, , I ' ' " 1 " " 1 " 1 ,! 1 I I 1 ' I. j , 3 . fc, r r 2 1 hi 1 5.' i'.H ,2 I -I 1 i r, if? t!j ,Ji-:rSri;;?'CON.GnFS;V .1 inis passed,! ttbifd'reainjr.";:vu, r r.inoM'itbV il i IV ;v. -- v " The bui making appropriations lor tnem i r Ward near y 'f SENATE-: :-rv o TOW"'wtwu ;v"- ; i aoout tne:aip ot ; r.'VTri.r. r Aws fearv!K3. vat read a tbirdti.tjeo4 HORSE.1 about -I 'x The joint resolution directing tha printing; VI Jlevblulidnary 'CongreM '.waaresd the.third . 3 firae," paused, and tent the other IJduse for ; concurrence.; X'i "v, S'' k V-' v- -iThcSenate' then resumed the consldera- itSon'cf the bill to extend vthe jurisdiction of f : of qolumbia; to fiftr doHars,- tc. th,qnes . V tioo being on the tmendment offered by, Mr. 'Johtison of Ke'ntucfe7to exemot tbe debior -fivm Hnprisoimierit, br any turn above twen- v I Much debate folloverf on this amendment ih the course of which, variont fnodifiicationa and substitutes were offered for it( and h vaa finally agTeedvtcvtubstantiallyr as stated ifc 'V-v An amendment vaa alsooptedon mo - tlon of Mr. Holmes, of Mne exempting from v' imprisonment; ttndr.any proressr issiied by virtue of thii acU' the persons f ayfemales of ' age'n'he bill was? ordered to be read, a third timeas ameiided,; The Senate took up,in , eoininittee of the wholes the -bill ' to. enable the ; hoWers of 7 jVench; UritisH, and;Sanisb,;tjtJes to lands witbiatheVtatbfj;ousianai' not bee recOffflired as vajuLbrtne goyenv " xnent of th i-' :. fceedirie-s in the liourts of the United States 'A Vto try thealidity, thereof; Tij. ; -J: -I '-sle hill vu ordered tr?a thirdTeadinsv v J -The Senite tooV, up the bilKamhoming ;. ;the. President: of the United Stales to employ " sn'r.nffineer to examine And select the most mirchas No objection being made to this bill, the j question was laitcn onwucnu.iw w gvossea jor a inuxs. resume wiu wwi wu, ' y- , . i -witnirxinilT." tkb. 26V The Seriate resumed the corisideratjon of the Hill from the House of Representatives, auppIementarv';'4o the Rctsproviding; peiK sions forTero'ucarjr serriceS;. which was. ordered toie reid a third tiroe. . '$Ly j : western' Vaters, and appropriatSng 25,000 1 : dollars 4nr the 'mirchase of such site, tcc. The bill to enable the holders orFrench, 5 British; and Spanish land title In Louisiana " - - not' beretofore recoeniaed by the govern- , vment of the United SUtes;' to jnstitatero "v ceedinga to try :tbe vaUdity.of the'same- ; and the bill to establish; a National Armory ;; on the-Western Waterv.were readhe thrrd "-time, passed, and sent to the House of Re ' f -preseniativet for concurrence.'-"' ' :' . vf-' A erreeablr to the notice -which' he gare esterday, Mr Holmes, of Maine,' moved that the Senate now, proceed to the elecfion of a ; : Printer, for the Senate, for the'next Con- gress. 'V ..-f-.- - k - . . - - The '8tenat e accordingly proceeded to baJ . lot, arid the following was the result r r : . For. Galea & Seaton " - 40 votes. ; - ; For other persons H : T "3 voles. . - , r-! ,TmDxx rxB..27. i A number of bills passed" their 2d and 3d ' readings,' i - . r: . V f ' . , : ; l, - I .. . The , Senate took up the Message from tbe - ereement to the Senate's amendment to the J Dili,, suppicnrciiwj w fviu"; rjension -laws. H The amendment (disagreed to'bjr the Bouse cf . Pepresehtatives; was a clause in serted b v the Senate; to reduce all the Re- tolutioriary pensions 20 per eent,J ' . Mr. wooieraovea w Pponc cqiu ,o- : mittea -mCt 0f suppressing. certain passa definitely, and after some debate the motion- of documents transmitted to the House, vas lostayea 2Q, noes 