-- ' p ' 1. lt. r D..-j. ,,.iif J ' f vpnMftWT. IJ - 1 . in KENTufcKy; ' f- 'H iS-'tesi'. oi4'nrr f their .officers' or'-' aeentn ; . oJ V f, ; i laws of the United States. An act to suneiid the ordjnarre nntracts o in Conirrct niemt((I, 1 na a c.uzrns oj uic rn?te1 States, 1iavirff the qualifications pre scT.pd hv ' e act, entitVd An act authori-T-ntrthe ejection of a degute from tVe Vi. .hipan temtmy to the on erl Stated and extendm? the rrcrlt c-f sufli tn citizens of saul tenitQnV aoprr uffrapre citizens o saui lenrgn, supruvcu - - , the sfteenth, .eighteen nun'Jreri and nineteen,, sa" rp emi:cu , ,,y puhHc election in tb- ternary, and shall be epble to any oflRce therein. ; Sec. 2. Jindrhe.it further enacted. That the same nowers which ivere granted to the (lo vemor, I eer'slative CouncP, and House of J?enresentatives, of the Northwestern; tern ton; bv the ordinance of f'onress passed J , 1, . on the tenth day ot July, sevemeen uuimreu and eiffhtr-seven, and which - . powers are transferred to the terri'ory of Mich'gan by the act, entitled " An ?ct to divide the Tndi-i ana temtorv, into two separate - govern-j DiPnt,M approTe( January" the eleventh, ! eighteen hundred and five, are hereby con-, ferred upon, and shall he etercil by. the j Governor and a Legislative Council ; which j fr of whom shall be a qitonm, and .who , r - J shall serve tor tne Terrr or xw" .ar, ir 1 nnnnted l fol V WS to wit At the next-i election of the defeat e to Congress from the j j said territory, after .the passing of .this s-ct; ? j the qualified electors shall choose, bv ballot, j ei?':teen persons, bavins: tle qual'fic'ations j cfelectcrs; and sich election snail oe con ducted, certified, and the result declared, j agrceahlv to the territorial law, prescribing ; the mode of electinc mch delegate. iHut the time and manner of elcc'tincr the-menders of the l etnslative Council shall after the f rst lection, be prescr.bed by tlie legislature A ofthesa'd territory ; and the names of the eiehfeen nersons, hayiner the greatest num- ber of votes shall be transmitter, Dy ine rtj- a f dent . wTTini" ' sain nmtnn'. to the .Pres oflheATnited States, whosbaii noniinaie, ana, . Ivan with the advice; and consent of. the Senate, appoint, therefrom, the said LegiS'a- fe rnnncil i and vacancies occurnne m the . 6aid council, shall be,fi'led !n the same nian-j fler, from the list transmitted as aforesaid : j And theTresident shall have power, in the recess of the Fenate, to make the appoint- ments authorized bv this act; but -ill appoint- m a .. 1. .flT r mcnts, so made, shall De suomittect tot ne ae rate' at tlieir next session, for confirmation. The first Legislative Council shall be ussem lled at such time and place as the Governor shall, by proclamation, 4 designate No ses sion in any one year, shall exceed the term of sixty days, nor shall any act passed by the Governor and the Legislative Council bea liil, afer the same shall have been disapprov ed by Congress. The members of the Le i tislative Council shall receive two dollars each, per day, during their attendaneat the sessiohs thereof, and two .'..dollars for 'every twenty mi es in going to,' and returning there from, in full compensation for their services, and which shall be paid by the Unired States? Provided, I That nothing herein contained shall be construed to aff ect the right of the citizens of said t rritory to elect a delegate to t 'engress ; and the duties required of the Govenor Governor and Judges by the act "referred to in the first! section of this act, hU be performed by (the Govenor Gover nor! and Legislative Council. " . j , Sec. 3. 