j 1 J: vv;rt'... nn ...I. 'nin arralr.delfehtFsI Peace. UnwarpM by ptrtr , toIW ?lke Brothert.l 4 ; -' FlilDAY, MARCH 21, 1823. VOL. XXVI laws of .the United States. , A act. entitled V An aft to relatr fhc cnllertW of dot Won import and 'innW passed second March, one nine, and for. other pnrpcs. ij -P if enacted by the; Senate: an fHoute Jmn'rntatfvi'. United .fitate. Lm and after 'the third day ;nf. March rrxti no goods, wares or tnercoanoisf, Sect to ad valorem duty; and irnported SSr United States .Han;h:adm,tt. oaneotry.ortinless the true in voice nf he Vr the collect arjhe time of entry.or anless the sae be admit id in the mode authored andrescrih ed in the next ensuing action of this act : Provided. That this prohibition shall not extend to suctf gocxls, wares ormefchan ihe as shall have been ken from a Srtit.Jnil be it further kioctedi'Tha: when no invoice has been received of anv, roods, wares or merchandise,m ported Jnd Rubiect to ad valorem duty fc s afore said the owner, importer, consignee, ror aeent, shall tnalce oat.K of the arne, ! and; the Collector of the porthall be, and he U hereby, authorized, if, in his iudsrment. the circumstances under which such p0ods wares, or merchandise, shall have been imported; or any other circumstance, connected therewith render it expedient, tearttnit the same to an entry, Tr.aP.-' praisement thereqf: dulv-' mde, in -J ihe Jrjinner hereinafter rrcnbtd : Provided, The owner; importer; consignee, or agent, t pf Mich roods', war s, or mercuamur, j shall, previous to such enfry. give t)onl. j with sofFrient' sureties, to the 1 United Sates, to produce to such collector! the ; invoice of the. sanre:with;n, eight moTirh from the time of entrv, if the' same were imported from ; 'any. port or place" .o this aie, and within eighteen montha if from anv port, or place bevond the Cape of Good Hope or-CaperHorn, or from the. Cape of Good Hope, and to pay any a romnt of diny, to" which it may appear, by such invoiced tfe said goods, wares, or merchandise, were subject, over and aWe the amount of duties estimated on the A nrnraisement. See And be it further enacted That i when goods, wares or mercnannise im- ported into the United States, "shall., hive been entered in pursuance of; the provisions of this or any other act, regsi latin imports and tonnage, the same, shall be deposited, according to existing la ws, in the public ware -housed and shall thre rerrain, at- the., expense and. risk of the nirner.: until such' invoice be: prcnluced : Provided, hoover. That Hen the said' gnods wares or merchandise; shall nave remained in the public ware-house fhine woDths, if imported from any: port or place On this side, and eighteen, q-omns, ; if from anv por or place beyond the Ca cf Good Hope, or Cape. Horn, or from the Cape of Good Hope, and no jnypice ah be produced, then the said goods,. arVind merchandise, shall iie apprais ed, and the; dutier estimated thereon in the manner hereinaftef dNected t Prtyid ' f(, aho That nothing - herein contained; shall bV understood to prohi'wt the sale of 8ic.K quantities of gods, stored as afore said, as niHv . he necessary to . dischaf gt-; the duties 'thereon. and -all intervening, charges, at the time of times, when such duties shall become due and-paabe : And Provided further. That the Cojlec-' "tor he, and he is herebv "authorized to direct an eailier sale of articles of a pev rishahle nature, ard of such as may be habie to waste ; first - etvinc such, notice tf the sale, as circumstances may admit, ' b public advertisement, in one or more papers, at or nearest; to the port1 where such sale may be had ; which said articles the Collector shall previously cause, to be ; appraised, and the duties esti mated X here on, in the manner hereinafter directed ; and the proceeds of such1 sale shall be dis . posed of at the expiration "of the said