23. . . ; . . - jde a report' in Velation thereto,! recom Mr. Barbour then moved that the Sen-.te , mendlns t t committee be dischateed recede from its amendment, which motion 4 f ih? frth.r rnnifiPtinn nf th nm?Trv was agreed toyeas 23, nays SI. v.. HOUSE . OF "REPRESENTATIVES- " . aroirpiiTl xb. 24 - ' -The Hotise then'proceeded to thexonsi. . V deration of the bill, to abohsn tiie otnee or - Measurer in the several ports of entry in tlie United Stales i which after s'ome debate, pass ed to its third readimr. r- ; ' -' - Alt of , Mass. pave notice' that he ; the . House then proceed to ballot for a Priri ter, executethe: Fnnung lor tne House f, during the next Congress...-.. - r j."'' - ' if . - Tlie House then again resumed- the consi-'j Resolved, That the Preaident ,of the Uni s - deration of the ninfinished-business of Satu?' ted Statea be requested to enter upon and day, the questioa pending beuig. on. concur-TJ: to prosecute, from time to time, such' nego ring in an amendment of the Committee of tiations with the several xriarititne powers of the , Whole mpp'ropriating.'.'the : ium oY,.fifty ji Europe and America, as he majrdeem expe, - " kV.nl'Jnll.H Itif (hp TtTnoniichniint nf li dient for the eftectual shnlitinn nf th Afri- certain Indian . titles tQjand'In the State of Georjrialmade to the'bitt raakinir-further ap- UJUU SAliU UiIMl VA "- - w v . propriatioris for the, military aemce of the U. routes for:jtbe yeirl823;;,';;V:.: vm,- . I ne aiscussion oi uiis imenamcui. vu ,rr newed, arid occupied a considernble portion f of the day. f It waareji cted 73 Votes toTO. - - ThV. amendment being thus rejected, the ' bill .was' ordered to be; engrossed for a third dreading; , , l? Vv : ... - ' f ; -y'-:' -' . :. - 2 - 'rxntsnxji raa.- 25. -.-T, .'. - ?r": ;r i A but further-to prolong the continuance of the Mint at PhiUdelDWa V? ; r ' ; ; The bill to'continue in force , an'i act, enti . tled.' An act regulating the'eurrency within , ;u thc;Ii Statea,.of the gold coins of Great Bn fr ''tain, "France,-: Portugal; and ,S pain,' and .the i'i . ? crowns Of France, and five tranc pieces, . passed the 29th day of April,. 181 6 so far as arid fire 'francj pie'ee-; ;ao ;; :r-7 .;: -' The; bill making the gold coms.of Great J j- .7, Britain Fa'e, Portugal -.nd Spain, receiva- c 1 . i- - :re ordered ' to be ensrosse d for a third t-h eadlng..:v;.;vfl; . . The House, pursuant; to a inolicm of Mr. layiOr. 0 ml y nf c a icl cesa of two hours from 4 o'clock :thisv after"-H poon, to meet again at fax;. . . , , - . r . vlir. Alicia of JIass: pursuant to the notice he yesterday gave, than the. House this day ; proceed t& ballot for a.Pxjnter to execute Jh. Ptn'nfinfor the next Conffress, now.made ,1t frt m Into the election of the said J ,i Printer. v:;.-- -f 'V ;-:"' v-. , t1' t ; After. teverU-unsttccessfttl atteroptso; ' postpone the election, a Dauoc wpitpiace, wit result of which waa ..;a&m: a -m4Mv vir ir. ' a.- .Ban .,w v.n -4 Other persons, vVS: - ' Giles beaton were uicjj ucuivu WUV' nr'i ,: T c-rnri? tw ll - " ; A.-a w wuujr. .".7, - v- . T ...... - ;. .. V" 'lJ'1 - ' C''. ''-'.tr'. ; -r . r - 4S T' - committee of tfte.wbole -on the state ; rf tlW I UVliorurMiiTnirtPv last unifer examination In xhtooimitte;VM iie question penuinp peiurc.iuc umi'mimi tee, vwas 'on agreeing to in appropriation of fiftyeight thousand dollars ' for the further rontiouatiori M'Tortl Delaware ontheTea Patch whiebxwas ajed,toir JM ,, ' ' Tlie item of forty-six thousand dollars for Fort Washington, iaketi up, and was also agreed to. ; : f x ' v s The remaining items of appropriatiotrre