ii , - ii 1 . i " t . 'V'vri li' 7":. i". , --I ;rl;tI;S -l'. i( ,TT. Fiji K ''v -.' Ii I,.. f f hi: I t''.- V i- v Oati are tbe plaat offtf rdellf b'tfol Petce," -s Uqw'P'd bypirtr race, to litre like rethcra. ,. HI "l ' I " ' Tl l I I lllf.ll l l I VOL. XXVI. V?. FHlDAYy MARCH 7, 1 823. II f I X. X. I i - 1 i M - r . ,. ii . ll ill . r , - ' ' ' ! ' 1 - " ' - i ! in- so often openea againsi mis liiUv-iJAiiguujcaim iuaiuus piviici defender of .the truth as U is in jesu?.' ?x.our giving uieseiacw cc in your paper, ;vnicu riuuora oif ouicr a aicra um mvcij THE American Society: for nhelioratihg 'the condition of the ' Jevvs wafi formed in New-York, atnd incorporated by law in 1820.. 1 11ie object of this Sdcietyils'.'io-invite :nd receivefrom .. aiiy; art of the vorld,- such Jews ;as do Already profess the Christian i&eliHon or are desirous to receive Christian Instruction, to form them into a settlement, and to furnish them with the ordinances of the Gospel, and with such employmeut in the settlement as shall be . l iLii. . iiiW nn niin slmll .herftheived: unless he Comes well recommended for morals and industry, and; without charge to this Society, ana ooin iiis.recciHiuii aiiu winiiiuwi iH omv..., shall be at all limes ai mu uuxuun . Mr. PouLsoy,'," , . .. N ' i .; : ' ... Siu--Havin5 had, personal and mtinate acquaintance with nv C F. Fkey before he left London, in 1816, 1 feel peculiar . (....: mv nmvpptn lav ItAtnrp. tho. Miihlir- rants Treasure in navui. ii. mj.nv ; .r r r 'which I trust, will forever stop the mouth of calumny, which has been ami a. nla copy, will much oblige In 18f6,vMr. Frey and faroilyrarrived in NewYork. His tes timonials and icomnndAtidnVwerii soA satisfactory; that Ue was admitted into all the pnlpits dfahePresbytcrian, Baptist and Me thodist denominations in that city. . ' . : The following testimonials are from three most respectable cler gymen of the Episcopal Churcn. The one from the Rev: Lewis -Way-deserves particular attention, as he is the great patronv6f the London Jewish Society, and was one of the Select Committee when the dissolution of MrFrey's connection with that Society w as re commended, ami when the Committee voluntarily settled on Mr. Frey an annuity of ll 00 sterling, for the first year, and J50 'a ear for the ten succeeding years. ! - - . ' I :-; 1 v oj 'Testimonials i ' V- "W'c, the undersigned, being Clergymen of the established Church of ngland,do certify that tVe believe the Rev. Christian Frederick. F&ey, the bearer of this document, late preacher at the Jews' Chapel, Spitalfield, London, fi-om a personal acquaint ance with him, to be a truly Christian character, and to be actu ated by a sincere zeal to pi-omote the glory of God, .oui; S.aviour. and the extension f the Gospel, and as such' cordially recommend him to the patronace and regard of our Christian brethren in A mcrica. K THOIAS SANDERS, M. A. I 5; J - ChristChurdi College, Oxford. GEORGE WAY, B. A. f ; ;T . - A',: i : Mertoh College, Oxford. Dated SUnsted Park, ncjir Chichester, Sussex, July 4th, 1315. . "In addition to the testimonials of my Brothers, the Rev. (xeorge Way and the Rev. Mr. Sanders, Minister of my Chapel at Stan sted Park, in the county of Sussex, I, Lewis Way, do hereby cer Aify that having known the said Or F. Frey intimately, and been connected with, him for upwards of three' years in the concerns of the Society for promoting Christianity among the Jews, do believe him to be an honest man and a sincere Christian, and 1 can, from iny own knowledge, conscientiously