Mi lip' 4 ' T mi Iff! 1 vi4 ,1 ' t , , . 1. J -s 11 ft 1 1! 1 1 i h.rt V L i 8 si r n i -- S-: 5s . - - amendments wereexDliuned by; Mr. SnutbJ . of lid. and were are ed to.and.the bill.then4 fiAvino- been irone' throuch. was 'ordered "to J .be read a tV.rdtime;;- - ! - p-:;J:-; The biliYro:the.-7Jouse ofcprcsentaf; alvA to revive smd continue in force 'certain stcts for the. adjustment, of hod chirrs -in the, Irtii coac tTiin wnt into the cnnsuiera r ;.V'ti6a of lwiective business ?. and remaned j; -Mth flosed doors mtil near 4 oWotj and YXV eHaujourncd."'-; 'VY :Js yV, ; ty ''t ThV erifrrossed bill supplernentary toHhe 1 seera) acts -for the adjournment of lahq j Cclaims in the slate of Xcuisiana, Vj -iinlWntarv .ti i'ahd to amend the act and me en ; Vf 3 . , ' . w.,i i;;n f.ifthe relict ot J"im liucnicr, m-X : j X were', severally read thethird time.;pa5se.di ,JjKs.f -' and sent to" the other House for concurrence. " y ,ofl7'S9, Jo regulate the collection of duties ' i :on import and tonnaarttVthe;, bill to re- Tive and continue in fortje "certain ctt ifor the adJtistmcrit of laiicl claims m tlie terptbi-y-of 'l lliphigan, were severally read the third tirtie, ; aithev had been aniendedy; the. Senate, v passed, and returnetl to the Ilottsre.f Repre senativqs for concurrence in Hheamcnd- -n-inents.-. , '.: , -" . T he Senate took tip the resolution otierert by Mrlohnscn, of Kentucky, :on Friday hist ; - ' andVafter snic "discusVron,: h.-ivin been mo- " - edified,' on -the motion of" Mr.M'dls, to read as -followsvlt vasajeed to vis 1 " ; Jfhed, Tfiat the Committee on the Ju dician- be instructed to lwiuire; tlie c;X- peUiencj' ot co.iectin ana uIucul5 iw bTU all the acts of Contiress , relative to the v .rCcitrts of the United tatcs.' and theadmiui - t' ustration ofr justice ;hefem ;and to report a mode of ,ettertin-eucnr cnans, mouincv . combine ost . r fficiency prompti tudc, V od j economy, rn me aiimmiusiraiion oi tuMicck -v"' - The Senate, resuniwl the cotisideralion of C "-the bill to authorise the 1'res'uIentTof the. U nited States to ofTcr". at puhric' iafe the salt springs and l-ad mines of lhe. Uiutcd States i anri the public hutd contigious.theret'nj j .Mr. Dickersnn moved 'a strikq out tlie first section of the bill, antt to insert 1 substitute, -' - ' providing, in uhstar.ce, that the Tresident of J the. United States be ' authorised to appoint , cotne fit person, skilled in rnineralogyV for the j space of three years, for the purpose p: ex v aminin and reporting-, from tini U( time, o: some debate, the bill whs laid :.pu the table ll the mines and mmerti.K jf t he vAaes til. Mis- souri urd rUiiMus aml TeiTitnry of lichijtn ; ! j and ,aliowimar:him a liidurvrtherertriA'Af'ter i 1 FEB. M. ? f.T1ie:Preodent of the Senate having 'left ' V the c'rt, Mr. Gaillard was elected President 1 of the Senate, pro. tatCf -: "r - Ur Mr. Stokes, from Jh Cominittee oh the Post OfF.ce and Post Koal report el a bill r' providing for clearing, repairing; and impro-1 - ving certain roads, for the purpose of facili-j " . taring" the transportation of the Mail ; which bill vSl twice read bv ireneral consent. j . The reman jt of the day vuas occupied on private claims. r THrnSAT, FEB. 20. ' The Senate proceedetl to the cousideration ; of the bill to provide for. the settlement of itc) accounts "of Daniel D -Tompkins,' late 1 Governor of the State of,5few-York. - j , : This bill authorisesfirst, that the proper accounting officers of the Treasury adjust and settle the accounts' and claims of Daniel j D. Tompkins.' on principles of equity- and j justice, subject to the revision and final de-j cision of die President, of "the United States. J Secondly, it enacts, that the provision of the J appropriation law.rf last session, which pro bjbits the payment of salary to any individual . .while he shall appear indebted to thetTaUed States, shall be repealed so far as it: applies to Mr. Tompkins.) ; i- ' " ' ; ': , : . 