V 5ff BaTeitrTu imarov, 1823. nT VF.P. Tht r TtfvTdend -of 4 per ; Jfon ?L -fifteen dsvft thereafter. v U V rV -nVE HTTNDKF.D DOLLARS, v nT on 10th, instanr, beteert 'the T ln rf Halifax and the.nbsrnberV ; in Halif. Countvi, POCKET. p.i: h- nnd in . roufch leather, 'contain : r ' p-Vr Hundredana l nM-wn-umiars v NotefouV rf the Nn:es were f c 10o dollars. Als C Ded for Lfand, nlier valuable pf-per:: , ' The above Reward will bef aid frr the ifr. S;muel Hilhnan of Oxford: of the Cnhscriber, and a nannsome ccmpensa- r anr nart of them. ' t IJTTLKPUKWTLCQX.? tTal;fax countv, N. C. May or r? The Pocket Rock snnnosed to tarthri found hv n "Nepro Waggoner, FKTD AY,- MAY 30, 1 823. AVe invite the attention of oiir rea- jfr to the Agricultural Address oh rur first pSffe., If was tlehvpren before p AcricuJtural Society of North-Ca- ro!ins. at their Annual Meeting in Dc ffrfber last, by Drl R. H.. Helme of jrhnron County. It must beparticu jrlv acfeptahlfttat'.lhisi time? when jnoi't of the Counties in the Stae are fprmin? or have Tormed Societies un ilerthe proviiion of the libera! act of nor last Assembly,1 and are now ear jfstlf ensaged in fthe promotrbn' of Agricultural Jmproyemerits, ;-vf'';i Wok? , If! ri cultural Society .An atlj. urned meeting of this Society; was lipid on the 21st inst. and we were Ipjspd to see so many respectahle farmers present. This Society richly serves the public attention of the founty for it has for its object not the accommodation of a few individu-. ils.but that the wliole commdnify may tJppve lasting benefit from it," To en sure ;t6 usefulness'and respectability; I' jndicious selection .of OfHcers has been made from various. parts of the countv. ' , '. - a. After offering the following premi tine, amounting in the whole to gl44? ife Snciety adjourned to meet aaain in this Citv'at 10 o'clock in the morn- in?oftbe "4th of July, at Mrs. Jeter's Ions room. It is to be hoped our c"tH men viill see their interest in Ais association and generally attend. PREMIUMS; jcrthe best Essav On the forrhatioh and Sp plicatirn of lanures, and generally on the means of retaining and improvrng' the fertilitv ofla-.d a silver Cun with suita ble inscriptions, of the value of $15 Tor the best piece of stout Cloth, half voof, of. family manufacture, suitable for iron's winter clothing, not less than 15 yarda Silver Cupf the va lue of " Tor the second best dot Icrth besfand cheapest method of en clrsin;: lands--a Silver Cup of the va let Of ' . ?or the best crop of Corn raised on five acres of improved land a Cup of the nine of , Second best 'do j , lorthe best crop of Cotton do Second best ' do , $15 5 io 15 5 15 5 for the best pair cf fat Cattle-ra Clip of the value 'of a 15 10 For the bestRuR " Ft the best M3ch Cow . i Tcr the best Calf under 12 months old -si for the best 2 pair of Woollen Stockings ?erond bet' . do ' - i 1 nfflntton dO 2 5ecoTiH Ho 1 For the best 12 nound of Butter 3 lWihe best Cheese of 101b weight, or Oct . ' over ? J -. , ; -6 '.Second best f, '.'