I .4-. . I ' A; '. ,i ... . ' ... . V.-..-V- . . t : 'm -.. i ;rtfn? v;aa t whose !ded?-! Mil i J . 'hi i. ma if m MX x t ' A.I U'1 r t ii rid I. 5'n :Vl V- I it t it f ? k I.; ! m u Hi v . ; i "it i W i V ll ' 1 j ! I 'W m (if t m t 1 'lj r ' V- Supposed to be' $pohr i 'JlTother $y Tfypy .; frtof'ftrW Mother, ' beeansV'T must A nd sm n death's coMness to rest :J !T'eeV rM , for me,' Mother! because death h " I, po to-the iome of the blest ! v, tit fstyitfl momentaTtthgand no nipre A tfm geTe -and that f o he frees V . : . C" Tis the nrit9 last look on ajourneythars i On ! death pas no terrors ror me. :-s-.Wee"n f t f Mother! -.The ChristIatf! thpiiia.frmir.-v,. r His frail jes;arv)':fears4o tleviTwi j j .V 'But cn!y in "eathT-vTien thespiTtjiVesxring, Can ,ve leave them fofeVer behl n ri.'- : . TareweV Tny Mother the mist,; thickens k ;c..fast i ., .-vn 4..-t',T .''.?-v r v 'V''The-co1d.nanc! is1ailAon'my eSTt- C , The mornents , arenumb'er'd -another-i-the ;;V..- last, ' V . H - -. ; -'.V - " C ' 'I go to the Home of the blest ! . ; : x ; s-.;",- ' ..V 4. v.. ..II;. VXv; ... r ::X By the President of the Untied States of V A PROCLlATIOK1 i A v;- f Whereas . 'a Conventinn lof Navigation s 1 and Conr.mew between the United States ; of America arid Hrsfajesty;the. Kibff pf France and Navarre together With to ". ': separate articled annexed" the ! same, ' wa cnnclnded and signed a t AVa hing on - on the t vent jfourth daof June last past, ;. by the; repectite Plenipotentiaries of.th'e 'J. f two Powien r and whereas tfje said Con- Veminiiand the first separate article anr nexed i6 the 'rne, haveT been "duly "and - renectivelv, ratified by,' me,' hd. by His 1 m . t it ' r T-" 1 1 v J VT iviajesty ine ivinoi r rancr ami narwc, ard the. ratifications of tb,eame have this day b en exchanged at the Ciy of Wash Ineton. bv John QuIJ?cy."Adams. Secre1 tarv orSta'e, and the Coutk Julius df, Mfkou, Charge rd'AfrairaTof -France ; wnicn convention, anu.ne nrs yejjariiic article annexed to the 'L same, are in the orda. foltowine,- to vit'--V;;' - Corive'. i : ; ' vf Jfavii?atiorijind; Cqfvmeree betr. i ... thellfnited States of 'vfmericct cvd 'J7-Majesty the King of; France 'andAxivarre, : rvvV; The U. Sta t es of Americand .His Ms- jest y the Kingof France oVXa Tarred being tion and Commerce between f their ; respec- live nations, oy a iempnrary convenwnn reciprocally beneficial Varid ; Satisfactory, and thereby of leading to. a npore, perma nent, and " comprchensire:;arningem"eht, have respectively ' furnished . their full Dowers in' manner .following that ito sav : ThePreiident ' f the United JStates to John Qcincy Adams, their Secretary of State : and His Moit Christian' Ma jesty, to the Baron Hyde df. Nec'vili,e, Knight of the Royal and Military Order of St. Louj, Commander of the Legion of Honor. Grfnd Cros of the Royal A- merican Order of Isabella the Catholic, his. Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary near the United States ; who, after exchanging their full powers, ; have agreed on the following articles: J; :;:; ;:-V'ARTICLE -1st.' : ' Articles of he growth, produce, or ma nufacture of the United Statet.imported ino France in' vessels of t' e United States shall pay an "additional duty, not exceed- ing twenty franca per ton of merchandize articles, also of the growth. i produce, or manufacture, of the United States, when Import ediniVench vessels." --'i " '! ARTICLE 2. Articles efthe gfowthif produce or ma vvs u-wit Uwvo Kiuvii - nufacture- ofFrance, imported into the United Stales in French vessels, shall pay : an additional duty, not exceeding" three ii S r 'dollars and seventy- five. cents' per ton of V . ' a. .J. K