NO l,4f oV3 FRIDAY; APRIL S, tsar. . ;y6L..xxyi. i ' t ' - - . - - . . - .J . - . - . - - - : i 1 i1 v t 'Z : '!T1icB;&iat, , , I$ published'CveTyiFttiBAT,by At Three Dollars.pera iinutn, or One Dollar and i Half for half a,veartobe patdin advance. .N I - t ADVERTISEMENTS . ' .T.pinwiittppn lines. neatly inserted V munitions thankfully recede 1... Letters to ' the Editors roustbe, post paid: v 3?r ; The 4ttpnolrtthl4 counftjliiiti .iSAwnTSfiS Ttuffih presiding. The cri icninat Docket U unusually black, there be ing no tesa than five cases of acapital na ture viz. four for murder and one for perjury. It is probable, that all 'the criminal s will be trid ; if so, e presume but few civil causes will be disposed of. The Board of Internal Improvements left WHinington on Friday last, for the Clubfoot and Harlow's Teek Canal. "Whilst at Wilmington, the Board had an opportunity of seeing iHc Dredging Ma chine in operation, and they have no doubt of i$8 answering the purpose intended. The new arrangement for carrying the fMaii onithie Northern,, Route, is now in complete operation. .The Northern Stage leaves this place every Monday, Wednes day, Friday and Saturday, for Petersburg, via Warren ton ''; for the same place, via Knfield Halifax and .Beltiei a, everj &un day, Tuesday and Thursday. Tlie Market Cotton commands S 50 in Fayetteville, arid, from 89 to 9 50 in Petersburg:. Tobacco sells at the latter place frjjnr 2 $0 to 6." t Fattyt Grist Jlffl.yVe refer fh? public : (o an advertisement in the preceding page, which discloses, a new and very useful im provement in the G.-ist Mill. Its advant ages are sufficiently set forth to recommend it to the attention )f duV Planters, wh-v. will no doubt find, it their interest to pur chase. - ( Jihdvction ef Morgan. -Almost every paper in the Union, which meets ur eye has a paragraph, with thisnr a similar head. We have forborn introducing the subject into our Columns, untier the belief that what was now veiled in mystery, would soon be Unravelled. But the plot thickens with every succeeding mail. No sooner is one version of the story published and read than soaie pale follower proclaims another like'lH'apalhntidrnsto'lhe Second Kichard ... i ' My tongue hath but a, heavier tate to say, I play the torturer, hv small, and smaH To lengthen out tlierw6rst that must be spok- en. So great is the excitement in the State -of New York on the subject, that the Go vernor has introduced: the affair to the no, tice of the Legislature, ad they are now investigating ii. The history of the busi ness is this.- -A wretch by the name of Morgan, (for to this . appellation he is enti tled from his own showing) a member of the Masonic body, announced his inten tion of publishing a book, in which he .threatened to reveal to the world, the mys teries of Masonry. Previous, however, . to its puhlicaticn, he disappenred, and public opinion was divided as to the cause M his absence. Same believed that he had beeft carried oh byt .a fe.t? jnfatpajed and misguided members of the Craft, wliife others entertained the opinion thnt"h&Jihtl -.vuluutarny absented himself, in order bv exciting sympathy, to Ipromote the sale nis oook. lhis was the first account giv J" the matter. Very soon after a re- pi rt gained circulation, that he was keep ing Grocery Store in Canada, and that it was all n. electioneering scheme, to injure Gbycniur Clinton. But immetliate ly afterwards the matter assumed a more serious aspect. Several persons were ar rested ami tried for havinssistcd in tak ing him off - fcyorclftd W 'individuals implicaited, hiive been sentenced to impris onment: for the erimefabduciiori JThe questiorj ho vie v stiH incurred, what has become ,f , the miserable victim h The ust crifigeRjt iftVestiga a f.d I rouf all