1 V f TdL.xxvr , ' r : ; ,;V , r - FRIDAY, SEPTEB1ERB V 1 826. ' NO. 1400. '.'7? I A "I - - r . I 1 T v -tji cr, vr-f3r l-iy. rl;' ' 1 " ? ; . V..; MirrpMbrMnr"tuliM Brother; -f -Nff.c ,,,1 -s. ;UV hy' - , r ' JOSEPH GALES & SO r At Three Dollars pcrannum ,pr On UoIUfland Half for lII jrr iu ' .Y7W a nVERTISKMENTS i "V;-- f i Wot excrcdin sixteen lines, neatly inserted frt5.r-r- neeee&mff ottblication. I nose efrtrtterlensth in il.e same proportion. Com thstnVAiHv rece!vc t.'..Letters to i.iini- ... fi ... " 'i TOES DAY; AUGUST 29, 1 825 ELECTION RKTlTRNBy Co W. Jsmet Burny, y.; Caleb Stephens nd Lukf' R Simmons, C . ;t ;"-.- t '4 4 MmioiHrrsf.' Editujhd nberry, tf. John Dar rn ind Thomas C. Dtinn C. .: V- ' iV. Iaac Croom, -S. Jtrncs C05 Win. Carteret. Whittinron pavls, & ... Ot way .Burns and Edtfftid . BelU C . v 1 , , rtrHfuimonS.---Willli Ri(ricV, 5L Efisha Burke and JoUn .Boft, C-v - V'- ' Ontlav. Edrd IVard- .S. J John 1 Gtles ranl Vm, I. Fcrrand, C. vviV;-;,'.;;;:;,V'''..j,;-v JZttfwood. -Thomas Lnre,' 51 Jamss IL Ive and Niman Edmonson, C: 1 The retorns. fromRulhcrfordt , Trrrcll and Wa9h!nston Counties ar only. Want- ing to cuke .our listof Members cdniplctt-. Supreme Court. : An error in oar state ment of points of law resolved at thc last Terra waa not uncovered : uniu aiicrine publication. " It. has been suggested,- and we hasten to correct if. TIie piisition laid Jown in' our report? should have bcebas follows.;. V .... . X '. Sinter: Mien and mijM'pr. IndietmeAt for f friy. Conviction as to one, acquittal as to the other. Judnent may be given ) against the de fendant convicted as tor an assault and battery i For an affray is but an Bprrarated mutual battery, juid conseqiiently includes the latter oCeuce.-l-Hence, when by the verdict, the circumtaoees of pubHcityand terror,' are '"disaffirmed, thcver 4ict may find the parties guilty of a simple mu tual fijfntm; unaccompin'eoV with this ajirgmva tion. And if one of the defendants appear to hare acted in self-defence, though the circum tanees of mutuality it'neativVd, as were in ihe' last case stated tho bf publicity. ami terror, yet the battery charged" upon tbe'jruiJfy -defendant remains, and he mav be convicted of that. It is not invariably true that one person cannot i alone be guilty of an affray.' ": ! ; V learn from a Ccrrespondent, who nas seen a copj ox we articles oi Agrec rnent enteret! into betiveen Com. Porter & the Mexican Government, "that the Govern tnent have granted, to the Commodore, the payment of 'a claim on the otd j Mrxicari Government of 50 or 60,000 Dollars for destroying Privateers; $ The .Na.vj.js plac; vu onuer ins entire control ne selects ai his Officers; he is to locate a certain rjuaiir titj of land where he pleases, and he' is io be created an Admiral at 'tlie , next Con gress. His salarj is to be S24,000 per annnm -las paj continued in all case? of fickneas or necessarv absence on business in the United States. And what is most libera! of all, in case of his death or acci dent, a pension ls'secured to his 'familv. I A Greek proverb sa js "Men is"a bubble'! it rnaj tfulj be added, that he is a maker f orbubbles, the bursting of which sometimes involves a great portion ol the communitj Vrbere thej-are manufactured, in nrisfor- tune or disgrace. Let no man indulge him self in speculations bejond his capital. There cau be no doobt