rfmm llie embarVntr product by theUoinniHUecar.noUi.fcemeuneTiuc neucssi- :oen i n,-m, ricu,i to profit Si rt3n?S kTeWiaWf. irnd tvf or expediency of entering into any forma! .little as yet by e?nern tnd it would seem' ' i ei?lPte"tnTO eu4, mj .i-liiui .KkSfsitifhat aeecf. rash to tsroclaim their Perfection, itthi.ir. t i mucfi better to aDsiam ioju uumik s'v"sv-. f i--?"r'-;r- H ; . : ,-7'7-T-""9k'.. j; "r:'.v7;r;V m,Matcw'trotbe coinm.ttee on Foreign ' jj'l ': . - j . ' " Helat tons, to yrboin vas referred on t'be 28-li. .I :i'v Vv'- "v-lbtcin&r; the tnessage'of th. Prudent cf .'I I; " ; v--' United". Sules,' otug;1chard C. ! f ' -:hxfM tie'-Asketabljr pf tbne rican Kalion il i 'A svV : i'Mm';.nf ' ili 10th' instant. : & Mes . - . J for tjieir Mccej . and alUiougli the relations Sub limit ItS UU CbUJUO U'uuw..; - -- -- -- on ouV'part ; y et; the Government f tbe,U. 8 cdnvbceJ of the propf'ely of t strict id- hprence. to Abe .principle irt hadi eyer pro claimed as the r : ' 2 of , its coridMct m relatt to other tiatibnV; forebW to tafceany Vn ths ftrule a'ndjPaihlAmeVl the most xac rwtitrlitv bptween these bellfiefents viNbr w Oil la i ever rc)sisc uic ihuhjuiui-uvv approved; than toreonfide' in V&ptiretjf tne'&enateHinne?iaw .rcson,- w ic sent td t hk rat ificatibh'of ap, agreement, af- er jt ia adjusted-tyi means of sucjj . negttU4: r. In thcresent ease, it, tne measure wur accomplished" by' e Vprioposed ?: Congress, " at ranarna 'j and, on the lOthnstant," a etS ;.M5vunndiecpme Vh,teVer maiobj KoS?Vin fafend hegituutTon of tletr should:not meet the; concurti.ng; op? SiTs tbem, as aU the parses there, such as to'rniniTt-st thntKeoaffbt no longer to; need rXh l.ghts ot.bitdJ be held 8ponb)q Jothcir So: soon 1 1- one9Tef eC as tliis occuVi-ea l U; S,ast gladlv the ve andgre Iiiur j uli.iU.'.Aw 1 3n hi. ni; the onlvfmavbtit most ronably-will, ? results V '; .'(- ; $ , CAgc, commumcaiirg ccriaui uuwuiucui h -v rJ :fh-;'j: hll't lafinff 'threVo,T submitted die foUcrar re- V -V ' '.';;' -t C".That tfiet- 'KaTfe examined 'the siibiecttnJ nrst-taprotVim Ae:sontyi pendence ot these states; ave w "V " a ' rijT wi:i strontrest1 nJedffe: of v espept;f. ir.entisuip, juiu.Jiiiv:ic morUbWlii'sts' OT: to R?dge any of them t perpetuate rither pulationfv;-ariy- Qtheri of the high, just, and their present dsritiitions;or existing polit'cal !iniversa?l admitted Tights of all nations.' ilnOtt Veeen( T Such aiiideat however, wVVusljf nofctbat s bssed'iipon the SMppOsitionf tif its own pro. ' ustea. dy me ministers pi mcm-w.," i ui" ncn.iu.uf t proviaei hrllnmhln V aWfi 'Ipmorsi meant to beeonV 1 for its amendment, AVhenteKsnch defect. nrehfnded in W agreement Arbich .the. Pre-1 shairhe -tdiscoveretl to ;existr Ve cannot; , sidelitihlnlca mar be found adable ?very J tbe're'foreVstlrfalate to preserve it as it is; and itntff rititMi- mV nit ftflja'zard- theiR best 1 fientem: hereafter saer to- henehcial to U; interests without anv aeouate tvafcesiich 'chanir. ' them referred, with the roof profonndattcn- . T . t ! i :.il:..ii ;n.i opinion- n gppa can .pos wjnyuragnni. thether, sl?otiiane,;viewsr! o? I tions, tor ine purpose oixumg -ana prqmui. eoocur.witlv-tliose pulitivqr : 1 1 . -:. - -lion ; ami Juc ursiuwni iijuii n. au.iuc wyu; J; . V , :. ; '. if 1d ration demanded by its ncrt clty, ilelicary, 'vVjV , : ' fl high impbrtanc t4 the character and fV - . j. rif ing this 'je.x'am"pattbh,'; the ' cbrnmittee; fottncl yf: -tlif mseives not a- little embrassed V at first -"-i ! . . t u-Xf- - nv- me circuinsTance announced dy ic tj re v 5 ."?" ,v:iU'nt,in ius message to ootii Houses or ton i,; : f ..; j ' I ".vp gretv at the cmmencemerit of the preseW .'.'v k session, jLarbe had already accepted -iheJin- J- 'lV Citation :gweh to .the, UniteI States, by some ; f. VV' -iT-t'i.'