n 1 aKm. . L . . . - collected upon the' like articles, also of the growth, produce, or manufacture, of jt France when imported in vessels of the : v; United Stitch .. u : ' '-ARTICLE 3. ' v'- . . No discriminating duty shall be levied upon the productions i of the soil or indus- try of France fmported;iu French bot; tom into the' I portSv of the United States v for ; transit Or re-exporta don: nor shall r. any, sucb; duties be levied upon tle pro ' ductions of the soil or'industrylof the U : nited States impprted in vessels of, (he ."'I- United; States iiuo the ports' of France ' for transit .or re-exportation.' T V .-V? ' ---' -;.; ' -ly-i ,.v' t : ; ."article - '-";. ' v The follow!ng,qu3ntjties shall be con- , sidered as forming the ton .of merchan d ze fir each of the articles hereinafter y. - specified : ' . AVinesfour . 61 ; gallon hogsheads, or v r ... 224 gallons of $31 cubic inches, American r'-: measure. cr'-lfYi' ' ' -Brandiei and'all other liquids, 224 gal "" . Ions.:. .;: f-'U i,.-:;-:t '- ' 'v i. x.oiuts ana mner qry gooas, ana aiiotner V " articles. usu?iry subject to measurement, ,..torttWp puurc leet, r rencn, m r ranee, and fifty cubic feet American measure, in thcUnited tatcsv:. -V Vvi! vV't.? 1 Cotton 804 lb. avoirdupois, ordDkilo' ir grammes f '.t' " V- ;.To0accor 1 ,600tbs. avoirdupois1 or 725 ::, kilcgrame : ',4Sf".,.; i-fi'V- ; Ashes, pVC and pearl, 2,40lb. avojrda- poi orl,016 kilogrammes v r r ; Rice 1,6001b. avoirdupois, r723:kil- ccumm'cs; ihd for all weigbaMe.articies, not spectnea, . x io. , avoiraupois, or. 1,016 kilpgriimmeH. -V- i ..--'''if ;AT1 V . -7 ARTICLE 5r cthtr thiti hbfv specified in articles T and ct-eu in Btas, AdvertBemte not '.TJi rinfi nt li'.imao miriotr I 1 -wv v ;. '"it.wruugnc aiiu ureamjess interest, until f p;Jowgef chges,,brokragr, and Vve are conducted to the close of a'well al other; fu fie- upon 'foreign h pping,; . . ,L 7 p "f r over ami above thoie paid by the ntionSi Wged,. and, although descriptive, ':,kh'ii..iiiiiij'in the"t wo countries mpeuivelv. , 8"11 n extremely interesting and. well m9 cpniracnnpan Ycf&eir mu in their ports evervnecessry-assta:nc to tbefr resneciive. yessels, have?" that the consuls, and' 'ice consuls, njay cane to be arrested the sailors, "being Dart of the crews of the veels of their respective nations, who hall have esert edjrom" :'the said. vessels; inroryer tb end theh bact:Vnd tfansrjo V 'Willi y A;--l " H ii,u( .fivo-;' - snjsi ajia;Ji jcecnnsui? yuan, auui c? wiyu 'ielve3;.toieifequtt5' comrjetentand ahail denana toe sain de serters in V"ting,T proving; ;by .an ; exhibi finn of the registers of the-yessel, orhip s follr or "othW- official ; docurhehts, rthat ters, who shall even be detained and kep, in the prisons of the country, at; their re q uest and expense. juntil they .shall JiaVe fbund at) conpoTtunity.:.ot sending them Backrv Bqt Sf.Ahey vbe not sehi l?.ack with in tUree mbn bs to be counted frnmthe dav of their .arrest.' they shall be set'at liberty, and shall be no more arrested for the same cause. , ' ' t : . ,:j , 'rVi: ARTICLE 7 f ; , v T The present temporary, convention shall be: in fore ' for two years from the first day of Cctcber next, and even after theVxniration of that termuntil the con clusion of a definitive' treaty, or until one of the parties shall have declaredats in tention to renounce it; which declaration shall be made at least six months before hand.' ' '-l -t. ' . . v . ; ;-: - .:; f Ard in case the present arrangement should remain" v ithemt Mich declaration of its.'discontinuanceLby either party, the ex-, ifa duties specified in the ltt and 2d arti-. cles.'sirall. frorn :he expiration of the said