ted it iJ satUactoryo learn, that whole can be completed for that sum. ! I ' vrfl indulge the hope that :the system whSch JiaS been thus commenced, will l continued . , progress commensurate with he means I,f the State. The opening of ttoanokelnlcjt - an oh feet of the highest importance, when li.nnsidcr its relation to the t trade of-the iranoke Ricr and Sts tributaries. : Nothing-I uo'lid COTluiuuic ukuc w jaasc uie siaruunsr, jnd incrcf.se the wealth and prosperity of the grjte ..and if it be practicable and Within our means, North-Carolina otifrbt never to relin quish it The Roanoke Navigation Compa ny We length, extended the Canal at the Great fan's to WeldorvV jtrchard. From the Orchard to the River bejow, there is a por ta I respectfully recommend to your con ridcrationurhctherit would-not be expedi ent for North-Carolina to carry the canal to ' the river' either by subscribing' for the unap propriated shsresln that Company, or by such other means as your wisdom may dictate. It Js worthy of the enquiry pf the Legislature to ascertain whether there are not otlier obstruc tions at or near the moutb3 of our rivers, the removal of-wliich wou!d ca.use a similar effect on pur trade with; -that contemplated by the oornlr.? of the Cape-Tear, below Wilmington. ' 0ir PuM'C Roads should claim vour serious coiviklcration. .A vast rnniorrjy of the farming community are com pel! eel, from their 1-ration, to tro to irWkct by roads. - They are not in- : t v f t 1 ? e tcrestC' mijjcviaxtrjy iu w- prann ui uur 1 i TerSf cxrt ut (as in the case of the Cape-Vcar Mo V" "IminjrtciO it is to liave a general ef fect on tiie trade of the Stae. . Our roads arc bail, except where natuxe has made them . rood ; and in some p'aWs of the country, it is very difficult for the farmerto carry his pro duce to market. From the 'attention which has been paid to the. navigation of out rivers, tl)e people living' Jemote from them have a right to expect a correspondent spirit In re gard to roads, and the uniform devotion "of tlieir representatives to their interests and wishes, is a pledge that they will not be d:s-appointed- : The present system of repairing toads, which has existed for a long tunc, is teix defective, both as to its unequal opera- ton on the people, and the temporary, un substantial repairs that are jrenemny made, which c!dom lost longer than the fall 'or a ieaw run. Should tlie Iegfsiare, deem it expedient to open newroads, a dilTerentmo'V j mirf li o.?nrtfl itT Vpnlnf tlirm n Trrrn'r - I nnrl It utdd'be well to maVe an cxner-m- . . .. a fhft'nwinrxt mr.f!lAil KonnKf'n.Klr is.lu .,rtt :, l ShouM you tliinlc it advisable (o daBo, it js v-. rt l"Vc-.t. mris " I k i;ks;.i kv !.g;.fT rto.! Ji-ure to cb aiculturaJ societU s as were. m;.it v. f,mP(1 In ,ff...nt nn of the I - St.itej'hps.'t h honed, uroduc-d the dawn-of themsi Ives of the nroffVrcd cnec.urairemcnt. unci is the best argument that can bc-otierea for the cunf nuance of Legislat:ve patronage. Such is the rooted strenerth of old customs and modes of firming, particnlar'v amnnrst us, that we must expect imnrovementto be irraduM: and should Iueis!ative wisdom j'een) it .xotdicnt to teen the sublet ulive fi r some verr. we shall, I think, witness -a radnai marrh in imjSrovemeht. Were each sureessire i.ensiature to thrr-w in its miic ori!v; in th way th -.t it may- deem mot ex- t crear roo;!. ,1 lie Amcncan b aimer, an in- a'uahle aricuTMral paper, published , in T!a';rmore;bv Mr. J. S. Skinner, has spread a creat dea of useful information among our planners.