pe riods of nine atidreighteen-momhs're-pectively, as the! case may be,' in the tnanner prescribed by the fifty-sixth sec tion of the act regulating the collection. of duties on imports and tonnage, passed the second day of March, 'one thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine i Provided vUp That nothing in this section shall be Con strued to affect the cases contemplated by tbe fifty .sixth section of f e act regulat- lngthe collecion oiduties on imports and ; tonnage, passed the second of Mafch",,one. tnousand seven hundred And ninety-nine.;;; . Sec. 4. -And be it further enactedlgtiat n alt cases where4 goods, wares, or cr chandise, shall have been .imported into tle United States, and shall be entered by invoice, one of the;followmgoattis, act cordujg to the. nature of the case; shall be administered r by the ; collecor of the Pcrt at the 'timeot entry," to- the owner, importer, consignee, or agent, in lieu o the oath now prescribed by law in such - C!e: 'i ;-v-;.';.-?"H ; Consignee, Importer or Ugenfy t Oathlj v do solemnly and-trulyi (swear Jr affirm,) that the invoice andtill ofjad lZ now. presented" by me to the, collector , ct , are theUrue and only invoice ft kLof lading by .me received; of all Is, wares, and -mercbaadlse im-. ored in the ; i whprof;v ) K mas ter; from r; for account arty per son whomsoever, ;fo1r( whom am antho r:7.ed to pn'e the same ; thathe said in-, voice and bill. of In ding are in thesatein which thev were actually received bymie; and that I do not know nor. believe in the pristence of anv other invoice, or bill of ad:ngof the said goods, wares and mer--h arid se : th at t he entry n ow. , del i vered to the collector contams a; just and tfue nccr iirt of the ?md xopswrares nnd mer chandise;'" according to the said invoice and b:ll of ladmg ; t fat npthrng has been on my; part, nor to;my knowledge; on the part of any. other" person, concealed or iinoressed; -:wherebv,' the On! ed Stages duty d ime i,oraffpr T1ltrovpr anv errOr.in the sa'd 1 M . invoice, or In the account 'now ; rendered of said goods, wares,; and merchandise, or receive any. oter invoice of the same, I will immediately -make the same ' know n lo the colVec'or of this. district. , And I do further solemnly and trdi v (swear or af firm) that to the best of mv knowledge and belief (insert the name : and residence; of the ownei .or owners, is or are) owner, of - the goods, wares anrVmercbandise, mentioned in the annexed entry ; that the invoice aow produced by me exhi its the nctual cost, (if purchased). or fair market Aalue, (if otherwise; Obtained) ajt the time or tmus and. place. or places, when and where procured (as the case may be) of the; said goods,; wares, and ir.erc.hatidise, all the charges thereon, ami. i,d other or diff;rentdisCrtUHt, bounty or drawback, but such as hasvbeen actually nllowe! oil. the same. . Owner's out in cases where goods, ware or merchandize, have been actualltifiur chased. ;.f . ' , ". I, do solemnly and truly (swear or affirm) that the j cntiy'now delivered by me to the collector of , "contains a iust ! and true accoun't of all the goods wares and me rchandise, imported by, or consigned to me, in the , , whereof is master, from , that th in voice w;ich I now produce contains a ' iust and faithlul account ot the actual cost of the said goods, wa res, and merchant dise, of alUcharpes - thereon, including charc:e of purchasing, carriages, bleach- ine. dying, dressing; finishingvputting ut and packing; and no other discount; draw back, or bounty, but such. as has been ac tually allowed on the same ; that I do no; know or believe in the' existence of -y invoice or bill of 1 dng other than thoe now produced by' me, and that . they are in the state in which I . actually received them. And I do ! forthef solemnly and ! ttuly (svear oraffirm) tharl have not, I in the said entrv or! invoice; concealed or j suppresed any thing whereby the United j States may . be defrauded of any part of Uhe duty lawfully due on the said goods. wares, ana roercnanaise ana mat . av any time hereafter,f I discover any , error in , the said invoice;-or in the' account now producrd,.of -the said ,gocds,' ware", ;V merchandise, or receive any other invoiri of the same, I.will .immediately make the same known to the collector of this dis trict. . i j' . - ; ' ' ' ' .