i . . - v 7 .7 ":; x-7 -yC--.-- I : v -r v,V. . -V';' - ''.--i - x j 4 ' ".- i - r, " . r- . ', ' , 7..- . J ' " 2? " - -- ' "- i ( " TTN the HUIsbcTo-ugb Rer-tir.Vr.oE they'd , sudi 'ay as t6ubject me to tlie iropttion .; f winttiji cmtUy toward k heJpl&fsdi?V L v 'ard, Knowing aa l'tlb lhat no nqdue.lrioVnc'e; - . "LiA faHt thettfeps, so particularly described ly the Editor, :wftsccasionr d Vy his cpcesz V 5ve iMoxica'tionl tTid riot by a thrust from the 1 1; steps b)the Bar-kcejfer,' as stated by Ihc - Tlriitor. I have'Tifocurea tne nmaaviis w c- K3t .eWonsVl were pi escnti jid sav-th - -; 'Tljfb . xai'c -Cbarlea" Cox ieforo rne . nomas .tijaurjv --.raepi inc yusiicea or ?tne Veace . in. -andfort sa'dGountv. and inade ' oath, tatbrt thev'nffthc 16ib Mach, V tnilant,atl theTavern House - of William H: " vAdanjs Esq, ThEn6ticc'd.- AVUKarn' Ringstaff' r ' cwne in the tlouse; rpry drjinlc and sit down 41 & fc tis fuuy 1 iji iimw iirv uuju w I ' s'eep od knowing that JJr.; Adatn did not f slJbw him:to be, thete,V he informed Ander t x sc? fifackwood- Cwlia.ii bar-keeper ad was V - ': theh intbe bir) that Ring-itafr as,si.ltine m . a chair. dnmkrafld that he hail betteV fret him I . out of the bouse. Mr.,DlacVwootl then went 1 tanim ana 101a ninKtu&x .re must not swy ? hri,"andtook!:him under tle arms, raised t . ' turn from, the chair and carefntty. ciucted 4 Jiim to the piazza steps ; uhen bout- half aownine steps 4tingswrx sefzea on tpenana- ran,- Ar iiack wooa . men jet , ro wjid one tir Wp'portTnjr hm with the'other, tjrttil he : loosed -'llinstaflTs lisrfd i&T)m.the Tail, fcfc which tirocj UinsfstafPs' feit eftre war, and he seL-rned to sHvh easily. iaj h&. bottora of toe Meps niackwood . then vbservtvt ; Jie appeared' to lay as asyrtrTete as he could - 'J ilVib wut ill, il jrfta(.i . t. i "t Sworn to and subscribed before ' rati this 27th March; 1826 - . The aflidavit of Mr. Thorn a. Adanis, after 1 .swung- tne-iacT hi suosTsnce trie same as m. il, concludes in the following 'word? ; Atid ia the beVief of .this ""debnehf, "that v )fhe sViid RingstafTreceived r - hurt -from the Mid lllackwooiV as he slihwed no disposition to hurt hinfi, but wished, to startim home , urto be cleared of his company. .' ; -jA THOMAS, 'AtfAMS. t ' .'.v Sworn to before roe, ":" - ; -v i - thii.2.'?VMarrhlfl?;- " i I"4 ' ... XiiTin B. AisoaRouc. J;,. P, r t v . J ; f, ' '' 1 ?iave taken the affidarit of pnn J: Y , rreeland,Esq. whi was 'present, and s- wall ( . that happened..' His statement js similar to ".Vthewo foreoin, nnd concludes thu : ; 1 A3danVvj0ler.ee uset1)y said Blackwood P ' . '.was not seen by this deponent- ' ; r - CV ; f .;: v i JOHN J. FREELAND.Y. f Sworn to before me, ' "r v - T.' this 2d "March, 1826. V f- Datid B. ALsonboK,vJrl.-: Mr. Nelson Pliillips, son of Mr." James Phil Jips of Hiflsbf rough, stated; . - ro ; . 