1 V , ' A k"-cI .'i'o' .H-'.'- v; ;-o O - ' ovv :..r-v V VA' 4 mm I' I 1 t k -.-j .J- -i a ' f t -VI "1 " r !J "It v' la -j. - s. 'A i 1 ' 1 .".'i 1 1- .J T I r , . . i : .V "v? ir- , f . f t 1". 4 TV. v, 1823- 2' " V'' : - j - if 'V , 1 ' ; .' - , f . r k.a i -i , i J " ' ' . 7 . : i ,from canton: fc' k "JVVir: For, IVrrci -ith''irma1 of : the TLo'xidon ;Tra- jer Taptain'AnpIey a'tthifport. last : eveiiirg. Canton vhikh pla?eshe Jearn that ,he ajriourt : of-Anipncan vpropf rfjrdestroyed bjyatre : that place1 was about tbame,m the . WrWe had;been prey urn fyre peptcd but hatrtbe:-number. -of i did not Mceed AJfOOi W-- ' The following onjqve jrrocwmarian moon of thU year,in consequence ot a tire occtsicBed bv ao'panW.r niad vind''8KpJlexbP; also, t1;e several urns drawn blewand the fire oecanie tunoiiy, n was im-i j ov irie sao crpTarymi vir,rik, rrsjjc, possible, for man'a rentb to 'prodnce any s tiveHvfrbnri th Treamry and the halanf effect in jurpdnt)ie'prog-ressbthe flaroesJf !- ceR jf Apfc Wrnamin? 'thVif hands.. ' jy tKv soread and cmisumed, shops , ant! hous- . Annrnvpd-iMai r 111 1823. es,4 and hbn to a numben thatexeeerled 2400. andmairaetl: and wounded inen to tbe , amount of several thtfes ten,nd destroyed. Ihepropeny anju:?r;.M.c.,?i.r. the value ofeveral' Hundreds ot tnonsantiSr r bfWof thousands The flbwrry gaiety: and rforv of Canton was all at once nsunv cd like the gudy! insect that nishes into the burning- flam?; SUth an" event . . Has r.ot ta- () p laws' w . ' V j - v "u ' eentlcmert, merchants, pobrtiatives, and foreigners,, who have' suffered by this persons as b may judge proper, Nexa-Icavn-sentxaUmity, are not.the only peiv j'i mine'theAmbst su'rabte s)t4 for, a'JiT.itioijal'; ' ior.i whose hearts are grieved and v,;6uifided f-. rmorv , on the Western -waters ; and 1, the Fooyue since : my ears heard it, hd4 that the (said: EnHneer, and' such other yss saw it, have not. for a momCTt,;,;fperjb :n'r pe,rsbn be requested to rc- ;toeel bodily p-ain punt of Jt. .But the proverb jays, ,of I q,,, at ihccommencement of its4next. ceased on account toe city and cuouros.; ; , . ' --- -" .-JJuVl deife that you allgentlemen, mer-r chantsi- nooi'natives, and v foreigners--will every one quiejtly" submit to righteous de troV." Dcrnot. sorrow-," grieve, vJamei,it; and iiffb. You trust ox repine at Heaven?nor criminate manan; so in vaiif add to ;yours you to receive the warning from fiayen' a4 1 ' An Act supplementary to An act.relat bove. - Ttepeirt cf your .s-ns,v examine,;your- iag to'tnelranoro of Artrerican captives selves,' and -always preserve 'impressed oq ? v' of the 1fcp;wr?? ;-r" V'lfl' r K' your minds the; four words Heavenly fcnn- A no, real ly, acting accorn ing 101 nesi ahan re-arise in uiles ofeoUL'and heansof rems, and riches, and honors T - :i" r: v - r . manded to.hasten and rebuild dn the briari iial site and foundation, (which you jotmst' nof overstep to vpo-bach Wjvwir neighbors ; for ' . J GO? greavan oirence wiu oe prosc euffdc'sd punished with cut tnercyf V1 Ah to the poor who l;ave " Jbeen burnt ouf and have no V welTrbg; I have directed tht lo cal magistrates to hasten and draw out a -list "ofttic names, and to7 give grain, and exercise I X 'compassion. - - ' itj:; rif-Vy'-t; VV.r J As to those crrminals who' avails them! selves of he f.re to rob' amf plunder, many l.ave betn taken, (and will be severely pun ished and a new search hasbeen commenc ed for those, not Vet seized,' so that hot one of them'may escaoe thernet.