlch they have'beeiV'Vorkedbr are sus Ceptlble Lbf "beln :Sotked"i f.the - adtahtage's and ' pfoxiinity of each tb ' nay Vgajj hf1 waters r tbb brjn, ffhuture and extenty qfan chiims ijmdetoanj'' of bern'hy: iiktiytduals orcoiiu panieSs'to;; efhr .wth dee'med rniportaiit by bini, in relation to such slt Vp rin?ead;apd9pper;toinest jV vJheTu-- however, ' bcin,e TeTaoyenV by'ur nanimbus Cpnse nt the Tcolvew agreed to AThe engrossed.-bill to reyirb. and iextend . V5- ; -. j -i-s. -3. ;.-,--' ; After a. slight alteratibrt in the title of Abb ruu -Ts. i,.. a!1 ...ist.w -..tv . .. i butf the words" revive- tod.WjV.;..: A, Thebill Svas seht,tb th'SSii CTrrenccLy?.4'; .-.5. A A'A-' ; The;Ubuse then; again- resolved itself into a Committee; of the Whole:: ohVthe State of tbe.y nipnV on the unfimsfjed businesr6f yes terday, being thb' bHIfor the "more cffectuaK protection ot tibn. to strike : still pendinir i Air-; Cutbbert the.fi oprfor against thej ! fmrja f irnteen m number sm noruMtJisianti- VthattlierewaVii'fectUiitbe:C tao tatne,yant tt .some jnr.jniiie. v froU-cbill bmbersAhowt flSiM' before the Comnuttee; i? : f , Afc.foi-&L7ix :i-the,:80th 4 ofths fiouserU lit the follows yesterday-havin- Stained tii word. AAAA3AA OHiaj, occupies it, in speepbfHo 5Il2:upwaisofanlKuinien oiie dayjjn the Habld-J4V- rWi 1 tiona- frith "bVi0tMw diht;fo;thffeetW yanIaH-aint Committee of the Whole UnioiCXIMclJinemoredto talceutt tbe bi 11 mab n tr ivtn tfbnmti ona for toe si i p port pi K V vTJIillsTIl V 4VI.Jr. -J V(U ".vl iiivu iw bbiectc.toaves89r9:t Veccmraittee . Cpndict, of N. - JrturoV tbefconsidejjbn btthefbill fWfthbraore eftctual protection ftnu .scncourag'eimenv xw j..uiesui; 5 uiiui- i turqsi'wheni; '':&?$m the principles of the bill in ff speecb of-art hour and half in lentrth'. ? ' t : i i . Mr TfrtblioAretuinaspeecn oi..jkDoii.inei same: length, supporting tne Jtems 01 uty pn all the articles'ln the bUl; avniaiifainin general principles. :,V: lik- fit Mr. Cocke "offered the folio win e" resolution, whicbfrom' itature liesj one day on the table r-. -fCj:-. v;-l 'V ': : Jliesolved, ThaMbe President b requests1 ed tommunicate to"1 this House a stater fbenshewinjfritheeve dihires made durm they ears 1&21 and 1 332, but bf tbe contIt?nt fund of th fndian De- partmeat, so far a the same may pe suscep- Wliole on the State, of theOnioiC the consi deration of the ;prbposed new:iarifTIill-ra motion yet pending" in the-Committee to strike from the biif the'enactintr clause. . . ; MKrNetlh-of N- C. spoke ajainst the bill - Mr, Hamilton, of; S. C. followed on the Pal mk At40 ' ' . i - . . . etlly xbposed to the biih ' before Mr. M-had cpnclucled" his. speech, the Committee roseAA ' '; ; ? 