- Manufacturer's or ovJner's oath, in cases ; ivner. gooa, wares or mercianaise, have no t been ac fually p urchased. ;T, ; .. do solemnly and 'truly (swear or affirm) that the entry now delivered by, me to the collector of V ., contains a iust- and true account of all the goods, wares,-and merchandise, imported by, or consigned to me, in the; ; '..- whereof is master,' from' . , ; that the sstid gorxls, .wares, and merchandise were not actually bought by me, or by my agent, in the ordinary mode of bargain and sale, but" tha, nevertheless, the invoice which I now produce; contains a just and faith ful valuation of the same,' at their fair mar ket value including charges of purchasing carriages, bleaching,dying, dressing, put ting up, and packing; at the time or times, and place, or places; when and where' procured for my account, (or for account of myself And partners;) that the said in-; voice, con reinsralso! a just and faithful ac count of all charges actually paid, and oo other discobnt; drawbackor boimty; but such as has been actually allowed on the said goods, wares, and merchandise ; that I do notknowvnor believe in tlie existence, of any tnycjicepr bill of lading, other than those'novy pripduce.d by? me, and that they are. in tfie state in which 1 actualiy.receiv ecttbem And I do further solemnly and truly, (swear or affirm) that I have not, in the sa id entry or invoice, concealed orsup pressedapyi .'.thing :w hereby theyhited Sates may t be,: defrauded of arty' part - of the duty layyfully; duepn the said gdodv varesi & merchandise," and that if at any time hereafter, Txdiscoycr any error iaihe iaid invoice or in the account ndwVpJo-. diiced 'of the said jjoods wares; andmer ch andi z e , or re ce lye any ot her inVoipe of the same, I lyill immediately . make; the sam e knqw n to the coi lector of this dis trjeurt; ' . , ';.v",-; .;: vV; :?- .;.TSer.iy.; Jind be i f urther ' enacted, Thai the ad valorem fatespf duty upoir goods, : wares, andmerchancUzershill beestima ted in the manner followinglr'to the actu.r al cost, if the same shall have beeh actu ally purchased, or, the actual value if the same shail have, been procured otherwise mav h dfranded of ahv nart of the lawfu'ly due on tne ?aio gooas, -warrs an mow-hanrlisp. and that if.' at anv t haji by purch?(se; at theime; and place 'vhen and where purchasea or ornfrwr niured. or to -the; appraised vatue; yf ppfarsed except: in; cas r whre gods rp inhtprtpd to the henaltv rrbvtd- d for m the thirteenth ectipn of t is act, sh air ie acioeo an cnarge,vei:ei and, also VentyJpercen,um on ; thesid cos orr val ue, and ' charges, i f i m pored from the Cape of Good Hope, or any pl ace bevond 'Ka t?r from beyond Ca Horn, nr ten per ce'ntum if from any other place or country ; and the ? sid .fates of duty shall he estimated on such , aggregate t jount : Pror:ided, That i aliases where :hv goods wares, and merchandise subr iect 'toVad valorem du:y,'shall Ihave been, im'ported. from a country 'ther than that, in w hich the same were ,m a ho factured or produced, the appraisers shall value? he same at the current -Lyajuelat' the time, of exportation in thecountry where theame may have been originally" manufactured or. produced, v ; .. ' ": .