- ) y'Kl , I have also appointed a .additional num ber of officers and troops to patrol the streets night and day,'4hat if, .hereafter any, shouw ; act as ihceiidiaries or, robbers,' it is allowed j to country ' gentlernc ntq ' scholars," to ijier- watchmen; tb, jciri " Uie', ."rn ? rtjroinct rs and fsol(liers,toiize,the cujprits, to" present them before the;magfstrAes,vaq'dl' if the'e-harge be proed, tbey wll on the pot be inrriiediate ly cudgeJJed to deatlA Vi '' ' , . As to .the , foreig-nfera whohavc irir barks passed overseas several dmes lO.QOO.'ihnes ' aa width7to come to our, celestial empire to ' k vine, uiufijijig ineir vuu8 nave ucen , -consumed by: fire, and they have Woetjled .place to roost nor rein- case; indeed much obe pitied--1 hereby command all thetlonar Aerchant'to . act as: lsrafe towards foreign-J " iu irvuc . mem jn Tranquil. Citiiauons, . that - none of them tnav 'be destitute "of -a ; , Th-ce to live in. v. i V,: f et'alLmflitary.Xofl -" nicitiiams, poorf iuves,ana loreign rs, whom this tiireto.,J; Dd not'oppose a special prbclama , - .---j J. ; jUws of the:Uiuttj(l States. nesol o tion requiring from the t Secret ar' of Ihe-Senate; and Clerk-prthe; House f Reprtsentatives an' ; Annual State ment cf the Expenditures from the" k vwiivingcni: r uivx ot xnei two nouses. VV T T' V?S !r Z 5: ac entitled ,4rAri actTelati ' g.to i.i l.i - a. 1 ' ur . u : -j . . - : - y.u wu m . . of American captivesyof the. vi ioti riir a b c 1 v 1 . . nil vinur - 1 r 1 vnii 1. nviiu r w .Ll. resolved hit the- Senate aKdffMM of Mtenmen'tatwea of th T7nitrt iStnt llVkS i 11.4, . .r- -, .TTwr-v-." T"i .-. - v i ? . V" TV"" -r i'", v Hc ctemu wir..iaT toreftocn: tomneDUTDOse oiiormintraiiDci ' -r - . ..., u iiirti 'r s-k....- .11 - w nouses, respectively, at tbe-cpniT operauont;fipr tnetotther term fofjfive 1; Portsmouthi W the first dav5 of Mav and M W 1a : TVh J3r- cemeht of cadi session of Congress, a .Vyearsrom thefourthdav of March. nei;nt .Rm& .T . V. , . C . KV rrmentfrhf'tbcleTk,! ?mp1nytf in. eunnjf:thp' continuance, nf th . nt,rat tWi'r reprtWe hfFcAe.Sand the nmes the city 'of PljHad?Ipthduiies which tnflcntnppai?ftn pf. the, mPMengers of were - enjoined' on ;thr co.Timjssner rt ttie "respVrtir? TTcns ; tofcerh? r Vith Insfpr the Istate of Pennsylvania, bv detailed, taeinpnt f the .tremsVf e"xpen-' dituririnf bec-;nTriWnt.J,-fitnd,i of the rf r reci;ve HUseVfor tbenejJQt Jmmedirpjy; j rt7;M!WJ OS? ih'er : econd,.stafionryiod'-Hoi' inj? unf errjfhl Jxead hei?cle? furnished , for .th--ue; (rif.tte 1 membrVlfifms KhmsKefor the bfficeof : the" Sf c etarv fearns ot eacb kind f parvr; third, bonk- bin d incr rjfourt h , fn ?t' ftfth( fie w'aprs ; pccifvlnp nn(!er th? hedtbe.' amount of' orrrrs. ;yeji ai mc; nrrcu? v rn-'ii, w wel! 2s3 the; payments (mader; sixth, the po?t offices V .seventh ihe,repar$?and pre-: serration :of ; the.' furniture ; eighth, ser YCe , ot .jmcsrncer? "nu nnrsrs nintn. miscellaneous itenris, not included under, tne precening ne.aas.