Tfte-suppoytofsonihnyrpii i. te phbMcd at Threat, ftgy appear: wrinenMio- gPiNfai .-ttt beeti mart WithucVul V,C T3ai tt 'ci iau, amc is put r .i-l hv the people, and jt isTiod- i'T0l ' - , - . x " i teir beneficial inflaence has corres ded'with the support which has been in tothem. 'VV " ",V Intlie outsejhesshment of a ' vvspaper "as an.cxpenmcnt.of j btful success.' It was necessarily- n on a small scale, and limited to publication. " Indeed, at;,.that p there was but a small portion of ,v Qt-te to which a Newspaper coul(T tu transmitted more frequently, and jny Counties which a Newspaper scarcely ever penetrated. - . Wiethe lapse or uttip, ine sMatcnas idersone a great change-. Its resour ces arc gradually developing ; education more" and more cultivated ; public .Virit is consequently enlarged ? and yorth-Carolina is assuming, if Slowly t surclv, the rank in tlic Union to Vaich her relative population, her poli iical disinterestedness, and the private tu-s of her citizens, entitle her. During the same interval, poutes have been greatly multiplied, and the transmission of the rnaH has been icceleratcd and made more frequent; jn every part of the State. The considerations, as well of a mo ral as of a physical nature, whic we live thus briefly sketched, seeinto de-; mind, rather than reeommend, (after the' exampleof our sister States,) the establishment of a Journal of more fre qTient publication thnjDneeeek. r Yielding at lengthollt?suestions . 'vhich have long impressed1 upon the mind of the Proprietors of the Register 4 this necessity, the undersigned,'. Co partners in the Bookselling and Sta tionery, a well 'vggS&k vB?f ' tadeterminerjjo commence the pub lication of a Newspaper twice a week, onthethirduesday of November next fthe dav after the 'meetinir of our Gene ral Assembly) on low.s The considerations of a general na tare. which have led toThis detennina tion, have been already stated. To which may be added the following, in Under the proEont arrangement, it hasitofien been asubject of regret, that News, sometimes of great interest to ourreaders, becomes stale before it ne imparted to them ; it readied 'tbern through, traditionary channel sooner than the Newspaper conveySit to its customary readers, and losTthat relish of novelty which makes accep table. It frequently happens that we tohlircd to compress News within a narrow space which ought to be related nore at large ; and many things which ve e uesirousofpublishing, for want tf room, we fe- compelled altogether to omit. In AVintcr, forJinstance, we shall be enabled, in tho proposed semi Treekly Paperi to give a fuller account tf the Proceedings of our General As sembly and of the Congress of the Uni- ted States, and of the Debates in each ; md, in the Summer, to find room for interesting matter , of a miscellaneous -character, . which, sA ppooenfjTve we- i .obliged almost wholly to. exclude. A sreater snace k wotiiaeod also i" be allnfr f VAUrl HcrJ rlndinV femU character! Lastir, but not least, abetter vehicle 'will 'few- be afforded for Advertisements of every fen, and partiodarly for such as, from cannot-nw obtain a sufficient circular tion to ansYxer the purposes of adverti sers, or those to whom the Advertise ftents are interesting or impdrtant.1 To this plan, the undersigned invite the attention and favor, of the citizens of this State gejral, angafcjilar- ly of those who nowXpflfroni X.EIGH Register, The undertaking jing up(n al the decencies, of life, by timo announced wiU be costly and some- pen:erting fact8 to serve political pur Jt hazardous 5 but itwai b e steadi- j fig; s Ve rcr thei Candidate, and perseveringly pursued, with .a ; wfioge 4 they; espouse, too well, arm reliance for indemnification on a ; nn . . ;ni K s , A . a,mnnrl liberal support? from our publ inspirited ; u aiscernmg leiiow-cinzens ii GALES & 8C?N. : ' -; . : TERMS. . " r The semi.