. . -v-". '-' ' : J; ..:,V. - ; - ' "j i 1 If m ! a. 1 1 I 3u! 1.1 i i ! I- '1 . ; Kil l ' Tim ri t . :f u w'vmithfiiPsiioiije demaoas tne i ;iihk Koara tor jnxcrpni xmi" ... FROM SOUTH A.MEIUCA. . . Ve "Vf tpd,'- ts(ert!av, ; by ' tbe rjschoVnpirpu nvVa file of Jamaica pa )prs to the -s2il . nit., froiti which .tre . CPpitt the jatf f, intelligence front the ramtaLof Vhe : Kenublic .-! 'Cilumhiar Colonel C. J?.'Toip,f PUlhorizCTl Afceht of the United States, arrive at thd capital of CohtTObia'.nnta)h-the"tb.pccnber.. 1T matle his ionrnevfrom CV Jis bv.lal, thmisrb Mew da and' Cuuta.r, Yhe cifir and tnilitary awthoyitie- andtbe iown through Which he-ja-ssed, manifested every si n of consideration and ' pleasure, as well because he ?9 tjie first Foreiffn Agent: wlio nas amvr ; . a a 1 L wTwld re in' themselves a sufficient recom- mendationV-i?" Pafi r : r It appears that the late Mrj.Zea; in bis pe itlatioh1n Europe; trinscend ecl the powers vritb vhici i he was in vested : but, thi government seems "disposed jo TulfiK "the , engagements he Kas nrrile.- ' - ''" K. ; ; .:nother batch tf Pirates has been ordered for trial at Jamaica, - FROM ST? S A Ly A DOR, 1 By arrivals.at Salem, advices are re- ;:xeived;frorri Bahia to ;the 15th of Ja--Tiiiiiry, at which time the place remain ed in possession of the Portuguese. U was expected; however, that it would not hold out much longpr. vThfre had been; occaslonar, skirmishes .with the Brazilian troops utiiler Laborde, who continued in the neighborhood, and prevented all supplies froni theoun " trv- : The irnSabitants were. in cone au'f nce: much distressed for want of . freh4prvisiopsi. anl the diseases in cidrnrto such deprivation;.it a tropi cal climate, had broken outin the ci- . - . - ' Beef and -Pork .were also high, the . inhabitants hot bein. able" to obtain f an v (rbm "the- coonjjry, and t"he-jsup-v plies from abV'-ail;nn h.a'rii jr be e ade ; qurje to their wants. Flour and bread 8tuff, generally, were p!eniy.--jSTo produce of'the country was to be nac? , the ". foreign vessels in port having taken up prettj mucfi all ia the mar- ket. ' --f: ": i -j " , It as supposed , th"erortnai?e souadmn had proceeded to.blockade Ternatnbuco. f - - Baltimore, JHarch 10. .. It will be gratifjine to every friend of fouth American Jiberty.tf) find that'the political situation of the Re public of Colombia is progressing with a steady pace to that state of of stabi lity and infernal security which leaves scarce! v a doubt of her becoming as prosperous and happy as her most san guine friends culd expect. tToe schr. Fx, captain Ourkee, arrived at this' prt yesterday frtm-I4a Guayra,-hav-. .ii.g sailed, from. the latter porf onthe 2filh February. A letter dated at Ia Guavra fn the 20th Feb. which a ce-xn- '. mercial house has pditel t rcruiitted u . To peruse, comiuunicaies me rouowiiig gratifying intelliuence The ' politi cal state ol the country, we are hap pv to sav- isiff the most plea-dog kirid as it relates to t'e war. Morales has gfnt a Aug of truce or cartel to this place with prisoners" to exchange, from Mara cay bo, by wtfim we 'learn that place is "closely blckat!ed by sea. and that General i'Montillo was about to , advance oti jt with a very considera ble force, agai list which the Spanish 1 1 General had but a very; inferior- num- ber to onoose. There isbut little cd there, asj because ne is ommw.oneu.