tlic circurasta rices, which hav oome to light, we Miini bu t ii;t rjoubl, ougv the jKoiighUsi horrid inej thaXhe v?s ben deliberat'eijr murderedMnder cir- minces b& cfution kuif atrocity, af- itiedibJe. -SciveraLibeetinga of the people have been held, in that quarter, to discover if .possible the, fate of, Jtfor gan, and ,4liey all unite in tha belief, that hi life has been taken. "There ."seems to be no donbt'of the fact, that he was traced tq the burying ground near Fort Niagara the carriage stopped there and , all ..after- circumstance that he was forcibly carried away, is, that his wife with two children was left in the most destitute condition, and is utterly ignorant , of his, fate. The investigation going on before the . Legisla ture, may possibly and we hope it will, bring to light,; the particulars of a mon- rrons wrrage-t)Ti the fm?dnmr 'uml life1tf ' "citizen, and a horrible violation of the laws both of God and man. In closing this article, we cannot but reprobate the conduct of those' Editors, who 'make the affair a pretext for stigmatiz ing the whole fraternity of Masons. No class have been more active in endeavour ing to ferret out the individuals concerned in the horrid transaction than that order, and we have their word, that u whate ver may have been the offences of Morgan, or whatever maybe his fate, it receives the deep and decided disapprobation of every mason of honor, character and virtue." ,T7ie Greeks'--"The brig Tontine Capt. Harris, left Philadelphia, on Friday last, for Greece, with 2,200 barrels of provi sions the oflferins of freemen to those who are suffering for freedom. Her depart ure was cheered bv numerous citizens who had assembled on the wharf to witness it. The Proclamation of the President in re lation to the Colonial Trade, has begun to operate directly. The Morning Star, British Schooner arrived at New York, on the 25th ult. from St. Johns, Brunswick, was boarded by. a Revenue Cutter and or deretl to depart within 24 hours Bolivar -Our readers may have re marked, that we nave been .slow to believe in the, reports, which have been afloat, tha? the ambition of Bolivar extended beyond the elective Magistracy ot his country Some suspicions were indeed excited by the featureof the: Constitution which he demis ed for the new Republic of Bolivar in Upper Peru,. by which the President Is to hold his office for life, and nominate his successor. This looked very much like a Monarchy under the name (-.' a Republic. We were willing to believe, however, that there was something peculiar fin the cha racter of that People, which justified the Lwoeraior in tne Deiiet tnat at this time they were not prepared for a form of Govern ment truly Republican. Recent advices from Columbia, how ever, from the- most respectable sources, give out, that Bolivar designs, if possible, to establish the same form of Government also in that countryand in Peru j to unite these Republics with Bolivia into a Gene ral Confederacy, and he himself made President over the whole for life, with power to nominate his successor. He in tended, it is said, to carry this plan into effect immediately after his return from I eru, but he lound the other members of the Administration: so opposed to it that he was prevailed upon tosuspend his purpose, for a tune, and wait for the Grand Conven tion of Columbia to consult on a reform of the present: Constitution;. After the dis orders produced by the insurrection of-Pa- ez, he took upon himself the extraordinary powers allowed by the Constitution, in cases of exigency in other words; assum ed a Dictatorship, in which he acted with out the con trol ot a Congres. Since that time, we learn, he has imposed restrictions on the Press, forbidding any papers to be puausned which sn .n contain