1 1 J V'"', y?r PljO.V.V- J. t my v ; ND 71 v rrr t A a" ' FRiDAY,iSEPrBMBEft 20, 1826: : ; v t NO; 1404; 77 ITT ill City, t!ic -Foundation Stonq of a Free masons' Hall was laid i with "all the ac- tomed formalities. An "ad dress was irs.vi nnll:rs traa"iuun, or tthc Dollar ami delivrfcd l)V; J. N.' Moulder, the' Grand 11 - ' ' "l" n-riQPxtpvrq -1; m. ;v, Master, aiid an oration by. Mr.'Seaton. vnt P,d-n(r sin nv iTredSome liymjis and odes. werc;also S11115.: lhat : an jopportunitr mightjbe aftbrded; to brins him to trial for the outrage commit ted in Raleixb. 'Hillsbb.ltfec.. X I r Co : ' every snccee.r.i pgl'cailon. 'I hose 1 o?" --iCPi'JciiTih n 1 he Mine proport'on.Com. nraiiica.'.on thaHtruUy -rcc.eire-l.'. Letters - to t lie 1 ".o", io. s ir. i'.t be r paid. WWW. T17ES b A Y, ''. SE FrEM .Jl 826. pn Tle Editor, of; th? pc mocralic Press I at Philadelphia," throws but hints en the impolicy of Pennsylvania snporirtirig fur the Presidency, a slave-holding Candi date, alluding tn General Jackson. ;. , We AvotiM surest tpMr.'Binnst.tha't if he wish es by tliusj exciting sectional feelings, to aid Mr. Adams, he will most -asuredlv jail in tlie accoiiiplhment ofr his design. ,T:icfe"ndently of the impropriety of'at- teirpiing to. draw a line of- tlemnrkation. betweeir membcrs'of the same Union, lie is doinit 1 be .President injustice by placing 111 in a hostile attitude to the South. It was unfa few-weeks since, in allusion to this su'ijert, that Mr. McDuffie said, in a piddic adilrcs8,;'(and coming from such; a source u .is entitletl to'consideratinn,) that lie w-.s aware mai-a gr?ar,raany 01 nis tei-low-tiiizeiis were opposed to Mr. Adams because he was from a non-slave-lioldin Slate, under the apprehension that their lights in telalioii tojthat species of proper ty, would be endangered .by' his elevation. 13u, aid Mr.McD. 1 believe these appre her.s'uns o be uu founded -I know the. sen-1 tiii'ciifs of most of the,' gentlemen in Con riea?. from the Ncw Englaud and Middle Stales, on' this delicate subject, to bV emi nently liberal and e:ilihtened and I con iideully believe. that if a proposilioiivere tubmiitcd to Congress tint ' would go to imjuir, in the slightest degree our consti tuiioual rights as slave-holders it" would not comujaud twenty votes in the popular branch of Coiiitreas. V , . Owing to the failure of Agents in making a return of (Tickets .sold,' 'the first drawing 01 j u oge M u rpn ey 's Liotte ry u 1 u not ta k t place on the 2d Monda v in this month, as auverusea. uue notice win dc given, we presume, of the time of Drawing. ; The donations received by the Treasurer of the Amencarf Bibte Society, during the months of July and "Aujist, amounted to S7r9 68. In the same period 11,281 bibles and testaments were issued, in value S6,166 92. ' ; Georgia --Althouli since our last, vc have ivreivrtl papers .'Voni various quarters of Georgia, vc cannot ascer lai" ccrliiinly, in what -way the distri huiioii of the S2I7,6Q0 was mailed VThe ditiihut!o:i was left to Iho control of mi I;. dian Council, and w hi 1st several jiapcr . state that the M'lntosli j?ai ty wcie I'xcludtii from ail participation in the sum divided, the Macon Messenger as that the - nitn of the , hostile partv wire alone, excluded, biit that their. wo men and rm'nrnr received their rateable pif)portion of the purchase money. If mis uiiicr siaietncut be correct, we are quite c ci tain, there is no part of the Tu at w liich can he so coiist!;ued?as V t; wanajitjjthe course adopted. The third iuK:eoriIm;iVeaty, aincuilV Congi-cssahci its ratification, to nixveiit fraud. in the Chiefs, says expressly that .the S2ir.600iihall be paid to"! he Chiefs assembled in Council;' to, he divided stmong the Chirfsi&Frairivrs'ot the Nation." , liv the following order iiV the Geor gia Reporter, it would seem that Gov. Ti n . ji is determined 'to support the sur veys now 5om 01, in the Creek nation under the Old Treaty, against any op- Joi:noii t.'mt may he .