vv F-:?: A.: V 1 ' i IS a 'i i '5 1 -j "ROE-TRY. ShadeYofValour! Hcte ofglofy!" - Ye who sleep in honour's bed, 'v;Vj'v' Boast "of old -.Casfc&ian. story. -f Your inspiring influence shed. . x ; Bouse, ye heroes of Asturias ! ' . "Rouse ye patriot districts all ! ; Till one torrent vasVand furious, 4 Overwhelm, perfidious Gaul. ' ' fortune virtue's cause befriending, - Fix aright thy Varying scale i ' . ' Spain, -her dearest rights aefcnding, r V If umteit. sliall prevail.- , " . - ... ' - ., " '..'' - When nreWd to strike the. blow, - Or dull caution cause ttvitovW Triumph wUl attend the toe. Nought can check its ardent course - - - ' - . ' " - v - - .. " ' ,- (,.." , ( . .. ' ' ',y ; ,;,-.- ' . - ssf?&fMrs SPANISH CH AltACTBR. ; - In the following Sketch cr .the Spa: nih character from the pen pf M,JiA BonbK member of the French Cham ?nonuties.acl author of Fiwrn Yf ai'weTecosni the elements tt a urcit ami ncc birth; It is ofrert stigniatizeci us pi - - ' I : .1 W A I cauve we are plws-d so to can a spine in those closes in whiduw are acc.sto id to find a base humility.. cannot i.' rf' n'.,tltper should answer us; thnt a peasant should retuse to sell usi What "we wUh to buy, because he keeps . it for hi tamily : wc arc , . i a . . m t r r a mi air- iui x---" t ; self as good as we, aim snow c-' h., if'.i. ee in this man. instead of j anr thine base, a native .greatn ' ori ,,f intrmnerancif. a nCwhir.h we shouhl be incapable to sce men , sublime made up ot laovn- uu "j-. of nature andrtf heaven. raw M Balefire Chronicle. oMEAUAs work:. : There U a softenin- and mellowed lustre; thrown by the hand of ad vers,, tyy around the character .! fallen greatness; peculiarly interesting , lat tery may deceive, honor may ii.toxi- ca(e, vice may corrupi, may dazzle into blindness : but when the individual who ba been thus pam nered and idolized, is flung from Ins iplendour, when U arcjes our humble level, when all those who have eulogized his gMden prospen.y, turn their backs', and. by way of requital abuse their benefactor; because he i Se'to confer naore benefits wlien hostile vengeance persecutes; and -gulls. becaose this can.be doneMU "ont dan-er, this is the hour in whtcn with a torch light by i:r. tiiivArnisheu, untie- licavcn, - A. A I life! II Mill. " - ' .he ' McrfiMif-palac-pn. ate c..rrespon.le..cc bei I . .n,l n I he enaiess niuuirei. tf &cta'l. natter, k.mwuj the ho c. familiar a iti s. such re rated and tnulliplied instances tj Same individuals, hom the ! world calls royal, and illustryous, by their names," Minting out with fearless de hr.ir virtues and their vices, un- n .4i,:D t.tvlid(ri was derived from.: .- t j r..::nrltr nftt tni. KiniT-" f..ll.:.(hi. stvle of Naputeun Boiia,iarte !lhi, peremploryi- haughty , dictaW", . .J...A ..r th miuutc Ins. impatie ice, ; i having ti decision olue,- in views ol tnen anuaii Sr-": .r-Lj?.:M.--Sn'vtiMtinsr.- scrutinizing & ' deciding characteriw wre aU these rri . T1lno voir, ni" 1 Uf AScmeiits uot -.patriot-zeal the brave inflaming, ... Acts with quick volcanic force J ; :; " - At a glorious object aWing, .. Tlic SpanVirds prs-ss lmnU um- wntco is i . . . ...npnnr to tne nruxc ri stead of that luxury - . a.iu ,...