recommend him to the notice and pittection of myiBrethi-eii of the Church of Christen any part of the world, either for the purpose of instruction in Hebrew, or for the extension of the knowledge of the Gospel in a Ministerial, of any 'other capacity. . j Witness my ;Iiand, this Sth day of July, 1516. i v " LEWIS WAY." FOR THE RALEIGH REGISTER. .U s Messrs. Edit ors The Raleigh Peace Socie ty request the favor you to publish the, fol lowing Order of the Emperor of Genmany, foe; the arrest of two Duellists,' with tne accom- .; pahy ine Revie w, written in the form of a letter to his Majesty from ' one of the parties taken rtrom the 31st huraber of the Friend of Feace. V ?Grnera1,--T desire you to arrest Count K vana u.aptain. W immediately.-; Ihe Count ! is of an imperious character proud nf his birth, f and full of false ideas of honor. Captaint V. ; who is an old soldier, thinks of settling every j tnuii uy swora.ana pisroi. ne nas aone wipng j to accept a challenge from the young Count, j I will not suffer the practice of duelling in my army ; and.Jdespise the arguments of those who seek to justify it. I have a high esteem I for "officers who expose themselves courage7 OUsIv to the enemv. and who. on all :ftr.p.aalons. I, I . ' V -J T ,-. j shew, themselves intreoid. valiant, and deter- j mined iq attack as well as defence; The in , difference with which ihe face death is horio- rable to themselves and useful to their country i but there .. are men - ready to sacrifice very ining to a spirit w revenge nd hatred. ; 1 des pise thenV: ; !such men,', in . my opinion,' j ire worse than , Roman gladiators.;; Let a council of war be summonfd to try. these two officers, withTall the impartiality which I demand from eyeryjudge ; and let the most cu'pable of ihe two be made an example by the ritjor. of the I law I am resolved that this barbarous custom. j which is worthy of the age of Tamerlane and najazet, and winch is so.tatal to the peace or families, shall be punished and suppressed ; though jt cost half my officers. There will! be siill lett ikien who can uiiite bravrry with jihe duties of fAithful subiects. I wish for none who do not respect the laws of tiie ccuniry. Vienna, August, 1774. On Mr. Fret's application to join the New-York Presbytery, ;he requested the appointment of a committee to investigateliis Cie dentials, and to w rite to London respecting reports that liad.bqeh circulated to his disadvantage. His -petition was granted i aiid " most satisfactory, answers vere received from the Rev. David Bogue, D. Drl'rofcssor of the Missionary; Seminary at Gosport, whei-e Mr. Erev studied for several years : from the Reiv George Burden Swi'Aflrv nf the London Missionary' Society ."t from James Millar, , Esq.,the Secretary of the London' Society for prompting : the con version of thci Jews, before it became an Episcopal- Society ; from the Rev. S. Havtray,r one of Jhe present Secretaries of that Society : fromHhe !Rev.i Alexander WaughV one of the oldest aim most resjieciauie ALinisxers-, in r.onuouj aim iium wio iwv. : : Leigh Richmond.. -V ' : ' :: , : Mr. Fkey was, 'accordingly received as a Member the Pres bytery, of which the, following Is, a certification : ! : -r ; - .".This mav crtifV, thaithe Ilev. J SF; Frey, tlie bearer hci-eof, was received into connection : with .the Presbytery of Ne w :York, on the 10th day of October, A. l)l82li and that he is now inhuman conqueroret to'fjght and murder, eqch oh er.for the a muse men t fof - th e. m u 1- titude So the poor MdieiVofdiflfefenw