that much mischief lias been doue, bj the: 'dangerous indul- f gence of visionarj schemes t get rich bj hudden means, as i! tends: to establish a a perverted mercenarj standard of dealing. Men of the highest honor ofvthe best prin ciples, have been seduced ' by the Jove of cam to ianer incir lair.cnaractcrs, to tie file their honest names, and to involve their innocent UamtiifS. br sacnncinr 'at the thrine of Mamnion. ' . .' :r : 'I ? r h .. .. , - ' , . ' " , ' - L ; We are let! to these remarks, from. per: ceiving xne great excitement wnjcrt prevails 1 in t!e city of New-York," in consequence of vanous buls xf indictment having been Xound bj.the Urand Jurj against'maoj in- uiviuuaia, n uu nave, ai ways occupicu iiigil slatiding in, the couunercial world, 'and who, hitherto we' would' have held up as examples of moral rectitude. V.frhe follow. in are the names of all who hive been in dicted: Ilcnrj KckfUrdV'Gexi. Swlft 'fho. Venu'iljea,' (iwoVdls ejeb,). W.fp. Rath b;ne, Mark Spencer,' George Brown, C . W. Oaklcjr'vAbram:vX': Legget, John Franklin, Ja. T..Tullman John' J.:Lam- bert, SamtieT F.Xambert, Hcnrj B.Lain-J ocrt, Uuarles.Mowat V.Benjamin A.;Wal drn, reinsPeilj bnd A; S:Pen.;rThese ruiiyere directors of or connected with the various monicd Institutions which have recently fi,ijcd iii'cw-Yiirk, and the j are wilh having conspired to cheat, or in other wprdV tf having! under false ure' tences aw indled the com muni tj.W e can4 not believe that the charge will 1e sustain el against all (he: inlividua Is named but if h be, -let not the standing or wealth of I luc cuiprii jmerpoise oeiweeii rum anu ju ticeVVThe ; energetier proceedings ; of the vta iiu juijr a. iiisptajrcu iii.icicuuuvc piv sentntents, wll (t n hopetl, 'iqa measure. repair the mischief, or at least prevent' the diffusion and continuance W ihe'evil. ; Pub lie opinion is imperative, and ' that has de- crfcti sname anu'coniusion to' inosc wno , , - . .... ,.. , - , --J..- . "i -i would ji rise, on the ruin of their rieighbors, by a demoralizing and rjefarious sjstcra of speculation. : -".;. l-'-i xfirfifv t Rurus Kixo, late Minister of the United States, to the government of Great Britain. . ......... - w . , .. . V. ..-,V- V ' Mas arrived at XMew-1 orK. 'a ' Wot; HiilVKwVeJect the place of Mr,' Raukiu, , late meiober.of Coa gress from Mississippi, at the second ses sion of the ' present ' Con'res& ; ft r,:,? V.' Charles A. Dean, E'q. a member of the bar in JVVashington cou n t jt ' Ne w York, f afr tcr a long and, impartial trial has been con victed ,of forgery. Mt I studied Ikw Vi lit tle purpose if he could riot bring himself out of such a scrape. ;. .;V a? Another, Fire in Petersburg.' On AVcd nesdn j morning last, t he D w el I iiig ' M ouse j jiw neu (i.uccupieu aj jr looieoj uiauu- ford was discovered to be on fie, and from v s remote i t nation, was so en vel oped in flames before the engines arrivetl as to ren-r tier all efforts to save it impracticable. i ne several out uouses were also consum ed. iV- ' " ' ,' . It appears bj a recent enumeration tbat there: are within the Srate of Massachu setts mljr three." hundred p&soris who can not read arid write I So much for tire ope ra t ion of ' the School System of the - New England States. ; 'i,T:'-'- y'Ct: We were not a little surprized to see a ate newspaper of our own State advising the people'of