'Mrc.Eaton was opposed toibe second pro-' vision (above stated") of tlxe? bill t because, , however highly.he might estimate the servi- ccs aid patriotism af the Vice President, during the late'ar, he could not reconcile :" it to himself to extend; to any individual a privilege" which, was denied to all bjbers sit ttilarly.situated.; lt would have th appear ance of favoritism, and might :ber so charged, .j, particuarly. as Q ' related . to a ' person f who f lie Id a nigh' and respectable office. J 5 j- v t " T Mr. Browp, of" Lou. replied to' Mr. -B in . an animated manner. He did not think'any 'such imputation could be made. -A jury had -passed oh tliis claim, and had rendered a yerdict in favor of the Vice President. 'Com " mitteea too, in both Houses of Congress, had exaituned the case, and had reported in favor of authorising what tlie bill proposed., There ; was a wide' difference, therefore .between ; s this and other cases of unsettled accounts with the government. A. f . 9' "I'he question was then taken on ordering the.bili to a third- reading, and was carriedr C with tw or three dissenting voicer.. ; ; At' the request of Mr. Willilms, of Ten the bill was thereupon read the ' third time, by unanimous consent, was passed,; and're- - turned to'the HonsS of Uepresentativea1' Vj '-fThe:. Senate then resumedi theiconsidera tion of the bill from the House of epresen Utives, for. laying otit ind making arba'd, from the lower liapids of the Miami of Lake Xrie.Jo the Western boundary of ( the Con necticut Vestern Reserve, in the State -of Ohio, agTceVble to the' pi-yvisions -'oT the In diah treaty of Brbwnstoh.'; r . ;" 'y On this bill a lon debate arose, in,which its principle and. details; its constitutionahty "and expediency were thoroughly discussed; . in the course of which, the bill was consider drably modified; ' v m- - - Finilly.lit , was ordered to a third reading, as araended-ayes 29. r v; . f " " - A - Mri Taylor, of Va.'obsen-ed, that as the Senate did not usually siU on Saturday,-he K ,rA thv wonld indulare Jjini so far as to .sect oft Sstnrday next for,. the purpose f 1' ... C vllie bjlhfrorn the Hpuse, of Represent, tives- suppTementai-v to .ilie icts to :pfovide for certain Wcrsons "engaged in .the fland. ii hum fnaVtf Service of the Uoited. States m the1 Ke pTiioniir'' War, was rejected trf! a ybteV of j -2t jnorahd24 agamst;it-rtd;thenf adi MrPlumer, ofNi H. from , the Committee; on ttieJiidiciarv, .reported a bill to 'carry in to effect the nmth article of tne treaty con eluded between the United States anl Spain,! the 22d daof,; February, 1819 wiieh was wad-twk'ean'd committed, tyX?? The Spe3kercmminrcated letter, from the '"President- of tlie United-States; jtrafuH.' mittm'ff all tlie :coiTespondenc6n relation to the treaty between the government of. the United States and Great Britain, relative to the Contention of the 20th October, 1818 ; which letter iwas read, and the letter, and ; correspondence were ordered to lie on the table, :;VT3i ,'; .'v. ; -,.,.;V': i Tlie House resolved itself into-a Commit Uee of the Whole on the state of the Union, j the bill making' appropriations for thc.su p ' port of government, yesterday tinder, corsi- delation, 1 being- tlie first business before the committee;- v ' '"' 'I r- ' ! The question pending- before the Commit ltee w:is m the motion of MrTrimble, to in sert an appropriation of 25,000 dollars for the 'repair and preservation of theCumberlaud ;uond. ! . . ! ' . .. . Mr. Mc'Lahey of Del. suc-g-est?d to Mr. T whethe'rit.woidd. not be bett-r to allmv thA ceinmitteto proceed thi-tnigh thin ill. nitlk out pressing this amendment, t and then t:;ke iip the bill from the Senate,' ; making the ap propriation, of 25,000 dolfars for the repair and preservation 'of tlie Cumberland lvor.d. Mr. McJLane was an advocate of thisapro priation, and 1 would nflbrd every f;ciPty. to the prompt passage of the bi'l from tlie Senate. ; He thought this eoure would stc compl:s!i tlie object in view more readily than to persevere in the attempt to er-uft the "apprnpriation - on'the present bill with which it had no natUrrccnnect:on. : Mr. Trimble