-oflVreil by thelu- cnaiis. I5ut ii as has been suited, the Go ernoi only con teiii jila tes1 (a su in ey of (he land uliirii is,undoubfedly reded by both the Treaties and , is : -in,' strict conlonnity to each, why apprehend op Poun ? B to the order: ' : :Xt -.g y Hancock Troop, , " - v rcceireu orders fom Eilnrv . . . . When the news of the execution of Charles I. reached Sweden, Queen Christina, of masculine celebrity, remarked to a noble man at Court, who expressed great horror at the event, My lord,' the English have cut off their king's head for making no use of it, and they have done wisely " '; Foreign.- From Liverpool & London papers- to the 8tlr of Augut brought by. tne John J Veils and Ihe 'Hudson . arr i ved at New-York? the opinion is formed, that a qradual improvemcnt is taking place in the situation of that Country. Of 12000 bales of Cotton, imported into Liverpool the week ending the 5th August, 6000r were from Egypt.. -It was cxti-emely sickly in Liverpool aul , otherViiIaces, owing to the exces sive, heat of the weather. .' .The- subject of most interest on the Con tinent was the new Portuguese Constitu tion, which appears to have alarmed all the iiiembers of the Holy Alliance. - ' 'I'hclasf Paris paper states that Lord Cochranelhad arrived at Napoli di Roma nia, where Jie 'will await the arrival of his fleets : ..':vv;--?t' . ,. A fettter. from Trieste, of the 6th July, says There are still sad divisions "a mong the Greek leaders, but I am happy to say. that the ship-owners are cordiahy disposed to-operate with' Lord Cochrane. They have altogether 2oJsail, (ihi'ependent of the piratical vessels, the owners of which are declared by the Government of .'Na poli, traitors to the State.) The number uf-guns which-they carryvis only four hun dred, as some have only one gun,, ami o ihers only muskets, but the crews are up wards of fourteen thousand fine seamen, many of whim beln draughted into Lord Cochrane' ships, will ,do much execution." Health of tyrfolk.--TUo Norfolk pa pers do not admit directly the existence of Yellowy Fever ; in , that town, i but that it does prevail there, is deducihle we think fronrthc following paragraph, copied from the Beacon : His far from being our wish to excite unnecessary alarni with our fellow citizens, but hav ...L i- - r.r 1 n, iiiauc a poMiive ueciaraiion in our paper of 7th inst. that the health of the Borough was unusually good, we think it enually our duty now to state, that there' has been a very serious change in the health of the town, since that no tice appcareij ? Wo ..confess we arc un able to state with precision the exact ty pe of the" 4 d iscase by w hich the Dis trict allii.icd to' is, infected, but .we do not hesitate to declare the fact. We at the same t i ine express the opi nioii of many intelligent citizens,' that a decla ration fnnh tlic Hoard of Jlcallh, as to the precise, character and extent of the diseasewould not only hae the effect of diiniiitshing the public solicitude on 1 1 1 1 s si 1 hj ec t b u t of correcting injuriou s exaggeralions indust riously ci rcula ted in tlii' iWigiibouriog counties and towns. y ' Czng?e8$i9mtfcanJidalC'...Ve ari au- thunsed ti announce Dr. fcmuel Lends, ol Nash, as a cabthdate lo represent this Dis- Lersorih. u.n,:J- -""J ulucr lI,e niem-j iriwt iu uuuress, ai me ensum election, iorm coinnfete siiul n ... .!s '4 1 i-, i .:, 1 - v t i t t . loraourclK. o c Z, VVrV ,,ceV -!niP nntiiF -William T. VVir,Ko 1 m.K. O. 1IJIV. L.Tf;A I - ....w... Mm IIUU I I- ISiV , . ? -,Jv jarre'sted atrRaei-h ort the Slst:ultrand v , ?