' .- - ,..! '' : " A s ' ' - -sv" - " ' v.' ' - -r HITi. 01a Ar -'..;;, V--;---,v ' "A' -A - : ' .-'. - 1 - - ; V" . : -." A i" ' AND if II I. i it 0 . Oirirethe pUrta)l'3ir,4Iih.faI Peare, UrfMb party lagec live1ik Bfthcit. VOL. XXVI. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1 U 1 3J2G. KO. 14U: ' - . - A " - 1 - - -4 ' Is publwKecl ereiy Fithat, by - ;. ; 1 - JOSEPH GALES 8c SOK, - ' At Thrc noTUrs 'per annum, , or' One Dollar nl a Half for half a Year to be paid In ajvancc. At)VETlTISEMENTS Vnt eeeTinff aixteen lines 4 nwtly inserted hreVtimVi for -One Dollar, and Twenty-Fire ofmter length in the same propWUon...Com. ffition, thankfallr recede L..LetU to .i rrAM mtit he cost paio. ' xnc wuw . TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14,' 1826, The Circuit Court of the United States for the District of North -Carolina, c'oin- menced its Fall Term in th;s city, jester- ilar. Present Chief Justice Marshall and Judge Pottkiu " Kcdcigh wJcaicmv. The examination o h Simlpnta of this Institution, closed on Thursday last, and on Friday evening, the Report of the Trustees was read in the Se nate Chamber of the Capitol by Mr. S. Birdsall. After the. Report was read, the Students were addressed by Mr. W. Gales, and the following young ladies who had passed approved examinations on the Course oi aiuuies prescnoeu iu uic uciuiiiai, presenieu wun iionorarj. vcruuwin Golden Medals : 4 Mist Maria L. Goodwin, of Raleigh ; . Rebecca Jane Haywood, do. Tabitha P. Sarage, do. Jane Si Hunter, do. f Ann E. lunn, m , do. , Mary E. Foreman, of Pitt County. The Valedictory Address of the Gradu ates was read by Mr. "VVetmore, and closed the exercises of the evening. An Abstract of the Report of, the Trustees will appear in a future Register . . Mr. Iltmtz, the newly 'elected Professor of Modern Languages in our University, passed tlmiugh this city on Saturday last, on his 'way to Chapel Hill. ; Right at la j. -We have received the official returns of the bomber of votes taken in this District, at the recent election of a Representative to Congress, and find that General Barringer obtained a maj'ority of twenty-one votes, over his opponent James Mebanc, Esqr, ... , A comparison'has lately been instituted as to the number of newspapers published in the United States and Great Britain. It is ascertained from official returns, that the scale preponderates in 1 our favor, not only in this respect, but it is equally cer fain that a much larger portion, of - the Ar merican people are taught to read and write than of the British. Nor is it any wonder, that the Americans, a calculating and mouey-saving a well as inquisitive people, should so generally patronise news papers, that there are nearly thrc times as many different gazettes published in the United Statei, as are published in England, with a population greatly exceeding ours. The universal patronage of public journals in this Country and it is really a matter of wonder that it is not more, liberal and extensive ishonorbale toour littrary taste and discernment, arid a conclusive proof of the refinement and morals of the people j for no nation can be ignorant, enslaved, profligate and miserable, where the pres is free, ami newspapers are numerous, cheap ahd well supported. "Who then would be without a newspaper, which contains Uie essence of law, physic and divinity as tronomy, politics ami history ; agriculture, manufactures and commerce, anil of, 'the Arts and Sciences ? A newspaper is the world in epitome, a perpetual cyclopedia, in endless number?, ever various