. t . . . . ? , -..if . . -..-.v.v.v; t'V';' -. . .. ,vV-t', ' .' "AND . ' " ' "" ''. '.v' .,- ' : : -n- X'r:--. , : MOKTH-eKaiA: ,CtAETm:.r;:i:.;;;?iir,--:: A ' - ' : . v ' r !OttfrctfcepUnoffair.aelIghtroIPecet , - ' , ' ' ' ' r " : ' , ' , ' ' l" . r- v ( N : . . .v UnwarpMt, partfe to live like Brotht..' - .. , - . ..' '.t. ,''.... .V . !' . . ' f ' " J v.-.-- - -r .f 1 1 . r ' 1 1 1 8 .IV r ' J Is published every FniDAT, by JOSEPH GALES & SON, At Three Dollars peY Annum, or One Dollar ." and a Half for hair a year to De ,paia in - "advance, V . ' ' , ' ADVERTISEMENTS'.-' Not exceediasr sixteen lines, neatly inserted ' three times for. One Dollar; and Twenty XivQ Cents for every succeeding1 publication those of greater lenffA in The same propor , tioru... Communications thankfully receiv- ' cd.... Letters to the Editors must be post "paid.-) ,; V i':f ,;;.!' .- . i . - -f s 1,1 f T " . t " y TUESDAY, MAX 16, 1826. , , j Temcde Tract Sociity.--The anniver- sary uiscourse in am pi ims in?muuuu, - Araspn Sunday Jast, ''preached 'at the Methodist ChurcVin thiff !CityV by the Jiev. Ir. Uharlton, iosm i inn. vi. 17V18,-"ahd.l9,-toa crqxviled Congre tion ; The Sermon Was . approprfate,; frc:ble and well ! delivered.' ; .The col lection amoumeu ti 551; ou. 1 Mi. Edwards the present RepresenT tntivc in Congress, of Warren, Frank lin, Nash amy Granville Cou ntiea, in this State,) haying signified his inlen ; tivn of. declining a farth'er election Mr! Daniel Turner, " of AVarren, anid General 2. H. Bryan, of Granville. liave declared- themselves Candidates for the tVtstrict, :at ..the election to be eld in August, 827.;.' .v t 1 . IP x. -t4J--fc- , - - - ; CfoirresJ.-Thc' proposed amendment fo thq Constitution jn relation to the election of 1 PreiWent- and Vice Presi dent has 'been . laid on, the table in tht" Senate 5 tfnd it is understood that ie committee of twenty-four in the Ifous of Representatives will make no report during this session. - 4 A, On Monday, the "House of Repre sentatwes were engaged in discussion on the Creek Treaty Appropriation Bill in the course of which Mr. Forsyth denouiced.in stron; terms the conduct of the Executive of the U. S.. and de fended that of Governor Troup of Geor gia ! On. Tuesday, this ' appropriation bill passed its last reading in the House, when a protest signed by the whol Oeorgia Delegation, was presented by Mr. Forsjth. This protest will be found under the regular, proceeding, in another column."'.. The questiori'on the nnali passage of .the bill was taken by ayes and noes, when there appeared m the affirmative 167 and in the nega tive io 1 these being the 7 represcrita- uves irora. ueorgia ana the 3. from Ara- bama. . ' Every on'eJmusthavc observed i.n our country, the very lively sensibility which exists on the occasion of filling public offices. No sooner does an-incumbent retire, by death1 or resignation, than conjectures are thrown out, through the .zsewspapers, as to his probable succes . nor. Thus' in - the recent - case of r. King., our Minister to England, we have seen mentioned as likely to sue-j ceed him, the names of ' the present Secretary it War, T,$lessr$. Sand ford, and Van Bur-en of N.1 Y. and Mr. Mcb : iter of aMassv. The National Intelli gencer however leaves no farther room for surmise, by stating : that Albert Gallatin has been nominated to the Senate for that Mission' and'.that the .nomination is confirmed by the Senate Ue take pleasure in announcing this iact to nur readers, for we know noohe. -Who : AidlL more Jjjatisfdctoriiy answer MrJeBersohy cnqtiSry, Is he honest . Hshe capable, .tliac this distinguishecl . patriots J"-, - ." i 1 ' ' : f : . i l Coo;il During the past antl present Wck, thlequantlty brought to market has been" cousiderable 5 yet prices have not 'given .wajCor. ood merchanta ble Cottony 'lO cents" may be consider ed a fair quotation.. Forprirae parrels 10; 1 Oj, and in some itrstances as high S 11 cent ha vq been paid. PcL hi!. The appointment of Judge Trimble of ky. to be an Associate Judge of the Supreme Court of the ! TJnitetrSates, vice