' I ft' 4 i , , v :T : Ay j f -y J . .f ' - . , i . t ' t , . . ; , . -j''"7 'C 'i'"- , tbn'of the Constitution, "nor tested meagre of he wost oivi?n fl'ilX ' ' i 7.. i 'tvt ' v -'-iV 'I J V J' 4 ; t -.V. A dieneerasit is stipulated; to UrmjntOLiio in Jiny manner, made, any pledge to the rq- V'-;rv'V:K:;.,v;!''V , ' ., ;: InCrKeSlStel!!' ,v to himsejf powers, -not delegated .tohim haard the neirtraUtoftfie U.; $raiall fears ijiments of. Mexico, ;arol others1 S.jiUh XUaSSlCdt, HatkeMaUcaVard-: vX;,:;:.- ;. -VB'Fi i'n.lilitJnstramehLrn'&isin-at ofnntun?nn alliance Wlieen shown to that the .DnitcdStates cu,K! not AA ,V'; )5jiyfe; AlX-ii1,:f;;r; ' . .-v I? IubIishe4.eeTj FrtDAT, by. ; '"P: Jny ioVcUn 4f be unfounded ;in-wora, a5 the Conjfrejs pcrihlt the interference of any Foreign To - ' 0 -r"? v- : ; V' .VJ09EPHVGALESA SON, ; the opening of present session.of win tJc rega'rded, byihe-Eweliye-bf the.lJ t withjthe4lbdePendenc pr-form. of 0 . At Tliree Dpnira per annum, or 'One, Dollar. ConWes.ne i states ;.tlit,V' invitations States a purely a consultative mtetinnd veniroenVof those, nations? d rf so, when , - i j-vjf 7 i ;JI?; ;'''V V-: ' ' t- anda llalf forhalfa-yeaf---to-be paid in 1 ii Ul n,l fliMinlitm as.the 'objects of cohsultaion aref primary in whatmartnernd-to ,wh eflect,And 7 j , ( vp7i;f.;f---fi-- JVv',:' - ;r - V 'ISncW ; - ' Afli.eI -accepted mUthat' Mmi3ters i(nUnJe,tQ tW cotnrtrVT ihe committee alsotocommunicalte the HjHtse'.ciipy.of rgtlt SubnffMf 1 ' i ' f AnVFTlTISEilENTS i P,the.partbf the! tThttetU States' SOUld of Foreign' 'Afiainare' ofv opinion tha.jr the'' the ; commtmicaVion fm our.3linister at-te iicitMEensf 9ichmondvai;'-;r-jaliy;,,m,'l .v.;.. ; . ; J- r ; ZfrjtS. 7" ? J V Ai rmm;ISrtnpd' io nttend Ihe ilellbe- Missionto Panamaoughttdfeceive the&wic- icdM,Mrluch lie kreKe.Gpverient hat Xh'p second session, jaf 1t5s j:Vtittt:oa - rrr-; " ; '- ' f . ; Not eseeeain sixteennes; iieaUy insertexl be commissioned, to auena jneuefiDe. tjon p tjje House of ;Kepre5enatiyes, jand pf the United States tliatthe Mexicano, txmpnti:n .' V three Ume for .One Dollar, -and Twenty- rations at .Tanaraa," and in his conti- thev accordingly recommerid the adoption" of vernment called upo HhWrGocrnaient; tp Jlajch. ,-He an; : with onfidv09e.recoini: " r ve cVfovf,2fiS, deritialcbmmunicalion i'- to the Senate, thfbllowingtioia m 4m, falfil theanetwordjle pledge of the' President nend his srstem ucatw, viusUJ;. . r;;. " v tlioseo' grater ;length Mnthejame fopor-. T'r . "'Jn;;: h . f i?o W, .Thain thpfnion oKtlie oftheltnited States, ia h uiesge to n; delover the JfanVpt6n: ?ndorrHlk- Acde- I 'iiorW;..Coimnunicaooshkfullyjeceiv- he reiterates this fentinient.byi.niStins ,Iml it.ie3peli gre of Dnceniber, f - 1 V'T!-' C Kd3Xj on the cbnstiiijtionid competency of the Aimls ssarttt;e.blse,Prent;if 'c TiWiouse ihen resoled iirseitnlo -Wd manyu:ii inMittVreiit liolleges iri; . V-i . v ) ' , Wl ff ftft' vt'ii-f ftt'-' ' v sure. To 1he'roannervoflhis annuncw X,Vh!