-wv . hoAry iocksob ; may that Iord who reig-ns , a State ,wbich was first to do us justice. Add j .jn- watch overVm!,' and confound to th?v that the personal qualities ot Mr. - whvVr she exists.' that doubt that the result will be favorable to" the. Republic ; : in whish case, not ' onlv MaraCaybo but Porto Cabello is expected to capitulate." itricfln. THE QUEEI OF F0RTU iAL. gome time back the Queen W Por . jtugal made a dignified answer! to the required oath-of fidelity to the Consti- tution of the Cortes The following : is a letter addressed by this I Princes to the King, her husband : i "Sirs: t have received to night,;through ihc hands of your Ministers, an order to quit . your kingdom. It is therefore, to setid me in o ex'le that you oblige me to descend from , - tlie throne to which you have called mc. From the very bottom "of my heart, 1 -pardon . and pity you. "All my contempt and hatred . shall be reserved for those who besiege and . ' . d?ceive you; rln the : land of exile I shall be more free than in your palace. I bear lib er- . .ty with me--my heart, is not enslaved-it has never bent before th haughty subject-who . have dared to impose laws upon ypu, ho would force my conscience to take an oath which it disapproves. I haye never j yielded o their menaces, j 1 obey onlythe Voice of Heaven, which savs to me, if the time of .ni.iiii1t fiast. that cf rav ' elorv is come."" for it Will bc-saia or me ine Hue en nas , .puarded inviolate ihe dignity of the diadem, j fri-ml its sDlendour to he tarnished vi Aiiuvui , r , . '. 4 t -t j Vrid heti crowned heads.'wbo bold the seep tre and the sword, have bended she stood firm and fearless.' as a suonnsssive spouse I will obev you, sire, but f will obeyjyoti on ly s and to you'atene'will 1 say,, that my own und the Kffora of the season render i II- JItSmum at ibis moment impossible. vhr have not Vet demanded ofyou an order I direct my steps to find a tranquil asylum ? V. Air Ritirdani, like youon, has became'" : Vv;( V '::' ; ' : ' -!': brivlleEr treatJ 'i Ybh will not refuse mc the companv of dauphters. A mid the laws imposed on you; there is not one which separates in fanta! from' their mothers : and, thoiiffh my. ritrhtji i a Queen are not-aekiiowJeded, Mimse or a. parent w!i oe pernaps jrsprec! J On the approach oT spring-1 shall quit your,, I kingdom -tlieahd where ! hay&jeifrnc.d-r ' wher I have- done some good. I shall go and shara the danprs of1 my br6ther. Ivwin .say tp him they have not been able to bend ipv resolution r ft afti an exile,; but my con science: is nure; for I am mindful of the blood J wniCn Tipws in my vc-nia.. ,nuicu,c, ij leave jjou, "old van"d infirm, on a, tottering; throneJ On, separa. in from you my ffrief is f great. Your son is not with you aim tne than the. sea. A srilliert crown hans on your spouse iwhom vou exile, -will pray for your-j majestv ! she will . beg ot uod to grant you length'of life, and to the country from trhich she is driven, happiness and peace. . r f r; "THE QUEEN." i GREAT FREHHT. JTew London Con. Mtirck 1.2. The' Freshet of Thursday fast was the high est j known in thjs vicinity for man years, ami t lie d a ma ge to brid e-e s a nd mills proportionably severe We larn thaf the Grit and Saw Mills', owned jji Col. John Kly, of Lvme, are des troyed, and several small bridges in that town carried away j aloiheyam -and floom :.La' ti nie r?i milli'fih: Sa ; iehi. B.utl's bridge, in .Canterbury,'. an that at Dinielson's Factory, Kil lirigly, much injured tind impassable. Se ve ' a I b rijge s o v er ll 1 a r k wel bp ok , s vept off,--anil the carding -' machine, fulling mill, tand mill, dam, owned by Mrj 'Almorid Baker, almost destroyed : dnmap estirtifited at 1000 dollars. ,T!ie bridge, three miles Vrom New Ila- ten, on the Cheshire turnpike, and the bridge of Mr. Whitney near His ar ' mory, are floated away. :The preced ingl. misfortunes are trifles copipared to the- cabthiities