A. c r-. - " -4 a" ." i f J k y - 1,. . v: 4 1 17 -llibaltoWcaifti - j " LnckyNirthGarolina Lottery, FOBTUKES BIJLLETES; .... i" - . 4 . - rnilE TICKET Combination ;-32 - 16 26, . X which drew the Captal'Prize of 20,TX)O. ' in the Oxford Academy Lottery. 'drawr. on :the 30th November, was presented by the : fortunate holder; ; Mr. Fr Sheldon. f Prov-. denre, R. L ind the Cash' immediately paid by Mr QSeixosy Fortunes lottery OfRce, 165, Brcdwaywhoo"Id the sameito J. B: ' ..SrootULbtterv-. .tv Exrang Broker Pro Vidence, R. 1 nml. by - him aol to Mr; F, 'Sheldon;- Thus in 3 weeks has. two. Capital Pixes been distributed fronVthis Office. S6 . CO, in itie Washington City Canal ' lottery, the jrize of25.000? inthe Oxford ' cademv Itfim &20JXJO 4 hesides irt former Lotteries SaOXJOO, 15,000.40,000, 5,000; &c, Kew-YorVj 'Jan, 3.'- v'-'; - Wicribe. ' hcg larerto inform Jps ) v J friends and tKeTpuMic," that he will open ' - a Private Sch'oft! in '.the, jriciiiHy of Louishurjj, -on Mcmda the '2Sd. ol 'January nexiVHavnJ i,-' 4tad charge, of :van 'Academy for the last six. J ' veVsand liu'ttlen'ion to business, he flat ifcrs himself, that he' n'U r-ceiyev- ay liberal Jra'.r'insge from i a ' generous public.; : -Th-course; qf studiei 'in hit Institution uitTbe '"prepnratriryjo adm'us'o'n into the Collefe of V tui SUte-lIe w. uld j."ccommo::ate Boardcis, including tuition, for 540s per Session.; He pledges hinrself, tliat the most strict attend tJftn lii11 :be'tiaicl to ihe literarv a-iuire- menti arwV - moral ' deportment of $ludeBts . Qommiited to his care, v .' ' '' 7- t r- ..TIIOS..O. STONE.: State of! NoHh-Carol inar '.';- 'r.' v. Aihe county. "v-' ' ' -'v-Vv- KoTvrober term, 1825.- - 'CitharineMuler,V ' ' ' ' j t ' - : " " , " '-: ' ' The Heirs'atl.atcofnaTid Miller, dee'd. - - Pert fan for Ihrwer - - ' IT appearing to the. Court that George and lolly Miller are ik inhabitants wf'this Stated it is ordered by the Court, that publi-, cation, be made tn the fi-Ieigli itegiaterjvr aix'Wetk'r.'' "that unless the Vaid George and tTAilv" Miller .aT)DruT at the "next Court of ' Tlea and Qnarter. Sessions to i be- held for the coantv of'Afhe, on the Dd Mordy after fhs' fourth looiay Mu'jatiuary ne anu in vwrrtothe petitiofu the mitioawiUb heard "ex nexrte. .WitnesvThos Cv Ioaa. Clerk, ut ofnee -bla the'lst Monday i.f NoveihJer Thomasi Callowav Clerk. Uv D- Earnest, D C WARREN1.0N, NT. CAROLlNAi THE Subscriber inrortnathe iiiii f Dublic that he has taken a lease i occupied by r Robert iTi.Checlc, and former! -owned by the Jphnsoa family; aituated in the moat central pajof.thetowif, which' is-6w-ii a situation; to ehtjertafri any number of -Visiton jn the'jnost'coBxfo'rtable .The furniture of-eTcrr'descriptidn is new and of good quality. " HisTable will not be surpassea Dy anyjrn ine nomuern puiic. t ther in yariety or" excellence i The Sble aire extensive and Attended t?y careful and CX ntrienced Ostlers, and will he constantly 'sup pled With every description j6f provendefof the best quality ; and n is Bar wnn.tne cnotc est Liquors (quite unadulterated) .which xan be procured ata Northern market. ' v , V" '' The building is so crmstnietetl, that gen tlemen or families wishing to be private, can be furnished with sitting rooms and chambers so remote "rom the public part of the houses as to be entirely freefrom the din and bustle on all public occasions V; . ' ; ; . l 1 The great attention whvph will be uniformly paid to guests, by the rBar leepVf an6Tthe servants, addctl to his own personal exertions arid the liberality oi his chai-ges, he earnestly hopes will meet the full approbation of those who' favor him with 'their, company. , . v ; : - T. H; CHIlfSTMASS. 