" ' . ' : 4-- t - ' "'liaftr the .SrSgSpaiVi'was Vpn? ! .rf at the pablic laniinjj; a fewday ?..nffth If no Aoubt thatyhe ,1! would ave been murdered. had the it;,0r nersistedin landing Onl)enc ' gor wlie.tlr the authorities here Suld not protect him.--The answer ; u varv nnlifp nnp sta recret at the outrage which, had; been The Havana JVolicio&o. of the Slxt t thus notices the capture of the GpJn;h' Schooner Ninfa Catalana, bj Ue U. S. brig Spark. C'V . An occurrence-Jhas just happened tftD the American Brig' of War c,ark and the Spanish Schr.Ninfa Cafalana, vhich has caused the great e?t irdiation to the Merchants jpf thia place, the publican general, and those strangers of just and . sensible who are acnuainted with it. - The act as we have been informed by per ions worthy of credos as-rbllows. On Sunday,1 the" 26th inst. the well knnwn Spanish ?chr. Ninfa Catalana; owr ed by Don Pedro Lopez, a ( res sectable Merchant off W city, sailed from this port, bound , to Campeachy in which trade'She has been employed for some years. On the vame day the Tjri" Spark sailed, Whose commander, as we have been told, had received fahr information, from an American Capt. that said Schr. was a pirate, and brides that one of her crew had sto len something from one of the Sailors of the Spark :- for which the said Capt. determined 'to sail. in pursuit of te Mnfa Catalana, in order to .capture her. In fact at hardly i cannon shot from Moro, he jnade the schr. heave to; he boarded her with 18 men andj two Midshipmen, and ciespising ' thejust claims of the Captain arid passengers, 1 who begged to be brought to this port, to justUy themselves from any suspi-. cion which he might have against them, hf transferred to hW vessel the Cap- tain, crew and passengers, and order ed her for Charleston returning after-, wards to this port which he entered yesterday at half pasf one o'clock. . .On the approach of the Spark's boat to the wharf with some sailors, yester terday afternoon, several intlividiials thrrw stones atthem aML would have ' proceeded still farther had they nut precipitately retired. Capt. Warner states that several of the boat's crew were severtly wounded by the asanlt 00 the part oX the populace of Hava- Da.3 " . . T7- Ft)H SALE OR RENT, npHK Store-House on Fayetteville St. . Jl next door above N. Hardin&& Co. Apply to WM. H. HAYWOOD, Jr. Raleigh, Jan. 27. V 19'. JUST PUBLISHED, t ; By J. Galet & Son, Italeigh, V"0. 1, of Keports of Cases argued and ad 1 judged in the Supreme Court of North Carolina, at June and December Term, 1820, and June Term, 1821 ; by Vrancis L. Hawks. For -most of the 'Cases contained in this Number, the Reporter ia indebted to the kindness of Thomas Iiuflan, Esq. by whom. they vere prepared for the Press. The Ca ses decided at December Term, 1822, will be published in the course of the present or succeeding month. " ' -Feb. 14. , NOTICE. - -; T1IS is to notify the heirs of Thomas Jefferson Stokes, son and only child of Dr. VYiHiam Stukes, late of Bcifield, in the county uf Greensvjl' , V''g;nH,ihat he departed this, life on tle lCUi instant, under a je, and consequently mtestae as to his lards. The heirs are therefore re quested t present themselves to me with out delay, I am desirous to surrender the said estate t'ho?e emUled .ro it BRAXTON ROBINSON. Late Guardian to Thus. J. Stokes. Jan. 31. .A 20 St - CHEAP HARPWAREi -, - . ,,..... -f-- THE subscriber havirg removed his Store, from No. 56, to No. 113, Mat