1 ,'1 STATE LEGISLATURE. 1 tXt SENATE. ; ....,,. - - -, i 1 .; a r Tiv'JtfcLDqwll presented the Arewvflnlai , ' - . of J a me Alien, of.l5uncntpb:im)ettchiMd: . ' ?; ' f Hn ..a,' ok : ar .. menee tsVpkctltioners of ncditfne .lEkdiEsh, fir a Medical Col'ege and htue ,'mc'st- distin guished jPln$icinni be concerned a H4-let theni ,deliyerfec&ires&end then an end may be put jvc, and jiot calculated . to ans wer the purpose "intended, he ahoujd vote against jfcr va' " ."V t tfc jteaidjuf R-Vwari 'said that in rismcr to Ve- '::IAei,1n,Pllw-i V" V.'?- M was the oran of the. committee to whom tt a and directing thcf manner in "'vJ. Crooro- presented resolution int refen-edand who recomraended'its passa W 6ha!t be; distributed," which : AVrWfyrj tonmitteeijg ewi the first (ime, v . i- rt"'"'w"' ..u9jiw.aa.i;!q H:ommumtv ,The'irtn.;'W:,' A commons-. rCNisme. lo ';: ::s-;.mnipiiflrcnot:taketfilbtt ImesfuteHlieftnj b mr thellnai cfCoL Stephen ilfr, of &iu j JMr';$Qefd 'from' the select lunnt romi J-itubt, initteetohomwas reCerr.t lhft1etterif I eJCl o beentross if- and MheVi&furttirrfo pii r . . - . J Uhiet Justice ;jJrUccumpa.ijrd w th.a ;? mVioui, t takipc eodestionkirt 57? -Ptftciittdt .wiihTthi.;, p.. y reYjsed,Andrecommertdcdjh wwf Ww : what purpose thiibnt- wa. Tntro-' 000,tulJthat of ,fhe Nwfe a bilU-to parchase'lf copje? of the Mine, i110- own part, he could not see why 29.000 1 tthatif the nouT f ,fcuit nb il! and directing tj,e- manner in which . tTiey ?e Pljasers orthe Cherokee Lands should be ficr on. 0f them forinVfcSS?! gra,ltc V shall be'distrib'utedwhich bill xvoA r.d,, or. indulged more than any other cla, ?owaatiftfactar7l? A . i - ; i.oi ucoiprs-- i nere was no netiiion ni momAnj I shew tha.f tnnro me nrsi ume, v ? r - v i cone :WB ""scorns nreseflted to us from tl. - "l-.w". ?A n. jZLT " necrsai: rom the; House ther time to pay their debts: noreonld thv HilUboro irtnl.: j uluer- And-tfcJ! uHn the 8-: teey had received sufficient indulgence MV than ,the NewbiS .mor5 Mfiuti m. . r;. . 'i- -; ,wr.' 5toKej, ,lron the committee of Fit "paie tive ev.iof Quackery. Ibr WIT rnaf K J .V JnrucririW ,them lo JarTre into the expe .rKuSfe weh?uW -r Vdifncrocurinif-to tne State onelhalf'i w i'0 our j : . k . 1. . ' "uiigHicii.io.oDHm license tire v;y, or Mif er.tre winch may be found f;yrUbji) heir.lintfi, reportedthat it is inej , pedictit to lesialaie on the: Kubiecf. Th practisinerlaw, altoeether extinWish th c1 1 p1ettifoers 1 They; do not. Yet .who will deny withl e thit those laws are productive of some good ? shall , -;-:v' .V.,?port was wdered to lie on the table. i ?;T"uf n ... ?'cai college ,a the ' V-:- V;- The folIowfnV hill, pVa Arp8pff. i "" " "ff remedy the tenl complained of. He ; atviaiii 1 inn r 1 - n a . ... . m d. a i 1 n . r as hi hi - us iateTO the ni 1 1 ,,,v- c mcucc ioat jney want i vuuuis ror, or? enmH,-f .ett . I i l V - i-r'j . , - i-. ? - , . ?r , 17r. JjOBe Said fm was tn.li t.-- 1 rxino- 1 T ftnn 1 T" vUit. ljwi " ?8'rni thereof - ;f - . H 'Mntii WSSI4,k nrpviAno fn 1 v wuhiiic wins wcro orcsenipu 1 1 v i'-' vyu m mc waiae 01 nronw. 