-fx-;t V-; i'V 'i X j! P1 V1 e;nloJ? lRan: sarejortp vear audsofneVtiwyftirsofieir -V SiJl W0l) lQXUltVt : ; atidr ve believe. may be attributed. ; l4l,Re of .entuckjritooyed aIdition:d Naval force onth Coast of 'tv ?lr Tif'SS 1 $e! (blowing .1.; Brazil anitr BuenoafiVvresvTheSbi Wta the. hi ', (' V .TUESDAY, AP;RIt 4 1826. . ;-f MaS:men!fdrePortedac- the ' ;" ' -i " ' ' tion was manifested, in the. Senate to jiefatibns be iiisted. to' inqmrcand repofl amlordererftd-be engrbsetof'iClhinl' .l1e ystfmm: y, V 1 Ms iipS pffW ;,J??B?,4?i??; P!:.".1??,! fv "''Another tl.in- !1ic1i W erectinjai'Penitoi.tiarKiii tlieDisfrict w Several causes 'on : he.',cnnuna docket ; .nojhe,7 u? qnri,Vt1pn!,,I.nd-b.c.lr,v .JbriiriaUwhichwiirnroblibcispos- mthbusme .sttempUwe iotireri,er with their (the SjmtK Amerii brfr .Ieleate.1 1.Mby isnSaU yoi 1 sas Anisf iji- I ne rir" 'r- r;tv r,r -inQihi'in'thU'Vu pdledto take the; most efficient and activp that MthesiaWislient of thec? Robert T" ..Judge Pkerml ThoV f - ;v ,. , - T;, ; . ginated.inJiIaden;county,)andoncfbr ntjror the benateon tins .question. ' andto bear thbnint of the contest.! ; vUle (. SendM hpureliaifed by Ne0 . :lIorse-SteaJ ng.. .,, . .f. ... - . v Some discussion ensued,.but the Jiour ed aSBr.i;-: ? fM. .?; v: ; ' v I ; ' ' - :" V-: l,0Slt,0Ilt and.the.r unwilbngness to al,()ted to-Resolution s having, expired, take-MrCa. C i . - PaxamA Mission. -We commence sanction the President's recommenda- the Speaker arrested the discussion, the officei but has engaged become '-''&'y p irjtbdaVsRceistefandsbal! conclude tioif Ministers, U represented aVpro- ahd pVoceeded to the;unfims!ied;buSr: M1 ' cri paper tne present pro-1 u suii3i wwuiiung- i iir;. ?;-Vt,i v . l toouuis. .:v;rf-,Tr ''-T'Y-vr.i-'Vi-t'.rr-r .vn-? f ForTuitionO dollars forythe4,sarric period t,;'; v i 'rlnfAugust aadCSeptejnbcr ' A.?'yf V' ',' :v: V i " It. UEYNOI-DS V ly!- : t To all to wh.onx tbeae' 'presents shall come 'fyf greetingi-We, the, Provost and Senior Fel-: V?!1 J ( jows of tfie College: of the HolvTnd Undi-, y ' vlr. v '.' . tided trinity "near Dubli ny tesiify"that ' XI n tl.'0 4,Vf .';' " ' T . 11etS;oi.i)s, jluring jthpefkxl Tn tvhicli liere.i;i''-?iv''f Vv- V f V mawed jn College j applied himself diligently; , ' ' v..' f to, literary pursuits, and was of regular moral ;VT : 7 ' w . V A , nat).ts; aoo: tnav at. tne jmuiic commence v. :W ''-i I bent held onhe cmh' May of: Feb'roarn-.in ' f. t' Ajn our next; the Report of the Commit- ceeding lro:if motives of personal 'hosti- "ess on his table. 'X'':' "ai; 'tee' of roTeinelationsin the Senate Ylty to the Executive: And who, 'MrUousUmrvediooMvo &Wi , , - t?,' T . . - r, "tv," , ; ..-,:.