ceived the sanetion of the Committee, al mostithout a' dissenting yoicfcw Vv; s -y-. XrV TOmlirisori J moveoC. to Jimejid '-he bill bV insertinif at jthe end of it ari appropriationi of twen thousand idoUarvaniiktbter nnual arinttinriatTon' for; armiriff ' the Militia1 Oi th'f .United, S itatea hichjLfter some dis-: cussion; was iedttBin;.:f t T Tlie. ComrnitteeTose arid reported the" bill j Us amended s r a the Hottse took it up with the amendments" maule; to it in committee.l ancl all the amendments wct agreed to r andj . f ne;MOUse;resoiyeaiiseir.inio a comuiiy tee of the; whole on they state ofthe Union, IThe'comtnittee proceeded to tlie eonside?' ration of the bill to provide . for carrying into I Commerce, bet a'e'en. the "United States and France concluded atJWashinon,!Jdne.24, j 1822 il and thebill was read through by sec tions,' without objection; or ameiidnerit i T CV.he comndtteetheti tooK up I the bUWo amend thi Ordinance, 'and act -'of i Congress for the government of theTerritbry of Bl. chigaii, and went through that 'bil. 'Y-,-VThe committee inext too upt the: bill to amend the act for organixing the government of thefTerritory of .Florida to which seve ral amendments were made; ' ? 1 ?yi , These bills rwerevthen reported to the House,' and the two first of them were order ed to be engrossed "arid read a third Jtime -to morrow;' Before the Florida bill 1 wai acted upon, the House adjourned; t ' : ; v .. .,.'.r.-r --,; ..;, mj .. -;!.-: - .. -r'w-xnirxsnAT, rft. 26. - . ; MrFliTmer," 'of NH. from the Judiciary ICommi . - ej reported a bill respecting Pira t cyr r'-'The object of this' bill is to extend to the : District Courts of the Uniied States, r wnere xaere are no Vircuit c;ouns, ine jun j diction and authority as is given to: the Cir-. m the year 1820 'v -y ; r . : The bill "was twice' read and, ordered to be engrossed arid read a third time' this day. V A nnmber of bills were then ordered to be engrossed for a third reading. " ': ' ; i The bill fionvvthe; Senate; entitled " Ah act to repeal so much of ; an, act, passed the 18th'day of April, 1806, aslimits the price of lands in the state of Tennessee," was read a third time and panted. V . 7 5 ' The House then proceeded' to ithe consi-' deration of the bill to amend the act" for or ganizing the government of the Territory; of Florida, which was ordered to be'engrossed ' for a third reading. " . ?X v ' ' The bill from the Senate fto regulate the commercial intercourse between the United State and certain British colonial ports,' was read a third lime, and ftnzUy pa$9ed. ' the government of the7 Territory of Florida, lite uut o ameuu me aci -ior organizing'. i was reaa a mira xime, fateat ana sent 10 the Senate for concurrence. Mr, CampBelirof Ohio, from the Select fnmmW a a annAinfA1 -4a fnniii ar1. ;;Coriinuttedtb it t: which re port and resolution were read and ordered to lie on tne table. . The eneross'ed biU o amend the act to establish a' Territorial .Government in the Territory of Florida, and for other purpo- ses, was reaa a uura ume, pattea, ana sent to the Senate. .v . " , ,r :.;. Mr.-Mercer prefaced a motion to take ur the following resolution, with aome remarks - 'ivthe great and important national object con-. icmpiaicu y uie noopuon oi. xnis measure, . . ' " . - - -- can Slave 1'rade, and its ultimate. 