strictures on his proceedings. Comment on such a measure as this is hardly necessary. ' The Government, or the cause, which dreads the influence of the" Press, fears the'li-ht. and may be presumed to covet conceal ment fur deed, that, if known, would re flect no credit on those whocommit them. We shall be glad to find these auguries disappointed. We shall be glad to learn that the restrictions upon the Press are temporary merely, and called for by exist ing circumstances of anarchy and civil war. ' Inter arma silent leges, is a danger ous maxim for Republics, but even in a Republic we can amm'reits application to be justifiable, though we hu jje never to see so extreme a case occ or. -I f Ve have mis taken the. Signs of lhfr Times" in regard to the views of; the Liberator, 'We need imt say it will give us the greatest plea sure to retract the suspicions which vre have but very recently suffered to invade our mi nd in respect to titemNat. ihfe The Board of Cororntsiionert anArii frttoraiMidtheflretrfeof tfi.'Trct tj of Gheh!i adjourned bn VIondajHereni ingJast'fiHiVUfuncti6ns 'liave been sorrsedebir ahc-late CoaVentwa tweetftHe United States and Grea Bri tain on that' sttbjct.At Int. ' 2 Macoru (Geo.) March 20. Information has iust reached us from the Creek. Agency at Furt Mitchell, respecting outrages against our citizens and upon the property ot tne state in mat quarter, wmui from their nature, and the persons involv ed, deserve particular notice. The source trom which we derive our information, en titles it to perfect confidence. ' Tn Sunday tha 11th inftt. HilUry Triplett camp to the buildings occupied by Mr. Sowell Wod- folk; late of Augusta, on lot 0, 7th district, Muscogee county, with the avow ed intention of destroying them. He was accompanieilfby a small party of negroes, but finding the undertaking too dangerous with his preent fqrce, retired. - Soon after a party of bl tcknd white, ind one Indian, Wall' frotn 16 t6 20: crossed the river, beaded by Thoums Triplett, the Sub In dian Agent, and his brother, above named, armed with guns pistols and clubs. Ef fective resistance on the part of Mr. AVooU- folk being impossible, but little was made, and they proceetleil to Durn tne uuunmgs, seven in number, comprising orfe ot the best settlements on the property .f the State in the newly ucqu?red territory. Dur ngthis time, the I ripletts frequently declared their intention to knl Mr. V. and several ti cocked and levelled their guns at him. We are further informed, that the cause of this outrage on Mr. W. was nothing more than that he had publicly rented property from the State's Agents, contrary to their wish es, in that vicinitv, and also the ferry on the reserve on Fnnt river. In consequence of this, they openly declared hostilities a- gainst him,which they have executed against him in the abovetnentioned cowardly man ner. South nf France. Carter, in one of his late letters from the South of France, s.iys. a physician in the United States cannot a dopt a greater error, than by recommend ing to his patients a trip to the South of; France. A patient, after trying all the climates of this portion of Fiiirope. if he lives to go through the experiment, will learn, " that none of ithem are free from obvious, objections, and that it requires the srreng;h fa man in full heal 1 1), to endure the fatigues of a ride from phtce to place, to resist the changes of weatlier, and to sleep in chambers with plastered walls, na ked brick or stone floors, and an aho'.ogy for a fire. The truth is, that the clim -:' of the South of France is ...only relatively good good in 'comparison 'with the winder fogs in England, at;d hence the error. Af ter much enquiry, am! acual observation, my opinion decrdedlv is, that the clt mate of many parts