and ever new ; and as Peter Pindar saithl , 4 So cheap tliey come, at fire for ticb teen v pence, b. ; That every, man should buy, with cash arid sense. . " iienAgentlemanofKiladd at present in this town, (who does not wUh name tneittionciK) has. given one thou-J-ml dollars to the Syii.nl i,f North Cam ' fur the use of the ITi'euiogical Semin ary of Virginia and North-Carolina, loca, in Pnuce Edward Countr, Virginia. We understand the gentleman ai(uded 10 U Solomon Alleri, Esquire, the great "roker sn'J Lottery wder.Ji?r-Vfr. DOMESTIC SUMMARY. VVe have the asstrrance of the Norfolk Herald, founded, says the edftor, upon the best evidences of the fact, that Norfolk is now free from the lately prevailing epide mic. There were no cases of malignant fever during the past week, and the wea ther was seasonably cool. ' r: . : ; .; ., Asher. Robbins has been unanimously re-elected a Senator in Coogress from' the State : of Rhode Island, for six years' from the Sd of March next, when his present term of service wjll expire. North -Carolina Notes are at l to 2per cent, discount in Petersburg ; 3 per cent. in'Philadelphia ; 4 per cent, in New-York j and 2 to 3 in Charleston, by the latest quo tations.,.". "r :.' " .. ' Part of the real and personarpropertvof Mr.' Jefferson, consisting of the Poplar For est estate, 200 negroes, and all his valu able and curiods household furniture, pain tings, busts, &c. is advertised for sale at auction on the 1st and 15th of January next, by Thomas J. Randolph, Executor.. The Grand Jurors of the County of Wil liamson, in Tennessee, have made a pre sentment, in which they state that there is nothing in the recent duel between Gen. Houston, and Gen. White,' to" impair the public confidence in the former, and they therefore recommend him as a fit pecjon to be the next Governor of that State. TVhat next ? ; The . New-York papers are yet teeming with documents in relation to the two ships Duut in tnat port for tne urecKs. ji is im possible to keep pace with the publications on both sides ; or even to give a summary of the different statements as they appear in the Daily Journals. One fact however, clearly, appears, and that is, thatNfor the V ! n . 1 . t sum or 6ou,uuu wnicn tneir Agents paui to the Contractors, the Greeks have receiv ed but one ship, of value about 55300,000! Jne printer oi tne r. i. uauy Auver tiser states that the, printing of that esta blishment, together wiih extra work for o ther offices on account of the late. indict ment trials, during one week, amounted to 121,003 impressions, or 60,504 sheets, "which work was performed by the Napier Press in about 83 hours, the press remain- ins idle for the rest of the time. " This work done on the common press would have taken more than 490 hours, or 17 days and nights. : . 'Diabolical. Five horses, the propertv of Mr. Win. C. Hull," of Lancaster city; have been poisoned by mixing arsenic with their feed ! Three of them died immedi ately. . It is hoped that the perpetrator of so ivicKeq an(aci win noi escape wiui im punity.'