rr .-' -r-'i T' .1 .v---isy? - RV'A:; : '. i x ; -.-j:- .o;-4; :v-V TTTT- A ; . - - i . -y.' ' .. . .,- . . --. Senate requesting" them confident udly, Be- VOinViJ' iWiRV-v'- licvirifftbat ihe estWUed i?e of .fjree and ' $ v'l, c)D64eniial comniuncaiions , between the :: S'" sTi pttM;W,e4. wry rii'nSy'v uve-nd, Senate, ongjit; for tte - . '-U . i "-.- - public interest, to be rtesenet! ilnimpatred, V ' vC- J JOSEPH GALES fc SON, i jecm it myrindignensaHte dut'v to leave to i i :M T1) re e X) allars per annipy or, C Ine l)oIIar 1 ' rfv; v t ADVF.UTISEMNTS!- 4 , ? ' " ko't exceedln'R dxte'en lines, : neatly inserted f . . three time tor . une uouar, ami i wtoiv ! ' x-:rpntfmeverr'ccVedlnirPblication: ' those- of fp'ftteTlenfftu- jn the.sanJpTOpor 1 V . :tion;.vCommtJkatidns . thankfully .rcceiv- ' - r ...Leltexs to theh Editor must be: post k" " ' ' ' V : , . , ... .- . " . XJ V ..... . , -- . . f, "J. . I : ' . V . .. n . .0 ' 1 .- I "' ' V 'TCESD AT.MARCf 1 51 826V v V;!- ;-o'?rji6itiaUjai v liLver.as irentibned in our lasf; has not V -Tct been Tounu v:v'v- v.'".' V;'' 1 J. of Mm'stVrsto tlie Congress jit Panaina ' i&9 3 length ' been -.connrmd. The I Com mjsiion consists hticdC'n t JersnClot jtnuck y, Tit present Alinis- . ' ter.-pi eVji pqt.enfeary from - th e Ul' S tat es v . ;;;io Colombia?- ahiVAnarn of t pen Ayl vani;' ;an & Rochester, ojf NcYorkV uappoiut eecr?Ury, to h r; tfie Wisip cy:bav in?;been in pdrt reraoyed, ;it ap r peaiVthat; the qusuoaon the expejli ) nc v of 4 lie m eae, .was d etermi n ed in thp affirrnatiye by ap(e ;of;24 tp lD f Cn tiie confirmation of the 'nomination f. of MrC Andiersanflie: vote ttaa. Yeas 27 Nays 17 Oh the nominatian of Mr. 'i -V: -rgeant, Yea25vilays!;i8.:,- ' nai Vote," there wVrc'but-five. inembe'r? ; f the Senate absent.; Of these, Messrs ' itfcl f vainV.o :."Npt: Jerey,nil Taze- welUofyirniiTeAbseiil from sick ess..Mrllieetii of JVl'ksissippi ivjs xcuei from-voting, baying just taken 1 " fcis 'seat urn! two'seats are vacant.by Vlcatb', those . of ;-Mesfsf r.5aU!artl,fof J : SbUth-fcarotinai an J Chambers, of AU t . bamaVThe Nali(narinteUigencer says, ! ' the" Session of ;the Senate; pnlVesday, I -(the,'"clay-on 'yr'hicb . the, quest ion yrns scU I . tied,) is briievetTtp have been the long t est continued, sttti ng'sincc; the organic ; tiQn of. the gjivcrninenf Fourteen ' i inurs and a half;: Without inlertnissioni f, the Senate sat prj that day.'--Tie yeas j and nays wre probably taken oftener , ' on that dar ihair -they Ijave ever .been 'J aince the existence of the Senate. - - 1 1 The' Intelibttncer furnishes . aVcom : i Vpl etclra n s'cri pt ofthaf p rt of 4 he Jpu r ; ? Eal from"; which the;eil of" Confidence is 'drawn in .which the Yeas and;Nays are H Vwpca ted .27 tun cs. ' : ough wc can not . Svith the statof. thjfVete oeacli; we subibiflfso much, as embraces the .