f fii vf - . -r q. j" pe:orts f Cage's arguet and ad. the Fnpremp Court vfVorb. rironna,at June aMDeeember Terms, or iost cf the Tases" contained in this a- tj-. the. Reporter; is - indebted trMhe' Wv vere prepared the pTtts.-Th'c Ca-l L tniblisbVdin the course of the presenter "Vp.ft. 14. Branch-of the wt(? Jiank at tnaiptace, vacated hv the death of bis Jate JJror . tier -ArchM rient . . - A n ' ut) fortunate occu rren np happen. fd in tMsiicintty,' on Momiay'dast. .d incet'tnkiceat'Mr. Hunter's milj-: pPD?; fo:0 of thpnVi'.ihA cno fof . tf-at purpo.AV; from: m ft pnv .known .c3u?r.iiir,iTiii'-.uj3cif 0firf , two tvfl' dr6vneH;( TJie: o4her mnst hav'shaml a similar fate,; but for the iipble conduct fa f)!nw-$laveV - i -,i....rm' hit . Avti'oma rionrrOKr vifb6utwa1tffip diiencumbprshim de'rstand the, person; vha jvas drownj free man bv thernam nfvSamu ed muel ..Ctn" came to this pfapb iecenjly IVxarthcienfionprfiotyaSers to a letter in tdajReister; which" one f if V-Kll't j;a-?fcrpiay-bf.ilie. "Aiculf orii Sncietyof Ibirfctate, has r;rfcrntlT r(;eivedfro r. Esq. amemt.HIeAtUultraI Society of.Kowan-ConiitT. -in relariftn 1o a Grb!cg1cal;Sufvejf this ' Statef Survej of this kiml;tATOuId go iarfto ni4? bringing: u ad van taus1 y; Je fnre the "scientifie ubrtt; asielt as t6 leach onr4oyr ni lei tizen duly to appVe ciate their nam raj resoufcr andWe trost."if theLetihirure ofuur State 1 ; ttul decune io tieinij-inr iriiiHj v" . pense propord f of be:incurred-jn this icilrtakin (which, yehopetnmore: ina t o r e i o si JeralTon" I he y 11 1 h ot) taj, the ApriculturaSociPlies will ae wplishthe bj ctih the: Way., proj po&eo in mis leuer A forreiponilenf correctly remarks, that the , jtjolution. cffreil by; Mri Branch, in the Senate, bn the ,25th Kyf December, in which he prbposei'a ju.. dicial investigation of the conduct of .our Banks, was no part of the Report of th Committee appointed to niake enquiry inio-the administratiim of the Banks a stated in the Report of the Petersburg "Merchants, and as repre lented'in Uvnie of the, papers. The er rcr, niriloubtarose ff B theResdlu' lion 'iomeiTiately follnwinir the Re nrt. without any distinctive mark be tttfpn thenvThe. Rrpirt hadbeen soroW timp concurred rwith befyre Mr. Branch's Resolution was proposed and rejected. . v . p ' W'enotice " an'.adjourned. meeting of the citizens olPeterburs'5 haye de termined as-far as practicible to pre vent the circula:ion'f North-Carolina rer in ti e state .-pf Virginia until vur f:ks redeem their noteswitll-8)ecie So much the;better ; for our merchants and others wjll resort to' what "they should have. dtjne longNsihce.'the im portation of their own goods ithfcr in companies nr indiiduafiy' O'jjr It liecd Lot beappreiendedCbat bur Cot t on i; and . oifier.; prtMlutionii ; .'