Judge Todd deceased, has , been confirmed by the Senate. The last number of Silliman's Jjour nal, gives the following simple receipt for driving insects from trees. Bore a hole into the trunk of the tree, into the heart,, fill- he hole with sulphur, and place m it a well ntted plug. A tree of from four to eight inches in diame ter requires a hole, large enough to ad mit the little! Jinger,. and in the same proportion for larger or smaller.' trees. This will usually drive the insects away in the course of forty-eight hours, but uniiormiy succeeds, perhaps sometimes after a "'longer, time. Ah instance: is mentioned of a large shade tree in Al bany, which was sainfestedvith worms ind'eaterpiifarsj that passers by were obliged to make a circuit 5 to avoid it. It became such a , rnisance,, that they were on the point of cutting it down, when the application of this experiment lu, o uuura eniireiy cieareu it oi tne insects. . v v 1 : ; I Noah TV ibster's Dictionan., . S. Con - verse, of New-York, has issued "nroDO- sals to, publish by subscription, a Dic- iiunary 01 iue rngnsri fijanguage. It urill be printed in the quarto form, on tino linen paper, .in two volumes, and furnished at S20 per sett; Mr. Web ster has devoted twenty years to the subject, and will trace the words thro a jr rcat number of different languages, i ttorernor Burton arrived here on weanesuay iast. and broceeded ty Wilmington on Fridavmorninir. His oujeci is w raaKe a personal examina ion ot tne works no w.goinir; on for the mprovement of the Cane Fear, and to make any arrangements , that ma v be necessary to their successful prosecu- uon. : - . ..a ' Gov. Burton returned to town last evening," and we have ,the pleasure of stating that he is of opinion the Dredg ing Machine will answer the purpose lor which it .was procured. Itjbejng now complete, a trial of it! was made while the Governor was at Wilmington, and its operation was f very saiisfkc,to ry; Jt has, since been moved to the Flats, oh-which it is expected to go in operation either to-dy or to nionow. I Yfi learn, also,f hat rthe ; Governor has made arrangements to recommence, .immediately, the works oh the river between this place and ""Wilmington, under the direction of skilful gentle men, and with a large number of. la borers ; that the work will be divided into two parts, and hands employed on each at the same time.- Fayette. Obs. One hundred years phl! An appro priate centennial discourse was preach ed at. Hadley, Mass. on the 18th inst. by Rev. Dr. Wood bridge, from Psalms LaXI. ;9. Cast me not, off in the time of old age ; forsaJze me not ivhen iny strength faileth, on the occasion of Mrs hmith haying completed the 100th yeardf her age. - i MAUKIKI), . , ; . On the 10th of. May, at Edmund PrincQ's, Ksq. in Chatham ca. l)r.,Sydiey S. Prince, to Miss A.'T. Ci P. 'Lawrence;1, botli of the same county. , ' v; , In Montgomery county, on the 30th ult. Mr. William Christian, ip Miss Sarah Xerrill. In Kockingliam, Richmond couritj', on the 19th ult. F.T. Leak, Ksq: to Mi Mary Duke. eldest daughter of Thomas Craw ford. Esq.-. Near die same place, on the 30th, Mr.'Cal- n Stnckhn. to Al iss Klizabeth Hailev. In New Hanover, Mr. Lewis W Marsteller. to Miss Lavinia Geer. . .. ' .' v ' . In Kdea ton! of the 4th Inst ltr Itobert IT. Booth, of" Nottowav -count v, to Miss Jnlia Ann, aaugnter ot John PoptlstOn, Esq of the former place : ! ,n Brunswick county, Mr. A. A. Wanet merchant of Wilmington, to Miss Elizabeth i. uryau, . y, . ,. , - xi Pasquotaak. Mr . JnsTah Jordan tn M'e Sarah Kanks. ' ; ; " ' v Jn Ubwan cotmty, on. thV 27th tilt. Mr. Ardrew Eller to Miss Pnllt- ly had been toully Moid" for a number of years previous to her -nwrr aj-e 4 she-, of course hleraUy took Andrew for bptierfor jrorse. She wa asked, by the officiating Magistrate, if she kntv, it was Andrew -Eller to whom she was aboat to be married j and answered, Yes, sir, I know it U A mtreur' by Lis i voice indtyjeeling Usfu&3-3Sy;;-r; U Pasquotank cuuDtv. Mr. Peter RamarJ. ared about SO years.:' .. - J i Also, Mr. John-It. VarrinMon, asred