let, 2d Door bel(w. Third Street, PhilaL dclfihia has opened a larpe and general assortment of HARDWARE GUTLR , R7 SADDLERY & FANCY GOODS, ' among which are the following Knives & ForV Ven ft- PrTrt K"niv Shoe and Butcher Kuives, Razors. Scis sors, Edge Tools; Files and Saws of every description. Locks and Latches, Gwn and ne L.ocks,rFlints;t Shoe Pincers and Clinches, Saddler's Pincers and Punches, Compasses, Hinges and Screws. Braces and Bit. Hones, Fish-Hooks; Tea Ket , Coffee Mills; Ham rners, Tacks, Awl Blades arid HaftsSteelyards, Shovels and l oogs. Bed Screws, Spades and Shovels, oiie and Japanned Moulds, Jews' Harps, . scythes. Straw Knives, AugerX Anvils .ces, Hoes,' Trace Chains, Commode , 'bs, Bed Caps, Candle Stick, Turkey W -Stone, Curry Combs, Ivory arid Horn - ombs. Brass and Patent Crcks, Plated and Japanned Castors; Snuff Boxes, Plac ed and Tinned Saddlery Of every descrip bon, Webbing, Bt ass and Iron Wire JjC- ; Panned Ware, ;Table and Tea Spoons, i-ad Pencils and Cases, Watch Chains. a cy Purses. Pocket-Book. Ink-Stands. fV Jtedlcs, Knitting:, Pins, Thimbles GUt, 1 Lff,in substanccithat he and his crew he nrotectea exprcsinS u'x Plated Commode Knobs. 1 , UJ;& : And a great variety of articles' riot here w enumerated, which will be sold at . very euced price for tash or acceptances. p ALLEN ARMSTRONG.', -S Feb. 14. ? ; .v .-gi i2t - il -their, ast. session,; flppropmieo. . xivc -; v T -.-y . ;- .4, , t It inusi ,u . ... --wr. v-;,MTukijai, .t v J . , f . (whicb'ViH probably be continued- if found to be attended'' with public advantage) 1. for the promotion .of lmprovemer.Ts in Agncuj tare, to be distributed in proportion to their federal numbers, amongst such Counties, and such only, - as shall form Agricultural Socie t es : it ishdDed the farmers of Wake Coun ty vwill not be. backwaad in promoting this td, at 'the l;ourt-House in Kaieign, on 1st dar of May next, at 1 1 o'clock in trie forenoon, for the purpose of forming a Scci- etv, to be callea rue n an-e gncuuurair oo cietW which it is hoped will be well attend ed. V -':' - reb;2r;c .HOUSES FOR SALE OR RENT. Crnvenient ' Dwelling-House, con- taininE' six Rooms, witli a Kitchen, Smoak housed a well-fenced. Garden, and otiier conveniences, at the corner of Da vie and- M 'Dow ell Streets within i 10 yards of one of the best Springs in the cjty...- . ,: . v ' ; i Also a smaller House, with a piece of vacant Ground suitable for a Garden and Lot, rin Cabarrus Street, within 50 1'aTds of the same SpringApply to J GALES. :'''.v'.j M ; Feb. 18. ;? COMMITTED fjO the Jail of Warren county, in the Al; State of ;Nrirh-Carolinas two Negro Men, JOK and JIM ; taken up as Run aways, and said to be the property of A sa Rogerson, of F.lizabeth City, Pasquo-, tank county. - The owner or owners are hereby requested to come forward, prove property,' pay charges and take them a way, or they will be dealt with according to law." "i ' ; x x ; ; ; WM C. CLAN TON, Shff.: - Wareriton, 26 h Jan. 1823. 