'Jnd be it further enacted, That the j powers and duties of the Judges of the said i territory shall be regilated by such laws as ; re, or may De, in force xnerein ; anti ine saia Judges shall, possess a chancery, as well as common law jurisdiction The tenure; of of fice of the said Judges shall be limited tp four years : and on the first day of Februaty,' one thousand eight hundred and twenty-four, and every foiiTyears thereafter, the office of each'j ci tne said Judges shall become vacant ; J'ro (led, That nothing in this act contained shall be so construed as to deprive the Judges of the territory of the jurisdiction conferred up on them by the laws of the United States. 4 Sec. 4. Jnd be it further enacted That the legislature shall have, power to submit, rat ny time, to the people of said territory, the Question, whether a General Assembly shall organized agreeably to the provisions of ne ordinance aforesaid i and, if a majontv . f the qualified electors shall be in favor of sucn. organization, then the powers vested oyihisactin the Legislative Council, shall ease and determine, and a General Assem- rlv c1,..ll.l. j. ; r a.. :iL v u ue orinizeu, in couiurumy wiui .e S&irl tvtk h.'fnllAu.'; provision : The Govenor Governor of the sid Territory shall divide the same into five districts, and the qualified voters in each dis trict shall elect one member of the Legisla tive. Council, which shall possess the same powers heretofore granted to the Legislative Council of the Northwestern Territory ; and members of the Council shall hold their cinces f.ur years 1 , and, until there shall be Vc thousand free white male inhabitant of, twentv-one veara and nn-wards. in said Terri- 0Iy, the whole number of Itepresentativetf ine General Assembly shall : not ,bf less than seven nor more than nine, to behappor oned by the Govenor Governor, to the se cral counties in the said . Territory agreea 'y to the number pf free white males above ue ae of twenty-one years, which they may contain; buts after the organization ffthe 'eral Assembly, tbe apportionment of the r'-sentation shall be made by such Assem y : Provided, That there shall nbt be more ffcn twelve," nor less than seven, of the whole 'ubtr of Representatives, until there shall iL S X tnou"in" rce white male inhabitants, "ovo the age of twentyne- years i' .aftr tflrr of Wich!!TftT, nntwor rrner nrpos-. ,7 enif rf a v thf sennte ana uwte or T'nitrrf State of America which, the .number of Representatives shall be .-regulated agreeably to the ordinance aforesaid. :. j, '4,. . "''.. . , Sec. 5. Jlnd be it further enacted. That, the Govenor f Governor of the said Territo ry shall have jjuDwer to grant pardons i frpf fences against thelawa of the saidTemtorV and repneves for those .against the United States, until the decision of the : President theron f thereon) shall be maJe knownt . t Sec. 6. Jind be it further etui ctqd. That so much of the ordina ce aforesaid, and laws of the United States, as ar inconsistent with the provisions of thisl.acti be, and the same are herehy, as respects the Territory of Mi-j Sec. 7. Jlnd be it further enacted, That, f from and after the I first day of June next, ! there shall be but one Clerk of the Silpreme I Court of the Territory of Michigan, who shall perform all the duties of Clerk of said Court, whether sitting as a Circuit and dis trict Courtj or as Judges of the? Territorial Court. ' . V - Sec. 8. Jind be it fvrihez enacted. That, the accounting officers of the Treasury shall set- tie and adjust the accounts of John J. Dem-' ing, making hfnri a reasonable allowance for his services as Clerk of said District and Cir-j cuit Court, up to the first day of June next, j avd th:it the same be paid out of any monev 