-V''be American t'epubircVto be, represent-'...'U-''. . - 5 ed il the contemplated C'ttirrcssx ofi Anieri. I ftretrv thai iorI and cordial selves, ana so vanpus -ami tuTr!iiea 7 w irt.nHf efltnt;7 itnnn':nii?ions diiTeriHe'? ironi'eaclf I ences or Till in v Liin luwu v ew- 1 - m . - v - - - . . - - - 1 . . A : . t i : i P V&e- that event Ministers We been itef I pprehend.d; j The ; po er. possessed by thPrvsiaent Wrhed to eacli nf these new Republics: -in- tne Senate, orjntnnoiaing us Sed taSfVd ,.lherorerto:j;re- and SfS for-"hby;tbe U.:S. and sofiipient! assunince, agSinsthe possibleand ojut ofh-anemen yAxic wlbn&XMi With'them, probable ereds'oiihe.pfopwedeas,tres- ijioVtpfXthis commiUe msummm . - : - mi 1 rrt.:T, :..fiTviioCr.ri. in tnf 1 tiip man irtimttXM nannen. . j 5 . f uoioih v mav uui. most yivuam y , w in, wc cn 1 rrinciDies.oi - tnevmpsi per cw-f msuc w ikiws, aj iui uiv.yu; , vfy r-j --; - - -rj-.v; ; j , 'i - v 1 - T' ' 1 t eauitv.- air theofdinarv. relations tfcitl Tgue rtescripuoni fiyen m mem, nt- i .--. ,u jMjUic i u . : 77 .TtJ ""f- 'tvtv onsjin ine war.' OI . nuj:pcnoc.ncciiucinw't s:sh prcjuutcrw iu vjic viihcji vv ui vuc uiu, aj . thejneTpowe tliey are;siipp6sedtb bel?en?ficidl to thr,s0 of and of opppsition tb colzatibn in me- th'eiierbrld.M.an provisions in l ih'on 'fk riiircrlves i and In Itirictlv to tlieir iev. ind? regarding those 'did all that our Xeeling? die which, are particularly menjiionea, land 'de if .;v;"4?-'.! 1 V - '2w Nations, about t be assembled at 'Pana i : ' : nju : Bat; seeit iri.'th several 'comniuAicn- . tions.mad' by the secretary otjs rate; ia me to the eo.ft- ispensabTe "brel minan-'io the accept 'rxe of thjs Inrita- .1''.?. 7. j x rr r"iV ' ; V;; -e. 'Wri H ; UJiK-renujninisTers oitmese ite.p "o?"' ' M : --s an e"snfessv reference ' was made - .w '.T:; - ' ' - . ' ocurrence of the Ser tieaa tlie ind V. s- vvi ? " ' n . . llov 5410 nnuinpt in xnepresem nichsagc ej -vb,e -President; the "explicit alssurance,-tnat i ' - -" : he had- not thonglit proper to ta're, a.n v: ' ep ViV 'vt-:in caitvine this meisure intb effect, until he -.i,'.-- eruid ascertain that his opinion ot , .n s exp diency woiild concur with that efboth branch es of the Legislature the committee btliev cd Y became a part of the duty they bwed to the Senitei and would be evidence of the pediency of Adopting whini, was the subject . i i. that the Senate was" thus inved to deft- upon an exist not less'to them irfiir 'so far.' we tajteri, and the'interest of either seeVed then I scribed with more precision ; tins committee fn ronnirA What nssitv has since arisen I nav.e not neenjaoie.Tp aiscover to do-3iorei ? :-Arbat; cause exists now,' to I of ' these last, a. sinelei slibj prompt, the uVstates to' establish nek and 1 which the United States ought sfvontrr relations with them. nd so to aian-1 any negotiation with the States fon that '.rule '-'of conduct4 which hashither j to be assembled lit 'the contemplated ' Con 1 ' . 1:1 r J -1. I Jl!'iL'; ,T. i i nx-n cntrt Kir I 18 any wici nct uy uic-iuwpraii;.ruwrjBf;yj8i w; ect, iconcerhins: 1 the Mexican'Sntustcr to be V the ,two prim i between some ot the iiewv to nter into I cmal subiects'f of intended discussion afcthe 1 this verv Cbueress awl wli of A nierica. 1 contemplated- Congress1 5 and; indeea, are 1 up, are weJi ,ca cutatea. rt: . I the-fiVreiit'cbnyehtioiisi already cohclndod btatcs, relive to tch are now puli. produce such a all the wibjects of disciission -which he p44- rsUspHjionif they ;do not justify -a belief :n Its cu ar v. states I he v Minister ot i;oiomoiar trutn. Ana wnensoeyer tins suspicion i.na'1 enumeration of howeyerfektencts iseriumejation: 0 by ttiejattonsoftlve'old world, cohnot refrain I subjects of intendeds discussion somehat land espfeclallVy those VboiIl h'oIdp;s3es- tentifln of thr committee to a minute examl-1 from'calline the attention of the Senate to i 1 turther;iand, after; mentioning, those: oeiorei sessions on tow continent;, ix must oe oovious nation nf nil Vli iloiments tb them refer. sino-ular circumstance, disclosed bv the do- stktedadds as another. the xons-dv ration t tb all.diat coiiseouenees muth to be deplored r'fjm nrrter .'Viiat ihev mio-lit tlipreinldiseo-1 cumenta to themeferred Althousrhi an f of the- means-to''beiic!6i)ted' fbrvtheenti'r i I Vitf ivdablKTOwlti.'