-ireekly ' Raleiglv Kegtster wfr. "inmmec mn taa lath ay ol Pnvf movrnexi. publibed every Tuesday-ami Fnday - throughout the year, at the rate of Five.Dol- Iar n. - - " 1 .., '. their: Subsctihervli fisemi-veekly aper Will be "sent to all Vu m resid in situations Where they . can rccc ive ijt twice a week, and to all thoe whor car receive the Paper but once a week,; the' e :kly paper vill be con tinued: Such of i eir friends a shall be - - . a- v v w a a a w a i m a a a a & . w v , -m w m a a - -i t " v - , a - rt w a wa v sa i : a- a . s a t a w . . . a., a a a a ar- m i a i a a a m a- a a a . v n aa w aa a a a a a a a at a a a aa i dissafisfieel with . thil ccurse, vrill please to tnalce kno'wn their i-ishes as toon as conve nient, and they shall be attended to ' , Advert jsemenls fiot texceedin 15 lines in serted thijee times for a dollar, and for every succeeding publication 25 cents. .Adver tisements of greater length in the same pro portion. fv Thej;qvis nothing in the world so ea :sy as violence -nothing so difficult as moderation. Ve can readily fall into a passion, or down a precipicebut it requiresj presence of mind and self command to escape either, when the blood bcjils in one case, and the head swims iij the other. Personalities are ever at variance with good breeding, and. when we hare been casually be ; trayed into them, by the impertinence, the folly, for the malignity of our asslil- ants, we have felt that we have de scended too' far to their level. Tem perately to maintain sound principles against inveterate prejudices, especial ly in respect to political discussions, jis a difficult and arduous task. .There jmay be an end to argument, but there lis none I to declamation; and, there jfore, we expect the enemies of Mr. ;Crawtoiid will continue their illiberal attacks ppon him, and. their vitupera tions as:ain.t those who advocate his claims. Onr. friends, the nominal and i voluntee r Editors of the SxAh, appear ; anxious o retire from the conflict, be?- jhevingith Hudibras, that' 1 in Ke who tights and runs away, jvlay live to fight another day." We rejrret, on account of the public, that XtheS Star-firm has determined to discontinue their lucubrations; for, like blind Sajnpson of old. tjiey amused the public, but having like him pulled house onj their own heads, they are sunk too deep amongst the Abbish to be ex i tricated. j The attempts of the Star and of other papers to injure the prospects of the prmidar candidate, like the Spa nish Proverb " have no legs to stand up on," ani their rea,ns may be found in the langiare of that facetious Epigram atist. Martial : VNon anto te Zabidi. nec possum dicere ; . qfe, . " Hoc solum scio. non amo te Zabidi." But as tley would perhaps rather have the modern doggerel, here it is : I dofnot like you Doctor Fell, ..u. ' Thejreason why I cannot tell, But Ibis at least I know full welL 3 1 dopot like you Doctor Fell. ,;,WTe take leave of the Star for the present, ibut they need not fear thnt we will Hfgyc( them, when they offer any .thing deserving our notice. - Since 1 writing the above, we have seen thai the Senior Proprietor of the Star has f returned, after an absence of jsome mnths. From the knowledge we. have jof his steady habits, we augur i an abandonment of .the violence and erbiagejof that paper, i:s respects us. jl For ourselves; we-shall greet it kindly, I ' and meelb them at least half-wpy, for ' ' Ine Pians OI ,air 'gnwui peace, rTjnwafpil by party rae to lire like brothers.' !.Thi been oar, but we can st.ll jiwidd rfrffiw wca whm.we descrip-J:4856'1,'! 