111 the Treasury, not other wise appropnat ed. - Approved, March 3, 1823. An Act to revive, and continue in force, ,u ii if -U ...iui. j 7 ( hip seveniu spcuon m an an, cmuifti acts for the adjustment of land claims in the State; of Lo-vsianaj" approved the e- leventh Mav, eitrhteen hundred and twen- i ty, and tor other. purposes. s Be it enacted bv 'tlie Senate and Ifouse t Be it enacted by; trie Senate and House of Representatives of ythe United States of Jime ; rica, in Congress assembled. That the seventh ! section of an act, entitled An act supple-1 mentary to t!ie several acts for, the adjust- j ment of land chums in the State of Louisiana,-' approved- the eleventh or Mav, one thousand ei-ht hundred twenty, in relation' to back conrpss'nnc he. nnrl tho same is . herebv re-1 ' v'".er an(l continued" in fullorce and effect, ( for the term of eighteen months, from and afteT the passin? of this act. i Sec. 2. nd he it further enacted; That so cf the lot of land on which is situa- ted the nay store-house, in rsewrtirleans, as may be necessary to continue the street, now commenced, leading from' Condi-street, to Market-habVis hereby granted to, and vested in, the Corporation' of the City of New Or leans, for the purpose, of continuing the said street '.'. -'. ; ' .. ' Approved Feb. 28, 1823. t , An act to discontinue certain Post Roads, : nd to estrtblisb others. , , Bf it' enacted' hv the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States ..of America, 'in Corrtfress assembled. That itne louowmg posi rtiUies oe msconiiaucu, to wit: , -r - r,j: : r. . - ; v IN MASSACHUSETTS. . '.'.','.,. - From Monso;. to Tahrer ' From Brimhld to Sij rr ridge.' V " ; "IN K HO D E ' I S I-AND. : " V From " Providence to Chepacket, in Gloucester.-' - ; . c , ' :. IN' PENNSYLVANIA. ;. f . : From Oreensburgb, in vBeaver connty, through Mount Jackson, New Castle, and Mercerto Franklin.s " ' '' ? -. IN NORTH-CAROLI'NA. T So much of the route from Warrenton, North-Carolina, to Edonton, i EdehtohJ as lierbetwetn Halifax and MurfrceSba- roiigh ; '' 1 ' 1 ' The route from jTarbnrough ta Scot land Neck, and from Stantonsburer to Fayette ville. ; . , . y r--.-; IN KENTUCKY. Fronfi Bowling Green, to Cory don, in Indiana! r. ";v'( " . - . ' I "':IN TENNESSEE. ; t .From Lebanon to Mount Richardson. , r - ,'. IN OHIO. t'foni Chilicqthe, through Wilmington, in Clinton county, and Lebanon, in War ren County, to Cincinnati; " ' ' InVhE FLORIDA S.'.' Frnm Pensacola, to St. Mark9, thence, to Xollutia .Dexter's, :'or. St. John's River, and thence to S Augustine. i oec- xx sina vc ujui tici ruiftu, the following mail routes shall be, and the same are hereby established, to wit : in mains. ; From Scowhegan Bridge, in Canaan, Somersett county, passing thro' Madison and Solon, to Solon Post-Office ; " From "the town of Harmony, in the county of Somersett, through Ripley, Park man, Sangerville, Guilford,'" Fix craft, and Dnver, to SeU c, in. the county of P;nobscott f -''''. : ' " ' .From Belfast to Frankforttnrongh Swan ville and Monroe, in lieu of the pre- sent route,wncn is uereoy repeaiea.vv . . i'lM MiSSACHUSKTTS: . From Springfield through Wilbraham, m a,, ; r - Monsoh", Brimfield, f Sturbridge; & South- bridge, to Thompson, in Connecticut, and thence, through Chepacket, : to P oiri- deuce, in Rhode Island, v -... - A : Zf IN CONNECTICUT, .. V From Spencer's Corner, in Northeast, Dutchess . County, New-York, - by the Meeting-House, in Salisbury, to the Post Office in North Canaan. . ';' 1 ; , . . IN NEW-HAMPSHIRE. t : s From Hancock, through btoddard, tcf l Mrlow; , ' .. ; ,j- ' ;'- -. . .. ;. yers location, to Littleton Post Office. : N ".. - , , IK VERMONT. . From