countries are cauea oat in armies jo ae stroy one another, to gratify the.arabition, or revenee ot meir merciless ruiers. ' ooi- diers and gladiators , may stand on around as to ?uilt r dnellists tnav be worse than either, of them ; but can they be wprse man , tnose ruiers no wantoniy Count K. to the Einfieror Josefih. Sire The! General has furnished pie . Acuiucr in goou aim regular a uuiumg i iuai,uwuj. , c v- ' , , bi ; restated 'Clerk;qffilie -Presbvtery. with a copy of your letter to him, and I am now under arrest. I have reflected' seriously on' your censures, and would, before J sulfer for my offence, suggest some thoughts for your Majesty's consideration. ' - I v ! Of me it is said- the Count is of an im perious character, proud of-his birth, ful of fls'e ideas of honor.' On reflection, I:ahV con-, vinced that this opinion is correct... ,But, Sire, my 4 falser ideas of honor' were the fruit of that education which I received' in your service they are such as are. generally Jpossessed; by military officeiv; and perhaps they are pot more false than those 4 ideas of honor' which sovereigns entertain, exemplify, land applaud. Why should it be thought less honorable fojr a man to fight valiantly in his own quarrels, than to fight in the quarrels of his Prince i And if quarre lling and fighting between i wo officers, is shameful or wicked, what shall be said of rthe wars of Princes ? ' V ' 1 - Of my antagonist, your majesty has said, Capt. W. is an old soldier, ihinks of settling every thing by sword and pistol.- What (bet ter could reasonably have been expected of an old soldier,', who has been trained to blobd ? And has tie not the example of all the Princes J of Europe to Counterbalance him in settling his disputes with weapons of death I Or is it more honorable to murder men with cannon j and muskets, than with .sword and pistoH Orjis it less unjust, or less horrid, r sovereigns to call forth armies of innocent: men ahd cause J them to murder one another, to settle sme frivolous dispute, thmn for two gentlemen to settle a controversy, equally frivolous, by fight ing their own battle ? r 1 ; ; K , . Your Majesty expresses a 4 high esteem for those officers who expose themselves jcou-. rageously to the enemy, and who, on all occa sions slvow themselves intrepid valiant, and determined in 'attacks as welfas defence. Oi these you say the indifference with " which they face death .is henorable to themselves, and useful to their country.', V-.-V. 'v' ' "I was once of the same opinion, but reflec tion has convinced me that these -are false ideas.V For the wars of princes are as need- less as the combats . ot duellists.; esiaes ai 'ways on one part, if not on ! both, a war is po sitively unjust and oiurderous'; aud I ; cannot think that it ought to be deemed either, 4 hono- i rable to themselves' or 4 useful to their country,' for men with 4 indifference,; to facedeath, in unjustly attempting to destroy their brethren. . There are men', says your majesty, who are ready to sacrifice every things to a spirit of re-! venge and hatred.' V;T :v.t" "f" . V 4 ThisaV meant; of 1 duellists ; but is it not in fact more applicable to warring pripces ? Duellists indeed sometime sacrifice, their! own lives, & the happiness of relations and friends. But in . thdr combats Ithere isnb burning ;or sacking ; of towns no murderof womenand children, nor', of the sick-, itnd the aged-no ravaging, 'vt. provincesno plundering nor de vastation; of the property f , the 'iphoceptnb public and inhuman cejebraigons