POBTltY. .V-.f : . ' - From Aew-Ti 'Sitotetwura.'".: ' " , j " " " " n .tfysoul was Tate a helpless barque, JiV-'UJI.lliU TIVl" vi- .. . Liff'i pcen, bwid to.wp : v On rrror shoa's the "barque bad beat V Ah, tht n what star mv eye should greet V:at fHendl? Vtfr-bot are. V. , Ah, then what voice amid the storm, . " Like chVruh-cheerng cnnif, , '7 An! 'bade depart the fiend-like form r- ; t That tnved to death to shame ? -lTiat bade to bell the spirit fly,, To shun the waves of vo ; And dare the Admiral's tyrath on nigh, To scap the storms below ? - Twa s thou, my friend, who 'raid the gloom .. -L'Ve mercy's beauteous bow,- , x Archtt oer. the contrite sinner's i tQmb, ;.aThetempests hill'd of wo; - ' TaugM, taught mr inexperienced ty -. And-'-pninting to i cloudless, sky 'f Cried, Live-and live a man !" - ' . . - . - . . - Oh, may the breeze that speeds toy barx, Like Eden's tephyrs be, Tbr sky serene,' as when the Urk ; 4 Chaunts bis sweet miony ; " And when the dream onife is o'er, May angels round thee wait, And bear thee to that bliasfushore, Where faith shall conquer fate. o.- BOSTON BARD. SCXNE AT THE "HEADING OV A WILL. ,,.:',- :. - rSOX TH XW XMTS1T JCABAMK1. Infirm' he became an entic?nj? object for Mrt. Do!druni,n Inhabiunt of Leifchton Buzzard, one of thse htiraan creetb owh - ho prowl , about the abodes j6f miserv anJ death, crocking out axmai tidines, aod hoverirjr over corpses. Jie teemed onlv happr when surrounded by wretchednev,and er undertnker-ike mind pnear-dto live upon tWth. When the mnld not treat herself with adis . solution, sbe wou lok about her for a broken tejr, abankmntcy, a family where there was a dishonoured daughter, a run gwar s, or Any calamity she could by goo fortune discover. " O my dear friend " she exclaimed to Mrs. Pitman, a br Ome previous to her death, I am so del'eh'ed o spc you. (here a jrroan) yon know my re rd for. yout Qanotner rrOAn) een rour DeJ rno-n unc. . Closed, T took it for granted it wsU over with vou. o I carre in just to close our eves and lav out yenr body. De liehted t- find you, alive. (roaj tne t.)ird) "J n be of rood cheer, pe-haps yew may vf t lngr our a wees iouji, vwvu ..i ' it would he afcrcat release H it .wmild please fird t take you. (Groan the fonrth) and vet I fear you are sadly pre 1 u ...u "Daren rr t:ie nixi v' 'Sfth nd lont ) You know my regard for vou. The Ird he eool unto us ! Hark! is that the death watch? I cer taiolv heard a tickm?:." This .consolatory personage was all . ita moment he heard. of Mrs Pit- . roan's death, which oerurred shortly af. ter ; and she Was obviously Jn her proper elerarnt when supennienains.mc H!ns nf window - shutters, and all be minute arrangements adopted on such monrnful occasions... ".At :TTer; own particular re quest, she ws indulged with the privi lege of silting up with tbe body therst r,iht "and would not ven resign her sta- rtr, ftiV nernnd. wKich was the timei appointed, for the retding: .of the wiU. Frank MHTnjrton i. had been $en for ex press to attend this melancholy ceremo ny : Mr, Swipes and Mr.Cu'rrie were, of ornrserresenr, m de?p mrufnipg. with "sa?es to match, and each with a white pocket handkcrch'ef to hide the tears whch he feared he would be unable to shed. Mr. Drawl, the attorney, held the portentous document in his hand, brist ling with eaj : and two oc.tnree inenos were requested to attend as witnesses. The slow and precise man of l.iw who sham! none of his-audit.orV impatience, was five, minutes in -picking the locks of the se'a!;a$in.iny more in arranjfc bis spectaclrs, Vd having deliberately blown his nose; ihrbugh whlrh he always Talked, . (av if to cietr, tbe wiy) he at lengtn pe Iran his ccture. As the will, at the old lady's .request, had been, mnde as short anii-sWules possible, be had succeeded in . ueezing it inio six larjje skins cf parchrawt, which we