.''' . " 1 ' In awarding the Premiums upon ar- "Cle oflered. the' resnectivei owners be required th give, an' account of means used m preparing sucn ai We. For instance,1 in awarding'pre iuma unnn nil (animals, regard will k to tbe m?wnr and expense of Rg and .keeping nppn" cf Kuttef and Cheeser must'teac mvn companied with a particularaccont ef manner in which the same was maue preserved; and in likeiriannerj respect to any other article.' : . foreign J'ews! Tfie intelligepce Jived at Ne w -York bjUae. arrival i'.lhe Mp LeedsVrcopiot ,defails;of J arc given in to-da.- PrP8 ;'J interesting, as.it .veL -re?j ;.ois :eg the doubts" and ; perplexities J Mch-.we wire involved rejativt to j! qaestion of War or Pe,TluiUgi) J J8 announced that the port-andcita-?' f Guetariar have beer taken byjhe ;reh Troopsi with above 00 pri ?Dfr; yet upon the whole; "the;as fctL of the French Affairs is darlrand "": ine soiaiere awucai i 1 Ytfcesair-e ' hereby declared tor tne ifvear, ;puMe t Paleigh on the first next:hl at the several 1 arur r,u"u 01 a piece o suuuu - r " c?Ur dejcriptfun of-thesoil, culture. :"irmeu already. rnd even in rans, rPopularis the War, that the par-J !j.SUccess of their troopa vz& coldly JSESWWWfriAjiiriUe, and we n :-iTr Ai:.. A. V 7 " " ' ,,IM vcin!ty, there, ere lat,)y Catherff! in the e.of r!?vr y; one 'hundred &Tf f Strawberries.- A v' '-"' VJohn Cowan, Esq. is appointed Ca hier 0yhe Wiminglon Branch of the nraxe- Manw.v in the room'of ATlf . Hnn- er, c.so; resigned. . . rtx V; -fywenn fomtains.iijs ' these mountainsare about becoming orice toore the seat of European wa the fdllowing ishort description of Ithem may! not be uninteresting to some of f?, readers :V ; v-;v , f ;:;: - $ 'This prodigious ranore of motmtamS xtends frorn' the Ailantic to the Mediter ranean; a distance of two hundred miles. ami many, pa is or mem are om hundred m'des in width. J The first and greatest is tha which". Joseph Bonaparte took on his route from -Bayonne to Madrid. This road,' for about 22 leagues, lies through the Pyrenees. The second i pass is from Perpignan to Barcelona, a distance of 50 miles through the mountains, vhere in many places one hundred arme;J peasants mav arrest the, march of an army, and where neither houses, provisions, norc commodationscan.be found The third pass leads from Bayonne to Pampelnna, the capital of Nhvarrc : this difficult defile is only pasable between the months of AlanEnd October. T. he fourth road is that which lead from Terbes, in B gore to Saragossa. It is a tract 1nerey pe ous to muleteers during the -snnrmer, but in winter" tjie' wolves and snpws render it totally irripassible. ."v'-f-i" "' ' There are nearly - sixty. Other narrow passes, called opening:, most of wlich are rugged, "intricate", and hardly passable for laden beasts, and even those are frequent ly blocked up with (snow." ; i 1 Messrs. Carey & Lea, of Philadel- phta, have received the new-novel, by I the author of Waverly, and will pub- nsn n lllell;llt-ly.,, 11 is cauru tuen AM- ish it immethateiy. it is called '(wVSf0f tXr ses cHih"nue to b? perpetra tin in nurward, and has tor its lountla- tion thfe'Gunpowder- Plot Steam - boats have been .introduced into,Italyby the American consul at Trieste, and are getting into highVe- puie. li n nor me nri iime inat ine lnnaDttapTH or Tne oin worm nave pro fited by the genius of the new. tlvsofi Tea. The fact has heen de- monstrated (says he Fayetteville Ob server) that the genuine Hyson Tea may