4 jjeotors or tue latcijr; wattlk. pg ,JmiahJ5attIe,'dec,dare1 desired K .v! i ' '. "-I of Barctiy street this 'innniin'ann ?f-V.W'V-, -: k ,parment -of fhetr debts before the I -rru -mV. r Z ' u i4 1 rf rnWnd i - MV Prnr had hnh ati Au i n. Y - ' Plyomm : fi,;.,r;;i;v- . ' '-.v tLe feeing durinV ,.:-Xv- ;: third Mndarirt Febsuaryinext t or a uiviaena orij -pen cent, ior ure lasxi . r --ut-l ri:I v.- ., -"vtw. i tnen De comnttncea airainst ,tuemjlfliv. W!nnfh s -. f- f - - - 1 . . .1 ; r . - : Q - ... . -.;,'' 1.1 .;r'-u-tw.1 . - , ' 1 - 1 ttne citv.K and arose riefore; sit Tntiocir.-V rv . lire o Dr. to makel County : On the suits will The ; Subscriber will attend purpose ;tjf.'receiving; these ebts - T" i -3 ESSE B ATTLE ,'Anm,." .'Jah-'5.v.'.v:; 53-tc: - i NT) coromittel. to the .tail of Nashville, nL 'Nash county,"KX. on the 10th jristant, as by, ; Mr. Sherwoods. Evans of this county to ,Mr.. Jtfatthews, or Mr.-Meriwether of Geor about 8 or 9 years Wo'Vhe hai been about in this and,. tbe adjoioining f counties ever since f; and, I iundersiantdhe tin w ber longs 'toMT Harimih' of AlabamaV . The ow- ner is requesren 10 - come iorwarar prove properiv, py coriejs, ana xa.fcc niniaway..; lUUICi -. Tr III IXI bLiU, W iUJUr. NashvUI?, NVC. Oct. 162 1 3m "t Y virtue of an Assignment, by Deed of B Trust- to me "execiuecL by -John If. Mc- Kethen, for thelienefit of his cj-editor,1 will sell on very jeaonable terms,' .fe interest wh eh the. said McKethen had; and which is 14 Cw -1 State cil" Xbvp-Voht ' ''.V ',NMt!an)ptornCouit4r.- Court of plcas'and Quarter tSrssions, " - December Term, '1825, , , jas. uooosoth ivc.e; Petition -for diris .Gson & Solomon I .i0n i fMandue uoooson, 1 8on, deceased's lands To -raa Cotet. J t ..- , TTT anr.earinr to the satisfaction of the court JL (tiiat .Thomas Goodsn, one of the Heirs at ja- of id Mandue Goodsoiv dec'd.is not a jjesTdtnt of thia StaU- si t fc at . the prd'm try .'process ' of la W can be serv -d'pn hhi : . It is theref re bvt the Crtirti that publication be made six weeks' successively in theMaleigh Kegistcr, tnat umess tue aaui 1 no u-oason Rnrear at the next Court of Pleas an 1 Qnar- ler Sessions to be held for said couniy .f iVottliatrptoriVon the first "lomlay in March Jiext,' knd answer said petition, the same will be taken pro contesso and -heard exparte- as to him. . i . J. W. HAUHISON, C.C.CV ' Dec. 14. " f i;? n' 19-6 now vested-ln me, to EIGHT VERY LIKE I.YJNEGRO SLAVES, Men, r Boys, Girls: Also all thelntercst bf said Mc Kethen Jn and to a Lot, with ita improvements on FAyctte- vine Street, No. tnesame.wmcn is now occupied by Thomas Powers: Abo a vacant Xiii on -Newbern Street," No. a89rarid two other improvea Lots, on wnicn irs. imcKcu now resides, numbefedJ-;2r6, in Raleigh. Three hundred and fifty acres of lAnd, in Cumberland county," on C'ape Fear River and Silver Itun, said to be valuable, joining4 Archd Cameron, Hector Sttiart & others The undivided intierest which the'said John had. and has assigned to die Thousand acres . of Iind, in Sampson county, hel in coinunction with - Archd. , Cameron, and ColoT McKeHar. I have examined the title of