shall take the li bertvcf ruling into as many lines. Af ter' a few") unimportant legacies to sen yanrs and others, it statefl that the wjiolc resiVue of htr property, pmonal &rrea', consisting of -. here a formidable s"chule of houses, farms, messuages, teneants, v buildings, , appurtenances. stocks, bonds, moneys, ana po5sesion. occupying twercy "minutes in the n ciul. was braueatheoto ner cear cousins. Samuel Swipes of the Pond-street.Brew- ket place; Sddlsr- Here Mr. Drawl laid down his parch rhent, drew his preain, yievr ni noc, ana begn . tav wipe- his spect'ctes, ia which ipace ofVime, Mr,S wipes was delivered of a palpable and incontestible snivel, in te pelting up whereof be was mainly av sisled by a previous cold ; and endeavor ing to enact a sob.rwhicb, however, soun deti more 'like iargling - U. throat, h eiHCulated 44 Generous creature ! Jwor . . nrAii kind soul l" ; : . ' c .ii. rA with indisputably red a; Vitcfy eycs?ihouh 'it la upoa reccrdthu c iaJ been nuicv u ft .bins' abwt iho-oriioiT bed in hpj owa gw dext h2 bd been seen to stoop Uwo & Set seething u?. They ; weiK ootn. 5 (r: : . jvertisQtatots Hut o ?Wnk the rrret that h 1: THE BjmWr f AKDS QK 1 j MISS HRVlwnonvr . hn not beert pamed, and. tar inforrii him, hai theyxoulddispe'nsr witli hljCfartbe iiUendancei f whehMrVDrawlwitH : ' calm 'nasal twan'criedVtt;4--,, . gentlemen, keep pur rats-.1 bs rot torje. yet'-Knd resuming; the parcarpent and his posture, thus proceedeV f .1,'et tje see where was I? Ay, Saronel Swines. - of i Pond-street ? Brewerv.- and v..Firisropi.erL,orrie; ot ine .viartei-piape, Saddltr" a,nd then, raising his Voice to adapt it to; the ta.rgSs" Gr'ajp. txt;'wirds that came hexhetfang oui4 In -trust, for the sole land exclusive me and bene'; . . , ( bits as thaf he may tfafely be etrdsurd Vith.the lajrge fortune which I hereby V What's! all this ?" exclaimed Mr. Sipes-r you don't mean that we're humbugged! Intrusr! How does that ap pear? Where fs it ?" . Mr. Dfwl, depo siting his spectacles,, lookin p at the ceiling, andscratchinjr the under part of his Chin, pointed to the two fatal words, which toweled conspicuously, among the multitude oE their companiois ; and the brewer's nether jaw gradually fell down, tilj it crumbled :icd crushed the frdl of ii shirt. Mr. Currie with a pile face and goggle f yes, stood staring at his coj; trtistee, not exactly undcritanding wh)if It eif meant,' though he saw by his couj tenance that there was some sudden ex tinction of their hopes. As the will was dated several years back, Frank only wanted lhre weeks of the stipulated pe riod of pose. sinn, and, as he hustily revolved inihis mind all the annoyances he had occasioned bis aunt, and the kind generosity yr it h which she had treated him, bit eyet remained fixed on the car pet, and the tears fell fast on the backs of bit crossed hands. UMVJRXSJTY OF THE STATE OF NFA"YORK. COLLEGE Or PHYSICIANS AND SURGE ONS. Citv ofitoxt-vork. flfau 6th 1823. THE Collf gc of-Physicians and Surge ons will commence their course of Lectures, fpr the ensuincr winter session, on the firstJMonday of November next, (the 3d.) at the Col lege in Barclay-streeL Dr. HosjhK. on thr Theory and Prac 'ticr of Phytic, and Clinical M'rficitiCi Dr. Macnkven, on Chemistry. Dr. PostI on Jnatnmy & Physiology. Dr. MiTQKiLL, o;i Motanycnd Materia Medica. j -, Dr. Mott, on Surgery. Dr. Francis, on 0tefrie. and the diseases of Women and Children. The RoaHo of Trustees deem it proper to mnkwH known, that, in confor mity "ih tlje. ordinances of the Honora ble the Regents of the University, every Student is required tt attend two full courses of all tbe Lectures delivered in this Colleger before he can be admitted as a candidate, for tbe Doctorate; unless said MudenC shall have previously attend ed Lectures? in said College, prior to the session of 1822-3, or shall have attended one entire Jcourse of lectures delivered in some respectable Medical School or University. 