the section in which it is lo- uia'u, u emigrate iu inc vvesicru couniry, to avoid the disYres whiclirmay lie caused by te scarcity of provisions. To say no thing of the impolicy of udLce that would depopulate th State;-and the .absence of oiaic pnue.wnicn.it pauiiesrs,.ine question i, is it certain that the" emigrant will bet ter.his condition Uj the jclvtiie ? :J Of this he h iuld lie, well "assured before he ven tures to break, through the thousand en -dearing ties1 that ?Ond hiur loi his - native soi, and exchange the blessings of societ y and friendship' for the ; 'gloom j' forest ami me coiu grceungoi strangers. . ir anj one iiiiaiiic nun uc nas iinj iu ir tuc wesi to find ever j necessary of 'life, he will see when he gets therci hon" fnuch he is mista ken. . It is' (irubaMj true that provisions are cueaper inere man -uiejjiow areniere but taking into coriMderation hU sacrifices of proper! v, anil. the expanses ifihis.jonrr ne v,' he wll I i ii e vi Sabl j: fi nd - hnn febl f a lo -ser bv the, change. Is : he certain too, that jhe same enterprising spirir,V as the editor calls it, will not carry ofF' so; many to the west as to "cauin scaVcity and high prices there ? It is at least probable that surhill be the case It is thought bjsome ..that great numbers win eungiaii; m inc jvcsicru plates uonn this vear.: -; How minv -will repent of it. we may leariK hereafter. What we have now in. view is, not, to advise all to go who can, but to hope that all njil staj w'ha.cah V lletter to bear those ills they have, ' Than fly to others that tliey know riot of. , -;r -1 :i'':,f ,i Fayette. -Obs Parliamentary JHUetions. It has . been crroneouslv stated. that Mr. Wortlej, one of the Eugliab gentlemen who travelled in tins country last vear, lias v been created a peer. It is his- father vho had been fur many years, one of the -Knights of the'shire of. York". "' Mr. : WorUet, the son, is return- ior uossjney, ine same uoinugiij wnicn , ne representeti ior the last -farliamcnt.-'- lle was lately marneil to a 'daughter of the Earl of Ilarrowbr, Prcsident of the King's Cpuncil 'Mr.; Stanlej. an6th"ef;of thetra vellers,,is returned for.preston, a very uo: pulous bahiugh9-aintiCtibbetr-AWe' do not seethe name of Mr.' Ueonison "in the list of members' returned, He sat irt Mhe last Parliament for Newcastle, in StaffTrd- shire,, ; Fnm wlut we have observed, we inferithat he iot his election bj his vote in favor-iof , the Cathblic. claims H. La bouchrre is elected a member for the bo rough of St.' MichaelV Admiral Coffin! a member, of; the. last Parliament, was not candidate , Mh , Southej, theVpoet, it is staled, declined accepting the seat to which he Was chosen,.- allezinz that: his income was too limited to admit of his hbldioir the seat. . Colonel Dawson of the British Ar mj, a genUeman who was in this citj the ast year, and travelled through the coun try, waa a candidate for the county of Tip- perarj riA Ireland; bit tl nlpnot succeedi to 'i ou r readers' antl particu lar! r w the I ?v ' she to sublime Volumnia 6idj r 3w I " members of bth Houses of Cbnoliessthel Hertribiite of enranlured tea death of tiiPiHoh- lliirvfi WititatiftnrWr seiitativc in Congress from the LehiSh Di tnct in Pennsylvania. He expired atiAUp icniown, on tfe J4tn inst at?ioo'ciocK, A M; in the fmy-eigh th year.Hbf.1i)s rife; tie: WW ft;-mMlest and. retiring!roan9yboet