jjublxshed every Fibat; byj - r vr JOSEPH OALES k SON f At Three Dollars perannittn, or One Uollaf and a Halt tor half aryear--to be paid in-advance. : ADVERTISEMENTS ot exceeding sixteen lines, neatly Inserted three time for -One Dollar, and .TwetojryFhre Cent for every succeeding publication. Those fbf greaterlen& m the same proportion. . .Com- ' ttmi miration a( thankfidlv received.. .Letters to the Editors mast peipost. MAlfexinBcie! petition of H. -Forbes bflMeekle on r -' tfetensiolilist petition-was lytefmeA fin the cbmm jttee off Propositions ndffenencliwl the Jattfer to the cqmf: mittee of Claims. I V""V r c jOn motion ofM$AW Vbmhrilt thcrcxpediencjof mailing ntpovjsi6ri , more Beetual ly?J p so pprels fraud fr the 'eiecutibrKblf aecd46F'tro6jt;,: - 'l.'14""" J X MR-SpnnH,ffoinft oTCtaims reported aga inst ectajiiiu of Christian jBoty ties, of Burke 5 and also against ihe pfetiti 'brtof KeHx alkery bothof which reports iwere concurfeii with.,- ' ' a The&sigtfat IIIUKof tTie 6d br gade' Atja 6th division. wasTead anil) Accepted 5 and oh motion of i , Mr.; Burns,, a message was sent to 'the Se natey proposing tj) iballoti for an Irtficer to jill-the vicamyr; Steplieji Miller' aVid , Jim W!; Cahipb dj wferninafed; (. ""j .TR'gToljbwin presented; . j By, Miv J0r, Wappoint coronussioners to run andtablish the dividing line be tween the counties of Burke and Li ricol n ; and a bilVrtp ariihxl'ari act passed in 1784, lix?ngthe':ii'ro;f$ayTng'the pu r chase -mo-riev on entries of land ; ;M "'f .'; ;tr- By Mr Swain, to alter the boundary l ine-bet tree ri the 1st and 2d regiments of Buncombe militia ; r By ln jianiy to regulate the hire of iayes;f: ;vm , , : 5Ily Mr. Howell, to repeal an act for the . better, regulation of the town of Lntriberfon, paetf'tlS ' , ' Bj M r Cooper'i for the bet'ter regulation nf the jGouin Courts of Martin; courity. These. bills severally passed the4 first read- , A" message from the Senate, Informed the Moi?se ther hd; passed the following ITo alter ; the names and legitimate Mar- gajetlKnhetljr aiid others of Granville ; flirtfeefetortjend an act making the jpro test of a Notary Fubl 1 c end ence in certain cases : to secure' to Rebecca Rullin", ofi-rta- lifajf, such propefty'ra9 she may' hereafter deguire j to repeal part of41ie 3d section of an act. to exTena ine junsoicuon 01 a jus- Mice ofMhe Peariffiafee irivVS20 ; and a : ReiplUtiot,:'perhntir to; thave"the use of the books in' the public Ii - bra ry-al I ' wl ifrh passed their first reading, ;ma tne resoiuxion requiring uut one reau 1ng was ordered to' be enrolled , e Senate also informed the House. hW;thefia bill appointing :r c PJJi ssi oile r s 1 0 ''e re c t a? building in the . toivn of Lincqlnton for the1, use of the- 3 u- rors,wantsrejecieu inaviur iajiug-uu a roan in .Lincth ' count1?.. f v-v,;' ; N '- -The'biU' authorising tlYef "President and J)i rectors" of ithe ' XI teranr Fund to Yaise monev oy way ot t .uottery,? passeo us sec- ohd readln- - ?l-y--..v,,f The House entj in to a , commi t tee o f ihewhole (MrScbttlrithe ehatryon the bill making1 adigeSt iofuHStatuter&c. Jlir? Swain poke at considerable lengthen support bf the meafufeand 'Mfr&shirt r gainst itw k Tiitlv course of Mr. Swhiffs reriiarHs.'he said, in reply' ta.some- objec tiorishir.Ji h'ajt beepe to the expence hicli-wonl'd be incurwcljy passihgtbe bilj ' poor legr adedlbrtbCailina,ia slietlot, able to bear lhpcxnzhceihf a more peffe: r digest oF her laws that she, lias at pi-esenr.! OnhiclKjmAcr remarketii Ilia t it had necome '(ashfonable 0t')ate46jspeak of; N. Carolina as a degraded State, ad . as une qual in5 everrcspect to her; sister States. lie titu 'not use to near ms nauve oiaie .th u s re pree f i t eV 5 heV'as proii d -of being citizen ofKorth-CaroIina,;andconsidere red heras respectable as any of lier sisters?, and v said it was, uan ill bird that bewrayai.its own nest." ' '''.:. . u -j rThis -remark!