., ' Au EnfrlMi blacksmith in Philadelphia, who hail been found inebriated in. the streets, aud wheeled in that 'Condition to the watch house admitted on his trial at the police office that he had been -drunk, except now and then a spell, ever since his arrival amongst us. He found it easier, he said, to get druHk here on ten pence worth of gin or whiskey, than on five sail ings worth of porter in England, let the strike of it be ever so good. james is. uaruincr, wno its expelled from the House of Represcntivcs of the State of Ohio, during the last session of Legislature, for pledging himself, while a candidate for a seat in the Legislature, ii elected, to give one-half of histnpay the county, has been elected, at the last elect ion, a state ben.itor, bv a large m:ijontr. A coloured man in newjersew went to bed intoxicated, on the 24th inst. ahli left his candle burning by his bed side.? The flames communicated to the bed clothes and awoke him, when he. sprung up and run out of the house with his own clothes on fir, which the wind b!cw into a blaze ; they were entirely consumed amd he burnt so badly that he died in 24 hours. A common farmer's waggon, with five horses, recently carried from the Neighbor hood of Gettysburg, Pa. a distance ot fifty miles, 10 barrels of whiskey and 15 bar rels of flour, besides a few kegs of butter. The weight of the whole exceeded "three tons and a half. ' ; r " ' Thirty -four pumpkin. which weighed 605 lb.. were raised from one seed on the farm of Mr. Roswell Dewey, in Great Bar rington. The vine was 620 feet in length. Who shall decide when doctors disa gree ?" Of the six members of congress ejected in New Jersev this month, five be long to the medical profession. This is not to throw phvsic to the dogs", ; , - -An ui, wmcii nail 1 urn bed out of a mar- ket-boat in Long Island Sound, was pick- eu up, auer ueing in mc water 12 hours. He did not appear Jatigurd when taken uii: There-was a slight tall of Snow in New- York and Philadelphia, last week. A bill has been introiluced into the 'Ver mont Legislat ure, the object of which is to abolish ftuprisonment for debt. In the same body, a bill is under discussion for establishing a Bank at Vergennes. ITicbill was opposed on the ground that, in the Pre sent stagnation of business, there was no neeu oi nuuiuonai o.iiiks- not more tnan a hinl of the " present bank capital of- the State, 750,000 being wanted, or used. It was advocated on the ground that the Le gislature had sanctioned the principle of oansmg, anu inirouuceil tne system by se veral incorporations j and that a due regard to the people's rights and their interests, required that there should be a Bank iir each coonrT.y The hill was ordered to a third reading, 136 to 35. The difficulties existing between the Delaware nation of Indians, the Shawnees, r-;t . t --1 - - . . ivicKnpMs aim oioers resming in tne state and territorrof Arkansas, have been ami cably adjusted through the interposition of oenerai viarK, supenniennant oi muian affairs, at St. Louis, Missouri. Many of tne trioes wno had met on the occasion, ex pressed a desire to exchange, their lands witnin tne jsrateuor Janus farther west, where they might assemble the remnants oi tneir scat cereq nations, and devote them selves to the culture, of the ground and raising stock.,,: , , t.-; ,; ' , I he bteam Iwat Lmerafd belongins to the Union Line" between New-York and Philadelphia, was burnt at New Bruns wick on Sunday week. She was discover ed to be on fire, at half past ; o'clock, on Sunday morning, by one of the.persons who was asleep in the cabin, and who was a roused by the saffitcatingsmoke. . He gave the alarm and -her ,commanler,T Capuin Vanderbelf, whose residence was within a a few yards, repaired immediately to the scene of conflagration ; but the boat was in" few minutes in a sheet of flame. Eve ry exertion in the power of inhabitants of New lirunswick was rendered, but it nei ing necessarj to part the fasts, to prevent other vessels from taking fire, the engines could render but very little. service Be sides the