said Mc Kethen, and f am prepared tb dis close the extent of it to any person who' may feel disposed to purchase all ; or any of the above jdescribed property I am authorized and shall prefer to make a private contract for the property, but such part i it as shall pot b.e disposed of before tlie llth day of February next, will be sold on that dav; to the hig-hest bidder for ready money ,at the Court House in Ualeigu, tti car ry into effect tlie Trusts set out in tne assign- ment 01 uie saiu aicrveuien. . ? WILL. IL H AYWOOD, ','''' ''': Trustee. Baleigh, 6th day cf Dec. 1825. 15wtds U actoTagb & VjomnVssoii TH E. Subscriber tenders his- services to his friends arid the public in general, as Factor Sc'A gent for the sale of Cotton; To bacco, Orsnch other art'cles pf Country! Pro duqe ;is are brought to Fayettievillefor Mark et, and for " the ' purch ase of' Goods gene rally. , '-j.V '.' t;,f.'.','.v ttwlr ' ; He will invest the proceeds? of anv sales by him made, without commission; in Goods, ot anv, description I that mav be ordered, or pay or remii me same asae may De niretea, paying the most particuor attention to the prcK-rs of his'employers in that respect." Having convenient Warehouses for Stor age of Produce or Merchandise, he will also receivlmdhip, or forward any Produce or fir either of those purposesi ' Ujv ' ! t ' He promises prompt and strict attention to.the orders and interest of his. employers, atnl that his' charge jfor Conxmissipri shall be moilerate. V JOSEPH BAKER. Fayetteville, Jf Sept. 98 om Notice; 1 1 b , 1 . " ' -' .. : . State of JJortli-Carolina, . v . ' FgeeonSb county. ' Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, , - November Term, 18c5.v . ' " -.r" -. William Mercer,-:" , r v :- 'V William BaifUiK; "r 7 .: ' Original attachment returned levied on two Lots in '"the -town of Tarborough, known - by the plat of the town Nos. 66 aid 77. .; IT appearing to the satisfaction' of the Cours that tbe defendant; .WWlum-'PslfourJ' it tiot ah inhabitHnt of this state ( it - is ordtred that publication be made in the ".Haleigh; Re gist er for three months; unless the : said Wil . Ttam Balfour yp r before the," Justiices a.t the next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessi ns tb be. held for the county "ot EIgecomb, atthetourthoirie iitTarborough, on the,4th Mon-laV of February rxV pIevy 'tjie'pro perty, and - plead tb 'issue, finil -Judgment Wlii DC TatCH gTinv mill, miiu 111c yiuymj vcoridenined to satisfy the"pais;tin"'s demand. 15 -'Test. MICH s - VT1UNAWAY on "the Stlfjnst a little yel Xt lowfellbWjCa led HARRY, 23 rears of Wage, verv low anuweii duui j weiguingirom 115 to ,130 lbs. left handel, very flat feet, bisliairlately cut short,lneiined to be straight; :lie is yerv polHeartfu! and cunning, being Taiscd a house servantvinougn; or .tne last 'two years worked in the crop. r His clothes ore Vueh as "field '.hands work' jnj probabry a rrey round Jacket of coarse cloth,' one of vhite yarn, na one ot yeuw cotton, tnougn lie may - vhave exc!anged them for finer 'lothes,he took offa new three point banket ' He wUl no dotxbt endeavour to pass as a .' free man, &in travelKng keep the'most pub lic road; as he !did aboutwo. yearaaTO on a " trip to Wilmingtoo, when lie. called himself Martin Fog. :' . . -r ' v : v - - ' I will give the , above reward .to any one hat will defiverhini to JohnKiteraL who Kvea on my ".plantatlon'7 mijei south of . thia place, provided he is taktri withotlt the li Uiits of this state ajxl $20 if taken, secured &c within its VunltSx ..... . , v - v JOSEPH HAWKINS. V Noy.l0c-V--: f-?: ' The: EditorftheFiyettevilleObserrer; THUsD'orough Recorder, Newbem Sentinel, v Edenton'Gzette.'Washlngton, r(N. C:) Ue ordtfr, irahfax ree Press, .Weitern' Caro linlxivajkl Vjlmiptonveconler, . Will girt tlusthr-e insertions, i forward their accounts Tn this office.'