- V.. r POETRY. OR Like 'orient pearls at random strung. rOR TJIX BALXTCS &X6ISTER. to the Houselof Commons forf concur- The bill for the ; better regulation o theTowtf of Windsor in Bertie county, passed its 1 3d reading. v ' ' - The bill to amend an act concerning provinar of, Wills &c was ' rejecte its second reading - . , I ' The followiijfflinis were1 presented N Bv Mr. Seawelli a bill toegulate the liractice in the several Courts of Equity in this State. ", Mr. , Phifer, a bill directing in w hat manner the laws of our sister states shall be received in evidance in this v.. : Jtnleight Jov.'l, 1825. Gnrrtnmr I spent a nignt not long since state and inu uagoi an aajoimng county, Mr.1 Harrell, a bill to repeal an act va much disturbed by the wild ravine of an - unfortunate maniac, who is confined in the " 1822, to encourage the appre- cauntyjaili" and doomed thereto spend the nensipn oi runaway slaves m me vireai approaching1 winter. Oh that our Leisla- Dismal Swamp which were read the ture would- take some steps for the relief of first time- ' ' SATURDAY, .'NOV. 29. ' Mr. Forney, from the committee o Propositions and Grievances, to whom was referred the petition of Elizabeth Wilkins, of Burke county, praying for a divorce from her husband,, reported such poor suffering mortals. - .The aboYe,circumstance has given rise to your receiving the foregoing lines. If you think proper you can publish them in your paper. . A SUBSCRIBER. . mmmm ' ' - : "tub, ruins. . - I've seen at twiHght's pensive hour, . The moss-clad dome V the mould'ring tower, I a bill to that effect. ; In awful ruins stand That dome where grateful voices sung, . That tower whose chiming music rung Majestically grand. lve seen mid sculptural pride the tomb,. "Where heroes slept, in silent gloom, ' ' Unconscious of their fame : Those, who with laurel'd honours crownM, Among their foes spread terror round, And gained an early name. " I've seen in death's dark palace laid, The ruins of a beauteous maid, Cadaverous and pale : That maiden, who while life remained, Q'tr rival charms in triumph reigned, The mistress of the vale 're seen where dungeon's damps abide, A youth, admirM in. manhood's pride In fancied greatness rave ; i lie who in reasons happitT da v, 'Vas virtuous, witty, noble, gay Learn d, generous and brave.' -j Nor dome, nor tower, nor twilight's shade,. Nor hero fallen ; nor beauteous maid To rujns all conn.sign'd Can with such pathos touch the breast,. , As on the Maniac's form impress'd, The ruins of a noble mind. ' AL0N2O. A message was received from the H. of Commons, proposing toballotrinnue- f d iatel y7 for Governor, and nominating for the appointment Gabriel Holmes presented a . knemorial ety of Friend s j at their v' Mr. ! Beailresentetrtfie following! ing for leave'WerectS;aO resolution i u i"T 4" -i " C flic teotvEW Th poimea 10 enquae into luecipccucuty wi re vuiumiliee. Oil pealing the act of 1815, pitfvidrng for the e3 vances. f tj lection ! 6f Electors to vote for a ; President .. , tr Zinixr an1 Vi Pfcif1nt oftlip TTnitprl Staffs hvnl . afi ; i;n 4hirpr.rtrt Wcr.T I irom the; boci the district principle of electing Electors for yearly, meeting, held at , JS ewj Garden, the same purpose i7 And tluit the committee lnullfbni,! on ;e have leave to report by bill or otherwise. that measures jnay be takeii to ameli Mr. Alston said, this was a question of prin- orate the! condftion of Slaves. Refer ciple wtych might as well be brought before red to Messrs. ! Stanly, Ward, Black theUouse at once, as the House would, at led?e, Pujrh and Love. . last, navexo aeciaeuic uucstiun. nc suuuiu, r i csxJ.r . L'-I il,. Ar therefore, oppose this Resolution which pro- Mr. Stanlv presented the petition (if poses to refer the matter to a committee. sundry mnaDltantS oi tne county o Mr. stanlv thoue-ht tlie House freauentlV DavidsonVlresnectins: the Ideation b erred in coming directly to the decision of the seat of Justice in said County Tle- f Resident of. tBe.,Board, ajul ( count.. choiceibut ito. tfdv th Prorjsltion staVes i ducecu i ins appeareu io luju aeon cunitKie groes, mentionea