1 v4 no wiw "i .t-i . - -ts. iij Mr. Iiuliock, abiU directinj; the time thin which suit nn Constables bonds if- 'A Bf Mr. VilMn a bill perfectl)' agreed with him that such an institution ,com m r ssi one rs ,S!i, t0, empower the xvculd be preferable 4o the plan proposed bv ihe nf Farboroueh fo'seJI a oart l bdi - but unfortunately ,'",e tPw'IOtS. By Mr. Miller, a bill to oracles-to the establishment of such art institu 1 X anooint r.irmniinnrs t miiv!:fL- Hib I t,on which- have operated and continue to one. f' -tt:?.ir!r v :: - 1 , 1 rate to her ritSJinvfintao-A in' avavv - v . V I I Ukli V-i. UUIIU U( I n . I I . . m .1 ine eyes or .emer states. She has no rn for the accumulation of wealth and encouragement of enterprize ; nn- focus to 5 the rays of science, and whence iveree over the whole mass nfUnriMv and the consequence is, that she'Ts not duly appreciated, either as to her pecuniary, her lite- j iw.r, or ner scientific resources. 1 . Whilst such (circumstances exist, wc cannot nave a MeriiCal Cnlhep-e ? fnw tv.. lie had no donlif ! that n't h k!.. purchasers became debtors to the State it was their intention, honestly and. promptly to redeem their obligations. But, sir, these debts were enor mous in proportion to the number of debtors , The debt was afchrst about $120,000, but it has uccn aimmisnea. me countv of Ha-. ruyii''u'nKiUne Derwveri uunnn ana wavne. I S toro- tnrge tov P -trl in prooaxeor iast y itis ana lesta- the, ut .Miy;Alr.Sneel,a bill concerning the concentrate Jr feaoWnSfOifbrd- also -a bill trt ftlini.di H,l heyW d iWSI8 5teanV Hoat ;on the Roanoke SuW;lhe ppeniri af)d coriiblefin? the StatP Be brooffhf. Hy Mr. Roberts a bill t authorise the building of a new Court House in Syr? County, which were read the first' timp. v ' ' The billiconcernino- thifown nf OvfrH which lle.had the honpr tare present was ers of Tarborough to sell a part of the town debtors to the State, v, - amorkt , -ne common, were reatl the sconand third " IIe beld in his hand a statement from his wor time and ordered Ao be enjjrossed. I thy fnend, the Treasurer of ..the State, which snowed, that there had been paid nn this ,ac- i-ounr, tiunng the last three years, $36,613 49v me uoi, men, tiies? purcha.s uirer lnuu!lence heasfeort Mr. ncke!tfca!led up for consideration, rue dui to authorise the Trustees of Sprint a"? ' a :-.. ' . o uruve Apainry ,n Anson county, o raise Dy vaj of Lottery 5,000, which having a moment, before deciding tl been read the 9econd time, Suppose their constituen s w Mr, Picketed he had not called un his hill are "d no greater Calls existed th Buner, been use he had been in exnertatinn thf cane' better mZ&i&PA which the 5treasurv receive fl ffrent aTJ Hiie State shcnTldi M hA W portion tdKtlr It will be ieen front the hf, recei port, that the amnAnP"! ceived of Clerks iwihib J" bout 16,000. while thatof 7l was; aboiit 9.000, th. Newbern eiH cuif bein nparlu t;.uti ri"1 me fit - 1 So th,t if e f t - S5 ff to latter .i ur w iuca we roay; tudv. r .L a incri laor JuaSTe Of the 1f wh!lt nhtrwlrnuna . . j ' . . . r-M .. m - - 'J - -" i'Mit"v.iia trom .Huntsvillfr to the Virjrihlii iifvf .1 worthy of the name will forsake a lucrative nrur. I a ffeher-l bill on the ntiWrt..ia.