- -rfsul Im done mucb good, if the I Lesisiitire would, present each agricultural i-irietv in the tate with a Tew copies of this wrrtj it vnuldb'e of great ser;ce to them in j Minr mertmes, and at other t.met wben tin y i in'trht wish to examine them. 'I trust " will not hetleeneu chimerical to recommeni me nurrhnsc of a s-nallfarm near our University,! tn be nnt under the-care ef a sri"ntbc and prac'Ical .fvrmer, who should, besides a small, saLn-, g:ven asan'additional inducement r one qealified 'o ofTer. be allowed the poiluce ( of the farm wh"ch should be cultivated intne hiehet order. f)n this farm experiments shd j be m-j'!e tinker tbedirection the Professor of I Chemistry, in manuring, as .t ind. quality, j an.l mrnnr of nnlving, and :- the various! in thos of ctiU'-ratmer-different rtic!es of coTifnon 5To'th,"and such as mkrht Redeem ed mp'Tint to introduce from' ahror.V? . Tlie J person haingchare fifthr. farm shouhl un-j :.-rst.iMfi e. mechanism anrt use oi vtc most i immnriJ nrtr1m.nc nf iinkim n'. and also I . ' vdl informed .in the different depattmews 'f doineslie economy. It is unnecessary to 1 fi. nmra m!Wnto . o mv dfe'mi !i nnlv In I anew era in the improvement of ouragncu?. .miu-.u .. ture. It is encouraging to learn,- that'in ma. as are prqper to be laul before you. ; nvcrunti.s societiA have been instituted; With the highest respect and cons deration, but it w astror.jrproor of the diOicultvof cor- Juive the honor to be, gentlemen, your oou rer'i.icrlonfrcsfabnshed habits and methods of ent servant - ' . culture; that manv counties have not s. railed - G-BRIhL H(-Lr.b ketch an outl'ne of the plan whicfi some, re- j tions of Miscellaneous Literature in the coun ectron has suirjrested to mv mind.- Let the j try, including a great number of valuable En- udrnts othe Umversitv, of the two lugher I classes, acromhanied bv the: Professor of l 'lien isirv. visit t is little, fatm at such times I .--! n nir oe lixea upon nv xne -acimv oi -uc i t ' . .1 ...li.. .fiL. I Vfiirt-iVtv. aivl there see ami learn the useful rc ss, &. Keaufv of husbandry. What a stock of I ns-ful knowledge would this enable ouryoi'ng 1 n.entnc-rrvwithtberinto,thebo?pmosoc.e-i i tv! The utility Jcprarticabilitv of thisVW dc I lives m'"ch "pncrt from he" assurance which I v-e mnv feel, that-tne able and. inuet:iijraf;e I ' (TJj The IMJtors ot the Columbia Tele-r . : , . . T Acuity -of our Cniversity woul I cheerfully ( scope, Augusta Chronicle, and I.ynchb'urjr' imKviduals are perpetually changing. eo-operate m t be attainment, ot Uie imporiant 1 Virg-inian, will each insert ' the above tour j Th&r truth is- known and . ThVhrt. niTniivAMmn James Hogan, jt, at WdadeTphia, but it IS Ollly a comparative! - . - - . --'. . . 1 M it x- 1 .. . 1 ' 1 rselfhr the -passage 'of the law abolishing I -hh the price of advertising annexed. imr;rsAnment for debt. - . Should that humnne f r-i- 7 : w be permitted to remain in f.irce, fP :ers, experience will clemonstraie tnai- 111 v iil not operate- anv inconvenience tcf jlh- i ef.mrr.nntv. but will curt i!.t? etentiou rSi rfed:t, and't he numerous lawsu fs consequent in unonree 'instirution-ria nor .-blotted t "rom tun. ii Lmiiauuii i dc7p5r free and er.nghte.rcd government. , w ceruiuly proper iLt we should from ,! hrne to- time examine, our laws and adapt jlem to the moral conditio of the peopTei A i-w that suited mejt one hundred years ago it,. ..1:". . r....r-- '.iiBit.;T ; -rr ;-i ; -v-Mrieoon Aicrmcioi. , ve nave ueen icu to xnese vi.!. .hi ;;Sty oAhoV fnn , 1. " brreadinj 1W pneedinis bf the ?ilUn. '" fecn,nr ' SI Albridon Brown. C boro'. adjoining the lot legates assembled at Washington C illiu llC IJ'.'I IC Will ur. iu" "vinni-i, , I'...