23 4 1 - ... . ' v , ! STATF.'of NORTH-CAROLINA. , County of Randolph. , , ' Superior Court of Law Fall term, 1822. Hannah Flasket,""! u. . Petition for Divorce I Isaac Hasket. J ' , v IT-appearintr ';to the satisfaction of th Court in this case, that the defendant resides without the limits of this State. : it is ordered that publication be made for three weeks in "succession in the Raleigh Register,, that unless the defendant ap pear within the-three first days of the next term of thin Cnur 'and' pipad, an swer or demur to 'the said petition, that the same betaken pro cenfesso and heard ex partej ' conv. J. WOOD. STATF, OF K0RTH-CAROLINA. C utijv rf Randolph. . Superior Court of Law Fail term, 1822. Christian Deveny, ") VI. Petition for Divorce. Thomas Dcver.y. 3 "DT apjv. aring to the satisfaction of the JL Coiu t in this case, that the defendant resides without the linutsofi this State : it is ordered, that publication be made for three wetks in succession in the Raleigh Register, tVat unless the defendant ap pear within the three fn-st days of the next term of this Court, and lead, an swer.or demur to the said petition, that the same.be taken pro confesso and heard ex narte.' A Copv. J. WOOD. IN EQUITY. , ' Fall Term, 1822. Timothy Freeman vs. Thomas Freeman, ' Job Winslow add Hat man Hurdle, Ex - ecu'ors. I'F appearing to the satisfaction of this Court,' that Tiiomas lFreeman is not an inhabitant ot this atae : Un motion, therefore, it is ordered, that publication he tirade in the Raleigh Register for three memiis, hat liiifes the said Thomas Fteeoisn shall appear at the next Court J of Equity, to be held for the 0 dnty of I Gnteo, ar the Courthouse in Gates, on the 1 first Monday after the f urth Monday in ! March-uexr and plead, answer, or demur, the same will be taken pro confesso as to him and heard exparte. . ' JOHN V.bUMNER, C. M.E. Jannaty 1. . 23 3m STATE OF NOUTlI-CAROLINA. Ashe Countt. Superior Court "of Law, Sept. Term, 1822. ungmai v ni execuicu on George Hauk, anl ori 1 ginal attachment vs. Wm George Bower, vs. Georpre II auk, Sc Hauk, levied on one horse William Hauk. j Collar, no other goods or . I j property to be found. John Ray,' Sheriff. I T appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that William Hauk is an inhabitant of another State, it is ordered that advertise ment be made three months in the Raleigh Register, for the Defendant to come in and defend at the next Court, to be held for this County, on the third Monday of March next, or judgment will be entered against him by default.-'.. - n;:f'''.v "' '"'";'. . A true copy. . 18 , Test, D.EARNEST, Clerk. : LAND FORALE. I OFFER my Land vfor sale, lying' within five miles of Raleigh, containing 829 acres A particular account of it is unnecessary, as the people in the County are better acqaint ed with it than I am. 1 will give a credit of five years. For further particulars apply to the Subscriber at Brunswick Court-house, Virginia, or to David V.' Stone. , " EDWARD B. HICKS. v Jan. 8. : ; 1C 2m pd . PUBLIC NOTICE. , r - THE ' Subscribers have taken out Letters of Administration on the Estate of John Stewart, late of Lancaster District, Cabinet Maker, deceased; v 'v ,The r said John Stewart was a native of Guilford County, N. C but emigrated to tMs State at about the age of eighteen or twenty years, and left no heirs' so far as we can as certain. . ' - ; - ' - : ' U - If he has any. legal heirs, they :are s hereby hobfied to-make; application within7 twelve months from this date, to paracs H. Vither spoon, Esq.' Judge of the Court of Ordinaryj for the said District, or to either of the Sub scribers.. ' ,': "v r-K"-':. :- WM.-McKINNA, - t , : - ABRAHAM PERRY. Laricaster'Dist. S. C. Nov. K, 1822.', 9-lyr T"HM-lolTin . I milXrM K Cl IUI . " : J " I , l - -i... i-..:' liia t L,JJ.tLJL - wjtJr:.-'.,. . -T'"-- II III I w MUU CUU: ifi .;.?..:',. VS.J. F I i .. 