11aton the eTening-oftbe 16th instant, te was standing in the door of the saddler's shop " of James PWlIips'a hen he saw- ,ndcrs i ; T3lackwod leadings Uilliam lttn?sarto'tne steps of thetaverri of William' II. Adams. .AVhen on the pUtforra of the rts, .Rlngstafi' seeroedv unwilling' t& go down, and Black- wootl took llingstaff under-his left arm, Eup- porting himself with J ,1s left by a post tttach ' ed to the piazza, snd to all appearance with - ;jrauch cautibri, td make UingstafF ''go down : -fca&ly.. When about half, way down, King i; staff gave way; in the kneesor sh'pt & caught v- on his seat, about th second step fiom the . grouh;!, after which,' hk bead fell b.-ck and f he men lay in tliat" position. The fall ms f r not at all severe and appeared to be the r..ef- V , . feet of accident on 'e party of Black wood, t Tb distance I was from the "scne was a lit- i " tie more than k the w'dth of the street, the ' houses being nearly opposite. " " - V NELSON-PHILLIPS., ; t Sworn to and sibscribed, . - . ;v ; I uu&in aiarcn, iuo. JosiAH TuaJtsn,' J." P. Uie opinion of thosr to whon I tn not "per sonaHv"tDiwn,r dernahds" the f-ublica.tion of ided on the 1 a T.Tm (X'PtfWWsi160 -'A-Tho. Je.irtett,s..i9Wjointngl , Ve ar: competed, tinayoiuauiVV'.td. .4 ; a aspect tbr A. the LroceSdina of Cpwrw slnce ' X ' V-'' w m 1 1 m 1 1 . in 1 iif iriaf m "r n.i 1 i 1 iiji . . l Ann Aroir . - Tra vimr t n n to -w r r 1 x- t - v - v - . . v , . . a- tv i - ttxtracp 01 letters ironivuc,ftiuuj, ji Esq; Vgentreman of tJie - first respectability in ViTgmia, IO ir.tiry vyntu, cw; j.uit vfvKi 'Jiinond, Oct. .231825 vri fl ell 'tW rtb,' wilh 4:onfidencefr0fn te niwel evidences of his (Vyche8)guiltVtrrt he is a ; sharper let thif safTK:e.;V Lamr riot surer that I iivehairl am of that fact.: - ? There are horioraBle men here, as' well as myself, that believe him; nay, knovsr him,4 sharper ': ' ?' .The loctor OVychej aft ec rmt'cfi prepif a tion came to Richmond: to carl me'to.acconnt. f!e ascertained that lhai made ni secret of my,opnuns 01 nun, out j(natpvKC,." hre, as well as to yoivasa cheat apd :yilkun? He told Mr.;1V!. .tohnson he meant t take or demawl satisfaction of mei and with-these resolutions, fortified by ma'ry rash vowshe makes a h retreat, and says not a word a me.t-Mf'.. Johnson informed, me ot yene intentions, to iwhom I jeplied, that J. could never meet the Dr.jis a .ntlemah. . -I told Mr. Johnson that I had clarged Wyche with cheating hi a letter addressed tb yoxf; (IT, Lvnch-that I had xlorie so in other places and at other, times; and that i that was nt enough, I now jnade the charge and dched him.' ' y Cabv bfaljetter.to JL Lynch.. VJV-. -A - y Philadelphia lMfcK'jy. ?STnThe ; object of my,present -visht to tle Nrtb, is crpmsiy for the purpose , of as pertaining the caueiof a rep'rt dettigatory to "my standing in society a gentleman. Although I have made use'bjf. every exertion in my pbwer to trace ',he origin I have suc ceeded 'nVv farther than inht ' impression H must have etnahatedrrom: yoiii K ; If such be ihefnclZtrjyt no doubt youwll -confess it, vand if rriy information Ja;o'y,'of course you wiirdeny it. ? Respectfully, ' "'V.'s .;" ? -' -''f, c;vi A A, I'tvyCIIE-' ; 'iCtptfa, Iiter u9l;AjlTch i.;Sir,-r My information respecting your char acter was denved from'Ir. Mosebyi and cir. cumstances have t in. my oprnoj. confirmed his statenRt. : " For what 1 have said of you, noVxplanatinh can be given until ,'ybiV prove yourself Worthy the notice of a gentleman;. Iarchli"l'826.'r-; L- Drawing on the iOtk of, May. COO EN'sv 0 FVIC E B 1 tTiwoni:, 1 March 24, 1826 (Kraita Stair aotttra? OF MARYLAND; r- v.