- ' " V Sec. 6. And fie it further enacted, That no good?, wares, or merchandise, import ed into the j United -Smtes, subject to ad valorem duty, and bHnpging toa person or persons residing in theUnited States, but who shall, at the tipie, be absent from the place where the sajne are intended to be entered, shall be admifed to ah entry, unless the importerconsignee, or agent shall previously give bond, the form of which shall be. prescribed bv the Secreta ry of the "Treasury, with sufitcient suret ies to produce within four months, to the col lector of the port, where the said goods. wares, or mercnanciise, may r, uiir.,m-. vo'ce of the same, duly Verified, accord in to the circumstances of thecase by the batiybf the said owner, or one of the owners', as presribed in the fourth section of tlm act ; which oath shall be adminis- 1 tered bv a collector of the United btates. I if there be any in the f)1ace where the said' owner or owners may bf ; or if there be none, by some public officer duly i utho- Sec. 7. And be it further enacted That J no goods, wares , or mevchannise, sunjeri to .ad valorem duty, imported as afore said, and helonging toa person or persons not residing at ; rhe time in the, U Sates, and who shall ' have actually purchased the s imp; shall be admited toentry, unless the invoice be verified by the oath of the owner or one of the owners, certrtytng that the said goods, w ares or merchandise, were actually; purchased for his account, or for account of himself and partners in the said purchase ; that the invoice an-, nex'ed thereto contains a true and faith ful account of the. actualx st thereof, and of all charges thereor; and that no dis counts, bounties or drawbacks, are con tained in the said invoice; but such as have been actually allowed on the same'; which said oath shall be administered by a consul or commercial agent of the Uni ted States, or by some, .-public officer duly authorized to administer oaths in the country, where the said goods, wi res, or merchandise shall have been purchased, and the same duly certified by. the said consul, commercial agent, or public offi cer; in which 'latter lease, such ; 'official certificate shall be authenticated by- a consul or commercial agent of the -United States ; Provided, That if there be no consul, or commercial'agent of the.United States in the country from whichihe said goods, wares or merchandise shall ;have beeii im ported, the authenticat ion. he reby required , shall ! be executed. by a consul of a rfatioii at the tiirte in amity with the United States, if there be anyuch resid-i ing there ; and if there be no such cohsul in the country, the said authentication shall be made by two respectable mer chants, if any such there be, residing in the port from which the said gocxis, wares or merchandise, shall have been imported. Se,c. 8. And be it further enacted, That no goods wares, or merchandize, subject to ad valorem; duty, imported as afore-, said, and belonging toa person, or per-. ns.Tiot residing at the time in the Unit ed States, who nifiy hot have acquired the same in the ordinary mode pfbargain and sale! or belonging to a persony or persons, who may be the: manufacturer vor manu facturers, in whole or in part, of the same, shall be admitted to entry ;iinless the in voice thereof be verified y. the bath of the owner, or. one of the owners, certi fying that the invoice contains a true nd faithful account of said goods, wares," or merchandise, their fair markefvalue at the time and place when and where the same were procured or manufactured, as the. case rray be, ahd of all charges there11 on : and that the said Invoice- contains nqj discounts, bountiesibr xQrawbacks, i but. sach as vliavec been'; actually i allowed y which said oath shalf have been duly, ad mitiiste red ,and authenticated in tbj.e mode prescribed in the seventn sectiuu of - this iSec. VAndbe Ufwtfier enacted, hat ib -ll cases! where goods, wares or nier-. chandize, subject to ad valorem duy, iow urieu as aioresaiaf .snaii uciuug w ;f w estates of deceased persons, be ot persons msolvent; who sliail;?bav U mefor $he benefit of e4T Creditors the oaths required by the out i h.'sevebUri, and eighth sections of this act,;may beladmin-:-. isierea to me executor, aaminiarraror or assieeS:Ofcs"uchfpersonVl rspf ibdby this act; accgi'db to .the aatTOVfthecaife. 