about 3CT years. s -i 4 "" ; i .'V In Elizabeth Ciy, Mr, Mark T lor, used 23 vrai-s. (gommtnitcatfom TO THE EDITORS OF THE REGISTER. TREATING AT ELECTIONS. Gentlemen : Permit me to express my satisfaction at the tenour of your remarks, in a late paper, on thejprac tice of nublic treatinir- That this is a custom at ouce dangerous and disgrace ful:to the country, is what fevvf persons 01 sense anu renection can ueny. , Ana here let me express the monincation and surprise L experienced, when at the late session of our Legislature, the bill more , effectuall v toWnress the practice of treating at elections," after ivin'.;n,f tir,, rY'limM,.n, irta WAnii; mnrK frtr r our Wlishington hail .not thundered forth rebuke tolthnseiua silent" nre - sehce could not awe. rr Alas ! that the arte ttta t-mtlt nF t K i A m n rrtr f elifiuli! . i - . be so soon, so well understood, in this infant republic ! Behold -already duced a portion of that evil we antici rkalA ! Thf ; mntiril nf thf. rmiiitrv are already alive to other feelings than .v, - - ' the public good. Personal considera lions, the tear ot an unpopular vote, outweigh, even to this extent, the fit-. ness of measures. Who is there that does not Know,, independently of illustrious autliority, that Virtue is the essential principle of republics, and thar the custom we de- nounce is. at war with this principle f There-is no great share of probity ne- cessary to support a monaryucm or. a despotic government ; says Montes-; quieu. Jtiut in a popular- state one thing more is necessary, namely virtue. What I have here advanced, continues he, is confirmed by the unanimous tes timony of historians, and is e,xtrcraely agreeable to the. nature or Mings, a thens was possessed of the same num ber of forces, when she tnumpheU with so much glory, and when with, so much mtam sheiiwas enslaved ..t tfthe nad twenty thousand citizens when she de-1 fended Greece against the Persians.' fc)he had twenty thousand when I)ci:ie trius Phalei ids numbered them, as j slaves are told by the head in the ,mar- ket pi ice. (Spirit of Laivs, IJook , So much for the 'alue of. the princi ple now for thtimanher of losing or iiestroVing lU Happv am I. mat. on this subject ! can adduce the direct au- epubl nus he observes, that fc'It was a shrewd saving, whoever said it, That the man who first ruined the Roman people was he who first gave them t mines.- nut mis m.scnie,, com - nues he, "crept secretly and gradual ly in, and did not openly make its ap pearance in Rome for a considerable time. For we know. not who it was that first bribed its citizens or hsjudg- With us however, thouch we cannot J7 tell, with whom thj practice began, it is sufficiently open and unconcealed-; Let us, with the same author, pursue the issue. ! j f.J wealth was chanjred into a monarchy. '! These are alike ihe words of wisdom 1 Land of fate. Let Americans pause and consider. . . In your, remarks, you have said that I this practice equalizes the pretensions I thonty ot. the excellent and illustrious Constitution, as it respects the election consiuuuonai po r, u iinouc ine con Plutarch ; that writer who, of all an- of President bv the House of Represen- sent of Georgia, to interrupt or inval.iv liquity, seems to have studied with the Natives, was laid on the table, as the ad- ori ar lencc, 'whaUoever, tho greatest accuracy the genius of the an- vanced period of the Session would not "t securedto thatate, by5this con- t irs. In his life of Corio a- artmit f lf h.nn- oofi , - tract maile in obediencf. to an act ot - ' , , . I NS V-WiU4-. HVIVUi VM - . I of the blockhead and the man of sense, vivihg officers ofthe Revolutionary A r of the knave and the honest man. Ce- my, reported the same with an amend- teris paribus, this is tlie case ; and mere is anotner consideration not less 1 serious : it v places the, eaAiblock-i head and koaVe above the poorer man of honesty and ftaientsj and, riches . 