1 1" ...1 I I " f. III fill II I III 1 1 III . . Ill I ') IVc 1 1 v LJIC: j uc- dS Monday the 24th of March nextj'jwe I. r shall sell without the least, reserve,' f at. the Store on Bollingbrook street, lately oc? eiimed bv Messrs. John. StHh, $c Co., the en tire Stock of, Dry. Goods, Hardware, KcVof SHIU OlI'I', ,1iW Jiim wuuij" 101.0 oi. vaivmj sive and valuable collection of fresh imported British anlT othet Goods.' It consists, in part Super Cloths and Cassimere (Sheppards,) f of all colors ;riarmeis; reuse roxn Carpetinpr, Baizes, Blankets,; Napt Cottons, JJombazetts, Checks, Irish iJnens. Dimity, Calicoes Ginghams, ,Vestjnfrs, I ; . Silk. Cotton and W orsted Hosei - Muslins, Cambrics, Diapers; Iwnsj &c. &c;. And in fact nearly, every article that is re- f quired to assort an extensive "Vholesale and t Retail Store. The goods are" generally of 'the veiy best quality, . and nearly the tofiofe have been recently imported. riNO ale nas heen lately offered to the public calculated to at tract so much attention as tins. ; ' The Sale will be continued from iday to day until 4be whole stock is disposed of, oh the following terms : AH sums. under $200, J c sh, Virginia money from 200 to 400 60 days from 400 to.ycOU, yu days ami -10 days from 600 to 1000, 4 and 6 moniths-7-a-bove 1000 6 months. . All credit. sales must b be secured oy approved endorsed negotiable notes - ' --. ' , v Hamilton, Isemoine & Panmll9 i Truitees & -Auctioneers. Feb. 18. ' . 23 I , FRIDAY, FERRUARY 28, 182C. Ji Fire J On Tuesday night last, between y 10 and lLo'clotk, the! citi Howe, occupied hv Negroes, adjoin irig the Kitchen of Mr; RufTm's p'otel. It was found impossible to prcventthe destruction of i that house, but fortu nately the i Kitchen being a Stone building, -the Fire was prevented, hy the activity of the citizens anil Ne-I'f-oe, present, from spreading further. The Roof of the Kitchen wa9 conside- raWy injurird ;,but as Poon a ladder; ;nrl a supply of water could be pro I cured, the rire was extinguished. , We have to regret. thaf.for wnnt of proper care, the Fir Fn'gine ielong ing to the city was so much ontlof or der that it ' could not be UFed.) We trust the Fire Company .which. has been so long a a j vjiiiuiiiiri) win 11- "jriiru in! .iMt.dnM- ...!!! sri. without without further delay ; and that the Fngine, Hose. Ladders, Fire Hooks. 1 &c. will be kept in good order and in constant readiness to ti.ect accidents of this kind. : It would be "well also to have a lew kegs of Pn der ready for use. The Rev. C..F. Frey.-fhe converted Jew, agreeably to the notificaUon in our last Register, preachpd at the se- j veral Churches in thi. f-lace on Tries I day and: Wednesday last, making col- ,i lections at each for theobjectf of his mission, antl on I hursday. left this place fr Chapel Hill, (the seat jof our University.)' On i hii return.he will proceed nnihis journey to Fayetteville and South-Carolina. Mr. Frey's discourses are very in teiesting especially whrn. he gives his audience a hif tory of ihe ppr-eeitions .'