. -y -if'' r ver the reasons assigned; by the new States! enumeration of the' subjects 1 to which the bolition of the African Slaveltrade v. Nothing that fan be.dOTe.tUereaiter, of 'America for desiring the United States to attention of the proposed ; Congress was to lv I o.. this subject the,: President ,jn3Ke.s:noi any.aeparxmenp or mis uoyernment. in rcmsi pnresent,T nt th rrrinoTPs jhnut tnihlhe dirertefl. was exnllc.tlv stated as acohdr allusion in hiss Message ( and, afterithe exi mg to sanction-..the stipulations concluded assembled atv Panama;': and the motives of tbn preliminary to the acceptance by .the! mi nation which it-has received In the ?rnat'et: at a Congress regarded in- this light, will uf.' rAdfi rtfin cfk. tr-it ii v oriri rmn v in r i u rrw in r:in:iiii. a. : . sued 'f'":'1-' ''""Vs -rv !i 'j 'Before'proceeding to the ThesVinriuiries 'necessarily tailed the at-j tbese objects, the committee ' i- i - j r , raxe upon, anu 10 mane Jcnovn meir opi- : "'? ( ..." i - Vy'v T' Considerations -of much higlie, importance ;y:::ii : Jthan even these, induced the ooromitt'eetto :iV . 'Hl. "t '; t adopt this Cfiurse. r In the ordirL.rv Tjroprcss ( - - - . f, - . : - f o . i J y their proceedings, the Seiiateean rarely, ' t if ever,' find It either neeessafy or proper; to f. y Inquire as to the' objects expectedtrt ibt at - .'" ( tainedi byapbintments, , tq which their a ' -'-.?' Vice and constnt is .asked. 'As tp all officrs ...ic,:?" statutej . in which these objects ; j .;?V are -d, fimd, andrrheif aitamnrentpositivt-ly ;V y 'fVqutred, the single' question arising before " ; T the Snate,"must ever refer rherely to the fit V ."r'e;i'7f the persons nominated by 'the ; presi- -A'X. dent to" fulfil such" dutiesV llie'same, will ' - n ra'lji be foand hr s'de inquiry neeessa . " Ij to bemade. in filling up vacancies, "happen- 1 - iDg j" Prexitifg foreign missions, .designed , ; r , 1 6 TOa main "the customary relations and iii- ' . . vtercburse, of friendship and' commerce be. ;, - tween W United States acd other nations. i - "Vty different,'1 however, Js tlie-case, -when ' : '. . -it is proposed ta Create riew ofBcei1, by" no-J - y. mr:uin,. or in ocsj?u .y minisiers xq foreign ( y States, tof the first time, or" to accomplish, fiv siirn-:m-tirtn oh Tens' not -kneeinllv di. closed, 5r under circumstaHccs new peculi-- - ari and highlv important. Win all these, cises 3' jnsU ad of xonfuiing their inquiries' to the l,raere fitness' of-! he person nominated to Ril the - President "for intimating Jus willingness iq; accept .xis inviiMiion-;.; Ana- inmaiuns such an . examination, mAny reflections 'pre sented themselves, as connected with tire proposedeasure, all if which' the commit tee will now state to the Senate , ? J -; In a government, cbnstitutetl as is that of the Ur States; in which the sentiment so tural to freemen prompts them to scritin mostexctiy tne extent or aa tlie powers they ; grant, and to vlimit thi extent by exercise, the"! strongest' anxiety is (and of the invitation - ffiven to ( during two Buccessive years'i this committee fic to avert Jlilj calamity And the U States therp tp be there represehtedalt'ho inwho have growq up;, in happiness, iicir, or me minisxers, ivm mis lnyiiauon, -uau icwimii ii(u,hv ic.::iouiuc ; vi m communicated this to his Government; and yereign States, here represntd;yer received its instructions relative thereto; first -.inft he world to':proclaim itheir'a! bv astrict -obsorvance to . vet. Dr'Mt diversities will be found, in the I rehce ot this trarnc. - Since tue ehumeratiuri of these, subiects, made by j this Government ,he United States . . . : ' : their' abhor- manifesti willand most pro- j fornVatibn'of found .