.'-, ti-l-fi ''Vr' ;:'-V'.vi-.i:V- C'- A PAIR of excellentC AR W ACH HORSES' well matched and Veil broken vU : v " - -V; : ' - 'yJppljta VSdi(ors. kI tar ILL commence its next session on the T 1st day of Feb. 3 826V'.'lt embraces s schooVlst or-AncientLaniiages, 2d ;3Xoderi Languv. es, 3d Mathematics, th KatursI Phi losbphy, 5th NHturallliMtory, 6th Moral Phite sophy. 7th Anatomy-& Medscineyfith lw and Government witn aistmct wpiessoraip eacu. To b received into the school of Ancient La fruages, .the appl;canf must be qualified to ct'mmencr- reanm xne -ingner uun cias- fc'.c?:, and those also of the same degree : in Greek, if he ' proposes to acquire that lan- For admtssion in the School "of Mathema- tlcsV Natural Philosophy, or Natural History, he n ust be- wVlli.acqiiainted with the ele mentary oper.Uions of Numerical Arithmetic, wi;h Fractions, Vulgar and Decimal, and the extraction of the Roots ;'and to enter any school, he must be 16 years of age, rigorous ly proved. Every student is free to attend such schools, and such only as he thinks will best prepare him for .the line of life he pro poses to follow V payiwg.v'tnitionfees'.itcr.the Professors be attends ; .10 ' .wiy "50 .dollars H' only or e ; thirty dollars to each', if wo and 25 .dollars to each, if he attends threeor more; rooms are provided sufficient for the accom modation of 218 studentstwo to a room ; for their lodging and study, each of them paying a'rent of 23 tfollara to the : University; Hotels for their dieting have been also prepared, and let to house -keepers of the most respectable character, with any one of whom ihe student deti at his choice, at the hxert price of $100 for the term of ten months and a half. The vacation now commencing; will end on the last of January, and it is Ftrbnglv recom mended to - all to " be -ready to begin with' their, class on the first day " of the session those who come at ! any time after, must sj ill pay for the ,v j : ole year. .The stu dent finds his own beddingj fuel, candles and wahing.'All ex pense( exclusive' of elothing and pocket roontfy) are estimated at $230 jor 40, of which tnaion, fees and rent, must be pld ip advance to the 'Proctor,. (on whose receipt alone, produced, they can enter , any school.) arid thc'Hotel keepers expect one- luuLfor their diet in auvance students are free-alsa" to- board in tlie neighboring village orelsewhere, as they chiise, paying in that case ; i u itioft fees only, and a rent of $ 1 5 to the University; All letters and application respecting the premises arc to be addressed tb the subscriber at thet University ..near Charlottesville, by a letterr td whom or sub scription with-him, (but not yerbklly lodff ies id dormitory- may. be enguked, which, however, if not occupied before the first Mon day in February, wil be let to other appli cants, j . .. ' ' V . ...... A. S. BROCKENBROUGH, 1 " PaocroH.: COMMITTED to the Jail of this County . on the lTth inst. a nesio man who calls himself BILL, and $avs he: belongso Samu- ei rvei-age, 01 uurmucK cpunty, rv.ru.i uie owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take him away. JAMKS E. GIBBLE, Jailor. Beaufort," N. C.;Sept.27r : -j 1 8 6m . . , j'.pr. ady.