-,- L,AiviiiK" v .i i mongst .v is not incompatible wnh poj; Qrniieg an,, ,X Ia the cause of their , . , - f. verty : -imlifierence to the i victor.es: or defeats. No: the man! J V.hit, ; l sucha.are of life carried to as high a. Vg hw UScd such" language was tamiijar , fa .. t wl jve dolUrs ;; rtmnth, custcrity of the ancient r7,,cJ"! f)f ! in -the disposal of crowns .and scqi- ; , (m :u , s 01 the Work ai Lvck-cbsen-e in ; him; 1 jKhlter I I'tresl accu onietl to victory, nursed ui j j ,M1.t.; " Fstliat Ncuse lltvcr; or to1 Robert Ureinstirfctof theft aud dit ,f ! ; - b)Ul of Dattle, Conv,r,,ut Vith il. VV.nne, ot Ual.ii, who wdl engag, rmpr i! e wiles and intrigues of Cbine.s ; a,l d.rec: tUctii t, Kai'vW, a fervent taith-we irf nt!l,r words ne waS M potto iiu- KIAb u n i. i .. k cni,!)nsea of. the lowest crass ; ; t surcs of solitude, s-es. intyv ""-'- i of tfaeseveit trials, and form to them , .A'Ar-life at ence simple and lit i ; f 1- 1 C3s ike te.l bv Uie:pe.i he' firs Monday in .r.emnor: .k;x;, been our emotion, , J . hrS rec.'rd kh-n and there to plead to s nd peiiaou, rusalof OMearaN Journal . :hlse tIie pei,n will be neard e- of Ms conversations-with the.io,tr o.ner ous Captive of St. Helefa, with e.upe- Pa;T JO. WILLIAMS, Jr.C.S.C. r,kiU, d"kes,&c. bespeaking the; n, , .... 30 3m ! most intimatecquaintaiice Avlth their j s rATii OF NOuTH-C utOLlNA. :, I 4 : . r niii rnr u w vj i ' i cence, afforded to a dUcauleil surgeon , If "the-EritW. navy, white mh;ba.qs - i.-.unw!.lm oft. He ena r How Hie U4HVU uu one and Emperorson his naiui. - !yearsofage, about five tect nine or -ten in- a'tfithmenoHf'bjtfg dark hair, blue eyes, mnunl'far thanltistq b'tieve this longshai nose, rather dark skin, thin v accouiu Jtn. Furlhertnore, how . , sage, slow speec and down look, has a.knot i?one authentic-, Ur "e" , V !.onne of hs fingers, which causes it to be hi individual, ap so uq.ce3s- ; on one ran" g j -5 to be imitated by a discarded -surgeon if the navy !v And yet, O'Meara has one nU thi, ahd much: more U Al? work U not authentic. :These. consti- tute pafaanxies in winii; frr o tieve, 6t we liave4tKerefore4 no, ilrtubtjHhatO'leara's vfork Jauthcq tic.:n : vThsf fhis Book o reviewed, eulo 4 gized and censured, on both sides of th -Atlantic. contVinsa" true racord of these conversations, we bavenever had a sinsie -Kolitay, doubt frotn the mwnent of its first peruakJo t ue pre sent hour. With .regard to ,.wlat has been pubrhedbyitlie Quarterly (Ue Vi'ewV tn cenure of the work, or .what jb'.neara Has himself since written m l i(s vindication, we are ignorant, nav Irit never read the bner; the other. Our opinion' rests,;, on, the e vwnce , which tlUtwork itself; "ffonls of its j vwn ?ntt!Aewcrtif.?vat;i.ne-7'--marks ascribed to Bonaparte, by the writer, and compare-them with, his own.V- Will ahy, literary igenrltMniM risque his character "on the asserhou that thevare-olhahe productions ot one mind. Does O'meara's genius, like an ' approaching and ; departing Angel, flash oh 'and enlighten his in tellect" to such a wonderful extent, when he speaks in the character ot Bonaparte, and desert him entirely when he speaks in his own : Wbw lame this man so intimately-acquaint-ed in ali its details, with the whole ranj;e of European policy ; with plans j realized by lime, and with others U-h j for Wlurily, with all the members or f European Cabinets, with the benerais . of European armies.' j : H . their present busrness,-oner ior saio We conceive that credulity as it is Utheir atockof Goods ; Vesting of a gene called, lies completely on; the oti.er .;, l side of the question ; that a man must ;i Xs and others, who wish to be-sup b'rrpdulous indeed, to refuse fin as-;! ,. , Wlth the above articles, will do well to sent to;the autueuticuy oi ini - a wo I imp STILLS. 1 H. .UCEIJK, intor.ns i . . . .- i customers i i? . and the public. thHt he- ins no hntid an assortment of STILLS ot vai continues to mai;e ihewi, and ..'