be successfully cultivated in this state. The experiment has been tried, and the result has been the most a- I tisfacforv. A Lady, the wife of Mr. Mr. at of John Newland, ot Chatham Lou found arseed much resembling: th lluck wheat, in the bottoni of a box of Tea. which her husband ' had purchas ed in this town.1 She planted-the seed in her garden and the-produce was a plentiful crop. She gave some of the seed to' Mrs. Farrihglon,.the t.ady of Mr. John Farrincton, of Chatham Countv,'! who also, planted the seed j and the writer of tljis article' obtained his informationfrom.Mrs. Farrington, and also obtained from her 6hme of. the Seed. ' He planted the seed in his garden in this townj where, it can be seen by those who are curious to wit-i ness the products of the Bast-Indies transferred to this western hemis phere; 4 ' .The writer of this article has distri buted, of the small portion of the seed obtained by him, to many of his friends in this town and-its vicinity. '-'-A Treatise on the mode of curing this valuable plant Jsquite desirable- , ' - -. r c-"- - '-if ' ' bjiventidn of the -Protestant Epis copal Church of the, United states commenced rfjtsl session esterrlayat, StPeter's invthis city.! A hinfC Ires-. ;no.hi: nr venerable, assembly otbi , F . 1 I . Mn a w nitn Wfl. ttt'entV-1three . members, - has now bu t tweuty tw. Of the;number ;boen lM'neteen were;, members of the. late Coiigres - lAhi! the tiiree.newmero- son. Jackson, and 'Moore, wnouecnn ;ed a re.eIectjoniThefe were burnine districts id which there was any con test, and In : the? seven cases where thiire was -any oppsition to the late members, the ppbiition Whnmi. t:L.iqusrer: ;c;: ; . ;-,;V ', ;y r One huVdreddsix entered Jhe port of Hayanain. the month of Aprf whicli 9 we merican, .S8;)anish,14rll4h,i8 Freircb, 3 Danish 2 uutcn, I iireme;:, l1-?. Vtoeuese.'aiid 1 Pir.tincluU.ng sat togetheV'in " this' c6untryi:k?.fe$ conJti;ardirectibn.- ' f'ti ."SV ViVi -.vi;c XiAmalfeli to ride : on horse.;12S; nons arm - ciei sir iiicH(.,st , rt .r"'H f . "K.'rT"-, T.--i Testate wHicb under the late cen : i ' Kw iri?. .ijfw newf.by the Leeds hag nbtf iVe and e rs fa n d . gi vc n ih at i m pu I s e t crjoii if 'chanee bad takenr place i n t hjp p H ce Jo f pub! i c s to c k $ t h e great: po'iHcal barometer irjn those ertides of consu6?pti0n tnost likely tondvance wnen war commencetf.v ; a.. - .'V . iTh e ship - Su perior, arriyeri y ester lay from Canton , has been absent on r ;L - p.- "p' t, i vt.-'. j r ly nine; months a h d fifteen VI a y he ' p v vre on th e 5jh of MiigusT fast, and' nade theiVastern paisage' ut irv'lQO da'y s, and re tu rned in -1 01 : beina:'the ,?JnrTe.st: pas sage, oridf; the 'season e- 3t ; u p u r , u v a n v ye ss e i P : t n e v u n i re n Stafesr-S, flays jesyhan the Addison of PWladlpljia iuperioi-wasT button emontiii in port. ' sThe New llampshire Patriotin r:r i oifl consistent democratic .paper;thusj ington : V majority ;otli'eJpelewhai!V(er may be? the: local ' prejudices at A nreeM'exTsstine' will u- nite for anvsnitable and. dtinnlTshe fzen wbo shall he desipnated fof the office of President in the same manner as were the illustrious rhen who haye held the office for the last six Presidential terns : andWe