twoears, be, on both sides, diminished by one-rfourth of their whole amount; and,; afterwards, by one-fourth of the said a mount from year to year, so Jong as nei ther party shall have declared the inten tion of renouncing it-as above stated. ': --.':""!' f ;; ' ARTICLE 8... O ;1 .' ' The present convention shall be ratifi ed on both sides, and the ratifications shall be exchanged within one yrfer from the date v hereof or sooner, if possible. But the execution of the" said convention shall commence'in both. count rieson the 1st of October next; and shall be effective, even inc4sef non-ratification, fr vall such vessels as may have sailed buna fide- for the ports of either nation, nr the confi dence of its being in force. ' In faith whereof, the respective Plenf potentiaries have signed the present con vention, and have thereto affixed their seal?, at the city of Washington, this 24th day of June, A. I). 1823. JOHN QU1NCY ADAMS, l. s. G. HYDE DE NEUVILLE. l: s. ;r ' y:- ' 1 - . . SEPARATE ARTfCLE. .The extra duties levied on either side before the nresent dav. by .virtue of. the aet -of Contrrcss of 15th Ma v 1820. and of the ordonnance of 2Cth Juy ot tne same year, and others confirmative thereof, and which have not already been paid back, shall be. refunded. -Signed and . s-aled as above, this 24th ii day of June, 1522. JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. L. s. G. HYDE DE NEUVILLE, l. s . y , : . ' N " Now.' therefore! be it known, .that I JAMES MONROE,-President of the U nited. States, have caused the said-Con-, rention and .first separate Article to be made public ; to the end that the same. and every clause and article thereof, may be observed' and fulfilled' with good faith bv the United States and the' citizens thereof. In witness whereof, I have hereunto l. s. set my hand, and caused the sea ' 1 A- of the United Sutes tn be affixed. Done at the City of Washington, this V; twelfth day of February," in the year of our Lord one V thousand :-. .'i eight hundred andf; twenty-three, . and of the Independence of the U- - mted States the forty-seventh. -y ; v james Monroe: By the President : T. r... a-.' Secretary of State. . . DEFERRED ARTICLES. The'Pioneers (the. new American Novel) is a description ( of the man ners and customs" of the first settlers of the forest near the sources of the Susquehannah ;. of its beautifully va negated scenery and changinc state, and brings us in contact with men 'of every -description . that composed the state ni society wnicri; existed .among tne nrst innauitants of v the - western world;, .The first volume is not verv interesting; Its descriptions, are mi nute and no doubt accurate: but the iute re'st of the story.-only commences .in; the second : vol tun e. A ner usal says theCommercial Advertiser, of the 8c!!DC?4 the cha seconu, voiume win enectuaUy redeem the jcharacter of the work, .The inter est we; begin tojeej is kept up with 'carer but goes on V increasing, leading tis inroygn scenest the - most highly supported ftale thftse mpn .wprft nart tt saio: crews . on this femaM, so V approved, ? (saving however were the contrary is proved,) the oel!verY shall not' bevre fused ; j and there shall be given all id 'and assistance to the said ';. consuls and ,: Vice-cpnsulsvfof the searr.h. sei2ure.vand aVrest.'bf saildeser- i;ted ftale .Our auihor has not ' chase; are; invited; to call and view ttie t pted however, to rever.Jai.thePrcmises.Wi attem acceding surtcui.liiiqi. mscrtcd U first endeared ito:mJ ajociatiotTivof ydutn of animate atid ina.rtimtf objecN ? !m TniQtocaieminariPsjx. ioug account of theSeminanes at Andover, inMaaclhusetfsMm NewJerseyi is compiled lor the Ne w- x