.Tii "i n:ihlpil'to furnish them of any di- i :mMtmn :it the shortt'St notice. tl til ,..n,.tQ those havimr ri ills1 which ; n.,l ,.tiAirj. to' favor al .'i with their u oiay be xvnr'r ' vl roi.u as possible, a- h I .1'- in ultond totheiti so well when 1 the season .for using the n is at liana, ana I: he is crowded with work. STATK-OK N O RTH-GAIt O L 1 Y. A. j Surrv County. Superior Coun-of L i w, Marcn ttrm. ioj. Hannah Bass, ) ( Petition for divorce. Ts lac H is?. T!' -mrif : rill IT to tllrt satisfaction of tl JL Coart,th u th' defend iit in this case 1 ,cirp; witbout HIS JlUl't OMISC OJ'.t . ot tne J:a'.e i therefore ordered n.t!e wun, - nubl;cation be mlide in tne .i;ar .wm jvi- i . r.. tiii-r.-. m m!'.i. that the leizo ii'-t,3-t' ,v" . .i:,r,n,!ont ..nnfir at the next Sn;) rior uciouu.. . . , .. .. ; r C.iurt of La - v to )i )u n lo toe uiun) " Rocktora, i Vroc'amaiion. 200 DOLLARS REWARD. II El RE AS? it has been made appear to me, that a" certain THOMAS CUltTIS, of Anson countv, stands charged by a tun ci indictment of the Grand Jury, witb the Mur der of one Thomas Cash, of said county ; ..i that hp thp'R.iid Thomas Curtis, did on the night of the 7th of February last, his escaoe from the Jail of the aforesaid make cou li tv tf A n;nn : ' . Now therefore, to the end that he the said Curtis, mav be brought t justice, the above Ke'watsTwiflbe g.ven to auv person or per sons, who will apprehend and confine the said fugitive in any jail in this State, so that he mav b'eA brought to ..justice. Aiid,,I do moreover, hereby enjoitn ana commana au I. tilficers, civil and military, withm this State, to use their best endeavors to apprenenoxne said Thomas Curtis and bring him to justice. CURTIS is between twenty-nveanaxmriy the left hand. , - ,u ' In testimony whereof I have caused the -'. Great Seal of the-State to be ' seal. iicreunto affixed, and signed V . the same at the City, of Ba--.- - - -v . leigh, . on the 29th day of A ..pril, 1823. , . ;v .-: ; gabl: holmes. t. Dy. the Governor, 32tf L. B,H akdixv Pv Sec'y. ! ;pinting neatly executed at this Office Hcmust conce ve o! something ificou- , Among otnev aruciea, u -.- tle.iliU5l c v f T.cs,. Quart,!- Ctsks of Madeira, Sicily & Tcnerifte ess of ceivawic iu u3 , v.,-v v - UMNt,:s, 0fa su,Krior quality ;' also J Pun SOOll 1 1 el iiuwki - . - '! rheoMS . 1. IMlil, a piooi ; an ui wuigii in-ii into the cabinets ot Kings aim 1 1 m- 1e .siiid a bargain. Apniou. j : tuhicji a-il ..... . r..l ii miiipriiili'iill llie nm;c n i . . . ,..n.i.M t : ... . til . . ..I . 1 - HOI Til C , 1IILII " II v- , iP itYW- . !1 . , ; ' ' A Utile Vi uuivtv iv. " 1' w ... . . ekgeeding sixteen lilies inserted m hnp nhllnr and a Half Tor half a year.' to e paid in advance buuscripuons receiveu u,y uio x : ;( FOR SALE OR Rt, ' . HHP. cir.V..Hmise on -Fayetteviltc SI ;X next oor above N. Harding & Cq. - iv': . w m.. n.,n.i wv- STATE OF NPJll AUdONAi v WAsar"?cT05 UDU5Ti.r , jonn vaiKer? i i " V. I Jatnesf Pollard, & wire Lrf)Vey, Uorgt;j-viitv i n ? otA f.rrrnce CherTV. J ? TT annears tolhe satisftrtjon oftte Court thatMames Pollard, and witc Bovey, res.a without thUnUs of this Statar ltisordered that puhlication be made tlireeTnonuw in Ualer-h itegister, that ynls " they appear and afriwer at the Superior Cwirt of Lquiti , to be held for the County of Washmgton, on the s'-coii'd Monday ih'3eptembernexi, juuSr ment,r3 confeno, V" Test JOHN.uM-4" ; so c. &m b . c- ' , 54 Fall Term, 1822. Timothy Freeman v: Thorny Freeman, Jo) Wiiiblow and Harman Ilarale, li.x- tcutors. " . r , c ... IT