'ill 'i!i.i'r 1: a. come to exercise, wuu iuue leasuireci-1 ness, .the like influence as when Didias I Julianus purchased the lcnian" Empire I at a public sale.fi. P''peyV being de-lot sirous to procure , the Consulship for Afranius, distributed money Tor that I purpose among; the tribesand the yot-1 ere went' to receive it irt his ?dwnrcarw lens." Tbe Romans were tipplers as our own pe6ple,,or I t rea t wou 1 d "probably have part the strongest liquors that Rome could afiord. Xld f Uuih,MessrsEditors, iI icui iiiui, uui nftfc ttiicrtuj "wuc r too much proirressiii the downward road I to corruptitui.- Descmsus tfvermjaci lis iikedi Ttvocart gratlum'hic-- tabor hoc opus est - ' f v ; " . , ' ; Fiirty vjears'r ago : the Spirit of, the Greeks aud Romans shone fortV in oar countrymen. Our Congress surpassed J -l - f : the Amphictyons ; Warren, died Jike T.hWuUk md Washinirton. jike Cin - ciiinatusV triumphed and relived. Thar rved is soWn, and reaped oft the n our annals r. 'Have not seltisii- 'and faction eaten up the public ies r while, among those of privafe ness virtues life, drunkenness has spread as a bound- less Upas fan all-biastingtree ?v tin vain do we boast our moral ioral advance ; " I . fear, these avs: nrbfesseil ment ab ve the ancients Republics, in their best days; mure, wrftie than we. nou asome threatening gulf now yawr; m the midst f s,where is the CtirliuswwUi devote I h i m se i f ? Where was our Cosies whetif Ross and Cockburn rode triumnhantl into the National Canitul ,?'';; v 1 One word to the spirited candidate 1 from whole address you have niadetthel i - . . , .. ... . .. (--.' i 1 extract, in which lie has tne boldness to tell the nenme he will tiot treat them. tie nas underlain an enterprise at nce.puucu, uuu m.u uic wwni.oi . u nrn. nnponanr in itself, arm perilous to nis ioeiiaie-ui mtrr uimcu oiates, ana -nav- .1 views or onice and popularity. 1 oiu ingasKeu oi, Aongress anr appropnauon I him prosper and persevere. I to carry it iiito'effect,1 the undersigned i - - .--:.r i.- Ai g-randi acquisti - ? , Temer periglio, or ricusar futica. v ' , Yours &c. GIVIS. wheth'er die moHr W snrts of eacb adirmistratio.n have not been virulentlv opposed, and at tunes almost over- wm, 1.- . K,i5 w.' iftll the Mission to Panama, Latest Congressional Proceedings v SENATE. I :T r Monday May ;8. Mr. Noble introduced a bill for the continuation of .the Cumberland Road Mr. Randolph had leave of absence or eight. days.'. The Judiciary comrn port recommending that ciine the conferrnce asked of Representatives on the JudiciaVy Bill because the appointment f of con terces. would be a virtual waivfr of the vote'of ad herence, or wou id man if est a diposi - tion to mtet tne.conierees oi the iiujse On motion by.Mr. Behton, the resolu- tion nosing an amendment to the Tuesday, May V Some debate occurred on a bill for relief of D Ion Carlos jDehault De-! u iheGovernorof Louisiana, while OIr a"1- r of Spain ; but the on the table. . der the dominion of Spain ; but the I C II 11 .L' 'L r o Jtu l "VlS The Senate then went into Executive business. H9SE OF REPRESENTATH ES. ny ' v, . Monday, May B. '. "'.v, .;.;; Mr. Cocke, from the i ommit.tce on Indian Affairs, to which was referred the red the same without amendment : and it was committed -to a Committee of the Whole House. V . - ; ' , Mr. Burgess,: from the Committee on Military Pensions, to which was re ferred the bill for the relief of the sur- ment,. which was laid oh the table and oruerea ro De printed. y u t " ' Mr. Floyd of Va. laid a" resolution on the table, requesting the" President of the United States, to cause to. be laid Llf r 'iL-. Tt: .. - . . ueinre ine rioase, me argument 01 iir. Adams, referred to 'by I he A ttorne Vt Ger JuneV 1822,-eemiuumcated ovthe House on the 29th ot April, 1826. f f The House then went i into Commit- tee of the . Whole on the following bills; vii-r V "':? ""v' 'K?f -r ' : :-: of Indiansratified vtlie 22d day of - A pril, 1826. . V ; .t V uiu uiuKiug lunuer appropnauon fr ten Sloohs of War. and reaDDruuri- lihg certain balance carrieil to, the sur; plus fund, V ,:rA 5 And a bill from the Senate entitled An act to aid certain ludians of tlie Creek nation; in their removal 'to ' the west of the Ai?':sti!pi dver.,, ..vl pro riot such " A bill making appropriations to carry 'ompey's intoeffect the Treat ? cdncluded between akeh nf I tne United Slates and the Creek Nation v AU otfwaic.i were reportctr.tOv lhB v J House yiU10ut ameiidmehraim Vder-'T ed lb ye, m tnue-ito-morrow.;- s v - v u . ; iif. rorsjui rose : 10 ,oner a . prortsjt-. of the Georgia Delegation.' against" lK? violation of UieNn'ght3af their;State in the; late 'contract entered into between tKe;United "Seates'nd.they'C'reek'' In-4 tlans f but it was objected t(in the ' ground that, the . hou r appropriated J. for such business had expiiedr ,The ob- ! a a.t. Wa.u tol owi ng Protest, va3 ie..d and hid ,oa the laoie v 'V , " . , - IvUI lib I . - . lh0 President of the United btatca i havirig submitted to the House of Rep. resentatives, ji contract made oj Jaine pat pour, secretary .o.var, and cerf y i ir: ij, i:. rj r. i 'M 'i ' 1.1:1 tain inuiaiis, oi oe.vrecK i riuetiaieci I the 26th January r 1826, which has been i . - . j .1. 'i i . icprese uauves.oi ine peopie orueor- ,l j represent tO ihe HouSe. 'AV '-r-l l V 11 hat bvv a' contract made at; the In- diati Snrings. between certain Chiefs of the Creek Tribe and the Coiiimissloti - t C"'J o, ine tidiiii oi uic.-wirccn. uuns to me land occupied Dy maii Tv rfw,6,aV" 2. , .M,,ou,!,uu? and nrovisioriv made fur their removal JV ht. (tr-o Ann P Canf.mkniv tQOfi ' lhat the contract was; on the .7Ui; March, duly and solcihnlv rjitified and proclaimed by the President of the Um-n tetl ' States,- acting by, the advice aud , with the consent ofthe Senate :ahd that Congress anticipating such contract, had i appropriated the su.m of 3250 000 towards the execution of itrAThis);; contact partially fulfilled on ihe; part of the United ; "States, r thejr obligation'".' uuder the compactwjth vGeoi-gia tu vested frights of the" itate over (tim siderable jwrtioii of her sail and ' terrl torv. . . , Thaftfie undersigned are undef'MhcJf. sqlemtity conviction that . neither V tlw President alone, . nor. the' ' President oe"J uuiuiv u?r iiu; ooveni-r ment. :I,,e. ,V,,,lei1 states ha ye any-; Congress and ratified with all due so Icmni ty. ;- -.l --' . . -r v.'v- 1 hat the now contract j for' which an app'ropriathiti is now asked , differs from that at the fndiai Springs ilthis i That t does not provide for the removalof 1 the Creek Indians prior to 1827 and f, ,i.:i d"es not Jexpressiy provide' for their Leinoval frora' the land occupied bv the ui in Georgia. The undersigned are. therefore, comoelkd.. bv a iust sense of what is due tolSeorgia. to protest, as they do most solemnly pro- test, against it, as violating the; riht- of that member 6f)heUiiionof ivhiclt they are the jltepresentatives, ieavini; priety; .their duty to the people of tjic State, and, Uheir reverence ; for. , tho Union ofthe States,the & Federal Con stitufoh may dictate. ALFRED CUTHBEItT, ' . UKUItUK UAKKl, V ' - JOHN FOR'SYXH. It'Z- I ; Z -EDWARD F. TATNALW J -',. -' - V. - ri. I A Y i KJS. K V v T - WI LEY THO M PSONr ; JAMES MERRlVETHEli An act making furthcr'apprppriation for ten Sloops of War. and appropria ting balances i carried ' td theV' credit of the Surplus .Fund:?; : V S Ah act , makingfurther appropria-s. -tion fort Compensation and mileage to members of Congress.-v '" i".vV ;.' And, an act' making appropri-ttioni j to cany intoeffect the Treaty - cu'ncfu ded between the "United . States and Creek Nation ratifieliltheJd of April 1 826 were ; passed the third tiine . Ou'? this bi!L the Ayes and Noea were taken,' Aye 16l.-Noea 10. ' ' . iTiie bill; from the Senate'entitled'a'i act ttapl certain Imlians of the Creek . Nation; in their removal to the Wet of iheMississippi, was Ijhj read a thinl time and passed. Ay e3 l3Nayg 15.' - fif? .iKTaJS A "i ?-';' . ; Of all descriptions lurrsale at. ' '. THISOFFI: . AC- ittee madee- 1 renioveu every uimcuiiy the Senata!.fe W.fl1- bv the House 1 niirexerciseaji; ine, v 1. 1 1 1 1 - Ill ' :'t 't t I : mi .4 il v"y s X: n " 't - : r

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