-tailed upMr. Potter who saidf that he considered, NortlWCaroliha i degraded State,;antl so far frorii being proud of beingone 9 her citizens, he twas"asham-- iftd of itsnd phk reded to make !other se vere remarks which ;M r,- Fisher considered reflecting1 bnhiin, and. called MrP to ' order, aild derrnded wheihertlie Gentle,- tnau froni llaVifai meant to apply what he had sail t(UlMwiMr.-P- repliedrhelmeaTjt them'to oprilyito'jthose.'whom thej liued Other wot dsTpassed, , when Mr:JH.rfiJooh called both gentleincn,(o3irfer; ?'tThe com mittee Hsca'tfilMTie 1 bilk was jordered to He 'therie;Vi,?y ' The" bill Tor alleHiitbitneormeeU of, ihe. Genera lssemhlJaakibn.Py when it inotitrhj was made to tnlve. outhe M onday aH rUecember,' which succeed- in, iCwds roofed t6Till Ihe blank with; the was ncgafivcx! r;as lirVo lt: IH. v.- w- -a :vi. ' ----- t daY and the last Monday in PecemberV, was- at length filled with the Sd Monday in November the formjf' period; of meeting. ? . . Tliursday, January 25. . ! Mr. Alexander presented the petition oil Robert Robinson, Jesse Clark, ueniamin Lindsay, Henry-Houston aod John Con nelly praying to be placed on the pen sion list ' -' . - , - The Governor enclosed to the Legislature a claim of Jonas R. Clark for the;value of a norsef wnjen ne lost in ine service oi me state at the reception of Gen. La Fayette. Both the above clairns were referred to the Committee of Claims. ' Mr. Settle, from the Committee on Propo sition arid Grievances, tohom was referred the petition of sundry citizens,-praying4hat VVil lis Bradley be restored to credit, re ported favorably, -with a bill xto carry the prayer - of the petitioners into effect, which passed its three readings. - Mr. S. also reported on the appl ication of Hiram Miller, for the 'same .purpose, and the report was concurred with. mr: it. , n. Jones, trom tne juuiciary Coniniittee,to vvhom was referred a resi lution instructing them to inquire ih!o the expediency of Testamentary .Guardians giving security where it shall appear to the County Court that they are insolvent, and and are likely to waste and squander the property of their v-ards, reported that it was inexpedient to vary the existing law as proposed y but recommentiea tnat tne bill accompanying this report,' entitled a bill concerning Testamentary Guardians, be passed into a law. ylt passed its first reading. . The , resignation of the Colonel, Lieu tenant Colonel, and Major of the Militia of .Buncombe, was fed and accepted. Th e oi lowing ,biils wefe presen ted : By Mr. Kerr, to repeal an act of 1824, 6 regulate patrols SO; far as its' respects New-Hanover. By Mr Cox, to appoint Commissioners for the town of Kinston in Lenoir. Bv Mr; Bain, for the better distribution of-theestates of intestates. By Mr Dononp, directing the continu ance of the Geological and Mineralogical survey of .the. states. . By Mr. hdmdnson, tp render valid cer tain omcial acts of Elihu CSiambers of Hay wpodr county, s : By , Mr. Vyhitaker. to authare v in. Bovian, of Wake county, to erect a bridge acmss1 Deep river. . r;w--.t- ' By f M r. J. ' A. Hill, fo amend an act passed in 1806, for the. more convenierit & uniform administration of iostice'; rpro- posing an kidifional circuit, all which bills passed -their hrst reading, and the last named was