1 Kettittrttm Crpinus-TheWash- i ington ttepublican has again bran dish -! ed the savage tomahawk over the "grey- haired veteran" and the unfledged i nestlinirf who edit the Register. ''Spi- rits are iouched to -different issues"- f . r .. . ... . - - . . ' - - thus tbej Editors cS the Republican,, at .Washington, laVors on in bis vocation," MSMBr" j in tlie assassination of private charac .ir.the IA" j . Cr? by false statements, antl in tramp- ' ed by such n?en and such . measures; for so honorable a man deserves advo ;cates, wiho would not injure his claims-JJ uy uiiempeiauj; .z.cai - auu' uuijuauucu rnalignity ;;: -;; : "We confess our inability 'to cope . 1 1 1 . . j ' witn mep, wnose nmues ger sirucK agamsi common sense ana tj common; decency, icy. We. ' tbcrefere take lj ' - n-:V4, v; ; kn4 4ha mov tinnprsT9nn i : -.. netMotaW hrt-iiv tnifiriAr- 11 ntu nt a emnii it. nrri. wrnirn rnn us) to constdeV'the j labor; of Stsyphus who "rolls and roll si and will forever roll" that stone, which finds no resting place but verllind anon returns:' Thus the Washington I? enublican re iterates i ts absurd Mies and, i ts false -hoods, and' lo ! they find no. resting place on the jnind of theeopie. ; per haps the Editors may like another illus tration, from the same authentic source. W)iat think theyj of the daughters of the King of AVgos; wliose perpetual employment wa to fill a vessel full of holes, which consequently retained ho water? Such is the fruit of the labors of the , Republican j they spend their whole timci m pouring j invfectives on Mr. Crawford & his advocates, which, like water pilfed on the ground, pro duce no impression, j .The iBaptist Association for the Ra leigh District, convencdjin tliis City on Friday last, and continued until Sun day eveningi Eighteen Ministers were present, and amongst them, 'several .elo qUent Preacher?, who displayed their zeal and their; talents to very numerous and attentive Conjrrejpitiorisv assembled from this and tJieneighboring counties. All wasjortler, peace, and decorunr; and it cannot be I doubted that much sniritual; comfort was derived from the exercises of the occasion ' ' f The Secretary of the Treasury, Mr. Crawford, has been confined by a bili ous feverf for some days, at the house of M.r. Senator Barbour, in Orange County, iVa. but it is understood he is convalescent. ; - 7 X American Review, Mr. Sparks, recently Pastor of the Unitarian Church in Ba tiinore, having retired from his pastoral charge, has purchased the es tablishment of the Norths-American Re view, and will in future be the Editor of the Worki The high literary cha racter of this work, has procured for it extensive circulation and distinguished repute, not only ' in our .own country, but in Europe Frbrn our knowledge of Afr. Sparks, we believe we-can safely say, that on the scbreiof merit, it will lose nothing by the transfer. i Tennessee Banks. The 1st day of April next is the time fixed, by the Law of the State of Tennessee, for the re sumption of Specie payments by the Banks in that ' State. AVhateirer , ef forts may have been made toyr educe to its proper limit the paper in circulation, it appears that the Bank at Knoxyille alone has been successful. The Banks are all prepared to pay their notes to a certain extent, but not to redeem at once the mass of paper which, it is supposed, would be at once thrown in upon them. Undtr these circumstan ces, the National Intelligencer suggests the propriety of authorising them to' re deem one half of their notes as present ed, in specie or, its equivalent and give for the remainderj a new- description of notes payable with interest, two years after date. " j j 1 JUbtised Confidence, A paragraph has' lately been published in Boston, which has occasioned fereat sensation, containing