7 The Candidate must, also,: have Studied Medicine three years with some respebtable practitioner, have ar rived at thef age of twenty-one years, and it will be expected that he should pro duce writtep testimony to that effect. The Matficulation Ticket is five doU lars, (he hofder of which is entitled to the use of the j?ollege Library. . By order of the Board, "WRIGHT POST, M. D. President. JOHN W. FRANCIS, M. D. Register. ; FAYETTE V1LLE ACADEMY. mniS Institution now affords advantacres! I equal td any in the Southern States, be, j ing conducted upon the most approved prin-1 ciples, and provided with superior Teachers in ?vv branch of Ussful and Ornamental Kthiration.-4-This. with its healthy situation and moderate charges for Board and Tuition, must insure it a, liberal patroiuge. The strictest attention will be paid to the cdnduct and morals of those attending it. -jj" ; I'BaMs. . Female Department, conducted by Jfrf. Jla milt op tm th ilsnstant 1 ea chert. Hudiments, per miarter, Beading and Writing English Grammar, Ancient and Mo dern Geography with the Use of "tse Mapf and Globe?, History, I Chronology, Mythology, Rhetoric, .Belles Letters, Composition, Natu ral Philosophy, Botany with Plain and Ornamental Needle Work. $2 50 6 Jlutic, aught by Jlfadame Villa, 1 , Italian ttyle. , in the bet Per ann. taught in the Academy, $60, or $20.: 1 per quarter 1 Per ann. taught otxt of the Academy, $100 per quarter $25. ving, Painting, and the French Language, ught by Ur. Laising, a native of France. r- ... . tau Drawing and Painting, per quarter,, $6 French - 6 Clamcal Department, under Dr. G. Davis' - - I ruiuon. , :, The Latin ( and Greek Languages, Natural and Moral Philosophy, Lo- a Ir.il t mety anl Algebra, r . j English Male Department. Rudiments ? . .. , Readin":, Writing, Arithmetic', Eng- $8 $3 listi Grammar, Ancient and Modern M 'Geography with the Use of the ' Mapsand Globe?, 6 : Pens and. Ink provided the Students with out charge.; . A tax of 25 cents eath Student for wood,, ater, &c. ; , Board, SifcluIing all.theabpve Branches except Mukic, $35 per quarter payable in advance.1.. A . , - v ; ;r- - : : - : WM. HAMILTON. , For the satisfaction of Parents St Guardians , the following Gentlemen ay be referred to. , ."I J. A. CAjntRoir, Esq. Frcst. ot Uie Schoo : Rev'd 1 Urll. Moaaio577 April 30i 1823.. 33... i fit of my dear nephew, Frank MUingtv); When lie fcljall have attained the ug of "entyrfuve.years ; by which tm? I hope he' will' hnvtvso farVefor'Tied hi evil ha v : - ; W RALEIGHPRINTED 1SY J OSEPJI HAZES One Dollar and a Half for bsf a vear, cccdirjg fetceja Uic TIt&r commence sow t T.-vOurse on a uesaay ucrpui- October next, and cotitinUo four days jJayAt weepgtakes; cte mile beats, for three years6ld colts and fillies-f-Eptrance $100. Three or more to make a race,.;;' v 2rf-2)ayr-The' Jockey Club Piirse, $300-tlu-eemile heats Entrance $20. ; Mopey hung up at the usual discount. : 3d xiay The Proprietor's Purse, :$200 Money hung up -Two mile heatsEntrance F(ntrth: J)ay--A Handy Cap, mile heats Entrance 25f, H ; -! " -fTr, The iProprietor, pleclges himself, to have .the TnCct in good order. Stables and Litter furnished Race Horses, gratis. R8BT. K.JO HNS ON, Proprietor. Warrenton, N. C. Sept.,13, 1823. A BALL will be fumisheel on the evening of the 2d and 3d days' Race, by R. . JOHNSON, Proprietor. 