trust thnt - the rerWbllcn ns throughout 'the ITnipn will boW on o fbs mode of nominaiion;- as the great polar magnet wh'ch shall preserve the union arid .Indivisibility 6 there publican I Jiitssouri. I he toliowin? concliiq- injj paragraph of a letter, from Mr I lienton; a Senator from the State of Misnuri to one of his crtnstitpptV dated 4th March lat, ivps us. a n im posing view, of the resources and prof c,tive importance of; that State T II am happ' to say that emigration is rc- icorntnencing to Missouri; and that just no i tions of its pre -eminent a Jvantares arc strain employing the publ'c mind. Inthe debate in the Senate on the bill tA sell thf lead TinVs and salt, sprinfrs, W. liloyd of Massac chtisetts, dorJared it to be his opinion that ; Missouri, tltinsr into view her rch la. ds. fine ; climate, mineral wealth.' navigable rivers, ag ricultural advantages, her fur traded salines, and immeasurably -extended-lines of internal rommerce, was the rich est country upon the face of the globe. 1 sav so too, and believe that eight or ten years will prove it. sJ IJfrfS'atP nf Tretoiid. The most frih fef hv he, 'nur?e?it peaantry in the south of Ireland.. The civil authori- ties are openl v resisfed by these unf happy beings, lrivenr to madness and to crime, by poverty .'neglect and per-; ccution. The burning of farrrr hou ses and the holloaing ;of cattle, are stated to be a enmmon patime. The deplorable ltate of society in Ireland may be inferred from the fact, that at a late Assize above, one hvndred pri soners were' to be tried for murder rj lyf! twenty for rape! and several abduction. At the Clonmel Assize? alone, there were to be tried 26 for murder, 7 for rape, and 2 for forcibly j canryn )fir.Jl fi carrying off females'. ' v ree Jltonnrchy.ln the work of .Tarres I entitled true Law of tree ; Monarchies, it is laid down that a free monarchy is one in which tho Monarch is perfectly ree to do as he pleases. ' . .. - - S'wifter still.-TUe Eastern Stage arrived in this city yesterday,, from Baltimore, at 10. oclock precisely, being Just five hours from the Post Of- 'fice' at Baltim9re. No carriage .has lever travelled that road before in so short a time. The distance we have i heretofore stated at S7 miles. ; That 1 the distaoce.fromcity to 'jgty ; bu t the distance, frftm the Post Office in iial timore to the pt in Washington -ex- ceeds, it is said, 39 miles. The road is, for the most part, hiIly:and,.tlTe gravel in some piace.s maKes. ii ucayjr, under all which circtfmstartccs, this js great.travelling. JVaf. ni. f 'SailorH Post Ofiice.At the deso- ate liland nf Ascension, TriL the Allan-', a - iSJL: 1 k ei: V"A' ; 1 born TIC' v WCCII itll lltt aH) mv 18 a-pecuiiar vrcvitcvv a '"fv .,i termedaneip Y$P$ct$km wiciilhe crews tif Vessesv passing to tndia fef reiurriihteayechtters as)they wish' to senaSaefePaVbicb are pu n c ru ai iy,: iai$ p u i iu wi v ,j c herformed -in Enffland..VvThe first half distancewas--dene Jn 10 hours and quartefi The i horse was then baited aiidWndeY ntorewefe then performed, wbeb the rider went io be,d foran hour 'and a half Thei match fwas wonfthe rj mucn latiguea, pui-ine uorsc iicb! Tlie-Chinese are Jiot f entaf Vable for thiiryiatfe ;tnit; in tmiflpthe)t7are; unrivalleAnEngiishtaanwhb wish ed to have ": to silk t coat requested vi And ? jwho? was "eoi na: to procure one made there"; land; aa i patternb -: ir jidbpred. soleorfvicwt that he in- btted mm ; to vwuicn ic .yiM..v sett. ..W. cornroercial operations, which was ge nerally an Hcipated tEVen iq Europe no material 1 Ia 1 1 r u .