-;..,i h. SWiK'iy Ashe-whiih nd " the comforts of a home, endeared by Ported. The session however, had now advanc- ' V&UjI1Vw 11? bits and associations, for the poor imlucements ed so far, that but little probability existed that ISMlV tleshould firtf'riw!ff;w;,i j .a wV xnnoi-nave .wnai we would wih. ,c iuuck eratmea it the Senr wom oil i . ii w ill i v ni. . a. . i ! i:--..j.i - 'a i t . . - - ..iv ii 4.1. : . ,'r " ,jj,7irlf llli.fm a j- ia ,11 a-. a i,i..-,v 1 ... - . . Il-ii- " . " ' v ..uuium.uh (h,s wit "f"vr ti - f'; ? wnrcn was Iai we tpijric wouia be the-most effectunl D" 10 pass. He would not on this occasion d 9 llCCT.1- Vmmittee -on Claims; remedy for 'the ills of quackery, let us 'not refuse cuss the immoral tendency, attributed to schemes SiKWWg. pay." t64tJie talesman a S u.,tnIe :T,i?h will, in some measure, effect of Jh,.s kind.-; He Would only remark, it. was in- 1 Ji4i" l is sure?y better that we should tended to promote the interest of a Literarv In- m KfxWn rtlieoill to JaV tft l!"n ve a tribunal of intelligent men to make some jttinn f hich needed patronage, and he trusl 4ik i? i,W,l'5r-,n-lhe competency and qualifications ed it wdliM pass. b' tP he the management of our ;5 Woffton.. said, that whilst he enn- VV" pne uni 10 incorporate our lives, tftan mat every knave who S!erea Lotteries as a species, and a daritrerous iSjySI . re read S .K? .c!i,",of.t,?e !? t:0? with the willingness m-Z V,.mt;tjme atKt-ordered tube enspd. VJT:ilVl !"n,"cu 0 Vn..P ea8ure r ..cro Iaclles or other enomina- llttllC in Which il(pHtt tif I'fiiet Vf ' ht there COilld he nn ?.ffVW.n. o. ; -..-iiu Deauopted, we win not trust an in. to manage any of our concerns unless he ?c proper qualifications tor the task, but important matters of life and 'health require ho testimonial from him who adminis ters h,s potion. It has been intimated if -th?. wi:..ri;..-':T-.-'Vuv.1uui-i.ajiertwiiicn'it-irii roi tK ....i &"mw wS"W Hswvw vue4 reaa a tnird tune rhe biti to declare M:ftnne outlaws, was -read the Kp,ui y'Pfianu its third reading?rdered 6:- tb- . morrow. , t v. " . w ' ; Imn.rl . . . . . . . nf . v r Jude of tlle qualifications L8 " !? 'T1 f.r licence' n-ght combine 1- w l P'n from obtaining them. Th a he eiiiri wi- . ",,,,,5 Iv . fc .... a i , op" .Sen at e resolved '!tcair.';nav if' . V-tnilt'ei flf tb whnla. U:il a.1 .i.t?!i ' ciik.; -f-v.,;w..'.',v,'-,v,iiic uiii 10 estaousn i3 ff I la I l.ft.fil nrA a 1 . . i p. --.wmm iiiiMt uuia hi ipirii i m ra inn nran. I : vn w Phvic and Surp-orv. in fh;c sffL S, of n,e who more ,.,'an Vny other m rtainel .. . . ...w., aiiU vviuiout puce, the r ifession Of medicine was one marked hv hJlI ?n ,Ct- kA ?n.'lP"t ulcf noTb; a iduceT which h physician had refused to a tend t Wn Pickiit in the Chair! .. ;si ' ;. , , . - The bill havirjgi lSl ICS in the poorest man who .t' credit to gau.u,,, as e would to 'authorise Lot teries. Shall we sanet inn that ullnk al,' try from whence we derive our most useful In stitutions, and claim ourdescent, has branded as immoral arid illegal. Ye, sir, England, and she is not tlie least 'vAse of the nations of the earth, hastound froin dire experience; after the utmost lautude has been given for experiment, that Lotteries re inexpedient and deleterious. Ought we, not then, at least to Imitate before we sane tion the custom he, e? liu if h was to obtain, he hopedit would be on a gei.feral plan. He had flat tered himself, the Commit(ee to whom it was re- nAftK 