-1-'. vi- the orders of the day which precede-ther - RJourna', . ontlie expediency of : nominating Com- would here enquire, are they that are m mkinff prbvisioi fur allowing cohi; tionedwill I luISSloners IO uie Manama juwgicsa. i 4iius ?aiu iu iiayc auopiuu lor uieir ruie Vc uUDIlsneil UUIU icssaes ui ihc,j is- 01 auuuu, 111c jauiui ti yttrt iuu ijtiuci v-. ctirlont in rAfatinn thpreto." eaual and ex-1 tihsS nm vhn are (hus ilenounrpil a en t pro- lie owner. as we hWe before J men h fiirwaidpd ' fn . all Sim , ered in the conclave sittings of Uic Se-1 Berrien liatearainst tile missions );...;;''..'.' " I Rowan n, we mention the namesiof Macon, Mr. Hamilton then addressed the sviyama. arwuuu o 1 o.f Hii 11 icr: rrien,r DicfeeW AVhi&i4 Hayne, committee in explanation the princi f paprs to wan, Jiert ton, and a host ot , others v - '"r "X. ; " u r 7" Wh v 10 f4 the wholeO and . . ... - i ,l - . A, . . 4 , .. .c - , . - - . , claims were 10 ue semea m lue .um . - , , . v.-- - o- -, - - t . :r - ,; . !?:1-,at-we naTe.a!y?.catc1 ,th minteUect.inot incumbers, the ufld- consi(leaiion r which under the .WJicI the ..printers t9 support, thegu jneasure, biitjwe did so from a? belief charge, of. opposition other than that instructions of thecommitee on niilita- vernwentat .fon.eeUne ineasure wuld that we' should thus manifest to the which springs from an honest difference rv affairs, he had reported 7 ; b as Jnst tii other, ;thpiigh some IbenunepubUcsMntte of 'opi,.: n,n,led i; principle, va- ...l-?f SSSig take in their. welfare ; ami thatin ex, n1$hes like, the .'.';baseles3 fabner foeir tvn vioinn iVo i-roft" Afin pon-roic tliaf i K,.s-.- ' . ' V Nli&..'cliniirmijtit . .i.iflv lliaip -irtif ri-ilic will 10 " should in io manner whatever, .compro it should be thought necessary in vindi- five O;clock. when, Vn " motioir of rM ri Vil?aPiei$:n?cks imt thVpeaceor neutrality, of the U cation of the course which the President Dwiiht -of Mass;-. the) coniuiitteeiT'ose - -,r J ";'-v;;) : u?Xf: r I v.. .States.' Thatacceptmr the overture to has pursued on the ,pccas;on,: to brand and the House adjourned. .v ? . in this city, 011 Sunday last; ilr. Johii Sug i "sending Ministerso I be present at the with epithets Some of tlie -inost enlight- , ' h. riii 2- C : ' '. ' tt-Mi$3tary.Moore; ' r ;:; .:.::V;;t . I deiiberations of the. Congress; could enetl men ofwliich pur "country can boast. ; a variety of nrivute petitions -were 'Srn?IsrEY v' i ; nptJbiRcoriktruedintb" kv pledge on the ; By, reference to our -Corigfessional presented and ; referred; J.Mrif'(,Komp 7; P - part of Jhis 'Government to acquiesce head, it will, be seen .that the committee son. otPeriW; ; from- the--.select cominittee li'.44i':iO: T-S1 t. Jnny sjsteni'brmeasuresi which thdt of foreign Relations J.Ve reported in instructeda resolution ot .0tt9?-V?W: . ,.j..v. .'-.; i J Tt f r ri r -x " V "A ' the 9 th Hist; to 'consider.'-lhe expediency ffIIE Committee ofApppintmentsartvdesi. y ' Congress might determine npon. Had favor ofthe Panama -.Mission.j in the v,r r- AAUtvnmnt f -Irroua of procurine fbr the- XnstitutioVva the year of oir:Lord 181$:: he obtained a f.dl p-: i 9 ' V 'l ;' ) and perfect degree: of Mas(er jf ArAi bavins'. lf''-t' 'f j by the laws oftlie instituiirtn,. tn' .testimony" wuerept we-pave hereunto set our hartdn and ivn nntort. i ) ceptrng Ihe ncdvany;3rearsivtHatfjn:ac ; c W present session of clmgressf: and .. . "ji- i ;t jTiwr-J- n v. ;'. v ; L v . 