(v " ; Lwho irf ihVoiftjt stabbed; Bobbit h one A-9 V. wrci encroaclaiig on thc StatcAtf iirVmAont'the ami 'tuL'n , . - " -r Supenor Court ftfiOiaw liehl in this place x .i.ra. Leianu Jiave been last week..HeAlras acquitted; ihorse irctetl, the orme,G6verhor, and the teaing,c but,c0uyj&ed of, larceny in steal Jatter.VLfeut;;.Goverimr iug a saddie arid ariilfeY He, was senten- ( lessi-s: Walesa Mall0,y are reflect ce,v .WcWve ihes which to Cou4e ' enteace w,s .immediately, executed rand -.1 Kc n : .V - ae-war-'recomnuttedtojail (or tea days, A Prolific Stalk of Corn.--We - rcceivr ed from James Bainey,Esn. of this cou if-?' tv.a few days since a Corn Stalk of this fTer !'s srrnwth having ort jhr?i well- niieu ears oi souini corn.w ,cc mipaiiy i rig jt he stal k of Cofn' we receiyeel ifhe foIIowihghuraoroUs note i-rdlon Gazl j JM Cajtpbeix V-IJierewith sehtt your a. Stalk of dovnji which grew in my field on Tly Co ; this seasou, with seven ears on it. If the ears are not rank & good like 'those seveir. ears '.oil . the ..Stalk seen by pharaoh in his dream, they, are, as youi rua see, godd, soithd, -well fill ultra fut The length, of die seven ears, taken together,' :' maker three feet and five jndhes.' Though we do not , v;lh Pharanh's -.Interpreter, cons tier , this, as a. sign for, seven years of plenty in our land, we cer tainly see in this prolific st'alk.'a striking contrast with what we hear of the crops' of corn a fe w counties below us, where we, are told there are many large fietds not having in the proportion of one ear oi any, uescnpuon to an nunureu sraiss. : .1 AMKS RALNEYi- 1 tt 9 u .TJVTIIK nVI-'i' vOUu. Mil' ' lAIMi T', . aiy,. fpO poblisb in the City of Ralegh a. veeai , ;FlntTk UWW 11 V r . t - ' rl Kewspaper. to be. titled the HAtTWp - 'HU M' V1 ' ' v j " ; ThispVerhallcontai..asmucn as the;People "rtriTErtBAS it t.srnel6rilr aop-ars, ,at a;.. ; want to knW;'aha a good deal -that they care'bdtV T;irKc.?tV -Marti name4Kiv.T, ! Wrtrr ; .--j.:-very little about Lie the res: of the NevrspaThomas G. .Cha oers aas, .rkep ;h,Jail.fyiix ;, pera printed inthis' State, when thelKd LifurnishraivhineQJmowwh from otheiv w-thout acknowlOlgmet, AMfB cdPa-beiori-thefts of thevtete; has: 4, - ;V at this time n-iendly to'the pyiVdmimstration. thereby plac t Ji m& If.cut of ihe rtacfr of the, , : ; fr6mAcbut nayhd'H to hlsi to ordmary prOttof latv VfK-i ' ! " enhstei- Gene.i jacksW.ii .whetliefhe I Kii;ther49 to'the endlhat jthe ,$a)d slaye- -J is Toundio theiPeor7rVOenart'rtienVhe Nat:may be briftight tojustceithe adyrtwrdt Sy the CK)Tcr.,or, to prepare the IL.no. . klWiTcr n immcdute marcb w.tl, uniforms con.pte. In obcUiehCc therel-.. l.i i . Extraordinary-Wz virc confidently assured. that from a siucle irraiu f Corn, planted by Mr.Jolin Moore, of this County, in a field of 90,000 hills. there f has been raised five large stalks. and each stalk containing two ear. The curious ha ve an opportuliity of ex amining it by calling at the store ol Mr. L itll ILiV JJI MlVIli J'J.Ul I I ttOvWI U JLtVV Mammoth Sqiash: , Squash was raised on tlie farm of M- . Hartwell Griffith in this County; wiiich Weigh ed seventu pounds., and measured five feel three incites in circumfcrencc.