- i romthVsr proofs of. the factSy a candid public will .decide how fir the. Etlitorwas - correct in declaring it a sb meful tran'wetion of.thitth'e unfortunate ItingstafF was thrust ' from the steps of one of the Taverns by the j Bar Keeper, or that the Bar Keeper was giiij " ty of inconsiderate qruelty,tdesevvig of se vere reprehension. Those whoare; acqnaint ' d wittr roe,'Will know that I am as lit tie 'd is t. posed to seize. upon a helpless (uninkard as a fit subject lor cruel -sport or, unfeeling severi ,1y, as Mr. Editor o( the Hillsborough Uecord . ert Oany one else. v. . ." v . . - - - C-'. " AND E K SON iLACKWOOD.( t r ;aud, PIANO": for' salel . , :"Vhich ' may be ;een at MiyJ. Stuarts.v Price $100. . k -sIarch v r r 47 St " .' I .-.v'r.-' :J?j?w.v-r v H ? -r flME: Annual Meeting of the Stockholders ', . JLlbf the Neuse Rivcf Navigation Company, J ' 7will be held on the. fotmh Monday of April ' ' ' next, at the Office of the Secretary of State, in the "City ofRaleiffh, at 10. o'clock in vthe forepoon ; uhen the CompanjVilT he newly " :; J) organiicd," sgreeabh Jo the. Act of Incorpo w t"on, and the general int-rests of the.Coropany 1 wtfl c discussed hd acted upon, 1 I lv'iJ Byiorde'r, 5' v v.,.;; V -r'-i ;. . f , " , C; COO KE, Seey. ;'; v? -;? Ra!e?gh, lach:30 '77 I : 7 State pbrtRrCaroIIiia!:- j ; 7-- .V;- r Aihe.Contj;7t 7-.;7- f .. r vCourt-'of Pleas arvl Quarter Sesssions, ". 1 I " Tir .Febniary Tvrin, 1826V ; 7 : i J V-7 n GSV)v7.;7c;i j 7 ." "t. v ,jK; i J.Oimal A"ttatchmcnt. I ."iy'VVmi Turman.vy. '...6.-.-,ti; ;.;':Vv.4.'--r- I v VTT appearing to the;qourt, that the; De j V 'fendanO in this cae is an inhabitant of I .ancthec Stat:lt is ordered b tlie Court that rpublicatlwi h. Thade in the Raleigh Register . lor x t eeks, that anlcwtliei hefemtant 1' u 7 jpp-jr at our next Cotirt of Pkajnd ftuar lerSis:cins to bevheld W ther county vf . Adieat ihe Court- House in v Jeffrrsoni' on . 'the scoud Mom!aV.tf My next,repleTvilie impertv snd ph-ad toXNMie, ' final jud-rment . 1 wnj n JaKtgMisi mill, . uir pnprxy qon NO. 6. To be drawn on the - . " . :. . . - '. .- : -' B wliichthe", holder oftwo tickets, or tw shares, will be certain ofobtaHung at least ONE PR IZE, and may draio Tl 1 REE ! , The whole scheme-to Ve drawn IJJ-ONE DAY, and will take place in the f:ity of Baltimore, on WEDNESDAY; v7 "77" ' : ;k Tle lOivof May; . , 7 HIGHEST . PRIZS ; Tw'entihFive Thousand Dollars. ; 7 - v-7 7 - ' jiRIUJAjYT. SCfTEJlE.- J": v 1 prize, of ' $25,000 is : $25,000 .; - 7 2 . - .10 :v 15 .-..j-y 50l -1 . 100 ; : :ioo ' 550 ,20,"000 10y000 - 5,000 " 1,000 ' 500 ,100. ' 50 . 20 10 r - . 