-1 i ' '. f., ILiliiidi ; three time. CnicauonY Vianet, .iai..i.fcO u, illc.; :.;:,v , jjrtak'HsfmiHAMiLTbKi the great .Political EconomUt,v:who8e' Es?aon this ctil.ict we referred, to-in a late Kegisjer SSnd'th-blicHh VieWs . .- . , .t .I.-' -j ..:ii".r;.t;n oi vac xiem - "t. y- v - v the extraordinarr number of Bankruptcies; fmrticularlT "ainongst Banker?,) and-the misery anu wreiyiruuca r f r..- "" I - laborins classes of the community.; ;t h kI' C it. aavnlinn I : As a strong etiaence -oi - wits- B,afu"lV ' of trade whichxisted:-he;giVes ah extract fmm Mr. Barings Soeech in the Uoue of counter, were put toother, they would no iMercsts oj zne nation tire jiuiu ; And as a proof of falling prices, he quotes the creai difference there was in th value And the pressure" of the, evil was Lv of k a tsif lilmonf rf-the TAank - . . ? - J 'i-.u- icol iSoglanu notes.'mnine -"" " thah J5 percent-10 per cent.; of which Hook-place within the-tnreemonins preuc- dins: the great explosion. t ' -Mctf B flPtffef withut'opposhren: - X dreidful riot took digress in En1anl. He rfganl the uo- aooui "7" " ?"V . : ' t Vnd r fhrte .iveral aspect,, tte michine' is to .-l Vnou, redaction in thVpdce of goods; t.rpwfwd.th.-t.b. .! Commons m February last, m wnicn hp tn;;pir nL Hire the same, under the pena gays : "If all the crises of dtsaster and dif-hfb licultv wnicn wis ouniry ever n rpi:n two vears. and tinea not exceeamc of Bank and Goverrent Stock'belween 'S. h, the months of Marclfand December in the - f, :Zr.T--- - last year, 'vhich was from 12ton5 percent, r ..rfhe : enclosed is a toast which was The total number of, Bankruptcies in ral to those clergymen oi uinereni ueiioini Engtand from December to June; was 1734, nations, who ht of which 44 were Bankers.' The greatest numDer ot nans lauures, ever kM J m. a. m x w a m ma, a y ar iiii iini V 4 . t ' ' : ; ' iu -The misery and wretchedness among the lore, in anj vuc j voj, , . . 1 vaiuauie paper, yuuwui grainjv peneun ,lo id. ;ine average vi. . uuuics ;. ., : , -' a ouBuwr.K.'-: from 1794 to 1809, inclusive, making 16 mionKmo the .Stated -their strength and tears, was but 5i a year. It is obvious that gfory. Between Ci.urch and Statedisustrous. ' "the failure pf . a single'Country Bank who SSSt ( has been in good credit, produces a wider hd of Aaron, ihd pleasant as the dew of Uer- 'ranse of distress, than the failure of ;seye- mon. ; J , r , , v v5 V ' laboring classes7 of. the community wereUerer 0f Miss Curfninghara. , Nothing has tmlv at2ictinff the number'of which sun-las -vet transpired." save that: he answers the i ..T.n ..i.r.mjin.ont iiarA - . sv i L . irom lou xo xuu,uuu, anu ai least nan inair", .. ." T, . . , . numDer wno nau noi more wan nan em- ' " - , . P,0Jn,enf-i ;V s : . ; ''-v- J " solent manner which he behaved to some - This able writer having ' given his views 0f wyr" citi;.ens,: together with the simili of the ''calamity, calls the attention of the fude he tears tb'the prrson of the supposed Dublic to an analogous case ofdistress uhich took place in.. England in the year 1793; which was completely relieved by the then Minister,' Mr. Pitt, by obtaining the tas- sage