1 ; -r , -, in all cases where oods, wares; or; mer chandise, subject to ad valorem duty;. im ported as afbresiid and ;belpnging,tr a person-or persons not residing in the unit-' ed States, shall not be aecomnanied with an myoice vefefied.(venfied)by oathand authenticated as required.by the seventh, eighth, and ninth sections of . this act, as The case may be ; or where it shall not be practicable to :make such oath;br there shallbe an immaterial informality in the mfh or arithentication sb required, -or- j where the'collector of . the port at vvhich ; thft-saidvrbods. wares;' ori merchandise, ; shall be, shall have certified his Opinion to the Secretary of the" Treasury, that no j fraud wds Intended i thej invoice of said I gb3Hs,1Vares;pr merchandise; the Secret t tary of; the Treasury shal be, and be is i hereby 4utHorisedvif he shall deem it e pedienftb admit the same. to an entry : j Provided, That the consignee; Importer, or agent, shall; previous to -80011. eniry, I give bond, ihe form whereof shall be pre j scribed bV the Secretary .of the Trf aury," I with sufficient sureties, to produce the in-r voice, if the same be pract icable, sworn to and authenticated as mav. be required by this act, according to the nature , of the case, and in the time and mode prescri bed in the Second - section of this act in cases.whdreno invoice has been received : And, provided alivuys; Thut theSecreta ry of the Treasury; shaH in no case admit any goods wares, or merchandise,! to ah entrywhere there is just ground to sus pect that a fraud on the revenue is intend ed. '1.;-; ' , -S'- -!;' !."- V'V SecliAndbe it further enacted. That in all case's where eqods. wares, or, mer-4 chandise, subject to ad valorem duty, m- I ported as aforesaid,-shall belong in part to a person or persons residing in the nited States, and in part to a person or persons residing but of the United States, the bath of one of the owners residing in the United States, shall be sufficient to admit the same to an entry according. to ' t he pro v i sio'n s of; this act? But ' itis ex -?roT'rferf,ThatinllcaW the said goods, wares. Or" merchandise shall have been manufaetui ed in ' wliole, or in part, bv any'one of ' the-i owners' re-: siding put of the tJnited States,5 the same shall not be so ad m if ted to an entryiiin-; less the invoice shall have been verified and authenticated by such manufacturer in thV manner, prescribed in the eighth section of this act''' 'V-y- -V": C-f-Sec. 12. And be it further enacted, That, whenever the mvoice of goods, wares, or "merchandise; subject to ad valorem duty, imported as aforesaid, and belonging to a person or persons not residing in the U nited States;shall nt have been duly ye rified and authenticated, an4i upon appli cation to the Secretary of ; the Ti-easury according to the tenth section of this act; the said goods, wares, or merchandise, sh all have been refused an entry, the sa me shall be deemed suspectedvf and shal I be liable to the same additions and penalties as are provided in -the case of fraudulent irivoices;in the following section.;. 1 Sec. 13.