ork uommerctai AuytTtywrjryf which the following falcts" are extract i'At Andover, the whoi e - n umber of OlUUeillSf IS :-.UIlCv,.HUUUiU wi y j all but "eisht of them being graduates of Colleffes. ' : ' :i ' : f ' ' At Princeton, there are Tiinetj-fiv StuVfentsi "ati but 22 of them being graquates oi Vvoueges. t j i Of 254 graduates; at AnJqver, (since jOSj.when that Seminary, was estab lished) 16 have died ; 114 aej Pastors of Churches 5 . SO are preachers not settled; or are in other employments, as Professors in jCollegesJ Preceptors of !Acadeinies &cV;.&c;:; ;'are.;' Missioii, anesJnthis country ; A 7 are Mi salon : a ries in foreign cou n tries, and of 38, their residence, &c. is unknown. H A small pressure of the brain di otinishes, a ntrnnger destroys, the sen sihilifv of flip1 whole bodv. Tfiere was some years since a beggar, at: Paris, I part of whose skull, had peen remor ed, without injuring thebrain, in con sequence ofj a'( wound;; This being healed, he wore a plate upon the part where, the kull was wanting, to pre vent f heibrain from being hurt by eve ry accidental ' touch. For a small piece Jof money, this poor" creature took-ofr the nlate and allowed the brain to he gently pressed, by! a handkerchief, or some such ii lavinfr zht sub stance iipon it ; 'this ocrasioned a dim ness of sight, and drowsiness ; the pressure being somewhat augmented he became quite insensible, with higS breathing antl every symptom. of a; per son imaponlexy ; from which jtate he never failed to recover upon -tne prcs- ure oeing removeu. as thts experi ence was attended.' with no pain, it was often receated and always with the same eflTect.Xohrftm Paper, There was a lady at Paris, who un dertook to reconcile or to conquer ani inal antinathjes, and succeedel;; for she had taught a dog, a cat,;a sparrow, a mouse, to live together like brothers and sisters in; one room. The dog lick ed the cat, aid the cat licked 'jhe dog, the, mouse played with the paws of the cat, who' was taught to draw in her nails, and the sparrow flew about, and sometimes pecked the one and then another. It is suggested in a London paper, that the talent displayed b this lady, in reconpiling discordant in terests might pe very uyefully employ ed at Congresses and Diets. NOTICE. IHE Subscriber offers for saleL the fol- lowintr PROPERTY, viz : I The PL ANTATION on which he now resides, at the mouth of Nt;w River, oh the south-west' side, in Onslowj county, containing, by estimation, one thousand acres 500 of which are cleared and un der.gopd fence ; equal in soil generally, tpl ine oesv pianranon online seaooaro, in tne county ; nd about.250 of superior 'hlam mocK tne wnoie covered, more or, less with sheds, the gradual decomposition of which will tarnish manure for many yars. Of the uncleared, Undrvabout 250 acre are of light and quick . soil, and would pro duce two barrels ot corn to the thousand hills the balance tolerably well: tim bercd with pine. vThe improvements are equal, if not superior, to any tn the coun ty, consisting of a two- story; Dwelling House, . Barn, Stabled, and all other out houses usual on a large plantation. Its situation is open to the sea, dry and heal thy, and possessing every advantage and convenience for fishing, oysterihg, and fowling ; and is an excellent stand for a store.' :;-' ;;; Also, the PLANTATION ori Cedar Point, directly opposite the above, con taining 3a 0' acres of land the -'cleared under good fence, and equal to the pro- duction of 200 barrels'of corn, and is said to be the best hammock on the river-4-a-bout one hundred acres cleared, of pretty good Soil and the balance piny. jTue $t tuation for fishing; oystering and fowlih. is