m m. "" v ' ' :. ? . f I III ; Ivy Ml IY1.4 I, VUU 1 i 1 ' F : tV V -f-.rEVf : A. V I.' i." . V, If. .if , 4, . . v :, ... AND ' FRIDAY, MAY 1823 1 1 I 1 m , . u . ... "1 ...I . f l, . - i v . . . . . r As the public attentjon jsIrectcd - nin'ch at present toward? Spain, we fpreparea brief chronolo SnPt oPf the principal evenUln that , Lantrr, during the last "three : years. perfect a, it is, K i :!Lfbr her present situation vCan Jlrdlf be understood without 8ome IL Jidire ' of her recent history. !n.,Vh veW incomplete, we think if mar be depended upon as accurate, 19 rar as iv... . 180, Jan. 1. The Revolation c,ommn crt vhh an insurrection am the troops SrCMix. - It waV planned by Cotonels . gexo and Quirogaj? Jhy. pUce themr Sves at the head of d fTerent detach ments of the army, and proclaim the con iritat!onofl812, ' . . Frb. 1 Ri?g" enters Algebras s pur sued by Gen. O'Donnel. 18th enters Malaga maintains his ground til! he re treats to the mountains of Ronda f whenr hu troops beinff reduced 800 men, he disbands them -on the , 11th March. The rumor of this insurrection spreads through Spaio, and produces similar in surrections, with various successes, at 'Cornnna.Ferrol, Vi-o, Pentevedra, and Kavarre. . -' - , ' March 3. Gen. 0Donnel himself re volts and proclaims the Constitution. 9 Gen Preyfe revolts at Cadi z. fFerdinanil submits'; promises to restore Constitution ; issues a decree abolishing the Inquisition. ;v w .' 10-Publishes a decree," restoring the onsti'ution)f ' - .! 11 Summous the Cortes to assemble, under that cr-nstitution. ' 2iAQuirga and ;Hiego made Field Marshal of the Army. . - Ju(y.The Corres assemble ; declare the press free ; dissolte air convents and monasteries except eight ; approp'iate the eclesiastical revenues to tfce payment of the national dt-b, and ' grvnt salaries to the clergy in J.iea of their church lands ; abolish entails. '. v Kov. 9. Sitting of the Cortes conclud- ei . ' , . . " ' " ';' " 16. Disturbances at Madrid ; Kmg compelled to leave the Escurial and corar to the city. " v I 21wiRiego appointed Captain-General of Atragon -The", "Archbishop of Valen cia, who had opposed the revolution ba nished. Grn. Morales, who had attempt -td a counter revolution, flies ri iVrrugal. Dec. The K;vg issues a pr.Kiamation to restrain the excesses of the Revolution iry Clubs. , -rri I 1321, Ja?. 28.-lMathief Vimiesa; ofie of the KingN Chaplains, arrested, for having ,vriUen proclamations and caused them to be distributed abfiutj Madrid, in which the people were told that a foreign army 'vason Us march, to compel them to return to their, duty, to their God and h. ir : " Feb. 6. The King 'complains that he lad been insulted by the populace, and demands the asMstahce of the municipal authorities of Madrid to preserve order ; fcich is trranted. ,; ' ' . ' Deputation, at the head of which jMhe Bishop of Majorca waits upon the Nngand requests him to attend in person the opening of .the Cortes. , Mar. If-The.King meets the Cortes & nvers a speech prnposed by Ministers ; the clnse of which he com plai n s w i th roocn bitterness, of the hica he b exposed ; and ascribes it to "boioi nrmness in theconstituted author ,u. 1 his. part of the speecti causes . . Auicuipni in ine fortes, in tne en,ng &u the Ministers resign. -J""Ane Cortes declare, themselves permanent, on the ground that there are 8Fnsioie Ministers. 