10,000 10,000 ' 10,000 - 7,'500 - ,'5,000 ' v 5,000 7 2,000 5,500 " 80,000 20,829 Prizes, amounting to 19,171 '-'7- . : $160,000 ,40,000. Tickets at $i . ';f' $160,000 J'rizet ththjeet to a deduction 0 15 per cent nnd Pnyah1e iirty dayt after the tfra'toing c but can be had, as usual at CohcnskOnice, the moment they ar drawn. -,4'.,.- ; .'.': - VWhole Tickets $5 )Q Qriarters" $1- 25 ' Halves? .-.--v. , 2" 50 Eighths :'- f32 - To be had in the greatest variety ov Numbers, - ' Odd and Even, at N. , . f "I N, Cl; 1st ADril;4 825;-and.if net i taken out biforee7tst Jjd Geeal Post Office. aadeaA letters Ball6ckRic1iard4 CjIittlejohn-Thos. Bri -1 Burtopt James M. .-VJ.MHchell ,Davl 2r Brown Asaph 4-7 ilichelI Phillis 77 nidlocfcGe4ge7'Ma,ira Josiah '- r . v Brbdon jGcbre 'T'Tilladdoxv A-7 lleTilarha iS77- Neal fwspnjK77 Bryant John JrV 7r 7- -JJixttall -Jolnv ? 7 7' Barnes Ji.hii r'Nntrall Jaiqes 3 jv Bul'ock-Benjrfi. J rO'BnaTit Rerl t; BpwfV WrnvG.: vTlOwcnJbvid V ! 5..f Ch r stis n; C Vfn a 2 77Puryear Hemy7 7 Clerk Ctvf Court 7 Peice ' JoTui 77l7v Clement AnAionytPail!iarttBe Clav Peter i"rf.prmrrjSbadracl CbTeT Or n Pr mrce-Temp- ranee rritcher:Natld7; PnJlianvThomas K. 7' "100 v & by Tho-Maon seirs loming Jno: Crews Siisan H'. T- Parham Sutnuel T Caih EHiah flilbbfln NathVSf; Cbbbs f is H J ) 4 r Riclwds J?mes ;;7?7 CbhiPton Revrtymr - Sims CbArieCjfv..' Dirnenf Thomas Speed Stephen K5 7 Karl jon .vr ! -J nnxivJoai-V?i ?r. Firer David7' Stone 3ane? P. j -Fnutier'lIowelT '..ffte.hite!.SljtnoTi CraresTRalph Mf'.;;V..;iSaughieTr.'AbWarav;f Henderson l7s.: 2 V ; Smith Charles -. i Hnskith ami ;2ls 'i'Speaw.WilUe-Myi. flams Rev: Willis 2 ? Scantor Joseph 7- :7 If.rrU Thomas ; i : ,Tbomasan Georgfe f . Harris'Beniamin , . "Tavlof Rev, L. r 7 Hester Jpnies : : Taylor WK 4-7 7 f fester Thomas TTay lor NM. 7 Hawkins Matilda. Taylor, Francis . " 5 ITavWSMomnn7- Taylor Jnhn77 If arris Charles 7 : ' "Winst George '. ' i lifter Jo'n 7 7 Wf.ite Jolui '7; UtRterHintfm G. ".Willie Thomas H. fonej Martha --'X, -Wher Jesse fSc Jones Njcholaa3 ehb John 7 i Johnson James-7 yWdliams. Harris 77 ; Jones W;-D. " ; " . Willia'nis Hlam Jones-Dr.v Isaac KVWebtt&Dicfens 7, Johnson William - 1 :, . Washington KJohn KimbaU;Iwis ".7c7-Williams: Green 1).. . Kittrell Jonatliani 7i tYapcey. Absalom ' liilcsMrs:-." Sandal. . Yancey Charles 5 Langforrl Hirani t .2 Yancy James f.onckerT. ; ' Yancey JacksqnJH y Undsay Cale 7i T u.4- JAMES MAVIGGINS, P M. r Oxford,'April 1, 1826. :v, 7 ;.'7 7 NOTICE. ! 1 TT7"IIXbe'soid aWhe Court House of Hyde v J ? ."'"Count y; on the last i Monday of April nertj the following tracts of La nd, or so much thereof as will pay the taxes and charges due for tlie yearl824, to wit : 7 7 " 7 ;1039 acres listed by Stephen ' Gibbs, ad joining Caion G. Speticer nnd others. y . 56 by Thomas Gibbss heirs, JBenjamin Gibbs and D. Fuller;; ;:r ; r 77 v 100 ' by Hugh Jones', jr! adjoining Na than Volloway. . . 7 --v ; - 7v7'''f 66 ; by Joshua Swindell's heirs, joining Benjamin Spencer. 0f " i:- 7---,10 " by Feller Timons, joining Elizabcth Swindell, pd for 1 8231: V ?:. " r-7 . 