100 DOLLARS REWARD. AN AWAY from the- subscriber's Plantation in Chesterfield District, South -Carolina, early last autumn, two Negro Men, CHARLES and BILL. Charles is of ordinary size, well made, yellow, coinplection, remarkably intelli gent,' 'Speaks quick, is about 25 years of age He was purchased in Beaufort coun ty. Bill" absconded with him, is about 20 or 25 years of age, i is lowj and has a acar I believe" on one of his cheeks, perhaps a scar on his hed he is also inclined tp yello coraplection!, and beats on the drum tolerably well. Bill was purchased in the neighborhond of Snowhill. Charles may perhaps attempt to pass himself as a free man; j r The above reward will be gia to any person who will return them jo my plan tation ; or half the above reward will be given to any person who will secure them in Jail, or in proportion.tor eitner ot thero and ve me inlor?fiatton. I ,i ' PHEASANT H. MAY. March 10. ' tf t7 Tie Editors of the Raleigh Sra and Ncwbern Centinel, are requested u insert the above until otherwise ordered. and in the mean time forward their pa pers to me at Stattsburg, jS. C. PETERSBURG UmOJSrilOTEL. A 3 Proprietors, ! we have opened this TA- '! VERN, the oldest Establishment of the kird in Petersburg", whidi I has been much improved from time to time, in all the inte rior apartments, as well aa by additional bniJdinirs, so as to answer all the purpose of a public Tavern and Boarding House. Such are the arrangements of the building and accommodations, with i soine new im provements which are rapidly advancing to a state of completion, that Travellers and visitors, with Ladies and young families, can be conveniently and agreeably entertained. The premises are located in close contiguity to the most commercial part of this grow'ng and Drosnerous town, and leinic so exten sively and happily situated, that calm retire ment, or a public situatioa, can be enjoyed at pleasure . "" j " '- ; ' . The Proprietors shall, upon all occasions, make it their pleasure and duty to give sa tisfaction ; and with a sincere view to accom plish that great and desirable ' object, they shall spare no pains or expence whatever, irt all the departments of the Establishment particularly by presenting excellent Lodging Rooms, duly furnished ; good Servants, ho nest and attentive ; an abundant TABLE, with thfe most choice viands ; as well as the best of Wfnes and other Liquors, which our oountrv 'ill afford. We are not unmindful df the important value" of a well regulated and furnished Stable our friends, and visit ors, may Vest assured that this department shall answer every just expectation, and to effect that object we have employed an able and experienced Ostler, distinguished .ibr. his attention and fidelity he will do his du ty. Our Stables and Carriage-Houses are now large, and will also be improved. Our water lot is such that Horses can have free access to water when' so ordered, the stable lot being immediately situated on Appamar tox river. j This is the same Establishment which was so long owned and managed by Mr. .lame Durell, who enjoyed so nyich prosperitvin our line, and gave such general satisfaction He was succeeded by Mr. French, and af terwards byj Mr. Eckles. These two jkst Gentlemen justly merited and received the attention ' ot j Mr. DurelPa friends ; we hope to do the same. ; , DAVID MEADE' resTd-.s or'the premises and will conduct the affairs, of this House, assisted by Mr. COOPFR, who has long ser ved in this Establishment, and his correct deportment is so generally known, as to make it unnecessary for us to tender "assur ance or recommendation in that respect, ; It is useless for us to state our rates for Board, by the day, w4ek, month or year they are . as moderate as the abundance of our highly favored country require on this subject, we confidently hope our town and country frends, visitors and strangers, will have no cause to complain. ;" We close with, asking it as a favor, that no person may ever leave our house with a feeling or sentiment of complaint, without stating the causedthe proper explanation or redress will always be maie. t : ' :' ;;.''' V- We think it; necessary to add, that kind nature has favored us with a healthy situati on. The Water used at our house is per haps from the best Springs below the moun tains, and our Ice House is very convenient, j DAVID ME AD E, f s PETER Mi HARD A WAY. ' "Petersburg, August 8.' J v ' 47 9t . NOTICE, V flHAT on the first Monday of Noyena 1: beir pext, I shall expose to public sale, for ready money, a Negrtiafi na medHar klesri, nowf confined ia ; the Jail' f Randolph county, I N.C; as a runaway lave, agreeably to au order of the couo,; fy,CouVt of Randolph. :'; .4 -K.