of victojries, and, sefdoiu mbrp than : t wq'. fives sacr jficedi - in one quarrw.' How trifling . tnen the Sacrifices ia a, war bet weea twfduelli'sts; comparedAvjth what is; maiie - in a war. between t wo princes ! What are. two lives to a, hundred tAou$an$?i HV. -By order 'of.the Board;; Vte ' : :j;.': :t ; u V j.' ; ' - ': WUMAlUliltAXif. v other voluntarily Whereasthe Roman cw-York DC. 2 1822:v7; ? ' v v:i ator were prisoners of warclobaied by M P. WILSON,; Pr nU k JVet, of revejigeful duelhsts,ui Majesty Has . been pleasbd id ? savr I despise thei.- To which we also add a copy of Mr.v Fkbys. Commission as Agcni of the Amencan bcietfforraelioratin the condition of the Jews : ; ; Jt'.-. -f-U'V-w, COPT OF COMMISSION TO TUB ItET. JOSEPH. SAMUEi C. T. PREY. , " The Board of Maqacers of the' 'American' Society for meliorat es the condition of the Jews, . confiding in yorir. zeali picty and j i.cirriLv nave nnnointeu vou tneir-Aireni.-10 travel Aiirouirn Lne i nt ?a .u, - "-: .-. : .. j ,v southern Sections of the United States for the purpose of making j your compassibnV as 'youWiueaipiDcbm ""tutiuii5, ioi iniijij Auxiliaries sonciiiug jl una vxuua anu gene- Jj f3310" 'w,wr iunioriuue in . uavmg ucn Jally promoting: tlie obiects of theSociety. tiiuruer, m tne service ana by lue examples bf. their: prifla';'.. -ft fc'V;' --te' v' V Tftttt; ddeilists . are worse1 than Romany gladiators'ma be rue foribey fight. each giadi- their. cause soldiers ahd gladiators,-to shed eack omers oioou j.anu . wiio- tijtKri, incir, iuiiut ence to rehderfigting a glorious profes sion -? You r Majesty has denounced duel ling as a A barbarous" custom; worthy of the age of lamerlane and Bajazet. I custom ;' but I think it ;carresp6hds less with the age of l.amerlane than does the public wars of trovernments. ;f ubitc war was deemed a elorious work in the time of Tamerlane ; it is so deemed by. rulers of the present age. 'Duelling Was of later origin,' and it is in some respects, an im provement on the principles of public, war, The improvement to which ! refer is" this wwhen duellists iqunrrei; . they : do: their own hghting.' It princes would adopt this improvement, they -might dismiss their armies and na vies, and thus, greatly dimi nish the - oppressive burdens of their sub jects, and cease tbdelugelthe earthhn'' nocent blood. . ; :-, Their example, indeed, : would still! be pernicious, but the 'saving' ot blood, and treasure would be great ; for they might: sen 1-7-as t ney pi ten now u o -enact la ws to punish other people for. i m i tati tig their So great is vour abhorrence of duelling. , - - t - r - 4j that you haVe said,-4 1 despise the argur ments of .those who seek tojustify , ;I am persutaeo, sire, that when people shall have become truly eplightened, they may with greater propriety; say the sinie of the arguments to justify the - wars of princes. Both customs, however; are bar barous, abhorrent to enlightened reason ; to justice, and to religion.; ; j V 4 Your Majesty 'nftay pipperly say much against duellings and I hall; submit f to whatever penally your majesty shall thmk pr'per to inflict on nle ; but Tarn, anxious that you should understand that the wars of duellists, and the warsj even of , pirates, are not more reprehensible? nor more at trocious, than the wars of sovereignsi ' .. - :r , ; f -jiCk:r j; Count K." f HOM THE CHARXESTOIT COUBIEB. The Worth American Review enjoys so ' much -.favor in public opmiony that its. name is of itself ajsujficient'pass-port- with the friends of literature a mong us. The jast number, that tor Januaryj 1823, will delight all who shall, find leisure to peruse, it by Us richness and variety ofi information -!he nSh,y jinteresting topics of which it treats--and the customary, tascitia tion of ' chaste and elegant i writing: which; invariably graces the thoughts expresaea in tnat excellent Journal, ; f One of the artic! e re vi ewed, isj " Essays on various subiects of Tdsta Morals and National j Policy," by a Virginian.