of an act for the emission of five iniUln lions pounds sterlinj-. in Exchequer bills, to be loaned oiit on we hypothecation of produce or merchandize;- This measureat prouuee or mcrtuai , . nce arrested.the, evil, anu we pan.c . au: sided. . Indeed the determination to adopt this course,-produced the effect almost In- stahtaneous!v.e Thrfwhole number ot ap- . ne owce oi nrw justice oi we oupre.ue , e:m i;0r ?di.ihU r t was oiilv Court of this SUte wuh the princely -sala-plicants for relief underthis act, was nly vpar-MS'RlOO for travelling 332, for sums, amounting to i2o,,b24-. bills to the amount of six millions By the issuin hftwi minionVof which,' confidence wa? cuin-Pciei restored; ; ; vcoijioned, bVa dc'rangcinentJihd feduc- tiou of tlic ciicubting mediunv which U v--. .'; J . v" . v. - of which 223 were gfanteo, araounung w pst; . Three or I four .persons elected to JD262,000, and the whoje "sum Vdvahced the otfice,' have deciinedl the' honour and was faithfully repaid, and a considerable the salarv too, and twice that number have part before it was due. So that the Gf: been appjUd to and declined beincandid v . ' .i' i ' .1 ates. There is but one man in wis': coun- verpment lost nothing ; by 'this Rotary pro- tnfli for lhe officeamhhisvExcel. vision without which, it is impossible to lncT ti,e GoVernor seems determined to say to. what extent the mischief would have fem out as long as he canjprevail on reached. Z Zrx : A v v . the GerieralAssembly -to elect: ariy; body Sitnilar scenes of;distress occurred in else, no matter whether :lhe persoar.elqct--p. . . n ' - f IQ,,; i Und were ed will take.the office or not. Z- England in the .year 1 31 f?? 1 :wrf. ; : V 7 A - -i 'v . Vbr; (7?. Jbr; again relieved by an emission of Exchequer :r " -t .- --y ;cv- - V- f ;v- - Do . it t ti?e instances prove cicariy, " ? . TV, ; , . . - . ., . v.-. . -i VVr.'t mu gated in 1709; we find ahe following r t!nt w su:u!,rpes, a similar Government , JY-heTf sJm idleygoisipping wIh policv is:the ro-r and appropriate reme- meninakVt. dieiPr?busi dv for curing the. evil, which; is doubtless Kou3e ttf house, about this island, inyeniing f Liverpool ;: and Hr. Brouhairi; :KW r r J; i he: mi itarv were caiiea mi ces of iottoti had detlined a hulend the roarJCet:ibr:olher 'AtociicW produce jyas very dulU , . - ; We understand, thatMf.1 Herman Men, :"cu"uc, . " . ik v of-.Wh.K.lpt.,: has coPtrctla VJach ne. which will rerform,th a Planing e labor of inning. ; nrdhibited-in Louisiana. At the Idte . session oi we ijvgiiaiu i c; w.vaj ;;:.Ua.-;n act Vas Dassed." prohibiting the : m- It ' J 1. A. further introduction, ot slaves ,mio . wa g.v -x .ya person in'future shalt . rt T ;;n ftnv lfl: with intent one'thousand dollars, and, moreover shall - rme uaiiKs in -aisnviiic, icmiwasr, have given notice that' they will commence the payment of specie for their hoies on drank after thelfourth of July, m one the private, o&lfcl circles of our city. It was.furnUedbv1 a cetitleinan who had" vitnessecU with; mucK pleasure, our ai . intcre;Hn -1,5ratij; onhe birth (iav 0f American Independence ; and was, no'doubt, intended in part; ks complimen- rSUf