1 Mr. M'Lane Sae notice that he should again call bpon Thursday neiti tlie gcKeral appropr, apprbpTiaUonvbilU v A f ; r..: ? A , 'ITTTITTtniT. TV 11 1.. - . - ft. .White, .ofVermontr submitted the-fbV lowing resolution t N . " ; - ;' -- vJ?eofi r3(l'bAt the Conimitteeof Ways and, Metyp.s bj iiistructed to inquire 'into the expedkiy of appropriating, and setting a part a moiety or portion of the avails of the annual sales bf the public lands " for the pur pose of establishing a permanent increasing fund, the .interest of which, -after jit rshall have increased to a given sum, shall be c!is ; tributed .for the - promotion of 'education, in th pvffll stjite- aernrclinfr to tlie. nrinei. pies t f equal right and justice A"v':v ' t:l lu oflvring th'.s,restMution,i-Mr. vviutesub fmittetl the reasons which induced him to of fer it, csidering intelligence and virtue of the people, (whicuwguicrbe best prpmoteu by e3ucatioi, as ythctchlei power : aiid nil ance for a? just adm'nlstrat-ipii of government fee. He spoke Upon the subject until the time alRwed.to act upon the resolutions hail expired, when" A -A A v . . ' Mr. Chambers moved to commit tHe reso lution to a Committee of the Wholes-louse.-'. ' Mr. McCoy then movtd that the resolution lie'crri the table i whicli was agreed to.! A J The House .tlien ' again resunieI, in com mittee off the whole on tlie State of the U nion, thev unfinished business of yestertlay, being the bill . for the more .effectual protec tion and, encouragement of lomesUc mantif facturesr a motion to strike from the bill its enacting clause, still pending before tie com- Tmttee. V ; - t-: Mr, Jtontgomery resumed aiid concluded th'espeech jieyesterday commenced jii opt position Xq the; principles .of the biU.-v ; -..p . Mr. iteid, of Geo, spoke next, also oppose ea'to tne oui. - - - - - - - . - -- . - - . Mr. Crudup next addressed the chair, like- ysyisc against the. bill: . When Mr. C. had riiilsliedjhe -qiiestion on; striking. but the enact ingxlause was loudly calleid for. ; A :;Mr ;yan Wyck, howcye floor i but, attbe suggestion of iritd wards, rf H C hk gaverway to b motion for. the tonjiuiitcc vo;fise; twi.ucu mouon was ncga tivedayes b3:nocs S. ; 0'A'--., VAA'- rr,ryan Vyck: then, proceeded in his Speech, in favor of he pUf 'sfzkfi A A. : AA ! -. ". MrWobdcoek being In pbssessiob of the popr, ai ,wiuiiijj niavy iu ueuver ;. llis peiuin pWbb'e it obht:-;ffr.--.-th Imurpos bf taking the'fmaii. mouestion. iCtataslthbj disposiiibn of' the 0USefc.. .V- :jv;...4- . v"--sS;iA' A .suggestion pemg;tnen macte to jnr,Wi w. move inav. un- cofunmiee, nse, iie maaea .motion to that effect ;and:omjh&iqiW8ti. to agree thereto it. was decided iii the tic gatirerayesd, hoes 7;-. '.A A A; ;'!C - The ppranSiftee refusing to rise at tjn stage of the progress of :tke5bili sMrW weht nn With and conchidihisLpeeeb5u Xf ihi frATtr.iMl hnnpinLi n(i. w:m AvAf A Mr. Khea-reneweiiheiiiptipn fortne