-'. respect- for all ? others hatibhs;Vnu!it I have ex I prepare ioembark for 'their ,futu r dest'nics, I na- each of t!.ese m nisters, iii pursuance of such I erted ( nd as this . committee bdieve;, have ! upon . an - unlyucyvya and: turbulent ocean, di- ize instructions. iAridvwhat is still more re- exerted efrectually)a1I the means in' their frpcted by htUe expesfiencfe, tad desUrsd tur 1 marlfaole, wnue many ot the subjects or in-1 power 10 arresi us progress, suiar.as-uir-i noJvtiuir navtriu. in y.uuiu, msunj the I tended, discussion, so; enumerated, by each lown citizens were iconcered ndit.au i -P tuLo. mmletom gra nnt f'afai'i-aA tn In tln 1 ihJt't iin firm a onl cniprtall v ilmsp nntion'4 rh'piri''shr.Iates in' interest. 'cliar:icter lan , it is I messasre of: tbe President, to the Senate; holding possessions in Americai wouldfbllow; j gtiageh religi onrnanjTers, customs,' Jiabits,- i f . I .i i. ' l i'."i ' i r- .i I . l ' : : 1 il "-v. ' - 1 . " J J 1 ' J .1 ..,ii.F UV rnt ii d to ne; nopea, aiwa) s win. ue ieittxo learn Otners are,tnerein sxaieci,as matters ior.xne tnetr example, iiie amencau mvc uue taws, tmu iitwi uiut.ivyui , distinctly what is;' the preciseobject desired deliberation of the; proposed Congress to would no longer exist vThe Unijed States, the'Vivaishi tbe?e discrepancies must surely tobe, attained, and .what are. the precise which not the, slightest allusion seems ever however, have not certainly the ir)gli; Jan4 produce among. th"em,y!would generate dis- means proposed .tor its i attainment, Even to have been made, by any one of the Ame- ought never to feelttieJncfination,itodic- wrds, Which, if thby.did not ''destroy -all hope .tinier wiip vtiieiu tip-1 oi a succcsiui vcrnuiiauuu. uuuiu. iif.tiwc cw-n doihe committee see the success itsef the; cause, t,r new -and dirctui hg' .other States, 1 with conflicts. .Such has been the issue pfa:i such time ; and we have tiiere- the confidence' rt posed in the long-tried pa triotism arid w'cliproved wisdom of our own best citize js does .hot; "and ought not to suf fice,'to quiet" this anxietv, br: to remove this jealousy, inspired by an ardent attachment ncart Ministers, m ahy of . their commumca- j tate to others who may tioris to this Government ; nayone of thefon this subject, nor. subiects. ithe most important, probably,. 5ofl expediency of insult i an v. which the United States are desirous to I whom we are maintaining relations otperfect renterprizes ih past discussv at this Congress,) is neither pot iced j amity, byascehding tlietn'oralcliai expect in the future;' to our rights Arid' ririvileees. It Was, there-1 in the communications made to this Govern-1 nfoclaimiriglfrorn ' thelice,: mere; abstract similar results.from.similar causes., r .-'i i fore; much to 1 be desired and Certainly to I ment, byrany of the American States, nor in j principles, of ths rectitude of whichVreach j f ffTJie-Cdriimitte having thus examined tbe have times been expected, that, before, the des- J the message of 1 of the United StatesshouhL be com-land is to be .or ilia Unattiant 4-r- Ganriffc onl v inferrekl from the . docu- miited to the deliberation and decision of a I imerits last referred .to this committee, re- d riatioit enjoys the -perfect i for itself. The Minister of Cblombi Corgres, composed not of our own citizens, ceived under the call 1 made by the Senate, tber subject of discussion, at , the contemp- iberatiph '4ttheorite)np1ate4 Cbngress,vU