1 io ineir answer to the Speech, the iC3 QC Clare thaMliPV liav. UeorA hlc tottplaiauof personalinsults, with grief - ou,riseiney reminds him that he Himself, charged with the execution of wsvand they promise him their con and support. . , , . Ministers are appointed. nf -Merino at Burgos in fa- ikhPanI 3'TThe Junta at Barcelona ba Ma orrnnmber ?f-respectable persons to thJ a,0n suspicion of their favouring fe"na wh0 wcre then itNaplca, toade7Vmuesa uled Madrid, and lalleys? t0 10 yeaw hafd labbr at lhe fte:i5, rar0 break into the prison, : ;in Viauele of .th afternoon, and murder C Wointed Captajn depend! of ;General Klio tried for treason in mi. w u,mra me consutution m th, "-"vcr.cea to be stranc ed t rhm June icCe as.t then executed. C " 1 v!lPr V. . x- gtnt ror tne Re- i ;0iua;a. arrites at Madrid. .Jteived .with respect. - - C .w las second ' km! tecond ! session of .i - . the k,-c-w ,1,sorcer,and o Madrid :-dnnKt Mrtum mflnv 9t9. th i 3 a sincerity i Aug. SO-A mob; in front of one of the prisons. prevented from assassinating the prisoners by;the firmness of Gen.' Morillo. v 21 .10,000: men 'assembled jnear, the Club de la fiontana, and are clamorous for the head of Morillo. 1 ' Y. 1 1 ' Morilloenders ' his .resignation to the King, but it is not accepted. The minis ter of War signs. ' '' ' ' . ' '"V Sept.Morillo tried by a Council of war,' and honorably acquitted. ' : " " -r ' Sept. l.i--Riego superseded in hiscom mand ; wliich causes great tumults a ' ,Madrid.' : They are quelled by General Morillo and San Martin, the head of the municipality; ; . J: 'l .":v -,.' """ j.- 28 The Cortes meet oi an extraot -dinary session. Petitions from many pro-, vinces for a. removal of the ministry sonae of these accompanied with threats of rebellion. '; v , During the greater part of this and the following month, the yellow feVer rag ed in all the eastern and southern pro-' vinces of Spain: . Oct. 18-The inhabitants of Cadiz5 re fuse to submit to the Marquis de la Reu nion," a Governor appointed by the King ; and the inhabitants of Seville send back General Morrno, tfieir G .vernor. Nov. -25. The' King makes a commu nication to the Cortes complaining of these vents,- . . . , Dec. 9.'- The Cortes adopt an answer (10 to 48) in which they censure the proceedings both at Cadiz and Sfvilk as unjustifiable but they consider the ( of fence of the inhabitants of Cadiz as pal- uatea oy many circumstances which they enumerate ; and they decline to inflict any punishment. . v' 18 -'I he Cortes present an address to the Ki; g, requesting a change in the Mi nistry. . 1822, Feb. 12. The Cortes annul the Cordova convention between Gen. O'Do uoiou and the Mexican leader Iuirbide: i and declai-e that thev will consider an ac- Knowieugmcnt ot th independence ot any of the American Provinces ly any nation, as a violation of existing treaties. V v 14 The Kingxloses the extraordinary session of the Co.-tes, with a speech, in which he declares himself perfectly sa tisfied with their proceedings. M vrcti 1. The new Cortes chosen for 1822 & 1823, meet Gen. Riego is chose. i President. A new n.inistry appointed by the King. May 20. An alliance is concluded be tween Spain and Portugal. 28 The Cortes addressed a message to the king, in which they complain in di rect terms, of the spirit of his govern ment. , They" say that tht administration of the provinces has been confined to worthless men. who are disliked by the people, and who sanction the inpuniry of criminals ; and that the clergy auuse the functions of their office, to sow supersti tion and disobedience. June 26. The Cortes adopt measures for conciliating: the American Provinces. 30. -Close of the session of the Cortes. Julv 2.' The constitutional Ministry finding that no dependence could' be pla ced on the King's Guards, caU'o'.u the national militia; upon which the Guards immediately revolt; and 2000 of them takei possession of the Pardo, and demand rations f the Alcalde. They are encou raged by the.: party of Serviles. . , 3 Ineffectual negotiations with the revolted Guards. ' ;' 7. The Guards attempt to seize the ciy.A They are met by the militia and some, of the inhabitants of Madrid under Riego, Morillo and others, and a battle ensues, ii which the guards are defeated, with the loss of 400 men. The Duke del Infantada finds it necessary to conceal himself - and is afterwards banished, as well as the archbishop of Saragossa. j 10. A meeting of foreign ministers is held at Madrid, to signa declaration re lative to the events in the capital. Mr. Forsyth the American minister refuses to fsigniit, alleging it to be entirely untrue, and assertine that the real enemies of Ferdinand are the Serviles and ultra royp alists. .r -:( , v . ' i.. 17, Tranquility re-established, and the, national militia disrhissd from their encampment. I I'd' v ! Aug 7. A change in the ministry, fa vorable fo the liberales. i 28,-7-The King signs a decree for a convocation of the ; extraordinary Cortes on the 7th October much against'-his will. " . j- . . r '.