-ri botii 11 o'clock tKe duelling h vh( MrGefrre Milfei-V Of tfi iasTciety ofyjne? Connecticut, yva struclcwitb itrtmni Mil er j;j,bt;he 6t th fime nknow time alelvhe; supposed Ji heard hail fall on "the. roof; .but )the noise ra j)idty l n c re: ? njj a nd -,ou nd rnsf like the era c k I ihg of fi re, he rose u pin his becf ij and immediately saw the fire under the fiodr. v ,Qo opening" it he found the upper floor falling in, and had barely tim e: to escape on t of th e h ou se, with hi wife, takinr' wi i h them the bed on w hie h t hey .Kad , s ! ept, before. the riMf fell in. v Th ere was. but o rj e?oi her. pe rr sojrnUhefnf savin? her bed, No cloihes Were saV- I ed but those they slept ih; ? yiy; rfaaifrieetine .pnusn secre, talrj iej: i n Ja nuary 1 asti aij d resset) rMtdfth of JclitjjSife; anU houses fpri rtiorj'i ;fire trIwheels- bay)ebien eiblised kfni - ho w lorigv the tread wheels had' beeiri operation artel whether they h "fend y iriiU' nous effects had been prpduc who had worked thereat ?3' The 1re piies oj tne Magistrates, in effect were, thit'nnjuif tfe sortft as-omplaiti of ; . on: the contrary that the tread- wheel conduced to heal th 'rather than otherwise; xt.Brj Mr. Harrison the 'Magistrate, one wo man, .who had. been at Tthe wheel one month,; and. who Vwerit to work with a heuVtiatie ;;o m plain tbeihasked Kow sh e; fel t when shev wen t"ai way i.'repl ied (latihef 'rneumatism iPerhapsVthe recollect at a pr6secutio&' wasf commenced, f'ljic umc gu uj,, ir. jyjaune ws, ine British Cbmedianagainst thW Edi tor of he Boston Galaxy, for an atr leged libel in the shape of remarks u pbn his professional meriiCIt-is a proo f o f ' the gOi)d sense of M r. 'JVl at tlievvs.Vthat he has. as We. are inform. el by the Boston Statesman dropped ine prosecution 3croMs i r tarmin g.--. jB T. Cooper .1 j 1. T wo s crops of gram should -not succeed f each pother : they, should jbe separated by potatoes, clover - grass rurnfps, beets or car rotsfor stall feedi tng. 2. Good agriculture requires no nak ed. faljoyvs : fallow' cirops. anyhoed crops") 'that: compel - you Jto kieeCthW grou n d c 1 ean W hi I ehijfe'; j answer tfte purpose; ' tjyx Manure once i n; tou r years. . , JV w- Fori, Jlfi v A A hoaV, ha heeni nlaved off on:ftiift1 of our knowing Jfriends of Wall-street, at which we know, not whether:, to laugh heartily or be exceedingly an gry. A tight. fellow brought into this eel ebrared street a, beautiful spotted popy for sale. . The horse resembled a leopard jhfjrichhss a of his spots, .and ; attacted universal attentions Hecwas purchased bran honorable member of brpfVtPf k e rsy who ?h a i n g! mad 1 ucky- hit that day? was in good spiritsV and'gave a g od price for the animal, who was. soon caparisoned, and his new mas ter with whip in hand, cantered him out on the third. aVenue, and'galloped him back; The horse; performed )ex-' ceedingly well,! and was in afoamon his return to the