. wijl. command what is requisite without thev the aid r.fw the i Citizens bf,PetersbJrgJ, ho we mut conclude, from the! lienor of their lat e resolutions; never took the pte'eautinnof exactinsufScient profit on. their merchantlise, t cUnterba-f urce the depreciation - of f ourv- Bank fiotes! I'bis was a.sjpiritriibexalitr a" cMuav , "ur cpf ciaimns.. , e . nniouer wno w;siriner..pre eDt project to sVcceed..H1oiA.J?c. ai v : . . A'snlendM d t ri n r iris mivsn' tordure Pn'rfprn AtK Instant ' prtoik (,t beihd.isJHh day. by ttP'''fKcer8of , tbesquadrpn briber bis onmand , and thosr'atrached to the Jtatiorr. About 70 persons, partook of j feminmenVan .-aracteri.DY 'of hU clothe pfunjipil jnTand succeeut : edVresciiing; him from iVaterVfiraV" tlinuh in anxhausted state.ye iiriiv ind i iT if ' rfa rrr papers -ataie mat, mepnea Ui. . ..di t It sXeli known thatrhft P?n which, the -Commodore .rpse-.tod Hrmitti'to nini mi iniiAwinrr or as :nrflnftcrt..' - : : " t c. .i t t-jVeU wft b the(ft jr fipllon of f he Wor Sh (p vhicbVWai d for th fcref u rn f the -team(3aR from ,the wh'afVes; Tbe Bpectcle"ivas rveiMri pressive, nq t auracieq -man.v D a V 19 , j f Fran k lj h'ounty, lat ef wot$:' aBaVVbliiUffthf 'witKcratasijitf - r- ' t k. o.-S.-it.j. M- -j nieiancnoi v wire we. pr.- a vou nff man ; -nifni'eii JjenrV(j i a ros f tbev I ! the '"rmtltTThtg jaid.to be the eistith acciiieni f .iniawnfinai naa nappen ed io: that county within hi teen ytars --r'- f- ililfi.-Y- been ceiveif to the ,lt ;of January 1 ; TL7 e p r tjn c 1 p asl I article pfNf iys is'a ch a n ze: i n th e Fre rich' M iirtstfybythf' resignation of df he, oilicle of Secret ap?" of Foreisn Affair hc;?Duke lie. iTtoiwmorency, wnip is supnospo to oe fa.vnrabte;to-thecoqtitiuat;orf bt Peace ton inejLonuneni, - ii is aia,!na5vii par.Cof the .Territory of Florida, known1 nsnndeceasenV ; m r yVHllam:brwCbf.en tuckyV Mar- lMialoT:the:Unifed$tates for the same. ChVpman kColemah, of .Kentucky, t a rsl i a I . f tr he Hi e t ri c t f Ke n t u cky, vice Job ri TKbmpsoy Mason, . Jun. re sigocd.. "J s;';,; ; v r ;-, H '. ;v .Robert Todd, of Kentucky, Consul at Acapulco in. Mexico. ; . v James Smith VYircocks, of Pennsyl vania, Consul at the City of Mexico. "- WilIiamTalor, of Virginia. Cobul at LeYera Cruz and Alvaralo, iexico, 5 : - i'-' 4. - Hen r y M.! Bracken ridge, of 'Florida, Juie Wet Florida'- X ; Gteenbury Gaither, George Murray Jolin de la Rau, and Joseph Noriega all of Florida, members of the Lewis- lafive Cncil of Florida. ' r I tflenrjr Cralt), of Tennessee Attorr- tie y ion ine liisiricp 01 esi xeones see. ; i;- s ; , , ;r -. . LangdoTi Cheve orPennsylvania, Coinmisioner, on the part of the! Uni ted States, under the firsts Article' of the' Cob ventibn of ; 1 2th July , 1 822, with Great Britain J:t Jlenry: Sea well, of, Nofth-Carolina, Arbitratfiri on thpart of the United Stares, under the same Convention.:- .Thomas H. 'cAVilliams Iras' been u nariimnnsiy re-elected, bythe Legisla ture of the State of ;MsMS"ippi, to be a Senator tff he XTnlted S'atesfof sir' j years from the Sd day of March next, (when hj present erm of service will Jiaye'expireu. .y, r ' ffenry) Johnson has been elected a Senator of tle (Jnited States, from the tate of Louisiana, for six y eari from the Sl dayjd , Mach . jext, ; wlienliis, present term of servicer wil l iave W-.' 