-. . . -i Tl, .u.rtHvnjwjrna f""TO ' ''?- I mn tht the Drfeiuknt in this case. is. union Of the Potoraa? and the W oar ewtc.foreveTt-namiat ine.timyr-i t.i: 1 Innri ten rpfmfinf with" swivariffio-oia h? te who should ratUjc claim our com- "f ieu,e iien- - T"; 77 U: Passion and charily, stvdl no.Ionger De torn flY e W . e li T 7.1 ' ,t V"8 lwMi.U4C appivuauuu vi cycxj rVf,fn rv i -r .hfvnnfinpii V.th to c held for the county of, Hertford, at the . , '.--4.r "'t K'Lfet n:r fofeiS nalcode annears to me la require amend- 1W ",..u..., f. ulmj wnuiever iu . a;. waiuency.io,-lacurewe SfbnT SpPteS the intercourse bcnveen theS. to atWWonvpasVto strike from the awarded. , , promote mdustl(hcompetltlon m- reapccUnjr perjury the punishment, of - " PLIV dependent' of otherjcbnsiderationsJ'mttSt "I'jjpmsr. vrlul mc- auraice a would not sit xticm nov"; niwl jriUftetupsfti off a' centurv from this l:me, our posterity will no doubt be astonished to find our code mnrred with this barbarous punishment ; when they shall have adopted one, equally calculated to answer ihe end of Jhe law, whilst the'door of reformation is not closed J-on its unhappy victim.' But what can induce a man degraded and deprave!, to amemi i:i life "with a m-irJc of infamy on hit bead, that must follow him wherever he goes, & exclude htm forever from society ? -The punishment of crimes is intended to deter persons from the commission of them ; but every wise law will certainly aim at r reformation: of the nerson punished, crat least will not prevent it. Jt is submitted to your wisdom, whether the punishment for counterfeiting would not be a sufficient' penalty to the perjury law, excluding the whipping, and retaining tin? disqualification to give evidence."" I. would fun her recominend to your serious delibera tion, whether it wou!(l not be expedient; to abolish entirely the punisbtfeht of -whipping ; and whether t he punishment of their, under any cin uiiibtaiicts, should be equal to that of murder. Since my up p ointment to the Executive, 1 have witnscd with much, concern, the fre quency of imprisonment for common offences of assault and battery. I am certainly an ene my to a loose and "hu fBcient pebec ; hut 1 cannot'coriCciverthat-the power vested in our courts of imprisoning in every cake of asjsa'.Th and battery, is at all necessary for the security of tlie peace and good order of society. Shall we throw a fellow-citizen, possessing all the honest and honorable feelings of our nature, into a dungeon with persons charged with, or convicted of, Ignominious crimes . I respect fully suggest to your honorable body, whether if would not be expedient to 'abolish impri sonment for this offence, except where thvVe clearly appears to be an intention to kilt, "or the person offending is unable to pay si fine, or the assault is made on a woman. ' J I have received from the pufcJiaers of tue. Cherokee lantu, complaints of avery serious nature against the Ttidian, who pretend to be entitled to aSrefccrvation of six hundred and forty acres of land each, reserved to them by the'treaty of 1817 and '19. For the protec tion of those honest citizens, who purchased on tlie credit ofj the State, and the insurance op better sales of the land unld titan the last " Sale s made bv our Arent declare, I would rc- commend tins subject to-your mature deLlrc- TatiOn. I IiaVC III mV DOSSCSSIOU, letters uapers that will throw much litbt on the &(ib- jeet, wbadi shall be Ju;d before you i.i gooo time. Accompanying tli communication, ere the res gnabons. of the justices of the per.ee, and nekl olficcw of toe Uiihtia, as have been re- ccivcxl during tlnrreee-vs'; togethe with my V rSUIE annual Commah'cation cf the 'Grand JL. Lodge of North-Carolina, vill be held at the Masf.?:ic Hall, in the Citv of Jlaleiarb. on Jiondav, the 15th day cf Utccmbcr next, j o cl .ck.m the evenui''-. . 