1 r - .-, . v A .f-. . pv -a , 4 Modem TAnguasres.' In the 'latter, named iL respecuui aim ineuuiv . V.- I SKVvTT? v ; V ir tne coramencemento. iue: nexi- profeso, a;7racauaintance with French (V invitation, vcv might be'comejnvplvcd v Satunlav"-Mdrrh M:' , , sion;made a detailed report othesuU- aWd Spanish is indispensable The salaryat h . j-" ir-wl jj V r 'Vn.c-, v it- ' iject. accompanied by a schedule of the tachedtd each Profesoi-ship is $1240. Until ; 0 ,v'-""- 'j public, and private bills, wnich n in, the May 15Ui, 1826; letters on the subject may be : - urBeuira character, avc loo shoukl !e r . . -... y T7 ; i .ipbion of tlw committeeought to be addressed to iVptmore, Kaieighi N. c. . i "ind io. the opposition.'', Btme'xii V .,V V,? 2r-; -V. ' Mllf rfisposoJ of ..luri the presehf pm I- v, v. ji.k , '.,, !lr. Benton, trom, the committee on , r'..i f . r .! ,To' be pubiish.ea -once, a, weefc' m they. Na ; v see no' Cause of alarm in this particular," aUWr-Affiib-'to!who-ftiiirrf Session; 1 lie report vconcIadeS-with iHai ligencer; National Gazette and N. $ fbr'the- PiferitexpslJ ,hat e bff.nR ftS Je .leclara, on, that it . is impoible.to Vo,V.-M ? x . .- -; , 'V - . cm-iv -H - V " tr'- " 'i-" foresee, with stifiicient certainty,-; what. Accounts tdrbe forwarded for payment to the f. v tie considers the Assembly as merely Gemgta -Militia hun)., -.reryices time may be occupied, on some Tofthe Kditors of the Ralelgb itcgister WS V iraodlhatalthoughthePien; rendered durm$i to years; .1 62, ;S and imp0rtant7measues tiow; beldre Ue t I W' A fir ' i :i ir.r:Ar ,i.: iri , i c.;.. . , 4,'Vreported it .without amendment. ; tt ' : 1 J Ollr UN Uali i t aviOr rrppf!ipil in rnnti.. 1 . .7 . . .. - . . . . faSTlI.DmM with iVtpanr "TnnIovmtnt if v ..mnA.,!' ,i.r- " . ' . -' - v .. .v. Iand therelore; that it is not advisable. V- V- i - . 3 -i" ' ii . ' w Yvujiy. vv,ci!ulu Jp,V l ner, the resolution submitted DV Mr. - i cj. i r t . 4" i T application :is roaiieimTOeaiaieiy xp . . th consideration ll.eir' icmmiA Holmes; to hppoint a committee, tore "WfTf l1?'- f!f ' ;: any prdposition from the other partes port what, business is necessary .to be pressed that the private biflUrought in TChapeVHill, 30th Marcel 836.748 -.i. ii.. J'n'i. . 1 i rtrfpfl nn 1 this session, .ann rhn I rn it .- . . , . r-5 r rr - -.- " a iQ.iue meciin iney wiu oc auuionseci .r,- - , 7 vww to , v j ' "4 i - . A jrreS3 may adjourn. rM . v " - v : ; tWl5e.npthm-j unless, subject to ; A li UI e iuri versation .ensued, when ? the definitive sanction nf thisrirvpin- .i - ' -j.-j.i i. u :-f ;r n: lTnn ;-- f ""l"!' 5 te7 d sTon.