V' Brdvii the toast an insertion in your I ; A mn was arrested here the other day, flm, confineJ 0x 8USDicion ot'beinj: the mur- I flocrrintinn" in verv minute narticular of lth fallow- who torciblv , lumped in the ; i young man's gig. , He is unable to give any ifirrntint nl nimselt. anrj we aarins anu ui- t r iiiZae ind P r; flnrf in inuruerer, impress, V'r rrrT - T -V- . ; Amnnff the ftinerV of the Declaration of Indenenifence. wasThos-Nelson, of Virgt- who, aftenvanfs, foughtjn its defence; an(l when directed by Lafiyette r to point the guns of one of the batteries at York, aimed 4hem.first a?ait his own dwejlmg, which was the best in the place. It is said thtvw widow is nowilmng in ! Virginia, blind, and verrpoonN. Times; J ; Z - - : yr - 'Z - - - habeen . beWinff for two years j AVomcrJ are oteniaccused of gossippin I but we are not aware that it h:w eVcbee en the subject of tegatpenaltie exceptant dnd spreading false and scandalous reports of the -good : people5 thereof,-' and aliereby 1 -Z-'Z'Z . Z ' v ''-"Z'Z- S''AZ ' -v - h s ht no an twranuii mr raiiianicuni I An ifk li-inft rklanA. " Thft if ing-ot -ail .irienasnip, ainuj5 5iu neighbourhood 5 ; for the; punishment ' and :f j suppression; whereof and to'the intenuhat al I strife rnajr beerided chari fy1 revivedi J ; ana.JfienasMp:conunueatv..wc-V' that if anr woman from ; henceforth shall De con victed of tale 1)earing, mischief making scolding or any other notonbq'VicjsVthey or such )ther tiunishment as their crimed or 1 transgressions mwu ucsa ui ' " r or ana council-snau iihuk. uu j n t r.;: .itert. avwiv .kiv-j-jw -.4 Jr.'- .. ; Cli mene .choisit. ' 51 Oh! would I "were, the fragrant flower 7 pougn Tapia neew ns iransiut uuui, Yet in its little life how blest ! ; ; $ Z : WoWld I were Zephyr?s balmy sigh : " That fondly woos her rosy 'cheek, So I might hover ever .high Delighted still each grace to seek. Whv am f not the bird of night !t Whose plaintive note she loves to hear, : : Till she forgets the fading tight, : " ; j Nor thinks, nor 'dreams' of danger near. .Why am i not the lucid stream ; She seeks in the o'ershadowing grove, Where oft she glows in fancy's dream v ' Like the new-ris'ri queen of Love. ; Heat'ns r could t be that happy tide, :7r My waves 'to liquid flame would turn, ; The daring thought quick let me hide, - The secret fire with which I burn. " jrwJ.iuw 1 WflVVlUt Vv; - 5 s 1 Tn Cumberland county, on weqnesaay , even-; inff last, Mr. Lallerstedt Matlett, of Bladen coyn ty, to Miss Jane Smith, daughter of Jdhn SraUhJ c Esq. , ' vf Zu-us- In Ehzabetn, Biaaencoumy, on xol Mr. Kenneth.McLeod, Postmaster, to Mrs.-Ann McImmV ' ; ' fV-r v , p rln Trenton, Jones County, on Tuesday last Mr. Christooher Brvan. to Miss Kebecca Conner, i .:.. "' -if " : "Vif I TTJT-yi.r - At inst i wa4tv;n r Sainwlav njfflit Jast. Mr. Samuel Allen, printer formerlyof Wilmington, J ?ul 7ul inV t ss Catharine McKin- I- - rir:.r cAtlont fttr.-ifiu vears. I iLi Oih nf ttare r a&tl iatheJ02d year of her age, after an illness ..of 7 days, Mrs.. Martha Smith, formerly of; Rocking- KoU.,W-in thlft suteA She emiexated to Indi- aria about ten years ago. and has enjoyed, her .i :--,.t:i'i f, ,i,vU frp her de-I .. , di - v.