yh ldejd to the suggestion of Mr. McL.; and withdrew the motion he had made to iiisert tie appropriation for the Cum berland Uoad. The motion was renewed, and occasioned consid craio I c debate, which was .not closed . when the! House adjourned. ; . Mr. Trimble rose, and sah if the motion he was about to make was not in ovder, or j if any gehtlermin had a motion to'in:ke which , wouki iae precedence. oi nis own, ue nop- ed it would be waived, as a iKrwmtd kind ness lo hitr.selfi'and that the f louse would take up the bill providing for 'tbe' adjustment of the.accounts of (the' Vice Presidc.it) Da niel D. Tompkins, late Governorof t!ic itatc of New York; ?- The question being put, Th House agreed, by una-dinous .consent, now to consider the bili ; a d .Mr. T movctl that it be engrossed and read a third time. Mr. FJiovd, of Va. moved t!iat the bill he j ; amenled so as to refer the arljustment of the ! accounts of Mr; Tompkins to the Secretary of Var, instead of the SecreL .ry of the Trc a surj'.. He didso, hecause.ln: conceived the character'cf this case was cxtrac.ri linan", and to which he reform!, w-. . !;ar , nn.l because hf? wished, by not refi rriifg it to the Ordinary Department for such adjustment, that it should be. kept separate and distinct from the; great mass of applications of a simi lar ki inland hot form a precedent ffr others, hereafter, which might possess a pretended analogy. to it, &c. j , The amendment was opposed by - Messrs. Trimble and Hamilton, members of the com mittee -u Inch reported the bill. The com mittee had given a due attention to the cir cumstances which had been refcrred to, ard had, from a view of all the circumstances, concluded it best to report the bill Iriits pre sent shape. , i , 7 Mr. Hamilton, among other remarks, said, that while the bill guarded tlie pecuniary rights and interests, of the Ur.;ted States, it comported with the obligation to discharge uie ucui 01 gTHiuiuie which me nation owtu to the distinguislied individual who had, with such a 'manly' devotion, stepped forth and i offered every sacrifice and every' hazard in thejfcervice-anUjdeience of Ins country in. the hour of danger. H e had no fear that a simi lar case i would, evfef present itself again ;lt must at least he long before such a case could occur, for it was not to be expected that the Treasury of the nation w ould Again become bankrupt i thafits credit would be prostrat ed and invasion be threatened ; and it could only theii occiir that an example like that of Governor Tompkins could again happen'. Mr. Floyd, in tbecdurse of his remarks, said he hoped.! indeed,' it might be long be fore sAch another case should occur before it sliould-be necessary to have such; si man to expend the money, of the nation under simi lar .circumstances ; when the treasury was exhausted, the country ' ip danger ; . whert blue: lights were along our coast, and tlie enemy on our borders; He entertained the deepest sense" of the services bf .Gov. Tomp kins ; he vould be glad, - indeed, to reward the aignal patriotism of that man and, if it were constitutional to do so, would make him an ample donation for his public service. That, howeyer, being out of the power of Congress, he would provide at least for the equitable adjustmentof -his accounts, &c. &c. ,'i'he amendment offered by Mr. Floyd was negatived ;and then the bill was ordered to be engrossed and read a third time nem. con. j f -Mr. Johnston, of Lou. offered the following 1 resolution vwbJck. he wished to lie on the ta- :j lUsotvti, .ltthe ,Comrnjtee on N-Val Affairs ' be. instructed to Provide V two Steam Batteries for the defence of the -Mississippi I I Uiver.s Y .l W , ": . 