which have befallen 6 ti r nefghbo r s a n dv f ri e bd s a t No r w I c h ; 'and which are truly lamentable.. )ur information- is vernal, and we d ire notf.theref re, -attempt to be particu lar? AIT the buildings on the wharf or 'call- way on the south, side of Chelsea -Landing areswept a'.vay: or in a ruin ed state several floated down the Thames ; among the in a small Metbo .disj meeting house, Tvo oil mill nwt'd by Mr. Strong were borne away by the 'torrent', carrying in the ruins 1 000 barrels " of Linseed : oiV Lo-fs computed at. 4000 dol l.irs. The toi I -bridge above the landing, which Cost ,S8(K)0 was precipitated down the irre sistible flood. The .bridge nesr the court ho'tse shared the jfme fate as did all the neighboring' bridges except that at Bean Hill Tde bf-ide on the new1 road about a mile this side 1 the ' .La n'd in u"- buiH at a great expense was junu"c , aim ,,waMiHi away' ior , ifie third time within a few years. 0? FOR SALE OR RENT, j t nnilE.. Store-House on -Fayettevill; St. lext door;above N.;ilarding 54. Co. i I . Apply to - WM. H. HAYWOOD. Jn Raleigh, Jan. Stf. lOlf -NOTICE.; ;.. u ouiinuri'.i r,juurr ior.i--i.itr, inc 101- I lowing PKOPftRTY. i :''.;'. The PL ANT ATION on which he now !Tr c.i . tr . r J L. ri 'resides, at the mouth of New 'River, on the jsouth-west side, in Onslow county, containi e. by estimation, one thousand acres JC0 of which are cleared, and n j der ftoon .fence ; equal in soil genefall, to j the ptst plantatipo on the seaboard m the cour;.v i andit boat 250 of superior ham mock -the whole covered, more or Jess with sb"ds, the gradual decomposition of ) which will furnish manure fof.manyiypars. JUt the uncleared" land, about , 250 acres are oflight and quick soil, and would pro-. ,duce two barrels of xorn to -the thousand hills the 'balance tolerably well 'tim bered with pine; Th; improvements are equal, if not superior, to any In ti.e coun- I ty, consisting of a two story Dwelling House; newly repaired f Kitchen, moke j House, Barn, Stables, and all other out houses usual on a large plantation; Its situaiion is open to the sea, dry and heal- thy, nd possessing every advantage and j convenience for, fishing, oysterint and I fowling; and is an. excellent static for a ! store! ' .?' ' "'-,'.-' j AUo, tbe PLANTATION, on vCedar j Point, direct ly . -opposite the i aLDdve, ;Corji' taining" 350 acres of s land-t he cleared Minder good fence, and equaj tp the prqfe jductihn of 200 b irrelsof com, and is Vaid 'to be the bts't hammock ocr the river a bout ne hundred act clearedof pretty IgnodjjsoiU'ahd the baUnce piny. .The si ijuaiioofor fishing, o)Mering apd fowling eqial to-the other, and affords an exceK lent range tor cattle .and 'nogs s: Am the iPi-ANTATrK JNltWo mile f - . . ',' -.. , .--("- ironij.iucfMjiiFiouseoijjnsioyrcountyv on thf "west side o( .the rrjver, containing' 200 acres of land sufficient "clparerl to produce ' 200 barrels ' of corn ; i part,' of whict is the Qrst quality of low land, and has produced en baifejsof corn to the '.acreiand k uoder good fence 'nd-ditch; ?T fnner or tne aoove places woidd xbe sofd bargain, arid onthe most accom- modaiing terms; vPers( rts desiroustopur , . ui wan auv&. IC Hit the :"' ' $1 Jaa, 11;, 'r 'Vfif -VV-1 VYILLIAM L HlLt. i'1 I , V 'UI ' , w .V". 8th of April oextagreeaMy to adjeuro- f ,lurK all ners'ons havinK UUSl-; ness win iaKe nwirr. ' ii'.'. .'