equai to ine otnerrann anoras an excei- ent range for cattle and hogs. Also, the IX u A N 1 A l It J N two miles f from the Courthouse of Onslow !county, wu tut ntji ui mcMncr, containing vv,vica iiu sutuuicui wearea to produce 200 barrels of corn ; part of which is the fim quality of low land,; and has produced ten barrelsof corn to the acreilnd is nnerg f'Ali or ejtherof the above places would, pc soia a pargain, ana on tne most accpm mbdating terms. Persons desirous to tidr. iWiLdAAM Li, HILL. he has succeeOea irra onderfu 1 man time for Half aJD'and foV QuJeVy sucking baper-Iobgi one. m proportion Statev EririnierV who -Witt- attend at Wilmmsw ton'from'the42airist.i JbH th'e purpose.of r exhUing the"PlanS,V. re ceiving Proposals, &coricludlng a Contract; wholthay e incUnedtofler ,f the work, ment of the Cape-fter ' River. bel&p(. Tfil- zt'-nansrion :-The,Embankments hetwe and !agles Island j and between Campbell' Island and thewtern;pairt o tocohsist of, twolroys. of llewith a clear width of -ten feet between .the two rows ; in tut . -; each row the piles are to; be made out of gouu pine iiraoer, oi suciisizc as wniy square to 12 inches ;u they are to be "hewn. Vn vthe two Tmeetingsldesd r astd present;a -fl?t surface to each other of jit : least 10 .inches wide oii an averaged They are to be driven quite close together, and as far into the bed of the river as it is possible?to5driy;them .with a' pile driving machine baving a rammer of from J2 ta 15 Cwt. and : falfing from height of 25 feet at least, and 'when driven thus far, the piles are to be of such length' as to leave 5 feet at least above the-ordinary height of high, water mark of spring tides. 1 2. On the outside of each rowi of piles there is to be a string piece .of pine ' timber of. 9 inches square, fixed about 2 feet from the top of -the piles, and jtp run horizontally for th e whole length v of the -Embankment, Opposite the centre of each pile -there is to he . an auger hole of 1 finches in diameter bored tli rough the string piece and pile, and a white oak trenail of aufficient size driven quite through thenf both, c The different pieces of timber used in the string pieces are to be joined by a scarf overlapping 18 inches at least;::;;;u;:;;ft;;,xf;:.;;; --Xr : ' 'v-;7 i , J 3. In every 10 feet of length in i jthe em bankment, there is to be a cross piece suffi cient in length to extend from outside to out side of the string pieces, and to project there from at least 12 inches at- each end ; these cross pieces , or braces are to be of timber that will. square 12 inches, and to be notched, 6 inches deep, so as to embrace the heads-of tne piles upon w nicn tnev rest, ana ine out side string- pieces. Itnmiediatelv oh the upper L side of these cross pieces is to be laid a string piece of 9 inches square, along the inside of both rows of pilts , for the whole length of the embankment, and to be fastened to the head of each pile by a trenail as described for the outside string pieces. . j 4. The w;hole of the space on the inside of the piling is to be filled up' with earth flush to tne unner sme or ine cross pieces, ana in executing this part of the work, the contrac tor is to carefully aiTange the sqjl, so as that part of it which is of a vegetable consistency may be put nearest the piles on both sidfes ; tne intermeoiaie spaze may oe nueaup witn sucn otner sou as can oe convenienuyoD tained. ' ,' ; .' . ( ;. ; . ' Specification for the Jetties. . i 5. The jetties are to consist of a single row of piles of 10 inches square, driven firmly into the bed-of the river, at the distance of 10 feet from each other. Each of these piles is to' have a tenon at the top of v