referred to the Judiciary Com- rnittee. - ..." . ; The following bills passed their reading: : -y, .: X ' To explain an act passed in 1822. to authorise county courts to renuire admin- istratois and others ta.gie other or coun ter security,' on petition op. titeir securitras ; to incorporate the Franklin ?Libirary Socf ety of Buffaloe, in L coin county to es tablish: and regulate a. Turnpike road in Haywood county 5 to incorporate the New bern, Marine and Fire Insurance Compa ny j to, e.stablsh I3atchelr'sv Academy in the county of Martin ;' and a resolution in favor of Elizabeth Reaves V Mr. Settle, from the Committee on Pro position and Grievances, to .whom was re ferred the petition, of sundr citizens, of iMorthampton county, prayjns rtor an act Ito establish a town at the court hoase re ported a bill for the purpose, which passed its three readings. i . The resolution in faror,of Green B. Pal mer,' passed its second rvadin"". On motion of My Burns, the House proceed ed . to the conoid erat ion of the bi ! for the increase of the capital stock f the Clumot dhd Harlow Creek CanaCTpro noses that the Public 'rreasurer .shAirsub .(be for. 812000 additional stfeck in this J&pany. -. . . r . Uiihejr moved to a m end the bill; so aaurfurfisc the Treasurer to loan "ttiw amu:nsnvead , of subscribing it, ' to the Cwpan be repaid one half in .ten and the other half twenty ryears. y After ome considerable debate, this amendment was -agect! to, and" the bill passed1 its fir$'r read r l VvyHieensrbssed teller fte time of the Legislature was taken up z when t . Mr. A lexaoder moved Icr stri ke ou t the Sd AfondaijH inJVove?nber: iitr the 7)urr;'o3e of reinstating the second i'lorfday in fieccip 6erasthe bill cjime frohithe Senate, but the .motion jvas oegali ited, TO votes to 51. k The bill. was;then oide red to, be se n t t o thekSenafe;Torr their concurrence- in this amendment to their oil!. t'Tf the two flou se "do; not; agree the" .biliwiU lie Jost, anjl tlie n iu Igislatnn&'vvjU !of course meet , on- ihe, 2d Monday intJanary, as n : t .1 it" '"" . o " - .... , ' , I.... . nxcu uy.me act v t , last session K 7. '4- k t iFridaif Jan.K6.i ; A f t e'r lEe 3 pu f nal w as read thls morning, ; M r. II ,H , J on es trqsei hdl announced tothe filouse the death ofrMr; Leonard Martin Jpbe pMhe members . frdm : Hert iotl CWntyi C. He had ho doubt" this sud? deli' and aul ic ting' bccuirence would deepl r anect the Vf hole, tiouse. As:expresive'of inese: jeeiings, ;ne UDmutea4uie tollowiog resolutions f , ";&hVs yv; r i Besotted, -'That 'this" ITotrse'lsimpressed with feelings of unfeigned grief for the' death of bur latefellowMemberLxorfAn MAKTrH", Esq. one of the,RepfesenUtires for the "Coifhty of Hert ford j and they will this evehin at 3 o'clock at tend his funeral obsequies. ' " ' Resolved, That the ! Speaker ; of this House communicate the' afflicting intelligence of the death of our fellow-member to the Senate,1 and respectfully invite the- joinitg;of that bodjjr in theuneral Pi-bbess'oh" f.'-tS- ' " . Jlesolved, That this House, in token of respect for the deceased, abstain from'tbusiness during this day; and thaf the Members thereof wear Crape on'the left arm for the; space of.30 day. Resolved That a Committee of "six Members of this House be appointed to4 superintend jand make arrangements for tbe Funeral. ; j ; JtetoTyef, Thatthe Funeral of our deceased Brother Member be" at the public charge ; jand that ihe Chairman ot the Committee draw on the Public Treasurer for the expenses' thereof which shall be allowed him in the settlement of his' accounts. ' These Resolu ions bein