!; " - ': a.' ' T . V 1 Rv nrder of the Board." ' ': . J. GALES, Sec'y. Raleigh, March 27. x K) personVoavinpr blaims.qf jodemnhy for Slaves. ..or4"theff,privter6pey. carried awav from tbe United State hy the - TJtit ish bffi eel's, after the ?ccKdrit?r of fhyMfftcatim of thes treaty bf peace of Mthtpec, A 8U,'h e tween the United States and Great Rntain, and in contravention to the stintilation in the first article of that jreaty, are desired to take notice of the followinsr article, in the con vention concluded a- St. Petershurer. oo the 12th dav of Mulv last -ratified hy the Presi dent of'the United Stites and the rat Hi ca-; tions whereof have Been duly exchanged. AaTTFLB 3; . ''-V I V When the, averape value of slaves shall have been ascertained and' fixed; the two commissioned shall constitute "a board for the. examination of the claims which arejto bfe submitted to them,-and they , shall notify to the Secretary of State of the United States. that they are ready to receive a definitive list of ilie slaves anf other prh'at property, for which ', the citizens of the United States-Claim in demnification; it being understoorl. and hereby, ajrrecdi -Vint the cormmmon shaft not 'talre cotrnizavce of'-nor receive, and that his Britannic Majesty shall not be'reqnir?d to make compensation for. any c?aim for .private proper ty, under the first article of the. Treaty of ilhent, not Contained m the said lit. And his Britan nie Majestv hereby engages to cause to he produced Hefore the commission, as material towards ascertpining facts, all the-evidence of which TLis Majesty's government may he in possession, by returns from. Flis Majesty's of xersor otheru-ise, of 'the niimber of s'ves carried away.. Tint the evidence so produc ed, or its defectiveness, s'vdl nofno in-har of any claim or claims which sh.dl he otherwise satisfactorily . authenticated.:-' ; ! And with regard to the evidence to be transmitted to the Department o.f State, to be ! furnished to t!ic ommissioneTs conformably to tlie above article, ah persnps interested therein arc referred to the notice -heretofore 'jriyen,' from this 'Department,' and publis'ied in the National fntelii-cncer of the Sod of i May,-1821, and also jn the ollowing:nrws I papers, soon after that time, vir : True Ame i rican, Trenton, Fredcnir.n, New Brunswick, i .Terse v. American Watchman. Wilmlntrtrin. and Delaware General and Peninsula A dver- i tisCr, in the State of-Delaware ; American j Commercial I)ai v AdyeHiser naltimore. Re .j'pubiican Star and General Advertiser, Eas I ton; and the.-.Maryland- HcpVib.licanf Ahnapo i lis, in the state of Maryland; Norfolk and Portsmouth Herald, Norfolk, T.ynchbur? Press, T.ynchborg, and Virginia North Wps- tern Gazette, Wheeling, in the state ofir f gihia ; Raleigh Reisterand North Carolina Gazette, Raleigh, Columbnn Centiriel, New bern,' and American Ifecorder, Washington, in the state of North Carolina ; Southern Pa triot and Commercial Advertiser, Charleston,' Sputh Carolina State G. zette and Columbian' Advertiser, Columbia, and Pendleton' Mes senger at Pendleton Court Mouse, in , the state of South Carolina ; Georgia Journal, Milledgeville, and Agista' Chronicle 'and Georgia Gazette,1 Augusta, in the State of Georgia ; Argus of AVest cm America, Frank fort, Kentucky Gazette, Lexington and Lbu-j isville Puldi ,rAdvcrtser,i totD'sville, In the si;ate of K nttickyj Knoxville ..Register, Knox tille,fcNashville .Whig, Nashville, and Ten. flcssee Watchman Clarkesville in the. state Teiiiiessee ; Louisiana Cmirier, New-Orleans, j Louisiana. Herald, Alexandria, and I.onisia, ! nian, St. Francisville, in the state of 'Louisia- na ; Mississippi State Gazette, Natchez, Mis- issipjii Republican, Natchez, and.Port G',? i son Correspondent, in the state ofMississtp- pi; the Hidcyon and Tombigbee Public, Ad vertiser, St J Stephen's; Alabama- Republican, Iluhtsyillc, and Cahawba Press, Cahawba