-A:S; The sajd Harkless 'says he formerly belonged xo John Dougbertytbat he was set free ; -and was kidnapped r byT some speculators, from whom he made hisses- cape;.; JitLANE, Shff; n. iiv ii vr- Tm . v . 48.3m to'h paid in advanfSubOT papoi-Hoageros in pro ysubscriberffers for: s.ale, on ac- i . commodating terms to tbepurchaser, three; hundred & thirty-six kcres of Land Lying n the east side of theStag Read; about bnemile north of Louisburg, adjoiri :ng tbe lands of Nathan. Patterson, Capt. Perry and wtbers. " About- fifty acres cf this land is cleared and Hi good piigbt for Corn or CoUvin, the rest is in woods and well timbered, r On it, there are some excellent low grounds. ; if; I' - Aisbi Three Lots in Louisburg, adjoin -ing .iVbi Academy Square, on the main Street; on w hich is an excellent ne w d wel liog House with four rooms and all neces sary Outhouses. The contiguity of thes premises to the Academy, - and the con venience of the above described land, would make the whole a desirable esta blishment for a family wishing to fslucate their children. For. information as to the lots, apply to Mr. Wm. H. Strbther, who now occupies them, and to Re v Daniel Shine as to theland; or to the subscriber at Midway Academy; . C. A. HILL. August. 23. p--:-. 49 if 1 iffy theFrtsideni ofthe ZTm&'&tatetl N pursuance of law, 1 James MoiriiOB;Pre siderit of the United States, do hereby de- dare arid make J known, r, that a public sale will be heia at tne - land omce at mniciin.. , j Recipes of Physicians faithfuUy and exr m the state of Missouri, on the first Monday ditiously put up. , i ; in ueceiuocr ijcai, xur me uisposa.i ui buwu ot jne lanas sixuaxe iwunm ne cusuicxj oi nuwa.ru cuuiuy, n iu sinitr, as iiarc uccu relinquishecf to the : TJnited States prior to the 1st day of October, 1821, under the pro visions of the act passed on the 2d dav of March, 1821, entitled M An act for tie relief of the purchasers of public lands prior to the 1st day ot July, 1B20," as are situate n tne j following described townships and fractional lownsmps, lying norm oj me tussoun xiivcr, and west of the fifth principal meridian, viz In t'nsbips 44 to 54 inclusive, of range 11 west. 44 54 12 45 47 48 48 49 56 55 56 J 5t 53 13 147 i: :i 15 J 16&17 18 19 ! 21 ; 22 & 23 52 52 1 51 K 51 Also, at the same time and p!ace,Hiwill be exposed, to public sale, agreeably to the pro visions of the fourth section of the act, pass ed on the 24th day of April, 1820, entitled w An act making further provisions for the sale of the public lands," such lands situate within the abovementioned townships as have become forfeited to the United States prior to the 1st of October 1820, for failure to complete the payment within the period prescribed by law. ; ! ; V The sales will open with the lowest, num ber of section, township, and range, and pro. ceed in regular numerical order. . i Given under my hand, at the City of Wash ington, this 12th day of August, 1823. I By the President JAMES MONROE. GEORGE GRAHAM? r ;. ! Com'rof the General Land Office. 