unanimously agreed to. six ?ntlemeir eie tiamed bv the Speaker as he tomittr. .On motion oiSMr. NJoore, v.e House aujournea tor halran hor. Tor tho purpose of allowing the C ,r.mitte tixe to prepare their llejjort. At ue expiration of which time. Mr. R. H. Jones reported the order of the uneral Procession, &c. which , being agreed to, the House adiourrietl. For fur ther particulars, we refer to tle Raleigh head. - ' . '! - s; Saturday, Jan. 27. Mr. Snruill, from the committee of claims, to whom was referred the petition of John B- Size praying; for the payment or certain certiheates. reported unfavourably td the petitioner, ami recommended the rejection of the petition, which report was concurred wrtn. Mr. S. recommended the pissage of a resolution referred to that committee in favour of Mr. Welsh, ihe report ! was concurred with, and the resolution passed its first readinrr. Mr. R. H. Jones, from the Judiciary Committee, to whom was referred j the resolution instructing them to inquire lirito the expediency of so ajneiding the lavy re lative to the Constables, as to allow aicer tain per cent on all executions collected and accoupted for by theuV, reported tt to be the oninion of the cojmnirtee t!t t no alteration in the laws in-lliss respect if ne-. cessat. Report concurred with. Mr. J. also reportel unfavourably on a resolution referred to the s:iwe committee, instructing them to inquire into' the expe diency of so amending the law concerning Executors ami '.administrators as to j pre vent eif"cutions under any ..circumstances from being levied on the personal estate of testator or intestaTe, unm an execunor or administrator shall have had reasonable time to obtain an order of sale on said pro perty, and to collect the money under -said sale. The commttte- 'deemed it inexipedi ont af present to make any alteration in the laws in this, respect. The report! was concurred , with.. ... . ! Mr. W. W. Jones presenteda bill to make an appropriation to improve the; na vigation of Cape Fear below VVr.inington. . Mr. A. Moore, ' from the cotn'mittjee on Internal Improvejnents, to whom was re ferred the "memorial of sumlry citizens of Aiattamuskeet Like, made a favorable re port, accompanied by a b?ll for the'purpose of draining the low '-lands in the neighbor hood of Mattamuskcet Lake, which passed its first reading. . ?, The bill "riving to the State -the ri;ht of challenge was read the second timet; bat a considerdble difference of opinion appear ing on the f ropriety of passing the biljl, and souie members desirins: lime to think on the subject, the bill, on motion, was Order ed to lie 011 the table, and was made the order of tire day lor Wednesday next. . By reference to the proceedings of. the General Assembly, our readers will see, with concern, that those proceeding were arrested on Friday last by the sudden death of Mr. Leonard Martin one of the Members from Heel ford County, and the boiiator ot the State for , the denton District- i J I . .. - r : -j T, . j ji On Wednesday, Mr. Martin was'in his seat in the. House ofComthons,"appjil,ent- iy in nis usual lealtu, and spent the jeven ing with some of his friends. Nexi lmonr ing, he complamed of beili'iinwelu and aoout t o ciock in ine aiterinmn'ne jwas a core He.wet.on 'e' believe, iVa fit of apoplexy, ; , r . ; , 11 w. ; ;IIisv remains were interred -onJ-Fnday evening with all the funeral honors jwlSch are paid to Ieoibers,orEegistatjive Bodies who die while attending their publicduty. To wiich were added tbe ceremonies of Freemasonry,; the deceased being a member of that fraternity -7ire'T6lIowintt.'W6ind order of processi5h ; r I Vl$ 1 Doorkeepers of .the two Houses. v. r il 2. neverend Clergy, y ,.t' f . ; ' 3. Physicians who attended the deceased. T 4. The COliPSE; attended by six Pan-beaTers: 5. lasonic Body. t:i - t :fi-Mf . 