-$r-. V' T OYS , commencing the Latin pranimar JLJ will be receivt d. the next session, but no orie .to sthdy L'Ehg;lish ' exclusively j Those who re advanced in the Languages, will, aft ter a strict examination, be classed according to this Scholarship. Ve( decline admitting students, wlip are, at this tirpCj qualified to entr the Freshman Class in thej tJniversity of tsbrih-CaroHna ag- oiir scheme of sUidits extends no fuither than t? a thorough pre pa ration of our pupils j for admissioir into this Class, at thp openjpgo the session in July. The school will go . into .peratip;i' again on the 16tli of January. y r ! .' ; JOHN ROGERS, Princ'I. r Dec:.26tlu f 2U-4t. .. i lie euitorni ot tnexjaronna onserver are requested to publish the bove advertisement four times, . . . ' '..S- - i '. . ; J. R? t ."' '-' I: Nicholas Bidd Te :Jias; vunamtnouI j been.re-elected Presiclent of Ine Insli tufiori for. the ensuing rear; i -;V'v ?t The Jews. The Iegtslatyreof Mi ry land have just decided that'll he Jew sliali hereafter enjoy in that Sate an equality of political rights with ; other d?nomipation& of persons. ; An act was passed i bj the Iieg?ataturev Of 1824. to this effect bat before U tould? become part of ;the Constitution, ; it-was Jie- cessarj tat ji socceeding, legislature should ratify it -This has ; been , done by the Legislature 'now in. session, and the wonder is, that Maryland; should long have. suffered" tbt9 .'stain upon her character to exist, when ' eVeV, the bigoted Mpnarchs of Europe; re rerrio -1- vi ng those lines of religious distinction which are 4 inconsistent with a sincere- d e v o t ion to th e JaI inlghty V Fat her of a 1 1. When' such proceedings once begin, theiVjijDo calculating where, they will st0pifa':-I4egisia& disfranchise any portion of ifreemeni because ihey beliey ih the God of A- braharn, fsaac and : Jacob they may ucAi ,ueciue-. waicu- oiiiiie various sects are therrwc Lhnstians and diafrAnchisA the rest. . -v ' ,;a'':;-:r Georgia. The Legislature of this State adjourned sine Jjc, on the 22d ultimo. The; bill to lay off the state into5 Districts, for the election of Re presentatives to Congress, did, contra ry Jto information nreviouslv received receive the signature of the Governor, and became a law. So. that the elec ti on of Members of the Twentieth Con gress will be made, in this State, bv istricts. ' Previous to adjournment, a proposi tion was made, we learn from theSa vannah;; papers, . to nominate Andrew J ackson as a Cand idate for the' Presi dency bf the LTnited States atUhe next election. A motion to adjourn sihediu I which succeeded, put an end to that p oposition -'j: " SX ',.-:v.. v,- JTlie following acta ( show that" thLe- gisiaiure were, not so mucn, engrossect by party . contentions as' to; lose right tne coaracter anq interests 01 tne Uiis mornirrgand.ln xbnfpariy wfh'a fel r low student w;as proceeding tojthe steamv : boit rosVthe ,rt stae1 for ift th waM relufn home ft beingjlark rid Slril' F; walkjngr in haste some little'distancd. .' W; hefdr? his; com panion; " the lat t er tal (eil out to-hfnr fo be careful, but'the advic? wa toil' 1 af e jTor t lie h e xt ni ion eh t, 1 I ti i F,j;jtnen?.jngo'ihe;' tridganti Jieat-:. ing tKes steamWhizing frotri-the b'dler,: v : and i probably u pposirig the.t boa t Jay . Close io tne onage, stenpea oh. any tnu9 ; ? t - - - ,i met a..Watrgmvp;v,nie ljrVi ' , Vyl'iC' V inabout tweive'ptlt jfrpnithe 'bridgeu,; '.v-' ''' The'body of thjdecsedwas toundyri1 ; J - r" . k . ' - , .' 