1ired; , The votes in joint ballot of the legislature were, for H. Johnsnp J 42, FX. Mailin, 10, -J: S; Johnson; . f: T he.Rpport of the Commissionersi of the Canal Fund of the State of N; Y.ork, I iscl oses t h e full o w j ng jia rti c u 1 a rs i n regard to that truly maztjiffceat undef taking. . loe wliiMe .amount i received and" paid '00 tfor the exe(cu t ion b . t h Canal Commissioners,' from the cam- mepeement of;the business, (181.-) to the 3UI uec. lasr, waso,ou3.stibfour ann a ijuarier millions 01 wnico were the frutj of IbansV under of thb'atafeTCeett. proceeds WrtolU; to be received during theear 183 is estimatedat.jSSOO nlolhrs,: The mount which will be required to fibish inese-wrKtu m taiu, win ueaooui IWO millions of ddbllars,-and,'costly as this work w ill .have been , i t J s su pposeel , 1 1 iviii,,wnen cpmpjeiea,;-vieiu a hand some interest. c t T& Toigrnat A grand broi ec t is j on fbA t to ;canal; .th is obi e 'river from; Cumberland ;to theide water.;' J?he cost ia estVnated at L50Q,000 dolhrsf Maryland, - and Virg? W thrown' from! W t h)rseaiid1cilled- onv ' LZfrjr; :EufppcJly i n arrival jfl t1 Ne w 'York J n paa gtof SO 1 ayVt jfrbm ; t i verpool Loh(!6b U eg b aVe - i De-, Chateaubrtapd: is to: "succeed the lppbintmenti M the President ? office 3Y 1 1 i.Anit!!? t epfjl ebfjpii a j A t tbr h e n f ftveX Vfii ted States fbri th a f. IN favourabre, fand "the , country healtbyv reai ter. abd btpnef Benwlcbay tliet'Cab a1;t5nnim iRSidne rs, ; i n) 1 orris-; townthat tliefptitf of uniting t&e JJS I aware and H idson theN( uscoTne 'tbiimriil ' y9i-yKci com nli shed J wifhou'tserious obs Tuft lest f ivtlb 'J m m eiwV. all va n tagps JftCthe. Iro n fVorJss if -New Jersey,"and. supply the city of New-Y6rk.'Avitb coa! from 'the i with a more ready conveyance of their iagrrctilturarprod uct'to the New-York market. . . -i , . i Convention' betfbeeif the States, of lis- vet i nr su pen Wbefore ' the Legislii- iore or virsinia.? wu rniijiyyMiiQ..0(;- nate uetertnineu, oy a we ur-ivxo. 5 1 drto' adhere to iHtsmnUments :tb Lthe bilL for cariHshbi oyejMbn f i n tif e (Feet- One of these amendments strike?' ouf, $o "much as prelates to th in 0 Droposerf tiar(rntee? l o tuese ameri men ts the House(f ; Helena te h &d(s red.-';fl f t batilipusitj, ad-hege to :i:jr.OnXFridayiv evening ia!siiia bout fiveVcfoekfhe; Oivellirig Hbufe of MrrFred. Dfeters la Blamlfiird was discovered to be.on fire and in Uabotit an hour time that elewant Man- I si.on was reduced to a Iteap ofruins. i The fi re com men c qd i n -1 1 e r o f ; bu t iri'-whaf'-manner. it birijjrnatfd, Jias not ! as yet we believe been .sat isfactbrily J . pieo- a i ineju for a few mo in V difterentart'bfthe town.Ovvibg 4yil'inia;"at'ai la vkjirjce'. It could al- .itMefcrmutMtORraft'p bill is IbsJi-ariil- ther tonveiiUbn (otfie"er1iuodf rtO Sreat exertipnsrthe oot lioftsw wce4V sated ;.' bu t it is