6. Tlis Excellency the GovfnOTV 'thef Jodsres of 7';wc supreme ourr ana me ncstdsm uc TUESDAY, JANUARY SO, 1837. i - ' - - ; . Counsellors of Law, not tembers of the Leg -isliture.?' - - ' ' -'-' v 8. Speakers of the Senate and House of Com- 9. Members of the House of Commons an their Clerks. . t . -' 10. Members of the Senate and their Clerks. 11. Citizens. ' ' - 4 - The, Rev. Mr. Charlton preached the Funeral Discourse, wnich was very unpres- sive. ro a very crowned auuience .in uie Methodist Church, from Lue xvi. 2- u Giv& an account of My. steipawhw ; for thou may est beno hn0'steward. f' Mr. Stephen BirdsaU acted as Marshall. The Supreme Court, now in stessiop. have expressed their feelings on; account of the death of Mr. Martin, not only in. the following .respectful Resolution, but by declining to .do any.Dusiness on the day-ot hi.g Funeral ': - : SUPREME COUltT ROOM,? H 1 , r January 26, 1827.-. At ameetinfr of the Judees of the Supreme Court,., and of the ffentlemen ot the bar in at tendance on it, Chikf Jcstics TATtoRwas re quested to take the Chair, and Thomas' P i)ev ereuxj Esq. was appointed Secretary die meet ing. The . failowmg , resolittion was moved by Mr. Gaston, aoa unanimously adopted: - Resolved, That as a testimony of our respect for the memory of Jeonw-d MiirtiriT Esq. and in manifestation of our grief for the melancholy event by which we have been deprived of an es teemed associate,' and the. State of one of it mpsf benevolent and useful citizens, we will at tend the funeral of the deceased, and wear crape on onr left arms for thirty days. Ordered, that tiie forspgoinj? resohion be pub-" Iished in the newspapers of this City. JOHN LOUIS TAYLOR. T. P. Deteuecx, Sec'y. The resolution submitted by Mr.Branch in t!e Senate of the United States, on the 22d instant, in relation td an inquiry into the expediency oT extinguishing the Indian title to the remaining Indian lands in this State, was on the following day, agreed to. Capt. Bache of the Topographical Engi neers -ind Lieuts. Boyceand Wragghave arrived in "Wilmington, for the purpose, as we are informed,rvbf surveying" the Ri'er from Wilmington to its mouth. The Mobile Register of the tlth inst. says, ine lion, jonn vv imams: -our Minis ter- to Central America, is arrived in thai city trom rensacola. Mr. VV. lett Gua temala on ihe 2d of December. We learn hat the political affairs of that country! are in a very unsettled state. Mr. W. is on his way to his residence in Tennessee. Henry Crabb, Esq late U. States AtJ torney for West-Tennessee, is appoioteii by 'the Governor, Judge ot the Supreme Court, in the place of John. Haywood, de ceased. Convention in, Virginia. The bill in the Virginia House of Delegates for tak ing the sense of the people of that State, on tne expediency or noiains a convention . 1 1 n 11 . t dT ' . - J passel to a tnird reading on the 23d ins 105 votes to 99. Col. Benton, from Missouri, is re-elec ed Senator of the U. States for the next six years. From Delaware, we learn that Louis M'Lane, (now, and for several years past, Cha'irmati of the Committee of Ways and Means, in the House of ReBresentatives,) and Henry M. Ridgely, (rorineny a Repre sentaiive in congress,; nave-oeen -cnosen i m.: 1 . . . 1 ' i - 1 Senators ot the United States, from that state ' . Georgia Surveyors slopped.