it inajweibe iintfonedst Jajjs ihe 'only rvivmgMnemb ongres oi . i Atnaeriooxr iieraia. : rain; descended win iorrents? till near iA 1 1 1 s c t-1 u i ig , a cc o oi pa n ie w i ' 1 gv m R lou nts creek, ' wh ich skirtaT the Sou tlierri part of the town, ;,(Von ru6e, itb unwonted lieijht " tlie'daiVi of M Phersmi's'i milltiie nrsi on ine.crecK , vviucu is i wo m 1 1 es i rom to wh broke andg&ve;waytha acc'u Ulula ted waters rushing' down ; toEllis's nijlli swept it down, with a large part of the d feuch 'was the force of the Waters, that millstones were' waslied down j thelstream pfiv jarda below; the tnillr (Cohtinuingits course, the flood next broke upon Mallet's oiill swept a way, the flood 'gates -demo- iisneu, to a consmeraDie exteui,, me nam on the south baiikoverflowed D tari-yard and carried oil' a part of the en- and Iarkg w-mil..K: V' w - Mr. KHis, and the Mr. Mallett's are the icaiu?i suuercrs. - ir. o. ouurmu. Circuit.--- Fayelte.sObk The ceremonies atlendant he BJack were performed vent in Georgetown, yesterday vows which are to seperate. her 4fi wor;,,,an.io uic urcLiiivis ui iuc vMuiM 'vwc MNCii h Mibq : laiiiyTii.il. nK Pmn , (nkrri I of thejUmted Stat'vs' ' Nas y. : ? I he IVnte) Veil was taken by Miss Jonks about a year si nee. Nat. . Journal. Sir Walter Scott.--" We l are iftdebf eti to the politeness fa gentleniaii at the'Sooth fur the following extract from a letter dated last March, written bv a literary character of the highest eminencei It contains mfor ination, which maj blr fullj depembd i up on ; arid which; we believe, will be interest ing t all our readers ,You will be lad to learn that iur ad mirable friend Sr Waller iScott's losses bj Constable's failure, are not nearly astgreat as report represented in a letter to, m friend, Mr. M ', he says, that although he - has lost .a considerable vsuin, j lie's has en ou'gh to 1 i ve corn fortabl j. He ad d s , tlia t hemu.Ht tvoric hard, and that he has lost on! v the traDDinars of ftrosDerit r.V, ' an ex pression and feeling, wortny'of him.' His cnaracter mas risen -in tne- opinion, oi an men by trial of adversity ;'hh.it,:f '':'" ,-5 ; i ( It has shown, what few men have with in their lives been able' to prove, that he can bear both extremes o( prosper! ty & ad versitji with an equal mind. He never excited env v. even by his linparal leled suc cess as a wntery.aritr bj' fortune superior to what genias ever yearned before. " He was always gracious kind, full pf. what he could do for others; never an egotist or sel fish in prosperity ;aml now iti the change offortune, he has the sympathy ot all that hare anygoodness in them. Abbotsfird is safe &he will not be obliged to part with his library ; the loss ol that would have been dreadful-V aAW. Journal. ;Vi :;ia i tBOlC THK BKCOLtlCTIOITS OF WaMlaTOTO.. The following beautiful Stanzas are from the pen of Mrs. L.-H. SieoirajrtT, ot Hartford,' Con, " - a " - ' ' 4 ' a . , a jaiiy ot tiistiniruisiieu uterary xasie una ac- quirements.' While on a .Visit to Arlington House.' Mrs. S; first learned, that to a tinman ; was the Father of his Country mainly indebted for that education and discipline hi his youth, (which led him-on to the glories of his after life-' Proiid of her .M tbelailj.iiaaile pilgrimajre to Fredericksburg, sought for, and with difE coitr fuuitdi the grave of the Spartan Matron, ' - wid thai composed the following tribute to the mt-morv of the ' " v ' V '' f f;j MOTHER OF WASHINGTON.