11V cider of tilt: Grxu ! blaster, AT.EX. . f AVriJEXCE,!). C. cc y. consequence of the death' of DA VID HOftAN, late Jooksclier of Phi ladelnhia, a lan'-e Stock of TATiiNAR baa been pli'cd aVV- disposal of the Admi" I nistra rs ot n s estate, to oe sow at reciuceu nnr.s For Cash. Alerchanfs can be wcl! sud- I- plied with all tbd School and Ciassical llooks and Stationary- articles generally used. 1 ne I Stnrt rnmnrkfs nno of the best colhe- i trvsh hooks, whicli will be. sold at cost value, und in manv cases below it. To Clcrgvm it will anord a good opportunity ct tunnsairg tnemseives wnn stanuaru wonts on .nieoiogv, ki .i 1 i : i : ml. l I both English' ' and I.Atin. -'Ordere forw arded, or apnlication-made at the Store, NoC 255, Market - street, to - - - JAMES IlOGAA, Jr. will be punctually attcneded to. ' Philadelphia, Nov, 10, 1823. Sute. Ot OY,l-llOTOVmn. HERTFORD COUNTY.- t. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, August Term, 1323. '-- - . ; . 1 . ... .; 1 .n WnV" ?TefTa - - - - - r i- r . & Thft Wnmnll Kfl ;n-arre f aU ces commences on WEDNESDAY, the 26th instant, Marrtaton, Nov. 1. B j v. o . .1 HAVING it iii!neir.shortljrtorBov1Vom ,,; . ;'k - ; ' VW'iMjfcd Donald M'lod-c'iaiiW hnllofiii '" - i. of Raleigh, viz A welV improved I. of, h? corner of Faretteville and Tlavie streets, hav- irf on it An exceilent dwelling-house, and alH necessary appendages tor a.eomiorjaie resi dence, and occupied at present by Mr. Bird saH A commodious Store-house on Tavette ville street, now occupied " by Mr; TTcndon, and considered one of the heM stands f; r bu siness in the Ciy A dwellin-hptise . with a j'anlen and out houses, .on .Salisbury street, new iu the occupation of ?rl latyrencc'i and c.ii p.irt of . the Store Let , and t vq pieces of unimproved ground, prt of the Presbyterian Church lot. Tor terms apply to 'Henry Pot ter. - ; ' '' r- '! "' ., , ' TRKDRTIICK iIHEMAtf.'! Nowbcrn;Kov. 1823. . 2-w3Vx . . IlUTHERFOrtD COUNTY. ': Court of Equitv Fall Term; 183. j William Blanlon .Or.jrinal bill of Injunction AuiustusSacket "n"T:inpeafmgtothe satisfaction of the Court 8 thnt Augustus Sacket is not an inhabitant of this State j it is tb-j-e-lbre ordered that pub lic tion be made for t hree1 months successive ly in the Haleigh Kegirfer, that unless the va' AurrusMis Socket appears at the nexi Court of T.nuitv. t be held for the couhtv of I.'utherfoTi!, at the Court-house in fUithef fon'.ton, on the th'frd Monday after the fourth Monday in March nr-xt, and plead, answer or demur," the bill will be taken-pro coafesso and heard cx-parte. v. Test, T. F. I11RCIIETT, C. & M. Fr.Krjy.g5 2S 2-:5w. I , RUTJIEUFOItT) COUNTY, r t' fjCourt of .Eqiuiy Fall Term, 1823. Walter F; Uutherford ' - -.v. : ' Original bill of In junction, i Augustus Sacket. TT appearing to the satisfaction of the four 5. that .Augustus Sacket is not an inhabitant of this Stare; Bt is therefore ordered that 'publication be niade for Uiree months succes sively in the aieih liegisler, that unleksthe said A