-jpi f the whole.: -t the Serate itselfjhe decision of a .question inrolvmc: a deriai tore, hitherto, so far as I am informed, withbut.ati example, . from - that usaejandi upon the motives for which, not being informed of them,' 1 do not feel myself competent to' decide", j .' 1 , i, V"-; - f: J OIINjCiUlNCy ADAMS.' focntif t wine flavor ot theuii aitd 5Z4 agamst tnem,Tas follows: , , :xi ,l , . - ; ' i y,jr-.Messrs. Benton, Bernea, ' Branqh, ChandlerCobbJcTcersonv Eaton, Findlar, I layrte, ' Jlolmes; ' ICane, Kincr, Macon, ltan- dolph, Itawart, Van Uufeir,. White, Tilliams and Woodbury. 1 ; . 1 - ; i . v--Mi.ssrs, I$arton4 -Jiell, vDoul frny, Chambers, Chaser Glaytotx, Edwards Harri son,. Hendricks,', JohnsfAi, (xf Ky-) Jobnson, (of La.) KnighVLIdVd, ;M irks,' Mills,:NqMe; 1 Vheretipon," a motion was subrn ittd br Ir.Vliitei: that the' Senate cannot consUtentlywinthedut,whichitowes "?b.;?Bi ,?f;,iWur!is to the United States and to itself pro- . !. . ,- -: t.v T- --- .., -f -- - the assent pf the, I'resldent, when in their o pinion the ijublic interest -may require .such publication and such 'discitssipn, tliey do not think that present circumstances require the exercise of this right, so far as respepts a 'dis cussion of those confidential communications with open doors. ! . ; . '.' ' Ori. which the ay es and nays being re cjujretlr the. vote tvas 27 for "it, and 16 aaiostir, as' fpNows1: - ' -: 1 At"?s. Messrs. Darton. Ilenton, tterrien, Botdigny;" Chandler, Claxiotu Crobb; picker soni' FiudUv, Harrison,. Ha-,Tic, Ifehclricks, Ifo lines, Johnson, Ky.; KaneKingy', Marks, t?amlolph, Bobbins, iowAn,,Seytour, Smith, .Vanburen, !W" illey, WiJliani;artd Woodbury. , N.4TS.Messrs. Branch, Chambers, Chase, Etton,; Edwnls, Johnrston, Lou., .Knight','. Ltoyd, Mass. Macn, Mills Noble : Sanford, Thoiris, Wan Dy fcc, and ,V liite. .." t ! rheinfuiries proceeded from day to day. in various shapes; and under dif ferent, tails; . when, on the tjiht - ot the 14rh iiistaht-Mr. VahJiuren sub mitted the annexed resolatious: 1.v -, ' IieaolvciL the Constitution of the" U- nited StHes,1n '..ujhorising the President of t!e United-States sto nonnnatev- and by and With 'the advice'ahd consent of the Senate, to appoint, ambassadors and other - public uiiniens auxuonzes ,mcr nomination anq aDOnintment to offices of a'dinlomatie'clm- i ' . -lttr.r..M.nf -ro&nlti turns Afi UPf .111. 1 5 i x . . ' V. )' m c r - fc r ,, f Hi:'-c"r win, ci?uTig oy irwie 01, inter-nau ' 1 vUtv-thp sLnViAf; thchf ate 'om'e'aclii we oi?aT laws ; -and dpes not authorize the homi- natiori and anpointmenvftinder the name of Ministers.) of l?epresentitives to an assem bly i 'of n-itions. Lke tlie proposed Congress of Panama, hp. from the -nature of their ap nointment, nridst hemee deputies, unknown to the law of nations, and uithout diplomatic lltetrilT'ed, That the power" of fbrrainsr or entering (in any manner whatever) into neV politic! associati6ns:'or, ;coiifederacies, be lonrs to' the people of the "United States, ii their sovereijni character ;t being one of the