- J Motherof him whose' Godlike fame f V r The Good throughout the world revere, . . Ah I why, without a stone or name, - t Thus sleep'st thou unregarded here 1 " 1 I "Fair pensile branches o'er thee wive,'' T '. v". And nature decks the chosen delU ' t Yet, surely, o'er thy hallo w'd grave f i "A nation's mournful sighs should sweXl; most amiable -and respectable qualities f- sO' .. "Vv ;,,??. "--i.v een.hiestjldfe his colleagues and associates, bjrwhom he rAnd well mlhrhebe skill4tortte&v 1 Ff;vl "pC fWKilcL was sine ereJj belovedJ'S.' Int,' -";'- :nvH-So early nurtuiM; to pbey.X-.3 te.wJ-.;i . . . . tbZ'i ; : As everj fact relative to the-survWors S-Kenrarts ;W JlrSShS - ' of-thethaYtmdsou1s,is4,ue 'U1i,,,a CSl JlP of Decaii.tr interest 'at tlie brntmetit. &CS Starkteion the Uw cf EvidenCe:3:vcli.u a . 7 ' the.eather,Iavin2;i)een tincbo.fortabl v ho? ,HThesh Acou'c;'dnthe 19& ihsUnt,ui:aruna;.::- for some days previous, jt; began .t,o;ratti; .sy,-inefro:ellpw?.15D;who was sold bV?.:r;.:. ' bout. 4 o'clock irtVthefiernoaii; aud tithe Or when Ids ihfsmt'h Mtwood Evans of this county to Mr Hatthews ' 'y- i; Closure. ii us lurtiier progress, n uro.Ke fn Mecklenburg oUntv,: bif the 18th Inst;TO Russel's mil I dam 'and i inju red those of M' Middleton Dougherty to Miss t)avj A WihoAy Weill's oHiiiilI. Donaldson's Cotton factory Hlnlavidsoncotinty,!onthelhliHt , " r ; r T V a; f -; ly, Mr UUred Hatley to MissBarbartfRodrs vww. KK.:uoacriDea o, -tnis. mpsny, will vWlearntKatvat i MethlistvCamp- How count, & the 14th instMrobi. Kl meeting;rheId;lastmonth feruS in;this;Stae? attached the SaliSburj Cir- t0iSu aGH('- cuit-and ' Virginia ConferencHhere .were .rrtn thsamVplicebH AshevdWN.;Cu;18yI8J6 QQ 3w , ; one. hundred and Me conversim8.J ,Vhe Caraway, of Gienc MJf CjClitot4 5 ftniw tiitift' V : :-r Rev. Peter Doih'is JiWdihif'Elde Borne, with a-Sarst of filial pride. llie mother of her Gracchi vie wM j I i'U. When the dread Chief that o'tce.p. ty.f). nnr; Hadst MHcen -eWbo nobly: nonecl .tbe;great ."fi4? - ferlll --:ayv when uptin ihy suedinraiiHj'i v I vl may thWrealS fleries and miffhtv, chiefs to aiem I AWoch fiods tls Jnfant pring blei; f ;Vith monioiahd guides: le hce y The ' monument ofdeathle fametii I 'f-:iS;'t rvtv.-..Viu';fc?(: I 5 1 Shall thither bid yountr mothers wend f : ; I I r v , ; a u Qitraa iny spine as xnv r, A - I ' And leariViWhiie o'erthy tomb they bfciid I PorHeaven to train the biibea ibey lovc. T.' - nt of f"1 Z y - v", r-vr . In Elizabeth City oniTiiesday last, Mr. John OaUintont-bwe'to Miss Elizabeth VViUiams. ; in Uu'lforcf, onf the I7'h utsti 3r. UavrU W51- am, tcrXfis. tlnnn .h rinl.h- Atifl TkCf-i-hiiatnntipr I it'll a .-!.'"." ' r ' ' t m. I .. longue to Miss Sarah Howell. AIs on theOth, lIr. Edward rW. Twiford to Miss Sabria Coluran. 'J AJJLriJIkJm .'.vv;.v;y. . i- i On Wednesday last, at Tier residence m; Edge J ' .1 .-.i.. f r -te..t - I Storke. "5 Thisf young geKilemah as universally esteemed while living, for his" many amiable, vnv 1 ft.laatl a. ' i. a J Sk am J a. ABaL a aa f at M aa A aV -I aa m J W . . - . a - t " t tM I iuc3 j niui ui ucaiu n iuiciivcvi uu iuuj uz Uurlington, field alcllvaine, Esq. of Philadelphia, in the SOtii year of .his age. Also, a few hours afterwards, hisrfather, the .i r Sr-r ' : " "' . ' - " wa) Hon. Joseph Mdlvaine, Senatorof New-Jemey, in the Senate of the United SUtes, in the 58th 1 . 