coni mitte tbfise ;whieh was guiii .decided In -.1? - - C-i ' - - 5-4- i 1 " . xne tioh,sircy i junder tlicJXAW of auony, the cbnseft bf th e 'Ij2d'-t0.ti i vThei-esoK e Heine: adiilI; MgVei iicejbktj)e u?buld,oiv Monday; fiesj, I3i0ye,lp; tk e.up! for c 6 nsBettiojl'tVi4' X'uV i Tlie:f Hotise- itavinpfreqlveri.slf f fotp.j Cobiiniilee' of the WhoTeblbetatef pf he -1 iic cpjrwauuw iiipn ruse uv us- uuj aoMourhed balfjt ibleAo.classificatibn',b.statitt'g; particularly tlie ' ; ampuftt N?"Veach rspectes of 4 ct)ejtare: to ;wbonjwWnd wb en rf.c'-t,'-l' : ' K 4,' The lloue resumed,' in Committee of the; ":. Mr. Wfrght also delivered hw : sentiments againstitA , ;'-A:- ? V' ' K; 1 ; r MiAMbSitgomerj'; succeedeltr. .XV-; decide xne negauvei-yea o-noes 7&C Mr.aiheaif Z-i "T wTTiT7 thntommencei ahtT? 1 but, beforEbhadncludea :H) a 6gainfprWd;it mmm ccmitteeXtcr:rU,w wiselostaves 57: Ws 8 .The committee then Tqse?r ana. tneouse auj ourncga ax ja HV$?MAif MrPpiiftb SOappeftreid . to-day, abatoplc hrMfJfe b11i;fhenatef StateifwiifirnBK was 'ilswrofwiiana TTie Hopstbeiiybb mbtioWalfXce esblviflfiatol'Cpm of thebblev; Q.ih5ttetjieaJonS7'f J lff mfrmVmem Jrcf oteaWp apprpprj Tod iskejd K th's mbtiob was Irt order. and mbvA to; take lipheunfinlslid bui liess of yet!eyay.e bU cbnb.injthe encburasremenX bf xlbmestic inabufactUtesiT' The ; Chaiii haun tak ertitheonndiileCi tiavinbes61.' nrst motion 'was-in orurx.vinc iincsi wn w con9ineraxioni.initiLiTiLK.iri uic cu s'siiairtbdideal ofskirrriTshin&de-? bate took blace on thost passages i of the Tpr6pbsin appropriations for the pay.ofa few ;CHrkn4befenbIic 0fl)Vbe)KitfJ pointed an pursuance of ifi'fevTsons ojf--te 'but employ ed on 'the cbibgebcyofCongr a.DnroDnannFTnouev ior iiieir twnnjci ::llrr Cbke itotA tostrikebbu lb ubces Lane; . Mr tincoln, ficV others opposed him. The inbtibnsiwereenej Mr: Trimble, of Ky; moved "to ; tuTiepd tlid- billhynserting a clause ; tpr tnerepairna, preservation bf the Cuieaiid rpat, 25000 . dollars-" r-- . A '.$zw .V Mr.'T. made sonie 'remarks' in favprof thw motion, wmcn snau oe.nereau er jtcii. ; . : vMr? :Elwarfls, b Kortfil tie, Mr Todj and. MrBulrananpokji the! propnetv of.inljducing5 tlib proposed pprvJ)riailOU in miso:u; ... Aii oujctuyii uiv- ijig- heen made by Mr.iTod,' as to howfthis datpry. of ihe'prbpPsitiPn of Mr. TrimbleA A i fhat; the Secretary bf tl.e',1Veasurybe ftuthoiized to - emnlovVi isuitable Tersonv or ag6nt to., sujperrntnd the repair'bf the intra .road.?' A A- AAA"v:' - - lf, lllMilC twyi r VU Vsil9 J A liiVUmiAUVU of bisamendmnt'-"Ari" - A. A? 1 aWhen CMr.tttfdin 2 and Mrr Wright ; had delivered the)iscnTments ou. the proposed, amendment A A . J J; "'AAA,:; .-. A-jj air. rucnsuanccoMipaniea.