powers'. wmcn, noi uavinr oeen tieiegatea V ttintr nVeocialions.' av' ' , ;V. V tco."ie goverjimentw reservea to tne spates, i i lie lrctl, 'fhat the president be respectful-1 or.ople-V- nndtbat it, is not within, the iy rexiuesxea to liuomr uie tenaie neiaer vmuKuui y v w.u- V ' such objection exists to the publication of the I wrtt to appoinMlepiities or representatives, 'dotfuments communicated bv the llxec-jtave. I f W descriptiob,to represent ..the United ! chv 'tinrtiAiv-nC them, and If ftrt.'tn sneeifv I statca in the Confress,' of Panama, or to par J ; , , the parts, theptWicaton" of wbiCQ. would,! t?5rP-in neqenoerauon,- or u,cussimf:ar "oiMv . : : ; 1 recommendation.' ot acts, of that Ccharress. Resolved s .thej opinion" of the ? Senate, that (waiving tlie? question of constitutional power) " the appointment of deputies to the Congress of PanuniaJ by the Unitel 3tates, accordin W the invitation riveni and its con- ditional ; acceptarice,-would be a 5 'departure froin that wise and settled policy, by whicll the intercourse of the United States -;ith fo reign nations lus hitherto been Regulated, and may -endanrithe1 frierullyl relations M'hich nowlianpil-eist.betweeri'4s 'and, the Spanisli American States by creating expec- tjtttuna tlllt V-ntmTr-rrro o'.11 '.r'i.. I in Senate "' ' 0n'the:.15tlj of. February, the follow- Hriz ref nlutions were 'submitted ' byJjMr V" jVatL'Tluren v'- : -' ",..' " ? . . . Retnhed). That brt the, question v.helher , ihe United States shall be represented in the . x 'tongress wf t'nama.'hc Senite otiRUt'to act ' Miith opcddors t unless, it thall. appear that i ' ,thc publication of documents necsvarr to be f referred to jndebate, wiU,be prejudicial of ex (ceed to consider ihe expediency ofap- pointing Jiisiers xo airenu . ine oui ress of Panama,. uqtil it can receive the information necessary to determine whether the tcohsi leratiQii of tliat ques tionoiiit'' to be with open" of clused donrs.f-..N-.:.v. . SJ. . - Diis motioh warneatived, 31 to 13, as follows : , r. , . . r . .' i Yeas." Messrs.Berrien, Cobb, Eaton, Ellis, ilayne, Kiffr, Macon, Ifandolph Bo wan, Van Buren,' White, WilUams,-Woodburv.r, v $ f:NATfc" Messrs.! Parton;-.BelU .Boulignv, Branch, Chambers, Chandler, Chase.Clavton, Dick erso n, ' Ed war- Is, Pin d 1 a y , 1 1 an i so n , ! I e n dricka. Johnson," Kvv "Johnston,, Lou. dvanef. Knight, Lloydj.Marks,' Mills, Noble; Bobbins; Ttuprgtes, Sanford, Sevmour,: Smith, 1 homas, Van Dvke, Villey. v .. . . Mr,-- Dickersonv then submitted the follouinjr :' . 1 . . . jRetotvmh Tliat., althoujrh the Senate can- hot'tind in the answer of the President of the United Slates, to their resolutions of the 15tli uistanC any distinct information, that the pub lication of . t e cOmmdnicittloiv alluded to in sald!resolutipn3''would'''r. vrmild not be pre-? jud'eial to existuiff nepociatio.rs ; theyfind a strong ODjecuo:3 on ine pari or tne f resident to the publication of thpse conimuhications, inasmuch as they were, made in confidence, and most of 'them m compliance with a reso- luuon otiiie oenate requesting" inem.conn- - s. . , . ' 'i m '- - , v . r ' .'A , :t , vi' ,',.v 4--"-- .,H,,' ' principles, m any tupppsea or possioie siaie.K- is &iait:u,,iu uue vi uiu iaic intiii huioc, ic jh oikumih icu...MMa(iiwv v't v , : -v, oftbe world, .