inches thick, 10 inches wide and 6 inches long. On the top of these piles is tobe placed a capsill, 10 inches square, with mortices on the under .side Tor the reception of the tenons on the piles, there is to be a trenail of sufficient size to fill an auger hole one arid a half inches in diameter, to be driven through the capsill apd tenon ; the upper side of this capsill isttf be on a level with the ordinary height of high water of spring tides. . , ; ' ! j 6. Between each of the square piles, the place is to be filled up. with two inch.' thick pine' plank piling, driven firmly into the; soil, and spiked by 2 spikes of 5 inches long, into the capsiU. . . . -" 7. When anv deviation or alterations from the Plans, Sections, or .Specifications; as the cv.se may be, is proposed by. the Engineer or Jontractor, whereby -tne. , work may be in creased, altered.. or diminished, due noticein writing shall be given of the sahie by the, f i . . . parry proposing sum ueviaiion or alteration to the other, and the Contractor shall hot be gin to execute any part of the sane until a price is fixed and an agreement made other wise he shall have no payment for what he does, and in case the deviation is agreed to, and the demand made by the Contractor; for executing such deviation shall be mote than the Principal Engineer shall think reasona ble,: then the Board of Internal Improve ments or the Principal Engineer. shall have it in their power to contract or agree with any other person, for : the same, att such mder price as tney may tnin k proper, wiwioui tne Contractor havtng.any-demana against the the- Board or- Engircer aforesauU for such transaction, and the Contractor shall deduct out of the contract price such sums as may be saved by such deviation Vv ; l v; j 8. ( Should it appear at any time during the execution of any part of the contract to the said Board or their Principal Engineer, that the Contractor is not executing his work a- greeably to' his contract, he or., they shall give notice to him of such deficiency, and in case ne does not immediately .remedy tne same, they shall have it in their power to stop the-work, until he can shew them satisfacto rily that he possesses the power of 'remedy ing the defects or insufficiency -complained of. and should lie fail in nerformine the same. tlie Board or Princinal Eneineer shall have it in their power to discharge the . Contractor from the work and take the contract out of his hands, the value of the. work executed, .and materials and tQoki ori hand being pre- rioiisry asccrtaiqea oy ine rrincipai -riigi- neer, ana which shall be immediately paid. But in case the Contractor ; shall have been furnishing Unnecessary tools and implements for the work, and which, in thev.Engirier,s opinion may be of little or no . use to the work." the said Eneineer mav reiect ; such tools and implements,, should he thirik pro1 9; All the work must be. dondto the eri-1 tire satisfaction of the Principal ; Engineer, and such "alterations ' may be; made : in; the work or material as ,iWay, from time to time, appeari.tO; Lin) neciaiy, Agreements being previously made Wvabbve(ecifiedand in case any difirepce of opinion shall arise be :Kalejgh,-Feb. 6,;lB25f Wfi::. . Of the' mbajikments: Jetties for ithe improve IT . -compileil from authentic ZZ kk v Anson V.tlnttr iA Superior Vpurt ofLartSehtr 't-'C; : :f : 4822.,. 