in saia petition, of proceeding. Regarfinr the present Re- emancipated agreeably to the wish solution, he thought it would be well to make ir v4.i- -akek questions of importance without going into a ferred to the COmmi tte On Propositions P;f! andferievance. r I : . i Legislative Bodies first to make this enquiry, . xir. r isuer presenteu me jkuuuii m and if the measure proposed be deemed ex- me executors pi Anarew aiqcieugji. pedient, a bill to effect the object is mtro- late oi Uowan,! praying that; certain lie- , DC and I 4o lime: oraer ior some ccnani uay. un mis subject, however,' and on every other in rela tion to general politics, he had an opinion, which he was always prepared to give. lie was not disposed to flatter amr man, but tq speak freely, regardless of the consequences. Respecting Elections, if-there were any cor- against; they were such as might injure the prescribing the duty of Constables and rierht of election and on this foundation our other officers in certain cases ; which country had attained tlie pinnacle of the high- was the finsttime.; FThis bill di est giory, ana pecomc me aunuimiun ci xn,reets Constables to return warrants in world.-' L,i. . i: ...- ..i xi n M. S. recollected to have heanl a senti- i.e.uteinci.wiierem urcy-aie xvx.S ment expressed when a boy, which then Mr. Otaniy irom tlie J utiiciary tom greatly shocked him, but the truth of which mittee to whom ivas referred the resolu be had since believed to have witnessed on tion instmctine: them to enquire into .1 ! I I . C7 i . some occasions tnat; Rionarcniesgovem Dy hire, Republics by fraud. Hv the p-cneral ticket, what interest do the T ' : . I a and the Committee on Propositions Grievahcls. j; 1 i . . Mr. Melclier presented a Bill to a mend an act passed in 1819 relative to .. I- 'v-;: ! ; tne apprenension 01 run-awayj staves, Mr. Williamson presented a Bill the propriety of amending the Laws providiuji: for Widows, reported a bill f . 1 t 1 1 1 1 Ml amena saia j laws-? wnicn Dili was the -United States ? Look at the returns of read the first time. Saturday, Nov. 29. Mr. Alston! offered the Resolution i , Resolved, That the Public Treasurer be di followiRff GENERAL ASSEMBLY; SENATE. ; . Friday, Nov. 28. ilr. Peai-sall presented the following Resolution : That a select committee be appointed to enquire into the expe r f liency of altering tne Inspection Laws oi tins btate : and that they have leave to rerartby bill or otherwise. AVnich was aareed to, and Messrs. Pearsall, Burges, x Baker, Cox, and Berkley were appointed the committee. Mr. Buries presented the petition of, sundry inhabitants of Halifax coun ty, on the" subject of building a toll bride over the Roanoke River at the town of -Halifax : Also a bill to carry the praver of the petitioners info efiect Agreed t:y. - A joint select committee was formed to superintend the public buildings and the expenditures of appropriations there on : on the part of the House of Com mons, :Messrs. Tavlor, Clancv, Mc Lean, Sellers, and Martin, were ap pointed 5 and on tlie part of the Senate, Messrs. Cox, Wall, Speight, Marsh & Marshall. . Mr. Peebles, the Senator from North- the three last elections. How many; votes a.npton, ooramed leave oi aDsence un- "r ' VTA r 'A i j . would venture to sav, o,uuu out oi ou,wv. r5?? ,v r ' Ard vet, he asked, is there i subject on " ,Mr. Hill, of Frank?lm, from tire com- wh:ch- freemen OUP.ht to be more alive ? Do tnittee to whom was referred the fleso- not our lives, our liberty, our all, depend up- lutibn relative to an amendment of the on the riffht administration of our General rected to lav before this House, a particular Tndirinrv svfpm n far as rP'in s thp Government r ! let vou have cunnmeJ v. rte- account 'and .statements oi the Receipts and Circuit Courts, reported a bill to amend - -r"- j r'11" v."'" r "1V- and extend an act passed in 1806, tor thc know notlune. of the men proposed to first dav of this month fNovember ' tlie more Convenient administration Oi be elerfl as Electors, and thev tlierefore . .'V 1 i ,i justice within this State, by providing feel lib interest in the election. I i reiiei tor tne counties m wnicn suns m ; uy mc jjciicii utci,iL u dtu, w c c their Superior Courts of Law and En ui- State its proper weight in the election of tv have or may so accumulate, that . r.. ,.a. . . . : . . , v . . . 