-nis remarss on the subiect with aiv. amendment, which he prbposedto.MrvlTimbIe'an?e .'if The I ametKlment, -bft.re'secttoi.is length proposes a recession to the statsipf l'M4rylan'bV,, Pcnn8ylvaniand ArgihiA those ' parts of the road wliich f alfWthini their jurisdiction j bri condition 'IKat. 1 bey will, -,i espeqtively,foreyer keep such portion of the road in gool repair,'and shall collect n more toll than, is necessary for that purpose, and to defray the expense of collection, inv : posing tippn tnem, also, the obligation ot an nually accounting for the, tolls received, and the manner in which the tolls are expend ed. . " - A . A'A,;. V Mr Stewart, Mrv Farrellv, and r. AVlejK ander, joined in the discussion, the course of which involved the constitutional powers of Congress, -knd the .principles on which' it should act In relation to' the general system of internal improvemebts. v 1" V A The committee the; on'i motion ofMri. Ross, of Ohio, Tpse- . r:;,--',y: ;SA;-.v Alndlhb House adjournecf at half past 4 "1-.''.:V'T'; iiaT,VK.itri4. - , On motion bf Mr. Williams of rT.TJ it was JietQlved, Tfjat the Committee bn tlfe' Post Office and , Post Roads, . be Instructed to in quire jrntothe expediency of regulatings the post route from North-Carblina, so that the mail in returning from the . west to Salisbury, .trtatd .fate, snaU be trahsporte by Sb.cri'l'ar Fonl, -Uncpln County, and MrsA Stewart's," ireleJLl Count v. On motion of Mr. Metcalf, it was Apo7fft7,' That the committee on Indian Affajrs'be instnictel to inquire whether and; if any, what abuses have" been commit ted f Sy the lteSuperihtebbntfdlah Trade J(CbI.IM,Kenbey,)inr; chase or sale of gpods under the several laws' formerly, regulating-the IndanIade and charge the Committee of the;Whole: on ther i state ot tne union,-lrom tje-turtner .consir- deration of thet bill , fbr?thenioreflual I tlib 1 mover to brlrttr the fltlA-cttv Vbfbre the;touse fbr alndbtnv obtaiii a queslionf on its passAeeWfiore s."?eer. dUyabd' nibrtmiytb ifihb .discus- oe sunercu xo M-hpJeAA onef jt produced afhttle excite?nen T ifft itr' VsW-Vsm4. 4 iltMrt'A KM.KttA-'i.MMAf.AYl. lh d the bill m- print ide.Af A on the part? of oe ,who tieslre matfrial amendments to be atioijs ,-ic r; r i n e2,sun pur yui cry- apppriatiAus for the epiTdrtures ot itne a villist faVMfrfrjto money should be disposed of, if apprb,?i atn Mr. Hardin bfTcrcd the following as amen tnat tne uommtttve nave, power tQ seiKJctpjp. pe'rsons-and papers.0, A-v:.- HAr;--;At - nils i uj ui yiMit .iimiiv, ,iiiuuuu I J? made ..jjij ih e bill. ? A,Thxcft emt(w j lessened, ' by a bestipbrde Vrah . bf a rib vel anil AmruTa "i Vnii rtiViS t hn." H!CTOO pn Mr. rrod: cbnsiderHtiojtWtKir rvni5ae fcrrtZ n .nibtion of Mr. Tnr i.,;- v jlbferofth &Mr4I4ne obtalnetl tK .2: :-r 'i 1 1 - 1 -,-.