1 . 1 - r 1 about four hours after the accident, oc curred.; A1 J ork&Ppst; Jan 5. , ' 7c 2ce fc VYe haTerscarceW any thing to add to thfe particalari whfcj ' ; weavejn our last paper ; J The riumv - ber of butldin cohsumejd statfcdivwas about;ffbjrt and "deMnlion.v most part, insuretl.4 'fte lpss; .to indi yiaualsjrf'consis and heavy articled in the Grocery line, v ) stored in the Lumber-Houses a portioa 01 wmcnvwe recrei. to unuerstanq wiu fall tb the lot ofour cbuntrr friehda to -f ' bear; It is supposed that between two 7 -,' and ; threes hunared;' Baled : of Cot ihri, S were apsiroyea.'.; 1 nere were no uves I osteal though some wounds and bruix;. es .were, received in .the attempts made a to stibdue.the ahgrj element -DouBt " ; less many of Our enterpn3in citiienjci: : jmve ? suffered considerably ttt fiavirig 4 . ' their goods burnt and "damaged bj KSas.f;ii tyTrembval, yet it Is, trufe that-we.bear 'V y. ofjbut few cases of severe distress :.:.- the whole range of ; the tonflaCTatibCN y " 4 . sucn was tue cooauess tji a'rovuience 1 in tempering this visitation'to'the,vam . uus circuuistiapces oi uie uuiuucr iu volyed ; in soV extensive a :calainityi y Still tlieremay be instances of peculiar . hardship--should Buch in. fact exiit, we feel a strong: ;Con fidence arisinff from : our juiowieuge oiy tne communiiy- ifi which' WeTIivethat the i eye of benevo;v len ceiwlfnoiibe fllowtV seek them t out, nor the hand tf chanty prove tar ; dy in applying the proper remedy, . ; It is agreed on all hands that the fin ; was the work of an ihcendiary-: but asi : yet ; ine perpetrator, remains unaisco . vered v Would it be ' nn'wise in ouf Corporation to, offer a Rewhrd for formation- might it not stimulate en ,- 1 1 -A ' .77 "A' - V. . . . -( V''i1. . BY AUTHORITY. An Act raaking appropriation for compensa- tion to the members and Oihcers, and for the fibntingen; Expenses, of the two Hous es of Congress. i ), , :'v r vf..f 1 "' Be. it enabled by the Senate arid Hiiusi of Re. presehtutirca of the United States ef Jlmerica tn Cengrets aasembletl r hat. tne. sum ot ,-four hundred and htty-tive thousand dollars oe, and the same is hereby, appropriated. for compensation 10 inp p enaiors. ana memo ers pf, the House o ( Representatives, and IJele gates of Territories, their pfTicers and attend ants V and the. further sum of eighty thousand dollars for fuel, stationery, and all other contingent expenses bf the two Vtloases, of Conress ;land"'. that the sad .sum bei paid out of aiiy money irt the Treasury, not other wise appropriated ' ' '..'rj'" t, y - Approved Dec. 23, ; I S25. . ; r FRIDA:JAKCARyy13, 1826." U iCitii PolicelMaridzY rieit ispthe day men Dy taw ior tne annual eiectir on of the Intendant, of Police and Com missioners of the City, We are:of opinion thai too little attention ft gene rally paid to' this election,! when it is considered that these officers j fix 1 the amount, .collect and expend .the City Taxes, and have the sole cliarge of the mu nicipal regulations of the City Decemberl5. t "19- d Mondav the,23d ofjanuarfl will be cx- W posed at public Sale,- in" the town-of Smithfield,' between Tliirty and ..Forty NE GUOEi, belonging.to the estate of the lite John WilUams, dee'd. The public are invi ted to attend, as the Sale wiu be" perempto ry, and the Slaves are -very valuable" Near lv one half of the Negroes" sold. will be out up for cash,' and the residue tor accomrnotla- uon paper s soinat ooxu casn noiaers ana credit purchaser can be suited ' - T ' vrr ..