-r'? . ir .A.a;.i nt Ki'Affi thfit Know whctiierhis owner is rich or poor.', -i Ihe ayes and nays being called, the r . . ?. Vv :i w ether the r- price'. of corif- b h)(zh m rv?l-'i :M-' The question then, -about -2 ocIock in ine mornins recurring on ineorign-ai rc&idutioti, that it was inexpedient at this tjmo to 4enU ministers to the Ctiti Kress of Manama, it-was rejec'ted by the same vote as ws given: oii Ir. 'Viiin Duren'a resolutions and the nomiua tiuns v:re afterwards confinneJ. - The Senate, then, it being about half past' 2 o'c lock, adjou meti. ; : I . ; The deaths of the Hon. Christopher Rankin, a Member of the House of Re p resell tat i ves from ' th e S tat e o f M i h s sippi, is announced in-the National In telligencer. He died at AVahingUn on Tuesday lastynf consumption. . He had served in . Congress for several years, with honor to himself and essen tial utility fo his country. ; ' ; The Governor, of .the State of Alaba-! ma,' has appointed Israel Pick.e-.jcs late Governor of (hat States a Senator to Congress, to fill the vacancr occasioned by the decease of Mr. Chambers. ' t)ur celestial heinisiiere, wilt tane place j'auJ deserves.ti fire ileeentlv.' during. -the,"- present- yerv rvirhere-;witI l'I i ;'", i .tnn.i .at .-.J- uanpeii on t euuesoay ,t,iiejui;xiv. next, a 'total and visible Eel ipsc"of that distinsulihed luminary the Sun, which will.not'only b& palpable; but tne larg est we can expect for another en years The naper-also enumerates' the cbun tries in the which the; Eclipse- will be v isi bl e, ' b u t Am ei ical s n ot i p 1 1 utl ed. ' ; It is certahdy , a1 singular prooffo what perfection Astronomjras a science has arrived, and an evidence of.die al-5 most mathematical accuracy with which calculations are made by the ' fc fted few," that ,the Ai inanack,V issuetl I'foul thisoflice ; forhe presentyear-, contains' the sarnie prediction, , and even tiig Vtr-. cumstance of its iu visibility to us, is also noticed. , " ' ' , The price of Cotton at Peter3barg, is twelve cents and. at Fayetteyille,: of the Baptist Church arid Cohi'eg(atio"ii of, Charleston, to' become their Pastor. ; 3 . tbrxhat reisen be objectionable.,;: .i f i ,Th e. "resolu ti o n t passe d- ayes 23,'- '".iiocV 10t's'foU6vi -V U ;V r AVat.Mes'Bentrni'BemenV'lnuiicbj : - aWlef,i'Cobb;vl)rckern,:, . Iarnsn'IIavhc;'I!eiklHck', folmes,'John i on (Kv.-.kane, iKinffi ;Macol, Randolph, V Bowan,Bu jles,,Vah Buien,:;WhiteWiI 5, . )arhia-d Woodhury.,;".' ' 7 . ;Vn7 V, I -.-.' ,NVtr. IJessi s. Barton"Bell,f' BouCgmy, t w incn iiie.irfesiueii t ftu rnea1 tne tlta iTnited States-woiikl -nt n"- Cbl low.ins Message I q arihwer,v vix r , I : " Remhedl That the advances of tlie nro- posed mission to Uie Ca.