-. w.fw f rhilrlren: all cease oc va w. , . of whom are now living..'' She has been 522 y?ars a widow, and retained her natural and rational tai ctdties to her death. She was active and able to travel ahout the ncighboiWl, where she lived Ij :.-Au-&Z onrlVo ,fi.rpnr.Aofalarife q..,mmi- t RoratncA Snrlnirc. on' the even- 4 JoV ,he Ifitli Jnst. Mk EdwaVd AV Rutledge, aged 22 year'soo of Major H.L; Rutiedge, of Nashville. Tennessee, and grandson ot one pi me ignfers of the Declaration of Independence Uaoarrus boiiiim i fFIAKENtip and entered on the Stray Book,by jl. ,nsry raru- c t " tHl m n l il... 1 1 nMa ,io.n9 a Kixr i in lis reneaa ana nas So.c wu back. Nov brand to be seen4. Over 15 hands r Vln.fl fa 4 dollars' IlllTIl. 1113 aEtJIUl IMIunm w . V. '8 m?les ,w5f; ky Itiver -' Said Mrs. Parfcs lives on the waters of Roc v W ; ! ALEX SC0TT Ranger Jnne 21. Z:- ": ' ' -783 w. - - - ; t.. - . - raUP. r.hllhoWee SnrinErs T ..... - - - r o ' , - -i. JL Ganaway & Saunders, are m the county oi I Washington, Va." 19 miles east'Oi Abingaon I west of Wythe C. H.'; 120 from Saietn, --w. y ; 110 from Buncombe Springs. The water is high.- ly medicinal a few glasses proving an active cathartic and diuretic. V ' - eases oi uic sm ....- ways given relief and Mn emmeroua cases Jlias prwlaced Speedy and effectual cures. The Boarding house is targe and commodrousia ad- virtues of the Chiinowee springs mi uieir. Fru- ximity totbe States of Georgia, jvonn ana Aquui- Carolina, will induce many from those States to v sit them.1 ARCHIBALD GRAHAM. i June 6, 1826. ... ' - i '67 law m : - i ty nn It 1? VJ UT vl S i OP ly,WjT A1" :k l - j Ta rTY bov HARRY, who run away on the 8tn and. eligible :siiuauon. a more agrecaoic, . rc 1VA of October list, was caught and delivered jo pectable neighborhood, cannot be found The John Kittrall on the 20th of March, where lie re- society is goodj ; and surrounded withiChnstian imined only a tew.nours. uucrugi, had on an oia Diue coai, wnuc uat, wuiwi uc i ? no doubt has laid by before this, a - : 5 I h from 1 servant. ; still : can C do-any kind of Plantation ed in the farin' mbst,"oJT f die 1 1 tl ' --m. n.1.?t.' Lt work, having worked last two vears. " ' -. - He has been . Inrkmsr about - liaieisn , most oi got as far as Wilnungtc tin Fogg. V; . v I will gW e the above reward to any one,' that I win .WiTpr him to John Kittral. 7 rades south of I this pfcee; provided he' is taken without the1 li-1 mitsoiims sxaie. ana u.-n.iucn wiutiu.iu mitvihd secured so that I get him again, tI - ' d-r . iUs!' ; JO HAWKINS, RalLieh. May 1st, 1826. , r 67-lw tf. J. He is a little yellow fellow, very blacic eyes ana I been trequenuyanaju5uy ooscrrcu mi cw pi- ahv whicli; is inclineU to be straight, weigningices would oeara 'g"er siaic w.nujnviwusm. 