but, of the reprtfsentatives of inaiiy 'different for- furtluer mfonnHtioo rail which5 will be lated popgressi "on what basis the rtlltiojis now proceed to; the inye's!iti6Aorthei nations, that the. objects of :ch delibera- very clearly shewn by the details, which the; of Hayti, and of other parte of hot be'ntiVtied 'bf referred'ta .by any' bf them tions should be most accurately stated and commht ee will now lay before the Senate. phere that shall bereafter be in fikefeSrcom- but exliibited iu die message of thb President., A defined, and the mariner of their accomplish-1 I The first siihiect stated by the Mexican'! stances; are to be; placed.?; Tb this matter. ment .efcarlyand distinctly marked out, : Minisfer, as one whicb would occupy the at- also, the President'rhakes rid alldsion 'ui his in this, opinion,' the President himself tention of the contemplated Congress, and . Message And, surely',; ifsthere js suiv. sub seems to have concurred at the commence in the deliberations , concerning rwhieff, the iect within ihe whole circle bf political rela- legotiation 5 for in the report United States are expected to takea pairtv j tions, as to which It" is! the interest -arid the .V To be poncluded in'our next. V5 -1. .i . raere fttness ot - he perso vch offices, it Is not only .tlie right, but the ;( ' - v duty of tlieSenate; to determinof 'prejipusly, ! , ' as to the necessity and propriety creating ' i the offices themselves; and hi deciding thes j. Jcorinpi!iment by wbich itls proposed to ere- , .i ,: a -rS: tieetod with-sUeh iTmeasurei niust necessari- f,a"enf,on. ity -be dl: V-Iif ind .i,VVlnfilv ner.nm'ft a ,Sieet of t'ntf ii cte1 a,ure And the fottn of the pow- ' 1 : ' '-' i:X -: . - a " - . ers to be given to the diplomatic agents who ' ---" It'll, r- i r . I . ' ' , u . . , . .- ' v'.fT rr-Ltl J. ' .r l U. t Upon the Senatc,'is the tmix"Krect check u p . . f i ' . . t . ; ' in made to liim on the 20tn of December last, I is. the resistance or. op position to be made by the'Secretary bf State, this officer states to theinterference5.bf any neutral nation, in that T agree; bly to bis direction's,' he Jhad ins the question and w ar of . independence, be forrricd the Ministersby whom the invita- tween the new Powers of tliis continent and tion to the proposed Congress at Panama Spain." And inthc deliberations upon this was gn eiii that,; before such a Congress as-1 subject, it seems to be proposed, . " to dt! iembtot!, it apne-irea to .the President to be exp.'dier.t to aftjusV between; the ditTerent MANAGERS' OFFlCE,itALEl Gtl, C v t , ':. ' v. . r r- i-i : .. i . , i . duty of alt State's;? tp ? keethelve-:r-1 Ther'anu most splemid Scheme txj stipulatidri, it is that which regards their .fu ture connexions with any other, people,: pot parties to such an argumemt. . Of the jiro-nriptv- ir imnronrietv of such'lnonnexions'. Ppwers to be represented, '.several prelimi- nary 'points, such as the subjects . to which . :..t.- on inc power possessed ny Tiie r resilient. y v . f(- , , v;tni!i respect, .wnicu, reneveu trom tnjs re- - ' ' str sMti would 'authorize him .'to; create' and t -'", - ,'. consummate allthe political relations of "the I were to compose it, and the mode of its or connexions. cuss the means of giving to that resistance I each must ever be permitted to jbdge freely an 'possioie force';" ana so to racnusr, dv i tor jtseif,t oecause :4ine. Dcnent or uisativam previous concert, ine moue in wiiicn eacii i tage tp result irom iuem, niitsi, pe-peculiar, of the States represented at the Congress I and very different toeach ; arid that relation " shall lend its co-operation." f ' -- J xyhfichis highly, desirable. at one time;; may a hv guujyv a ci7w omi-wu ur.uiv uvvrUlllv IllU blUi ; tti auviiivit .41 Ufv. yjiiuvii M nister: of Colombia,"ahd in terms still more of this c'omiriittee therefore tlie, U. States explicit He suggets, as a matter of useful should never permit themselves to eiiterintg V' - "- -:. - a T:! -t 1 . - - it . 