.nd privations experienced by the Jews in every part of Ku rone, and of -tne exernons wnich nave been rnanei, j and. ate still, making by the Society instituted in London for the promotion of Christianity among them : and of j the ohjects ot the Society instituted in ( New York f n t h e y ea r 1 820, for yc e I io ) rating the condition of thVie.wsI (one of which is to provide a large tract of land for them to settle upon.) Mr. F. shewed Vhe necessity of providing.an Asylum in this Country (the only one on earth where the Jew is admitted to equal privileges with his fellqw ci tizens) for sutjr poori Jews, of good character, as either profess the Chris tian Relfgion, or are desirous of re ceiving Christian instruction, as the moment a Jew, in any part of Europe, shews a disposition to listen to the doctrines of the Gospel, he is discard ed by: his brethren, and not beingeble tb find shelter or employment amongst Christians, without such an asylum as is proposed, he must inevitably starve. And a Nobleman in, German jjhiyin lately proyided a fundt"to be employed in paying the passage of such "Jews as wish to come; to this coiintry and are unable to tneet the expence, there will how be no impediment in - their jwayl Mr. F's last discourse founded on that passage j of Isaian which 'says, " Be skalifeed his JlQk like a $hepr herd,". &c? .was ' roosts aflTecting. ) 'His description I of the character, duties, and feelings of a shepherd, and his application of them toour" Saviour, were such as cjoultl jnot faiL to iouch the feelings of every one present, and to add fresh beau ty to that much ad mired text "of ScriptureV 5 . lhe northern papers hayings ex pressed doubts as to Mr. Freyte s and' zens of this place were alarmed hy the cry of Vire. which had been discover ed 1y the Citizens on Guard, in !a Log J'-rrJ! to M,le tht. pw. 1 . Aongl. " IheV ia'pirposely l. or ..,an uho as n miile lo . v0;,lei! fl,e metin. jad Jteral he herself, was hui nt in t he busk - . . . . . f , . ; 1 , ' c r ' ' partem, i a lust.arid humane maxim, MIL. 1 ' ; We have: nofheen ahle to octire, a? yv$ expecteda statement ot the poinfof lawsettled inrthe, bases de- Ciueu at. ire late ici m ui nui upi Court : but, we trust, this will be no great disappointment to our legal rea ders,' theV Reports uf the Cases at large will be published: in thdcourse of the next or following, week. From the speech of sGcn. fRoinulus 3abders of this statepublishedj'n pjr paper to:day, and from otherpeechf s which have beea delivered in Congress, it appears that theentttrients advanc ed '-concerning the discipline of "the Mi- una, w f 1 e 11 1 lie u uj r u u ;,w a a .4 u 1 u ui-oyuj two vears ago in the Register, have, in some , measure, lost, the character of novelty. Without undertaking to de cide at all oh the merits if tle ques tion, vewill onlySayi that it-is one of .much' importance to the cornmunty and t h a t G e n . Sa nd e r s speech ; w il l;be read with interest. " w ' Col. M'Ree (formerly of fbistate) jeciines accenting oi oe aijpoiutiifeui of Civil Engineer for Virginia, on the ground of his experience' being too li- mirea to no justice 10 11. :nic?uuam of Public Works is convened to make another appointment on the 7th of A- pnl. ; . . In the Virginia" House of Deleates on the 21st inst. on motion of MrvPow ell, the bill to suppress the circulation of the -notes' of non-specie paving Banks was indefinitely postponed; Te trust; however, though the Petersburg mer chants have, not beeen gratified iti their wishes, that tne attempt to :pronion thit circulation of our Bank Notes' in Virginia will produce the effect long wished. hy the most intelligent men in N n r t i -Ca ro 1 J n a h t. co nfi nement of our trade to our men Jbtate. - The " Western Carolinian" has no- ticed thtr non-attendance, of sqme of !e Members of -our. Board, of Inter- !fl. MCa Wo mo rtt nnlv in inrinnrulprirp. nut in a 1 tinned, in a former number of the Re gister. that two of the