'denuncia tion, as" piracy, under the 1 Law, of Nations, by ;the corisent of the civiliedworld.: V? , y 'After, considerable debate, and the PiW 0x1 Question being carried, the Resolution was agreed to, 131 to 9. j "A numberof bills passed their last reading. tqarpeters. ; -V I W ISH to, employ a good House Car- pentef arid. Joirieri to take charge of a; large job and several hands, r A young man : that is master bXthel bu'siriess arid jwssjissirig stead habits, wculdi be pre-, fe rred J 1 Let te-a addressedt o thef subscri Der,;living.io .VVaiTeotori, N. C.4 will be attended tcv; v,.4. ?-? -"'V ;. k'-'' '. v; cvMarchlS;" 24 4t-;'..-, ' ?,tAt or.iioRTQ-cARotXNA. j 'T-;':':' Waryen County, 0-- v Court of pleas and Quarter Session V s John H. Hawkins, 1 Original attach ''meat leviedon a William HMarshalLJlotinVVarrentoo ITappearing to', the- satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant bas absebnd? ed,:or so conceals him self4i that the ordi nary process of law cannot be'served on bi'm i it js therefore ordered by: the CoartV ;that notice bef giten ittthe2RaJeigh hRev Kister fortbree months; that the defend iarit appear at the next Court ofPleas arid quarter cjessions,-io oeneia ior tnecouin 1 v ?of -. W irren, ' at ; the .Cbatt-Hrinseio'' Warrentoii; on, the; fourth" Mondays in May liext ; replevy arid pleadotheTwIie joagtsenc nnai wui oe renaerea against the eonsideration Fine bill 9 TIlAtED PJantatlon occupied by Dr. thft Falls of TarKiven r ejDruary a iargp.oAi, feet hisfbi has'two white feet, higK weathers., sunk'neck, carries his bend higtidpd Has av Wild look, The ia?ll!gecH bad of. him, he-w?eet. V femuV eafHaleighVit:!s highly, prpbHble-bc .hoVwanflering 'aboritj thrat citv or ita vidnitv. r Whoever, may take ap wid bone and give, irifornnation there of jo tbesabsc'riberJivroi'M or convey him!' hither by some waggier oroiner person uiai may p.-A;ay shall be A?ell re warded ifor'inefr'trW TTiESEHTED from .theubscribfr. in iVVakte ciirit vN Cr nea KRalrfehir on .the 26th of ,Februa"rVi?a Negro Fellow namedXK WIS; abotit 23"or 24earsiof age?and about 1 5 feet .11 inches high ; of a park complecticn; hw-countenance Te- ssmbling much that of a,iree negro ; tie Is sjim '-i.fnadet arid eirprpportionedf fea tdrea and TOrvm'cjhliaTetlitiseof a white pe rsonir -h He toofe , with i ft rii two iwtm of pancaioons: one aarK . mixc, t ine mner white woollen, one pair th read atockfrigsi one snin. :anaone rounaccoai mreu in with black., yarn, arid a ,'firie broadcloth coat of bottle preen color, made by a " tai- lbr also a twilled' blanket, with three points. He once ran away and passed as icfree; man by . the name of r Lewis ettt-? ford and other name in several tawns,--t It is believed that fie will try; to ''make his ecapeTbj water or to nasi tri sptuptown as a free roan arid likely , fownomeicori - nectiun-with . free negroes 11 sq; will nt doubttry to get mto some uiinessi Em ployers in operiingthe Navigation ate cautioned against - hirri and Ali ke wise all boamen arid owners of vessels of any. Jcind whatever. He antell aootbhstoryj but w hen . ea mestly 'attacked gcori viqtion will be yf:: ; Any; person who will deliver said Ke gi o to me of confine him In Jail and givi me notice. thereof immediately,' so' thatT get him;; shall be amply rewarded arid al) reasonable expence, pa d. " " - Y - ' BENX'iROGERS. " .-March 6. -: :. - -:24 'f.'nSl."" r" ' - CHEAP HARDWARE. : f ".. : . - ' ; .".' ' : ,.' . ' '. t . , THE; subscriber having .removed . his Store. from. No, 56,Vto No 113, Mar ket,. 