T appearing to the satisfaction ot this 3 Court, that .Tuomas .Freeman is not an inhabitant of this State : On motion, tnere ifor?, it is ..rderert, " thn publication be made iifthc Ral.h KrgWier f.r three i months, " thauiless thc said -1 nomas i FieenV iu sh-ii Uppekr-at the nexrt.ouvt ! of Equity.. tt "be ..held: tor the umy oi G'-us at the Counliou-e in Gates, on the : first Monday after Vhe fourth Monday jn March next, and plead answer or de ! mur, th same will be taken. pro conlesso i ... n t.i.t. at,, I hi'.ird xoarte. ' TMilM V. SUMNEK. U. m. xu. June 1. 1823: 37 3m SELLING OFF AT COST. T 1IAlti)lNii &,co. desirous; of closing IJIIV.V. - ,100 DOLLARS REWARD. AN AWAY from the subscriber's liL iManiation in Chesterfield District, 'S lath-Cnrolina. early ast aurumn, two Nesro Xlcu,CHA:ti-iianu mii. Cha; Ls is df ordinary size, well made, veil w coinpktcu.tn, reuiarkably. intelli- I fenf, speaks cputv, iij-u. wniui .,;,ile was puncuaseu m neauion coun- ty. Bdl'rtbscoudd with him, is about 20 lor" 25 years of age, is low, and has a scar j I believe on on of tiisfcheeks, perhaps a 1 scar oirnis ucau ; ,w,,,k'u f yelio.v c;:n)kctioo. anclDeats on ineorum ! t,rfer bly well, rhit w as purchased in the I ntfiiibr!iond of Snowhill. . I ' i Charles may pes haps attempt to pass ' liiu.He'lf as a free man. m I Ttu- above f :.ward will be given. to any ! pers n who wiU return their, to my plan tation ; or tialf t -.e above re wnrtj will be ' rivn o" a: iv person who will secure them in J.il,.or in .proportion mrcimci ui uicm nn.-l f-ve mt; iutor-'-'atipn. PLEASANT H. MAY. March 10. tf i .1 j I lie liUUUrs ui tii v i-.fa-. , Hnl fcewoerii venun;ii I,1C " , ,MS ,-t tne aoove uuiu o.uci i ...! n thr mpiti fiuie forward their pa- and in the me ui titfie torwarci tneir pa- pers to me at Statesburg. C; i ' 7 ' STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA. Surry County. May Sessions, A. D. 1823. Th Executors of Leroyl Original at Holcomb, , ! tachroent. vs, "., phraim Hough Allen Case. ( summoned as G.irmshee. 1 V. rntii.f'-jrtinn r f Hp u B .1 appeal tug iu un- t S .Court, that the delenoani aas aouuu nr sn conceals him self, that th ordi- ; " - nary -'process of law cannot be served 'on k;,yi r is t heretore nraereu jy tuc vui v, that publication" be made in the Raleigh Ucgifrte'r for three months, that the de fendant appear at the next uourtoi rieas and Qu trter bessions to oe ueia ior uic County of Sirry, at the Courthouse m Rockford, on the secona ivionuay in au renlevv'and nlead, otherwise. iadgment wilt be rendered against him for tne amount oi iuamuu . wanui of suit. 'i j. Test. JO. WILLlAMb, C. W Jane 1. - lr adv. 54,50 SfATE OP NORTH-CAROLINA. Surry County. Mav Sessions. A. D. 1823. Original attachment. Levi ed on 240 acres of land as the property of defendants on Graces Creek, adjoin ing Jeremiah Glen & others. IT appearing to the satisiaction oi me -; that the defendant has removed himself; without the limits of the State j it is there-, fore ordered by the Court, that publication be made .in the Raleigh Register; for .three, months. thaCthe defendant appear at-, .the next Court of Pleas? and' Quarter Sessions, to h.. hel: Forthe Countv of Surry, at the Court house in Rockford, on the second Monday renlevv and Dleacu other- j wise judgment will be rendered against him, f for the imount'of plaintiff's daim, with costs of suit. , ... Test. JO. W1LLLV3JS, Cs C. , 38pr. adv. g5"25 i ; call. - - 'I . I '. a" 1 4-Vi. nmy n a A iiiir norrirnn: to nrXWP 71 riV Tn.QT?P 7T fZJ! T. ... i-.:. j paia in auvaiice ouuauripuuua - ;;- - -- iM0.a for Half a DoUaraad tor a QuaiTCr ever tot time pon sAtE, the Town of Hillsborough, on fecommo- Jtd'aUng.termra Jal,oen finished House. Tjleasantlv situated, on a high Impreil ot, cOntainihig; evry Outbuilding. l''M ' June 3-v' J:-'-i;-- - Ja Dt FAYETTEVILi'lJ - ACAPEMY. j :. ; fin HIS" Institution now affords advantages IX equal to anV,in the Southern States, ber ing conducted tfpwvthe most approved prin ciples; and provided with superior Teachers in every branch of tlseful and Ornamental Education -This, with its healthy: situatiqn and moderate charges! for. Board and Tuition, must insure it a liberal patronage. The : strictest attention willjbe paid to. the conduct arid morals of those attendi :ig It; Female Department, conducted by Mrs: lla t "milton with Assistant Teachers. Uudiments, per quarter, Weadmsr and'AVritini? u $2.50 3 v English GriniTnar, iAncient and Mo-. dern (leograjdiy with the Use of . ' the Maps and Globe?, History, -' Chronology, Mythology, Hhctonc, Belles Letters, Composition, Natu- ral Philosophy, Botany with Plain and Ornamental Needle Work. o . Music, taught by Mailame Villa,' in the best y ' Italian style. : Per ann. taught in the Academy, $60, or $20 jer quarter ' , Per ann. taught out of the Academy, $100 - per quarter. $25. - ; ' . : .: Draioi?ig, Paiiitingtand the French Language, taught by M. Liusing a native of France. Drawing and Painting, per quarter $6 French ; , ' l. - ? Classical Department, under Dr. G. Davis 6 ': ) . . tuition. . The Latin and Greefc Language, Natural and Moral Philosophy, Lo- r - gic, Astronomy, Mathematics, Geo metry and Algebra, English Male Department. Rudiments . Heading; Writing, Arithmetic, Eng ' lish Grammar, Ancient and Modern Geography with the se of the Maps and O tones, 6 Pens and Ink provided the Students with out charge, A tax of 25 cents each Student wood. Water, &c.f ' ' ; . for Board, including all tne above Krancnes except MumC,' $35. per quarter payable in advance. V WM HAMILTON. For the satisfaction of Parents & Guardians the following Gentlemen may be referred iov J. A. Cambbos, Esq. Prest. of the School Committee. 1tevd R. It. Mouhisox. ; April 30; 1823. 32 VALUABLE TRACT OF LAND , FJ0R SALE. i V virtue of a" Deed of Trust executed to; & me bv SLimuel Hobson, bearing date the 20th day of January, 1819, and duly register ed in Rockingham county ; and by. vir tue of a Decree of the Court of Equity for Caswell County, made at May Term, 1823, in a cause wherein Thomas Ruffin and James it unffin. F.tecutors of Sterling: Ruffin, de ceased, and mvselt arp CompKmants, and Samuel Hobson, Samuel Hill, Charles MilK and others, are. Defendants, I shall, on the last Wednesday of .lulv, 1823, on the premi ses, sell to the highest bidder, for ready mo ney, at public auction, the Tract j of Land whereon Samuel Hobson resides, m Rock ingham Countv : The Tract contains, accord-in-to the deeds, 1S28 acres, more or less, or,'ri a s'ltiite on botb sides of Lickfork Creek. There is a'ccisiderable quantity of excellent Creek Lo i-.ground, probAbly trora nntni in arms a fine olantation is cleared on the Tract, se rficicnt fcr the working of 15 or 13 hands, though much the larger part is in wood, fit for the cumvwton oi r.r. nnA oil ntlior tinds of i?raini Taken this U-rne of the most! valuable .ctotPQ r.fT Tinn liivev. in the County, and cl.l in 1818. fur Twenty Thousand Dol- the "Decree. Cant. Hob- .mn ;c -inVtnin rn5?f?ion until the jtn oi lWember next, when thev purchaser is to be it ihtn the full eniovment : but in the mean enter at all times, WV