- ;vy ncn sjatro.criw V r v i : .' Act to establish "National Armory pn thfr'estem wafers. : , .-i A th SnatSnnd fTm,, V r;- ---r.p- of preventative, pf th UniM &aty America fn-Ctfnw awewW.-fl ht, ' be. . Prpsnknt oftheiUnifrd States be,; I 'qrd'he is herehv, au'tbonzed to'ernnloyja 'ktlful. e eineer or officer of the Ordnance Department, with tscji other person or ch; :and' eirectirig all necessary bulldinlirs thereon. Vv.l f i. ; . , 'f'-' 'V'j: r Sec. 2. wV be it further enacted That X the su 1 of five thousand : dMl art4 be-, ; and f the samec is fiereby appropriated,' to cf- fect,the: object of 'bis act. Av ; Approved-March S, J82S. the Jate passed the. :;rst nayot Mirch one i """ueignj. nunur unu CCu. bC: C6nstrurV as to Cn.brace j witbm a rmy oft'lhe Unit ed States, who were, ch p tiifed and made, prisoners by the enemy. rnd who" were'ransbmed 'during the late wa r , with ;Great Britain i arid that they urnper accounting oroccr onne vv ar ue partmerit he. andbis hereby, authorized aaa required to adjust, and settle the ..ao '.count?'. of an person, bis assigns or 'his legal rep reser. t a t i ves, ,wh o mny have pur-. pnsea - anM. ransomea irom capivi:y qy citize nr- officrsold'eri brothef,' person ,a ff resa id, u p on eq u i ta bl e p r i n ci r I e s ;; Pro - ymeu, ine evmence prooucea jn siipporc: of sucH.nccbunts shall be" the Ibeirin'the power of - th'e f'Claimantf Hand -sufficient to satisfy tbe accounting otneeryf; the. jus tice of the claim i: Provided a?0,vTha in no case shll a greater sum than one hundred and fifty; dollars be.allowed for the ransom b anyone persotiv ; Sec. Si And be it further; enacted. That irna!i oe tne uuty 01 pucn accounnngpit ficer and he''iheTby:;'autfiarized;-!arid required,' to adjust and settle the accounts pf any per?oni his-assigns. or his1 legal re- presentauves,; wno snaii nave xivrnisnea proper, and necessary article of clothing toand for the ttsof, any citizen,' officer soldier, or5otner(i persoDf v jiurcnasea ana ransomed from' captitty during the late avar . with Great Britain aforesaid : Pro ! Yvidedtl, It shall be satigfactorily ; proved, nicer, that :tne apparel and clothing fso farnjsbed.4 wereinecessaryj at the timeto t h s afety," sup port and. com fort, of t h e person ransomed; ana that the articles ' Secs: Anbt Irfrrihef enacted, Tilat I n': ,4.u - .. . j . i i -. uan turn ui iiituipv iv auui'eu jtncvai-' lowt'U.uuucr.tiiis atia.nu ine act to wiuciii this js an amendmntJ shall be piitput of arjy;money in the.Treasury, not otherwise j apprbpViated. -VH iBi l 7 Approved, March, 31823. v - ,-. - . - k fcj; .'