Avith. resret e have ( i ' - ' , a, . . ." ii, r ' ' i 'of the ehimnies oftheAlarislona'Jia) coring man uy tne name oi jonn; r u r- SLUson was mortally wounrtect, ana ine ; lives, of several -others greatiy; endan- i tv as urowTieo, on ;aaiurGay;-arier-noon; nar Cbesnut street wharrVtPhi- I a 1 1 e I ph i a , f Pe m be r t o B i nh s i se c o n d son-0f Afderman ,bnV'BjniiSi;Egi(?; of - the -Q Dbmbcrafic Press, He was ska i t i rrg, : w h e n : u n fort u n a 1 6 y h e fe I f into an air hole ; and, notwithstanding the most anxios anfl.rpersevrinj; ekr e r ti on s Ito save him , he vas fi qated jii n - der the mai n bod y. of 4iie ice. j: , SafobvriuTefcl 0, 1 323. " : - Dxar SrA ceoloeical snrreV or rxhroj- nation of certain ? ections of 051 r State,', made i bv a' person' of skill and science (sitch asj I without 'doubt, Jje attended - with the:m'ost iroic5urAjiiiisi.cv. u uic uiuversiiv 1 wviucu 1 rad vantage ous rtsilHs;- - Iiscoveries' of 'Miae- f 1 Jills HiiKii. up uiuuc,) mai. , n wuu uucu 1CW, I sources 01 vvaim 10 ine v?iaie- suca, ror e j aTnple. as beds of , Gypsum land Matl,:invalu. rable in agriculture; o:..m.irWiatubstanfeea : of y rions sorts, useful m dqraestic econorfty ! or superior kinds of stone, such as" Freestone' or waruic, 01 imc aiuiiv, useriu in DinjaiHgy and admired for their durability and beautyi Wbat a wide fteld lies .open for discoveries 1 ir Metallic Ores useful for domestic purpo- j sesv and ' in 1 some- form, a articles of comj ! indispensable agent in every branch of indus-, ltrv ' v V:' v'' -P vv try.v j Tbc existing Iron Vorks, in the States do ' not nuriufecture noiigh of that article, to i supply tWentv-five per cent on the demand i for home ionVptionr The balance wte. re ceive from abroad, and m thLs; way annually send out tliOusanls of.idollafs for -an articled -which it is probable may.he found in a num ber of .th Western Counties where tt.i not now known t6fi$tv?i- ' JLiiHs is not Only: indispeosably necessary in building and tanning; but it 5s known also io be al inost Valuable?. mamiw.V We are in duced- tObelieypthafilimcjs other i sections ofithe BjeJthah wrce it is now. iouiiu. : iNuiwiuisianamgxnis, now mucn e upper parts ol Virginia, in wAcaons, from the NoiHh by jthe WWUmuigtori. jionie auppiy wouior jeiam among us tne sums that now in this tVaytravel abroad.".,-vis ; it : chiroencal'tb.iuppbse that there thay be j SaUjipringt in our Stat e,f or aucb. indications j of Salt as, to ensure nhe!; obtaining of It by f digjrinE: r They abound in other Sates f and whyi not here n .' 7 xu auuiuvn xo toe common, use. ot san as a necessary of bfeV imtnense quatti of it are anniiIyortsumeoVi'ir State in ihe prer ' aeiVation ofwiheV:fleli t;foVf markets iSi- ; sea boardrall our supplies conie from abroad; 'What ' discovery, "then, would, be & source fof Salt Water in' theanleir: State Another, great adyantag&: attenbUng a auf v vey4of this natureTwolddbe 0ie bppejunity nw'siaro:taeyan0aaiia .Qrourtate; 7 9. tairf Darts of our State- i and