IllJVI W V- w- - - r. . lO'fK r rnt'mhr. to SOW. Small aiici- ms ivui i' . - . grain. A conveyance will' be made by the rWoKi. in ffti simnle. witli special War ranty, though no doubt is entertained of the title, as the sale i made by consent of the persons interested ; and Captain Hobson is likewise to convey with general warranty. f -i RICHARD W..MICHATJX, j May If). Trustee andCommis'nr. N. B. If the subscriber should not person ally attend to make the said sale, it wdLbe conducted by Andrew-Harrison, Esquire, the Clerk and Master of the Court of Equity ior Caswell County, who is appointed a Commis sioner by the Court for that purpose. 1- - r: W. MICHAUX, Trustee and Com. I assent to this sale, and, will convey to the purchaser as stated above.-' X . ) SAMUEL HOBSON. FURTHER ALE OF LAND. ; wrrupxr Vhe sales of Cant. Hobson s W .r,n.ntv nhnve advertised. shall be noA th. Subscribers, as Executors of the will of Sterling Ruffin. dec d, will at the'same day and place, offer fof S lie the mr Vttkhle Tract of Land . owned by tUeir Testator, on Dan Rivers in Rock ineham County. It adjoins the lands of Mr. Broadnax, Messrs. Yancey and Be thel, and others, and extends along the River for more than a mile. It contains about one thousand acres of land, includ ing upwards of t wo hundred acres ol Hfimp River bottom, which is equal to any land in the County for fertility and convenience, and is in good order for. cul- tivation. The low grounds nave oecu u.. der lease for several year past upon .a rent equal to five hundred dollars. ; The terms will be made known on the day of sale : but it is expected a creuit it i !rA t.rv wears: UDOn i IN Will UC glVCIl Ul UUC J'-"- .r '-. satisfactory pe rsonalsecur ity and a deed of trust on the premises. V :-'tJ T. - . JAMES H! UUFFIN ; ExVs of Sterling Ruffin, deed. May 19, 1823; A SON. -J It.a TlnintaPS anfl IlV . . . $yJ. Gale U Son, It - tfor 2 of Keports of Cases of the s. Courtof N6rthCarolina- decided' Tt Jdne lp. .r U' ' - " ". ?r ; H A TEACHER '.; ANTED immedutelv, to take eL of theiMale ; Dcnarrm'ent ofth Academy; None need apply, but such can come well recommended! a - Likewise a Ladv tolupermtend the f male Department: Application bv letter otherwise, will meet wsth attention ' ? Lnneldv'IlaTrfax county, N. C. .-. June 6, 1323. y. . t f 5 38 3t " VALUABLE LAND FOR SAUT" v ' . In the vicinity of fcaletgh. ' 1 Tract of Land containing 1834 acr xIl about nine milei from' the Ci iy, lyini on Swift and Wjlliams's Creeks ou Uie Road deading to Haywood, formerly cv cupied by Joseph Lane, jun. and at pre. sent in possession of T. IL. West. Uu believed that for soil, beauty.and hcalthj. ress of situjriUbo, it is scarcely eqaaHcsJ by, any Plantation in this J)arl of the coun tryl A considerable portion of this Land is fine lows Ground, and the high land is tertile and very well timbered. A better Range for Cattle and Hogs is no where to be 'found. ; There are considerable Io. pro.vemen.t4!;good t)rchards, aGrist-MiU &c, and fiie Springs. '' Apply to; J. Gales, in Raleigh, or toT, L; ks;, qp'the premises."