- The author! is in: favor of duelling, which he conceives necessary " n y vi yeaned -iu tveep up uiau sense of honor which may avail vuis i in war and he considers the loss of five or six valuable lives a year; as a sacrifice not wy 8,cat lu outaiu sucn an oDject. The Review, amons: others, makes the following; re marks 4 which we copy, ?r 1 iatriy auus jusiiy appreci ate our situation during thelat sutn iner, and show a pryper feeiing of kind ness1 towards us. - ; t Two subjects; filled j- at considerable sjiiuc j ui uic puuuc auenuon .auring me last session ; one connected ..with the sub ject of slavery, and one with that of duel ling, as they exist severally in the Soutu ern ScatesWith regaid lb the firsVof ineiii, ine conuuee 01 ne magistrates ,na citizens of Charleston, on tlie delicate aud trying occasion of the Ust summer, was marked with every thing whch. prudericie ana numanity couia nictate ana will not sur iihrthje comparisbh .been done ih' any j da portent r and ?difl5cul t crisis, in ahy part or period of our loutW try.- One thing only; io reference tos this eyeptv; which could have bei a vpidediti matter of regret, that it;iould have been officiallass quesUonand that the liberty should have been taken of implicatinir one, bf the most distinguished bciuzehs in our ccuntry, by; sentiments expressed by him when' dii charging, in te publicouncils,' his duty as ii -jjuuiiu- scr v , nut , w nu respect vo the event itselfisiressing &nd deplor able as ; in haturejltf malerveVy ihing was dowhicn xiluV have beea a.kedvof those high-mindcd honou merciful men. f As to Jth othexof Jh two events to W hich public, attention, has-been drawo;:.the last season ho lknguage'ns strong enough to, impress the disdain? with wuich the puDlic mind lias been afiected; ,1 here is sparce any suhct pi jntereste peis, wiiere men uo t ..:v ;,r.,rV.'; vV V general burst of indignation "has in'thU ir-N - .VK'-Vr stancbeen heaVd ! andraoytarly el-v ' ipg f partialityv whfcHjsha seditself has been wholy absrtjedj the ; v hame ind )iumiliationC the eqiiel. TilJ. S i ;-V now there wasi ktyd of pfaus??ility; in fe- j is' marks like our author's oh duelling", Sacb' V -'v rrj iihtk wrrr niirjrnrarii in mnvrrsaiinn. : i - . and itwaitrou ,'f was promoted by subjectmg. nimw i ! oiatea ic in tne. article or nonor co tms re . tfp..7. sppnsibilityV 'kIo: the old shool.way pf go- f.i ' ?.'.; ipgl putunexpectedlyto a '.retired spot where tlWinjuredt partyi fired a half-lbadr tZfrd' ed pistoKat a distance of sixteeirj i goo ga;vi thpusajpd VtOtJ pnewhifethe ichallenged ' , paftVas i ; mattebof coirsel threwaway'l ' a ' his hrearid;shc6lthands-rhej practice $J. p 14; corniptlitate, of society, he productive of r dButjthis ghastly im j sieh this" oractfee forVweeks ailtvmonthsi ; , u: . ' . r i jj ' wis. lung, 1.1 fining in ine , an 01 sueaaing numan oiooa, ana tne protractea, renew.- I thisinteirchange of ribaldry; in ther public if plriats.4 are matter of humiliation to every v ; ; I! , example is beyjpd measure deplpr able.-- V; "ic mere no laws, magistrates in va . 