- - - - . i -. . v.- ) r -f i j . - f v . k v t w. . i e FRIDAY, APRIL- rt, 1C. W t t; . f XXCU.. V-r v '(1.30.;, r ; - . ::.0L.XJ I.;.; : -;.;..V -v.-v- v V" Tn t impediment in speech. ItJias Deen m ancriieaa jtnron on nisroosra.JrroniJ i aUKiaixavisaiiQa Aoini)any.v;.5 r Vs. I successful. opei anon ior some.imomns i "vs-vr;;;-. "ZPfri, r t.v?y,'o -r V. - .:-' .r h. r a - v.; , . .- -ey rnena ana xne reaieiL.connui;nci; is chict.iai W'.o s i Tc .HeglsttY r - V ' f. : 1 publisljedcvcty Fat, by ' " i -' JOSEPII GALES & SON, ; f At Three Dollars pcrannum, or One Dollar . - antua waw iorusui year rn w- V ADVERTISEMENTS ' 'v'; Notexceed'mjr siitecn lines, eatly inserted three times for - One Dollar, vand Twenty Vis.v Vire Cents for every succeeding puVication: ' "those of. prf Ater lengtn inline same proper- ' tibn:Xomraunicatioha thankfully receW . , ed.:.-. Letters to . the Editors must : be post ;tue"sday, April ii, ; 1826. .x '- r .- - -i . - " '0nr Superior Coqrti acljournVlJate on rnrilaj at ternoii. Mcu inatcrca ior ; tlie Viilin of a slave by whippitis:; and j maViridcr last itai.rfrent-)b pres v was acquit W.i ' iernMH'owins to hejnne which ..the. f ;hegro' Tived after dthe whinntnjj, (he v Jur.v .'wercv npt!.contiheeI that; U' was .1 C " 1 the cause of, iii?deati.; 0r, ajinst M " homr cljargenf Bursary 'ami Grand XarcenjV ere;prefelfrrd,Hras conykt Ced of the latter char jmly ; he was Vv'seHencpil to receive xi rj niAc Jashps Vh:ch were according yvinflicted,-ami fcein; unable to pay his . prison fees,' he aiioweu lo. iaKe ue win oi ;m?uf :va t Tenc v ami was discharged.' Pleasant indicteU ior tlorse sieaun,,was iounu 'gViltr, sentenced alsoj to receive Hry. ; nine stripes and to remain in, Jail until "'his fee's were paiK :';-The case -from Bladen,' for Prjirxi-s--coxitinuedw: i At the .Superior Court of"-Wayne . ,; LcUV last w-cek; Judge. Uutfin presid- Sing, a hcro man Bryan, was coimcted kr . 1 oh the murder of a fellow negro, and ( - sentenced to he. '-'hfeng on the 28th of , ;pe present monm. , . It gives us pleasure to state, that by a letter; recejveu.ims uiornw, r irom a . friend in Georgia, Wt learn that the U. -' S- .trops stationed. in the Indian Counr try, have received, crtlers from, h pad quarters, to leave; their present situa tions ait Fort Mitchell and Camp Mor 'gan and 'proceed to Pensacola- -We ; . trutt that the prbpect, ;thus held .tut bj the General Goverriment . for( the amicable adjustment of its " difficulties , vith-Georgia,' will be realized and that .peace and tranquility will be " restored, N whereat present nought but disquietude and confusion exists. rejected by a majority: yThvelve speaking of thi? subject, tne Richmond of Van ani aunorj of wirs.' .The.Dat on Mr. Vr.nafi 's ne?olution'i certinv coi eA in anffer.Y On Friday Mr. McD. i said t nave rnvte a vehoTnent a'tacK pn Messrs, a ami nd niayiitharpinsf them vith comip tion,' ami defcrjlvns'.theHter as a nrivate and political. mMer On fff ?rdsy Messrs. TinM of K :Tttt Vance of Qb retorted in n indfjfnant sfram; the former retalKtin? the charpe of -'corruption nn. th! frends of Mr. Calhoun brief Reply; of