115 to 130 lbs. low, -wen Duut, active, po-1 mere is aiso a goou xaii-c v . - . . ;t'i tu1 verv eunniri?. beans' raised as a; house I; I Bern? determined to sen, a pargam may pe naa the iwinter,'but now I suspect he -has set out as lone half each year ; the payments to De securea a free man, ashedklaboutthreeyearf ago, and by a deed in trust on the land. ; r in. unaerine name or aiar-i - utjimtirtiuyiii U H""77,.Un4 nifis t.somof i compfcteUtuliothei n a .states of lew for cash or V - T?SS$?f A i . y . .v. r; ArV. iJDane? digest cBowrw,'; A general abridgment and digest of American Law, with occasional Notes and Comments.,; , J. . sWmesttrt8 Elements of History, w of Historj, Ancient and Modem ; with Histor cal Charts. By J. K. Worcester. j III. Popular Ednaitioru Practical ooserva tiohs upon the- Education ot tlie People.; By IV . Ihih.. TYijtrnnrft n.,ihl Jewish SiffUlttOffUe. i t-, Pntiatitntlnn of the Reformed Society of Israelites, for promoUng true Prmciples oHunaj 1cm ftrroWiino-to its naritvind Spir.' Foiintled aw - - - . - - , in I Charleston, a. u. sixieema pi janusu t, 9. A n;nurse delivered m Charleston, S . C. on; the twenty.first of November, 1825, before the Keiormea aocieiy ui wracuiw, v. r- Harby, a Member,; Z. V. Lexicotrratthv or (ne jyevt 4 ewamem. . vp Mattira ataue Indole Orationis,' Grxcae NoviTestamenti Commehtatio, Aui tore'H.Planck, 2. Clavis Novi Testamenti Philologica, Auctore r. n. a.v WftM. r. Crammatik des Keutesta- m.'ntl.oW.!n Snnchlrlinma V'onV R. B. Winer.'' 4. Lexicon , jnanuale iirCO-tAtinum in L,ioros wj Ttftmnti ' Auctore U. li. ureiscuiuriuc . , AGreek and ErilishlUxicun of rTOent"frtmV. thev . ciav,s Philologica' of Wahl. By. Edward Robinson.1: 6. ' : A'." Greek m . oftne New Testament. trarisUted from the German of G. B. Winer. .vRy.Mose Stuart and Edward Robinson. . vTiV-; VT jniA Outline g of the Enerlish 'Lanruage. Analytical Outlines of the- English tanguage, - cursorv Examination.' of ."its Materials , and s, - - t - - n v lolm Iwis m -&aitisk San"-- The Songs of Scotland, Ancient and Modern; with an Instruction ana Mara. Sve uouectiinea wm Mtjura, tislphi'ologicis, qius Daimollegit,,:partun scrinsit'Aiidreas Dalzel. Editio Quarta Ame- rirmmi. "i Stefeotvoeci. I v- 1Y. nr'a Nand.-. 1. ; Tlie Pioneers, or the sourcesofthcSusquehannah; Descript.ye laie, by the- Author ot: L PrecautaoU.? Vf J of the Mohicans i a Narrative of 17 57 By the Author of The pioneers. , v . ; J r V ' CamtHm.thnce on the History 01 the Iai. Samnsnn's Discourse and Correspondence witli , . , ...j e various learned Jurists upon the. History .ot the Law, ; wih the Addition- or eveTar .sbhj, Tracts, and Documents relating to tlie Subect XI. ! Critical Ifcticet ,lj Vem oian Rights. 9. I. De Kava address. 2. , Boston Athenx- Tlxe Deformed Boy. 5t American Journa of EducationV' ,: Pickering's Reports. 7. Gould's Pditionxif VgL 'i$p: toneriy urn oj jxcw .jrviiuwuun i Valuable Eand for" Slei; tlmBa ,MtAr : nnvltlrf nnntvi itrhteen ArC' nri iha ClarkesvilleVa. Iti contains 4UU acres, about ; , r i , . - . . t -.mnrovd lota, and unwards of 40 of good cek loW grounds, well set with Clover aS Green SWaxd! The plantation also abounds with the same Grass, being priginallv ' "iTr - ..v abounds with the same Grass, being jongmall ! the first aualitv of land in the county. ZZ' ' ' One third which has been cleared, being in the nntaseftftinn of those Some vears previous, who could , not attena to nas grown up u niu in.nnrth whirh i a