ugustus Sacket anpears at the next Court of liquity to be held for the county. f Kut herlord, at .the Court -house in Rutherford tf.n, on the 'iii-d Mondav after the fourth Monday in March next, and plead, answer or demur, the bill will be taken pro coafesso, ana Jieam cx-parte. Test, T. F. BlUCHETT, G. Sc M. Pr. adv. 5-C5 2-25 w ITWDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1823. I Cftercitrte Lands. Col. John Patton, Ihe Commissioner appointed to attend to the late ?ales of Cherokee landsf was ere,a few days ago to make his return to the Comptroller ; and we -are. con cerned to find tiat ho has been able to sell but forty-seven small tract3 of land amounting to S4850. This has been owfn, principally to the uneasiness winch has been occasioned in that country by the Indians claiming their reservations' of land, which have inter fered with some of the purchases alrea- dy made- Wn 11 ia. otir present JLegjslature to: satisfy the Indians in respect to the reservations which they claim, as, irtil that is done, no further sales of importance can be expected. There is no surer criterion' of the prosperity of a nation, and its exemp: tion from fbrekrri diflicuities and dts- seniions than a progressive system of Internal Improvements.; Man alone iu, :f ,,f,,T.Uw or1 t,wnvoo J 7 r generations yet - unborn, the means ot individual comfort and the power cf - - promoting national, advantages., In every great concern of life, men con fine not their views to the present my ment. but even in temnoral concerns. ' - . A . f ' they extend their designs with a noble rerard to tjostenty. TtaVlAM is immor- ' . -m " ft tai to the end of timei' hile men are iiyina: everv-moment ine Bnecres felt by all, v fw en lightened individuals, if bo look beyond their own and immediate, descendants," and in the true spirit of philanthropy extend their active speculations jfbr the benfif of succe eding ages. , - . : remarks De hty an estern. waters. r A design ot SUCh magmtUde; ' ! 1 : j - 7 ' - - 1 tu UkU- PHJTr. eriess as ave arc to intese sieaf ' j r? i j'1"' t i."1''5-'" '-v fe? 1.M?fitM5 expect tdderiie from thejcu ;Most cof- : . lfin HDi'r harnma ovf 1 1 -f l-irii -tits . . . . iv. u. it .1. ...A. t.iii.j i.ii iiii.iA ..... iijvii ikir ..1 . I 1J '1 11 1 jl. Pf. Jill lllllt 'VailUlkT U T IIUInMf I removing bbtrdctioas in Hivers-drairiing SvainpS cr cu tivatics:' arm Lands. -3 The President of the Urntetl Hfatqs rehu rietl to "Vashington. city, for Jiis winfir residence, oh th 5tii hist. :. ftr. Sccretarj Crawford has ' arrited at Was! i n jt on , anfi , h avi ng nearly rc - cove ed his healt wiU refine the dis f!:C'f the duties of his Officer - cnartr vif' ' i6':'''' ; V:'' ' ; The it will enibcratieblerVesthat seen bv ; the returnsL ct J t!p election from the state of:ew-ljG: Ji, that about two-th.ids of the Gcnenil Assembly of that Stat mdi be decided ly Denidcratic andjin IfoVor of a ; Con gressional Caucus?; This is welH fVe must clint to that system wliich has gi ten us a JeiTerson, a Madison, and a Monroe. c Let the voice of the party be concehtraied.-lieard and obeyed. , . : ' - - 'pckjvz Sucw'e. We leran that Mrs.s KHzkbcth Ballard, wife of Capt. HehjJ T!alard. and daughter of Robert Fliddlck, Esq. of (3ates County, m this puti a period to her existence, on Monday the 27th; ult, Mrs: B. snvs recovering from a- distressing. illness ; and ;:he rash act is attributed to a par tial " 'derangement ' 'of intellect,' under which she had been labonhs for a iew MTeks. Mrs. B. was only about ' 4 ycar'of ae, and is represented -as: hav-' Jngbecti-trtily amiable in her disposition and pleasing in her manners $ she: had been married three years, and has left an injant only eight months old, tMeel the vvaiit of a mother's care : She eject ed her purpose by placing tlie inuizle of a gun to her tliroat and applyinfher toe to th& tHfrireV, the load passed entire- ly'thtougW her neck1, which occasiuned her instantaneous death 1 1 KxxEsnt.