4 tne txPeency of raising 6o0,000by ay of lottery, to be appronriated amongst the different cooties, woulS he Im ported a b,II for carryingit into effect. Such a P-aa xc wu,u support, tor it would be a min-h. case, for collecting the money into cotters, would they not fed the same anxiety that helid,to have ttie privilege extended to them' He presumed they would. Reject this bill; and sue those debtors, and what must be the conse quence ? Sir, it will involvethem in. inevitable rum. Can gentlemen reconcile it to their feel ,ng.'to,see this portion of their fellow-citiz.-ns distressed, when they were stiainmg every nerve iy lijcei uietr engagements ' True it was, the State had,to its credit,shown much lenity to these Purchasers they had prolonged for two or three vears, the time of payment, on consideration that they paid punctually ohe-eighth part of the oebt, with interest ; ami he believed this hail UCCI generally complied with. He believed it was better for the State, that the mbheV remain ed unpaid, for the securities were undoubted and interest was accru'ii... ' Our citizens were daily ieavinsr the cMti. population was diminishing, and shall we adopt an V measure tn inwMi. tK 3 i-t: ' ' u-ii , " uic im : liiere was a uiunow oetore tne Legislature, to sell the re mammg lands in that s ction of country would it then be good policy to reject, this bill ? Cer tainly not, for it would discourage other pur chasers, and sales could not be effected;. at least on the same advantageous terms to the state, as the former sales were. The gentlemen objected to the bill, because no memorial wasbefore us on the subject. He had told them he thougut there was no need of any, for so Ion? as they promptly complied wit!, the req.nsition V ,w,c Kisiiure, ne nad but little doubt -uieiice woum oe extended The. debt lebterf, iisJust require the same tnvi '"'po' m is now the 1 of .tie to do the bu tlie public S y&r lr. ZtM dockets even t'u " :r;-JV. "rrnto. t 'r f thts be a foci; ; s ,crrcuit? aVe House, who can dou fe?. mous accumulation of buSlnecJ"0nient n9T. ori.:red4, us, ajiclnooth . It was fur her said bv th. ixewoem, that litigation d.n: p""emaa fTOm habits and moralitf 0f ? the Zr much th neonle of the wJ. .... , . 5 that if th. i-ed in hore terfeitug. bank not and pisW then the dockets would nf them tht ed ,n the two western circuit if .the true reason, why the dortet. "V 1 s bft circuits are lari. then ti 1? 'Q ,he Western cessity of havinV 5.,. Z "J ",eter ne. j ... J" "V renress feisdefs. While human ndture Tether. it now is, wemay -0? mTP and offences to be cdttfV0,,15"10" Western pait of this State 1 51 m populatthahcxistT , we examine this subject, perhan find the reverse of this to be Ue . er parts of the State. s we -shall in- was It will be recollected am Aewbera li i pa8sea autnortsmg a, Court of Over and rZ ner to be hM t&il and Termi- fenders . SJZZ 50 Various of- e recollect.! ;n iom .i . from Newberc, -;:" 0V.lfte gentleman . - i. ru an ... a i ibL in n a terms 4 . ... asicea Jiia rK-;.0 -m of the nrnf,?nn lo wil5nirto lend th. "o arC a,Ways A; .. . L mnrMlc X c weneverthey - r- ?rv - oojecteci to that provi- ? 