loss of the boat, which was val ued from sixty to seventy thousand dollars, Captain' VjinJerbelt lost niany valuable pa pers, & himself Sc crew all their clothing. The boat was owned by Mr. Gibbon. FOREIGN. Since the restoration of the Liberty of the Press, in Portugal, eight new Journals have been started. It is a striking illustration of the decay of the commercial marine of Spain that since 1819, not a single Spanish ship has passed the Sound, 'llie number of British that passed last year was 5,136. Ten guineas were offered, not long since at Margate, England, Ibr a leaf on which the Duke of W ellington had written his m w - m " m - " name, llie pinprietur, keeper 01 the uath ing rooms, declared he would not take 500 guineas for ft. ' A precious pair of fools. A serious accnlent belel A. Hotirref, Esq. Advocate, at Iontreat, a short time since. A Dull, belonging to him, having broken into an orchard, his property, am. ilamagel an apple tree, 31r. ISourrct.en deavored to drive him out. whereupon the animal became ; enraged, rushed on him. with-one horn broke one of his ribs, with his forehead contused his shoulder am breast, .and thrasted thie oilier ham into nis mouin, pierceu in rough tne upper gum, and displaced the cartilage of the nose. Hie Hamilton papers. It will probably be recollected by our readers, thata Chan cery suit, was instituted some eighteen months ago, byiMrs: Haminon, to recover certain ' papers deposited for safe keeping with Mr. Ilufus Ring, by the acting Exe cutor ot uen. Hamilton. .Various allusi ons made in the newspapers to the sunpo sed character and contents of those papers, induced us to publish at the time, so much of the bill in Chancery as specified Jhese particulars. Dy this extract, it appeared that these papers consisted chietlv ot let ters between, Generals Washington, and Hamilton, relative to the coiip)ition of Washington's farewell address. -The qiiesy lion or auinorsnip, in una case, iiuvitig been put to i est by the coniluMe letter, of John Jay, "recently . published, (ihuugh written and transmitted m'ar.v years ago) the mo- live ior witnnoKiing tne aocumenrs com mitted to Mr. King : the chief of which was, that their contents might remain un- divulged, and that no indiscreet use might be made of them, no longer existed. M r. K. accordingly directeil his counsel to no- tifv the family of Gen. Hamilton, that in consequence of the publicationof Mr. Jav's letter, he no longer leu nimseii oounu ov the tni3t delegated to him, to withhold the papers claimed, and that they were there- tore subject to the order ot any person du ly authorized to receive them. They were thereupon delivered tb Mr: J.'lA. Hamil ton, and thesuit was discontinued. . Svar Cane.K specimen of sugarcane, raised in the upper part of, this county was brought to this i:fiice last week, which far exceeded any thing we had ever supposed, of the. perfection to whiclrit could arrive in this pirtrf the State.' It contained 24 joints, fully ripe, which f bgether measured 7 feet. It Was raised byMf.Jasv Holmes, who informed us that he bad three fourths of an acre, ami that he supposed I he whole would ateXi'ge from 20 to 24- joints that had ripened. This cane was not the com mon kind, but was what is called 4 riband cane It was raised on,upIand,of but lit tle better than an . ordinary qua! ity IVe believe this cane considerably exceeds- in the numbei of its ripened joints that usu ally, raised in the low country, but if the facts be doubted, they can be " established by many individuals. From the success of this