-In this State, a propo sition forv liking the sense of the Peopl e J on the expediency of calling a Cc: veil- Tion to am end the Constitution, has re- centlV failed in the Ledslature. We are not informed of the irrounds on which a 'ConvenfaKjl was proposed to be called. xV pieeti States Squ rig of the Officers of the U adi-on, cruising iindcr theor- d ers of C qm. Porter, in the West In dies, was convened on board tlie ship Hornet, on the 8th of October, for the purpose of testifying tlieir respect for the niemory of tlieir gallant comrades, who have been killed or fallen victims to the cljmate vhile iupon " this service. The following resolution was adopted and aj committee, apppinted to -carry it into effect : ..... ;'i-' i i- : : . v;.;';' ! .-'; ' -i Resolved, Tliat a Monument be erected in the City of IWashintoJi,. commemorative of the fae4 of bur gallant coinrades, on which tlieir names shall be. inscribed. i-.t V mi rie has been (Mass.) wlaere tablished for makin ml cimens of the ore has been een critically, examined and pronounced equal to kny ot Jsuropeah qualitv. ; 1 he factory oe able to supply this article rious qualities, hard or soft aarx coloured. IV i OENE RAL ASSEMBLY SENATE. Thuksda On mbtidn of IIr, lowing standing Committees pointed : " i f Rins liaker, Speight "' Of , Propositions Eornev Gtavles. ana ,v iiiiams. yg. u- :i- '. i' -.'i,... - 1" r-i1' J" J wav.?John H 11. Bowers. Pcarsall. ftarln Hut- iiAAiou. ewa . a, uiraii, " - 1 Mr !r!aTtrmi liaidj. K Itavin' ,1 e nis atrention from tlie G(Ui prominent siubi and internal freaselect committees. . - -i i ' , . Pencils. Alead 1 V: f""-- V ; ' tactorv' has been V' : Cadiz. Thein- l-as fe to SENATE. . J ' ' j af.1 Parry 'from jrwecutiriJh disrJ ' ' " - V ! .yNov---': v 'Wries eyea so far as on his tormet- thvl fh" X ? l . Welbornthe fol-. f 'YJ-W-tM r'-r'T-'t ssrs.Love,-M'Leary, Haw-nX;!1 Jackson, -Riddick, Vanhobkl and "t, -Legislature will haver v to uie. communication I x;:,v;-r",?V ananonnerlv !.;' - I r t nor. Kebelieved the m0st VIZ .??. SST??';-: iectreVPubUcmdd improvements : A?ncuN to Mra. Marararett. vnD:rv,r ' ' i. fure Grirainal' W; and oie Adminis- lr cf hmond, Vlrglrlia. "S 3C' Vr ' - rration of it, and th Public Lands ac- r: quired bf theaty with the fcherokeehi " tpntUe' mnerent sujdj eci , .0 TirTTOT? CYO . ffWits - . J?y: '1 V V'-VnE?. Q1S, xesidenCfi. nif . a r '.." - I grossing Clerks, ch . was concued eSSS': ? . in 5 bntnojone: of the candidates had a upon' lum.Tt.'And a'inaV Afi-nT'-''- ' "'l 1 1 majority of Totes; : W; fiifnas ndrelatiTtolirD,',at In h5s4S''i'i 'i the Jbllowtng nainesV hid' fcenwith- SfeS V.aym rt general fntfc 2 H -V ' fi a - - . t t : lie retion of Keit ! MontKT ry, Lieutenant Colonel of the jMi(iti;i of IIertford,as read and accepted. ..,; r, Aftton presented T the jib lowing resblutions i , 4 ' Huso LVEu That i 'se ect Ccfcmitfe be an-; Armstrong vf:;;' ::'Z "--: ', . r pointed to enquire Ihtd the srfatc pf the sevtrf f C f i ialmconxiiated Banks of this4 .Strife ij whether M" -i xrl:l . . JLJ -i J .'.'