-Mr. Bvne of Burke county, who was delegated to survey the 13th District of the couhtv of Carroll, according to the-boundaries of th Old Treaty lyih'g west of the New Treaty Line and the Chattahbochie river, has re turned to this place, having had hisJOorn- pass taken from htm on the 7th mst. by a party of Indians. Their names and3om- mission being demanded) the Principal of the party produced a written Caveat, sign ed by the Little Pruice, now Chief of the Creek Nation requesting and demanding thit the Oeorgia Surveyore transgress not tue New Treaty Line as established at Washington. r ' - The Governor, werunderstand, not wish ing to to resort to force if it can be avoid ed, has. despatched one of his si a ft' to con fer wib the Little Prince of the -Creek. Nation. Should this' Chief persist in re sisting the surveys the Haficik Cavalry are held in readiness to protect the urvej? oi s wlileUiey axe engaging, iu completing ureir worK.- 1 - . , ' V: .-fa . - '". . " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , . .., ' ' t ; Wjl, . Supreme Court.Stice our last, the, following young gentlemen have obtained licenses to praci tise lav vlz ? John" Wi Norwood!, of Orangei Jm the Superior Courts; atid Ualph Gorrel and Al fred E. Hannef, of Guilford in the County Courts. NINETEENrracONGSESSi :&EQ0NJ1 SESSIONS j , 5. ; - r KEN ATRJ - J ' - : ;TlifSenate;did not sit tnd'ay: ;,Mr.vJohhsan;iif Louisiana; i fromVthe UommitJee or jocanmercc, made a report ac compahied by a bill ta. resulate. thecom mercial .ihlercouVsebelweert rthe United: oiaies auu v.oiciiie5 o. sureat nnrain. fthe object of the bill, is to pre,vent-lliVadVfU mission . of any vessels Into the porHof the ,? -United States aDer the SOtK'or SepmVr ' nexr,-irom ine cniones ami i .possesions' i & r' G rea t- Bri tain (t ncbdin - brfnatile. cx-;"-; ?: ceptUpper Canada)' with' a pxS vision 'for rnp snMPiiion nr tnf nrr in r?as in 'isn-r-.. ish Colonie? and possessions,, shall open ;v.v-. their porU toesselsioLtbe Lfoitexl States"! ";rl. " copies o( -the repprcrand biJ 1 J were ordereil to ba printed, S t"? 1 : JV ; The bill fromhfe House H Repesenla-Vi ? ' tfvesj making anKappropm5on; of. fe20,0CO';r . for,", the : rebeCofjlie siilferera- bj.-oeV; - V fire in AlexanaVia, was twke"Yeatbri a . 1 1 VI U . VUldt. ill. t - , Mr. ItenrV 11. Ridgeley; fromlieUWare, appearej the. late; the sufferers of the 'late fire at' AlexahdriaV 1 ami cook ins seai.m ine piace 01 : ;,'.-$ Nicholas Tan.Dyke: .:vW s ht c itfli bill for the. relief-of ; the mfeent t was taken up'arid passed its thlhlTeadilig; 97 vpies U Tt MrV Branch voted IfaV.lt.f Mr. Macon aamsi it.. , , . Mr. Ifendiickf!. from, tbexpmmUlcernri:-t Roads and Canals, towhich yjas preferred ; the subject of a rCanal to'iinifc tUevvaterVif - -h-,i1r 111 1 th- i hii?ii hiiii ii;iki r.np miun .t rp. v i port in favor : of thp'pr(ectiW5itUXiill tu'5 carry it into ef&ctk wluch wsQrcredtoy LIC prim cu.. 4 . VJ y v. Mr. Branch submitted the folio wins, rei Rfunh-eiL That tl r:nmmitfifr Jn 'THdi-in Af " fajrs he instructed to enquire iup the expedient cy of appropriating a siim'of money for the nuV-v? .",' .V' pose of extinguish. n'g f the' Indian titlto lands , within the limits of North-Carolifia. , f nr ' t ''Tlie Senate thenVesumed the'conslderfj ; , ation of the1- Bankrupt Bills 'XhemotioK of Mr Branch ; to strike "dut; the . 93dec-: rv; tion of-the bill (enibracingttiejproyrsion j for the voluntary bankruptcy of classesV Uv other than mecnants and' tfaders) tflff X'S pe.'rdins, . MsfBmnch 11(11 AHi I In V K KH tKSK N A'lTV K S" spoke in favor yf the motion,' and Messrsrt' ,r. Rowah, HoimesJand Johhsot agaititK' .VV No question Was taken.' r''T ! X'A -'..V'.