. ' M I ' t ,C t; ' f , 'Be enacted, by th?. Senate end ' Houe, ' L ? ; 'f tf.ifire9ntative ' of jhe.ynite. i States P,J'OU c Wy Anjprirn -in: Cnnchmtx aaarmfilrA That (xxn u;k, iui vuci ui prolong me continuance j i J :rcf)he;M(ntiit Philadelphia- i i .4,w '- uixutc unu Jivwic hu the . second j section of 'the ' act, entitled " Andrt concerni'ne:, the' mint'" passed oirthtTthircf dav of-March ' one thousand ejgbt hundred Wd dne hall be perform ed f iby the collector of the. poHxf hita i deIp!naifor.tli!eIjimetn Seci be, iturifer;-'lccdl That; iwhe any 9 Ver; fjght to th minfoir coinage; tsball ,requnp e renuisgv the expense bf the matefialslsed'ih.the process , snai oej ceauciea irom; me i mnnnt 'of Nthe deposite ; apd ; ;that,irwberi silver a so depositedshaHbejofiai quality sUpenorto that of; the Jeril standard; of iiic stiver tUPins oc: juip uniicu. o(.tic, .s deduction shall be jnadef rom tha jnbunt, equal to the expense of the copper necea-1 sary.-fo reduce it, toithe sai standard, and that !all such deductiojis be regularly Re counted for, ; by the VTreasiirerof ;tbe MinH; , to'? the Treasury. hf ithe United X ApproVed Marclv 31823;.;: S Ad act' to establish an additionat land of ; 'r .vi'fiee:. m.tbe'stateof iIissourU-.i,."(J';' J?e ' it enacted 'by fAe'Senptel and tffpUs'e tif Refireentativeiof the United States ofjimerica in Congress ak'se mbled Thitv so uiucu -or Mie puniic lanas oint u niieq States as" lies wesi of the range line k di viding the twentv-third and twenty-fourth tiers pf townships west of the 5(IV p'rinct " pal meridian, r inthe present' Howard Wnd llistrict in the state of Missouri, shall form 'a Land District, for thje pispo sal :bf the said lands to be called the' VVe'stern District ; and a.landbSice shalf -Pi be established at Lexington in the cbunr; tyof Lillard, for 'th disposal thereof. -; y.:-$ec:2yJtrid be it jfatt htr enact TbJiit there, shall be a .register- and recivqr ap pointed to the said office, jto superintend the sales of the pulilic lands ; in the : said tiau . reside , av 'i'e piacc e is established give se- same manner and, sums, and hose com pen sal ion, embluments; duties, and authorities, shall jn every respect, be the same, in relation to the lands I to be disposed of at their offices, as.are or may be by law provided 'in relation to the re - jisici s hij ti receivers .ot puouc urouty hi tb e se v era I offi ces established for the sale of the; public lands; f ; ' ' ?ft Sec. 3. And be,iifurter enacte, T from, and after the fij-siday of April next,' theVdi vjsion line.f between the;. St. Lbu,is; andf the JacksonfHnd districts; : in the stateof Missouri shall .be the township fc line between the township1 number thir- ly-scycn ana tnirty -eigne ; any imng in fhcTormer acts, creating land districts in the state of lytissouri, to the contrary not- wuhsthstanding. ; , . '.Approved-- Marcb3;i82j: j An act ;to authorize the Secretary bf i the Treasury to remit the instilments, due , on certain lots io Sfiawneetown, in the State of Illinois-rl '' V'r '4 . Be it enacted iy !thYSmate aridteou$e. of Kefire8entative qfc thh tynitcd JStatca cf Ahiericct in ( Congrest t assemble JTh at the Secretary' of thjj Treasury bei and, he is hereby; authorized and directed to re mit the instalments due; iand to - become due,, on, lots nufobered ? levenf hundred and thirteen and eleven hundred and four teen, inhawncetown, in the State of II- : Iinois, and