-- : - - ML Hill m m I X th,disctissioT ofwhich siZ nPll b 1 ?Hed that' itvonwui Mfermakitop TOttee rose, and 1 & jft c;, duarterpasHb'clotffe ; J?r"led 1 NTbVingl gehtleenbir, U ' cmittee,bn;33r:Campbcn'sS ; a-soi-nnenr of. 11 A R DvvAH P. r mtf dftWiiittLpcksaitd Latches, Gna jJ mgsBexl &r&? Spades' AndW t B.ne itbd Ja panoeJ .'MptjWs'eys'H . A Scythes trawvKnires, Atiir?ri.' Anon," '" M kesy H' es, , TracevChtib -Citmiii-.v. I and inpannt-d1 CastersSnuff Boxes. P.lat eti aridTinned Saddler n every descrfp.'; turn,-Webbing, Bmss and lr.in UlrehA panned Ware, ;.:Tble ahvKTt-a S)oon Lcud Pencik nd Cases, '.A Vatrb Chainv'' Fivcv Pui ses. Pock1? -B.kInk-Standt''' I ir.;re4arity,)f art icies not-here- itrnuer4tdi ;f lchViU tw 'il'4at yrj . ifedactices 1 A NOTICE.' fjH tbTnotiTytheheirso a JetTrsnh Stctce?,.. son and finlvchiid. of DiWillianv !S(Wkes,;Ute,of BeJfuld, ; in the couns y bf Grteusvill i Vj- giruV.that he 'defaedthislli-bn te 16UVinCi)t;. ubder'iigei andtibnseqoent ly ! rutesia-je 'i to bia litOdsw" JThe.htrs are thereforctJ; guested to.presentt henisel yes to'hib.fw uVXlelay;Ais I abi J'tfsiruur-to swenu -the said estate tb thse entit 'e-1 tH ?i AA A A BRAXTON ROBINSON. 1, ; --'l Late Guardian to Thus. J. , . Jan. 31. l -,'- a:;A' - :203t": :f.- A'r;:V A'v' :t NOTiCrr..: -; ' tiowihlt()PRT'A2 ii".A. The PLANTATIONon w h;cn e teMdeVatie nmuth;ofsNew Hiver, : 'thelsouthrwest-sideAinOnstow ennntr,; cbniaihlngby estinitibmbiie; jhoihanil. uVes 500 ofwhich are Reared, anrt uti"V U-r gpoi fence: cooal in 8'il generaif. tb e oest pianiationm rneseauuoi"."'-- ' nt?V' andlabout 250 of soperior hatn; yisnMMT ' BSIV UUlt w v m r y-j---- . ;nock--ltie whole,: covered, more hi iith sbVdshe: gradual decomposirjwioi. WiCdvTdiwslKmjinure fbr,maT??; r.tlfe?uiaid; are;b."Ugbraiid(quicksoil, and woul proj ; ducV two barrels bf ofiTtb the thAo$aa, .h5tliv Kubrp v tolerably w"I tffl befed withpine. The improyenieou arj : KnoHes -usual on' a large pUntatinn tbn veniencc 4fir fisbing, v;oy Kermi?. ; fowling r abd js an excelleol stand l,. r r.wnr, -airectiy pppt" .Lirtd it WcfftCQCci and -equal Aailimtm birreis'pf corn, mj o-He; the !et JnamrnpCK uij ltfv boupM?bdred.kc cleared, . iwdbil:and the balance p7 '.M V l-'iti i:Uki. JrInsrandWfn'y A Also; thePUw i 'A;; A tr.-. from thc:(brtbbbSe; of .?'lsloSv -j r. A Jr ,1 u-i2ill.cient cieri'w v js'i -jAiif a hflfTn: andbb thc.mpsy. 4 tber inquiry resnctihAa; A" ' -'t11.; rannbo. Xt A,tb-oWi B Vr K51r. Stelyj IV 4vHujs,,jsjr;u viipwvancue duck?, .arte Cd tbbe, C u r Conbs I vory anftll CotnbsT Brass an J Paten Cick'i, plated 1 T.r .. . t. PJdMetiir, ndMe irl llutta., Gla IbFltetl Coii mode Kiicbs. ' A Al'"K' a .. U. .?llf . , ...... i ,i ,4 L r .11 . ;i v.-.. equal, if not Upenpr, to any in vT;? tV cofi&titfs5 aVtwstory DJ v HoViiewJyireparedK ifjeredaftd. V K'ahiVitedttor ?- A4 ewhble,Hbuse? was,;Wher buT(forhe import ea fuitber scusiiori of ita'x3eVV;4j