. - -n nwics it em uus ume JX-nw,cmeu-agTccn-. bly o thc'if chatters, with spccic and if net, Ko ascertain when the la'd l?anks wdl be rea dy to resume Specie pay mentsV And In tlM ouci that .-ti ,eirri"et.irai - imd ttaiemeiits WWM u VA.v.HiiiG tl inttxv, That tiielMibh Treasurer lay;..; before the Treasurer ft; statement of tlie a- ' mount bf the Capital Stock cf tie sfvcral liimtq otv tms State, and ot , the dt-bt& due: to 19 btate, and ot , tne tvht& uue t-o ftthe mcftjes depos'tetl tbeejn in tilxiuktioni; and of the c;ihvQn tlie sajii of, of the notes hand.- " 1 ''; r r k Thse resolutions redd aiid 6v irec to lie on the tablcif ' fr; The following standing Cokanitteis ' ere 'appointed,-,'V'.'' ... iJ'roJwsiiiont'tintP GHtances Messrs. e V Edmonson, Polk, MeWnBICa'ileV, J.'iii't A. Williamson, done?, L. Obem-, Ct'pejand, l iJafwel, Croom, Blackledg- lloiiard, SJO i phens'Ashdand Alfbrdi' VriX f CVwwMessrs.'Iefnia'n, ' Cordcn,.J5ari tin, Hain, itainey, Whitaker TUriti-r, tiurevi - Elbott, BeU, Heline, Sm:ti, Miller Ward,4.-. , . AVliitc and Martin. J :,.;. r : ; .'U;' ... ' i Eiheatiun Messrs. Fisher, Flrnt. Tjfowrt; Clancyi T, Mann, lit ............ . Ma,mi, -VVilklns, Barrow', Vaoh, Edwards Frederic Oliver Sfciwel! and Cclel .y.- i ticwiwrVMessrs.' liowvy," )Jolland,: IK denhanimer Brbwcr, Jeter, ffndervooilA3t3 te.ii,;i.ewls, Mhcon; W. I). JJarnarrL.ii'Dam'el. . avis; Campbell, l!cN.,and i'arlaiicL Interna? Improvement Mrsrs ConrV Horiou, lJroad:iax,-Mrrtiti, Mebai-e. W'ebb Ii. P. . Williair.son, Pake'V5 ::vvnport VauiW llellen,. Jos. lliil, Sidbuiy, Strange; and I H. I'nd rwood ;. Dirgaoi WortJi; 1tarn :il.TweW. Bvnum Imix, Webster, VValke vl'uc.; liitehu .1.1 If; WIVe, Melviii, 81!. rWmd (idi-don. ; .7ttv--Cirs5r,!u-:;r)Mul''fiiriieh'Tavloii jx. joi; ;ui, aiaiu vj a: (l i unreil. Ax IxBtnnrAi. ssliail an?ear next hrrp ,f - - . v, T. TWO DAYS LATiilL . . ... ... . f-'':!-'-i ''. r."-J oi jVo-r. rj4. ti he s.np JV'liierva has arrived Weto1- from Liverpool, wj( h. papers , of placed to the;.20tl,:aiil London fto itli ult 'i.-We UavevonKtime to. one or two i(cms cf intelligence obuin : Pil troiii -fri tiiwi ;vcinMrn.l .a 1.'.. t-Ji... - ...... ...v., urvcr ililu wi u p mi v rcpr cortse.j quence of his' having in adef some impon- , " tant disclosures, vvnich' Went to itiipii? "5 cate.about SUO persons. ; : ;r A treaty is spoken of hn the' panerSf 1 f (but on :what authority i v ' have pbt v" learnt) ? whichv ta-ovideA tliatl CiCUUHi ,V : event oi, laiiure 071 the part cl tlHanks 4J r; spply th-rbper cbrSective, t-itln. tb said;:f . be) v ri ? ,- rr. Z !LJLl??g?",' , - u ' Advertiser ofecc, cwhiclu we haye glanced over.H ; '-h'- frenchmen are-.toqecupyv Spain for four '. C yearss,dtmngyvbichtin .irarinaiaiid Cueti havo' onerietl "V tlieir ; KlJ!f W obedience!,to thi& i rving s oruer, ana the tiovemor of f 1 mladRodriga only Ranted the Ki order to do the'sanlVthin.-fBarcel ona rpmnin enma fiiiiAi'..i!j.'.:Ail' . '.. avuiy UIHO 111 OCVlUC' "4 ItiTVCT' .1 i j (' i ne. uuKe uoii Pmibnl iikiri untifiwpoadecrfie? . - - ? ' r Wcervof h U V, A ; ' will qjryswfiHiw, approach!, i ( vV v : .. lino. tlP.ir fnii-i irw..T.l u ..i.l.i " . : -. 1 1 f I ot the va-zr -l-v; .t-?-.rv sixicuy en- f h ; I f , . light r TO"V "fc -- ;" ;-.1'.-, - ' - ESS? P.W:m?!.'.-KT.-v;-,-r: I '. f: .?n were :?ar) I te-'.V''itU?t01, .j'.i ':v''"''::'V;'.:?.I ; ' ' ' ' ' MARRIPn . WCOrena on thp t, ! Air.vITiomas Rafflaml ' ftZS V i' ' K. f' . V i It - , J) ''!'- r I r. 1;; ! ' IJ; i'l.lil II j it. ant 11 If. il-v'

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