--t6 ; DIED, At the residence ot.his father in Washington City Williamjtlie ypunest son of Mr. Wm. W. Seaton,jn the 8th year of h's age. This inter esting and intelligent boy, the dearly beloved of his parents, and equally so of at the friends of his parents, lost liis lite. by an accident of the most distressing character. On the monvng of the pre vious day, lie: hud been suffered to mount a do cile poney, kept for family Use ; and the poney taking frijrht,' threw him, with his foot in the stirrup, dragging him on the ground for more ih-.m a 'hundred yards. The injuries !m iuvenile frame s.usfained, could not 'but cause his deatU," though he lived thirty hours after the acoHent. If the universal svmpathv of a communitv can furnish any alleviation of their grief, that conso lation js afforded Ui the parents of this lovely and lamented cniia, i IHU'IIMJWI'J i i-"" ' JUST PUBLISHED, ; oy V-C ar o na Almanack, t FOU THE YEAR OF OUR LORD, CONTAINING, besides the Calendar and As tronomical Calculations, an Ess:y on raising Manures, one on making of Meadows ; on fatten ing of Calves; on making Cider Wine ; sundry Miscellaneous Articles; Medical and o'her Re ceipts; Anecdotes ; the Officers of the' General and State Governments ; the times of holding the Federal, Supreme, Sup rior and County Courts ; and a list of the Members of the neit General Absemblv. I - - "'- v '. - Qj" Sold wholesale and retail at Gales and Son's Store, Rdeigh, and by C. Stuart, Fayete- ille, and retail y most of the Store-keepers in (he State.-- v . - ',; hoke t hfMr enem w Upnc. 1 "roress'Jr Oi fliaiueniautji i .hc r v.i n, nuv uu-l e , r list nl.C.jllfr thrir n'm.c I I Iv testifies in a flattering manner lo the efficient. . , ' J 9i?j( malefacsovs.shall be' iQde.t instructing at. tue) American iass:cat . . C' expense ;- bv - the ' "Cditor anl annwry. iyceum, out ww uows;ie uio" . , MANAGER'S OFFICES, Raleigh and Fatkttevilx.k, N.,C. 5 J . DR I WING OF THE ' ' 1 UNION CANAL LOTTERY, S4ih Class. The ftdlowing numbers were drawn : 51, .26, 38, 23, 54,17, 48, 40, , Which were drawn in the onlcr aouVe stated ; . Persons holding small Prizes had better come forward at once and renew them in the., . (Srvanir State iLotttvs " ' OF VW Wis Aid W MAI WduM iCkJiikViMt To be draian on WEDNESDAY. HIGHEST PRIZE, 4 : 20,000, &c. &c.; 1 Whole Tickets 5 Shares in proportion. YATES & MclNTYRE, Sept. 6th. 'HaeisruJ 93 DEDICATION. Kj- THE WAKE FOU EST CHAPEL will b dedicated in a two days meeting, on Saturday and Sunday, the 7th and 8th of October next. The attendince of several Ministers is expected. Sept. 18. 96. FOR SAIiE , Jit the house of Jilt fed Burl in this Coun ty, on the 8tn of September nex(, r rjlWO Tracts fo L;tnd ; one lying on both sides of Carey's Creek, containing" 46) Acres About 50 Acres of the land are under cultivation, and there is a good D wi liing-t louse au.isunaole Out buildings. - The I -other Tract lies on both sidc Piney Grove Meeiing-House,' contains 680 acres, no part oi u ciearea. mine mornns creuu will be allowed, the purchaser giving bond with security. THOS. BARHAM., . Wake, Aug 21. i . - . ? - , 90 3t pd sembly, to whom he jow ienders his service;! as j lhs.Poet Lcttreai. Alt !i u!$h Ue Editor has J innaieu some, or tne exni. i atmg gas oi juver Navigation, he is not entirety, ru&mad with In ternal Improvement ; t'vis subjett,' the Editor will certainly embrace, in the Halter,' "and 'those gentlemen who drive on with so nuch rapidity in the ii -xspapers tlus great work to' completion, shall receive the panegyrics of the EcLtor in his best manner. '-'i; ; ' ..'