of our own country, and par ticularly of the West Indies,' is far mere favorable to invalids, thau any 1 have yet found in Europe." By private letters from the city oTMexi co, of Jan. 25, we learn, that the Congress of Tactibaya would conveie probably aboui the 1st March. The Deputies in Mexico, in addition to those from the United States, were, two from Mexico; one, M. Ljrizbel, from Gu atemala ; Dr. Guul, from. Colombia. One of fhe Mexican deputies, however, M. Mi chclena,wiiS about to resign. As on as ihe Peruvian deputies arrived, ihe Congress would probably convene. Our correspon dent describes Tacubava, as delishtfully situated, near the base of one of the por phyritic mUnt.i.ins, which surround the circular. valley of Mexico, and distant a- bout six miles from the coital. , N. 1. American. If an a'njrna! fresh killed, be exposed to e full ehulxence-of . the moon, 4t will in th a few houtrs become a mass of corruption ; wwlst another animal, 'not. exposed to such corruption, and only a few feet distant, f I- . .. . nr. win not oe in the-slightest manner enect ed. FruitR, also, when exposed to the moonshine, have been known to ripen much more readily than those which have not ; and plants shut -hut from the sun's ravs and from tight, and consequently bleached have been observed to assume their natural appearance, if exposed to the rajs of a full moon. ' In South America, trees the full'moon, split almost immediately, as if torn asunder by great external force. All these are remarkable and well 'established facts, but have never as yet been account ed for. Richfn-md March 21. On Monday evening last, we understand tht in some differencewhich took place between Mr, Samuel. Parkhill and Mr. J S. Smithers, a salesman of this city, the former resorted to s,uch personal violence as has seriously endangered the life nf Mr. bmithers. some remark is said to kave been' dropt by Mr. P. which touched the feelings of Mr. S. ' Mr. P. made someapo logy to Mr. S. but the latter was stil I d is satisfied, and expressed that dissatisfaction Mr. P became enragedii; struck. Mr. S. down, and in that situation is said to have drawn a knife and cut the throat of Mr. S, dangerously. A- gentleman "present nM tempieu tpanteriere f , out so. blinded was Mr. P. by passion as to threaten to c in a k a push at this gentleman; ! i VVhea this terrible scene vwas.ovcr,; M r. P.- is ; said to have mounted his J horselnd m&iit his escape; We are sorrr t understand thaVMr S's life is in verv imminent danger-ms windpipe being cut, and his throat distress ingly lacerated. - ? r From Columbia.TUe schooner Robert Y. Hayne, at New-York, brings intelli gence from Laguayra to the 22d February. Hie following letter, which we copy from the Chrouicle, will be read with interest : Lagutr, 15th Feb. 1827. We had a tremendous shock of an earthquake on the morning of the 2d inst I was nearly thrown from my cot, the sens i tion when I first awoke was similar to that of being tossed by the back of a person under the bed. I . as not -long in getling into one of the indrtws ; our old house1 made a noise -something - like the burning of a spruce wood fire ; I thought it wouwl r rome doivn the shock was preceded, by an aw ful run. Wing; and followed by a tushing sound, like that of a heavy gust, although the air was quite still. It is the heaviest shock which; has b.-en frit since 1812, when Caracas andLagnavra were lajd in ruins ; however, no material injury hs been sus tained.