7 :l ,90 . by Nathan Volloway. joining Hugh Jones, jr. - -, ; - " - '"4 V108 by John Vollbwar, 1 - do do 60 by Aaron Williams joining Carney Gibbs. - . - - "' 77,. 50 , : by Jonah Bradley,joinig Benjamin Watson, sen. ::.v; s - " l-v"'..-," 100 .. . by Joseph Bradley, joining John is. lionneii ana ira uonowca. ; . . e . - 398 ' by Alexander Evens,' joining Hugh Jones and D. - ajiace.: C2 ii f : ri. ft. r t . : . 4 ; o ia 1.0 u 1 vxi u i i 1- v u u j t ua ; , i : f- ,Vi Ti Cnnntw. - b'orEquity? Fall Term 1825.V 5 . jffiam'MrWaltaiid others, ' 7 C Randal Diike SeaTesadjn of Abner,Wilk,er -JMec?. and others. fV r, XT- appearing to the satisfaction of the t Court -that-OraxScalesr4 Philips" and his7wife,( Judv,' vSaxajbPortef-AKner. Chei naultf Samu"c Heath, and his.wifePriseilla, Vilfam Fore; "John Meritt JamesIorgan JameaVslker, Abnr hildersnd his wife Nancy, William Ferguson and his wife Judy J defemlants in this icase ar? ; not sjiiuaUitaots jof thfs State7clt is therefore orde?e licatioti beinaif.8wetksj inil &fp& leigh - hegister,' that the said.De fed da nts ipr pearat'the qert Court to be held foriUock ingliam countyat. tlie Court House inlVent wortfi," pn tivejfiftli ?.Monja3aftethe fourth Monday InMar,bh Pleiad, 'ahswer.;o?.iemurVtb mplnant b31,otherpise th? simae"wiltbe :taken pro cbnfesso and heard,exparte :- Witness'Janies S.. Mbreeadff Clerk - and'' Master of -oni; said Courtt office 4he fifth Monday afterthe fourth Monday-in September Av D;: 1 825:7 7 JAMES TMOREHEAD, C3lM5t ;entworth7 Feb, 4, 1826. . -6w,7 owrj consent candi 9'Jtr. - Araelia : cmihtf ; jrr'tlic 'next Oentrat A vV--' i;At a large 'tintlTejc Wertn'ling. .77V7f ';V - 7T-, FHIDAY, APRIIi 7186V.:i? tri '"t. 7rhe': Superior . Court for thisjCounty is sun lu session, a nu win main : $0 during thq week. : Bui few "causes bri ihJbml dbclc et, owing to jhe I i ttga ted .carkcterfieec been;disposed 7 i'ngi ijbe crirocket ?was entered on, and whe n our paper - went to p res?, the trial pf: j6Rellfur tmur of a negro,; by whipping, was under prnress77 ',; - w y:.. K!r'y' A daring attempt '-was madeon Mon-! day- nighty lst, to center the' Store, "of Messrs. J. & Peaceof this City, by perforating: the;weatherboardirf2: in a number of places v with ;an Auger. The ' villain were iri - the :.fuU tide of successful experiment" when unfortu- natelj, for, them,. one of the gen tlemeri i-luiiri -!'7a7 .eil" "lii-ii 7L j 77 wiiu aieut 111 uie oiure, awuKe aiiu ris ipg.to ascertain what the matter was made a slight noise,? which so alarmed the nocturnal visitants, that they fan 69; re- V 56 by "Edward Fuller on juniper Bay: 180 by Thomas . Gaskill, sen. .. joining heirs of Benjamin Cheney, . . . , . 25 . bv j.swell Gaskins, joining John Howard and Samuel Gaskins. . - 50 " by Priestoil Hamilton7 joining Mc- Kindly Gibns, anti, tor 102. . - 73 Jby Jchial Mason, ' joining John G Blount and heirs of J ohn Mason. s ; ; : -.' 100 . by Mary Styron, "joining . Cason .Gibba and Ambrose Jones, 'y 7vci ; - 150 by Henry Soaker, joining Solomon I Iarfis and others; and for 1823.' - '-v.: 50' by Tplbert Selbj-, Joininj? r "fid'ward?: ter.anu k. isenson. .