a patent, or patents shall issue ior; ine same,-as in omer cases ; wnjen aard lots are used as a Ipublic square. Approved March 3fl823 vi An Act to alter the times of holding the 'T)isn'ct Court of the . United Stales for the. District of-VermontCa-W.i'-.i' , BSciix enacted byhefSefia iea)n$Moiike of Representatives sif M;" United States ofAmericdtinConkrei tne 1 sinci vourt 01 ine uniien - states for the District pf Vermont! shall be here- airier iioioen on,iuoixtn aay .01 vciooer, I'll: -ii-'-i. ' '. . : iJAf X . apa on iu e,; twenty-rourxn- aay 01 a J ay in each vearl instead of the tenth dav of Oc- tobenrand the twenty-seventh day of May, as is 1 10 mtj rtf q ui ra I oy 1 a yt : r rjro via eat 4 hat it either Of. Uie.uayay prescribed by this act,' for holding fchis court shall be a Iunday, then the"-suid Court shall .com -mence and be h olden top' the follbwincr all proceedings" of a civil or crimihaV na- tnre.;' linw: hinrtir.'o' in.-' hr rpfni'hahle; tn tture, nowpending ftn.or returnablf M said vourt, shall be fnceedear in byjhe said Court, in the same; manner las if no altiratibn :oUhehimV f9ir"'boldingi: sMd Cotut, KaM4taken pce;C?jV&' Ah Act faltering the i ttme .of holding the1 : circuit vourp; mnevxusiricis 01 lviaine J;'; and ;Ne w-Haro pshi re-'lvg 5 i - h 'Bfit enacted By- 'ih&S&aic;::iam& HoUse, 0 ifeflresentativc of the Unitedtate. mencat m qngrCM a8ewpteat x jiai ; the Erst day " or" May , atr,WincaRset the firvtr'day !of October ; ' at'Fortmuth. ort.theeighth'daynf iMTav ;'and at Exeter, on'rhe eighthrday of; October, in Mid dis tricts"In each YeaVr a d ben either of sam uaya;snaii;De 5unaay,; tue sessiun saja Ooart((snan commence 09 uw u next foltowine: and all caqsessuUs.Vac tnn nik V vTAo4irinwv( drift 'ntnr'PftlflP,1' aforesaid;ihall:be$rj?turnabt pro- ceeded witHl in'duer'forh AOaw'At the. iAocriuptemetaiy: Be it exacted Iky'theendie nd Hguse iflBefireseiktives iffthlMimStatem 2 fi;onfinadecreea vor jttdgtnems in :tn District Court ; of the Norther.-District ot the btHte ot. New- York, mere snau pe Pan appeal- to ;the "CirCuitVGcm iov the same nmannrviand upon thetme term$V t from other Courts to vtheir- respective Circuit Gourts.w'; H-?.? iAnjAcf conming the lands' tbbe &ra$r. 4ed tb the tate of Missouri for the pur pesfieducatiobosilid "-ntlier : public ienatted by the Senate andHbuse rfHrfrtteljtjMive8 of America, m Gon ,Q:.all,cases in-whicb'sejteioi.n t?en, in any tQwnshipwitbin the state of Missouri, has beep sbfd,vbrbHerwJse dis posed of. it shall beXtHe futy of the Rgiif ter antjTReceiijer oHthe respetiye land otiice in whose distrirt suCh U so soon after 1 h1" najmae ' of. this "'act Us may be, to select tbe like quantity of of the unap pirbpriated 1 and ottne UnU: States in Jhat Stite. including the; re siaue. bf suchf section, wlieren has been disposed of,; and the value of the. residue Is not materialyi dimmeq ;o)- siich di to siic5 a descr shall be made on the books . the Regis- ier ispec,' iy mg, as jwcu vc .w , , v which, as thauforthedseXbfhicb,-tl selertion shall have been made ;t and Vtlje lamisthus seleeted and fbcated.re,be!r bv granted to