Pouhncf, to Whitehall, in New York. -r' ' IKUEW-YORK. From Almond bv Alfred, to Indepen-i rence, in Allegany county ;. From Wayne, Steuben county to Tru oiansburgb, in Toiripkins coanty . From Buffiloe in Erie; tn'Olean. in the county of Citnfagus. passing through the towns ot tianiDurgn, oosion, -rOncora, and Elhcottsville; i From Enfott s, by Royalton, to Hart land Post Office, ; From tl!e village, of Greene, in Chenan- eo cnuntv, to Cincmnatus, in ; Courtlann county, passing through the Big Flats, in )he town of Smithfie!d, and Livermore's tavern, in Germantown; From Moreansville, at the outh of the Monnewonta creek, in Niagara coun ty, to Lockport. From Ptsdafn, on the turnpike, by Canton, to Ogdenburgh, oh the mail route from PJattsburgb, by Ma lone, tdOgdens burgh. ' . f "- ' ; -' - Fiom Albany to Renslaerville, Rens selaervillr, through the towns ot Bethle hem and Burn, to intersect the post road i from Albanv to Susquehanna, by the way j of the Delaware turnpike, to Alilfordville. ! r IN PENNSYLVANIA. From the ci?v of Lancaster, along the White Horse House road, to where it intersects the state road hading: from 'j From Kimberton, to the Yellow Springs; 1 From Greensburgh, in Beaver county, tnrougn Mount Jackson and JN.ew-Ca.sile, to Hariemburgh ; From Warren, in the county of War ren, to Olean, m New-York ; to pass by the mouth of GreatU Valley and Kinkum s ; ..;f-i:t., " j From Mercer, in the county of Mercer, o.Franklin, in liie cot 1 my of Venango ; From the South Brancli of Towanda vret K, 1. 1 nra.ui.ja county, by way ot uic j Susquahanna and Tioga T.tirnjtikc, to El : nura, in the state of New-Yc rk ; j From Atienton, Lehigh county, through Heidtlburgh township, to Manchcliunk, ; n Northahp:'o'h county. i 1 -I K NEW T F.R S K Y. From Flagstbn to SomervitTe; From 1 iv.nton, by Allentown & Cross wick, to BordeiUowri. .' - --.-V "'"i -- ?, " IN VIRGINIA J -"" .. ' From Fredericksburg, by Danielsbusg, Orauge Springs and River Bank.Uo O- range Court' House : That the route from Lombardy Grove. j,in Mecklenbnrg county, do' pass by Ha i kinton and : Langley's old store, to Su I ammauy, 111 said county ; "' . That the route from Richmond to King ana yueen Court Houst, do pass through WaiKcrton and Mevensville ; From Gilei Court Huse, by Charles ingess s, Samuel : Park's, and Shoe male b, the Falls of ;Guyaidotte, to Bar- bersviile, m Cabell county ; - -"'Fi-om, Boon's, iu Montgomery, to Gray- soi. Vy'uri tiou.se ; . , : Fi om Hull's store, in Pendleton, to the Court House of Pocahontas ; ; . From New London to Calland's store, in Pittsylvania, to pass through Leesville, in Campbell county ; 'j From Richniond, along the road called Le rradt s, by rowhaitan Court House, to tarnisville, instead 01 the route now es tablished ; w From Richmond, Tjy Chesterfield Court House, .Mechanics Inn, Colesville, Wil kihsoiivULu, Geiiito "Bridge, 'Tunstilvillt Cassell's store, Amelia Court House, r'ameviue, ana James 1 own, to rarm ville, instead of the route how establish ed. . '' ' , ; v f , i IN NORTH CAROLINA. -: J; v ' From Baltimore, Maryland; by. water. to Norfolk, Uk Virginia; from thence. passing through Mu r f refeshofou gh ; Hali fax, and direct to i aruorough ; .and trom thence, thro' Stantonsburg arid Waynes- borough, to Fayetteville, in North Caro: lina. . . - - ; ; V That the route from Fayette ville to Wadesborough, be so altered as to pass rrom nocKingnam, Dy oneeasoorougni to Wadesborough, ; and return by Beard s store, Allehton, Steel's mills, and Morris's store, to Fayetteville. From Salisbury to Lincohrton & Wilks borough, no established, do return to Salisbury by Sherrell's Ford, Lincoln county, and Mrs. Ste wart's 'in Iredell county. ' Sft SOUTH CAR0LrNA,Vj;f ' ?J From Chefaw tq- Cobum's store, in North Carolina. f From Spartansburgh Court House to York, by Hancockville, Gandy's store, Hbpewell, and Thompson's tah-yard. ' IN GEORGIA. ' ' - '"- i From Monticello to Covington, Newton county, then to Henry Court House then to Monroe Court House, and thence to Monticello.