--rrhisthe coinmonlibligations of r ;raeDt nfle'J by Mr. intc.y be-Jwee debtor4d; creditor fTTHE SuBseribers tvish tp emplby four or five i . -X0.rsei tne upirea ouiesneiiner in eo ! :iu,4 rujr meenng (Ien(j at ,le Uan,s ,Vf the :National ' te workmen, whom Komi wages : '. : nor arc.pected tb'uVe part iri.anjde: Congre.than. the" first -.Monday , , ifaUWrVrand ought not lo be refus- -Seffiht k'P' '. liberation. ,rf.Wlfe5Ui -dneteV.! .T'-H ." W.the Subjfcrofan earliermeet- f V IlSSs &WTER, - " . nofvitl,ther'enM.in.any undertake . - '- ;. y. ing ofthe.iiextSeasiori;- the:corntnit'tee -.'- Tuioi. Oxford; N. c. ingimporUng hostility to any other ha- HOUSE OFREPIll-SENTATIVES; .iH'c-FFv:; r.r; ; - i " .h, ;- J .... , "4 . y w for the commenceinentof the next Ses- ,.4. -w. x. ;r ' -h vlionriyexan;.! ; , . , ; . ; ;Vr u U sionV prior ta'theda appointed by the Mate ol OYt-V3aTOla J . which, if to result.to-our government, ' Vrf ,:-cA.; constitution, depends oufthe amount f .;: !V Ashe County ' i ; .fromamerV mtercnanse of courtesies -v -' 1 CP9 1- unfinished business ath close ofthe . - ICourt of Pleas and Quaker Sessions, , - Jrmf "-&--UI; Ways and Means reported a billjmak- reaent Session and ince it is imoracw . - 1 " February Trm, 182G.. i " - . . .jwithourser re ing.appropriatb ffilws - ;harine;MiUer0 ; ; , ; r 51 -Tt"i.A-atWW Miller W. in tbeir.ccuncilswc mayaiu a.lvan- Congress of Panama 5 which w.? q s ''xa5esotvavertVtittiinour futile progrejsi twje read .and comuiitted ;io. a com- Jyj an(lordere d to be' printed. ijler, one6fthe heirs t:r of Daniel itjj i ' v , V m . ,' 1 i -r mittee ot.the whole on tlie state of the rL iiirl thpWv-rP,nmpd' ihWnn Icri'ec'QVis' not anlnhabitant' of :tfcls-tate-i-- vie principal objection which wc have IrVCroniiishleldv from tlie xomi S1l" jf soWttd fiVe:eto.in theTe-steWW r t 1 : 1 vi - .v r . v-r' ' r-1 ' .VS' j"" on Saturday lask by ;51r.;3Vickh ,,,:l,enal-ur.e.l;.i.,?V.Jl.s:caSare, .is, f Kelaj,onmade;a Kentu'ckVMi WW rfaS sS- . ! II is Unprecedented J but ihU tan- '5MfSeh)S President sr X eWarmidebate finsue; wduring held .miMe, IteljJ. nit be S valid one-lor.ii wbul.1 hate t! 'SS "f. I- - -' " V which many amendments and modlCca' l" MBb-rif-W.n.'; .-. ,i :" '. 1 ln relajonjlo, tne. invitations siven to rL. ...i t. s.wi and answer tlie petition. -.-it vrjU be lieanl ai; Pflect totebir us from;?llenns our po- the United 'States,'fion, the HepuVici 1'. cre - Pposedj and fin, Ij, -Ae . AoS. CAt-LAWAY,- Clk. : CyiQr'taBBgVoY.nVwVtepJ-toccort ..f Colombia ahd Central' VfneHclnd j'.nresolution, proposed by Mb frfAiar? 15, V;-:-?8-5w:..-. .theehiWngauUangingif: Mexico, to EeprtsenteuOSb ''ifi SfntW ', (ii.i'?: s&mdtr I . v But:though wc Consider thelUsiori iiiiXWte :Xteio&td, That the: President ' of UieUnK T IOTEND soon 'to remove from this" place. - - exl.f"' nild-! 'lSn?Sae10 hi wish thosewho: have aiiy chdms on me vei!eIjcr,W lfQu.nvTAortan. rtf tb:lhkkeUemlcnown:.befofe tlH:'niidd!e-oC. . the 'President in Insnm munjcations to I as tollows i;-y r- .. y , y i-: i-1 the Secretary of iState to Sir. Poinsett's letter MayV Thbse who owe tne aTeretJ'iested tb; seals this 24UV day of, lanuarK:i817;; i'.Revy-;,Elrinpt6nD Ifer. tJafrUfT)l)f Vicecroro; . V ' ."A- V ; v : Francis, Hodkmsont L; Dy v V- n ToomajitPBdrx4 . l te tallowing- is an- extract of a letter addrej .4 . .:,- , sed to Thomas JefTrrkoh . KkoJ hv.ltr. V.n:v . : i ;vV.