0 Printers authorised to publish the laws of the United States in the states of North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Ohio, In diana, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, Missou ri, and territory of Arkansas, and Pittsburg, In Pennsylvania, are requested to publish the foregoing proclamation once a week un til the sales take place, arid send their ac counts (receipted) to the General LandVOf- ncetcr payment. i .; Aug. 13 lawts. STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA, Guilford County. - Jane Short 7 ' !' . v. V Petition for Di voVct. i Aaron Short, j j TP appearing to the aatisfaction of the Court that Aaron Short is not an inha bitant of this State, it is therefore ordered that publication beipade for three' months! in tbe Hillsborough Recorder a ud Raleigh Register, that he be and appear before his honour the -Judge of ur Superior Court of Law, to be holden for the Count ty of Guilford, at the Courthouse in the town of Greensborough;r on the fijurth Monday after the fourth Monday of Sep- vemoer next, men ana tnere to; answer the charges of the said petition, otherwise it will be taken pro coufesso, and heard ex par " ' ' .. i' '.'- .' -' A true-copy. I . I ; 44 THOS. CALDWELL, C. S. C. FOR SALE ! A :Z.S Two Tracts oLand in Wake County jfVNE on the waters of White Oak, a ' bout 1 1 or 12,miles south-west of Ra j leigh,1 -adjoining Le wis Jones, :, Bur well j niu unicis i containing aoouc;i acres, well adapted to the culture of Cot ton, Corn arid Wheat unimproved. The other Tract is about four miles south-west yof Raleigh, on both sides of Walnht Creek' and Simmons Branch ; has on it one of the best Mill Seats in the County, with 'a Grist andSa w Mill now in operation, an Apple Orchard from which 6 oarrels of Brandy has been made n one season, a good Dwelling House convenient to a good Spring, a new Barn, and land enough cleared to work five or six hand, a part of which is fresh and good,- containing about 1270 acres, but would be divided to suit purchasers if. a smaller quantity was desired, or 500 acres more could be added. - :. . Also for late, two or three vacant Lots in the City: of Raleigh j and one sixth of Lot Np. 114jwell improved With conve nierit Houses. Jr'.-', 'f T woror three Tracts of Lipd jn the CbickasaW: Puit:hase Imay be had of the same person,- a description of which can be seen. Payments will be made esy,oo the;pd rchase money being well. secured. r - ; ; Apply to the Printers. ( ,1 July,l 7. , , : ; 'S&4 . 43.1 '-w .,''- ' ' v- RAGS. , tjVEALERS in Rags aibereby notified J that the Proprietor of tbQ Ualeigh Paper Mill will receive Rags-from a djs tance at the Paper Mill only, which is si tuate? km Crabtree Creek, three miles north, of the Cityv j v ; July -1823. 1 Sr SOW. b by the Printers and by crerr AS just received from New-Yorl ' a V general and KanA 1 1 v.v u - . . , -i- ;- "iueiit ox tfr., :c;.:iULL1NERY ; ' : ;;5;Annct;(;oods,' Pf the.hesf and most fashionable kind ,- 3t! Sgt. 28, 1823. NEW MEDICAL .ESTABLISHMENT PHE subscribers have r.nnn.M selves in the practice of Physic andS. irery -DRUGS & MEDICINE!5 whicbthej offer for 'sale at the-lowe'st f,: thecarys rates. csl 'minae Medicines were' niiTrs,.;i .weeks since in New-York ; and were .i ? elves Jrom among the'!ate.t ? They cart, therefor;, e them to be nerfti" 2.Cnt:- and Genuine. r " 7" W afforded in any art of the 'State-2 fully as cheap as they can beobtained i'r J ' All orders will be attended tn ' and corrective - 7 lu j . ; BURGE9 & HTJNTPn ; Raleigh, 14th Aug. 1823. 47-tf i FOR rALE, OR LEASE. J FARMS OR LOTS, OM ACCOMMODATIKC TERMS, TRAC,T of rich and well timbers - LANDituate on thnbrth-ean side 1 1 of the north-east branch oT the -Can Fear riverjarid on the south'- Holly Shelter creek, (both navigable for oats of burden), in -?bei county of New--Hanover, containing 29184 acres, by sur vev. . ..v i ;v . : v Part of j the'aboye mentioned tract of Land is not inff rior, in qualitv, to anv j he state, being a luxuriantly rich and fertile soil, well adulated to tlirpr'v"uc. fion of rice, indigo, bemt tracer, or do-' ver and timothv, as it ia capable rf hcng, made a rich meadow