-ig'ress of psnama, attsiuablei) Wotil d,tn,'theptnion' of the-" Se nate," be better obtained uithout "siVch' Jia2ard i - iwte. Ifi near either of tlie Spanisit Afri-frican X, ' ' XlV.v V ' AV AsaiWoTos, VeJi6r 1325; I . 7'o the Smauiif tte fa V; ( i " tia answei: to lbetWo rvWiitions of the '$iri u inch I ' Have rcceireu, 1 :atc, respect-1 WAi -rnmVntV, i5itKfril.H:--'k.. ' '.- I r-V lhi ali tne..vcvmn.a:npr,ons4fionif me 2Cpp iutcfestWe feel m their prosferUr.and m!.l4l r.i!!.' t'j.riil"'il r,ufi1.'-...-.l.TA I I ? !ber -Se".itle Mcl4ti.t.to: tbc;Cortgrcsj irtruijied fulltoVplahf (when requested) The folhiwinjilVan extract from a Let ter received - by a gen tfeman i n . IV tcrsburff, in ansiver to -one iaddressed to M r.J offer son, u pon the siibject :'pf his 1 a te aj pl i c a fi on to the Les 4 ! a tu re : C- ' MnticeUoi:Mavcti4d, 1 825. ; r . I thank you, kiiid sir,fpr yoiir very friend ly letter, of Feb 224-itupposes' in me "tlaims on the. 'attntionx"or' my 'country to vvivc'h''I haye no pretensions. - I .happened t be born intimes whicl required from ill its ci tizens, every aid. they couMrenler, and cave tun vame to even jtne ..smallest which any could! render. -Those within: the reach of my faculties have been flly remunerated by the honor and. compensations which my fellow-citizens have bestowed upon mr" A re fusal of ray late request Jvould, liav been that bfa faVor only not of a debt ; and so I should have viewed it. 'The gr ir -ting1 it h s conferred oh' me a benefit. which I shall ever be Bound to acknowledge with gratitude.' --" v -v -- . --c . . "' "' ',' ':', ': 7;' C VHues of lSa!t.:-X&, following ex traordinary1 fact has lately, come to our knowledge.' 'A Planner in this vicinity had been for- some rears afflicted with 0 " " . ' r ' ' - c ' i': a'-Wen on his neck, which erew so large as to be very inconvenient and distress-, ing. f .After trying a number of, reme dies; he was advised (by one 'of: his 'nelsbbours to wash'it two orthree times a ! day with strong sal t water, (water "in which' Salt, hadt been dissiolyed) He did so, and to.his.great relief and com-r fort, the Wen gradual ly decreased in size, and finally disappeared ! Xef those who are-similarly afflicted, go and do likewise 99 " .v f , -r : ' ' ' "- .- - t ' Public ;Schobls.'Vh&nniiil report of the Comptroller! of Public Schools or me,; nrac ""uisinci .oii 1 eonsyivanta, gites,tlie number of thres thousand fire hundred, and seren children, that re ceived instruction in. the city of Phil a delphin. and four thousand one hundred and sevent V: four, for the, whole district.' In eight years, eighteen; thousand and ninety-two 'childrenK between five and fourteen years, have experienced the benefits of this publicj:stemof intruc-. th n . - : . V, -.' - 1 G.llodges and J.;CL;lVorwood, ofLcxr ington.'Ky havet issued proposals for pull Uhing the speefhWof Henry ph in CcfiWcsy, from? 1 $10 to 1821, inclu sire, tvrhe.boblw .to .'contain. fourof, five hundred liases, well bound and lettered, .. . , - . 