in the state of Alabama; Misouri Gazette and i Public: Adrertiser-St."' Louis, Independent j Patriot, Jackson, and Missouri Intelligencer I and llobnV Lick, Advertiser, Franklin, ithe ' state of Missouri . ; ; The Commission maybe expected to meet in this City by. the hrst ot May next. - i ' .: "'-'- f"- ' ' '-.'':.: :-N' . ; ' ---:-: Jrte. The present publishers of the Laws of the United States in the several States re ferred to are requested to publish forthwith this notice in their papers, and send their r accounts to this Department for settlement. CHEAP HARDWARE. flHE subscriber having 'removed his JL Store, from No. 56, to No. Mar ket, 2d Door below Third Street, Phila delfihia, '. has'opened a large and general assortment of HARDW ARE, CUTLE RY, SADDLERY & FANCY-GOODS, among which are the following: " f Knives & -Fork's; Pen & 'Pocket Knives, Shoe and Butcher Knives, Razors, - Scis? scrs, ETdgerools. Files and Saws of every description; Locks and Latches. Gun and Rifle Locks, .Flints, 'Shoe PinCvrs and Punches; Saddlers' Pincers and Piinches, Compasses; Hinges and, Screws. Biaces and Bits, Hones; Fish -Ho Its, Tea Ket- rloo Ovtf91a 4lltc ITfiminttre Torlrt A wl .isiarnesand ttatts. rjteeiyard, anoveis and Tongs, Bed Screws, Spades andvShovels, Bone and Japanned Moulds, Jews Harps, Scythes, Straw Knives,, Augelrs Any is, Vices, Hoes, Trace Chains,. Comniov.e Knobs, Bed Caps, Candle StickL Turkev Oil -Stone,' Curry Combs, Ivory and Horni vomos, tirass and Paten -Acks, Pl;tt:d and Japanned Castors, Siiuff Bqxes, plat ed and. Tinned Saddl e rv "o f eve ry descri p tiorvWebbing, Bi ass and lion Wire,: Ja panned Ware, Tble , and Tea Spoons, Lead Pencils and Cases; a tch Chains, Facy Pafsaa;Pocket-Booksi' Ink -Stands, Needles, Knitting Pins, Thimbles; Gilt; Plated, Metal; andr-Pearl Buttons; Glass arid Plated Commode Knobs. f f Anda greaivariety; of articles nlit here in eninieratedwhich'vrill be sold at very reduced prices foir cish or-ace'eptances. I Feb. 14. Blanka af all kioda, may be had at ce ; y&M ANiA.WAHeaubscrib?r .riantanon inh nesiernem tiotii hCar&inaea eero MeTu CHARLESrand BlLLa Charles tsrihar yellow rmplectiooi " 'remarkably' jhteil'--' gentJksliq ane ,Te was nt chased in Bfiufott counfT ty;21l0rabsrhr,ded:v hr -SStvears of Pizei 1swrtd"hVscaft 1 oeireve on oo or 111 tnpeiiSi .prriiajii-.H.i scar on nts ni; ne-; is; aisp mcuneu to yel!9$c tnler.ibly weP. -.Bill was purchased in the nc'ir b"rhor.d of Srjo whil L ..'v . ; Charles may perhaps attempto pass himself as a free man;:i -0S.--.:,-- , :..,: The above reward will be giten tci any person who will return them to my plan tation,; or halfteabove reward will be given! to any person who will secure them in Jail, or in pronrtion I for .either, of them, arid give me information. ;i7 1 ! r r PLEASANT H. MAY. March 10. ; -mm : ; - tf ' ; !L7f Tne Editors of the Raleigh ,Siar; andewbernCenHnel, are ix quested to insert the above v t otherwise ordered, and; in the me m u .e forward their; pa pers to me; atcSratesburg, 5. C. ; j - ( Fit rnAfCM A 1 tC ff 28, ! 823, At a meeting of the Farmers of Chowan County; ia thisState, on the 12th in s f . a t wlrich T f m a s B ro w nrigg', Esq.; presided, ap Agricultural Society was formed, under the provisions of the fate act of Assembly. . , S "4' - ' " - " ; i -J - - 1 The late European News, has but slijihtly aflTected the state of (.ur mar- j ket In Philadelphis;, Flour advanced SPVPiuy-jive .cents on me o.irret. ln n . -... ' j. 1 ' ' : Baltimore ftp y cents, und in Ab xari d ri at twenty five cent s VV e nor ice al so tiat .Wheat has risen in Baltimore to one dollar and fifty five cents per bushel. . " ; . ' y