- .ALLEN SBALLENGERO (ISAAC WILLIAMS, r i 7 y - Adm'rs.- John Williams. j OeccsabffrS, 1S25 1 . 15-ts ; Mr. : Long onW-of -loWRepresebta-- tives in uonsress wno nas oeen ueiam- ed thus late from hu post, by inqi$po siuon, ,nas taxen nis seat. . it . . ' V-The Supreme Court have granted1 lit centes for the piactice of Law to the following persons BUfce; our lastjv v :. l4athaniel W,' Alexander, of Cabarrus t v''V 'JameG'Bpea:'r-i r- ---5!! V do i-,y -t t'i ThcFi'vllav -: : , Washington Morrison, Meclfclenburgi :; '" 'Adolph GEhringbaus, Pasquotank, ;t v Bromeeld L Itidleyj ; OxfroV ? ;John:N Bennett, Vrau B. Street 1 Nash, Orange;' of State An act, to lay out a Central Canal or Rail way through the State.-r-fThs act makes it the duty tof the Board of. Public Worksi m soon as it shall be organized , to Jake inti consideration the construe ion. or a Caua between the.' Atlamic coast of the State, or iic iuvigaiyic waicrj jjnicu ciiicr me tcean within the limits of the same: and the.Wes- era limits of the - preseht inhabited part of the State, and to search for :and"investigate the; best route by which such Canal may be conducted, with the ultimate object of con necting the same with the waters of Tennes see or the Mississippi rivers. 1 ; - ' ; An act to authorise Ebenezer Jenckes to construct a Canal trpm Ogecnee to the Aka mahaThis act grants itoyMr Jenckes a loan of fiftv-.thousand don rs, to assist him in carrying' on the work; ubri'hia, giviHg boml ana sumcient secunxy lorixspaymeprjj --' An act to incorporate the Mexico Atlantic v-qtodmy or ueorcna, .1 ne uomoanv -..-is authorised to create a capital stock of two millions of dollars, to be raised by; subscrip tion in s'tfares of two " hundred doUars each. Five dollars on each share is required af the time of sirbcribing. The affairs of the Conv pany are to be:manag'ed 'bV,fiv Directors, chosen annuallyby the Stockholders. &Thfe 1.: . . n 1. - ..':. - .. t.. A ! ouieci 01 ine uonipany is iu connect dy wv nals and Railwavs, ; oreithef the waters of the' Atlantic in this State with the waters of the Gulf rf Mexico. '; The.; Company ;, is re? quired to lay before the General Assembly at every session, -a correct account of its act ing's and doincrs." Tlie Company Is bound to complete at lc-ast 20 miles of a Canal. or Rail- Way fit for use, on or before the torst day of January, l&su, ana J ranes every year there after, until the work is donevj - y,yy 't-:?--' v: An act tfi require persons .who may here after commence the Practice of PhyaicV in this- State, to obtain ia licrnse' from a Board of Physicians appointed bj t he same, for the purpose., of examining sucb as purpose to practicei---flt is provided. in this. eti "that if any person is Known .to pracuce ior jee or reward hereafter, . who' is nbt.now apracti- sinsf physician, without such license, he shall oe suojeci ip in wcimcpi,. cwnifivuuii. be fined ; not excee ding f 500 j ahdt fyrthe second onn'Ceimriiwn-..wtf The same act provides that" all "person who may