..l t Public Education wdl find the Editor a much warmer, if not a moreefficieat advocate, than the 'Legislature.,; and public or private immoral'ty shall at. least receive a squeeze in the Halter, not entirely strangled. Agriculture, .Domestic LEconomy and the Avts, s ; all receive a cbnspiiMi ous place ; as to Manufictnres,5 the ow ners wi.' hang themselves and save t i Ecitor the trouble.' All those who patronize this paper wul Itave jt in their power to c vef th e v p I ea se, b v j the Halter ; and all p h-nged' free of publ himself. Such, a choking corrective as a Halter has been longvanted jn tiie Gov rnment. and particularly iiiVjj"orth-CaroUna ; and the Eaitoi flatters himself that he cm apply the jioose a romvl the necks j of public parasites and dema gogues with no little grac i and skill. : ' ! The Editor will furnish t the firmer, through the medium of the Halter, the most recent, infor mation respecting the markets, at home and a- broad, as theyv regard the great staples of the I .lUUlltl : . ...... .. , . f "The first number will issue some time in" nexi January, provided always, that the Subscription, list will, warrant it. 'fe ? ' j The Halter shall be. printed on a sheet of the size of the ' North-Carolina J ournal, and will he sent to subscribers at three dollars pev annuni, one half to be paid on the' reception of the first number. : R. H. ' HELME. 1 Smirhfield, Sept. 22, 1826. , 2amtinO f Subscription lists will be placed in the hands cf the several PostmasteiS of the State, who are requested to return .the same to iiavid Thomson, Postmaster, Smithfield, N. C. by tne 15th "it December. 'u " ':;-- 'i'U.- Nat may be briht to-Jugticeithe a-tioye reward., 4, ; j .MEHbe .givei to inyerspVor per4 who ahalljt apprehend and, donfine' him in some,);;) In this Sf K ' . ; . , Stated. '"Ai':'l Iierebrequ'reV.WnJnan'd and v . ' . , j e loin all bifiri Civil f a'td - military within thi V , ,v ' " ; f or cause: to' -be ; a'ipr-haeii, the bod ol said .v. . l Nat; and 'iim;,-! Safely 'keep, so.thatiie'nwy' bev ' f f ' ,i brought to rriarv. n :.,v -v-v, u: ! -1 Nat JtfModVS2 years of age,- abrighl-mnlat- J to, 6 feer hWhi rktlkeF. spare built, reads and; , J,-. ' . ' IN testimony: whereof, I have caus- V --r.'; ; 'feedtlieuikaloftheStatetoba ! &t.f2 hereunto affixed, .-siffued.the hAme ' ! .fat the, City cfRnlei this 2lt day 4 ; ! . . ;:?fc$fofA - ,:?7ft- ! j u Denartmemy. will support either sideto the best of Jus.abthty, so Idnir'as he is well Daidfdr he "h h fouJkl by. actual exberimeni. tnere; ianot'. much advantage lonWthevernment-shall publican principles of his Fathers, so; long, he will support that but he ha na notion or nying under a roofvbose pillars arc rotten, i',- '- i Tlie monied ins i uJif thSUeV if the n.ivhand'omplv.-?--"can':- htiv the'" Editors silence . nnls thpiv dn - tiv will .tiMt,'ifal the abrd writes tolerably well5 f cation of the Halter." and he Vnbws hot wher'e;1t could be more beneficially applied.- .y ' ,iThe;" Editor ' wid; pay fart:cular 'attention to that j excrescence of the people. thej , General , As- By the Governor, :? ; y '. i v . 5 -Aug. ?j.::;W-'.e' ' ' 3 ict AmcrisdQ ClassicalMi ; Lyr;; r THE Academical deities of4h's institution will, V , ' f I be resumed on the, 1st of Septemb ; next, . v I j j-: Among' th'e'many : dvantases whicn this esta-; : blishmei'.t offers to students in general; a courte , ; ' l of studie-. preparatory toadmTssion at West Point1 jV'- II j specially adapted as a -y introduction to the itu- V(. ..r:' dies there pursued, wrll.proeJi?g!ily 'bhc facial, "t 'X ; '' to those young gentlemen who-are inten le i foft'.?-;"- V ' t the Unted States Military AcaHeiny-.KThe fol-.Vv '"i . 