Mr. McD was marV"d bv irr'at asprifr:. Hels said to hare declared; th-t bewisb to h-JY nothing to do hh he uder!traoers cf 'the Secrery of State, tht he whuid rhe'erfnlly hold hipti. seTfrnonsiSle to the leaderj bit, that if n's nndefsrapners wtwiM call him to account for hs declaratinV"he (Mr McD.t was prepar ed to .waive all f xceptlohs, and to meet them mi' the (reldof hoor; "l'.f :;;;, f Controversies cf tris cHrt onthfffloor of Cnes are alcM-?atetl to rj-flect very littV honor upon that ,Hodv Thv are to be de preciated bv"' everv citizen who; Values the d?cntv of the holise, or the privileges of an enrehtened discussmn - . - fVri w;rt. Attorney General of the United States, is uppomted Profesfior f Law, in the, University of Virginia, Hut it is not believed, that he vvill ac cept the appointment. ( , .V Ry'accounts.just received from. Port au Prince, President llovpr has issued hT Proclamation rejecting the-Treaty lately negpciateti . wini-r ranee, as nor. beins rin accordance: with the Royal Ordinance, and the understanding with the Baron Mackau. ' v The house occupied , by the late Em peror Napul eon Bonaparte, at St,r He lena, has ben converted into a stable- 'Sic transit gloria miindu ed , of.' the infallibilitviof. her system say s, he has seen a pu niber of Pf sons 'who were great stammerers before they7 entered the' institution and have e er.ince spoKcn witu ptiieti. ease aou fluency V and he has furtlier learnt froni inose; wno nave oeen correciey , x;iui u is. inrpbs'sible.tb re f are into t heir-for iVer habi tJ" w lien oncer corrected, aticot ding to this system, aS' it would be for a person who never liau stammered, to get into such a habitY, ' --. "v Groen es werei sold in the Wil mington market, on the 29th nl t v Professor Olmsted has ' confirmed. by- a series of ; experiments in the labo ratory of Yale College, the ; djscoyery; thnt a as, affording udegree of ;illu mination equal to the oil ''gas.i : (of. whit h it is indeed only a variety) and superi or to most Varieties, of 'the bituniinous coals, may be obtained from' , cottun seed. The gas thus produced was in ferior to the pure olefiant gas,' as are the inflammable! cases' obtained jfrom perhaps every substance except alcohol decomposed by. sulphuric acid. ; The kerni ot .t'is hickory nut conies trie nearest to the olefiaiit, andis but little inferior the quantity of the gas is con siderably debased, by using the entire rfut, the woody "coverjhgpf svhichal fords a gasVwhich burns, with paler flame. It was -some time ago cafculci -ied that the surplus quantity of cotton seel prduced in il;e United iStates would furnish 2827,500,000 cubic feet of illumiiiatiiig gas, Jit'tle , .inferior to that pnduced directly fr.ni oil. 