4 A BOOKBINDER, who U steady, may secure aTO. a constant situation, by applying to UjeskeU and Brown, of Knoxville, Tenn. ;Teols and mv terials will be furnished. . . August U.; -;V J;,V iaVotice: i:t 1,T the annual meeting of the Stockholders cf aiL the Cape Fear Navigation Company, in June last, a utviaena w per ccnuon uc apiiat Stock of said Company was declared V which di vidend will be payable on the 1st day cif October & . - - mv aM W t ar n :xu -- i ' . uxu vuudui Areaar, Fayctterille, Aug. 9. 86-9rf. high brfherillustrious roll T:! - 4 v , i' . rmked amid thosetnatrons bright,'. j I $ Itfl"" ' " . 7 ' f vi i "c oanour Of .uis.i.oumr unjfri ' i - - - -- - , - . ' : I ..-vwaii - - a " - , j H ai m . a r " A ; : i ' v Say were thy fOidwoUons fraught tyjwUt j ?l he haia;bee1..abouUthis and lhe atHoin7 I y i'Stri fntiiM r.,i r am. I with his shall blend tlimelionor'd iiaine' the I - V' And rwr.1 exult-nfir o'er thv itusti IwmQ - .-In Montgomery county on the;30ih inuai r ' -. -S - A .. ."' -T- , -V '."-"'" '' - . ' . a." a" I-" ---- ta - A. a '- ' ' - t a. ate T 1- L - - - , r i a i. - ;-y. - " : j i v arr imaim arw vt vaar naw a a. a ar - . IHeerman to Mss Fenna Mitcjielh ; ; I -n avis now nwue ana on nanor a.mimoeroi v (. In Camden Couotytijr.bhn'D Tt td Miss Cotton Saw Gins, at my. shdpin ;Warrerik6hi' ; : , PinetoDBduBlialI.',.ri'Vr1aUyf O. ' Any person wishinxr' to burchase can b ' , . - at thejCon - On tlie irtii iiwtalit Mr TDanler sx, ' t when the Marjm'bi riim UUM In Randolph cuuntv bnMhe i4ih inst. Mr. -aoeireignx can oe oow nea,in addition , combe county, Mrs, Lucreti a Pip pen, wite o not receivable at the Treasury of the LnitedStites CapU Joseph pippcnTaged 67ye'cs v For a long in; pavinent for patent rights, aU personties:r;ous . -period before her death she vas 'a' pious member oftaiiigout Patents, are requestetl to tranimit ' . ' the influence bf the religion she, professeda j u they-may know,' or be axlvised, will be availaili . ' Cln Charlotte, on the 15th inst. Mr. Eekiel A at we Treastiryi V o ; '.5CU'70 lOtf ; bernathv, ofthe firm of 'Kendrick & Abernathy ' ,7'-. . . ' - ' ' 1. ',' ' liiieckiehburgVon thi3th inst: Mr. Eiekiei A. 1 eacuer Vuitd. , , 1 ; v : ttobinsohViaged'about 40.? ' -' i;-'- ; , '. InNewbeni MrsFrances NSheldohwife of , j ysri( to;eiigge the .services- of ;VoaA- i Ismel Sheldon,' lof flyde County, and. Uaugh-. 1 Gentleman jquaUfied to ;teach Jthe several v ter o. CaPt.;I)avWalIaCe, ofof branches of Utemure required JSilV&Vo y .m1 ,af lr?m Sophomore Class; atthe University of NortharV V ' fort Jonevrehct of the fate Roger Jones, Esq ohna; to have? undet hl charge IromlO Orange countyone scholars' A graduate ofthe Chiversity Or othersTv f 4 J mohary complaint; Miss Rebecca Greeftvl..? .5 ..,4 A "? ' rehct onir. Kichard ise, dec,- ; ao,i, thU place, in the iaterval. of his school d -' Mrt"?' i"- but ttei.:: It is desirable an engalcment IhouS-' V ; severe afack of typhus f?er,Valetme made earlyi si that the school h0uld open ch ' : ; Storke, nd 22 years, son ot the Hev. Charles iiIimw;Mf . ;i. j ? p " Ins aged parents, and a large cjrcl? of Uigbljr res-. The Warrenton; J C, Fall IlaCQ V ' TnEandolph;onthe2lstinst4Mrs.MioAiiu . 