-, : ' : ; .. v : 156 - by 'Mary" Wauhob; joining tlugh Jones and Jacob; UasKul. - V 40 by John Barrow's heirs, joiningAbel L. Tooley . yi , .... ; : 1' . V ." :.. , '" v ; ldp k by Aljranii Baum, Joining John Credlef 7 : . ' ,-;7 - .'t - ,;v - 92 ; ?r by MargeryBnance, jpinmg Do. on wanquarter Bay : : (V,-.- " C . !.. 144' ' by James Bridgman!s hews, join- ingjonn u. oiouut na puicrs. ; tr 50-. v By. Frjncis Midgett's heirs joining JohnJSlark.-": ''.77r77'-' '" 7 . 77 t ;-75 by LevrMcGpwan,. 'joining Marian Carowon. 1 . . t-.., .' ". 7-' ? 57 , by (Jeo. G, B urgpis, joining Sally WilkinsdnandX5thers7 4 77; 7 . 7 - 400 . A by Richa.rd Fortescues heirs, joihr ing John and Jordan Silverthorn. ' : - 'l 17 by Hugh JI., Fodery, j'oining Tho-J mas Mee kins. : 1 ' ;' .:;;: " ;"-.'y -.7 4; 180 i , by Joshua Fortescue, Joining Mat, and Asa Bell, j'"; !192 by Timothy Parmally, joining Wm. Boomer, L. Bell and others . . 7 77-' ; 640 v 7 hf IVtn. .Worseley , join'ng Sandy Point v . J, : ... tt , - -ty. i: --"t . - -367-' by Tlibmas Winfieldijoiningtl ton Bell and bthers7 -V-a 1 7 100 by Fanny Galard, . joining: James J teitli fm l lu.u. oy xacnarwn oams, jounug j Smith and others; ; "7 V." v-' '7 -'7 1007 '." by JohniBishopTJoiS. James LeHK and - others; 17';lv 77777-' 'i 7: 7 192 by -Henry Bishops joining farvil Wilkinson. .-7 w 7.-:i7? 640, . by John.Davis, 2d, joining 'John ; v60 : iby; tottery fe lExchange Offic?, 114, Market St. - 7 J 7 v Baltimore t ; o' ,v Where-tne. great ana-tnagmncent capital yy:-sP- x: Or(i 1 Hundred ttousandiDolla f s "'Trlii the last Grand StUe lneiy, 77 , way snkl in One half and I wo Quarter tickets, and all of them owned by distant adventurers: The lialf in Romhey, Hampshire County ,"Ya. By Messrs. Charles IK, jClart & Jas. Gibson Oneiluarer.by Mr Jacob AV-olfgang, of Yor, k County; near Hanover, Pal (Both of these Sham have Seen -already ; pretenied and the Cnth inStnn'l paid, as luntal, fit y COHEMS OFFICE. J ' 'The remaining Quaiter,; which is held in Philadelphia, has.not yet been presented- 7TUe names pf the.aboye gentlemen are mentioned by : permission: v -yyt - AtCohen's OfficewhereniorejcapitaJ prizes have been,' sold tfiah' at ?any other ofnee in America.- 7 v i -' :7 ;7. y:;y. : Orders from any. part of the jUnitel States, by mail7(post paid;) or by private convey a tee," enclosing the cash or prize tickets n any. of ,th ( Ixvteriesvall rneet . the, same prompt and punctual aUehtionas "if on'perr sonal application., ;c&JSh p&tkvlariH direct' -7'-yy-y i -.vsVs.'.r -.--7 J. I. C0UEN Ja. 8c BROTHERS, J, HL7 --- y' V iialtamore:. -03-;COnEN' Gaztth:.and';Utieig lie rer,'-will be -publUhed immediately after llu? drawing,' and will contain . the complete List of the-rrizea, and wi.1 he-forwarded gra tis to all who nurclose their Uck'ets at Cohen's Oflice, and who signify: their wish to deceive ' Balrimdre, March 24. - oawttst it ; v - losrkh Gibbs: joining. Saify:WiJ kinson. and otiiefs. rV V108 , by William Gordofw joining SamL Clarke 1. . iViU4v fTiv.",---?