'fhe j quantity ofi seetl is supposed , to have The intelligence from EnglamU by ( been muchl augmented, perhaps tlou- the late arrival at New York, items of bU during-th last year, ijy the m- vvhich may be see n i n another col umn a, wnp, aiter firany enorrsi; - cedfrl fh i d rawing hi m With I n .the4 Ctr- cl es of fcia I ind rmliticat elitemeilr. : terryof Portajge cdun ty Ohio,vhasre.i cei'itt r been mulcted m 6D0 2dolU rs damage tor a slander. ii 1 1$ re! bT f tjs lo: viisePoor 'Fellow i"Be ic uiuch yewer nave reniaineu iir, vi'c, T3xyvalf his lite, than toltakelay hejp mefct who Avill talk i wayjii!? har'S earji-' lugs tnus.: ; uu uie iongue is, an uifu ly nieraber, Wliich nolinan can tame.. rAG' Vheral meeting of the; Stockholders oL ;i C v ' ' l'lhis Company will be held tlve ttonscy lsbiiry'on thevTbnrsr of RoW Court-bein? the IStikSay of April nett; f.v-tv ; V .V , -; ' i - ... 3L , . "W'e have received the' first number I t tne ueorgia 'i7essenger, pnnieu;at -. -Viacon in ueorgia,( uy r. ivusc oiauc AVith the latter gentleman ;we are inti- inatelyj acquainted and . knowing ' that ,3 he deserves the patronage of the pub- lie, we shall be glad to .act as aj;en.tsr ;in adding: t6 his list of subscribers om'e of bur citizens. The Editors Tnave received in, the commencement o ! : their labors, the Jiberal patronage of . the public, and we , cannot but add the ' expression of our sincere - wishes, for lthe greater prosperity of their, under- i ; : One prize of 85000, Jhree ot 8500 ' .arid severat prizes of ;B50 in the late k i; a; -9?ass of-the, Oxford 'Lottery,' drawn in i r thK prace, were sold in Franklin coun- Hie sense" of. theT House, of Repre " 1 senlativcs- has been at lenj;ih,' taken :r oh the resolutions to amend the Con . atutiqni and as.ive expected, a Uare jncjoruy oi me iiouseoi tepregenia- i ti va has sanctioned the principfe; ; that f the election of President and ' Vice Pre Midentof the Uuited States ourht hottb , devolve bri the Senate andjlouse of Re .. ' presehtatucs;v reipec'tivyVv iLa more. BMKie - or uetetmining the (penient, i ' question, in (lie last resort, catbe'de iseu. ;tio niawe una runcua numerr, ,v;ouY committeejias; Leeir, onjeruil tu be C- 7 appointed.;.. The resolution in r. relation oti n ,york,un'der the uptrintcn '. districtins;thc- tatcs as dcacc .tPa-Mrs;. Lci-hi:ibr uriicuhg presents a gloomy picture of the cbm- uiercial.djstfess.whjch continues rb per vade fhat.'.country" : These embarras men ts lio we ver,ihough inl i v iduals may suffer severelyiil I in the. end ' prove henf'ificiaV, by pQnying.iradeYn.wetedf. ing it of those illefeifjinatc traders, Who are n ot c o n t e n te1 $vi th j ogji ng o n : slo w and iure," but wo are anxious to tak.e the w6rld by storrn,figure away, make lare returns, embark in speculations and all with a viev of realizing a for tune in a short time, with little labor. " i . . , . . . - . - - j . , .. . rTwo partles in lo"an county, lately laid a wager as to the, number of Squir fels they, could kill in six weeks. In this time, one, party killed ' 2194 and the - other 1825 Squirrels, thus 'exter minating 4019 of these . troublesome little animals , - v.. . Mr. Jeffersons Lottery A; .writer in the Baltimore American has, com municated the following extract , of a letter, just received, he says, from one oMri. Jefferson's neighbours and most intimate friends. An idea similar to the one " contained in . the extract has;,beeh suggested by the Richmond Enquirer.' 