- A number of people were thrown from their cofs, and t wo small mud houses were pulverized at Carracas.'' The bill which pissed the House gf Re presentatives of the State of New Y a k, to appropriate a thou:snd barrels of flour for the relief of the suffering People of Greece, was rejected in the Stnateof that State. .Trials of jlurdenr.i. We are informed by I "t U-rs fro m Luoenbnr ; Co. tliat the trird of the seventeen negroes, charged with the murder'1 f their master, Mr. J oh v Hamlix, took place on Wetlnesoby the 21st ins' when 9 of the most guilty were cwndi-n.ncd to be himsf on the 27111 j of Aprils th oigh two of this nuiiiber were commended to l-'xecutive mercv cn account of tlieij' J'outh. The prn.cijiul witr.ess was a man who bore a pnrt in the horrid-tRinsation, hut who it Sft-nis was induced to assist in coi'e queuce of the threat- of the others. The nine sl.ives ordered- for execution were appraised u $ 3,300. Pet. Jut. There are now Irvine: t Horse Nerk, about 3 miles from this city, two Geese,; both the age t.f j 82 years, one ot . wlnrh is now setting1, liiey liaV both laid regularly for 81 vra-9. iY. K Even. Fost. Io?jbery of tks Grave-Yard. Trie .Greensbo rough ,N C.) Patriot st.itcs that a white' nwble stone was stolen- ir. in a grave in the yard nei-r that town. The following beantilul lines, composed by Per c'rv d. were sung at a Concert recently hld for the benefit of the Greeks, at New-Haven. Rouse ye, agnation's c.-'ll Kause and resctie, one and all Help, r Liberty shall 1,11 Fall in blood and shame. Shame to him who coldly draws l!ackw:nl f rom tli - nnhlest cause : Not to him who fights ar.d fa's His a glorious name-. Sons of mre than mortal sires, They bav. lit again their fires, Or to be their funeral pjres, Or their sun oi fame. Hear ye not the widow's cry" ? " Help os or we faint and die 4 Seel the murderous foe is nigh .; H'urlc! the wasting flame! Whither can we fly for aid ? "Where is now the w'arrior's blade ? Low the mbhty heart is laiJ, Death alone could tame. To the mountain to the cave, Let us fly, and Weep ;he brave . JJetter die than live a slave ; Better death than shame. O, forbid it, chosen lard! Open wide Lie helping hand Tour thv com and wine like sand- , What is wealth to fame ! Quick! before the flame expire ; Feed O, teed the holy firfc : Feed ami it shall kindle higher Win a generous name. , A MARRIED, f n Fayetteville, on the 2?ih ultimo, by the Ttev. Henry M. Mason. Edward L. Window, Esquire, 10 Miss Marion Jones, only Slaughter of lie late William Sandford, Esq. of Philadelphia.- . , In Rowan county, on the 15di pit... Dr. John Scott to Miss Estfier Locke j also, Mr. John tilo ver to Miss Elizabeth Hill'; also, on the 20th, Mr. Feter Mowery to Miss Miry Holthouser ; al so, Mr. John Brown to Miss Mag !-a!en Trout man. In Mecklenburg -couniy; on ihe 5th ult. hlii Joseph. Fan is; ajed 78 years, to Miss Nancy Squires, ared 77 ! . t In Chowan county, on the 20th ult. Mr Mac key Gregory, to Mrs: Martha tireorv. ' On the 15th ult. M;'j. Reddiqk Cros' of Hert ford, 10 Mrs. Eitzabetti Sowcrby, of Northamp tm. ' j . .. . r On the 15th ult. Mr. George Spiers, to Miss FJiiabvth Wi, of Murtreesborougb. ... On thctMXebrtiajyJ'iSIf. G. 6 Howar'd. late of Irfedetimniy tq. 'Miss Temperance C. Wilson, daughter ftfjienjamin Wilson, Esq. of Haneock In Holland, Vermont, on the 1st alt by Joseph Uickey. bsq, ot Charleston, Joba. Dickev, eld est son oCioseph DickeV, to Emeline U ckey, eldest daughter of Benjamin Dickey, twin hW' tber to Joseph, Dfckey . ' :f AMontreal, oa the $J6th February; the vene. nu e Mx.iFranC6is , Blenie Dit Jarry, aged 91 years And ,4 months, to Josepba Pe GitireDie La, iicse, agea years I f 6 Hfn Phudefphiaofrtbe 18th instant Colonel 7 .." i- uiueon xauroan, isngrayer agen ?i. r UNION C ANA 1 ilOTTfl Rtv' 41,; 47, .'i'S, ,Up,j6; 53, p4A&r . 13. 41. 47. is the Captal Prize," ' SS0,K).1 6, 34, 58, & 34, 39, , x 10, 36, 58, . 10, 34, -36,! 6, 10, 36;Each t it' " K,'. .- - 'if ,000 1 ... f ? 