- j" The Defenders of the Faith guilty of great excesses in the provinces. T Oct. 7 The session of the Extraordi nanrCdhes commences. v" Nov. Disturbances io the; Nortn of Spain, k; and . frequent skirmishes.- The Royalists are generally victorious.1; ' Geii.'Miria obtains advantages over the Royalpitsyjbf Catal nia. 'f. ' V -'; Dec44. The ultimatum of the French government presented ; in substance, thi f the" King -shall - be restored to, his sovc- reign rigpis ; uiai jtiit- iooies snail dciy instated in their privilt-ges, and security given against' future insurrections.' ; Vj 4 ;1823, . Jan.; 18. The Cortes deliberate upbrt the note, received frm the Allied powers,, and' vote ' to - prepare' for War i Arguelles oneiof the' Deputies.-of the ino-' derate 'party, having madeVa speech irf fayor of war,iis -carried thro', the atreets inrtnumph. 'vf;: . 30.4The. French "Ambassaor leayes I Km? should repair r The extta6rdinary,sessidn of the Cortes closes with a speecpf trom.jnrvJvtng.' ! m issures thempf hU firm and, constant m nion with' them, and, of his determination in nnnnse " the antisocial DrinciDles"r of ihe King ofFrance.: u:: v- C -Xbe Ministers; wait., on the King; and urge ; him to ; remvve from t the cit.clHe rehises-arid they all resign' ivA At a quarter past ten at night, compel led by the populace wno ..aa couecreu in in vast numbers round the palace, he res-f tores the ministers to their offices. , t j J Laws of the United States. An act amending,' and supplementary (to the act for ascertaining claims and titles to lands in the territory of Flori da," and to provide for the survey, and disposal of the public lands in Florida.; , Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Hefiresentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That the powers of thfe board of commissioners heretofore appointed, for ascertaining claims and titles to lands in the territory of Florida, shall be confiried, exclusively, to the examination of titles and claims in that porti n pf said territory, heretofore known as West-Florida ; and that, for ascertaining fries an. I claims in East Flo rida; the President is hereby autliorized in the recess of the Senate to appoint three commissioners, which appointments shall i be vf force until the end of the next ses sion of Congress, thereafter, ho may appoint their Secretary, and who, with t 'eir secretary, shaji, wi.liin the Dis trict of East Florioia, possess all the powers given by, perform all the duties required, and shall, in f all respects, be subject to, the provisions and restrictions of the act of the eighth of May, one tuou sand eight hundred and twenty-two, eh titied i-'',An act for ascertaining claims and titles to lauds in' the territory of Fl j hda," ccept except so far as the same !.s altered or exchanged by the provisions bf this act ; which board of comniission ti lieretofoie appointed, with that here afer appointed, shall hold their sessions, severally, at the place within their re spective districts, heretofore designated by law.;, but may adjourn to some other convenient place within '-their district, and may continue their sessions until the se cond Monday, in February next, wnen they shall make a return of their pro ceedings to the Secretary of the Treasu ry, to be l-tid. before Co ngress. Sec2. And be it further enacted, That in the examination of titles to land before either of said boards of commissioners the claimant or claimants shall not be re- I quired to produce in evidence the