'jY ;. ' v ' ; l Thetickets in Mr. J Jefpersok's Lottery will come out for sile ?on the lSthsApril, which , is; hir -birth d ay.' -y Now my idea is; ,that the citizens of the United States might relieve him in the inoat delicate ,way,, by, "purchasing up the tickets.and : bu tningvthem.-- ' To. make it more flatterihg, they miglit burn them on the 4th of July,- and re mit him the money on the same day.- The friends of M r s Jefferson v here are delighted yith wjiat tKe people of ?Bal titnure are doing in his behalf, and hang their heads vat the backwardness' of liisbwn native Arinrihia.!i ?v v7 .v A resolution has been offered. in the Legislature of Louisiana, for, the' ap pointment uf a jumt icomm'ttee; to de vise the most proper means of express ing the gra titud e of "the jieopl of thai stiUe .to M r. J efferson,1' thes Jiidi ini hd -ed statesman, to whom ttieistate ' is' principally indebted for having-peen added ;to iheJ great Americai familr.?! ';"v.V-i:.; j-:.-.--. Vi'tV'' . , ie iiiiT(c ucivr uuitceu, ine,instiiu- ' 1' 1 ' 'I ,1 ' creased culture. of cott oh. $rat G az Corn: -Corn will now command 81 per bushel in bu r ntarket,' 'JTliis arti cle sold a Tejvdays ao at-a' public sale, for . 4 96:.JAhdaJ tnough7'tvlie''Jwer6 but a few barrel Is for Sale, say from 15 to 20, yet veare told, 1rom;20 to 2 persons went to the sal e for the. ;sbl e purpose of purchasing - Corii. Such is tne scarcity or ims articievana sucn it will continue to be so long as our Far mers overcrop themselves in the article of Cotton, ahd neglect almost entirely the most useful staple ot the country, Corn.EdentonMazet( f ' . ' 7 ' lias .this evetv been- beaten?4r'Slr. James R. Creecih on Saurday last with seven laborers only; had 20 Bales of .CotcTn, very tratidsomel y parked .weigh- ed, marked and nun bered during, clear open day lightj . weighing 5, 192 lbs. averaging1 S02 nO horses or ni u les are worked at his screw -the ends" of the Bales" were finished as, soon . asr they were packeu.io. v; 7 Look Out Counterfeit "Notes'-of the Bank of Virginia of the denominatioYi of Twenty Dollars, are in circulation. They are oft he. letterB and dated the the 25ih' o f M arch, 1 822. 'Payable i n Richmond tdjH. Will cox.; ;Theengraf ving inferior to the-' genu ine ones and the flgures bidly m&de.iInielUgenl Ct " a : i -i " '-. '' "... V '. . v' Co tton. Sales werq made yesterday a(:lQ' a 1 H etits.V Not much-i how ever doing in, the article(&; 7 ! 'The Great "Unkov? no longer ttnkn6wn'Ve ' have Veen 7 a letter from, LondoH; dated e;l4thFerua ry,f which mentions that Sir Walter S c oTT.had . acknowl edged himself (u h -der oath) the Author of the.- ffaverly Novels. It is a! read v khownJ "that the auuior oi uiese iveis - was ; a lare Iii Rowan on th? 23d ult.; Mr."ieremiab Pottsvto Miss' Polly Foster7l:-, 2ee, bfjtowahi to- Miss Matilda Willianis V if Onthe 2nd ios C.pt. Andrew M, Adams" to MissFi ccba Rounsaville, daughter of Air. Jolm RoorisAvilte. ; . Also, ..oh the same da)', Capt: Isaac F. Alexander t: Miss Mary King?, all of IredeUiToanty.; f .t i-'.v.vo ;un the. evemog or tne.jutti ult in Eliza beth ; ft ity, . Mr. Duke Cartwrighi, , to Miss Nancv:Scn. - ,f, V "-''V V In'Ci)Hrlotte pr. 