the'' said sttefor;the se of the inhabitants of the! respective: tbWb- ships, for the use" of f schools, instead of sucn sixteentn sections su auiu. -wiselisposed of. :'-MfrtS4; -'.Sec, 2.55 beiiyfothcrchactedhM in all cases inwbich the General Asserb blv of the" state of Misburb has Selected r shail hereafter seleca salpring. fpr the use of the st a te. accbrdincr to the p ro-i visions' of an act of Congress oY.the; sixth ot ftinrcii, ; one jtnousana xigni ;uu 1 cu and twenty, .aad t'e six sections of unapM. prbprjiate'd ; lands cannot be found adjoin ing to such s"pring,; agreeably ;to the, pro- sions of said act, the deficiency, shjall be supplied by the: selecibn of ther sections equivalenttheretb, and hot further distant thab six miles therefrom, of unapproprir ated lands of7 the tjbiied 'States in c th,at4 otaie. ana cas nearly rauioinmiriu. su&ii 11 spring ai:mav;i be, ;ishall be subject to tKefl I ' t .' ? ' -1 . T- ;" -..-1 r . 1 124.-.... selection ' 01 me iegisiaiure ."i.uie ovate for the tree thereof ;.' tod'ub'sectica,;1 when b selected iVd located, are hereby granted according , to" the provisions of said act ; and authenticatea copies op tae seiectionsmade. by he Register; anCRjE ceiverJ; under theproylsibas of ihiact. shall be furnishe the ate andreturq transmuteu to. tne oecreiarv 01 inc rear suryf the se)ectmns;noad those to be made; immeuiatelyiatter iucb selections shall, have, been naae-eiiner 5y the Register: and Receiver; lor ijy tne L.eKislaturethe, Stated; f.f fc-v Approved March 3;; frTlie . Annual Meeting bf the North Carolina Baptist Sbcietyfor Missions Foreign and pbrnestity will be helU-atoUtfierland's; tbetinff-House;: 18 mileK north of Raleigh, in WakeACduntV-'onSaturdttf ;iof May Wext'V; Members of tbe Society; ;& Bre- Tnren in uie aumsiry ju ciicxii arc icspcw- .ttyelt'myitea'ta attenti ttE L.egisuture 01. vis. piaie paying, thelrlast? sesSonappropm 'ThmisaTid DollaHla yieani fOiwbVyears which will .brobaii.Jbe ;obntmUed found ' .i i 4.tIl -I'ltt" 'J Vtp' to ,pe artenaea fwiui puoiic auyaiMigc; 4ut the romptSoq, pf imprbyes irfAgncut ture. to be distnbutedia prnportlon?to, their" federal numbers, amongst such Counties, and sucn.oniyy as auau iorm( yvgriuiuturai .owkio" t;esl it is hdped the .Farmers'of Yake Coun ty will not be backward in proinoting' this nerepy on the eultvraljSo- attend- ttoi conformable 16 the alteratioDsliere iv oe.wr organisation omc vh" -v f .trnfrfvi'SrnfM withiWthe StAte of New- sposition, and as nearly qnntiguus sixteenth settioq as, miy beand intive ontrv of such' selected lanq? IT 1 1 -1 f MEETING of the Trustee of this tnstU C " i tutlonwil be held gnatunlay tJie 12th v insUat lOVclock xxitiio. forenoon vihe Se-1;:. cretar: of; Staterbffice, for tbe urpdse of . S I" supply the place at-thevx;omme'ncement pf 5 RALEIGH ACAUFLMV, tnenext , Session 'iq Jane,' ot :,tne Kevw Dr. ; Ifmbeeteisned- beautiful, danme errev.; fifteen 4mci ; x i llah; half bands bigkjvwill aland this ea s$n iwinchrwdl end on tne first of AUgust r at rhyt Stable in rthe Cify ' of RaUigh,Cat the,S reduced pneei of Tenr DoHarsA Should . nv;;. gentleman wish' his inaresV fed with; corn, 1 1 shsdlbe furnished, at the marked pnce-llutU no resnorisibilitv1 for 4CCTdehtsbr-eseanea:V'"V- .AattET. ; Archie wai gotten ; xy Sir Arcoie . y iitpfa njarthatiheiqneq'uaUed race hprsb j&t. 