deraign j ment of title from , the original grantee op patentee but the commissioners shaUxn-; firm every claim in favor of actual set tlers at the time of session, cession Of the said territory to the United States, where the quantity claimed does not exceed "three.thousand.five hundred acres where such deraignment cannot be obtained, the validity of which has been recognized by; the Spanislfgoveruinent, and where the clainiaut or claimants shall produce satis-; actory evidence of his; her, or their right to the land claimed: -And said commissi-; oners shall have the power,4 any law to the contrary notwfthstauding, of deciding on the validity of all claims derived from the Spanish government in favor of actual settlers, where the quantity claimed does not exceed three thousand five hundred acres..".- ; .',-. ' .- ' '' :- . '.-"' r Sec. 3. And6ef it further enacted, That each of the commissioners heretofore ap pointed, who has performed, and shall hereafter perform, the duties assigned him, shall receive ' compensation in pro-; portion to that heretofore allowed him. And each of the commissioners hereafter appointed for East Florida, who shall ac tually perform the duties ' assigned -him,'' shall receive the sum of two thousand dollars, as a' full compensation, payable quarterly, from' the treasury Of the Unit ed States. ! .. ,s '. Sec 4. And be it further enacted. That it shall be the duty of. the District Attor neys for said Districts respectively, when ever required to do so by the ' commissi oners within his district, to attend them "for, the purpose of arguing and explaining any points of law that may be i deemed necessary to be examined ; and said At toraey shall be entitled to ahe samerC.om -pensation therefor as when attending on the district court of tsaid territory. T ' ; ,i$ec5; And be it further ennctedyThnX all claims not filed, with 'Ahe commission i ersof the district, where the land claim - ed is situated,- in ,the manner prescribed by the act to which this is an amenduient, oa or before the first V day of Dece m be next, shall be held to be void and of node eflfecL ;v ' ' ' ' :: fV . Sec 6J And ' 6e it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the Marshal to eje edutearid' make ; returnof all process which may be issued by the aaid Com mis sioners', or the com mission ers may; where! they deetn it necessary' authorize and empower any other person teexeciiteand return said;prCSss; ''gtifc r&flJndbeitjtir ida, who shall 'beep his offic at suchl place. withinTthe std terntory, asinej President bf the .United ; States shall ' de-; signate ;"h4 shall receivejhe,suni ottwo thousand .dollars payable, quarterly, at rhf Treasur : of. the Unit ed btates.''rc 1 And be it farther enactedThat, FaU tiMlnrteat rif ih 'iahd hf thellnlted States, flying in the Tiistrtet : of East vFloj rida. a land bmce shall be established and kept atxsuch5 placed wtirfsaid o!istricti as the Presidehtof thei United States shall direct ; and that,' for the disposal i of the lands of the United tateslyinfe! jnV the Distit of WestBorWaI shall be established at! such placeiri said distrjet as 'he president eynjted States shall direct:;; 'S?:0MfZ Sec 9. And be itfurthefaactea'&Kzt so soon'as, in the opinion bf the President of the United States, there shall be a suf ficient quantity of the public landssurvey-, ed, within ei thereof the Districts of East or West Florida, to authorize the opening of one or both of the Land Offices afore-' said,' he shall cause the siame to be open- ed, and shall proceed, from time to time. to appoint, with the advice and consent j of the Seriate, for -each of the said Offices, a Register and Receiver of the Public? j Moneys, who shall give security, in the same sums, and in the same manner, and whose compensation, emoluments, duties, , and authority, shall, in every respect, be ' ' the same, in relation to the lands to be disposed of at theiroffices, as are or may be provifled by law in relation