1 uumanity. Uid thev man5. " cm anv arsire to t-er " " ,- v'ihlt iuen -trim or his er disposed to aid ty Gorgon, swallow up all these minor attempts Dr uPwards of $50)0 and if collections were at franrnc. and wnnlrl nniu, k.c- ' 1 I enforced, the 7 - - - at gammg, and would equally benefit every por urn of the St,te; It had always been his disno. consequences would he wht h J.ust stated. He honed not member would vote against the passage of the bin. ' t,u0 iM .nt ried by the ;Z, or tne Superior o - is ' Will to c,m forward, to cramn theTr enterprise? No. so far a " . "J!:1 n ... . 1 . r: i L-nnw nl. 1 . . ""'n ill r ,i . -i.-.. I ' uu.Ja w 1111.11 I , r. ' wpuw iievolte on him'asi ir.emhr.K:- t-,i and loster their atteirnta f'B. sad, he was aware of W.imprneon m the bill, and moved an a mendmcht w ULclr provides that the Board shall const of two physicians from each Judic al Vir- cu?t,hjch was carried. : -'-p:8(0lfMher. slight Amendments were rn lu "ea! om to all with an impartial haid i nnl nU,thons.e Lotep- in Anson countv, will t not be treatmg Wlth injust;ce the other coun ties in the State ? lie had s:,mftrHl. I! M-f l 1.1111- liad a r lie i ii pr ha nes, counterfeiting or pasiing.counterfV it not I know notj.but if thelittleoumyCrS having a white'and hUv 0rra.ven. i oi omv a. i"' f?4tlm MaSons whic he W be- W.hiih. Perb W had n stronger claim on th ven, moved to str.ke out all the hiii' r.l 1 o this parti,! legislation he ' nactin? clnii : .i "wr iiiiiHa.-"..i i .7 i''":cv,-i ,,e --o 'S ?c'lse oKiuty compelled him to vote agathis bill, but he coul I not consent ce in this state. !u.u:cr,aP every bamer of prudence and pro- !ir.,IF- K-'fSioJctsio trv the s vn ite on th(e principle of the bill, rhut.1ne-;first 's'entMttrrwhik r.i, - motlon, that in the sense of the Se- l'ti:Vi p"r,cn was gntived. - Mr. pprt the .bdf to the,;Senate, as amended. The que:on ha:Vng betrt stated, ' mtTemkAei; that if any iscussiona tiqrherbutrht fb rWfu vi nn lt,:. ki Jfoperfimend to afford the gen kmen Who, were fiieutlly to it an opportunitf of iHuuu ''"ere wms a d vefsWw as to the most prtlckble mod?o?ffecS But because gerJleracil couU 5 "g cular amendmen? 9e tUe,r wisneci, disposed, to onn. i' tin, . l,ieVis . no douht was ilnner ee, h, ;?:obJJtedln ;th fit tAcfWr la "e devised which wnnMr. " fien 1"'" V 'roOT ea.cn County, could be found V gSSf 'jects which wouM be Planted to their consideration. Anciher ob - ,n:cuon was, that this tax fee of 30 from the m WZtf.Wte. them to leavjXKfit N ' t houtrr it annroaeher? -i . f; r r - " , . w ouHi ran mnmtei JJr. fore g t -e, eTc,ig Cause, and" r,' fo io" that from and after tha r,c,: r .,ul,ow,ng 'nhvnr.ian n i 6 PO ' - - --0-u s:.n practi c : i " " MV,r "nuer tne nenaltv nf fine and imnr sonm,,t T-k: i. 'ciy ot t. cu, me question recurred on the the committee rise, which was dec afhrri ative. - v . The Speaker resumed his seat and the Chainnan reported the bill hs amended! Mr. Speight -mnveil ;,hat the bill and arnduients be indefinitely postponed. HaJlJ- a remedy, though tUSn??Z ion as to th it. parti disWd to nn, " r:.neu' . ey?seemed The bill iVStm .n..l.l I.