'i hest : As i racer he haVwori but little, not enough ; to bay theput gb v."':.;rpuBLic:' notice:. v 2it.U .J -T --1" -' ' ;J-.- j :Vi-' 'f .' . r-A A mttf Cnk4,.:ivni '..k ' rviM . ' ' . -rj .ijL.i:-.i.Ji- ' ,;ii!.'.-T'?i.4.i,(.A ii ii"' Stewart, iat juaKeri j 171 mi i pan. say n.e never has been beaten by ; .anyutfiternoriei ; Italeigh, Starch: 20.! JA A:i2t 3tV? -ff O V . .; : iisirauon on me siare- 01 4onn j , I U i elfncaste : j i ne said, atm btewart was a native m , , . . IGuilfdrd ;cbimtyV tflCbufiTn f j I Statef'at about t& age bf' A i years,rand,Ieft fio heirs so fa'aa :we can as-" ' ;' j t; 'Ifhe lias anyietraf heir thiiiherebJ;' . 1 notified to make, applicatioo. withintwelve ' v r 'rndoths from this date.t; spoon Esq'JifHgebf the Court' of 'Ordinary.' v ' -?:WariiC; Court bf Pleaaud Quarter-SeVstob'si : ' : ' February Tcfmilia23 ShLl! John H.' Hawkins, PHnaiaiwcqv.-v M ':'j.rV9M$cj-JiUfri ment le vied on WilliamH; Marshall. J i lot fn Warren tba $ fppaVingtf :T); Coujr that the defend Vnt has abscond Quarter.Sessiotis, tp be held for ' thecbunr 'V ' ; ty bf yVarren.i at the CobrtHousea ' Warrenton, on the fourth y Monday, in. cu,,pr. tonuirfcus nmiseiT, xnaiiine oruis J , s : nary jf ocesa ;if la wxanhot be serVed orl ;v ' (kl li hfmit iif therefore bmered by thcCdurtr F thatiiotibengin in jtheRallgh ije-v j ?- ; kister;for;tlireV V Jnt , appear at the next Cdurt of Pleap an4 ' ' ( 1', :'.. !;u ... Mt .:it tk-''L ; j ii i.rsk .v juugjuciu. u.aat ;wjii. uc-;rciiucrcugarir,,( v' hijwfor,' tlve;;;ambuntf U. thetplaiutiff 'a i'V-' cfaimVwitH.cct TfHE' Subscriber lowing PROPKRTvli r,;.-:,; ; ivTKe PIATJTAf IONnw KTU 1,- A x."-:v resides at thW'6;'o;lle. Rl ver oajf the south-west sdeV irt Onstpwcountyi 1 ; aicres-500 of which; ar cleafindV , der good fence d equal n soil reperally.to.; the be$Iplan(atidn $ .-.;; county and'a bout 250 upe rjpr "hanw'T, V j . 1 bckheWh0feCcoere bVJcss,- v , ' .withbdth&rdaaV'4ecVr wichi?illfufr) pf the AtnejeaVendV ; , due wo b arrels; bf cpwrto the thous r.In;cr'.C ! 1 hills--ihe balance tolerablyV. well ' tim-, , i-K:Cr lo imnrmrdmoniL' nM ; . ! it situation X?l 9 thsearapd hal- Ptny,7ana pnssessingevei.aoyant MsBnthePIiANTATIQ ohtCedarA PoinQdirectlyJ opposite; iey'j&bdye;1 ;cot; ; ! underp good jfenceahd (.equal to tho.pro-;'. J c ' ' 1 luctionofOQ rbilspf corb,nd is 6ati V (i; t a. oe tne ;pe nammocK Qnjtna.rifera' . I:-. , biout one .hundred ;'rc,re4 cleared.'of pretty ' C ' tuatioqfjo fishing; ;byerin i'pnlial. tn the' other. and4fftirds an pypL . v '," ieniiragfittrV &a9Wf ywaf, m m fc v . luiiwd- produce .200. barrels of, corn ; part which is the nrst quality ot low land, t 'All Qrnoeroi Mic uuuvc piaua winno. ; . ' jbe wtoVbargainVaq most acconi. t ; mouating irui?. . tiwuj .ucjut as ir- :. ,--v che:arihTited;tofcaU:aj;vU ''' z 1 v 1 It i h' i 1 ' r icorstatentshewbsthenam

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