'i Tho llctxse tien ag rmrvad -itseffinto i i 1 N: C.?riovdUasse,tt,?HaminonK pomen ana J rnrht. eiieaffed; "efcnsiclerinfc -jhe'utimyr UMs invention, ami me prvfi rriaiier' would ' . the appropriation v On : agreeing tlf l I ? .teas decided in ine-amrmative ayes - Having gone threiigtt the details or ms bilMthe committee rosand ;rtp6tH: it ss amended.; The f louse then agreetVwithout ? a,dissenting'voice,t to' all;-the: atnenOWenW t made I in , the .Committee, exceptinir two i items jihuv: before:, taking the tpioOlor rkgree with the committee op these, two ex-; , cepted item a motion was made tq;adJouhi: : x at the request-of Mtt W .motion to adjourn; was ;wlthdrawn,for th . purpose of considering the1 bill for the ad- justment of the accounts of D. D. Tompkins, 'Vice President of the U. States. The bill, ' as engrossed, was then taken up. read a third j time, passed nem. con. a.nd sent to the Senate for its concurrence. r I i .h.f ' 4 ; Tri!8AT, TKB. 18. . ' - Mr. Newton, from the Committer on Com merce, reported a biH to authorizethe build ing of light houses, and for erecting beacons therein rnentioned, and for other purposes ; which" was read twice, and committed. ' Mr. Kent, from the Committee on the His- ftrirt of Cbhnnhia, to which was referred the j bill from the Senate "to amend the chsirter !of the Mechanics' Uankof. Alexandria, in the i District of' Columbia," reported the same ! without amendment ; and ; j A motion pass it to its thiixl reading hav i ing been made by Mr. Kent , " , I " Mr. ArCoV thinking' a bill of this characr Iter ought not to be precipitately acted upon, jbut take the usual course of bilhs movd its i reference to a Committee of tlie "Whole House. ' After some debate, the question on refer- ' ring, w as decided in the negative, 73 votes to 56. The quf-stion was then taken on ordering . ... .. . . . . .1 the bill to a third reudii.vf, and decided in the affirmative 66 to 56V;' I - Tlie business yesterday before the House, I immediately preceding its adjournment. Was an exception mane bv Mr. hippie, to tnat item of the bill making appropriations for the u p pert Of the, government of the United, .States "'which make s a-provision of 197,000 dollars, for the surveys of the Public Lands. Mr. V: having' s.itiffiel himself, during the interval iiiice the adjournment of yesierd?), of tlie 'correctness of this appropriation, with drew his exception o ii. , . vAnotherl exception taken by .Mr." Cham hersof Ohio,' to the various amendments n.uleyt!ie 'Coir.niittee to the above bill, tni that! iuiiendmi iit by w I lich the" it em of appropriation of '10,000 dollars for continuing' the location of the western road, was like wise withdrawn bv; Mr. C, he. having recei-'- ed information that a. bill; on the subject was before' the Ne?.ate, which would-,' ptohaply prove less objectionable than the appropria tion in this shape. . ' v These two amendments of the Committee were ihenr ' codcurred in by the House, and 1 1 itne Din ivas oraereato De engrossea ror a ijtiiird reading. V J - V ; j The 1 louse- Uicn took up lhe bill provid ; ' n for the sepport of the Navy of the United States, for 182 i, to; ether, with the -amend-n-.t-nts report el to it by the Ccmniittee df the i io!e. " ' -.r... -' - vI'4iwa tt- nnrlmnf ts troiA r.-lt...l ivulv - 1 , creed to. . f " v - . "',, Mr. Floyd, of Virginia, then rose to'move an amendment, which was, to strike Otit the ' lt03n prvi(hng an appropriation for wharves, j&c. cohrxcted with the Marine Itail-Way at 'the Navy Yard, in this city, and inserting, ! it;: lieu thereof, an appropriation of S90,000, ! - for building a Dry Dock atsuch place, in i ; Hampton I ioads as should be thought most expedient for this object. This-motion not being In order, because, the House had just concurred in tha amend- Iiiient (l;eing included in the others) ,.Mr. . Floyd moved ..to re-considzn the vote of con currence in that amemlment. .,' ' On this moiio'n there arosea debate of two hours, turning not so, much on the actual me rits which may ; belontr to' this Invention, as kipon the question Whether the experiment tias neen conclusive. Aitiiougiv this was tne. rature of the Debate, it appeared, in the course of it," that this appropriation is asked, j 10 uciray ine expense; 01 excavatiig a dry docly in the rear of the rajf-way, on the mar gin of the river; into which vessels are to be drawn by the same jmacliincry'as is employ ed to place them oo the upper pirt of tlie rail-way. V i " On the. question being takeh, 55 voted in j favor of riiconsideratioB, and 76 agkinst it. ; r -The oill was then Ordered to be tntrrossed J and read a third time to-morrow. 