msaavaniace - , of that hich is to clear is good tobacco Jand ; other is better calculated for cotton than to- b9tCCQi The tract is very i nearly v divided, as to itg goi jn tw0 viz; red, - of' mulatto, and gny v - ' 0,v,.. Z; r There are within the plantation ten of twelve b brancn to pass through each division. V The smMj eXperiment j.made w(th the .cotton,' crops. e sucicntiy proven, that it is aHrairably - The improvements consist of a good Dwelling house, and other necessary.Outho.uses, good Ap . and pch; Orchards f choiee fruit also htoit-trees Of almost every description which this . affords; There are also elegant trees for shade around the Louse and yar iT-his place! is noted; for: its. pleasanL healthy, iswicun ,iv. , - v r au . .& vy- above advantages, wouia ao wcu io secau; um by those disposed to purchaser; Kr? i- Possession wi'.l be given on or before the 1 Oth ii m . y. : lt .f !mui r.t inn vim Trm efcicA credit of 'one, and two years, 672mT 1 p. S. Should there not be enough in the above, there are two other tracts adjoininfr't one con taining550 acres, and the other 200 acres, umnV u-iprovca nu,-ric.,?i'.- 'i-.-.,fc , :C' BLANKS V- -il - U (Tt "!'- ror sate at tins uwvc.h';.'.:,m-,' 4."- stond Plvmoutii, af t0?.pHce known bythe .v ; - -- J j; w .4Jlt. O rniUt from ' .. ' , name, oi. ueoar .iwutir., ''vf --.vr "VT' V 1 1 r; pt.:rom U B,iTTWl irt consist tlUUvl' r, l Anv pewimtdispoaed pticbasiwifl t find ;t ie - a ,v . c subscriber dluiosed toermsV arcommUtion. . ? ;v , , -Juty' 13.,;i .i-: v..--- :''.'-- en",: .;. v m . ?, . A Wren Tniles east of Raleigh; , o . rer, aric in good ' repair; ' and larc - ' ? ciency ofwateWvin Cquencc .i RE situate Neuse River, 1 ,jE.;.n i,f the. difficult f getting .Meat,, the . scnoer 4 '.:- , has had W.additioimI lair orston.c-1 Jwt op? - . ratiorii which wilt enable him' to grind from .: , to u oarreis or com per way. . iw 4 i -.. , d i to manufacturwi Ftotny having the ntce.sar. i - - .r machinery for that urpoaer . Personsencnng.xjjL . ON the Sd'Monday in gepIemheT next, ; at the ; v rn..Uki lit ilrAnahoroVwill be sold UlO, i ,J these Mills may rerr on naving uieff giaiw kwu,,u ' r :. : well and with despatch, i n''V ' . 7 ' July 22VJ i ' 8 3v- " CV. foDowing Trai U of Land, or so.imrch thereof as . :j , aatily tne taxes uue jncrcun ; iwr, wf j -.- . . ; i ' '-. -t- :--'r,' ::Z:'' -.' N ' " 1 One Set on Haw River adjoining he land o : -51,nn Tatnm and others, containing , 346 acres. . , - v k. wmnrt, of shfirri ; Ilhint'i heirt V," ',V' ' y,iuwMARiriFJ.Ot:;former.Shf ':v;:,'v'Js.t-vr:-by Isaac Armfield; D.pr4 j ..-jl: Guilford county, July.y. 82 7r Executive Council of NrCaipoiihay : riMIR Honorable F. Nash has tvestgned liis Com- , rT 1 mission; as a Judge of the Superior Court , ,; i The eentlemen . cempoamg.' the " Executive . -.s- rnnril. are reouested to aemble at 'he Execu v i Stale XCivToVtna v; : f; dew nty of RandU ph. ; U H " Court of EquitySpring TernV1826 U tiVet Office, in Raleigh,5on Thursfiay jnwm m r t August next, td supply this vacancy. ,-V; 'j , j ' - By order of the Governors i V S 'A'A J'S.. JNO. K CAMPBELL P. j Secy. .f - Raleigh,. -Tuly l.T -'V T J vi , ? . V-i2t.i'V; W. ...Inv -; ! Henry' Branson and Nathan f ; H- . - ; -rA.',-BraVtsoVs Fri fj i V - U .