1 . i Muiln ui uic o laic uiiiLT iiiiticuauy 111 tiicn ui- they cannot be tried at the regular tprpsr, Thp pa5t MnoTt navai "stnw. mm- terms of those Courts Read the first lumber and cotton to one market r the west time. drive their beef to Augusta-' .W here, then, is ' Tlie bill authorizing tlie buildmjr of e propriety ot our acting; together upon the m n -r i n: -i enmee or I'resicient r v e are torn tne state n kl I k trMTW MVMT ATI f f Tl f I L TB Kl.Sai- I I I y Ut! 4- r iii:r. ..,i benefited by it. How? Is it that, citizens' much money paid to this person, and u.c iuu m u-a,, I ... of the State may share the loaves and fishes f so niUch to tliat, Without sayin-fbr what p.. , uucu.n.u,., c.uu Spu precise obect. file wanted to know lit. Let us look for what we are entitled to from r J ; . . . i Monday, Dec- 1. . (the General Government, oh the ground of the particular: object to Avhich. every Mr. Wrilliams, from the " balloting' ourmerits; not on account of our giving to sum ot pqnej mia out uy trie i reasu- committee for Governor, repented 'that the President our 15 undivided votes. rer was; applied an-he. said tins pas r uUr; TTim did v fdf cteil But llow have we succee,.aetl in our calcula- not only his wish, but it was the wish Ga,.ne'" ,,me sndS(,uy f c. l tion Look at the State of Delaware, some- nf Tnanvnf his friends in the T.ersla- JVIr. Wellborn presented a bdl to a- times called the littlc Republic of St. Ma- man ot,119 lreTs in 7ie S k mend an act to extend and improve the rino, and you will find that she receives ture' as U-as of the people whom he two roads leadin from Wilkesborouh more attention from the General Government, represented. t m 'r0nnAccpflnu. firarcsrtppfs than the State cf North-Carolina. We are, Mr. FlSHER observed, that tlie en- onn.intn.o nf rnn.miw.npry - al-n Mr. S. mere Pirppits moved at the com- tleman from Halifax had, in his usual a bill to amend an act to appoint com missioners to view and lay off a road A motion va& made that the resolu tion lie : for the present on the table... v . Whien - the Reporter entered the Hall, Mr. Alston was giving his rea- sons tor introuucins tins itesoiution ; which were, aslfar as he could collect tnem, tnat me ?tiveporis inaue uy me ruoiic ireasurer nau not Deen sumci- We are told the State entlv particular j that he had stated so woich was read the hrst time and heading across the" mountain from rcsse- , ' ! . Wilkesborough to Mrs. Bogle's, in Ire- Mr. Graves presented the petition of jeu countrv which were read the first Sarah Pennix, of Surry county, pray- time, and tne latter fefti red to the coni- mg that the property she now nas or lnittee of Internal Improvements may acquire oe securea to ner. ive ferred to the Committee of Propositions and Grievances. Mr. Cameron, the Senator fron O rancrc, obtained leave of absence till Monday next. " , uY,;,nih.StK Mr. Whitfield presented the follow- flrst t:me anH referred to the committee The East loses all'weiirht in the election. This charge, said Mr. F. was altogether Inn T Ao1nrTrtn vi7 T'hat tnt Rr!iri I a- ii Th!o jopmio nr nt imo nna mon n iinmnnrlpd. ThP irpflsnrpr had ' mm - I . j L t skim, u itvrii. riu . aiiui. ia.v .vm. v i nn jm rpi-lrlTI FIT rM - i k. 1 1 j .3 1 1 1. - ui jicijl tx.j vi ixiavtw vii 1 1 1 1 v.mvimx . - ' .... I v" in.v.. ,i . . . . .. uivMicjr nia icvviA i'u inm the silo jof the Cherokee lands and from the dr videnysriang from the Slate's ..Bank Stock on one side of his account, aid an the other recites the sums' he has paid, and to whom, and any j man who is acquainted with the first rules of A rithmetic map satisfy himself as to any enquiry he could mke. But if not application can be made directly to the Board, they keep regular. accounts, and can give any omer particulars- which may be desired. ; ' ; But it seemed to be the wish of tiuv gentleman from Halifax to psa a vote