4 I ;-t- 4 WBI2TES1)A.T, FEB. 19." On motion of Mr. paylies, it was V - ; v Itesolved, Thai the Committee of Com ;-- merce be instructed .to inquire into the ex pediency of increasing' theiuties oav fallow; soap, and tallovT candles, importedl from, fo reign .countries. "; '.:"f . K-1'4:-4i Y? Mr. Sloanei of Ohio, offered, the following resolution,, Avhich, from its ' nature will cf course' he -one day. ' i;;-.-"' -; ... '"'h Jiesolved, That the President of the TJ. States be requested to inibrm this lllouse of the amount of money paid from the Treasu ry, since the organization of the present go vernment,i for the following ; obj ects, viz : budding light houses, including the purchase of land on which they are situated together with the. lighting .and 'superintending the same j erecting beacons, buildmgi lighting and superintending vessels stationed as lighta in harbors, or on the coast ; ' Building wharves,' piers:: and sea walls, removing obstructions to navigation in rivers or harbors ; placing and superintending- buoys reUefofi distressed, sick, and disabled seamen; and fob sunnort j of Consuls und Commercial Agents abroad ; . the expenditure; tinder each head to be sta .ted.separatelyv -4? J , Mi. ganders,' ofN. cl submitted the follow- .oik napcr to uier raouse.' ana moved that it 1 lie on thtt tahl-";r' :-jb -'.:' .t-jV -:!-tf -:- know'the bio-: considered the rn0t Jieing.hfel precedent was to; : recent ion of this constitute, fit i hoped ft would solid and. substantial reasons fSfeiiMt be'prbduced fii fafdrpf it.ti'hoped jtue g-htlefian!yonld Teconsider theymatteT, f and vitda that 'document; I prbVeSsol kriq)ythat:jn(U Mr; M; bl JicN fKughttol'Vc-fjiisice atjeasfiwhidt a course UKe mis is no caicujaiea oauow.xo liiui. gainst . Ju d ire Tait, and, if so, wSs, not that ! report now lyinpprW.the. table ? ; Beiiig an ! swered in the affinnative, Mr. N. proceeded Then, said he, jt appears obviously proper, ; that, where it is made a matter pf . grave ' charge against a Judge of the United States, ;that lie has refused to admit the accuser .o practice as an '. Attorney in his Court;. and a! jreport iipon.this charge is lying on the table, s testimony of tlifchartcter of the individual ' refused to be admitted, being directly rele- vant, ought to be received. Here, you have the testimony of the Memhers of th Ivar to j which he was, refused v admission, testifying , to hisxharacter, and to his unfitness for ad-, i mission to the Ihir. This; .Mr. N. said, was the; very best evidence the House could ha ve upon the case. ,t It seemed to h'm, under the ' circumstances; extraordinary that the geh- tleman" should object to receiving this paper,' ! which ought to be spread on the records, a. shew every libeller who comes in this House to vituperate , high , officers of the govern ment, that the grounds and motives 0 their conduct wilL be exposed, and when exposed, j appreciaicu astney ougnt jo pe. 0 I Mr. Sanders said, he could not accommo- date tlie gentleman from Alabama by with t drawing this paper, if he were disposed to j do so ; because, in presenting it, he1 acted : u.e ms.r cuons or ine ju.uciaiy v.otn- I.TTiittpe. I.JKe tliO ffpnllpumn from Alah.'imS. j j srtld -Mr S. I poisbnall v know nothing of this j individual, aim, tijonvthe httle 1 have seen of I his character, I wish toJrnow nothing of him. j Put, it seems proper, that this paper should be received, because one of the charges ad .dressed to t! 's House, against Judge Thit, by. th"s indirl ''jid, was, that! he had refused him aduiissioh to the bar. This certificate shews that he wasrnot a fit person to be ad ' ni'ttetl.' The rertificate is signed by several of the most respectable gentlemen"" in the :.te of Alabama, one of whom, he. had heard, is now Speaker; of the House of He- presentatives bf the State. Mr. S. w'oiild - not, now, however, discuss"., the subject to which this certificate relates. If the report ishould be taken up, it Would then be time . enough to discuss it. . 