-. - J ' , ''- Mr. " Tomlinston, from the ComrnUtee" ' 1 ' o f Co m m erCe, m a d e-.a sim ila r,Re poVt, an d? -j V'V introducwl a similarbill to regqlate'gthe4 cimmercial ' intercourse betwee. 4heXI oumcs. Him uie. vsoiuuicg 01 vxreai JLruaiu yw "'1 The bill ww twice read antoomiiitlted. d Mr. VVtckliffe brought in a-bill ' to " 'iez V ulate the Sitpreoie Court, f Provide) thatin " all causes in whichth validity of anstatt r X taw s in question, me junges snaJi -jueuvs a er their opinions seriatim, that1tliair.reI rJ$i quire -the opinion of five out of the;sevens C' judges to m valid ate any; such mw.Jt. t'T- !'. . - -.. -t-i-. . : - fir it. ' , W A. Mr. Letchty, from the JudfcommU tee reported a bill to divite?tKe tiistrlttToT nl Kehtuckv into two districts-' On motion ofMr. Hamiltdnf it waffe r solved that the Library Committed Bein-.4- t; siructea to enquire inio the xr2o:iency ot 7 O Q r. w, w w-u-,,- lie nouse went inio a:ij(nnmniu w thitbxrt oHithe bill whidi relates toTofiicersfindinsilit' ;f."v would hot pass in its present sljfape'Afte i some timeth6 Cmntnittee rose," had; leave'5 to sit again ami xtie amendment: was or-t -v? The House then resurncd ihe Cqosttfers- tion of the billin delation to layinVVn ad , the Wiole on the bill for the 'relief of ? the, Revplulionary Officers; ' r r" Mr. Condict said- hetad. prepareiH i. ' ? miKlification of the bill in thitni'oftlthV t . - diiional duty on imported WdplensTifterJ ; s considerable debate; the" HoWe' adiourned : wiinout raivinyany question.' . , MARBIED; In this County, on Tbumlav erenine- list. i ' the , Rev. vSihon . Smith, - Mr.-WiUiam A?cii to ' Miss Kancy Hayes, all of this County,; V J- 'V. Sarafi Fletcher r- i ? --; 4, y ' A,t Adamsville.S C.ontlie erehifi'of Uie 19th inst. Dr. John MaIloy,.tf Richnv)nd,eotni-t - K' in If.ffi bbmA.. 1 1 .1.! t 1 a. , . ." bte; Shockey -Adams, Eaqr." ; . . j . , .cHmohd county, "on 'tne I2t-InsK'Ur; ' : Duncan Vt'Cormick, jr. to liss Alia MN In the'- same .untfon 'tKe14lhnst.2 uinici oqchu uiiss-Maniu webb 4 X dutent parent, and a zood neichbour. f ,.f- r" 40 warren country on the 20th jnst.'John . Gray, a truly hnnoraole and respectable cisten. r? ? Al ls reBioCTjcp, -m Sampson county, "on the. 15Ui insL Mr. Hvnryl Faison, aged 47, yeaVs.- i lle had been severvlj afflicted for .seven months , previous to his deathf . which'he. bore Hvith be- ? comiiig fortitude. In.thedeah of this Van,vo .''i ciety has lost a useful aod Industrious citizen. 1: ne was an affectionate - husband. a ; kindand n'J, - ..... r Cheek-in thi77thyear of his agre": lie-was a - Soldier ot the Kcvolution, 'and a highly remcClV"? ed citeni A ' - - ,"Uj. 3n Pitt county ori the 23d injV.ilr.Willikni V- " i At Averasbprough, utely, and much regretted ? -by her familv and. friends. Mra., Smith." wife' or. - 4..'- - -t. ly4 on .Saturday the . 16th mU Mr. nanlel SA , ' on the 31st tilt wf - Guurord Coy nty Abigail i -A Caroline dauglitef of Natha'e'llunCJun. - ' v ' - "At, his fathers residence; ' in Richmond tcnm-St - Campbtll, eldest son of .Robert Campbell, T!Uq V : Mr. C. was ayounginan; of promising ialefctV v and,' for 'some; time;,preyiou?4 tq his death, .was,. r . preparing himself fcr the Go3pel Ministr-. . Uertie county, pa the 17tbinsVin the 32d; V,y yearof her jage Mrs. Justina Cunningham wife f i of CApVJuncs Cumiigljam.i5 The deeeased-wvVf ; an amiable woman .and was- much "esteemed bv -i : b j those 'who kneW er intimately, : She btft V S 1 hu'sblhcl 'and sister to mourn her irrp2riile to tjrt 14 f-W ','''2 4 1-J .... .

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