-. - - . '; . ''- -: - ' ' ; ' ; IN TENNESSEE.;, fi.jx'$$it From Columbia; by Wayncsborough, in v ay ue county, (narainsviue m naraiQ county,; Perry Court Hon seV;iriPeVry county, Lexington, ta Xetidersoqcounty, Carroll Court Housed in' Carroll county, and the to w n of Jackson, in Madison coun ty, to; Memphis, in Shelby coteyJ: , From Atnens,' formerly, Mount Plea sant, in the county, 'of McMin, by, thfe W&f of Columbus, tpth Spring Place, on the Georgia rpad, in the ierokt Qatioa.v; -1 xxr. " it . .: in" IN KENTUCKY From FlemingsbiVi'g to O wingsyille, to go alternately by its present route and by -Poftnlar Flams, Alexande r s rnius, von Licking, thence, to Ow?ngs ville, instead nf the route by Anderson's mills, oti said river. -j-,,'''.- '".-' .a '-1- ;.V"' ?k. -A From Burksville to Knoc ville, in .Ten nessee ; ' "r - V From Prestonbarg, in Floyd county, to th? court house in Pike county '., " From Perrv court house to Mount Plea sant, in Harlan county ; v Fihm Bowlnig Green to Louisville, by Woodson Wile, Monford Seville,; Elizabeth, and the mouth of Salt river : and that the present route from Louisville ' to Wood vill' , be discontinued as soon as the route now established is' carried into operation. Fforo Hopkinsville to Eddyvillei to go and-return by Cadiz instead of by the Rocked Ridge, Rocky Ridge. f - .' M Brrv:;- " ." : in onto. ; ; - . ' ."' That the route heretofore established from Dayton direct to Troy, shall be so changed as to go by Uniori,tiu Montgo mery county, and IVtilton, in Miami Coun ty, and then to Troy ; .., That tbe route from Williamsburg, the seat of just ice of Clermont county, to Le banoii, in Warren county, shall be so al tered as to pass through the towns of Gheh, Hopkinsville, and Deerfield ; From Lancaster, througii Circleville, in Pickaway tounty, Washington, in Fayette counfy, Wilmington, in Clinton county. and Lebanoo, in Warren couuty, to Cin cinnati ; ; i ' - From. Lebanon, in Warren county, to Hamiltonfin Butler county be continued from Indiatiopolis, in Indiana, to Ander son's 'P-pwh, by way of William Conner's, once in two weeks. . '. IN ILLINOIS. . From Green Court house, by George. Cadwell's, in Morgan county, to Spring-; field, in Sangaino. county 1 ; and from Pa lestine; to the seat of justice in Clark county, to j the ; seat of justice in, Edgar county ; and trom the seat of justice in Sangamo; to Stephen Stilman's, ib JFancy Urove; ; :- :J-: j-: ; From Shawncetown to Hamilton, court house ; j 'fi'-'W -' -; From Harrison ville, by Converse's mill, Columbia, .and i .Cahokia, to St. LouiV irt heu of the! present! rotite from Harrison- ville to St Louts, which is hereby discon tinued. .. A-ij: -f':-)t?'''C From Carrolton, by the mouth of Apple creek, Ross s settlement in r ike- county. in Illinois, to Lquisianaville,' in Missouri, jind from Cole's Grove, in Pike cdunty, to Carrolton, and the route Jfroia Alton to Louisianaville, is hereby discontinued I IN ALABAMA. ... ; .V,; i Jf rom Claioorne, by the 1 ensaw, to Blakely: i '..;. .