experiment; it is . evident that the Sugar cane may be cultivated with success in this vicinity. Macon Mrs. " " ! ' ' 2ft' LATEST FROM EUROPE. Fv ..the :-arrival ."of the packet ship. Lewis. Capt. .Macy, from Havre, several fiies of Parle tio rvArsi tn tkft OQtk nP Cahtamlur nntl rr T.i . . . r . , Havre to the 29th inclusive were received. A London paper of the 25th, two days la- ter man oerore received, came oy; this ves Col. Fabvier has at lenirth driveri the Turks from before Athens, and omhed; a coinmunicauon wun A National A'ssem Morea on the 12th of Sebtembe it was hoped L:rd Cochrane would be pre-1 sent- Colocotront was col lectins troorV to UV . , ""r- f VTu,,a V" ranUI1,, bly was tb beheld in the la credit of 10 dolfars. One Note on Robert B." "jv wno is sam to nave got a reinrorcement,a,ng f0? the above. desqrifxH Notes, orpjyin Dutit win oe easy to erusii )im., i4A letter from the french -Agent to thelxreek y,om mittee at Paris, dated at Napoli de Roma- ni, juiyiaisr, states tnat twelve vessels from England and France, . laden, with mu- nuion,oic nau arrjveuins lety. i a great fire broke out , at. Constantinople,' on the aisr oi August, wnicn conunueu mneaii of September when the last accounts were received; Flakes of fire were then falling upon' ihe Seraglio, the gates of which were opened to all the fugitives who had favor; ed the reformation. ? Several thousand hou ses, tt was believed, had failrn a prey to the names. It -is added that the reople opposed the measures taken to extinguish the fire,! observing that it was a punish ment sent from heaven tuf the late destruc tion of the Janissarie. The fire had pen etrated from the garden gate to the mosques of the sultans Armarat and Baj.izel, thence along the walls ol the Seraglio to the bea ot Marmora, taking in its routes many pa laces of; the great, containing immense riches. .,,., . ..... .-,.'.'..,.. On the authority of the French papers, u is staieu tnat com. namiiton nas com AM V . M WW 1 I municated to the Greek authorities, that the British Ambassador at Constantinople, is authorized by the Europeah powers to treat with Turkey ; for a settlement. of the differences with Greece, but that the nt gotiations have been , delayed - in cone quence of the recent difficulties in Con stantinople. New-York November 8. TV6 shP Orozinmr, Captani 1 fiompson which arrived yesterdaytnrning, sailed from Liverpool. St'iit. 29, but bi'ug!it no papers ami the:Captain .reports no news;-. the packet slups.Panthea, and Columbia. had afrived-frotn this port, we are : favored with the follow itig extract of a letter, which gives' a favorable account of the market : 1 A. A V , j Liverpool, j Sept. 58. We have a rain had a very good tlemand foi Cotton to &v x the' s-des are supr sed to be at least ,000' bapfs, partly to the trade andpartlv S4tvek 1 speculators the advance m th not less tl sail 'id. pr pourvj,'4 hut me muimins and fair f -d M -bile rv eno w , quote 6 to 7X : ( ; The c- cmiHts from Manchester are ve favorable ; a jrrear deal of bustnessliaving been done, & sqme advance iu prices obtained.1 In Cumberland, on Vedneslay last, Mr.Vhn McAlister, off Bladen county "to Miss Fere!e Williams. : ' - , In Halifax cwinty, on the 6th inst. Mr.;Gabriel L. Holmes, of Samoson; to Miss Lucy Urew, ;; 'rl A ' ; lDIiX) f . In Tuscumbia; Alabama, on the 18th, Oct. of the Oillious fever, Mr., IXempsey Fuller, ag-d a bout 22 years, fpr several years a resid nt of hi City. Jle was a mpt worthy young maorand though he died as it were, a stranger in a strange land, he had lived-there long enough to secure the respect and esteem of all who had the plea sure of his acquaintance. ; A AA-A AZi;A i In London, on the 12th. of July, in : the, 60th vear of his age, of a cancer, which, had en forming forr years on his tongue, Robert , Bell, Esq. the proprietor;and ; Kflitor af BeW Weekly DespaicKSxoxn itscom.i.enctmentin 1 80 1 till theJ New GodAs. TTJST received anid for'salia general assort 9J ment of Fall and Winter, Goods, all oi wbicb will be sold low for Cash. . , ., .. V A .