- And be 'it further enacted, That, whenever, in the opinion of the col lector, there shall be just ground to sus pect that goods, wares, or merchandise subject to ad, valorem slut', and imported into his district, have been invoiced below their true vlue, in the place or country front whence they Were imported, or ori ginally procu fed; as the case may be, as prescribed in the fifih section of this act, such collector shall direct the same to be appraised' in the manner prescribed by this act ;' a.nd if the value; at which the same shall be so appraised, shall exeeied, by twenty-five per, centum; the invpice prices thereof, then, in addition to thelten or twenty per centum, as the case may be, laid upon correct and reguiarihvoK ces, according to law, there shall be added fifty per centum on the appraised value; on which aggregate amount, the duties on such goods, wares, or merchandise; shall be. estimated ; Provided, .That nothing herein comafned shall be' construed to im pose the said pcifalty of fifty per centum for a variahce between the ;bona fide in.. voice. of eoods. Droduiced in the tnanner specified in the proviso Itfjthefifth section of this act, and the current value -t toe said mecchandisc4mithe country where 4 . i "V,;. . - i Jji n I tne same may nave oeen priguiauy uwuu: factured or;prpduceJd;! itScctiltf-rAfid be jt further enacted i That, in all cases , where the- appraised vaie ;ofany' gobds, wafes of merch aiv disel appf aised f uniief hisor any other act conct rbinimportsahd' tonnage, shaU exceed, by less than tweoty-nve, per cen-. uih,' theln voice yalub-Tliereof; such ap praised value shll be cbsldet'ed the true Value of iuchgsftware dise; tiprin which thejduty shall be charg ed, ith; the aUditipnrpf ' sucnf;Cien to m aamay -e"byHawfeulfeots lliat, io cajSieiliail the value jbe. esti mated t)n an amount less tbah. the invoice value, withtheddition hy?Uwreqvured.' ? SecJ i jind :beM further, enacted, iatthe colleCtbrsx of the revenue shall (every tet:ky packages' yf ;eatbvbice: of Lgoiods iyates, or? merch'anmse. inipprtegr into tneir respecuve awncis, wnicn pa.c& , age or packages be shall hafe. first desigr nated oa: the invoice7, to be opened arid ex- j amitiecL and if the same be found not to Sec. 10. And be it further enacte&Th&t cause gat least onei; pacfeage out; ptr eyery in yicendjbueSackaait leastutfbt ifnrresDond . with he falsely charged m such invoice. insertion all ifuich ebbds wares, of ' meand!r tta:b Jotilcd; in.-, the t same wtry?st&li.bemde ;;and;in case such gooxiVware.s.nrj.merqimiiuisc r ; subject tkdaioretri ;duty,the Same fthall ' Vv be apn raised, aod'subjecte-d to the penalj.; - -ties provided in the, thirteenth el6n, irt v , -case of suspected or. fraudulent Invoke; . -. . Arid in every; casei Whether snch -gpoasr ; wares, or merchanisei beitubject,to ;cl ; ,v valorem or specific duty? if any packagef '; may be found to contain any', article; not-;;;.,v' described in the invoice, the whole pHck v, y;,;. age; shall be forfeited : Provided, That ;T , the.Secretafv of the Treasury be, and he is hereby; aitthorized to remit the saia forfeiture, ifr: in his opinion, the?said artr, cle was put in bylmistike, or without, any mieniionto ceiriuu vn revenue. cposentjOf theenate;:appoiritt to eacn ,os ; the pbrts bfostonlNewbrk, Pryladel- phia, Baltimore, i Charleston;, Sayannan; , - and Mew Orleans, two persons weiio;wa-? lifted to perform that dbty; who. before thev enter tbereOri.c shalli severally make I chatidiseas 'tlje collector rny direct and ' , I Secid6.uAnd belit fitrther, enactea atfor; theappisem . waresj Or merchandise; required .by th;s '.;-; v any. ot he r act ebneernine ; i mpbrt s 'anrl , ;. ; v tonnage, thePresulent bt .'the ; Unitect ; firatp rKaII ihw' ftnd' with the ladvice and :; truly to report; to the best of their Kaw; ledgendbejWf; thetrue ; 4ccordin tofthe rprbvisiort ctibhof fhis i act; Vaod whenany ap" ; ;"; praisement is to be: made in .anyf'ort, oj - . .;';. ther th an tho.Se?aboy e n am ed, h e' collec1 , tor sliall bint twpspecUbl resident? ;; nTerchants; whbVafter haviugtaken; thej bath rqqtiired by thjisiectirMV;. shall, be the: ; fg. appraisers ; and the vSecf ert ary of . . the 'i i" Treasury shall : havevahtKpHty;(to di' ct: - '- 1 v