AVe learn that it is currently report ed at the City of, Washington, that fimitfcyTiompson, the present Secre tary of the Navy, will be appointed to till the seat on the bench of; the Su preme Court, vacated by the death of Judge Mr ivsfnnra fi t h at Ue oflice f Secretary of the Navy would be Sen ile red XiiJdmmt L. Southivai d, a ..e- nator in i;on:res, troi tne state ot Nev ! George Hay is appointed, by the President of the United Stales, to be the Agfnt, under tle Act of Congress, to collect and arrange the eyidenee,&c.7 to' be laid before the Ctrmmisioriers lor carrying into ellect that part of the first article of the I reaty ol Oheur, whic relates to the deportation of Slaves. ' ' f Ayy ... "!'-. I Mr; -Bayliesfirom Massachusetts, in a speech which he made, during the late session of Congress, on the bill for f the more erlectuaH protection of ti ineat ic'.nVl a n u fact u'res, 'ta Jed. that upwards.of I,730,0(i pounds of Wool iad M?en impoited intotthe U. Sfates in the year ,18221 I - ncnrfmfiM. Ah'J attempt whs 'made in Norfolk, oritl e 21 stihstto set fre to!a Wck d build Ifl.'on'lai-S;' Mtens wharf, by depiisiting fire wrap peilv in shavings, in 'a frame, building occupied as ajolvperH 9hop, in which was a quantity of combu-tible mattet. ' The vil ainous design was frjustrat ed bythe accidental circumstance of i perfion passing to bring waterfrom the river a t the mo men t, t he ma teri a I s hetan to jcjndle. Thus bv a providen tial occurrence (says the Norfolk Bea con) a'jarge amount o f NMe r c h a o d i s e, and many tf the most valuable com mercial establishments of our Borough, was saved from certain destruction. Our readers will doubtless recollect, that "duririo; the last fall, a number of persons embarked in an "hostile .expe dition ; t he object of w liich was to re volutionize the Islatidtof Porto! Rico. Under ecqnaVny, they sailed! from t h is country, (Bapti3teIrvin e among ; the number,) but were frustrated in their plans, and arrested at (TuYracoa. It isjstated in the New-York Evening Post, of the 15th inst. that they have reen tried and sentenced to years imprisonment. It is stated in theKational Intlli- gencer of the 2d inst.; by, a co" res- pondent of that paper (in whom the Editors seem to p I a ce con fid e h ce, ) that (he (.Coritracfor for Mhe: Fifth Clas? (1 a f ei ? dra w r V of the Lotteri es termed Grand NatioihaliV hasfailetl, and re fused to pay the Capital prize and many smaller prizes; tn the said Jjot- erynd: has eft Ihat city without giving to" tfie Maagefsthe - least iiopeinai ine prizes wiij eyerpe paiu, Hie tickets.- iri the 6th c ass have tit en! obtained under rIse promises; by hinji and this 'notice is given to preyent imposition fromithe sale of them, v$ Wy;S nyy-yi tz X it -is also stated that, afters mature consideration,; the most enlightened legal.' counsel hasiyen the- opinion ( tW ihe Corporation no v way re s pon sibl e)l for the prizes wj.i H.l.he ' I t elasa efthts Lottery !f-' ' .' f 1 '1 - ' .ST7-1T. . --- IS,X thousand copnty,Judge DorinHI N gro fellow bv the ke'rJMN county, was triod pn 8n iS at Rape committed n kI . white woman. Hi- sentenced. to be iunr in MM ced,fo 'r.-.M r-' ' 'i-.-.. ..p O ' ri I'd et. . - i ,- . , - - On Satttrly the 8th ine"i. n than iFiiwaJ Iciilert lit I olmriro f .V ,lllC (lit . lis. one John Himne u. H.rf bury Tne circumstances (f s asdetaded inthe Western C an," are thee: ! xThere had be?eii a muster r.- .. 