- would he ni.rt- mencement; defects would remain uh-h ' nence only could obviate w2 b.,.r . f XpC" f ain from rlnr, .u e ou"'.,t not to re- cesand pc t.datU,n wd I noTV"! Ur Medial 'niiu, iy'U.n0t e;Klble to have a aT V 111 I , rjowwww it sound abroad, to sav, that the Legisla ure had granted a Lottery to one county, and refused in the same moment to ac cord a similar pnvdep-e to n iwi:.... ... o - - -K.iu v-uuiuv. em ? p posed. He requires a special tewn vfnii . UUk but to Danish Jt. :T" jTnYr V",Ci Ppose, ran tfc- k "c,ca"se we. cannot have this a rfrt.fi o.,t, i i "vov,'! sue ii :.v h t "o rv' "cinegoodofhisroiin uv ; wumn create confidence in'-th -wiu.iueraiions wh ch Ik d en . ? v lwdothmg w S the Stide woddln in 4 to oi 'S & f the bi,! pon the motion to strikUt thd WpEasS3S &pss!33& .-KrfSi5t 'TP C thh this source; as he wptdd onine wi X The bill limiting the time within yhicli preme Court, Mr llTJpn A ihe Su? h;$ - W tWt, .if pseo.oreate a jealoVnv on fhl i . ned a diploma at one of the'NeriheJ f. ' Deeds of Trust and Mortwe.; h.,ll k " V Mortlitad said, .4?-'vwuc.M.viJS.-fMisines. -i-- v r. squire pv ornate ciwK- ..r i .i. . w... tn anieiiu an .art n..c...i : ' v ""giiuciratTinihia ffnne en i pnety. Mr. Pickett rose to mal e only a few remarks. Ihs constituents wished this bill p isseu, and he JeJt it his duty tpsupport it. lie should noi iask the members of the Senate to vote for this bill because they may have voted for similar bills.-! He wanted them to act independently on this and every other subject. All that he had . ri-ht to ask was, that thev would ill Her -.f tl,- !'yi?i r "at 'tSOWn rnerits If ntTemen could believe, that granting to the Trustees of t.wS caemy, xne light ot raising this sum by .vr.j, wuuiu uemoranze tlie communis ai lanre, tei inem vote against it. We have been told that England frowns-on the Lottery system. He had not so understood ; it was his impression that they annually raised large sums in this way. Had Virginia, on a Ereat occaZ, refused to grant a similar boon.on tne score of its ""i1"" w nimi rai Ten'-iencv ' 'This wai in deed a small question, and he had ho-ed it Would" jciwic a moment. His constiiti ents wefe not wealthjj but they were reapectS' --persons ,n the State w,c m,,u a tenden t drtnoralize the rnitimnU.. Vu . .... .u,.,lulllt r JMr Mill replied, that with wnt-i.. she had not consulted on the occasion alluded tb the policy ;r the propriety of the measure, bt been inflnnnfl k .. i . . - . u4i to punislx i ts offenders kh;i i counties of the West nS2S?.!r'Sc thc .Wc PPP..l-tin of:unwa;rIlC0UU,in& vetremnr o ' i7.V .-.CTyt nave never frednesdav.Jftn.Xl. Mr. Gilchrist presented a biil, to incor porate O.k Forest Academy ' in Robeson county; and . .... - Mr. uray a toll, to incorporate the Kb- J" ?"" fto,ZZL enezer Ubrarr Society of Randolpl, mViX?rw,,det"" " wine!' passed their first reading. . the S xZi , Mhwin .ome pwsrf Mr X,.ve from the CommiuwofClaima, would 4W&Sg to whom was referred the memorial of ,iV"M lhAf& W.I i Lvttle of Tennessee, reported a . ' : resolution directing the Treasurer to nav ."