'v David T.' Caldwell. to M'ihs Harri t pavidson, daugliterf VVillUm Davidson, E'.q. .. - , V; ..... . ..' v ; 'f1';;' . l.iv Lincoln coVon theT2Sth ult Dr. Cieo. F. Gr.iham of Memphis,' V. Ten. to Marti a Ana Harris. . ; '"'., r-." V:-tr v-? ' In, this . cityj yesterday r morninsr, Mrs -Smallwood, ah. aped" and most respectable inhabitant, v Mrs S. had been from, her youth up, a member pf the, Bapdst Churcli, a"d all wim, Kntw, 'er, pan D-ear.,esnmony to uer exemplay piety and christian fortitude.. She has left a famdy of adult children, tp deplore her loss. . , 4;':,' ; ' ..'"'''': ',, - t - .' A so,v on .Thursday last, at the house of B. U. wmun, Esq. Mrs. Ann HayAvoOd, m the. 80th year of her age;, and formore than ye.jr a re dent ot thiscity. In .this couht)'"on.tlit!,.-3( th u!t. Miss Mary Ann Stevi nson, fn the 22d year of her asre. of, consumption, after a'distrt ssing iliuess of near, twelve months. f j- ; ;s' In Newb t rn after a short illness, Cant;. Geo Dixon, Master of J,he Jackft Scliobner Ami ty, ot t!at ;port; , ,V, At his residence in StatesVilli. on the 21st ult Capt; jobei tVork ih the 53d year pf his ? age. ; ' In t he jdeath4of this 'jman.'j Society has Inst One of its most valuable membei s. 5 ' On the 23dhltjit hjseat-in Du.irn-coun- ty, atter an iJ mess q 6; da r, Col; SMepUen Millevaetf B,a5Veteran cf the revliitioni i ue a-aiit ur nus enuemaB is mucii :menr. ed bv all who knew;him. The warmth and stea-iness of his friendship andjcreneral lios pitality, , were conspicuous , throuerhoiit .his life, lie was a blessing to his familv, a friend to the stranger, and in air respects a valuable citizen. ' ." ' '' ' ' "'v.'"1 " ' ' In VVshmrionCity after a short illness of tne apoplexy, John 13 Colrm 0; jthat cityi aged about 48 years. ! ' .7 ' '. Few men of his time. hate ,bee.n more ac- uc, ui na yc c ergisfa, more extensive m flnence on opinion than' Mr. Colvin. Pos- sessu'd of , firie tafeuts, which were well tnl tiyated, and always employed, he acquired a j uigu rcpuiHiUun as a wnitram) a, pomjciao. . At" his seat near his, place pn:T lesday evening" last, yen. Geo. Graham,1 aged. 68. He was buried with hiilitary honors by. the Lafayette Artillery company, 'commanded' by Col. :Thosv G. Polk s 1 and ; his fiineral was at tended" by a large; coiicoiii'se, of ibis fellow citizens. ''v ti; '.' ' :rn-'s':.-W Gen.'.Graham was a'revrlatiQnary veteran; and was actively ; engaged 'in .the service of ois couniry faunn rne wnoie or, our war ior Indep'ehdeiiceJr, :.ye.. hope some iie of; the n umerotis inends a ;.d acquaintances of the deceased will furnish us a biographical notice, for pdication ini future, numh'r:.;;; -uatar&oa Journal. cation will address Ihem tc I. vv(inore. vr. J- , Sccbftheitd'lfmmlteCaeig. V V:' ' Bv ordeHlVirWETM6UES. vf l; ' : . February -3, 1 826.K?;;v? oaw3m. t t::,v;.- i v ; C , : . ;rous if procuring forrteInstUutip : r Jr'i.l . professor of Mahematlcv ad a Professor bit ' :. 'f: .( . y : Modern " LaJigilages. r tin the ;latter; nameL ; ; -' r ! Professor, a.afmttar acquaintance with FmncU V-; V ' anOrf$io'aniRh:.sdi8nejmb1eiIhe salary atfV V ; is S1240V r Until - J ' -! ; ' : wrV tached if each Professorshio May 'l5th,1826r tetters On the subject may b : . 