to the Re gisters' and Receivers of Public Moneys! in the several'land offices established for the disposal of the public lands bf.the U- j niieu Dcaies. . - , , "Sec. 10. And be it further enacted, That) whenever a Land Office shall have been 1 esiablished in either of the districts afore-; j aid and a Register and! ReceiveroPub- '; lie Monevs ADDomted for the same, the j President opthe United States shall behPriated and Ihe is hereby authorised t6 direct so H nv' Person, for his coraoeriUon wlio is! V much of the public tands.yin in such district; as shall have been surveyed ac- cormng co law, to oe onereu tor sale, in the same manner, and with the same re servations and exceptions, and on the7 same terms and conditions, in everv res- ! pect, as have beeh, or may hereafter be, fl an entire township, in tricts of East and West Florida, shall be reservea trom sale, tor the use nary; of learning, to be located, cretary ot the Treasurv. ' Sec 12. And be it farther enacted. That j all. the navierabte rivers and waters in the - Districts of East and' West-Fjorida, shall be, and forever remain, public highways, j 'C Sec 13. And be it further endcted,ThsLl i so much of the act, apprpved Jthe eighih uay tii May, one thousand eight Hundred! and twenty-two, entitled ?tict$S0g?i certaining claims and titles tol and iiT&rt territory of Florida," 'as fstinconsient! with the provisions of this act; bend the j is hv alS - is heieby, Repealed; and somucji jfas provides for the appointment same uiereot as p of a Surveyor General, and allows him to . . . li charge fees, is herebv repealed. , ' 'i ': Approved March 3, 1823. ,;j An ait making appropriations for the support of the Navy of the Unite States, for the year one thousand eighhuhdred and twenty-three. ' - -;,V:; :; ; Be it enacted by the Senate ; arid House, of Representatives of the ' United Staieji of America, in Congress assembled, at, for '-defraying the expenses of, the Navy, for the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty'-'three, the following sums be, and the same are hereby, respecti very appropriated:. :, .' '.:v 'fd&'&$&; '':-- For the pay and subsistence; bf . the offi-r cers, and pay of . the" seamen, nine' hun dred and twenty-nine thousand five hun-. dred-ahd three dollars and twelve cents. including the sum of twenty-six thousand! eieht hundred ahd eighty six dollars tor six months pay for the petty officers, able seamen ana. boys,; requirea ior a irigate of forty-four guns. .. ., . ; :: For provisions, two hundred and twenty thousand dollars. r : r fe" For medicmes, hospital 'store, and all expenses on account of the sick; twenty thousand dollars. 'a& -'?. . v' & For the repairs of vejsaels, ; three h'dn'i dred and fifty thousand dbUars. For the improvement of navy yards. docks; and . wbarye$, eighty-two thousand dollars.V-:v'5' l:'''':--- 7-4? For ordinance and ordinance stores, in cluding small arms, manufacture of bow- der, &c2 twenty thousand dollars; - vy J je or pay ot supertntenaents, navai con structors.Y store-keepers, 1 inspectors, ; of timber, clerks bf the yards, ahd arUficeriV fortv-fourthousand sixr huhdred and fif i'v? Hollars,' including the sum of four thou-1 sana one nunarea aoiiftrs,rto cover a.de ncieocyi iit the1 pprbpriatibii of the year ignie,en nunareu ana twenty -two. , ; f For, laborers and teams employed in toading ;; aud ; udloading vessels, piliner, aocKiugi? anu removing timbers, .stores. Xc, ana uel tor: the engine," thirty thou pioviueu lor tile-saie,ipr;iae puDUC lanas pcryu io uc cApyuucu in mc jjuu.- , j.v of the United States. '.. s j flic service J but in all claAwiiere 'tJief.; y:A Sec. 1 :And be itfarther enacted. That if Paflor safary of Vny person is withheld v!i: sand 46Uar; wlclatasuhe r sombl'iejJyl .'wivK--!' .