1 . .' -'V- -...f-'f.. tr.. -m about eleven cents per p;und. - . " ' , Counterfeit ten, dollar notes- on the United States' Bank, are said 0 be in ctrculation in this c;ty.-iv Y. Ameu cC,Qwn?cret7--Having late ly sen a counterfeit S5 note of tjie State Bank of N. C. so well, executed that; a v" careless' observer would . not hfcsitate to take it, we have obtained the following description of the differ ent 'denominations of counterfeitnoie 6 01 V that bunk; a by ." attending to' which they may readily pe detected .i !- f ; ( 2 Note&y purporting' to ha vel lecn issued at the Principal Bank at Raleigh pavable' to IVd S mi r h fii I ed n p vvilh Latl iok which has 'turned bi owuj y v 85 and g20 Notes, purporting to have been issued at the;;l)ranclifia'nfc Ne wbern, and tnatle Vpiayab'id-'. C ilinsi. There is no sufch payee as . Collins in any gcnuHe bill but some are.m'Me payable to o;7Co1liu8';Tlie tiame CoH jiisand the "word Newberpi -'' 14 -.- -' m " J ,'.'' '-'..; -m' nil) ' J A-nan i?1m 4-K AM IIAHT1A lS the execution is prettv jdod. s. j J 810 Notes of; the principal Bank., at Raleigh pajrble ' to Hi Poueri fiJ led np in" v' good hanrj wriltnV :-b'ut with .very indifferent ink; ' Thcse'notes are well executed. bryeZe. Obs, f-1 .v t-t . - ( v - 17: . ..i ':; V.r .vv' , 'The knf:letfinirec vicn:aouu, , 11. juai, tW'Ttrin cue mail 'V,; ( v, 1 bagp that wa s ; rob wai.ii n touched by. th e rbberJ . n n 1 h -t vt ;:V V 7: reached' tiieir r ptaceof lcstfiiaiin.v- "7 ( v"" Among them wai nce.from 1!. 0 !ci4rA' &2kl'-r Aliens, envering'a fares a:?ouut la" OankJil-vA 'yvi;; 'i--f : biiis. y.tr. Xat. Ado. r-. -Y niguivweeiv,7 we xi we njg 1 louse vwV;Y-v v ?i Smoke HouseofMr. Murdoch AJufchlvv ' -'vr on, of Rjchnriond county .were,with? '"' i every; article, they contained.? entirel. 7 consunied by. fire;;' and.' whatj mostVv: '-iv''';', fi. dreadfuU the. wife-of 'Mr." -M ii roliisti ;) -'l ? rished ;the flameslTlie, jwrtirn lars, a related .to us by:a gentkrnin ? v ! froof Rictitnond.are brtVfiy -thv?e . On'-Tuetjdayaiighr I'JA : ; taken hre withuvpule er two oT rMr..'; ? f r M u rchison' housei;iic "Tiroc eed etlwitlv : 7 $s r 1 ' neffroes to extirSruish it; leavinV no fie f ? t 'i4-.Vf effroes to extirruisli it; leavirii? no ner son in in the hqusebut Mrn. M,-, hea 2 ' 4 , Ke. jreturhed tho-next -jmoriiinz.. the mc- r-.i', -' ijuiuioiy ;aigiu- prcseireuiiseu xxui yv r,, v v - . ' "r knowing what had become.of his wife; us'l'kri search was made,' "and her bohesdisco 4 V J 7; C vered where her bed had stood, so tliVt- .y. it is probable she was'vSulTocated.awL' i- '.,',.,'-v'.- pensiieu witnou t a cynsciou s ness t ue j, 1 , dangervThfe 'fire'ds 1: supposed to haVtft" :Kt? originated accidentally. ,'" r .',-. j.