a correspondence confiden tially carried on between President Adams and a Mr. Cunningham, though the latter, had solemnly pledged him self to Mr. Adams, that ! no disclosure should be made of it while he lived. But Mr. Cunningham being dead, his son, in violation of this injunction, - has given the whole to the world. ' Pro fit was no doubt,' the chief object of the publisher, but we shall rejoice in his disappointment' J ! -. . River St. Lawrence. It appears from some articles which have appeared in the Boston papers,! that there is a wish existing in that part of the Union,; I that the General Government should attempt a negociation with Great-Bri-; tain for tlie free navigation of the St. I Lawrence or, on failure of obtaining it as a right, to purchase it, and with it, the Cahadas, if I the right of navigating the Rivet cannot be separated from them. This is a matter of grea im portance, and will, of course, ifr acted ; 7(t" Hn" ; ;v "U PaV T - -X " f 1 ' - I 1 territory at presentigenely tho iote sicieiitly'e thought f sons-Earned lte' durlnL ;ffie preceuigrvc" flay; ; The list ofUhe dead-is'dreadful the most respectahle people, who received all tnai; goou "nursing aim inuuitai . could dot to"' save hm, ;have perished like th. rest. Whole families were swept ? off? j AjOne inan J hh vife, ' two children, anlif3urneen, (eapen ters seeminsrly -died together ! ano ther personv His,rhother ?ah.d twd sisters a iaay nna .ner xwro uaugn 1175, 115 j victims die of yellow iskin ; and - black vomit." It is attributed . to the over flow bf the Mississippi, in thel early part nf thp BPnsoTi: :-,. , i . ' New-Orleans is healthy. InawholM wee"k, th deaths amounted to only 41, of whoni two were of fellow and six of malignant leveh; J: f One hundred, and si persons of co lor, residents of the Town of Peters- UUi L' t d nave uivii numvcj . (jt ; . , . : - i :. vA-Hj-V:ii and are preparing to emigrate tot the 1 j f Aaait. I ; II U 11 L VOUWIlv3llVU Af XUL7 WW M i ; rado, by the Colonization Society ?. 4f of tKp free colored persons ( a ysv f H e P t e r sh u rg R e p; of Sepft . 1 6.) who left this town for Africa some t;me ago, returned j here on Friday rTght for his family, itp speaks in 4he ttio forapturod frms of the n -mvc country of the Slacks; describe in 2; i as fbWga-f1t'0 pot of the world; v hither every free man of color shdu!d immediately ' repair. This statpmen! we had from !e person himself, who is an intelligent man,aiid..i.siesed.of ronviiferabTe oroperty. Hk represen tatiors, and the anxiety 'Manifested by ! im ti return' to Africa, ill doubtless have a powerfu! , influence on his co lored brpfitrerij many of whom we should suppose, nnV that their fears are removed, will prepare to join their comrades in their native land. . . . . The followirig hadome compliment fo the -fre ?i'titution of our country is frooi Bell's (London) Weekly 51es senger : ' , - . .'. We earnrstlv bene to Tire fo see the me When the European continent will as fre as the United States of ner:ca are at , the. present instart.---Thinkinc and sppafelnc: as Englishmen, 'it j U nmszing- ro u, that the common sense of the continental nations snonia so long !.; rmatn the. dane ot tne lenorance.and an- 1 surdity of the feudal systems ; and should have imagined, and a ill continue to ima- rn", that such bod'es and such instituti- ons, . Mien a moo oi nointy, ana "ucn warms ff privileged classes, such counts such princes, uch diets, nd such cham berlains and courts, in an infinite number, shruld benecessary rof manage the con cerns of nations ; or should be enabled to manaer them better & wiser than Coun rils and Presidents selected more imme diately amongst themselves; v ' ' The ntischief bf this folly, we have of en had rccp.sion