the appraisers for any collectionistrict; , '. to attend in anymhercoilectipa.d ' for t h e pii rposfe 6f kp' or AisJ; gi'any; goods f , wares or mefchandise;faiporte(l therein , V f ; and the Pfesidentbfbe" yiited;Swtetf ; herfby author tsefl, in'therece;ssof the Se nate, to apjioint the' apprjilifcrs fr the ' pot ts provided for ip thisftbnwhicht -; 'V appoihtments shall cohtinueiillorce uptil; ,;- me enu 01 uie session 01 wmgi ess ivi.; , . . : after,--. ,V, ( r" ' . , ;' :St& m':And;bi ' I That each of the aipfaiserho; may l?e?ry pointed underjthesixteenlii ' section ot. .; ; th'tV'apl fVrthe ftslbf New Qrleans.Saf. - I vannah; Charleston, Baltimore, PhiladeV phiaVand 'Boston;' shal each' receive, as a compensation for his services, fiften huw- . ;. dred dollars pe innum and theappr T sers fbjj the port of Ne York shall each,.'. ;"' ;.;'; receive two, thousand dollars per annum i. v aiiiid itie merchants' jwhq may be appointed . ; to aCts appr'aisew under tbis act, shall receive for their. services, while actually1. ; j employed bri that doty, eachv, a compen-. ' r J sauon of live dollars per diem ; and whenr . ever thei appraiser appointed under .the ' ' sixteenth section,. of this act, attend in any. district, other than that-m-which they reV 1 ide; for the- purpose of appraising any. ; goods; wa res, or mechanduie,-they .shall j; p - , respectively leceive t theM - v , dollars for eye- twenty-five miles tp jgo , log to;or fetuniin fromi such district, ia addition to th salarV or pay provided for : in this ,sebtiort.:-4: . &X& ; i 'fi Sec. lB.Andbe U fuUher:tea Um. all caset where the owherf consignee, impoiv t ; ' -ter, or; agnty'shaU, be dissatisfied with the. ' :-' ' appraisement ;of any goods .wares br mer- r chandise, made? by theappraisetf appointed: '. unHerthe'sixteentli section ipfhwaitiiha--.:;. be lawful for, hint to ' employ, at bis pwn ex - pense ?tyo' respectable residenrmerehints, M. who. after beinsr dulr jbualified; according to a t- -r : ! th wTftpaTith section'bf this1 act, shall; tocre. ' , ther with two fappraisers , apgoiniea oa tuc . s part oftho United States under tihs acj, ex- ; amine and Inspect te jocs" wafes, or mer- .: .r chamiise, in quesfion 'and, after sufchexarhW ; natio-v imtl-Inspectioii they shall report.they valuVthereof, if they agree thereih, and, if . hot, the "dTCumstancespfeir disagreement ' , '- Srthe collector Varin: case suchwner,r ": -C cdnsighee, importeri orj agent, shall be dissa-r fisfie4.with such report and second appraise-.; v -' ) . meht, it-shall be Uwfur for vhim' to refer the ;: 1 case to thel Secretary of theTreasuryj ha.; St . shall be, and islherebyy aujjhorized tand em-r.'v.v; powered tbecide thereon, of to require i fur J f ' ther testimony in the case, in such manner as : l ' he ma.deem j proper, khdlO order the said;. ; ; V goods, wares' bt merchandise, to be entered' ; V.v accormny.v' , xrA- A ' f'l'.K fi.tJndbe it further ahyt ; merchant, that shall be chosen by the collect' '; r - ;; tof br by .the'paxtylrtintetestto maketnTv-" Kppraisemept'j required undef .'-tills ;or spy ;, otner: aci reapecu.ng lmppri uu.iuun r and whb.shalli sfter "due notice of such chojc r has been given; tb him in writing;; decline, tnf'y. neglect; to ai..y icaappiu;i, wiai.' f half of theexcess orduty accriiing iri pohsev qbencebftlie fifty; per cent added. to the '; ; ,; : value of any goods -wares, or merchandise ' - r under the thirteenth section of this it, shall. be cuviqea among te cusi.oai-uousc,viiivti -. -of thepoft; hi fhicht such, goob wares crj.; ;; ' merchandise may be,iia Ue nunnery pre V scribed bv the acCe'rttitled An act to regtir, ' ;late the i duties on imports' and tonnageV, ;.-'. passed on the second day ot Marcn, seve teen- hundreds and' ninety-nine : iVtwwW,' ; 3 t 'V. -. 'r v:;. I)

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