-ii : 7 '7 i -Human Nature. K slander 'ewetvi) i " A' " A" tried on Friday, ur the Common rleas; 1 . . : 7, : , 10 wmch a respectable woman hadbeen .; - 7-; 7 charged ..wi tfy stealbgTT16, 'J ' witness against her was a tal I ctiod'look" v: . ; V " coloured Surtoii j fendant -tor justify hiv'glandeci anil whp , ; ' ;v " f swarepositiveiy-thal he aW'thfcid-' . I pilfer tnotiev from the till of tKe$Uinr ;: ; ' ' tiihe firstquetion ; ness upQn his cross exalninaMoa',w,as, tnV: I v ji very singular one oftVPrav Slr. ltvher, v . -.' 7v ,i,s.i' ' Racing-.' At the clos of the Races, which lately took pi ice over the Charles- t?ti Course, there was ; ver swift run ning, for the'Ifandycap purse, the re)f suit of which is; stated ih the papers, as follows -.- . y r-:. 7;'-V v'-:.''; : ?l V '-rVi'- '.k .'HBM MItf HlTS;"i:,7y'.f f J Col. Spann's Bcrtrand, w ; 2 2 1 I '. v Mr. Davenport's tus 1 3V ,3 2 U : ,Mr.- Harrispns Creeping Kate 3 2 drawn , The. firs and second heats were run in. ex actly tfje same time-5 minutes' and 47 sec. tjie third heat in 5 mici. 55 sec. and the fourth heat in 5 min. 54 secu- making the- total of 12 miles, coursiny,;in 23 minutes and 24 sec. beatmgnh'e groundr coTeted by the .celebra- te'.LEclipse and Henry racej on Ixne: Island; by 3 sec'exceedihg a'ny thing ever before Known on ine t aainngiuti cwvusv, uu v wo.i lengf ng , th e hfs trtrV of the turf, in any coiin -try for superior fleetness and bottom.. , .-,7: f ' ' '";: - .'' Y,--i- ".:'? i: v, American Legkorhs.Thi manufac tory ?f JJe2bnh(f s by -Mr- Ayreii, of ItjiicaW.lYl, IjaS often beenneritio iied in; the riporsi ' This epterprizih gn tlemap has lately arnyed in New-York wi th a 1 arge " assort iii e p 1 7 of V i mitation tegh'bHrpjs,-! ;V hiye and, are free tpproqouhceuf'efi thVm eo U3 1 to ; an y t ha t Ve eve r fa vr im ported! 'Al.- wbrkf for Mr.- Ayre's i-w pertor mea principally, py cipiurepi ana ym nw '.women belongicgto aboti t forty famiites,ahd -er th-ir own houses.-By faking litis course Mr.Ayres avoids tne "evils incident to collecting a large number of persons to getherVand the work, is an elegant em?-. poynent for respectable - young woiueiN who have to depend on the labor of their hands for. support. 1 The grass of which tftt hats are made' is -tndiginous; :-t'p the western country,5 l and is" ua id tdbe far t)reeraDieio ine siock1- 01. -.tne . 1 uscau wneat, pJ wnuntne j-eai Jegnorn: nais dLimiMzXwAtNY-CoinmerddL-' 1 v r; Onemay readily ascertain Uhe high ice.of .orp, at' this;period v ly perus-. ing the ctrao'pibg countenanitea and thin ly covered ribV.of the hurstfs pVticu- Iarly the dray-horses) th use in tKe cltvV: AVe haveheard 'of horses that cost, wouiti tiope tfiatsucn an innuman aiiet I tz --u:".