Hcity,when r Jo ;n4 behold ! as the s wea t oozed frorn his flanks -and the; pores ofhis sktnj llie spots disappeared, 'and wereJivasTied a'wav; The horse had been hdinted for the purpose, spotted , , to ; cheit the Knowing ijues oi vrauireei, tuu ue stood by "the "d oor after , the fide, in,uhis briginaf f dirty grey and 'yellow re- Asingulariheidht occurred at JVil- derhatisen f Hanovec;on thed March." ffi Is; there custpmaf yio 'i b tertli ie d eaot a'tlnight'fa . iightif;short tisjncettoiierof tliese nocturnal w rial of a feinal eas sori as the corpse wjpacenithgf heard suceeVled by ibdisgo groan- tngs. 1 o doubt existed that the body was resucicated, anq wirugiiug in n conflnenientV' The coffin was opened, but all present were convinced that the defunct was so in realit jrV and she was replaced 4 n the t grave, when the same movement and.thev same sounds were again heard.- Alafni extended to all present who believed that animation had again visited the incarcerated pri soner, carpenter of ' the neighbor hood, of unquestioned indifference to ehostsA was called ; in, who, having again openedj the'eoffin and ascertainj ed that the corpse was actual ly ueau. resolved to exlimine fthe grave, in which was Cfbund an; intoxicated man ivhj ? had accidentally foti nd '' i bed thereV f He was discoyerd - to be r.; a you ng mai who, crossing the bii rying yard,had evidently fallen : into the grave, from wrrence nis ineDriaiion wau evenua ms exuisauu iuuun:iir auu. vs. deemed regenerated, ana diseninraa- SS . :r.;;. MA-T ' &s&Ml&r& ?s occur ru io nira. : i ; Mri Fernah(ez;col lectArj.nf the tar on StjfeiiilQatsr put period to hisieiistencon thc t :o) t, li'lbl owmsr 09 Iii brains wit!; a double-barrelled tnnC . Nocduzz :sS aigned.dr.:':; VU,- tSuoeess to Merican Liferaturr We are? ppV to state'that one the -sand levies of the" new and highly i" teresting American hovel,'eht( Syilderhes. were disposed ji of l ewYok,"injther; fouV yeeks. Tfiia, is perfap9 Mnprecedentcd successVWilearhithat the aut ' or in dooseuence of.thisencoDragcment, has been induced by the7 bookseller j of that city to undertake another :tio- ; yei, jthe; scenjof which ialto.b'eiaid.in u 3?ew EngTandatio .will embrace; 'that '-'V J ' r 1 1 . . in?wnicn the ; superstitious persecution y'i tin of witchcraft, agitated the, country. ,y f A new ciiirA'manin irinia h r. i ,j ;i drsesentlend . an-"' hour to. make. any hors? i follow Iula t,.ro ;t a jiiiigc cumpany, wuuous it.ju ooiUjOf feet, high;1ritQ a d welling 1ouse and walli . v-. if jt fcr one rpbm to another without alarm; v r j ' .HeiaskV4'OdolfaxsTorthe;sw I y ir. lrfniThe Ijfe Drrank-i- :M Jitf concluiTes k letter to his. friend, C; Whatley, Esq (written May 18, 1787)' vfV! in the tol lowing words I ;j , ' " You arlloVSot: ;i'''am .82-You t -'V'l.:'.1' ireati tast unon mv neeia i i nnr noun vt hae .more'-'i strenhf andspiriyou Vcaiuiot: Vifjl ! ' come. up with metill. X top . which must .be ".Yj:; ' ; soon r fori have pfruwrrso old as to have bii-i ned most o'f the. 