thereafter. Commence rthe business , of vending lirugs, snail previously iiuu.trg- n examination ind obtain a license, or be sub ject to the same pains and penalties as those Who may practice physic witliout a license.! quiry,i aia oj possipuuy; teaa .ojqe. , -,, ; , ; tection and conviction1? -Is there anf v J 'A objection to 'this tburse? ;'A ''rL f", - , pn the 20th pf ligusti : the Federal Congress rofGuXTEMAL fieid ; the Cpnstiiiition framed the "preW ' cedingyear. bj tKcf Constituent Astern c bly orConventton Vfn4hfelsf of.Sepi;? teinbera deputatiow plated i the decree or law of coofirina- ' tion in tne naniis 01 tne.rrcsiuent aptlr; publ ic rej oiciugs H took pi ace ops the be v casion 'T j. V'.-i - A rye iTheYMRxtOAy papm" mention tltf'..:;ei; -brilliancy and fullness. of jhe;VrwA:.ftX"? ' "'" v ' ! .' ' nr eving pa rties of M r; American. Minister which ,lhey consiv - i -w; - t deif ahiehhri useful to the ocietv of ; i when relating th e manifestotioris of rhe A4: . universal j oy proa u ceo oy mesurrenu er v- a; 11 the. Uastie tt sapJuan, adverts to the particular delight which .-that event af forded Mr Pomsetti wholiadfough Chile jand always eterted and espoused ;V . i " ! himseif;l6r Sou thj American; I nifepen " ; T - 1 -r .1 ' . t . tion; and tranquility reigned ' in , every -: lone 01 me nineteen members or tie u 1 piohi We) 5 JSpfth? ;AmericapaVWeii;vV. may f eel .iu rprie' at the 'promptitude ' v ? and comparaUve facility with which, the- apparatus oi the rederal system haa A Public Dinner was giten iaAugus ta on th e ; 21 st alt. to ou r ,d tetingui sh ed fellowcitizen?ifeto ami n the ef ehiig of the SSdsren ditl JBalC 4 TTieMayor presided fat the DinnertassUtedby Maj.Free JentAVery large njl mterf of pewobi irsaid io hive partaken; of itfe :s Fox, of Mecklenburg'countj North Ca rolina, agod about 25, yearfta tpenber dence. " Wben. a foreign. Minister 'has . r- sucn a noia on .uie memory ana anec-v tioristof1 the people wit h:whom he re-, siae, in auainou 10 me uesi: general. ; j qualifications, lie is truly at his proper . po8tiy;r:".Av;-T; .. . C On ihe 2rjthNovmbek: cornmitfft 'r'.: epbrted to the, Mexican House of Bc: ; preseutives a comprehensive ap for. j he payment of the: interest on the nan-V; - : onal deDt and -the sipport otithe nau T : onai 'credit ilepart ment is to be.nr ''.. ganited for the ,pUrpoef : with orderf J"' good faithV ami punctuality, as its gov y v erning principles.: Ample reso'urcsft krtu ?Y : - 4. 1 .'''. saut loexistior tneciiscriergeor an pasrr a 7 . . ; obligation: The trial bv jury haa been f j ' : tUbhhetjnyederii OiatHctcV State Governments were in Vesular tc-' V" 4 - I V ' . ,-. "ti- tn t .... . ... . 1 peeo aajusiea. ana, et in. motion : among r ' 7 jOn TuesJy evening last, by tneTJer WJ.C f-"t V- ' V this countyr ey. Zioii . Smith .'ri- '-'If s V -'."',; county,: on th "?9ib7 nltw. 'r-Tut f'k '"S ! ar ofbia!;VMr. ITilTum FlovtU '7 ';: : Ilammitt, in to Mi 3arh ' In GrantUle in the 98th yc Until ji few day ed'ecod hs:. enjoyv. a. can resr ecftrd r- aiid beyeoyrau vno kninm. aad,.wjiat ; v,:- . . v. f an b bly :bfId of ftw, -ne Hcvert;Avaa:r ; V"-' v ', engaged in acdaw iuoltrof iarjr KntL II .sde-j ; v :! : '. ' I sec ndaots wefei- nvi ' r'un ueitUjldrert - r',l ' eight of whciretniiiyin.rsvyenteYe:.'- t grand chdireo- Sndixt grttt grr.d cLiU ' 'r" ' -" ? ! f r. " 5 ; -I '-

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