- l:t4.60 IbyJbsl Gvpowen j6inmgVlra:tIot 1 lnwtf nd --othPt. .lV.-.tlfeTtr' i 45 : by Silas Jbne?, joining Mary Davis -185 - by Benj. B, Ratclu jt)ining betrsof ifT,m'n star? a inrt ntliers" 'C J. : 286r by. James Smith, Seiujoirung: heirs oTWm. Sattertli walte atul others. ' 165? by John Sears, , joining vNoah Bell.-- ." r X- - ' '7 v V 7 " 70- v by Simpson Silv'erthoTivjbinrng Sal r SO, -J by William "Tyson,' joining John G. BloMnt and others. ' i. : - f - - Easter, ably td noticWlit-vVaVupatliim 'V aoiveu 10 scnpiion nut --.was vpesccu-ouiitpui . : -j vot j anaj. committee' apnqinted to su pena' ; . - v 4. Mna 4a thiiv IVa iitinart il'bn Iha r B4fc . V . ' ; h -. sureHe resulfthir , exertiiihs wiir; 77 lx J:-; . ' , bfe : allied tititabIeto3hctr libeHUtj; 7 v top Xonfe'ton were tecetvedx-, Cotnmerpia Vembarra'j f : v '-7 ments stm continuepnoamproYemwil ; 7- ; mvthepnce:ofottorr:77'vy;1;- If is7 stajjedvin- ilatePVe nCruz. ptf y!4ty tliatestfa . .riUn ilnlaVminntintf MT. ifW WMiBrfim'e'fir'j' i at ' ' "A - to declare W otnif JVJajaSViTiy.;' -v;-: Vi :,7 hexlaiini for .quit reti Ut broogh t f by; 7 :7 v ' 17 k a Vitrei 'iiT'r -nl HalfirrtnVpi noiinathh"- 1 77- 7"sVl We regret to State," that ; concurrent accounts from varioui $ecliohs of, the. State, .confirm the fears entertained of the; entire destruction of . the Frui t, yy the Vei'Xsof '.icL last month;" " 7.7- . -7-'- ; .The President of the United' States arid the Delegation in Congress "froni tne state 01 i ennessee, u appears, nare come to nbpeii rupture, 'relative to the recent7 appoiht4neh7of 'a-; Post master at Nashyill e f rhe f circunv stances :ithe7ca5as''. them, are-briefly these. 7 ..Mr. C u rjhpyv a respectable ci tizen ofNashvil le, who had been fdrten'years an acting deputy iriUhe office,!ran(i; who isTremarkabl v zeafous in hisfriendship for.Gen. JacK-; son was recommended to the Ppstmad tr ;.'Gi eneral,;bjr six hundred citizensf Nashyl 1 le,- as emi nen i tly ;:; fi f ted tp Jfi 1 1 4 h e office of Postmaster, and in this xecom mendation, all the members of Congress from 'that' Statesave ; weVunited There was fpDtheam.e!pffice,anothe.r applifcantMrZriyinthc N a sh v i U e ; VVhig w hjoduri ng ih t re' sidential contest favored Mri Cra w fonl's interest, and whose brother, tnarriedLtJje daiigh ter ;'bf M r7Cl aYVfhe PstmasieV uenerai it seems, consuireaTine Jrresi dent relative to the appointment, ;and the consequ e nc e .asf-that 7IVI r7 iJrwjh wasselectJjs; factbeing rumor ed rabroadi Messrs! Baton arid Houston; ij e formeal Seiiatory atid the Jatt eca Itepreseotatlvje - frdmifrennesscead- dreised W tetteri of Hhinnoiih.i tresijenlataiingt rai sons why MrCurrr shoal deceive the apiointmwSttisi teUef is wriicVn i a verj .strong language, and-the jwnters at jegethat 'ihei- Psent Jiwr IaTt parted" frpniejythin of tisage, lof racticieand ritndinsiuiiateth his conducjtrapart irom a'nierev void; 13 in; no, reasooaoie wayo ue accuumcu ihTliisrietter as rlrn &Hthe authors bv the Postmaster General,' at the request of the Executive, as apa pet net 'prdptf 'for 'hirit to, 'teceive.V Mr.:Mcan. also" states, his notej that 5Ir;,Erwin I previous io. his accept ance of the appointment, unde-a traiis landicddersfMa Videi:.6th'evSujpre.iim:tdu IftateVlr 'Hft' . and Wtanser ster and-::;Ra?mondor.ih -'iyy I'Batt ! I it;rs1said.;thaG vy;X . : received 85,6dQ fe-L' , i thei'Zw 6fmmws& Such ;uv-;: 1 '7t?..