'ftwns'of ?uiy youth ; ?aiiu;I;: Vh jif nW often hear foersons whom I knew, when" , . )H f ini,mded. myself into the; company, of postei-f- ty, whn I ought' to be bed and asleepi Yet, t l IJ -r A :J ' ' , '. r. - tt ,t .' - -. na,a gone ax j v, 11 wouia luve cin orr i wciye ; bfthe? most active, years of my life,empldyeds , iob iO;jiattersi;of i.the greatest' importance ; Y ; but whethei1 1 )ave been doing good:ormisi V y clnefis for time to discover. I only ) knovr ; thit I intended WelU and I hope all will end '; ' well St&ftVW-' -t' i-f WrW- , ; -v; ." .7-1 :-vf !p T.--" v'1 . y.' T'f.' ' ' i . '" ' : ? BISASTROUS JNTELL1GENCE. V-V a- y 't By-iBeshlp' from fTOraeoa; we have received thn' ; ii :it-L;. j?j--x:r ;lw.'iL-:i:'- :.V) 1 1 following : .uisasirous ;miejngncei.re-v - u our attentive 'orrew 5 ?atradron has been captured.b allo w- r1 ? i ? n g i ise 1 1 i o I ai r 1 n w n n a n eav y spa n -v v V.V : ' ish:.fleetj.unde a.iTdih; ;M m afer;avsadUif;acji (ij The gallant Gommodbfe Oariielsa na ; : (It Hvp nf thft TTnitpd 'atVaVlrilldi'-'V-rllil.V. Hfigh 'his vessel luntil .b h hot a ing itlt is; flagnaite , Mi-l This Is a .heavy lossy bd t by no; rnean , 71 ( calcuf atedfp destroy, ihe spintbf tSe ; ' 4 UOiomuiaps r mey raay pruiungv- ina , ( i 'it. -i A " war, ; out eyeniuaiiy ineirv; inaepen- ; v dencewili4biehievdit; " . - U which but a few days ago shoDeforth-with . ' V lustre; has unexpectedly met with repulse- . y,. p and disasters little to have been exoectfedi I ' m Porto Cabello. was ortjjhe point of su-- rendering, at; d Colorbiawould hai free.Alas thow Uncertain are the t .t.. of fortune.-.', , I V ' - j' " 'Twti daysl'go (the first, inst.) a fieet of vessels .appeared,. 0 P,ortO" Cabelldi and . . was sbn" dlsctwered; to be Vessel- of war ' under; the r Bi;itisb flg i hY; advanced ; 'B'IrtiirItrVhoi4Hei'irfoirtf mo r.nlnfnWuhe in f ' . ' them as friends jv but as soon as they ere v,V Under the guri ; oCthis Woiild.be " British .L . . V sq uadrohV dpw n; Came thcirv flags,-, an d up ' . actfobxtoci piacebut; thedispanty ; of forced compelied sth e 'i Pat riots i to "y ield : X 1 thus was f iri T hours knd lO minutes) Co-. VlltCn .May 15. Mdjl7i Cxir?rsY Brandyil;bgi; -! Apnlefc; m i-140! 100 a 150 175200 louiDiaaepnyeaoinerDngniesiornaaient - t i " ;4tnlminFayette- Ci i. ! . ' , ! 200 v Vr 40a 45 a 55 40 a -' 8a Bacon. ;:;tr:!L& a 11 utter;. 12ia 15 15 a 425 30ac32 18 a 25 32 a 35 15 a '261 28i,29 65 a 70 Corn, . ottbn, Paindles,.' 1 Flour, bbli '-4' Gin, Holland, ." r- American Iron,' per tbnj Lard, -V ' Molasses, t r60a;65 JsoM'V-X. 9i 91 -v.V- fi 8a 9 10 8 a 10 13 a' 16 m;aJ:t-,;-;('f 1 750 a 900 700 a 725 90a 100 38 a 40 90 a 110 125 - ; 43 a 45 45 a" -50. 'HT, $92 a 95 $100 ' 1120 -- , -J 10 ; r . ..30 8a 10 o n l . - . . : 30 3 34 .Potatoes, bbl. 100 a 125 Rom, Jamaica, 'Wt India, Rice, per cwt. bah, Liverpool, -r-Turkfalsl Sur,Lbaf;ii' Tobacco, cwt. 82 a MS 00 a--65 80 a 110 90 a 100 ' 75 a' 85 70 a 80 300 a 323 :350 a. 4001350 a 403 '55 -x 75a 80 7075 , 60a 65 65;;;''; 17 a 20 18 a 20 :45Vy La 8? f Alul'lOalt FTallow,,; rily MiltonJ cn th? I5tb'rin5t; Ir. Benjs.v min B. uiei'. to Mi HHzibtfi H." Dodson In Pel ion ccanty on the stirie i tfVemn'ftV Mr. CharliiBplic ; i3. Us$ ;riia72tarv vyntf JceyV' 'w: j 1 ;38 a 4" 40 a '45i-wi- v i f , . ii '', I',, ' ' VJ.. -i J i- . I T ft , a tti 1 i''l i t - Il J VI 1 4 (I' 1 1 ; -'.-ay A.m . A' ' , - I , ' la ' . It i . c ; , because.we croua. -,"-:r-;' :iv;--''- v V t