- , CHA11LES STUAUT. Raleigh, Nov. 6th, 1826, , A. , ; 10 A Twent v-Ei ve dollars lie wartl I WILL" be given for secorng in any Jil'iu this Sfatei'so th:.t I can get hinv my rui!- awav slave lfohin,who left me someti'iie.-niii the first of. starch ltA Robin is about twenty- eieht vears old r'taoogfi Kpgro, is -of a toltra hlv Jig t . complexion aooux nve icei icn lncncs hi"'h rather spire maule . heJIs a fe!kV oT jf'd sense', and; speaks-quick w'hen poken'to, and lias a pod ountenance he will tr,.3tis.thoaliL to pass himself a a r frte mm j' as be; has alreatty lied hirns lfr ana passea iy tne nan e oi u. rt Whitfi-ld. He is lefiJiandl, rafkl lias a re ectivc fincret on one ha Vd. wlich U not recollect ed. He will sav he is a carnenter, and he can ifo, and has done, something at that trade. -. If c has a veiir long- prommcnt chin, And large mouth awl i excellent teeth, which ishews plairi when he is talking i he can fead very well tor a negro, uo bin will likely try to get Slap. Point, hear Wilmington, to the Plantation , of Lewia ;Wbit fieldy where he iiaaa.wife. 1 1 will give the abov reward for his confinement so that I get - him, & if delivered to me in Smithfiekl, Johnston cty, N. C will pay all reasonable expenses - . . , IS I IHUiS littl AW. Kov. 9th; 1826. .",.;VA 12 Iaw4w-A . The Wilmington Herald will insert the a- bovo 4 times and forward the account to Smith- iia,TlfeU uer ii noi inicnor to any Academy jn-the,State,? , . ; In this Gity, on Tliursday Evening last, by Pe- dll secure to it a share of puhUc .pitrooay. - ter Browne, Esq: George E. ltadr, Esq. to j ' ' ' ' --: : ' : " ' 'I 'A'. - ' ' r Miss. Mary Polk, oldU4st daughter of Col. WmJ '.:V;-1;-'"CfcKT,ICTE''v' , Polkrr - -- -. s - ' A A With respect to M i;aysknow:edeoftliese A - LOST. . OST, on the eTenin of thfe'6th, o morning JLi of theTth insr. on the road leadlnsr from Har ris I rison Sm tli's Store to KsqtihM Whitakert, or be- Eweeti said Whitaicer's amlJohnl.iirrin'i.a narcel' . lof nners. containing some notes and accornnts. 2 together with six or.seven doUars in osrJ. " i. V One Note oo John Y.J Voonff for7-4 35 ct, - w with interest frdm pr l 1825, With a cfe it at V 1U ilollnrs and some ?ccnt. : One Note on.C. 1 Williams llorton; for $5 J 55 cents; wilhinterest J from the- first. day of May, 1825. witnessed by It. ; ltftim Ytn. -KT-iz. U .. v:n: T. 0-' ' ? December," 1824, witnessed by Elizabeth amoUwt 4 All persons art hereby f T varned against tra- itnem to any person except myself. JOHN A. WILLIAMS. November 10thr 1826. : ' t . f & 42 at . JVew-Fork Stale Littrdiiirc CLASS No. 6, for 1826Y : V ' V To be drawn at NewfVork, on the 9th day)f JNovemoer. ltto. . . v. . . . .- t ... . ; . u . .';t. ; . 1 Prie of 850,000; of which S5.o6q " 'J will be payable" in the Albany lots and land, or in money, -at the option of the Manar. . ' - .vv?. 85o;ooo-:-'-'. ' Prize of S20,000 . '10,000 7,000 . " (i,000 is 20.000' '10,200" ,7,000 . '4,000 hi4,000:.N.; ,: 3,000 T? 3,000 "I 2,90 2,000 1,000 500 ' - 200 -aoo1 5o : . 20 . 