5 "J lnwlnir cnnv f a' letter from" Charles Davlcs - I fi! ' OCj Editors who feel so disposed, will oafge me by giving the above a fevv; insertions. ,' import'ince of a thorough training of the mental . . faculties pr mous to the study ot the liign ana abstruse sciences taught at West Point. " ' - y v-r'v yAV -ry-.?it B. CONSTANT, . ' ;" '--rf-":' " ( A-L-' ROUMFpBT;:. ; :'"" u r MlUTAEX ACADMIT, . ; y ' ; ; : WW Punt.iJahe Zfthy 1826.' 5 ," Deaf Sir-1 received your lettcv( ? -"'V-,' . V tb me the cadets whom you prepiredJ ir dmU- ., v sion at bur last examination. I am happy to in- fo -m you thlt they w'era well qualified,' and sus -'J ;; V ' tai.iediheirj examination in a very creditable and - : , satisfactory manner. Itris' desirable that thse who are to join this institution, shouldl spend at , ' i le.st "a year or, two in studying those 'branches V.; . . which are infivductbry' to our course of ins4ruc r .' thm .'H::, -'. --.''V "3".v:'H--'v-''V-v; ';- ' When your method -of; teaching ,1s general!"'', s'v - ; j. ' known '-the r merits ioit?yqur4Seminary will, L ; ,? j : j '.' It. H. II. The high bred & celebratedHorse, : - t FL011IZ EL z Ife A beautiful sorrel, upwards" pf ; sixteei hands highl,hand.iome ly nurked, possessing great bone and mus cular power, 6 yezvs old last spring? will sVnd the ensuing Fall Sea son, (commencing 15ih August and endiiuy 15th October next.) a ?art o his time at ttaleigh, & the balance at Pri nce's Brid ere, Chatham cou nty and will be let to inares at the reduced price of twelve dollars the season ; seven dollars the .single leap, to be paid at the time of seryice-if not pa'ut at the time, a'charge will be made for tiie season : and twenty dollars id insure a mare to be in fo.d Parting wiih t!e. nare lorfeits tl insuince money. Fifty Cents to t!?e Groom in eveiy instance. Great care will be taken to pre vent accidents, but cannot be liable for anv. , : Floiizel is no w off ered to the PudI C 'on more reasonable terms than any horse in the country possessing his pure blood and 'many excellent qualities. -. " - ..' PEDIGREE. . Fforizel was got by the noted and much admi red horse Florizel, and he was the best son of old Florizel, a winner oV more sweepstakes and purses th.m any other horse ever in America. Old Florizel was Rot by the celelimted and far famed ohljnnported Dioined. The year he was three years old, Diomed won five thousand . one hundred and twenty-five guineas in seven races,' and was never beaten, Floi izel's dam was got by the noted horse Ag'dbo, & he by old Diomed ; his grandam bv the imported horse Clock fast. SIDNEY S. PRINCE. . ED. PRINCE. Chatham county, July 8, 1826. I 77 tf - nigniy appreciated Dy tne puoitc. - j.-- v L . 'Your course prepares ;Cy6unjf man in the best . mannerfor! this institution, j ' Those - who have ' been iiiVder "your iitstrnCtion have taken higla v, places in their classes, j Were all as well prepar 4 ed, the number found deficient at the general5 "'' examinations would be much' lessttbaA at pre- ; t ' sent : for a large' proportion of those Uvho i'ul - ?' ' owe tiietr misfortune ;tb theirswant cf preparv' j ation at hejimeof theiadmittance, . ; I am, dear sir,' with, great regard you i ..?' e l i ent servant; "SU CHARLES DA VIES. To t'olonel A. RoiJiFoaT. t T t Aug. 25 vV;,r.v:r-v"r.v":;' 9? law3w - A NOTE of hancTon Mil -s A t n," drawn in :Xet tluy Public take notice, . rHAT John Mnfphjan illegitimate Child, left my house and proteciiou on the 11th August, without uiy cause and will .not obey or submit to me as a good child ought.' ; This is therefore to caution all persons from countenanc ing or crediting hiaqi for bouid, br an v thing else, on my account, as 1 will