to say, is not that it pro motes or occasions any actual tyranny, 5ut that, bv the means of taxata, it kes t wo (parts out " of th iee of very man's subsistence & impoverished whole nation fnr the benefit, of the few. Al most the whole Jpolice service in Ameri ca is performed hy an unpaid militia h tead of having those Vast standing armies w'Mrh Austria, and Russia are compelled fokepp up in order to control the people. Who can reflect upon the recent events' in'-Portugal, for example, without the most painful feeling? The ancient despo- tism, tuny triumpnanr. Again, we say we hope to see these things at an end.". Patriotism During the American Revolutionj eighty old German Sol diers, who, after having) long served under different monarch of Eurqpej had. retired to America, and converted their swords into,plougshare'f volun tarily formed themselves into a com- pahy, and distinguished ; themselves in various, actions, on the side i of liberty, a The captain j was nearj ly one hundred years old, and had been in the army forty years, and present : in seventeen " battles. The d rumm e f w as, ninety -fo u r ?i and ' the youngest mah ; in t -the j. corpsr on the verge of seventy. Insteald of a cock ade each roan wore a piece of black cfape, as a mark of sorrow for being obliged, at so advanced a. penodoft hie, to bear arms ; " but', said the veterans, we should be deficient in 'gratitude if we did not act in defence 01 a country which has afforded us a ge nerou s asylum, an d 'protected u s from tyranny and oppression.'! Such a band of soldiers never before, "per haps, appeared in any field of .battle, j; A British frigate, lately brought to Encland. from ilndia, a Dresent to ihe King from the Nabbb of Oode, of se veral articles, valued , at 200.DOO.-T j Among ; them . is a Sword set in d ! m onds , 1 a be 1 1 afs word -f kh 0 ivb f f d ia - monus anu omer cosiiy jewels, Willi to it. 1 bis emeraltl is said to be the largest extantand nearly Uhe"sizef eu we same riaiei. Aweiucijiuuuimg country is also very sickly. ''The dis ease is called the yellow fever, asf 'the "Hindoos? worsir, i;'.4ny-.'; , f:-; - 'v.-;-J i"' General JMlemand :-Tfi9 OrafB . h nil beloved officer died lately .afBqr ; . V dentowniN.J an4 his remains weH '; !' 1 ? nterred yesterday rhia ; ; , , delphia. v Hifeath; Was occasioned by a disease of theatomath, tinder t . which he hidJabjifed for sonic inc. Hejielj ihe raokof General, of Ar?il v fcry under Napideon,' and wa aJWayiJVj;' respected for his and dii- taunted bravery; if PHI CES; CURRENT; VVjimin ton. Fayette- ville. . Sept. 18- Nevperrt ' Sept.ZQ, Sept. j& y Cknts. 'Cxhts. Bramlyy Co -r? Apple, Tift con, liutter, V ; Beeswax Cofleii, Corn, 130 a 140 100 a 150 175, 'V ,42 a 4 V 8k k 4aa; 45h40 10ail2f 15 aA25 30 a ' 35 8a 9 15,(1 SO 18av25 . 02 - 3S " ' .30 c v v 33 a 3 H8 & 29 29 a 31 4ia,55 50 a1 60 Cotton, ,12 , 12 100 12 a 13 Caiuiles, .4 13 a 16 tCt Flour; bbl. : Gin, Holland American 90 a 110 125 . -45 a SO 120 30.;. 9ua lOft . 75 a ' Bi 40 a .45 43 a 45 T ...... 92i a 95100 t Lard, yr. 9 8 a 10 Molasses, y Potatoes, bbl.' Rilmi Jarhaica, 40 a 45 lione. 90 a 100 80 n 110 70 a . 80 W. India, 60 a 65 Rice, per cwt, Salt Liverpool ..Turk'ilsl. 300 a 325 35O'a.40tt J50 a 400 55 a f 60 70 a 75 65 ; J Ida 45 a 50 65 a5 90 Sugar, Loa ; :.; -ftrWii,- Tobad6o,Cwt Tallbw,v ' -Whiskeys v V r- 17 a . 20 8 a 9 A . 400 8 a V10 10 a U 4 75 a 35 J 9 a 10 42 8 a 9 10 1 ,40a42j 40 In tnirf eountv. at RMt-iIalJ'th at of : Mrs. Stone, yestfer.Uy morpiBg, -Mr. Robert II., -Cb wah, "of Wilmingtork ' to Miss Sarah 1 Stoned : 'V ':: 's' '';' -i''" ''',-;v';--'.; ' ' InN Warren Countyoh the 10th ult Mr; sf Joh i Wadkins to Mi4s Mary iteayes; ' r : , . , V In the same CoiiiitV, OrV tbe . t5to ult. Mri . ' James Dal-1 to Miss Anna UeaoUV'VV - ' ? : - ' V'"'--'- " 'iiAV- In thisgcity, on Wednesrlajr last, ater an ' -' illness of eiffht days, Neal 3rown, ! en in hi 1 V sixty-seventh year, and, one. amWn 1. he oMest inhabitants of this citvi. 