2d Door below Third Street, Phila deltiiia. has" obened laree and Wnural assortment of HARDWARE, CU1XE iY,SADDLpRV & FANCY; GOODS, among which arevthe following: :j Knives &,Fprks, Pen docket Knives, She and Butcher Knivesi R' zofs, Scis sors Edge Tools, Fib s and Sa ws of e very description. Locks and Latches, Gnn and Rifle Lock FTm t,s, Shoe. t Pincers arid Punches, Saddlers Pincers and Punches, Compasses, Hinges vand Screws Braces and Bits, Hones, Fish -Hooks, Tea Ket tles, Coffee Mills, Hanttriers, Tackjs,Aw,l Blades and Hafts, Steelyards, Shovels and Tongs, Bed Screws, Spades and Shovels, Bone and Japanned Moulds, Jews Harps, Scythes, htraw Knives, Augers, "-Anvils, V ices Hoes, Trace Chains, Commode Knob Bed Caps, Candlestick?; Turkey Oil -Stone, Curry Combs, I vory and H orn Com bv. Brass and Patent Ccks, 'Plated arid Japanned Castors, . Snuff, Boxes Plat ed and Tinned Saddler j of every dciscrip tlon, 'ebbing, Brs and Iron Wire, Ja panned Ware, j Table and Tea Spoons, Lead Pencils andi Cases, Watrh CKains, FaiTcy Purses, Pcket-Bnoks,"Ink-Stands, Needles, Kniitingir Pins, ThimblesJ Gilt, Plated, Metal, rand Pearl Buttons, Glass and Plated Comnttode Knobs. . '.' . And a great variety of articles not here in enumerated, which will be sold at. very reduced prices for cash or acceptances. ALLEN ARMSTRONG. -v Feb. .14. . ; ! .- 4 21--12t ' VIRGINIAN, !HE. Race-Horse, Tirg'mian, will stand the ensuin ring Season at' my Stable, in rg Cou.nty Vr. near Taylor's Mecklenbu Ferrj',-bn Roanoke, about 6ye miles south of the Courthouse; and will be put to Mares at 50 thej Season, which may be discharged by thej payment of 235, jf paid by the first day of , Ju next, a wiich time .theSeaSon will expire ; but if an gentlemanill send six: mares or become responsible for .them, 4he1 price. will be reduced to 830 each, if paid as above, One dollar. to the Groom in atT instances. Good and etbnsive pasturage (strongly enclosed) and servants board gratis, but no responsibility for accidents or escapes, though: the greatest, possible care shall be tajen to pre vent; cither. -4 i . Jt cannot-be expected in a newspaper ad vertisement," that I should trace bapk his Pedigree through a long race of . an cestors for two of three centnrtes, as has Deen qone oy niat iormer owner oc jpreea eri" andert ified to be pure : suffice It to sayhewasgntten by the noted stallion Sir Areby.but of Mentrixioneof thjebest maresVever,; .jraS.;jnthi8anrjfrand partakes of the Very ,beitlobduiQg-' landadririca, hoithv by; tbeire arid dam side,, (See Mr. HarrjsonV last year'a advertisement.) yj f'-tP-lt is also deemed. unnecessary to give a detailed., account of his 'Performancesv " It ijs thought fully sufficient to say that in sweepstakes and purses,v he' won forbid owner the stf ni' of 810,250, and la still thought by bm to be the best .horse ever raised in thior anylotlier countryi He is a Ibeautiful bay full 'sixtVenbanda high? of great beauty, fine-mmcle and excellent bone,. and is a sure and most excellent foaletter and Is worthy the attention of any gentleman .'who- wishes to imorove his own and lhe breed of hordes gnu-rally in the country. ; JOHN CcGOGDE. .ff--OTFOlt SALE OR RENlV vT fliE: Store-House on FayetteyiriUe it " next door above N. Harding eel Co. Si ' frttZnm VArnax. Court last, ibe Stibi : cVftejadMinisteredVitb will annexed,' on the Kitafe of the late Mrs. Martha'AJstoa,- ofWarreh County; do bereby give notice to all those indebted to.She' Estate, that pay-. rnent vnll.be expeciea or, ieir uiuwe riewed) rwitbsot delay ; ant Othose .Jiavjng ctiiims ainuiTsi me , "rr iicbis We Acaderoy, m AVarren OOuiity,) the pe rishable ororiertv of tlie late trs Martha Al $tori, consisting; of lHtiseholdnd v Kitchen irnitureiniong wh crOod BedsYthetock of Horses jnga pair oi ; wei oruitir ,v.ri-igc Cattle, Hogfiont75,i ther balance br this antromto 30 Ne-f r raidhwttfch'asea giving bond, with woes, oi aimosx anv xinu. : wwc juiuuh. tnen security, arwuf oe appruvcu vJO.' HAWKINS, and ; WM. K. KBABNEY,7 : t -t.J--'. 