with proper cultiva tion ; and a considerable paft of it is hifi , and dry, and well fitted for'the culture of com, coton, and small grain of every kind,' as the part of it now in "culture proves, as t produces, in quantify equal tv any land of the same quality in the , State. Indeed! the whole tract is sustsep- f ible of being made of immense value, by industry & good husbandry, for it is uncom mnly well watered, and abounds with th? most valuable white and red oak, cypress, qedar, pine, and other valuable timber;, all of the most superior quality, and can- hie of furnishing an inexhaustible qusnti y of staves, ' whoop poles, scantlinjr. plank, boards,ann naval stores, peculiar ly Hvell adapted to the West India mar kets, to which it has a ready outlet from the river i bank, by Wilmington, frotn which' it is distant but 28 miles, and t which there is a safe and bold navigation, as well by the north-east branch of thef Cape-Fear as by Holly Shelter creek, which bounds it on the N E. side. S that there! is not in the State a tract ot land combining more advantages for t trade with the West Indies, than this does: or indeed, with any other country marte', where lumoer ot every desenpy tion, and naval stores, "may be articles o necessity, j . . ,f On the.tract there are two fine mill seats and some others can be made1 with a tri fling expense of money and labor and d iacentlto it; there are threr or four valu able saw, mills, somsof which have made good fihnk andscantlingt l&c.from timber got on this tract. So that it enjoys ever fapiliry that can be reasonably desired for manufacturing the timber into lumber Cb for market ; and h market can abVays-lb had at Wilmington for all .nicies of this kind, if thR persons concerned should do- , cljne sliipplng: on their own account to other markets. 4 . ' i As it presumed that no person will pat ch ase or lease without viewing the land, a further description is deemed unneces sary. Persons wishinglso to do, are res pectfully referred lo Wm. i Smith, Esq. Regi ster a f New-Han over county, to Jo , Lamb, Esq. former Surveyor of said counr t and to tlie Hon. Charles Hooks, in Du plin county, for a koowlexlge of the situa tion of the lands, and to the Register's of fice in-the county of N! w-Haoover and to the Secretary of Srale's office iriRaleieh for a knowledge of the title, as also to the subscribe r 'who is ready to exbibft it,nd who is authorized ' to treat or tbe sale or lease of the whole, or any part of thciaia tract of lan - ':vr- l 1 1 ; ' I will remark, that as a liberal credit will be given,fit b possible that there has not been, a property; oifered for sale nj many years combining so many natural advantages, and liolding out such a reff sonable promise of gi ving an immense for tune to the purchaser or owner, he uwS only common prudence, industry and good management ; Tor f ara specially instruct ed, by the present owner, UW that-m-. shameful defiredations committed men whose vupidity has firovedtoo'iw erfulfor their: honesty, compels mn P offer it for sale. ' , "".- : -::"- Aud i anx also rastmctea to grot notice, that all person found trespassiag orlcommittihg waste or spoliation on tw said tract of land, or on the iimber there on, will be proiecuted with every rigour the law allows. And ! am alsoiostructea to inform the persons settled on it. w they will not be disturbed in their po- sion untU allhope of frieudly. accomui ;v dation sbalffaiL ; ' v ; , I: ; : ; 1 JOHN IX DE LACY, . . ! 1 Att-V for the heirs of J. Baker. tAe. To 4ve trouble, th 9 the whole tract is S180.U00, payable b mstalajbts,;rinn2 -years; the nrc years without Jnterest., --''. ' ' S '' ii .i'.nf 19 ; i ; J .53 w- BLANKS- Ofall binds for sale here. - Si - . i ;. Post-Master In the StateJ mm v . r m m j m w wa -m a -v 11!

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