- ,1 ;met, of New York,rdth- whomlr ; t ;j 1 t ' l ' holds ' Bttidied, Jawvs previovs b bu bcinr: : "I . i: -'caileU t. theeV-YorJ. bar;; -7WJS; l' 5' i."'A . wicrti.r.-,,. wj.Ci. W to')! ' ;)': ;1 .': J , .Ir.-- Iteyootdto'-whbmi ifudea naCy'-O'',: I born citizen of the United fttatep. ii afrraulo .. ' V ff ate oftheV Umyersltv'of Trinity College, Dub. " .1 V J I lia.Tie tourse of classienl. -siu;Ues , in that -f-T' ' seminary Is "as 1 axtensive '"si: any in : jjurppe': r; " V' , s requiring-' 12(or 13 yeai-sVfrOin heir . Cbmi V.vr rs ' ':,: 1'. ! ' mencemebt at;- school t.beit completion in ' V.', N ; College anl ; ;a Bachelor's ,'or : Master de- t i . ' ..-.ui jjfee, 'from! thVnce admit! adeuidthn,n ihe ':. ':? :f ' , ' 1 Universities of Oxford nd'CamIide. i;-".'-V'V,''' ' - :it was Mr.' ' Itey nolds:. gd f Huiic't d g-o . AV t-v VV: through jlrat- course with vvevv great rcpnta.' ? f f ': 1 j tion, ami .ampn the.Vewardsand pVoofbf V T'S'V ' . t bisataihroents to btairte'Scndlarship there y bn,the tfondaon.Tliat. !sri yjjehfened' V : A ,v.,i- i ion a fewput of ' niany 'Competitors; nd i'.fter1 "J& : 7" . ' . ' a very long and st rict e ami nat )oh 1 ntircly ' v C y:' ' v ' confined to the Classics." (' -V ' . T-- &vlniOM SAUDIS PMMETT:": . V-.-,-"' . , MarCh 29 'i-CU -'.j-' --V. 48 4v.V . ': ; C.i-rcA S?fi 82Cirf',' ;.: 5 ; ; j THE following were' ctraw,ir NitmbVrs frota K " "' ; ' i 1 , ' t tlie Wheel .ofthe Union Canal pottery," K ! 7- ', . 20th Class-lnfth6,orderbovisttted- --.' ''".. . . Cash paid for Prizes drt demand. ? ? ; '' . . -1 ' v - YATES & M'lN-mtl. : - Raleighi April Sd.u,-V , , " . - 48, 4 ,y ' "rFor Sale :or.to Rented. ' 1 pHE Store a"dnoC5vs o the corner of T, ; ' , : 1 'Favetevi:le snd Martin S reets! lately r - ' J 'A occupied by l)octors lurgf s & Hunte?.'. r 'V V i v -pply'tothe JhtoW.- ' " ;" f f AKAWATl:abit3elve:mbnthsgov' ' v.. i,V ' ' Jtt Negro Girl b V the nameVof TE ri Y,-n 1 -4 ' v "y ' bout ltt yearsbf p-rc.;:Xo particular "mark U f ' ! v' " T r krtovrn by merVtiie; belong to tlia e$tlevH T? . ' 'j- of Kiibclirtayner, dec' ; .'rhe" Above;' rewatti- y-" 1 V- will be paid. to unrspersvn-tht -V:ll de1iver -iV-l I , v " . herfotlie shbscrer of -confine her in anV't r -- '."" 1 Jaiisb'tJiatrget'l.er. 1 j VV :? 'x:tUAU it ayeix; MtkK J "Y-il ' berUevcbontyX C. Mar Yind-or, ; VJ ; !V ?: ' . . vln ir at j; Unlet & Sini Stnre. - " -v - . f mit& doctrines- oftte CUircUSndlcJ:ri':fX'''- -' feomtlie misrcpVtrttPtatbu. UJJr.'JoLt vX '' i.i'aRdthe integrity pflte . r ; defeiwled against' the iio co'mnieil p'lt'niiota V r, ? ' "'(. of Promiaooa IKb!eocic-t;e;lr. thfjiight t' " ' . KoerenaoAi Si JiJvn.ntr IJiMsan fifth r - V ', 'I 1

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