ofcensure ion tlij Treasurer? yiVt had" supposed thatfthe result the bi vcstigation which tliat genilesnrai h;,'( instituted sohie ytrs agti intu tho ofH cial conduct of this! venenible- pfficvr would have satisfied him. A commiT tee, of which fie was himself Chairman,, after ji very full examination, not onl y exoneratetl the 'Ireasurer from thV chtrges alleged frag;ainst Iiira, but verv highly eulogised him, and contained the most severe censures on those concern ed in instituting the enouirv j and 'f is Report Iwas signed vbv the centleman himself. He had supposed, thbrelbre, that lie vyould not so oooiihave been de- r n -it - - sirous 01 anotlier enouirv. Mk I. honed thb ftesolutinn wnl lie. on the table' until tlie. Report of the Board of Internal Improvement was re ceived ; and if thatha!l not he found- satisfactory, he w ould support a call on the -Board for 8Uch information as tiuInV be, i udsred necessary. ' The motion for laying tlie Resolution on the table was ca;nied , 5 ' Mr StHinge obtained jeave of ab- sence until &ata relay next. l L - . , ... . M'rl Iredell w llo ity lot the inueujiire posrponemc the Biirfor the relief of David UlaTock. of Orange- county,! moved' tor (he re consideration of the vote The yoh? was re-considered, and the bill passed, its firi t and second readings.1 Mr. Ward from the Committee ap pointed to conduct tlie balloting for a Treasureiy Comptroller; and' Secretary reported that John Haywood was elect ed Treasurer,; Joseph Hawkins Comp troller, and AVm. Ilill Secretary. Mr. Blackledge from the Committee of Pro positions and Grevianccs, to whom was referred the petition of the Execu tors of Andrew Caldcleugh late of Row an Co mty, reported a bill favorable t the prayer of the petitioner -which pas sed its "first and second readings; ell who voted in the major indefijiife poisfpohement of Tlii CIRCUIT COURT. Court convened at.10 oYJoc mand of some Jugglers who hold the wire be- conciliatory way j consented that his Re fund the curtain. t Ll. . iinUllm W rUfohlo ' P J 'Pl V, .fnr(h Ctt0 ,.r. OWlULlUli BHUUIU ,HC VM1 IUU "A cursed v-Hh a larre slave population, the pos- 1S part, he would rather it should be session of which, ives a rons'derable addition taken up and at once i rejected ; as he to the number of our votes for electors. believed it was intended to reflect on The people of the west have fewer slaves ; one 0f the best irien in the coinmunitv, the curse bears more lightly on them; the am, Qne 0f the I most correct , officers mice li uic- iiuicascu.iitiuiuci u cictiuia m . . i ,1 . Mr. M'Tnd nresented a bill to re- naM hv v.. whv then shm,M nt under tins or any otner government.-- noul th.P latter rlnuse of the 8th and the have tliem ? Yet although we ouerht to have. The gentleman had said, - - . . . . . . II 1 1 1 1 11. I " T1 . . 1 1 I T1..U1 Whole Of the 9tll, 10th, and 11th. Sec- icacrainunmcrs, nan me Rectors ; xnoun had Public Treasurer had not tionsofan act passed in 1822, to pro I every man in the Euld unite in support with the law in making his mote Agriculture and Family Domestic X 1 tnat tne complied Report to the hinds of Internal Improvements instruct our Tlie bill to divorce Elizabeth Wil- VIar?f Part.v its necessity doek not exist, it plied with the strict letter of the law, fetate engineer to survey and lay on kins 0f Burke, from her husband, pass the route for a Canal from the Falls of!ej 5t reading euse River to Swift Creek Bridge, or . Mn Hill presented a bill to any point on or near the said Creek or ma(e garan Smith,, of Stokes. liiver, or-any interseenng streams , the first time. legiti-Itcad is unjust and should be abolished. as ie had reported the amount of every V In hlsri b'J' fd' faTf V5 sum received ancj paid on accdunt of the motle of elcctmer Electors, was, to lav oft the , , , -1 r i, i 1 . State in districts, let every district have his "ara, wiTiclr was all lie wa requiretl Elector, and e'vecy man his vote. to do. Did" the pentleman expect that But by the mode of electing- by genera make out a plan and estimate of the The engrossed bill for the relief of ?cict how 's,thTe. ticket