4 . v: adxlrehsed to t; AVetrnore, Jtaleigh,( ; ' '',:'"' I ' V ' February 6j?&Xi $f& 'J : . '" ' " . .4 ;. State ofNpV&rf -- - burrv county. --j..; -' '- February Sessions, A; D. 1826: Enoch Stoue & othei-s, i :''::.' 'f.-!;'''''t 1 ' '-A' :ii !''" jv-'''"" tPetidpnfibrpar Stnne decf d.f Jd'- u-f - j-that Joseph Sheltoii- and his 'writa Usui. and NantfvJStoqeV ? of; the Stafe t it is ordered by the Court that putlication be made three, weeks in the Rii leisrh; Register; that unless thes said'J;epn ,3heiton and ljis " wife Usula and Nar,cySone aom-ar Aour net Court of Pleat & Quarter Sessions to be heldforhe'county.Tof Stirry, i creonor 01 lue nouse m t onsiaoie CLi l. Muf'V'u'w!, cond M0y JI May neart; pleut answer or demur to said petition t her wise it' w i b taken.pro coufesso againitthem heard cxparte, "5 --V ?7 r . . Test. -'jQ.,MnLLIAUS.rc.-c;S Co. of Edinburg, which failed some linie since. ';Tn ;provingAhis claim, ' Sir AY alter was'obliged ' to ? acknowledge' himself the author of these works. ? ' r ' : N. Y Gazetted j w, v 4 (. ; -' .v The late. Mr, GaiIiard wasbrousrht into public life' brTriends,X'whose ob ject was "to withdraw, his attention from thi; contemplation of an overwhelming domestic calamity, -overK which, he , 5 bau long; brood ed in. solitude, ; 'The : youth ful arid lovely partner Of his bosom, to gether tVith'ah infant daUghteir perish f ed 'before fits- eyes in the ; Santee.-H e was overwhelni etTwith grief ahdgave uunseii up 10, somuue aau uepair.-r tie wuui i . , 47 3w ' - Pr. adv.. $ 1 50 .-';f';'::.';'v,--,;.f . War v' ComtmhriontTt Office, 7 , CJ EALED .Proposids wiRbereceived until KJ'. the 1st day of July next, foejhe supply pf ; LIVE OAK TI M B Efti ISor, Jde frames of Aw Trigdteht cut to moulds one of which, with 1800 cubic teet of promiscuous timber, to;t. delivered on or.before' thelfirst day of Septenber; lbf xt;eachc of the; Navy XanlstiUoston) NerlTorkam also, for" nine Live .bait IJ earns fbf a? frigate tionai imeuigepcer, iaiionai zennwi- . i .; ; , Ybrk:Fpmng;Post ' Accounts to be forwanledor payment to thja V: V ' V ' w -Editors pfthe RaleighH-gister 'y " X. m - . I'f ORMATIpNis -5'v -' ' I ' present . residence of a.MLenns '"....V. j (, '; ; "-: v '.' Lemmons (formerly (of Rockingham '.county v '-.y ' '("."V -f-. No C.);or; if deadV of th reslce "of) her ' r ', v', ' heirS.V;She: was'niarri duringthe.ACTiv tK: can Revolution to Cabt. John Sum mers, since v i S;. V . ? ',' dead ; after jvhich; iiarnei .MrAlrxan it T il der Lemons" Or-Lemrhons. O The Jait !-.l-tter- V nMarch:;18 ' jproptirly trj, !ebn8iderablimount.-ha9'tjilIen'. ;i " . A i V'b;' "s tb heKorlief heirsAddresstoVlklr. JOHK ! .'7 ' ti HOi . Nb239 Front-strcet; Ve'iy.Tork". v ,.v:V ( f;'. v'-Marcv i ti &i6iK 4m "4w .v ' - U" - M Court of Plevs ami Quarter Sessions .v r-' v-'-'f .. C 1 brtiary Te C-v r-CUCatharinevllUfcf-CY, -:-V'i . ' s The hrirs atJawW Daniel Miller, faf&tfrt'h ':-' - TeT ' appearing to the Crburtlhat Iorgp Mil- 1 , ; ' ; I ;,Jerpn of the. heirf t laf pahiel Mil-j ,4'V ! jer; dee'di isnot an Inhabitant of vfTiis state ' r! '' A - fiveiWeeksir. ihV Raleigh 'Ugisterthi-u i less theisaid George, apot-ar at 4he; next' ; : ' f QwrtofPleas and garter Sessions to be .'