- ' V;i;i-- :':,;lf rr-- f For. erecting and f completing houses over ships in ordiriarj';; for their preser'l -yatlori from' the , weather,' ' eighty - thou,- i - ; saift.dollaiU- rr thevconstfuctidtiiof, dock' and , ' j jwharvesiJn connection with the mclined plane erected at the Navy Vardin Wftsh! f'Forpay and subsistence of the niaricf v corps one.hundred and Vevehty-six'thou' sand four hundred and . seventy-four doi- ;; lars.' U I . m" :For clothing for.the same, ' twentyvninef inousanq aouars. , ' f- . .v- if M orfuei for.thejnonommiR6ioned oflr-t .1 cers; musician, and : privates, six thouW;. that is to savj'vfiiel for thft eio ii missioned soicers; Bed sacks;Tfepring vbarracts ' , & transportation," and trayeUingr expenses ;:;,', t ofticefs postagei of letters; . rapret,;-:v;"' and armorer's tools; andi statioriaryiiwitbj . . v sana dollars. U"iwl- i:""f:'"vv."-'t ! - , To enable the T?residn't of; the - Uniteo aics io carry into, entcx vtne act, enti-. ,c tied 44 An acnn addition (o the act3 pro- uioiyng dollars. I For sh being the amount of I expended balance of 'NOtarl Ti appropriations fofe previous ye'ars,- four thousand and thirty- five dollars and ninetyfive-ceats;V . - f For military storoftlie' marine corpse being the amount oQhe-unexpended ba tance;Bf appropri4tionsf for drevtoUs vearal the slave traded" htty thousand -t r h ot, shells,' and rollita'ryTctoe'sl.T'- hhalmnVnutivl fim-i . T'Lf '. ' .,i ten hbusandfivhundiedV dollars and f- r f thirty-five cents: 'i's '"-:r ' ' ; f Munaer, cnactea, :a naj the jseyerajf spurns hereby i appirporiated,( shall :be -pdbiit of any " moneyin .ihe, Vov 7Xhat notmoney ap. I ;'; -; t 3ujr oiucrwise; iappropriaiea ? fji arrears to theTJ;Statesu lion hall have ; accounted;: for d paidt-'f " mto therreasuryiralT! su?jris f6r whicK hej4; maybe' liable tProvldedi mrtherrh i iiotiiing ? in this section cptalne shaJ extend to balances 'arisTnoTefynf depreciation of Treasury notes receivecj :,; ildaty f the accounting ocer;lf-demand-'5 it shalf .be the duty bf - the I !said; 'Agent, within sixty daivsr thereafter J 'to-order suit eacn or trie ui- i -iuuauuc ut .ui ntvi n wihii , uc-iuc. .-''' "-'. -V-V - J . f 'kM .' nit Mar. . a AT t . " ,Atm ..II ; J'm. jk i A . ' to be commenced against sucli delinqueut' -V: . !, and his, .sureties. .' . " . ! Approved March3, 1823. t - jp WILL employ ly or0good- jaboringf ; , 'itJHand'hf.ack'orwhitetr-to'siich as arot able bodled-1 will&ivc ten dollars a month ohappliciion a T the Wbrk at Lob &.3!?iw .'iatJ:!-- Ht Wynnei off Rakigh; Who will engage and direct theni to me r ;" ' . " 4 iiai l ii f i' .. iiniivr. - r l VHr nr r r i- niiprr ! '' -!'.-- ;"-;' ., i THOMAS 'Afl MERA, "' f .May 5; ' .'..,- 33 2m'. I UNIVERSITY OF lit CAROLINA. rpiIE Public" Ahni versaSfy : Examinatioti ML . of the Studehtsof the University -of N; Carolina' will be hed atChapel-Hill I oa .Wednesday t 28 th" iost., and ton ti n ued . fromtday to day uniil;Thrs'day June next; on which last named day the Anntiat Cortimencetrieni of ; the 'College p wmtake- piacef: :- j, uciuuunu- i. rusiees composing ,ine Solomon Gravest : 4 Kiibert H. Iones.V -1 James C. Johnston 1 Thomas Lbve,H ;4 Leonard Martin, : James' Mebanel : '-;' -i; ... .v ykljHbn'ble Frederick Kasul uuiuuiuicc uii ; v auanan inr AiiJ.:iK7:4'v,;"!j:.." a irill;aendv!::if j, . V; N "'( ' ' V.! His Excy tti :, ! (I fex-offici'rKcrr: i lH 6..- -'.. .... uhjuiiiuu uiaioi. r .. r "'it . 111 :&:aT':' I iTereiiijaiiSlade, i.; v ' :': lHf Romulus!M; Sandfirs;- ' , : ' ;: r- i';"Kiv;. tThomasiWynns;;:f -;.r :r-v'iiRevdVJoh -r-':-- ' AU o(Acry(ee9 whofmaySatte wtx 5 will e considered members of thi Com i ' ; mittce,, ana, tneir auenuance as solicited . V ' . individually! by "ah ordinance o the Board - . V r -v Baleighlvf;;; ionvbnient' IJweliing-Hbuse1 con- ' y -nk Gaining: six' Rooms", ith inrKitchenU '; rsmoakhouseV a!weil-fencied Garden, aud; other conveniences, at the'eoruer of Da- ' ;; yie aud MDoweU Stjreetsi wiuiih-isp, jfrdk'-vfimkQV'.Jpnu in tut 4-' 1 n ' i 1"N it f - ;1 I. 4 ' ' ' T, yr.- 1 -5 ! IH .1 : u if ' ' 1 :" r MS. if . . - A:

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