though none of thersubstances ye hive named may he'found yerther v&re TOanyother',rtchri3aluable ones in Vhe mineral kinerdom 1 that, lie .latent ttmdeK oxif ; eyes. There is vauoninaiiwe wisokjo;; maKpijviir;ji ca Slntfec'examUialtibnf lie, MfelsatrotE'we'must alffeelwith hufnili-1 atlnj ncthai Irtb-earoCnd?es,oot , at ; tract' tha attention; jfrom her sitjfers of .the v Union; to which,4 tfe tbfnk, .ahe: js justly . en tijled. : .One prmcrpal car5ft:; oftbuis, Uiat. we are not khvh. ,-. It our; Cmls njstorv." ana i. jnoraLenertnes ire thu. u nkho wn. stil I less are me natural msivixaou .iniernuj' resources ot tne Tsnite, a surveyor tms Kinfl far towards bringing us iiayantfteo tore the scieiuifacpiiblicTas wells rir Own cltize9'dulvf:faa1fihTeciate tnX ronrnM.-- a s, ; -V A. f t mittedj nowis at .:ta ae aceompMsnedT A$J the Legislature otthe State Dave,. -on tw or three occasions. refused to "mate small ao' propriatibns' for 4his objectM-b' pf name n . VHtj--- xojvaii,n.griyjLUi?ii owv; : 1st. By-small oflb'dtioW their funds, to this nuroosehderdtb Ot) eaCountyv u.poh its forming dejetyi ah Vaisiirgra certain sumsmtitled totlraw fromi i tlie Treasiirylts, relative prbnortioo of? five Sietyi4isposed . id prom?pji ay, cohtiabute-in tjroriottibn.to its raichnsiet the' edej--pQpiiation vlhet lartcaufityt, omer eb!urn4esfin'theM ;2dlv;'The r AircaituraliietV .VKortlWi r:fifajroiinai Mnecaitv.ild eiisl sas,;vl ; sedetfb y the JSitf : ultwre. h arrears uixuis auciety , arereiecio jiney; will form a jmalt iuroi iwhicht iila shall also '6 vii:pcnftt anfaires of a sreolocric investigation theWnnis beolaced m the re;of theBoard ftl!i:S V " ; ' P A l(: J of Ag culture, whenj prvnued, aaantCof to anpfj? xaem .xoinypecT.ipwoi tney f li - wu iiMM''w- nunc.', , uu c uiu ;p,We. i;eJTiainypurs vftivsentimpn opar titular esteenvv - ' ' . S. J. 'GUks,'Esq. "Seb Vlof th:C-. :r '-H. Ni- ?; Agriciil tural Society. I Sfe -t." : . x ii mtm 1 .:-, i---v. -'.-( i- . -j-:- viV-v .'-vr-.iv-;:v..--: V i FOR' TH REGISTER; ' - ,v - Ipeara'm p roprly in tii e , Registeroil laV week us.ayiienibej ;off! themittee-to whom wwas;rerreuAfOyth(?. ViLiz;eosrof this p Ace 'tico.nsidefi tion of certain-Re solutioni Sc Proceedings, of the Merchants! I declined actinsr upon - th at Committee j suuu a.4i.ci 1 iic uonnt'-ioii ot juy a,)point meot iand lest itshould apea who felvfaterested mt that I bad withdrawn xapricibuy yi)tt ' wilbe, "sq rg9odis ;to publish b way pf apology for me, the pbte which I addresis .1 4.. ' f Joseph Gales Esq of ser.yfng oh the, Committee appoirtttl at a public roeetinfir Of the Merchants of Ha ieigh for he purpboftakinjbtosi wci -rtjir. prufcccmugs recently nap by the MerciiaiHa of rrsuYginfe tjoa'thtfir. Jeocyj. bf e-htCarisabkw Being op the eyeof ciujti,my proeWsio log witiiie dbm . : -j.