'T. f Administrators; 24 ! SRVENTy-FIVE DOIXARS UEWAKD.; li AN AWAY from the subscriher.in'New- II berryistrlc SnatinV Negro.Mari named PETEUabput'r 6 feet hip-h. iisrht? comolectioriS vears of f ace, haa laree thighs arid shoulders, and a very sum waist, nas a scar on ure nm uanu between the two fore fingera about' an inch and a balf Iongf; tbokwith him a HoTse, Sad dle and 'Bridifts ihe horse is' a slimbay;about 7 years old The negro weighs abaiita 73 lbs It is believed he can writeviay fbrg a r.ifiti' The hriv rewawl will he eivenn fbr theNegrO and Horsy ehvered 'to.thet subscriber in Newberry district g .of Twenty,) Dollars for securing the Negro in any Jail so mat i eer nun aeam. v; , v - y ..:yv.-v....-- .:y . Tumiifi n if t' Newberry district, S. Feb.'24 : 3t r ' -y. y. - l: ' .. , ;y;r; i:- mm FRIDAY, MARCH T 1822. ! :AVe bave pleasure in statingto ? our fellow-citizens, that the Fire; Com p tiy, which hai ben for some time past i n con tem plation, is ho w organ ized . ' , l ne following are us uuicers ; . a. J Joajr Y. Savigb, Capt. of the Engine "T:V "VVk. TaoMrsbjr,' : ;''.;.y JoawfC. Stedmait, y Lieutenants.' Thomas G. Scott,'. . Jonif puarjr, Treasurer. Tboxas Soaw, Clerk.'. ;J $ctitirp$Ail Qrahge vjDounty'; Courts last week, a sp ej Agricultural Society oftfiat Pouii iy was held, tor' tb( purpose 'brMl inethe Attention of he Farmers :to the Act for tbe encouragement of Ag-I ricuiiurai imprqv.emenrs passea oy pur last Legislature. TThe better to effect, thia?pu rpose, Genl Cameron, agreeably to; appointment, delivered a veryjap propriate Address on the, occasion well: calculated to stimulate all wbo! h panl. him to ; renewed exertio ns to brjog about an improved system of farming. He assured them that bjy a little extra care and labour; bj deep ploughing in the ;fall; bjr convert-, ingajl the WapteTegeUble matter their farms Jnjto manure ; and by ..in troducing a judicious rotation, of crops, , land, fim which may not now be rais ed more than two or three barrels of corn to th acre,, might be-made, to produce, treble tthat t.qna'ntity,:,!The.;: General hoped therefor, thatj; his au. ditors) wou I deease acfy th e stuggiaH unraefnlyparttow whichjhad heretofore :Beeai too"Tmuch i the-practice in this State of year after year gathering crops from - their fields wiiiiuui. rciuriiiug any. tiling iir tucur hi order to restore bfcthe soil Heltrustedther Would hereafter, every jear,'manure; at least J a smai i portion oi i nei nana j ana, tney .Wouldsoop find their iaboui: riiply Te paid 1 6yJ Its f increased what, could n ot fai I toe grati fyingto theriyhey: Jwoulddes the enviable chajacter ofbeing esteem ed good FtmetSf than iwhichpr suhied thejt wu 1 oof able titled y s-v .'. v.. J . fAtv a ' tneeting of the ? Farmers of Beaufort CoootyV in uttils! State, oithe 8tb.,ult at-which! JohnG Esq i "presid ed anJ A grjfu it u r Socie ty was fotmid . a n u mber of pr emiumS were pbfedfbthei beistjeropsof difj ferent kinds of Grain, Cotton, Turnips, Potatoes, &c tlje. best Ani pais of the useful klmU.; and ;for? the best Negro Vinter.Cloth.;, A Cattle Shew and an Exhibition of- Domestic Manufac tures, is to be he)d :; ornearVash-' ington on the last Monday in Decern ber ijextji- S h:X0 -Jno. Juong jun. Esq. Representative inCongf ess froni SaiisburDtstricty in consequepcecf 1U Tjealthrarid by adyiceof his physicians, leftVWash ngion,.a lonmgnt ago, anu vreturnea Y f orwarcL. wjtmn xne waic. lui;vw j otherwise-tbnoficftj wUi;be;plead against A arirrinayxoe: kint4iiw vrin. Ajiuit topuTslev tbe-Jaterresidenee of Wiiharii' KearoevVftear the ShAcco Fe i .... ho hi residences BahdolphWunty.i ;J(wU ...... "vl ." 