Members of the Board had failed to attend the ttieet ing at Wilmington on the 2rth Janu arys that in consequence of such failure another meeting was called, to be held ion the 4th inst; at Raleigh, wher9 John D. Hawkins, Esq. who had been unavoidably prevented j rom n ft en d ingJ at IVilmi ugt on, appeared, and a quorum was formed ; antl that Mr. Hatch did not appear. Not know ing at that time the cause of this gen tleman's absence, we could only -state theyef of his absence; but we apw learn, from undoubted authority, that at the time of the meeting at WiU mington, he was necessarily detained at home by the indisposition of hisifa ther. who was then dangerously ill 5 and that he did not receive notice of the meeting at Raleigh in time to at tend. We, feel it; our dut,y thus to explain ; and should the Lditors of the I Western Carolinian, receive our statement;as true, we indulge the hope that they will, upon reflection ac knowledge their censure of the,; con duct of those gentlemen to be prema ture and undeserved. The British Minister, Mr. Canning, has declared to our Secretary of State, rnai jr.eaijJ3riiaiu nas no wisn or in tention to possess . itself of the island of Cuba. . ;.r; : -i . ' ... . ,- ' ' .-. - ., V f -.j.-:; j '' .' ; , ' An attempt is said to have been late Iv made, to assassinate the . Marquis "vVellesley,, Lord Lieutenant of Ire land. Several persons have been ap prehended & committed on this charge. ' We are glad to find that Baltimore is at length clear or tne omanpox. "The election for Representative to the Eighteentrt Congress: took placei within the several districts of the state of South Carolinaon the 10th and l'lth days of the present month. We have heard only that' Warren Davis,: is elected for Pendleton and Greenville 5 Cot; Gist and Geq. Tucker are re:"elec ted ; CoK Campbell ia elected over T. It. Mitchell; and Mr. M'Duffie,by atvery large majority oyerMri Black; 'K A'"mo8t disastrous gale of wind oc curred at iCurracoa On the SIst Dec. in which etery vessel in port, except the: U..S Frigate Congress, then ly ing there, went ashore and was lost.. It is, supposed an vhundred - souls pe rished ' The ,. Congress, during the gale, parted her chain cable and her best bower. All the officer t were se y'eral timesvstrippedj,and read, to jump overboard as soon as she struck ; she, however, drifted into seven fa thorns water, and roide nut the gate in safety.-WVflr., Inf ' ' , 1 v if i o) Tmnrnrpmrnts writh-sic murk qovh. nate ;agreeol to' rcrconsider . the) vote which vesterdav rejected the bill.tsu'rj Dieraentarv to tneKevoiufionarv ren- sion acts. The biU Svas laid 6veVtiU if j' ' t "f '; The Re'snlntinn nf Mr. Tar lor tor a mending the Constitution ia'regaVd t the election of President of the United States, was then taken! unY and, after debate, was laid on the table. - v ' '. KlIOUSE bF ftEPttliSEJTATIVESi r ' SATUK1AY, FEB. XSJ. , The; 'biM';rnakSn. an', appropriatiofi 1 tr t ,vk:,:j 'i' -:-iri .1 .