-.j.i. i ': L '' ; j :;'!. remarK,' u,nejproceecungs reterra 10 being pfedicatediiTthe: ry?ff f Manfyiapz anQ-tneCflwewuich ti'tve led 10 ltiliim not awareafc pre&nt' of any bot W Oiabd a:fewf?i5o; ihb' canoitoslf tc junKt u, )o. Micwer 01. puoiisn ing in 'jidT ther Course I arh decidediy 'OppcoV Posiesrrg'the fullest confideflceithft finaociatwisdorny abd jtttekpjrbfbbb respeclr: thWiUca;t oi ihteQtM hi anagement t nes;fe mitted, I imWjbi'rli" tfe rasa nm4.4ictat) week befo re ii&f:!; V m'0 Resbectfuliyr 'MeeUjB;thevMe' j s; beg-leeltbSm our Aferc;hanta.;a 'participatroji Viol neir aafterrdscomman; controversies,:: . dlaenaaWrila'rooua ' 1 :IUi;thani; SrandBct eoutU 1 eoieetmt - ffi ;ra;mi.suy , loitfote. 04'mC3-' ' W .Svgy. wnn.nruht.V. wvaae4?x.; feaeia, of yourisefil paIiobire a:ifDer Uhe reyi b remiiVksmW aVathuthe B3piist:Cbu rcb; , ipthenevbntiet?;qu s-ift , verse i-jam? vijiin -io gire- my aiqjLoci-; v., ' ; tKer b;6bVh of bilemyself tiliellme bfthese -Books an Ivhop tbat:sohi l)ea..V' taken Oy . thMrfnagersbfj ther Lottery; - ttjat'ome person ,nvfe iciuLaiinea-;oe- 1'1l'.LA !ll ' I'i'. t-.l-' J m'rtnrAtel Withithfln. .wilbnndertaker thdf." 1 their ria-i f - - (T'vfe HUdef sfa'nd that the JtcvsMr. Frer) e theXOnVerted Jew;iS'nrrcf ,at the- Pres- ' i x w f 1 t.ur'rey;isTn& ageqi oi uie American ;zov v t if . I cijfety; for ..meliorating ' the condition ofthijr.v., M ; Jewai'VincofporatebptUe' NeuYorferle- V J? J ,' rotate cofony of Am . It i yelliriouih, jk the, Parent Sodety'V:. ' lit?. j fJ diuiiFranihsiVvi y'r fill rf-fiomamnrameetmo Jill! CariadateToViesidenrQ Stated UK ...ihe'jiexlectlf , ? ; "which hdyeajStedoh :remareIyi4ti?U if 3" Uestiontiiefe istiniisoenarnetf !V oince, ana we,aonot wisii toamro;etr 4 numbeeeciallAH : - :' oftheoeTi:TirbDose:d Jr. I mw limine to; onvtne' itn:in!it.irK. up i ut farljibi JEqi of.' Wilmington, r '; , 1117 J. aVI . tlA V II I1L11 lid tf III. V lid jnan:ots familyiviich is outrterous,3 ;i::; I; ain;.a'eTioia3lcssT; J. i hU aua1ntao.ces yirt : v 3rt,m.mrjre 1 pahecibiti , ; tinjrinie jti y(ungtgebtlehp6sseK ft nalitieo;whe;:e ;:J IV Tcspeit e:ot1hd.cqKi iiy iAt;,Witmifitoi&:o : '4 Wm.-McICay,i mVrclianf. of that Dlace.C aked'otf years: VPSuriaiglit- year of hisgMrJeirtader Hattrid a icatiyeor Scot lancfeand f 6 r ni a nf M r s ' ,r a resident oryVm ' in pS8iirj;at uigui .ucuigvwremety qarK J was prilbab' . i J 1 ly ; deceived lurHhe dUtahcbv au4it:d irovV ,':) the wharftefwa hbWver-i t r; . atejyes'c , buVevif eft restoriii Ml ve4:lnct4r ::!; occasiohe:tya 1 ; f bttXaifyiAobe ,; Nsenuotlin J); iJBvivicpsTOiw4tt pre-V : (l b ! ? t v-oeuiienemrenobnv-theSist-tiffri :iV.;--.v1 .1 Ml f UonspaueHCelbt'debili K I Heckvveideivap;$03yea;rs; isardeal' ' ' aealforiootinhe J . aj.-n.auctt r tj j : .b .eaHierMrto' ilieler vice: is-mUlt''r : , i sBnary)ftJhitedtBmi I ( ! rdaVft. ; , . t J : : A.Mliareod : 1 1 familiar to thOke.wrio tr hrU,i,-'-'r''i'V' ' ill jhad endear mm (! ; friendai?d;auibUn4es:t -v,' AV I ice I II Warneda:s;yoUn ft 1 i rose frdoV he:ranksVbi(:nco.V i S5ve sspiea oya. iew ot the l?caa atry V 1 1 hercutedpuror trps Irislvyebmahry I' 1 pi (. i; 1 i 1 ;i i . 1 H 1

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