agreed upon , pn,bable cost, the nracticabilitcut- Ed. Owen was read the second time, b ?SlTaS ting the same, and report to the next Mr. Seawell moved to amend the same fXOm the trust, Traitors t6 the Constitution, General Assembly : also, to report the Dy adding the following section : form what they call a Caucus, and tell us who practicability and expense of rendering ;t frti,pr Anwi tw u shall be the President. Our State Lecrislature. the nvex navigable by LiOCKS and Uams, every person heretofore convicted of the acting " like master, like man," go into a cau . v I. . . i. t . a! . ; I I hprp la nnt c? i1 Ir i trrati. ti-iurl imnn resioreu xo crcait in tne same manner i -. - - .M vim mc ThRpsolntmn " on motion of Air as if he, shk; or they had never been convicted tne constitution,, a greater curse, or more l nis Itesoitmon, on motion oi jir. f . ,,. J . dangerous invasion of the rights of the peo- M'Leod, was laid on the table. otanj crime, n . plethan this Caucus Svstem. Mr. Bryan presented a Bill toamend Mr. Speight called lor the i eas and Mjr opinion is, that the law providing for an act to nrovide for children born af- Nays on" the adoption of thi9 amend- the" election of Electors by ; general ticket . ter the making of their Parent's will ment, which were leas 2 IS ays 5o. ought to be repealed, and every thing which which was read the first time, and re- The bill was then read the third- time 5" countenance to Caucuses should be pu be engrossed. It is I firrMl tt .1 colort rninmif fv riinctintr I and Ordered tO f Messrs. Brvan. Gihhs. Albrittonand merefore a law. ; Callawayi - The engrossed bill concerning Mi- Mr. Vil:on presented a resolution chael Rvmer, of Rowan, was also read instructing the Committee of Claims to the 5d time and ordered tw be enrolled. t3!vP mtn rnnsidpr.itii.n thn rlnims of a I It IS tlieretore a law. ' i .,... i.i x-:i.rn , L portion of the Militia of Carterqt coun- Ihe-bil to regulate tlie practice in pdthe Resolution woilldforthc pre ty, called into the service Ot tllC State verai uyuus ui uuv in una mitted to lie on the table. .1 - ...... down. I would nrefer the District Svstem i but if that cannot be got, I would be in favor of giving the Legislature the power of appoint ing Electors ; for as an "Election of the Le gislature would take place before the Electors would be appointed,, the people would liave it in their power to elect such persons to seats He hop- present be per- in the vear 1821. Mr. Wilson also presented the peti tion of John II. Hill, Colonel of the Carteret Militia, praving an allowance for services rendered in 1821, in a de tachment called out to suppress an in surrection of slaves and free persons of L color in said bounty. On motion ot air. Love, a State, 'was read the third time and or dered to be engrossed. HOUSE OF COMMONS. mcssasre Friday, Nov. 28. Mr. Mebahe from the Committee to i whom was referred that part of the Go vernor's Message which relates to re- was sent to the House of Commons pro- servation of lands, w hich certain Che .in to rwniuL tu-iuorrow' niunimir un"--"- . v,..Uv,. ...v. p.w . . j I . r- ii . -a. . -a . i i -a tr ot the tWO Mouses I0r a fs,"s U1 I1V tuuuuueu m. Mn Ji. JJi oivTi concurred m opinion with tne-gentleman -from Newbern.-th.it the Heso futions ought to lie on the table, and be made the oraer for some distant tlav. The sub ject was too important to'be decided without consideration. . He moved that it be made tiie order of the day for Wednesday next. Both motions were agreed to. 1 On motion of IMr. Polk, a message was sent to the Senate proDOsinjr to ballot immediately for a solicitor for 1 the meetm Treasut the present incumbents. . 2rth davof February 1819, withinthe Th- engrossed bill to repeal in part I"nits ot this state, reported a JBiii resj the fith Judicial i nistirt. the thnt ww tlVli AJAA VI. A 1 Ul II ill m L3LlllVr:a uier, Comptroller, and Secretary Cherokee Agency on the 8th of July are in nomirtion ibr thatappointment. te, aiid nominated for those offices 181?:, and at Washington City on the This message wasFnot concurred in by the 4th section otan aci pas&eu in i&uo, ""p "r '""' ? 