5. bajsM ;for:WMtiDffl, r;. for tfce.scruMfsof theminorW. ' iion'oj,,'' oor oart of fK rio4,t r .:T,lin ,ii proodoftb joccasion jogtifies ( ui in callin nn J " candldand Slav TVflHw'I. -it . '"C . y y , " v ,,J ic. all sons, toy reTiew their n l n n s, t n rn nu n ro . k k : -. iL. "y . ." d!t justice whicf they I reiiowrcttizen3, who do not live as been, for jmany years,;but one ienH W?ferottghoj;: the country on thj fmeht ofunmiDgledV borrence. JVa jy. : iyiams,,of Nash; Coqnty, on Thar3. -named; Westray, V n: r?!jpnv:t0, an unsettled accouj ? ?f?.Pf' struck l,im a blor fteV11 uchv fbrCe; a 1a 4 ' haVe occAsioned his death on th. s; roaTthIt; tbe felling hpas ; of;MrRobertfWalkup, of Meekle ' burg county, wiUvall its fur mtur. cntir Wsumed by 'fire, andwtt l:tnXhartrendin, :four.promi8iDV sons, and a Mr.5 Joseph . Huie, a ' rela' ! i tion of the famil nV nerished in th.':". flames; Yms Fl i n n ; Esq .arid a jou n; , man. wir in th hmiaA k T - but they both escaped bv jumping. ot 1 off 9. windowof Jhe npper storj. : ho weycr, without hurt j the firmer had his tnigli broken, na the Utter wa$4 ariouslyjjlbjuredy:: ': z;; vy Tfte Georgia commissioners appoint- ed to form a treaty ; with the Cherokee y ndiartf (sayCthe Milledgeville South-; - ern JRecordef,)returned home we un ; tferatand without effecting their object , JrrbeseIndians rare said to be decid- edly averse to riaking any cession of theirterf1torytid-';ate; reported tit hayeitisif ucteti I their ChieU" not, oa ' the peril of leir lirest to cede a foot of land A . : . . 'The Legislature -of the State of Georgia . belieyirig that . " it does not comport with justice or expediency. ta, ; deprive innocent and helpless' woraei, , and children ;6f the means of subset- ence,'! have passed an act exempfin? from levies and sale', on accoantof - debts contracted after the first mit. i the following articles, viz t -. ' " Two beds and ; beddm?, coramon bedsteads, a spinning .wheel and tya y pair of cards, a loom, and a covrani calfV common tools of Ms. trade and or- i dtnarjcooking Utensils Jtnd ten do!; tars wortbof provisions wand vestin? v thjeropeirty1 of the same in the fnfen ; or Court, to be appropriated to the V benefit and use of said family, so Ion; j as the: defendant shall T remain insol ? The lapse iofiftyy ears has prodoc: ed, on the face of this country, perhaps y aT greater rchange Uhan-was ever pro duced on the face of any other tern ryOinlherglobe; withfn the same time; We do not, of course speak of spotj i of grdiritfbp afew Square milev of extenSiveiefritories. Iess than ty 'vears arone now pupi- r-. Soiirishinr State Of Kehtacky had not a white inhabitant, ! Where the Triny sylvania-lUnivehityno stands, ,. nearVit; ther0 ranged, in trrpi ?rfl; tion this fact at the present momeov j becauseWwkesmore striking the lowing atltetnent of the PH"X 4krUm&tiUrlMn Institution- r; Th&catalosue oi tne-uaiccis - t dents, for : the i present year, the, fb;Iowlngaggegates v OfHcers of Instruction JLaw.Stiidents x . - Medical Students, - V , 1 44 170 121 51 t. J-TJnder graduatev -1 Pwnmt nrw Tlenartmeat. Thi iKol. Aombe? if Stalent,' spot erel less than fif jea only stodiest the W!: 1; attenipt anticifat wtoc JJJ; hnrooriia bf improvement in wjj rrvo- v" m Vprto come, io" a country, in fifty jeary p ' r iriff 'bacic to fifty years past, W? v ru. 'i;ta . tne sr-" tben expired, CH., i '' " i " '" ' " - - -...

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