- i t ivumnerianci 10 . vy neeiing, nasseu us rrsi ' 4 til -'.it i '' i i lit? i luunr iuukiUii i ic ijiii - r rr.r liav untier consuierauon, maKin? iur- 21 urf,. th e r.apprupn r ion , ior m e m 1 1 1 ra ry Miliary v 1 service w hicn underwent xonsineraoie debate T :he House rose without getting thro? 1 the bilL : It is understood tht Mr. Brownihg ' thc heir ofthefamily"of Lord BaItr-, morcvis about to institute suits for tfiQr recovery of Ihequit rents in the statej of Marylan d, from the year 1 774.. (fron the iime they ceased to be paid;) up to the Tear 178ft: anilthnt he'lift nlrpadir engaged' MfWebstef, bf !B6stoh,Ja cbunseli fl.me;;;; vi : H 1 ' -t" ' --'A 11 , ,1J.V-".'t ' 'V ' Perhaps the Members w'thr bar tC attendance on the Supreme Court, at W ashinsrton Citv. , were nevr numerous than at the fpreseht term, Besides the1 distiriguished Members or the Profession who; being Members of either House irCdngrHs are neces sarily present and those, who'.a're. re sident in the Dfsfict, w hiivc f bierv . ed the tallowing gentleraeii iu ..ttsnd-" v ahce on khe Court, vi?.:i: V " V Mrt Webster, and Mr. BlakecfEostoh. , Mr. Pitman, from Rhode Island. , ' 1 Sir. JEmmett,' lt Ogden, Mr. Oatfey.-Mr Wlfeatbn, (Reporter to the Court) frdmNewi Mr.,Cheves,.of-phnadeJnhia. . ' Mr.'; Winder; Jbf Mr. Hoffman, i)f Baltimore.' ' Mr. CJayancT. Mr. Rowan, of Kentucky. ' , Mr. .Wright, Mr. Hammond, and Mr. Whiti tlesey,of 01no - Prohre$s"cf Liberal. 'Otjinions.lt . appears i ))? -advices received; from Rio Janeiro, that the Editor of the paper called the Correio, vwas lately prose cuted for a libel againist the Govern ment, and a trial by jury, .being the first ever known ik Brazil, was ac- V corded him by the PjincC. He wai acquitted; 4 So strongly is the popular sentiment growing An favor of the t- herty of the press, that it is doubtful whether a jury could be found who' would return a verd ct'of guiltr against any defendant Charged with a UDel. A NewOrleans, writer calculates that the produce of Louisiana in 182 will only afi'ord a profit of gI,50O,Q00 and that the planters owe to the bank . nearly that sum.. ( The whole produca 'of Louisiana in, 1822j ; is estimated at 83,900,000.; The produce of Tennes see and'. Alabama receiyed , ' at New-'' , Orleans,is;es.timated, at SOQfOOQ- -that of Kentucky and 0hio is estimat- . ed at Si, 800,00p-4hat of Mississippi, . is estimated at 552,800jOf)O. " An annual , &nsus .rfi the rfumane anti criminal institutions in tne city r xt. v r. r... t 'L - ' : ." "V.'- uieiy 1 urK, ior me year, jlo2K5; pre. sents the following results: ; V. - Orphan Asylum;';. -Hoe City -'Alms-House,' City Hospital, ' ' lebtors . Prison .' Bridewell,-; :V i ! Penitentiary, ;- , t State Prison,' , '-; v -Increase from 182I83.V. , ; S80 I . : ?f uai an , msigiiv , iuio , numan , iiiei- 't tinmen rharorfor V.rl CL.. .' man pursuits, is afforded by the aboye little table, More than one person W . w. w. iLi(vf:v. tuy- vuiiiiu Wl 4CW , A ,Yorlc, is a tenanf bf an alras-Hquse' or a' prison.';' r jl V . : ?W n ; ,It lias been ascertained, as pearly as ' such things can be.that a nalr inrf .wre, uui we snouiu always remember, the obligationswe petn these li(tlev , favorites of Heaven. - 'v A; -." Iir nil rtoecmna iinlAit'J : 1U11 -. which exacts ;the hardest service; aWil1'.'.? pays the. bitterest. wages, i Its service a iw.rnoivn mc success ui our eneray j7 :- -its wages ube siznr of it. ' V ," 1 Attomev at Law? to Miss Sidnev T?n1L' both of Camden County. E j 'yt:i , r , At Kdenton, on the 14th instve'rV snd V; denly, Mrt Henderson : I.i Standip, a- re- spectable inhabitant 01 that place. ) On the 28th January last- lat the' Che rokee Agencyi Col. Return MeiV . 1 Soldier of the Hevo'lul6n r . ' "f'rrll?.-2 W; . fXj Adkxb is received; and shall appear next" week;V,,; -i : :;,j t4:Z;r . .' ' 'c'p V,- UMARRIED, 1 ;,;y -'A ' 1 .On the 9th inst. Isaac. M. Lamb, Esq : 1 r 1 . 1

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