5frK judii Mj Mufchespn, V " ; Angus Murcheson. S n ",0Tl !jfRDERED by the Ctmrl J cation be made th-ee ll Plk' RaleighRegister, th " 'the dS ahd appear at the next S.inerinVr 1 b ' Law to be held forth,. rJ.:r?unof authfrf Courthouse in W,J H Ah. on the Second Monday in ana answer said Petition rt. nt same.will be heard ex-parte 3 lhc tneartiri Pickett, Clert.f.,! Court, tember, '14 , MARTIN PICKETT, C. S C GATES SUPERIOR COURT OF Williams, ; Prudence George Williams. Tappeanng to the satisfaction fta: Court that George WillS . vnrr. moved- himself without the limi,w t? Stae; - so tfaat the ordinary brnrii? , 11 cannot be; served upon him : It is 1 ivrucrcu, xnat puohcation be marks the Edpn ton r.aA n .... mie k the Edrhtnri Gazette and Rai.;k t ter, for three months, that the snid Williams appear At the nevt 1 .r?,rr' tt7 i" oe neld for r.nimtv, nFfiiirne ,of c-... rtr the u4ic9,uiMur nrsi ivionaay after the fo monaay ot March 1823, otherwise ,W w,jl ib entered pro confessn iLi w iv, i.tmuie rx Dane. ,HGILLIAM;c!sc,G.C. STE.OiJORTH-CAROLINA. yY'p 1. Cabarrus C.imfv Superior Court of Law. Fall Term Sarah Bradshaw, 1 Pe'.itionD vorr lii t ';; Filed at Mav f,rm Eli Bradshaw. J 1821. ' 1 rP appearing to the satisfaction of the ' Courf that the Defendant, Eli Bnd. shaw, is not an inhabitant of this States It. is therefore ordered that publication be ' made three months in the KaleitrhPjpirU. ter and Western Carolinian, that the De feridant appear at the next SuneriorCnurt 6f Law to.be held for Cabarrus C6unty, on the Tth Mouday after the 4th Mndaj in March!, to plead to said petition, other, wise the petition will be heard ex-parte, and decreed according! v. V . JAMES M. HUTCHISON, . :-' 12 ; ;;- , '"Clerk;' STALE OF XORTH-CAROLINA. - 4 Anson County. Jnhn Watson, , . i. t. V . ;.' ', -.1 ; Grorge Danlap.Ma-'. l Tv vn1Tr. 1 ry PitmarL Elizabet f " Pitman, ZdpllaPit- .. , man,-. : :K;" i. J .;'.' TT appearing to the Satisfaction of the ;JL Curt that Zclpha Pittri m, nne ofthvj defendants in this cause,; resides out of' the limits of jhis State : It is therefore ; ordered, that publication be roadein ie Raleigh Register for six weeks success-; iyely, that the said defendant be and ap pear before the Judge of our next touri frf Equity; to be held, for the County of Anson, at the Courthouse in Wadesboro, j on the 'second Monday in March next, then and there to plead answer or demur, otherwise the sa1d; bill will be taken pro confesso and heard ex p arte as to her. 20 Test.-, A. LIT I LK, Sh VALUABLE LAND FOR SALE, In the vicinity uf Raleigh. . . 4 Tract of Land containing 1834 acres, - IV. about hine miles from the City, iym& .c...:c. ur.iliamc'o frks on Wc iu l)" iu aim v mjttiiio v . Rr,ad JeadinP- to Hhvwood, formerly oc cupied 'by JosepTi Lane, jun. and at pre- seut in possession' ot l. l wcu. ... believed tharfor soil, beauty and nea ness of situation, it is, scarcely equalled by any Plantation in this part of the cp try. i A consuleraoie poi-uou w - r U fine low Ground, and the high Iana fertile and very well timbered. A bet K mge for Cattle and iiogs s nu -rf m he found. prpvements, good Orchards, a X Here wij'-r Grist-Mi11 1 1 .sec, and nne springs, r . . tf.f- j. ppiy XO J. . - ; J . L. West, on thepremIS?s. With the above 1 race oi . . had 300 Acres of Pine Land,.inu . ..... - v ri. STATE OF NORTHtCAHOLLVA Superior Courtof Law, October Terin,i iii.nfAnii fintrirTT. 1 . James Holland. j land, t v or toe tioun, uv. . tjPrCi(B jnbamant: of another State- forthrce ordered that pubjicaiion thc V, months in the .HaleigU Reps Court rf fendant anpear at the next a- M,Ttr0o; fendant appear at tne y-r-. mioffh T W.tn f, hildfor theounty ot ; t Law- to be hl4.f at the . Cburt-hous at the,-. Court-nouse i a" . tt Mondiy c wlnarlnv after; tne fim Wednesy , after the or demur otherwise the pcu beard exparte.;; r ; the Sap?. -I, John ' B. lire, VA tl f rlA fcertifV that tne 'if : - XV - T

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