??fiw .yia aMtoWtke him343 5s., wb?ch was rejoced by "die tt m . ? S.'slure several years, and its " '"-ny .ceamula.e. S thdrToeki m r l c fiillir x.. i . I tr?m Iho -l:..a? . . uut,&cu ..v.u.ij tuvcaugitceu.; wa. .mcatranaaCUons of sucli messace was mPivPi fmm h. n I riw iwiiiuaxton. n -''-'V ii vtij iiirr i i iiiikh i ..f r . . " "i viiuunons, giving ' intormation to the senate, or the death of John J. Bonner, one or us members from the County of ajMc, wumiuunicaiing the arrangements eircered into relative to his funeral, and mvning tfeir co-operation and attendance. ivir. onarp submit -ed the folio win Resolved, That in testimony of the respect V . clcriam iur uie memory f r lu u 'a- tcascu uneot tue members It M -,VUU?C UI commons tiom tiyde countv. they will wear-crape on their left rme ii: ' aim aicenanu tuneral obse yjuics mis iiiiemoon. , Th? resolution havi riP" hefn n no IV Ql OKlml - - . . . A. j auvFc"i morion oi s r wii. wgouiue, me senate adiourn ..r,,;i tu-iiiunow mornins, f-: , : :.':gybut admitted thaf the system c . mfh PR?.U in our State,3 i ..VfVj; rie hM Un in passing pf Qu ck- monstrous eihmiu iree t;; :r.:7:1 - . i .i - 7 ""v-4 li removinnr it. i, . I. . . 1 I . - . T . w r . . TTir r a . m in ... . . . f - J . ..'i litis tru-kii will a compejei t iin.,! - i . ' . 7 r fesaioiuilknPwte 5MriaV-,ntV":.ir,,' ana form them- aelves "into; ?W1 assnclatinn a ak - J V v" . medical acTenee promotion of , '1 his Was tin? nlar. t1;L.5e,B' s ""jw jjui wn trie evil it nnr. s a. -..--- I r1 , JVuat tSa.the1 'irener! tnVwuK i.vVi?3 A' f of this kind n course nrih.vo' iairr j . v. . lAtejYWhv the Me,i?ea nrr.vt1 . sir, before an individuid can Mhia city, once aWl!! ejr, s ... JT-k'" vwnwt ioar nr Jive ir.n.ti 3 ' Any younc man w o; and ean teit llpraiticel:. U Board; andX'm th tSSirv ? h?P 'totlli 1 iTcure a'certifir r l-ucat, mighll re a certifi f "ir 4 41 - mpeieacy tajcoo c:d lr'nAi;,M : ' "leoretl- r ,-7 '.s uie science ot Mid cine ath could at Co lege ; but if they cond i ' obSdS" so nmch m fi.r.iK,wthey-eW at a re,u1 r wn.iM V,c - e plan itself lie had not so uncharitable an oninion n tte memr .1 nfro.Cu;rt.. ' Pnion o i i-" uiiiu oei eve ihevr ,i-.,i,i s -i p- Mi'UHs ror licence. Men liave 1. pectfnr the r fAAi:n.. ...i i . . " nave res- they to refuse a Ikf SStoD.t We? !y prepared, for etamin.tW T lSwgh. wouhl frown then, down- It JaAnra,ffnat,oa that Uii bill mvavid SLii Peared to him gm oe, peahould vbtefoif it. ... v loiv, to prevent th fr...,i.,iJ . .. ;.n ai ' . "-""ciii iradin i c.'r;a. v;is reaii th .i.:.i Va- mi as f Mr. niof Pnoklin, said the onlv Hlfi".. o op.neniel to" be. &VZ3? a auura ume tor reflef ;nn . r lJM,, nd amendments li?ohTh? Ski! the bill on this motion: Was tA oo 71 o wc qcsUon i- at- o Tda! Jm- Sol. v a grant or larvd due his fathTivl ,wr quire into'ihe nreDne.V .r ."f.8 9 e".- .penaatioo to certain oicefs Zimv " .called in 1822, to hold nous amendments wprBnia...:. i " .n.i.;.k - ir -v....niii, anions "men, iur. tvin.tr mnvuil . . o - a . a m mm t. m - v & a .a.d V " "Glares Uiat slaves shall gllC ,r,haV,whihw,.,nBe! iiAr. joy ner moved for t r pop.mem'en, f the bill. mdefi.u,te fa " - b. '"a reasons Jor do Off so Ihe Question urac :Jj .7 ,u& ' tive Urr VoVo i xt "Tru,ucu in the nega uve, by Yeas,and Navs. an fnlu.M . g Blal.A!an of Burke. DaveWn; ."l"wn easly. Dariir sr.sfc'ifc.'ii- Croom , ,T'I of Craven, SneeoV"sPehSt of cZTJP1 Sanders. Shufrcn? WilscVEdoS ri. tt ''"V! .watdj-33 fee quest oil ihV. a..; ir.lvt": ?age bf the lrill. at -l7i 3.''?: W P? tn the Sint :T V. 'Ml readioff affirmative Ckf J The bill for the tifV : . entities wrii rvr-r"-.""""" 