-'" . - : v From Tuscaloosa to. Columbus, by Pickins' court house in lieu of the present route, which is hereby discontinued ; , From GreensbOrougn, by Erie, through w hat is called tue Forks of the Tomtwg- bee and Black Warrior rivers, by the Garden Soot, to the court house at Pick- From Sti Steveh's by the' wa ofpFort btoddart, to Mobile ; . f , From Fort Dale; by Emmett's Store, in Jjuiler county, to Cahaba : r K . : iuiii naiuuiu, 111 state uvjcuitii by Early court house, Attawa's Store, in Henry county, Alabama, Pike and Cov ington court nouses, to Sparta,, and that the rbure he re tofbre Established frm Fort Hawkins, by Fort Ganes iGainesl to Conicu Court house," to be discontinu?eil IN MISSOURI. " ' i Fr6m StLouis,. to Boon ville, by Win chester,- Mm lan Hamilton's, in the west ern parts of St. Louis county ; Newport theseai bfi justice froni tor ; Franklin county ; Gasgonade, the seat of justice of rasgonaue county ; tne city or jenerson, the seat' of go ve rn men t of the state ; and Marion, the seal., of justice from for J Cole couniy. - . ' '$ -;-' . -J IN MrCHICAN TEltRfTORT. From Detroit, byPohtiac, to the? MUi tary Post ataganaw. ; . v.- ? ?,lij"V;.K.T,HK- FLORIDAS.' ,' V Frpoa Pensacola, Preolau, on' the river St. John s, tO' St Augustine,the most toil venient and practicable- route m tne ais cretion of the Postmaster General. "I Sec; $.'jtnd beittuftJier enacted. That That all waters on which steam boats re gularly pass. from port' to port shall be considered, and established as post roads, subject to the provisions contained in the several 'acts regulating the post o&ce cs tabushment. ac fy ;, Apprpved-March 3, 1823; : f Anact for the punishment of ffautls com-' mitted oif the govern tnen of the Uni ted Stafesr - ; f' ' ' ' TBcU endctedi'tiheiSenaii ttnd'HotCse- of Refiresehtattvei of the United States v f imeru!a ih Congreis assembled, Thai. ti any persoa or persons shall fal'el make, aUen fgepr counterfeit;br cause or procure to be falsely made; aitereoV forirA ' - C- , ' am 'T, 11 1 rvrvt mm .1 S1aa .V' sist in the false making, altering torgms Or counte: feitidg, any deed powert of at tofney, order, certificate.VeceipcorVither . writing, for the pvvn5se ot obtaining or re - ceiviug, or ;of euabihig auy othet person or persons,' either directly or indirecity to iobtaujr,ocreelfife frontthe lAUtedj Sf atesi or'any of their officers or aeentSi any sum nr J sums of money; ; for h all utf.; terVorpubIKh ,as true, br aueto be ut-.:.i"; lered or published is' t rue, anVf uch fals6 f 3 fogged,? altered or j coimterfeitt! rteedi' i ; ' power of lattorhey, order, certificaiej re 1 cjeipt, or 1 othef wrinng da 1' foresaid; with ' intent to defraurl h. United States, know ;p nig the same to be: false, altered, forged, . or coiintprfeitpd 'r'ha!l tfAnniVv to. or ''I' " present atdr caUse or procure. to be trAniN r mitted io. or presented at.f ailv office or officer of the government of the- United' ! States'. any deed, 4oWer nf attorrtcv, or-' f j dercertificatereteipt, or other writing; in support of, o in relation to, any.accmint ' Or claim, with initpnt tn defraVid the Uhlv I I ted States, knowing the Sanie to he .lalsei ' ! altered, forird, or counterfeited ever. prisoned'and kept k Hard labour, for a period not'Iess than one vear, nor more i than ten years ; or shall be . iniprisoned-' ' rtbt exceeding five years; and firied not ex- U ceedi n e one t hoisaud dol tars. '-' '.- : . ' . . &c . 2, And be t further enacted T- Tbafe if any. person or persons "ihill knowingly "6 hi uis, ucr, or iinerr' possession, apj false, altered, forged, or counterfeited deed, power of attorney, ord'!r,. certificate. receipt or other writing, for the purpose . : v,-,,",& ix,iy jicrsun or persons, cuuer Kiiowimr the samp 1riv hp tp3 altprpd ferged, or untFrfaited; as' ; afpresaid; 1 wau intent to defaud the United States! eyeryucb perW, upTonoeinst thereof dnlyv con victedv shall !e fined and iriiorisonedai , r sikh person shall be deemetand adjudg 1! red guilty of felony ji and being theroMu-.:; i ly convicted shall be sentenced to beAm7 ireCtlV or indirer.Uir' ti nhlnih ri rereii'ft . . from tlie United Staf. or anv of its offi- ,c ijcers oragents; anv siim or'sumsof Irib'neV'Jrvl.":. uiswi ci ionor ,,tne; courts acqormng to.. 7 the hajsure and aggravation bf the of r .! . fenter.rWto j - thing herein contained sballj be construed j ' . to deprive the courts of thesever$ states! 