1 communicanuns -T, : " creton 01 anv single, tjun, even wre. wisesu w . . .;, . V; ' . , v indl,est otthVir fellow cilizensvit becoW a Gm-erdment, by eitiieiv of the .Mjh.sters ot even com-i expresslv ioticed in , tlie reply made 'b them by the Secretary of. State; yet tliey were rtlierein told, tl at the President hadetermiried , at United Stite?, at hjsmere wilU And as; in the theory of their government; the high drs- tnwes of the People of the United States are j pever.io oe connueu 10 tue unrestrainea .s gannai.yii t.iii. ftn.uii. ; Aim it wasmaue aisgussion in ine ivongTess, tne rormation or aiscussion wun any iareig-n1 riae wpateyer, aii express arid previous co.Ufliipri to the ac- an eventual alliance" of the States there as to the relations tley 'should be owige.4 to cirptanee, of .the invitation proposed to be to be represented for ;the purpose , of pre-t establish writh any other ple not parties given, that Lt these preliminary pqints should venting any European Power from inferfer- to' 'cb.diseussibnsAnd the objeciont6 be rranffed in a manner; satisfactory to the ing in the, present conte between. 'Spain such a, course become; infinitely stronger. United States."-;- "';K".? ' C and her. former colonies ; and that the treatt' when theilisbussibns are interidet I -to referii '.I . t . SoIftmn duty. uhich the Senate owe to the's- ; s venyirn, stated ler:representedr most.seri- , vv.oais1; f p i nvest igat e all the circumstances con- recteu .wup yie r.oyei measure nnv. p.ropos . 1'ctfbv the Prcsidenti'as to the cxnediencr of ai'd Atmg wh2ch;j ,the'y vliaye been invited lo i aid h-ro with !heir;eotinseI and advice. : ' . . ErrtertaiNinsr these opinionsl in' the . ner- , formance f tl.?Huty which they helieve has reeo requirea dv tne opnaie, aim. anxious to was given; ate these preliminary points biHicu. ;;5iui, Riuong-a,uie want of a plwce with these couditions".is Hi Hi til r , bv comHyhiV fuilv with the wish whidf he of i'eommrttee to .nforra them what are ;has-expresdpn this subject, the com'- lIf c?c?ll bf accoTPJhed atthisCpn- : t X ;4 v xnittee. will proceed' td investigate-the xif nd hat . arey the mew. by which v: -r? vl:;tivumifanee'Wu-d Wiethe measurer, esCOm, f k- " V - ' - - Vpose.1, and J sclosed by. the d.xumenti . to ifl f?. -?tbjCClV..m5nt? re" v'. 'V - them referred,-rro.t deplv impressed' with d Ul be,n ?ab the committee to :i ' the imprt;mcc of the consequences tbat mav -na,nc aft.ct.;as0.alle 'they-must It -Was, therefore, not! .without much sur-1 for this purpose should "remain secret. Vril nni ron!vtb those Who then exist; but alsoth prise and- great reKretg that the committee til the cuiua fe'deris uhould; happen." -,: -1 others, who may, hereafter, be considered as discovered, t hat, although, in none of, the, I Notwithstanding .this is so stated by both jplaced'" "in like circuntances."; ' ' "' subsequently made to this I of these ministers, as the hrst and ereat oJi-I:' These ar aP.ithe tiomts nartrciiTarTv Btio-. ject oi ine prpposea t,ongress,.yet-tne rre ' gested by the Mimster, ot - uoiamoia, as sub sident; m bis message, assures the .Senat, jects of discussion atthe. contemplated' Con--. that the motive of - the, attendance' of the gress.' The Minister of Giia1'anialar;fwbo':alr' United States i;neithery to fcontractaUiari so unites in the invititiongiVfentpthe s, nor to enrrge in any undertaking or States) ' has stated naaiiipularfsqbjec't:.! project importing hostility to any other na matter : bf'discilssiori at . thisCongres ; ; tion." It thus appears,' that, in relation tb intimate's, however; UiasEibpe had thifr first and'most, impdrtant'point,' '.whieli formed