17IU! coinmence on .Taesday. the ,X2tbiUy 1 : wife:ef'Mi.JbhniAaie fAvt September.? 1826, -and .-continue ' four ' ; ' : On the lOiii Inst, in Tort Districfy SiC in the doOw-enbanee tb subscribers 25 dollars-lnoti- ; 22dyedrofber age, Miss Jdary E. Hartt, daugb- "fP1, 35 U ' Free Ibrany thing, r ;s terif the late Gen. fUavid Hartt; ;TbOaythe Propriejtw's purse-' of 200 do!-. . ' :i - ' Urs, 2mde heats- entrance 25 dollars (re- fbr' " 4 1 - ti i i 1 i o any.thing but the winner of the preceding day : Apple Brandy, - Whiskej Sugar Fourth Day- Handicap purse for. theremaw-s ''linil f5offee v';' -- - drf of th Jockej Club purse, say,150 dollar- 'y-'iA "rf vV" "yi'J ft -i s-V entrance to subscribers 15 dollars--non-iubcrt. f.-' i- ' r : 5 . 4, bers 20 dollars mile beats; the beat '310 5.' v.. T TrUl-KB 0ASnverCupcfll5 dollars !vie will f1 ?ICr n111 Coffered ,to beruifor on the first dsrtzte : ow ;by thearreLv Prune Brown Sugar by the heatVif the Post SUke is not made op. - - . bird, or batrehand Coffee by the ( bagj,r, sma lie Tbc CQurse t, put in goc brder,;and afa . :'i cfUliEWtTARf accomntionswm.. be furnisbed i . V- J "Aia,cr b.iu.Al51'- sportsmen and others, by r- . icajeign,,jaiy . "t : r f, I V Ml ffilHK Subscriber fcas an abundance cf ICC ca sell atM rrnri by tha 4, - 3 et ' : , and forsaldf-:w. ;i 0.&Jtt J. Gated Sm'stBoohitorei - j Mills's History of tixe Crusndes. Mrs; ParbiiaJdV Works, 3 vols. nowbcibnirs toi Mr. Harinah i cf Alabama.' . The Vequehteo t income forward prove pro. perty;pay:charc:eaviaild take him awav; y 'o" f -AVILLIE jG, WHITFIELD, Jailor. - Nashvillg, -Mii'Anj; 85,3m. V: raoKe ijanun ior'J5aic.'A: apHK'stib'seHbev.xmers for-sate' his .farm on IX 'ii Jtoanokel ri ten situated, bet ween William-' stpn and VJymouth; at the place, known by th name of. Ceda:, Ijmdinff, about 9, .miles'' fton w,nasor.,,inisrarm isiupposeatoconiat of IptXJ V w.'7iwrv,j, u, innujui vuuui which is cleared lahd.V-This is consideVed oiie of the most vUuable tiirmsbatbis part of Itanoke riVer-.i i vany pcnKVt usp.34,, m purcnif . wiu nnu nc ( subscriber disposed to terns of accommmlattonv July 13.- y ' -V'. rstf i 'A. to wjshop price. Orders directed David Harry. lO etc i V? r JUMP II.' UAV I SnN. i . '-, If AV lat itKtfH rir A ttr. 143 .S : -'"X Cirt . , T t. u r . DrrittTXEJTOf StlT-e, .;,, imn --a ;i' a -a j Jjj return of Bank Notes frona ihia DepaieinV ! -iv wm isic liic J i7.ja. miiu iiciiv. inriiiifiiT Tfi T!if r 'a. a, - ' .t a- " a. ' , Uaieigh, Aug, 15, 1826. A c7 Veo3n F.rst Day a Post Sukes foAtwo and thre years bid untried colts for-50 dollars each.' : Ifinmesto oemado with the Prafctor, on Moa-, . ' f - ak ' ' a- . - ?Y eTenff .PW4g.Vv- .,T j,, ; ocwnu uyiac Jocxy uiuo rune of-3 mile II. BANSOM, Prcprietqr-2.; Officers ofthe Watrentofi y C&W4 uOenercI Willi . WUUam Eaton. . 1 . cddcnTi ' Robert i 'onerlfl - -suCi-V''i ;Petet R. Davit, SCvrhix- ' James Somervell, jf . i'U-u; RobeH Jlcxisom: iVeaslrcr.i' V T. IV, sOunhavcnt, Cccrc jirj I 'iVEyENIKGAMU J The;pu&lie u respectfully fcfsrisid that i"v ? BALL' 111 be furnished at the IZ.'njs CT J .. a.... ..Tv - ? m T ATIN PR030DY. for the uw of School, by; ; --r ? l X4 Profeasor Hoq,8econJ ediUoo usproved. ... Tltrni.IC NOTICE is hereby given, that an in- iKi J. TtlAom. cays.-5 --v.v -,,xt v; '. -,. ; .4 'I If I! . V 1 r. . . - " - s" v ;. '"a . t .

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