-';-i::" l-H ty-y ?:A:!s:?i- .f: ;Zy . i i wock par every; crpy. .l Cr,7-7V ' ; I nnA iht nnf ilTchprq have coma to the de J 7 i 7 ' - i. H jfermittatip 77,7 ' j! present session tne. 41. 9F.$m, iV 'f-',7'vy iat'um;!a't!fpw; from the engineers respecting tne rouies -.; ; : tne exieni oi nuiuu; -wyum. cHimv.y ,; n . ; . j:....A.f kaiivM eir-nil riPVPri nun. - J.-' I' . - drd:milesj;ihi fstia executing tae'satnehe .77; - simiiiionsiir apiiaH -. itisited,inther of the;8th ulK'th ' j; ood;raurr '" Immense tlaraage; w'asilrineto 'C:;x; " and others, on theioistorjanfi vnncii r K-kit' : . riyer -One hundred thousand doJle: -Lv v777;'-' j i damaJZat'letrjs calcola j sustained in fiatTehhessjalone; 7 7i7r 7'7 c ) yiv: ,V:'';'1n;7s7;77:y Itovt. So little of vthW , article: xrt: ; 7 7 v v " j i raisedln this StateT last VyeafV i. tliis. townrthe greatest ; market ini the ; : V 7 r ' .? Jl State;:ajtjuantity sufficient forconsump-;7r7v 7 .i.t ' HOI! COUIU not uc;uuiamcu ,t uiv . ; : Steam Boat broughtlS or 20 barrelsof -.1.. i; -; '-""f Northern floufr and fh'uch hiofc willrie - ' I cessaniy. nave ,w ue guiaK'w y - a ; ' v same -.ttarterf .'Soi'ro .; !i pIantiDg?efe; Oby;:?f;: ?71.7r:--' J- ; v r7'7-7 -777-7 7;V-;t y. : V 7 !, ! not:. hftnerto7ad verted t6ihe ? anDllca- "-;V-: J ;7 ' tioftof this :iferterabIciTatri ! !.. Viiinia Iislaturev'askiu y tance, to enable hinvioTcltsposV of bis; ; 7 7;7 :;r-" 4pSdihVelea.TO thought theisclJsuref ia . 7 paintul to every:Amencan.as.uowing ' ;"T ' that'thVostvaluaWelmdeiaJted'p ; ;: lie-services -tliat a fitnet, and rigid : -y ;:- , economv-tbat- vhole "life deyuted to V- --if the publicthat thesejviind alt hese ri ;7;- 1 i might leave their venerable and virtuous' 7 " J; v;;. f possessorthe victim pf pecuniary tmS)f'.-X "'' t; , brarassmenturrthe losing year of -7 7 , 7 honored existejicclX i .47r7 7 ' f.-- 'fc; " ;';eseif c mfol topics, w'c witild " nl v I j Wubstitute furllierp inother wore" plea-, 7 7 i ' It sant and more hbriorable; 'M r- -Jefler- 7 ; . . j. spuwe are irifbrmedwhifei servic abjbadjbetJa 71 f English Housey in ax large-anbut whichi(tJrough-their;.Jfberance) ia 7 v.'v V still '.either", wholly or io'part dueV'! : ' v -7 instructiorisof tharhouse to thejr hih-- 7v." v-7? lyf respectable ageills inN ;','-' were, tp asVof M r.Jerorsonv crilj- thes V7 'C' ' ! ihteretfnotrtodcar.Jtnnless perfect- ly cdhf enient to him, any of the Iprin-v.' ;s '' ctpal,' during his lik tLnejfor they "-;77;;. : garded himilh 3 nsch veneration, as - v'7 74 7 the frietidof niatiUinf!, and th bed- V;i7;! ) : efadtor' of -hispecic?, t!:it'th?y coultl ' , ; not'think ofputtin-hi: ; to t!ie drhtesiC':"';.;-; - J ; M40s- Iby, Swinde