5 onturday ; afrerlhe comnnnv 1" .':nVv ed. Hivinrs. with One fertwk . nasi siderablv intoxicated ' 1 soni i 0 P- ed t at a murk; and Hiving wft in;as he says, for tat pm.pose ; hl$J toniake up a slioot;a numDerof them into the house, where we STYp.oe vJ?? key. was lrank j good deal of wr v course,,ensuedt - Bmnps, particular'v no'sy and troublesomehe sat doun br fire, the loaded gun lying across his W. f a broken ramrod in it. the mnu J. .Iia towards the door.-4 hile sitting ti, J ,ntlnf peatedly asked MrsSk tokptW,' to see how easy it yejot, which she d? or twice, it;not being then primed -aAt as ier ster, to snap it,bnt thev'bnth tef ed savinsr thev were alwnvo oA.:.i but . more 'especially so when loaded, iS ; they were af ral it j was" then .loideAui'-. even it it were nol, they knew it vuvtiaA anrt' thiti" hv : aninninw it nr.... I I a .. frigMH :hem; Bivings then : asked xZ staiu.7ig,on the other side of the firc.n!acf ti snap it '."tlie man refused, but strlck'sj with a short piece of an old ram-rod, it is skid, could rfot.have reached within feet of Bivings; the gun, however, instantV. ired the. ball - with which it was loa-Vl struck Willis, yho wajj standi ng outside ofthe door, in the piazza, ijn r the , back of his nv a-d came out at his cheek. the nm. struck him in the buck of his neck, and lod?. tlw.iu. CI. WiLA nL . v-u urvit.. jit vui.il BA)i aiLCr. . -- ".v: .-:-' j : ; j A court of jtnquiry; o pnn .Cant?.i Evans, of the navy, was lo be cmou!). cedn board the' Vasbingtoti; at tl(i navy yard at Browkyn, on th $) inst. We understarj'd ibat tl.ere are n I y n j et y o n A ro e ? s per i 6 c 4 'm against ;the.accusd I - .The Mwjm who compose tlei court m e, Caj tainj Bai n b ritlge, , M j Donulf and Craiie. Dr. Jrnnpr, the mrn'ojrtal inventor ofVac ine Innoculatiori, died bui!.!en ly in England, in the 74th year of hi as;e. He has savd and ids vrstem will, in the courif of t:ne. ove.mre lives than any monarch on earth fau destroyed. A letter was received, yestcrdif at . Bink in this ciiy, (say the Bufoi Cetiti hel of M lrch 15) enclo-'ing i ara of.motiey which he unknown writer declares was ' overpaid to him vm vars since, and which poverty infJctc ici him to retain. The supposed !; mount of interest was added. ;, . The list of Plants nw cbltita'ci in GreatBrifain is iven at upwanh of 120.000. They have been colieci ed from all parts -of tbe world., tf thousand three hundred arltf forff-i varieties were taken from America. ; The following is ,ah extracUfilct- tot im n rpn flemah. dated Abart- do,!2th January1, J823, to hi tm in Washington : The farn us Sana Anna, and air his party, are.n closely beMeged n the city of vrr Cruz; A new Congress has been tstalled, who are nivv proceeaifi? 1 form a constitution, with a pence cipVocal under4andin-an,l the W country except only Vera Cruz, wWJ Will be in the hands of the b.u in a few davs. is in a state of tranquility." , Lord Byron, it is said, if comtn this countrv. Ave are sorry He " will, not be pleased w.ta the y ed States. Keiti.er their their manner are senualiw f. Italy.; He win nuu -n ti.i'JLiiAii advanca of his ocrh 1 withered the flowers that he bop ,,i his path. HewlllbehoM tl. recoiling from aUfate ge m . beauiifiil, Judder n? at;thepr M or innocence iicanMneeringatthev,ce f innocenceand the V' Z If he come, ne w:'1;. .ist mericaisapoeticjiUubjed much so as " DonJuaa. I itt writes doggrel .about, u, jn Moore'l wrote slander, H - rbn should praise us, the d:,; count to charge it wou d be hfb te u Ha will write of u' afiection to the Pi'Z should abuse us, we ht hn!Lri that neither nei" . p am, acc5 I.-u ..frt who l" earth communes vth h0,-. into hismind the deformd' sonnd extinguishes, V ihe' one, the pity ,ch aVailed the .ther.-w. 7- ti 1.4 't' it '-'? v . s :. - .1: 4" ,t 'X".''- i - -V

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