10 1 4 ' -i,t. v 2,920 : v. 4.Door; :.",;-io,ooo.,,'' vr5,00O'Viv V 5,200' ; -10,000 a-v ' ; 5607": s 24,900:". - 106,080- r i, "27560 2 10 10 26 104 104 1 1,248 : 10,608 12,120 Prizes, 122,100 Blanks. Tickets ?li), , Quarters, 2 50, Halves, $5, , i:hths, $1 25.;, r., ... otlier Lottery of respectah sUntly scllim at the offices i Tickets in the JeiTerson lottery,' aqd , every ( de standing, are con-, ArgOS ami napoil. I w,tK Jn'tmAJWim -. fir .l.v nfUr IS2K and : . r. at which .William for 311 05, with interest from the 25th ) ; Ot t -1 i.; I -, . , i ' - -f HAr SohvpT'v.i t - f V orders fbr TickPt.VnA wiM tir:' wiin nromot attention: v 4 ' 4 r - ' ' ' CLASSICAL SO HOOL. UIE Trustees ofihe Smithfield Acadtmv T 11?'. U;te.ofHa,npda.i 8d..ey College, "A y11''1' every ' way., eminently; qualified ekr t n J MrVV feel assured, tKat from the 1 ' cheapness pf bW, (from 4 X- $S per inoWh. br . CTCementof thexitizeni. iu IrJEIZZ TitZlV ' i ,. - , . . --- . It VIII 1 scenes of (!iaa:nr.ti ,n,.so ruinous to seminw !earn, it will unite sdvanfffes which wiil ren- f. studies, it will be sufficient to stale. Jhat irt th alignment or class honors, which UmaiW out at he end of each session, he has invariahlv re. ' ceivea me urn graaev ' ? -?-; ': X: W. W." 1JLOU VELT Clerk to the Facultv. ' : Hampden Sydney C- I B '. .r..?i. have engaged the services of the Kev.Abner W.? f , 1 ), ttiiutiuii wen lunnueuin classical attain. ,J- ,T Prom my acqtiauitance with Mr.Gay, fof several v' mb jttiv past, .htring which time I have been as- A aociatediWith him in the instruction of this Aea : ' r , demy, 1 cormdv-rji'tin, well qnalified to take tharge ' of a similar institution, and very cheerfully re ;-1 commtOd him to the public i? '-'jAj.'' s" y4 , Fayeltevdle Academy, Oct. 14, 1826. .?t l rs. ' JEngfoAr Booty Vcb$tcri Spelling i Boolv ' 'v ' " Walker' Dictionary; Murray's Grammar and Ex. " t reiser, ivumtning-a utogiapnr. witft an Atlas PikeVAnthmetic, Day's Algelra,Cald wetl's Ge- ' '" ' ometry, Bhih-'a Le ctotea oh Rhetoric, Wither- AA spooii's Moral Philosophy,: Hedge LoiCct- - v peVj.lates f?r" Writers. r'A-;. ;' ' -' ijMtm liookrz Adam's Jin Gramn:" . Uista-. v nxSacrx, 7 Selects Yeten, Viri Uo-oxU vA - t Introduction, Caesar's Commentaries, S-lust, Vir-' ' gil.; Cicero, Horace, Aitistvprth's Dictionary. ; i . r v Greek GocHlicbV Gratntnar Creeks , Testament, G aeca Minora, Grxct Maj&n, Ktijre'i" v . - ar- t- - W - m A veiaueaicon. , isso uree or uaun UocrswlUt . a translation is allowed A portion of the Serin.- ' v; tures recited every Monday morning.) - rA,. . . . A- . ' Regular attendance n public worship,' a $frjct scco jntatiiliy otitJtheucadcmy, aa we'laj io it, ,wdl oercqmred of all pu U by the5uperia.fl;v lend j4 Books an i Stationary furnished hv A he Studcnia thems. Ires, or charged for. A." A,; SAMUKMllTCHENOrL Preit. A Smithfield, Kovfc10,J826. i J-12 8w. .i. A . A 11ieN C. Jounul j?kI 3ewl ri :. v.iut.:,v. t w.U publish the above, four weeks, and, frtrard .'C ' heir account to S.. Mitchenorj S:.i:fijdJN4C- u .r ' - r.r paynenv f, LOSS": . ,'t Sr. C1..J ON Friday, ihe. 27th ulthno, on the road, lead in from- Raleigh to IMlsborotip'h,' a Vf ck, leather Pocket hook; winch Cr.mv d hr-' - en three and tour Dollars in money t al c , cr.c Jcto on Css Betsey G-ddy, for $27 15 wl:!i a ac lit oah of $11, and sutdrr open icc u;; ; rt . i;st ' different iuoividdals.- 1 lu -ey' c w.. u.4 cr- s ns from trading fiwai.e sa:il Itole, or froun pyi;'. intf theaame ta..y fv.f'H ( ut mytn-lt. ' fc Ii vi.vj 12 miles acrtH-rcsi i f Raleh Novi 4, 125 ' r r eld. . m- ..... .