1 of jurisdiction,-under the"'; jaws' $hereefjl i" over offences declared punishable Mr thhT V. . law. -f , v ': ..v;,;. ; - , -"Hproyea-iMarch 3, 1823; 1 An act extending the time f Jotatirig; Vi rginia Mil itary Lano Varrants and-. ret urninguryeysr thereon "to' the1 Gen V Land Office. ; Wj:: , , :m Me it enacted b 'y jhe Senate and Hobs? of Representatives of the United- States ?f America, in Congress assembled, That' the officers and soldiers of tha: -Virginia ' line, On the continental ' est ablishmentp tlieir heirs or assigns,- erfpiled td bounty, lands within tlie county reserved by the state of Virginia,, between ;,the little Mia mi and Scioto rivers,, shall be allowed a further ti(ne of twoyears, fr'oin the fourth, day of January,fron thousand eight huh-' dred and twenty hVeetp obtain warrants' and to co nplete their locations ;; and the? further time qt four yea fs, from' th? fourth: day of January,' onX thoufand eight hun- ! dred and twenty-three, to return' their surveys and warrants, or certified copies of warrants, to the, Generlal Lknd Office ' to obtain patents." ' V j .' "': ;" 'V'.. ;- pec. z. jina oe it further endcted.Thatf .the J provisions of the act, entitled AaC act authorizing patents joj issue lands ' located anjasuryeyed, ry Virtue of certain; Virginia resolution-warrants." passed the v?' -third ,day9f Ma-rcliie jtonsapd elghtf hundred andeyenVhallbe revived; aho? - . " id force ith aU its restrictions; , except ' that the respective times allowed for mat-;" . mS jTocd tiohs, and retarrring su rvey s there- ' : on, shall be limited.jto the terms' prescrib-' . vu u;. me 4isi acciioii oi mis act, lormo, location and return of! survey on - warrants r ahd that tte 'surveys shall btf ' returned to the General LahtfOffice; Pro i -:l r That no locationsas aforesaid, loi V- rt ue of tbtsor the pHceding section 6f this act,- shall be made onHfacts i -of lands' - b'rt which patenU haU previously5 been VV'" suedor which had beenpreyipuily sur'' ve) ed; ; ah4 any patent, wlucli may never C theless be obtained'.fbr land' located con V trary to the provisions of this act shall be V";:'. considered nail and void.' !v T .-. I Sec. 31 And be rfifrttitfeiMteti no holder of anyWarrant which fikalcen4'--'-''-or may be locatedshall be permitted to withdraw or- reniove the same,' and X : c?te ?f t -land' except in cases' . of eviction, lu consequence ofa iegaljudg? r ment first tthtainrA ,t- . f ..j J r - - . 1 viwas lb UC 4UUQU ' $o interfere with arior location ahd rJ ; V CAUTIOX A xv JTbed orboard without anv ut V. I do hereby forwai-htairpersons from let as I will not be ltkble; for any debts bf ' dpntracting j , V:h ; ,y- , y ; v:- ;'; i WILEY MtmRJS Wake c'oulity'March ; HT ti . 2 jT?r FORSE Ok REttTv IlHli Store-Hbus on Fayetteville S& Jl. next door Above N. Hkrdhiir arf '.. ADDlvtO X; ' .,! -' ' ! VVM. HiLYVV00l; 7r? ml:U, Tin "OT "l :n " anX taodsheretofore sold4 ; by the; United States, within thfe bounda-' '. ' nes of said'feservHtion; he subject v cation by the hoid of airy such untbcatV , t ed warrant, '..-':; ';! f ,: - Appro ve'd-March iV 182X : ' ' : ' V u ,1 v-.. 1 1' 1 i in it I fil Mi . .t' .- lit ' It " M 1. ' I

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