not pay the same. i y 'f- V JOHN UGG. SepU 1, 1826. : ' ' - - 92w4 Carriage and Gvz Makins. TH E suhscrlier takes his metbdl of returning thanks to his friends anil the public, for the encouragement ne nas rece;veu in iii line or du siness, and hopes by his unremitting endeavors; to give satisfaction,, to merit a, continuance of theit ' patronage. ''. He has . now pn hard some, elegant Gigs, just finished.' and a riiimbf r of others in asate of forwardness which he wouM be glad to finish tb order. Considering the pres sure of thp times, he is determtneclj to sell from fifteen to twenty per cent, lower than his usual prices'; and in all instances, both' new; work and repairs . Will be warranted, 'f if y required.- j H e solici : s a call , from" those wanting . work, as tliey will be promptly attended to.v And to punc tual men a liberal credit will be given, or cbunj try producevtaken ia payment, , r i - VVESLEx VrlUlAuEl. Baleigh, August 21. v y C3 4tS or of Young W. Allen, for $80, with inter- esjfc. for about eighteen 'months.; There have been payments on tiie note tcr the amount of $3,0, , ; ' Ail. persons are'catitioned.-froiu. trading d '. note, and 5iiles Allen from p&) ing the aiiiouiiti only to.the order of the Subscriber. , . : , y, ' ;v . N. LALLEK.".-" ':.-. ; Raleigh, Aug: SO, 182S. : '1: 90 3y , ' ; ; : yg. 4 ND committed. tVihe. Jail of Nashville, Nash l. county, N. C. on the 10th instant, t a runa way, a negro fellow ' KD, .who was sold by Mr Sherwood Evans of this county to Mr. Mittliew of Mr. Meriwether of Georgia,' abcu 8 i ,r 9 y-ar3 ago ; he has beeV .about in Uiis and the "adjoin-, ing countiesever since ; and, I understand, he now belongs rto Mr, Hannah of Alabarr.a. The owner is requested to come forward, prove pro perty, pay charges, artd take him av ; y. VMUJBG. WHITFIELD, Jailor. r Nashville, N. C Aug. 5 ' 85 3m . y Stop VVe f ririefc CJ TOLEN from the subscriber, on the 28th Ati- O gust last, a likely Chesuut, Sorrel MARE: twy years old last spring, about fourteen ! and one" inch . high, p:ssessin great symmetry of ' form, with three white fett and a blaze lace? " She was stolen from a wood near. Bear Creek Meeling-nouse,'ChatliariV county, NC.Mii4ime of Sermoiv where she" was standing fiitched, to- ? . getber with a good lialf worn Saddle witli plated y stirrup-irons, a. sui1utoat and sweat pad'an l'j r blanket ;.ali which had been carefully hung up , int. bush i:e:r.whele;he stood.! .Teh Dollar reward will be given to any person who . will ap- - prcnend gakl Thief, or secure said property, so' .. that the subscriber may get them again; " . . . BALAAM UURGESSr Chatliam coUnty, N. C. Sept.' 10. . 95 3t, - , ; t- -,' Hi I t' . " V i . THE subscriber has on hand a larj;e and gene- . . ral aisortmeht of CLOTH tNG,iust complet- ed, and made of the best miterials, cousisUxi pf Kvar,:' -tf t" ;. v. ' . Drab Cape, - , r, ' . B!t St Black Dress, ; ; - . Blue. Olive. Claret &( . ' y . Green Frpk j- f J .-c Blfci Bluebrab, Gry,p ' t. Valencia, l oii- iett, --. ' . v.'; Uk"&' Blue '.ilk, S. v , i -. ' - j .... :' ; !.l on tl tif.'fr-... ' 'V 4,' , 'V Browu CutVelr IlarseilleH And FancWV'estings. All cf which will bce! I fi r i bletercis fbrCA3a.ft 5 . . - - . - - . ' 1 . I The rsubsCTiber "alBortturnslus 4ctr3;t!.;;.;'-- for the. hbend ehcorajeniest hchaj recci x jf and hopes from his attention' to It: .c, -j -punctuality to customers, and ncitnUs oLwcik-" m?nsnip, io mens uu ixivc cinunuane ci . the same . ; ALEXCAC t .v. ,1 I I V' yi'yyyy ; r -.-, . . ' ;v--: , .,:;' ;;; ...v . -y? - - yr-yy ' . v . ,:.

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