'To' jusdee to ttyc 1 character of this aged and yehebCtiJn;.'i;.f' is beyond the power of the "writer of thia . , communication Hut if ajife o practical pie? : ty, sel-denial and holiness, is worthy of eili lopry, to him the meed of praise is'due.: Irt the humble walks, of life, he lived al worthy eSa0Kto all who knew him, engrossing i , the entire confidencie of the fcircle in fhch. j. he movetl. He died universally . lamented, ."f leaving a wne ana Tojir cnuaren to nrtmi, j. their loss, whose: grief must be abated by ine r.nnnlinrfflrtmn, thr h! mrii' id -,.n. ried by angels to rest Abraham Vbtfaoin' iV " ; 1 In Warren County, on the j 20th ult. Mr; Bldnde Clack, in the 82d year.of his ae. it? Since ou r last t publication, we have i F of his friends the' "fol- f- r 1 received frcniofte lowing obit itAry hbtlee of our worth v citi zen Governor Franklin, whie.h, thougli we hav already announced hs denth, as it , con rains some particular- of his '.'life: with' which we were not acquainted, we give;'to our Tedders t'l-f-ft '- -v ' v is gQney.Uc-HtowWie t$se Fran5 lin) J late Clove rnoroF this Stase,After an af- 'i ft ctinn rf nefvrly two Vears; denartpd rhu. ' V life oh the" 29th ultimo, in (he 64th year "i of his age, at his seat 3rt Surry comy He was iron- a oenevajenf, honcss ana 4 . C most exrellent man. In the ditTeretit re lations of Jiusbandi f.iihef, ma'er aridi friend ne Was a thodel fJ iroiiation j '. ai Iteoder Inisb ind;f ftn aflfectitote father, 'A kind master, ands a frindpssessinfi: the full confidence of nl! whoflcnew him. " (; v .Atin ea rly period of his life henter- ' ; ed the service qf his cmtry. i He .cterl an efficient'! part j in achieving jta inde- pendence, to whicli Kings Mountain and other place known in the History' of our" . Re voiutionary StrugglwitVbear wi nt r 4C' O'riithe snrreoder of th enemy at Kiiig's Mountinrtbe second ih commantl, aficp . the'fU of JFtrgtoon. surrendered to hhri his sword '.l'y i:- '7 ' Mucb of the time of tlie deceased .wai .f . deyjojtcd to the aervifce f his country, froni I the1 hiehest offices down to the commor '' ''' duties of a cuteen, In tBei Tcxciition of all which, rbe furnished proofs ornis'firmAsss ; .and Aftiijkniyrty.i :;r&Jk- :r He. left tbi$rworId in the full asiuranci' ' ! of an happy mortality. ; v r- V"1 As - Communicated.- At ' his' father's Jr) nrt. 1 fH fV rn tr Of) Mr. John D; Drake, second ion if Ca.s v:-': well Drake, aged 24 years; 'inilntn'Sinl : KM? 3 days,$ ie was attackeMJn Petersby-gi v. Ya. where he. had been living, for seven v ' . :J or eight years. Fr ten nr. .twelve. days r AY Si the world wit liniit 4- krwiwo-lfv. v..t ' V- which he bore wit hour krmirniur. he lefc U 1 V feature. Several days bctbrtt his cleHtri ..4"-', he expressed himself as hot 'being br'.'thd )S least aiarmed -or j feeling the maiieii. un4- 1 easiness at his approachingissoiutioa--4 t t; His lastv request .aj, 10 be; piacoUs upoTV-i V hiai pillow; after which he tolded his armrf - upon' his b'.'sura, and t!iui in ttic prevencti t 'Y of hi aHlicted breihren.' his J ,lmo v ' heart-proken parentsYaiui of hU Weewrij '?tf. but admiring -trjehdVhe1 breath ed n"2 : M last. : Attentive to hU bushiest uiahly irt' " ' ?' , his derprthienti traiik and si.icere in his ' 5 i Cabetr-Breckenrj 1 -4 1 1 ' '3' 3 itt: I, fll Si1 l! Hi 1 1 Hi 1 V! 4 Si ; t V :,y. -: i - 7? egg. .ine ;np uas aiso? oroo ouivc vra dwiq oi jveatuiavv J t v It'- I-- 1 1 i:

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