-, rv 'i .i witnoat norf'cr toci'iuimt ine umteti sratsi i - i . .,4 : - i i -' i - . : v ... -it .compnn wat'.xiuuca : cr.u- i4j atly.. .upuiulcd; mode er cPibrcin those I..fc70?c,,m' ue ? Qat,.frnc did yon get. that coat you no wh itess derrtuirredf and jtHe court tiuft T, '-r7. )J with' smne' priipriety thatMtwds Yiot '"" v-'r-, .V I answerIle'said"'. the coat had been letit'O - V y' :; to hira by the accUse"r. JLiie; hextUiues tv; .v r- S tion was yet more singular:, fPray Sirf ; '7 ' whereid yotrslceplasmU ness demurredVgain but-finally '-ajlniit ?' V; 7 ; " r led tpv these questibris ivan'-.the fact that r,; ' r V the counsel tor the;nlaihfiff on lookinjr 7: ;V, v1... closeat the witness; discovered behcat Iii 7 r V . t 1 'ii the handsome f-ockta'- jSlacteTarjd torp, v':"; ,r y hirtaiid suspected that. th a lurid of yagrnt, 7 dressed ;-.fiJt j- purpose, by J he accu ser, . ,w hich " t u pa ed. -r 7: Sv '. v ' ."-v otit to bo the iact. Verdict 150 dullars" ;V ! -V 7 : foPiainlim K-A.i eW linonetntmnciiT church ; .' . 'J'; v lateiykfttchinj: ft'e. character of a: sin-r ; : y V f: : ; ner witn greatforc? and eroquencev ana yp .. ; character? ; U M person rosefrom hl j : ' pewUnd addrssiohimself -V Vt, istert?8aidVemf4a'U '.' In Favetieville,- a few days acb. Mr, Tho S ?i v V. . - Asin, formerly of Itarylatvl,' to Miss Isabella ty,v ; V ' t i; At the seat ofCoI. .DahicI.TMTaar.-in Onal' ''t I :. r low county, on1he"3d Ivej ;:"t''y i f of liavidson county, to Mis Helen barker. V'' V 7? U " 1.7 r-. ', ' 7- -' '7' ,;'Vrv .'- t V7 "'-."Tnti-xrnHj Trn' . Wn a1 -' i 7.V. j 7 )" V-J i . ! ' irNTORMAT !vw& frcipectmjrthe 7 jV'?. ' f s ' l A present redence' of a v Mrs'.:'-1 mon i ' vr, v i . ,';,-' f .'; . , 1 Lemmons (formerly of Iloc)cindfiam county - .' '.' ? r 1 C.) or,-if -deadof the-residencV (Vher rT-l , fieirJthe was.marred dan;;the;:-Airer ;,' can BevojutTon to Capt: Johr-t Siutiniers, atitce V''V ''''h ' - 1 dead ' after which, she married MrJ AI " artV :'. y ' , der Lemons or Lemm.W - The" last 'letter?, ? & ;'; ' . 7. '' front her are, dated '!toeki'm"hrri bounty, K.V;,A ;vvi-';V," ; V.A C MircI18;i313and'Aunto, 1814. -j ? propifrtyto'.ft considera'iile aaiouiit .Liis'faller;!- -"' '4 ' V .' to,ber-or4ieWeiiA'dtlre5S' torMr.:j0lIH VV.-"t- -''i BKOWN, No." 239;Front-5trecf;Kev-Y6rlt.VI..-':- ,i '. , ; . ' :-Ttfenty- Dblliri-s-RcswHrtl.- I1 TAN AVAV(f cm the- iubscricr on;.tha -' . 1 1 JLlL nitrht of t'.etli imtanf; nry ricgr'o -mart "7? "v "' : ' FRANK; ied aboirt 23 yeirsahriut '; 6' feet!'.' U "-r. V 1 f V. high; stoops a little, aitd appears t:T in tho ;v . . V V-'.'f 7 ? . J hips whfti walk'mg i-wbre a v.ay a lnUix.vVJ..'''V-iv " ejd hoJ-oepon coaV urni -r rhite or mixed, pai; ';'..?' ; ' ' ' ;; ' taWn'The'. above Teward' Hil.bel givea'-. fK- ''.' . for his deBvery.to me'in Paj etteville or Tvi ( ; S "v- " T)q1 tars for hiappreherd6nandcouf.ncment"7. .' t - ; in anv Jail so that I may pet; jj.im c I expet-t rV.- : that he vill trv to j?it inttvthe" n dhboi Iwiacl. 7 -'" -. ' ? !, "of. Chapel ajill, M be isr wllTfccqtifed ;7,K ; '' " 'there:-; V.:'-. 7"'71 yi--'V. tnef iyorc j m I ' 7 TyrtteTi8e;arctKX5.;-v?-?H)i v - ' viv 'Vr' 7" . 't -yi-, v.. rr'-y '''- ., -.v,-v;: t--' 7 :,'v;v..sVv7-:.'