1 y' . ro'HDand'GeorgiafDp:rthe';gr the.iireaily:thmktsthey.rseeoivt0;t4 jA I men shall for ::inbhths bptfly.'Undvpollic:.:.--;1,.:- ' U j)' ly pursue the puriJse'to kjllaVid nothing: : f ! V be done to lay he'strong arn? of the ;law ' ' t , ' 1 1 the' effect upon sdciety Ibf taking olftife sa- 'i Vv lutajcy;resirahit;S which thelpublic sentU ; A ; ; mentjliad. every wiie inpsed! o duel ' ' ling, ahd which forced it to .be perpetra- , V ' ted witlfsecresy dispatch, or in . foreign j jurisdictions? ;Jf let otHprsfpity the,L . : slaves-we cominisserateithe spiasters And it is some cumforf tb those iwho. be-V:w ; y iriue auu vice, are , meir own , v..;. things, the event to which We are alludiner must, since its first agitation, thi b alf its - ,. ' J miserable .vicissitudes; hive been beVond; descriptibnbarrassing arid tormenung toV ; , ; -all immediately concerned : thtis in some' degree, visiting on them the ojltrage done , V , the-community.?' , : , f ? f; ; tt'k Jiy jiamiuont JLemoine & 4ranmij. k 1 1 1- . 4 i O" N Monday the 24th of Afarch next we -shall sell without ,the ; least reserve, at ''' ' the Store 'on fBollingbrooTcstreet, lately pci .r v ' enpied by Messrs. John Stith, ic Cp. the en- ' " tire Stock of Dry Goods, Ilardwarei &c of ; ' said Stithi & which rnmni4ca n '.' ' rive and valuable collection of fresh imported r M j ft fl British and other Goodi4 ; It' consists 1 cart . i. Vl? p. v .- IT;.;...- . , y. 1 . ...-'...':' 1 ''I Super Cloths and Cassimeres, (Sheppard'g,) r ; V - fill ; - of an colors; flannels; PeliseCloths;; f St ' Carpeting, Baizes, 'Blankets- rT r 1 ? 1 ; -' k;c if -i Napt Cottons, Bombazetti, Chectv: ! Irish Linens Dimity, Calicoes, Hr.-':-7 "1: Ginghams, :yestings,,(:- .?j: : j Silk Cotton and.Wdrsted Hbse,S' J ! ": '' I-' Muslins, Cimbricsiaprs, iJiwnte&cj '-.VV .j: 4'"' And in fact nearly eveJy article that is "r 'V: qmrea to assort an extensive Wholesale and ' r . Betail Storeryor MtXsfyenOlti fxh vcy iw ywtty, ununeariy im -whole havt i - ly.' 5ee?j recently imported NovSale.haS beeii'' lately oftereda the bubUc calculated ;-V' tract set much attention aathis; i;l ' ; I .:! h The Sale will, be continued framVdAi n ? V utj uiiui uic ,ua Btycib 12 aisposea of. on i nic iwiiuwiiig ycriiis : Au sumsi unaer Szuo. - boyel(K76:hibnths,UAnc ; be securedi)y approved ehdobe4 hetiable " ' . , ' ( J ' . JUS IV rJU JiLlSrJED. -V.' All 4 i A?ew Systembf.dfeOMETRV; f 1 i. titled A CmDendious SvtPtw f ; -At,' : ?. M ii i nfczrt 'Getihetnt - in WveW book y 'i To whichan -eighth is aji6ea.edoniain lng sucn ptner; propositions as are eleven iary , among w men are a - te w that are. 1 - f.' necessary; tteypnd those of the; 'System; to ' ; Xr " the more advanced parts of the Mthe- '. matics. By osEPit -Calp well; D "D'.v ' A '.V fiidentbf'thllmversitybfNbrt vii m trm m -. ; i r r-m nav a : n . a . w m w ' f v rolina. ,? Subroinedls a treasisis cfoPlnnA yrrigonbbiiiry b the sameand Sfihcrka! 'trigondmpiry bJpH Rboert Simpson; of r'i Glasw -Thls isthebvstem iiowam-- diejd in' the tJniversityVa'niior'W reafter ; expected to be prepared, ;fqjr K 1 Si .p. Xa Jke6h Gales J SoA. rim&Vft he North-Caroiiua Uicrini TT-i o'j.1:. 'r;n i jf.i . - A.vii .. .'. unueo states ateuuarv lor tne year V , ofJour; JUordy Sfeejog the 4rth of the Tadependencb ot the uoited bUiie '5 I' 1. JLi" ' ".tl ' I?-:-, v; 'V., Jf' 1 ' it il t j i . ' I ill' : . rcompiieij from. amneQ.cic Qocapeair 1 v t "-C'U: & f t??'ii ''.-. t - v;J; -.. .. . 11 '.I'M 1

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