1- v I r- The paper was ordered to lie on the table. ! The House,' on motion of Mr. Hlackledge, . of N. C., took -up tlie report" uiale by the , Committee on Publc Buildings, proposing an alteration in the Hull of Henresehtatives for tlie acc6nimodati(iU of the next Congress and, on the question to agree to the resolu tion appended to the report," it was deter ; mined in the affirmative. -; The engrossed bill making appropriation for the support of government for the year 1323," and the.biU making appropriations J for the support of 'the Navy of the United J States,' were severally read a third time,' i patted, and sent to the Senate for its concur rence. ' ' . . : ' .'. ,'. I The bill from the Senate to extend the charier of the Mechanics' Bank of Alexan- J dna, was read a third time, and passed. , The House then resolved itsslf into a Com mittee of the Whole on tlie State of the Union. "' ; ." '- ? "" i ' The Committee atrain took un the bill from the Senate ta 'appropriate 25.000 dol lars for the repair and preservation of the I Cumberland road i which motion,was agived to..' ..;'':. t :y':r :''.:;; .,..;'; v : When this bill was last up, an amendment; was proposed to; it, -by Mr. BucliananJ of Penn. th object of which is'arecessioh of such parts of the road as are included in the limits of the States bf Virgin Pennsylvania aiul Maryland, to be States respectively, im posing on them the obligation ff keepmg the Koad in repair. 1 :rv i ? ; : Op this qut stion arose an animated and pretty able debate, when the .question was taken on it and decided in the negative, 66 to 44 on one part of it, and 68 to 34 ! on the remainder of it, . ; .I;'.' .. " The Committee, then rose and reported the bill to the House without amendment.1 f . THURSDAT, FEB. 20. Mr. McLane,?fromttie Committee of Ways and Means, reported a' bill to carry into ef5, 1 feet theiconvention of navigation and com merce between the United States and France, concluded at J Washington on the 24th of J une, 1822 ; which was read twice and com mitted to a committee.: of the whole on the state of the Union; 0 ' f' ' , ,". On motion of Mr. Conner it was . . 1 Resolved, That the Committee on the judiciary be instructed to nquire,into the expediency of reviving, for the space of one year an act to amend an act to establish a General Stamp Office. V ' : , l;r,rLW: ' ; The Committee Bf the Whole, oil motion. j was discharged from the Tfurfher consideira- uqn. oi tne bill extending the time for , tne location otVirginia; Military Ijihd VVarrants and returning surveys thereon to the Gene ral Land Office: A The; consideration of this bul occupied the House until 4 o'clock, when it was recommitted. . . c - -: '- v.V;; i 1 1;: rHiBAT, Feb J.2ir7'5f"?;'t-;.-; Mr. Metcalf;tfr appointed. n;the subject of 3ftliaffiu made a report in relation to the Florida. In dians, concluding with the followingjesolu tioni';m2 ted States bautlrisedand rtoiiested to ! . commehcavstiof 'for' thei grdad; Wmatff ec Ljvi vumcinpia.ieu allowing nimt to aexr j h cise and pursue;Ws own judgment, is to thci myitl. Nelson; of Md. asked if theqmmj$ee f ort the Jlicjary h ' thet charges preferred - by jMwmJ jisa- j " V . f r uv f Pn in relate 5f the- Parliament - of CriaVBri w.wf v. vs "gvy. iwa,!, concluding resolution Recommending that S S Mli A fw? PHlcnt of the j 1 and that he be requests to obtain uauon w it i ine goveminent of Grtit , sufch modifications of the act t of the oth of August, 1822. Ln.f3'1 all , just cause of-. complaint . i f:i I was Ordered to lie on the! tabu , On motion of Mr. AllenJofMass tWt, took up the joint resolution 'J!!11 ........ -.rY-.UC IU Df tl ...l r ccounts to .be laid . W.. ...r. or ine expenditure of the contin V , the two Houses of Con .i. r''i earn .. cf .or.' HUH 1(V TT . ?i Thei House then deration, of the bill extending tht V f locating military knd' wah-aiits onary ! soldiers ; which wa, owcreSu engrossed'for: a third readuur. ; I e deration of the bill apprbp'riatmff 2 ; wMr. larsor the repaiof the Cumbebri.nJi ? Uh m we ouusc.tiicn proceeuecl to the which j ufttr rnnair1ntl Jk-.. Hi1 ... ,, vU.w.v,un, wuaiF. waf,-.! j. m-i 1 1 m .'w""j 1 a tut Tinr'' 1111 ,.,sv. mMc, votei to 66 The House thn rsrlvA.i U.oif : . , motii liiuoar oil' mittee of the-' whole on the State of the tnV' ' and proceeded to the discussion of the detajt of the bill making appropriations for the sm! port of? the Military Establishment for Tu year 1823. -;'.: v ' .' r ; " p- A good deal of debate took Tlacfn cL: of the items cf the blUthe bill harinelJ! gone tlirough 1 , Mr. Tattnall moved the following amerd ment ''-.: ' .; . .-.( , - f 1 For the extinction of the Indian title u certain rese'vations, of land within the limitii of the state of Georgia, made under the trej ; ties of, 1817, 1819, and 1821, fifty. thousaJii dollars." ; p '.,." -: ' -j - - -":'.; , , The amendment was agreed to. . f 1 On;tfie question to. proceed to the conslde. rat iori;bf the bill making appropriation fi''y fortifications, it was determined thatthc Com. mittee would now proceed.tQ consider it. - On the first item, of appropriation, bein 1 58,00O.ddliaTs for the completion of Fort be. laware'Mr. Tracy, Mr;' Cocke, an.l Mr. Une.. oopo3ed the appropriation, ind Mr. McLant ' and Mr. Sergeant supported it. ; r .Before taking the question on this appro, -iriation--! :1:Vv-''' : ' .' u. ; The Comittee rose, and reported the first of the above two bills as amended. ' v;The' amendments made. in; the Comee to the;:bilhfor the Military service of the Uni. fed States, were conciuTed in by the H m, and the' bill was ordered toTie eni-ossc J for a third reading to-morrow, j - ( Previous to the question .ein-taken on concurring .with the Committee in pie sere ral arnendmentsto the bill for making appro. priatious for the Indian Department toe House adjourned, at half pasjt 4, ' j mOM CURRAC0A. ! ' j',-!,"' -i Charleston Ph. We Tcarn bv the arrival of the ri Michol'is and Felix, tf.af Gen. M -rtlei Jfild Maracaibo the 28th'Jin. 0? the 21st . December he marcliel' a;v'" Truxilb Rttd Merida, leaving men in Mamcailm. He w;is vvitched ,n his movements by Gen. Paez, with three batfaiions of infantry, and some V cavatryi who also left an Knglish ml j talion in Valencia, to guard the lines of ' PurtoCavelloIt was suppw dtat Morales would (all back on Mjr acaibo, as Montilln vvas tho strong the force left to guard that place hav ing 4500 tticn whom he hail !cd Rio-de-la-Hacha into the interior.-; " TheColombian squadfon wf X ,nj'r wa fn the 2ulf of Maracaibo.-Comffj dofe Daniels; with two corvettes and Itwo bri-s was blockading rt.i u- velln. From the supenTity cl w Golombiari forces both by lamUol it was supposedVhat A!aracaib wpfl J soon fa)!, ami the country be cle of Morales' army. H. B. ln3 Sybaie, Capt. Rawlcy, -had ZW)1' demand the British propertr there by Morales, to the ataoant p S30o;000, with positive orders to raw reprisals in case of its -nf be.nJ?1 . .. .. . i ii ..jfJiiorv thmz ud. iiarKei9 uun vvv at a stand on the Main. FROM II A VAN A VI izea I John B.' aaiHaru', rmerl.a cit of Charleston, is stated, ! t0, "f; JJfl4 most barbarously murdered at j . on the uight of the SOth ult. hs'. wvv" ; art sassms. an or whuju .'" . . Tiie' . ii e' h npeu rri: nod nniv awa i uic , . writer was at the house where fewas laid outwhich shoddoKsbectacle, being seven or eight wounds, "n,cftfBa(l sWords or knives ; the DodM' .,, in the morning entirely nentLh 4 Lettersifroiul Havana, repreJ , stateiof Society at that ff gerons' in the, extreme di-: and Americans in particular.- ted 6th inst; with aflexnav; we haveheeh vureday rract oi get away rropi fbW' residence here is rea 9 to strangers-"0 6 or 7 men murdere.1 within the N?, ' t. . uMD1 ll. of) them m the mqs "T T5! heW'aeizeo, stripped, :aoo w v nd nnmo eteir cut w frbm head to loos.- IKW-- y:'M- : - : r

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