4 hW Mifiol.-iwH ut thia Htate I read the Hrst time. rel 1 men, the benate. Mr. 'Blackledge . . I . AT I 1 1 T 1 V . ... -i ' .it ' i acc kianaiinfi f l aniiorcnn x am i ative to the- Artillery Aompmiies on ;. ims. iuuwsu, serving as juror ,hrht Infantrv, Grenadiers and Utile- appomteu a uommutee on unroiiea Mr. Clement was rcaa tne tniru uuic auu. si-uu . ip iui : m. jeaie o not concurred in by TirPSPntAf! ilrifk rni Which Was tition nf windrxr TnKif f Vt.f. County praying to be exempted from "S.': ' ; -. !-VLr. -, "presented the petition f Rowan County pray- yesterday morning and proceeded with the trial of John' Emmoxheiser, ar raigned for robbing the U.v S. mail and putting in jeopardy the life of the mail carrfeK Rrverdy JohnsonEso. ad dressell the Jury on the part of the pri- soner, ana was iolioweu on tne same side bt- U S. Heath!,- Esq. When Mr. Heath concluded, at three o'clock, the.Court adjourned and convened a- gam at closed Attorr VALL 5tcd of by Eijas! Glen, Esq. District . . v l 1 1 . - Til. ev. At. o'ciock juuges knd Bi, and delivered seiKiratu I 1 . ,1 ' -r 1 a1 ' x: 1 cnarcres to tne Jurv,wno nien reuieu to their room. ! It is here proper to re mane tnac tne muictmeni coiisis four diLstinet counts, viz : The fvst rnnnt rlmrrd the nrisoner with - '-.it- - r ,- ty, 1 . - th&: robbery of tlie Mail br the use of dange rous weapons, and putting -'the driver's life in thp Trpus'irpr w tn rprnrt evprv nnr- ieonariiV. The second count -charred tn- ticular expence incurred, did he wish i PM the bbery of the mail, con to be informed hbw much the Engineer. nj ters, packagesc by P , . ,.4 . , r i . T7 & ' driver's life in leopardv. The tard counc when travelling, paid for his dinner or; cedf the prisoner Wiethe simple robbery supper; of how; much each particular , offcke niul. The wrAj count charged the survey had cost! the Board 1 All th e j prisoner with the robbery of the mail, by put Treasurer had td do with the fund ap- ting the. life of the mail arJ injeopardy. propriated for this purpose fvas to re-j The Jury were absent about one hourfl ceive and keepiti until repilaly drawn wien tgev returned verdict of guil out by the Board. If the gentleman TY 0f je third count, .and W guiltt wants to know the particular expendi-1 Gf tjie grsty second, and fourth counts tures'of the Board, he ought Jiot to call Lf thelindictment.- The verdict tbu& the Teasurejr, but 'on the Board j suhject 'the prisoner to thepunishnient on for them. , Indeed, he believedthese particulars were jreportcd to the House on'a call 'kt last session : and ifthe gentleman: woul take the t rouble of examiningl the ffles of the House, he would probably find them. The General Assembly had not vet received the annual Report of the Board for Internal Improvements. VV hen that w as made, it would proba bly contain the information which the gentlemanj required ; if not, he might call tor such other particulars as he wanted. He saw no necessiiv for this Resolution;, and should be glad, there fore, to see it rejected. - ' , !- : T - Mr. Iredell iwould be glad if the gentleman from Halifax would infor it tlie House how the Treasurer could get at the information which is now called or. He knows only has been drawn Irom authority -:; and there act creating the Board proveinents which directs in drawing his jwarnUiti omects ior s wnicn time, draws money The Treasurer Islvesled tion. Whenever a wJrnuit s present- i ed to him, j atlitjo.erabr, as j of imp snmont onl v.' 1 - American 10th ult. Heiasbeen sentencied for 10years.J .1 StatelBank of f-Xcfrth-Carolina. ! RAMici Nov. 27, lb-w. " ' . . -m " 1'.-. i W k. r ES QLVKD, ,4hat a Diueou ot juu. Vi.. UH lilt. jaijitm be, and the same is hereby declared . last halfyear, parable at Raleigh on it r Monday ral Bran 4 v rill xV"m'' " - VM. II, lIAYV8JVA.'y ':. I '! ' . -Z - . aTA - !' ' J. couit of feS AeS1s,' fa. that the money e Hnpthiirt-tbu , .rA., ..i--i icnVdillJutpiibt.n be , , , : J ' f Kil JW iflld : eAtintv an he nrfct ;l : oT February next, and plead to .ffcthir will be entered .'t . ao-um&r infill. . T . i 'A -'ft