-V j therefore ordered that publication be made x; ; , : Weeks iii the Raleigh Register that the said Wil- ' liam llrookshire appear wilhin: the three, first j . M ' ( , days of the next Termof this Court, to be held . - J.J j piithe"4th Monctay of September next.' & plead V. : .jl' imswe or demur, otherwise the bill will be taken , - 7 ' i pi'O COmesso a iu unu nu uwin iw. A cony; a fB. ELLIOTT, C.M.rE. - r , r . v ,,Sf mr ltanuoipn com ; ; i u Pr.' AdvS2-' 75 -nv J 7Z 6 'Vi-. 1- NORTH-CAROLITJil.-; TTffTlIEREAS it appears, by the Verdict of a vt; Z ' 1 Ti- Coroner's inouest. that a certain S A MUEL X V' ituT txt Vijk 1 f thV "iWtMit'-: : .'' month, commit a wilful murder,", in the conn Hamilton may be brought t Justice, the above i j r ty, of Davidson, and State aoresni tuna wnereas. v -it appearsthat the said Hamlhon hs fled beyomt - -the limits of this State, and thereby, placed him-. i-;.y sejf out ot the reach of th Ordinary 'process Of; t la :-i-Now wcrcforeCFto- th e end that the - saul " , reward win pe, given ui rv . ?Y " I who will apprehemrand confine .him, in any 4 j iil r ; . r 1 ( in this .State and I do hereby require, commamt v ZZ. ' and enjoin all officer, civil and military withhv. . tlie State, to use their best endeavours to appre- k, A ;t;, -hcndVdr cause tb be apprehended, the body of. ; " V f ' the said Hamilton, ana mm saiciy acrpv ? he shaB" be brought to 'lrial.,A:t .;i.;..'J'. !-''1 , "Samuel Ji Hamilton is about 37 years age, 5 " , ; , feet 6 inches highj with black hair; dark eyei dark skin and very black beard and' wh'skers-? a ;.. has a deep acar near the navel; gool front teeth; '.. but has lost many of his jaw-teethi speaks quick- ly when spoken to, has; had for some timepar, : , . : tictibrlv m cold, damp weather, somewhat, of a 'f, consumptive cougti' -Ti believed. he wp go, ? : ,Zr. ; either toTennesseV llana' or rjssouri.'. y f In talmniiv wlirof- I havecaii.. ' . v ed'the greaV seal of State to bo, hereunto affixed and signed the : nr The Slate Paoers in Tennessee; Indiana, and . ; Missouri, will each pubKsh the above eight timea and ' tOrwara taeur locounw w uc,Mw,uine w4 this SUte. i WARRANTED WFjB. AND . SHQf GUN r f ) AND XlLlTAhY STORE. V4 1 No. 165, Korth Second Street, Philadelnhia.-S r an ANKFUI, for past favors, respectfully ln- Z F3fH of July, 1826.. frt.',; ; forms the public that be nas consiilerabiy en-' larjfed hir establishment at home ahd his couoex 1 1 tons in Europe, u-hich will enable hira to complete any orders in'the military pt sporting: line, of liU ; :-' own-tnaoufacthre, of imported: With punctuality t'.-' ' andnellness, and at a less pnee than the, sanu . , Quality goods can be obtained fqr m the united . . Orders from merchantcr vchmtse?c9mjeiu, y for rife, or muskets, or from the trade for finished t -. Z'Z or unfinished materials, ahall .meet immediata attenUonV-:-UH- '' ZZ-V v-,W J On the Percussion principle, ft" ct cry, vaiicry, . ) . Also, Percussion Prunersv ; : h May' 30,. Zi :-y, 1 ! 1 'i1 i it li -7-X ( li I," T ' " . I i v - ".4T