- With the -above Tract of Land mav h I had 300 Acres of Pine Land, ih the vicil ' nitv - :"&''. . ,;:' Janunrv 15 TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS REWAiffl' " ' ' l "' . . .. RAN AWAY from the subscriber, about the first of .March last; the following I Negroes, viz;: ' One Negro Man named HARRY,: 3!) or 33 years of age, about 5 feet 6 inches high tolerably dark, has a considerable impedj. ment in his Speech, has several scars on his .. head which msiy be. found on examiivition He wore off a white wool hat, his other cloth ing Ldo not so well recollect, but it is pro- bable he has changed tnem betorenow. I pUrcbased said Harry of John Cheek of . Warren county,' N. C. It is highly probabb ie aim tor Southampton, v a. as 1 am in. formed that he, hasrelatkns in said county which have been &et free by some of the ' Mvrick's j or he may take up on the Roar.. oke and try. to get employment aa a freeman, being a good Sawyer, Ditcher, and can njaU a tolerable good Shoe ' . Also one Negro Voman named Mary, 25 or 27 years oif age, 'nearly as tall as Uarry; yellow complected, a very nice looking wo. man,;canluse the needle very well, and is an excellent: spinner, and remarkably fond of smoking the pipe I purchased said Mary of Benj. Bell of Edgecorob county, N. C; They went ofiTman and wife and no doubt continue, together yet. Any person delim. ing said negroes or cither of them to me in Nash county, N. C. or who shall apprehei d and confine them in ariyj Jail so that I get them, shall rebeive the above , reward and all reasonable .; . 1 I. expences. BENJi DAVIS. 38-5t Nash countv , June 6. ' STATE bF NORTH-CAROLINA. ' , Surry Qounty. '.:. May Sessions A. i). 1823. Thomas & Wife,.") ' Petition to reprove the vs. H Cwill of Wm. . Mordant John Moreland. j deceased. JAMES MOREL AND, Isaac Morelanl, Thomas Holliman i and Nancy his wife, George Sweai and Betsv his wife, Jacob Douthel and Polly his wife, Franeis-Morclan Thomas, Nancy and Joseph Moreland, chil dren and heirsj of Joseph Moreland ; , children of Joljn Moreland; , childrea and heirs of James Moreland . eM' dreh of Thomas Holliman and Mncy bis I Wije . - f- cnimren ano uci;. v. a- Sweat and Betsy his wite ; cimy.. and heirs Sof'Jabob Douthel, and Joanna anJ , children and hesrs ot irancis w JfT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court JL that John' Moreland and his heirs at U, 1 - i , i i ,rH hi-lrl James Moirelano: ami nis cniiuri ' at law, Thomas Holliman ana ms and heirs at hiw, George Sweat and Bkg and his children and heirs , at law, are mu tants of anothfc'r State ; it is ordered bv ue Court, that publication be made tots in the Raleigh Register, that they or thetf (kiardians appear at our next ,w and Quarter Sessions to oe ucu.. County of Surry -at theCourt-Honse in ford, on the' second Monday in August nexj then and there to object to-tte wpnj--said Wm. Moreland's will, othervrise tge tition will be taken pro confesso au tliem. 1 .a r r. Test. JO: WILLIE?, v. -- 38 pr. adv. g4 50 j. THE LATE CAPT.-BENJAMIN WABD, of f a i i.i . rnf Bin" raHlS is to give iou, - is B , ixr..Vf Warren tnOI) ju.janim ?y. I Vriirt of r4' deadj- and that ' cwr and Quarter sessions nciu u j t said deceased was granteo to jf (IlOUUl, AUUIIIIUV 'imv - ber : thisistnereioic - 4e. sons having claims a?a lst Jnihc ceased to bring them 7"ltf g.-' time required b law, lawfully and 5;i larlv auJhenticated for Pent, r barrier w . , ahd those indebted t to . the ne red tomake immediate paf. same requu I will observe that as "- he eti e a(rP and wish their portion ot fl t a? soon as they can get ;twiil ,e. disposed to era ntiaduigeiiuc,w.-. : pruuei.it ror uioc inde ed w --- te- .. vneci y djr payment. or uiey oftccr- K.r hP Sheritt or out- -i particularly those; ?, in a time, as tnerc i wiaJ u? - due the estate. nd 1 lsa.l. . " estates 8tira:posp, RYA5. Warren County.. Jun? l, be haJ 3'. Blanks of all kimN niar : . ; this oluce. every Post-Master in the Stak nnpfl in DronoiuOH -. - : " - - " ' 'M

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