01 se "?Uesr the, Wl to amend the. road W J ra " te two western circuii. V i u possible that thU ir,o iiv Z. tat vote .g,inst the mfir even a tw, r K-ai i7 "..r ,ul 8T " . . " Lttaai. yoic, Or WlthOllt riic gestine- some other nln th.f n LZl? 7 . : grievances do exist- i 'a, 1 wui noi rciuse. When Sir l are before: on this subject, t acknow&aS .Lu..aT. u!l . un"" Pection; but this T ,n reniseame, not by a positive denial, but by being whheld? 7. ! fit was said, the: nthe A-,; u L : t - : lamentable calamity no on. !L&3Z calciiUtinn .Tuk -7 ' " "njusiy taken into calculatiou, without any reference to th W.t an.lt Z ft iast-n circuiwh Sto;. 5ep subject -.ruK 'J wuoutny reference to the kreat wealth apdjcommeic of those chuitsf It cannot he deniedV that i KttLL- nom are depnved of.irn.; .i,.?. r"'! "ndered incapable of rnaking con: tracts' and whe complaint Dass unh,7Tf an un- . in .... . . . " . . Tl :ir?!? : Cha rmanj th.t it will not w. it i- - im iriA t - V into consideration on his f fj me the subiectv W ieei?Ti TT ex axaine ISIriWAa S a-i rmirf mruu. i . ,- . ' 'e supreme The lilT UVlT tfie can well perform, ? eh nded bytrikinir ne,Vnf fh a 5Ul c,rcuit hecuse the bus!. 1 ' ' The2d circuit cannot require this court any more than either of the others; and the cientjy convenient to try -all Equity suit that hni-Sf "Ut 5 80 th of. these Judges cau wltLH Ji TTS i0 two ter, drcuits ume ould be emnlovwl hi. . ..k, eighteen months. v t nreLL ' PaUd the business of the Sa preme Couit wdl be mudi curtailed.- 1 l,aVem niv hand a statement of the Clrk of the, Su preme Court, ,bv whre.h 'if h.- fir..?!" ? feWsent to tfielroVSe th?otr ?i?Urt f wh5c! on1y 25 am appeiK the other 26 are quity causesthat havfbee remoyed to t u. ii,. h,-.:, U I - i v.,; wvvnnc nicy liUUlO BOl beT!1ard,, tfe?;COtirtS bcl0.W. . t ' J " I hope, Sir.' fJhiirm .n .:i .rti tuse to strike out the second section oTthe bib, unless some n-entiunr.nn .:n . , m ,n that wdl better suit the ..eth m,. mittee. " dj Mr. A. Moore's reply iu our ncjt. . e. rsoldhiirr.ifi,r. r n xi Palmer pased its tbirtl reatlin-. A resolution fnf th hoHa, a,-;rt QVIl!e .-wjf HoU6e Ped its first reading. Hie Kill , - a , Z uuis nere received Irom the Senate, and passed their first reading : . A bijl prescribing the-jmotle of sorvey IPSnaselling the lands lately acquired, fr77,,lll0iCaierokce Indiana ; reserving ccr-4 tain lands for the benefit of Roswell King f Montgomeirtountj j: concerning the county courts Hle:to T estibiUlf ttvo separate elections in, Hyde ; to amend an act passed in 182, rtnting to the Supe- clusiyejunsdictiorj In all cab J.er the intervention;of.a jdry may beecessarv to restore ? Jobri RoseV.bf AsKfcun tv, M ' credit to repeal an act passedin 1820V directing the countj courts 4 to' pay fees to certam officers r to"mendtm w S?? tecure to Siddy jbrnith Jf sVV aite, such DroDertv as shp Tmv li.rtfft.r acquire) making compensatio&to Coron - u cnain casessitppltmentelrto aa act passed iitfrstsessiuA btatesa" ceriairir ,Cractv of ja,iidcaUei oanxs ; to aniend the l$ereral ads in lorce refatfvctopublic roals i for,- thet,ow- or-Nixonton sad a Wll-to caend anVctpasled in V825, directing the pjanner intwhicliConstabJe shall be btrs v

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