a; Contitumtaisfotemi ntid held a Con-' seems to have giveiibirtltto the scheme oil gress;,wheriever questions afFectiri'g il 111.9 VaU"!)1 it'c J1C I U)U uvut rs yi uic United iStates difTer;esseritialIyfrorn thpse of the other parties. And this difference, of opinion, occurring as to the very first propo siti -n,' u hich fs said to be' 'a inatter of ini inediate utility to theAmerican Stites'that are at war- witn spam, ana is oeiieyea by them'to be in accordance with the repeated ooce" tu send ; Cpnimissipners to this Con gress at Panama, provided the5 Senate Would advise an I cr nsent to such a ipeas'ure. ,k I!,-then,- tlie Stnate sliould now demand itinte- rests were to be discuss ed,' Amei-ica ;should r : How' far this general suggestion meets the views oi jyie l'resiuenx, uie. iomraiws; are not enabled bv any docutnerit to theni refer- ed to decide llut'they will present tb the Senate their pvi'n ideas rf relatieri;tq itj- tlie rather as it seems no wl ifr be the, prominent ?De arawn.in ins unueu caics ; i. HIGHEST PRIZE.! 3. Grand' CoBf olidatea Lottery, . Far Int ernal :- IpipfovcmcnfZiterai ure andf Chaktii. ' Fortbc beuefit of VV'asbingioh Cty,andi: v. the States of Rliodc IslandVCo'nnec- " ' ticuf, Delaware, North-Carolina fi ,jV4'v ' and LoiiatahaVV;;-if ;. ;.'4' . TO BE DRAWN O N": JP 1 1 E ,NJ2 6t II n 0 F THE PR ES ENT ;f DNT H ' ( AP HIL. ) Authorised ' bri rrfds of ' Congress arid the . ; satdt States. jsiijgrui class! ; 1 V '. ' ' very probably; - ,1 he fi rst C to the commi V; v." ' their, investigation, w;ts, .what ecgvnt.rea.sonV : ; ' Viiow1. existed, for adopting this ncV "and itn- meunicarirc, so mucn jii" cannict, with Uie -,Thc fi.st qaestiop u-Wch Suggested, itself "OH."Hc " f rr."-1,m5u r Ulal tnev mtieei at,the veryTthreshaldi .e--w wn.cn.ine existence of the k - i nr scps irar ir vp - nw. ami wnin it- 10 ijok sasy-w point out or enumerate. as to tliimeans, however, the tmiiiitiee can only reply; that; while, it .seems t6 be iexnected that tlie Un'.ted -States are to clothe their ro prcscmanves, vwitn . simple powers" to ac complish all the ehuriierated, andtliese other I declara tions ana . protests ot uie- uamnet at object of the proposed Cortgres?; the magoi- Washmgton i must; unavoidably ' excite tude and variety of details'belonging to wbicr dbubtslasto .he interests we take in1 their defied fpreserit eriumeratibn, and partrcular welfare, and our disnosition'to coninlv with r.r.?firatn.v i r l ' "; ; : their wishes ;,. and would so contribute not a little to defeat other subjects. ' necificatii ' Avithout-adverting totnegreat and obvious state ot ,'. j . .; , " whole course tf pohCy; Uniformly and happi 'y. y-. v.?f ')y pursued, by the Um'ed States, from almost "'j-' V-. L' very. creation of: thh" Government tp the ?: lie v, inculcated by our wisest statetmcnhriTT.,,iet- ccts X71 " th5 .aodeMri Powers., .:' ..-vvr-w , - ; "I'::-' of irsubvq'ientt3me;.tlie:true hitbreHfP1"? cc ' -' . - ""tije v nuu states Avas Mipposed to. be prcl - r : i; ' ' - ' t, . i.niucu u vojonizaiion oi;r.uropean pow X v ' ' ;-rnoted; bvavowling 'all ehtaiigKiig conriex-Li Z kHu5- V.orc, non wmcn i ortthe continent shall; he resistedi.at th 1 '4 " ' I diversities subsisting between; the' t Stat ; r he next- subject stated, by the Mexican J this Contlpent arid those of Enrope, bywhicl fliimster, as presenting -another s ot; the I the system', herealluded to lias.