-v.j!;H;;.,V1, ' ; hyid-for' jLhecoum towh bf V.v, :fl V , ' ( JetterKonon-.thfftkJnd Monday of Hiv nett. , r t v t and answer the petition; it will be lieard ex-' ; V v -, i ; I i ; parte. :'v-.V-, THOS. CALLAWAYi Cki , it-iV' f ' .Ipebrusry 15,826, ; " ,f. "38S'j V.V ; V '-'.' ' ' . ! jCi: -'jlutherfoou .. f - - Coxirt of Pleas and Quarter Session s;" ; s ; - i v f -hW January VlVfui 1826;VV;; z., c!-': 1! Danl. -Bmwn 8c Fielding Rrown," r for; "s--'4'-. v ? ' etah heirsVat law of? Francis hpartition.V: '-f--'v'v': 1 . appearing to me sausiacTion.o mc wmrs . . ' ; l If that Samuel Bro wji imd Fielding Brpwn 'V: v v " : 5 J areinhabitantsjcf ,anbtjljeri$ute Ordered; ' rvv f . .-" thrtffnre.tliatHpdblicatip bev made In the Ra,' . V ' V-" .i' - f t l.ei;HgUVforVsiirwee1:'vfdr; .fbel said" b ? : j DanieV'and FjldingiliVown, eh3dTehvan :v r ? ' heirs atLwof ; Francis' -'Brown;; tabe and jip ;; pear before theJustiCes of our. said County v ,' ' ' Ob0(tr6f Pleat j-'and Quarter SrtsiohVtqi"'Wvv' ,;', ; holdeivf?r the county "of Rptherrortl;at the vj ; . 1' Court House hi Rutherfbrtlton, on the - third . - - , X S ' 1 r Mdnday after the ifourtli Monday of ; MarcU . : .1 . -.'-i.' rodr; cudgbient 'will Veidered , against 'S' ' t theiiu- and the. inattef there of decreed accor- -vvl r v" h 1 diflgly. - . Xy ' : ; -: ; . ; t . ' ' ' ; i 1 Witness, '.Isaac Cratorf,. Clerk of "our' sk1',VnV. i Court at ; Office tl)e 2d Monday of Jariuai' ; P..:-r -l'y ' 18S6,-M: f ;lSAAC.CRAi;6NC C 'Vt'r.;.v; . U S;jahiiiyi?essions; 182t)- i l- -Vv.'. :.: - ) ' Drury PagwelJ, John;Rgwbll (M , .v v ; . 1 1 1 3tT;3-vi'Vv-:.f Petifioii i '--v":-rrT.- bavld RuWlwife; James 4:V -l ' : J Reavls and wite.Weorge. ftV " ! 'ppearinjtothe fisfketion of the CotirtH Vk'4.v- ' 't-v- Xliat;0avjdusset andltacliael ?.wit,- " I and Cebrge DeYrcifirrf inhabitants 'of auo-' ',vY J f'; " I -! ii ther State Ordered therefor :.tj-;f ';; j tiWlje madc-inr the 'Raleigh-ltegitur for six . v ; ' I bbaVUutVifelflamesRca h V; v '' V' j ! wife-and Gprge'.DclreIs:, ;-be -ind appear be-'U ' ' K . i , fbre theiJustiees of cur next County Courts V v ' '' '-''! ofPleaa ahd Quarter Sessions, to be holileu , ;H foVtlib county of Rutherford; at the Cburt-A''j;A - ' ?, house in Rutherfonlton, on the d. Moaday,'.-; 4--5-?tv'- , ahdthere;pl,ead,, answer tr drmu'rV;br judg ; "''." -1 ment';wil'b entered a: :::it ihem cxpattQV -U rf? '. V . Y'' ? J and made absolute.': ; - -';! -.';l: -"Witness,' Isaac Cretan, Clerbvof our,-aia:t ',vj- V V-'; . , I also, lor nine Live fOalt Beams tor vi tngate Court, aV cfiictr, the 2d l!onIiy of Jar.iarv ? , , . ; u jic moiiunicss, i ii-saiuv loriol tne lirst class, to be delivered at tne'avT I iS9fi. . . ; ' . ' -. - da vs JVUh his hat drawn ever Jus; eves, 1 x'ard at Kcw-Vk ' 46prtav . 5 : . ISAAC" CJliTCi i cv. 3T 4 - ! . 4 V . ". t - 4 .- . , vl -V " v rDyl.-' - . - . 1 - X . j- . ... : 4 n 2"