-been.esta-questibns which may be discussed,', 8t which 1 hlisbe'dlversitiea ETOwmsr out of the'tA he considers as being, in like predicament I bf fJieif neoble. the nature ot-their? p-overril with the foregoing,? isAoppositioato I meritsV'iand the pbsitibnsthef becub ribt onl ly jn relafon to i each other, but to , the rest of the. civilized. world, -i tliu Committee will sxaii?,' as tucif upi luyu, vimi. no eneci yet prp duced bythe; Continerital iyem oTEuron; isf a character to7 invite v tbe Stites of .this v, .v ; "6een desirpusjo man Test the most .cardial Uy"- pursungjthis cckirs ; wfjile theyhave n arid to maintain with this- in CTS e I Uriicftr . to takethat system-as a model or ex. i l "-ii"w.,Mv ---- tw-uym j x tic K I UL UU ur,. wueuicr,. n .tpe. exisnng swot, things, diicussionr and couples this with the former jeeWtbeContiriehtafsystem ?ndo k! Wlth Ull- 1 sented at the rVmoroca ithn cK.M kI UiS.A I T " M C P '.i-., 'a -,rh. ltrn. r rrr, n w. v : n.i - I rican nations, by agents i '-5r - ." roerce, trgnlstcd.; ami', adjusted y therralcs ajcrs,.toaccmphs 6 a wtenui'"cbovejitibn''tb ttnire'thU:-ehd.- L A .ofthe mdstf-ur.'cqua, and just reciprocih',' cta and,this coroi The President concurs ia part inthbp V V-t!ie Unitetl Stdes have hitherto, sedulously VH11". astlir.opiinOn, that; if everit nio'n as. to the propriety bf attaining this end; " -r ' A - abstai ned frcm asiocialin-thejiiseiv in atiy ,TJ ". Pperv to-adopt -'such", measure; but diflers radically as to the mode ofacc'om- f v t -ctr way even ith thse mtibns for whose there w TOthufgnown to themthat requires plashing it.?; V Aif agrerrierit between all O-: ; Nveitre the. ; iuust lively aebsIWlity . has wg$lfAl C'f? the' parties tep'resenteat the me&in 'that - . ,u ':; Kin -at - all- - timet -'tV1t ,fi&.-;e "iV- .. M3 true the -power conhded to the Se- acfi will miar. t K?t teii!.?JjZ u . - r ft J.;'.,t ; v ., 'II. States ing the conflict for freedomSndtride- J- fnteredjnto bjcbragentswotild within :iti borders he ,thinl''rnav bb Ti-? cr - ""P001 ounu,.adrisa5Je.'V-Kow;:.lf tins he inearit, tlie United States. - Btttv long 1 that'- i.ehi.ai,nn i!"- t i -fcw w v uaaii' t v - i a iii i 1 1 r and sometimes' bven-imnoshl- to '.tuttste - dlann pendencein: which these' ricvStates oF A'. 5oniUtute 5lcei .afegwardto'.the-- impoitant ; nierica were so long engaged with their for.f ,nt4rte?ts of tlie . United States. Cut; long bcatvbigb ui svmnathv uith fhein. 111 , --;n . x4(ftrcnt.ipspiraUiti were hourly pm .'tipji1""-5 ments upon thenr,- attempted by any &rb- 1 I . -suic wuauw:rer. tne 1 thf combihatioi? of 3w'ers,tanil 'the'arjniicatiQn of mere force,; to arrest the' progress, of Jro- pruKiucnt latne science, ot government and in the condition of society, - Ends. which all free.. States mus'treprobate, as iriucir 'as '.t hey Q ns ebiployed foftheir a'cconiplish menti If this were, not sb;how ever; -a system formed fox- this ; continent; for the;, same or even amerent' objects, would sprpduce.the worst ettects eT.all "I '372 ;51302 13950 J;:-SCHEME: I ' v :i Prize bf C'560,000 $60,000 "-r ;'-40,ocxh v f:t -mil) Vi irr 25,000 "' ,.;v 25, w i; ' r " .- 1060,. : vt1 500" S T ioo 20 -7. 26,970 Clanks 10,160 ; ,54,000 J .9J.O00 37,200 ;.52,030 279,000. v 63j;440 I ...-V-: ."WholeHlclceV : 4 $20, iralve.v : 10 ,V;1' Eighths, - -,t2 .50 ; . O EAtlED Propolis "wilt bje reccived u'nt. ' Vthelst day of Jul next;.f r the supply of LIVE OAK TIIBEH;ifqr the frme ot f threvJfiisatetf4xy toimbufds J J'otie of which, with"1800 cubic- feet of prbmisctioirsfti.'TU',r. to be delivered. "oiif or before, the XHUif;,- of September ,1 tat each )ft the Nivy, , Yards at lbstbn. Ne w-Vor! and Philadelphia also; for ine UveiOaKlIraros for a fr rate of the first class,' to be. delivered at the N-vy Yard aQjrb w-York ; " A Cineral meet mg bf the Stockhnldersrofj. sneral meeting thU linnininv will be held it the House 4. bf Williant II.' Slaughter; in; the'tQw'h of Sa-; , lisbury, on the Oi nursaav oi nowa Courtrrbeing Uie lth- day or Apnaji. r - thb Stated on?tbisic6n Uhitedstate tbcipsclTe toe most " 1 Iatclt .7;. t; ' : 4- U, " ; t ! n 1 '" -':-;; '" ;.? 'v.vx:. . v-;.' ." ' :" ;' :'v.. :7-:.;y-v::.r:;"j . 1 . - ' - - 1 v.I 1 V i.;-: " V A - I: (' -'.. . i i:l