10, 34, 6, 10,-53, 6,0t 34J '5 'f . Te cap tal of $20,OOQ vcold in paft , ' of-which is, owned by Ir. ?Mn Uibb oJyPMla-, , , :t delphia, and p rt by a Ye?pib!el ickjinafv. , Several or the b6Ve we have t)a I tr.c o tenure ofdiitrfbrniutf,: ' ' , ' K, v ' Tow bv the name of I.?wiaed ahorurT rears. nbout 5 feet 4 or 5 inHves h:g rrhef a romxt ipse made he v;. set ft iiow ;aWi! fppeico lour atwl veivl'rt;elv i Uh.V oil whence, left "me, a roundabout. cnit" of double wovefbooiespjua,' ami ; a italoeins of tlife awV, flTnd ap:UriifJ:angup' coni pan'aloons, 'and a -hiie hU shiM; arid some other ( Inthing- not reeorcd 'limrchascd this fallow recently ii H-chwoK.d, rr Mr.'KandolfJi Wt Koperatreni for 'n'V Jhijics ,; Mr.lJoper told me, this fallow ivas raise.JJjy.his.Cithsrir!? M'-itU-ons'rtirjj, .tames City 'ounty, Vtk. towaids which phtcc, Peter.-bYirjj or ltichmonVit 53 like ly h wif im for. 1 forwani all masters! of Ves sels from taking Iwm on hwtr-li aid theitiftiHl id otliers from employing; jhint in " a.i;y wayjMdtftt: ver. 1 w i IL gi v e th e ab ove re tfard, for his appi"C heusion st'hd co.fieirtent in any jail. so tuat I;gpt b'ih aMft.; ShoJd hefl ahoyeNerb beta1&ea. ), I wish1 infiwm.niou "jjtven'rto MrJ'-f'N?cbt Th wnpsoiV LeasbOrr, Caswell tiountT Porm Crot;na. - iJBfER Wllitt'; February 10th, 18?7.-s . -V. -V?. Xj The Pet. Intelliaencer will insert the uborft' law 4t. and forward their account to this tffiie,v FehnTUrv Term. 18 27. Samuel Smi'.hei man - t- '- , . t t u y v. ; Attachment, levied orjla;nd. Neil McMUlnn. 'S ' ; t . " V rapnear ncto the sat tsfactioo Of the Court, appear at thepext trpuit,.f Pltvaritl-p-nartey sessions t? be fit hi tif tliivCnvtv of. riaitdqlpb. at he Court House at As'-borqiigh, on the first "jSH AN A WAY. from Jhe SnbjPcrjWer oithe p! JB.16. Caswel' Cuy, on the fro dTrad-; ina- from'lti'climbnd Wthe outh.-V N5-1 o' i Randolph CoumjC '. Court ff Pleas ' hiij Quarter -Sessions' v 1 that the Defendant is not an inhubfaiU ofht ' State ; it is thmtoiv ordered, thaljiblicarion be made six weeks the ,Ra!ci.ih'lteti(jr,-vTisit,he- Monday in May urxt.-then' awl, there JoJ p'eatf, answer or denmr to th'e stid alttachment oihev wise it will be taken pro c nifso. and.acljudgexl : ' accordingly. Witntss Jese Harper, Cle'tk of oiir said Cpnyt, at. Office at . A jiuorQUgh, tliis tirst Monnav of 'February, A.U. l82f. v 1 ' A Copy, V; ; f V" JKSE ItAUPKH, C.jO. C. . Unndnlph County.-. 'tSta;' Court of PletiS and Quatter Sssion,,J t s -Februai-y v T-erm, 1827. -'iJ. . Daniel Crav. n and AVife , T..-l t - Tob, Hendrickvadm; 8 others 5 Dstribut1? I T appearing to tin.' satisfaction of thfCotrr, 9 t hat John Hedricki I heodate H endnikH, -and Hiram Hendricks,, three of the T)efjenlants this case, are not mhuhitams of this Sia.tef.3t is ' therefore ordeiM, thai publication 'bemadesjx weeks in the Kalei.h Ilegistef,'tha the)pper at the next County : CVutt of Fleas -ndtjunrte Sessions to be held for t he CoMnty of 1 UandoTph, at the C urt House at Ashboroogh, onvthe, firsts Monday of May next, .then and there to plead answer or 'demur. t.O saitj petition, otherwiseUt will-be taken pro confesso, and -adjudged hccot- ' dingly. Witness Jesse J Irpcry Clerk of oursaJl : of February, A. D. 187. ,t ,4?; A. Copy, JUSSE HARPER, C. C. C liaiiA for Salel ONE Tract of Land, lying four milei'toqth ot Ralefgh, ' 22 acres, ' vitlf eletred land well inclosed to worlrfour or 'five hands in advantage. :Aka, one other Tracts adjoining jtlje ether, of 318 acres, with a good, Dwelling louse and alfother necessary Buildings,, mostly, new, with an excellent Apple Orchard on It, U. ctia- ed land sufficient tq'ork Seven or eiglit hands fo' advanfage. Tlie'premiseai;iy be 'seen and the terms known, by applying to the sitsscriber',. -which will be very low-and accommoditiog-to ' any person wishing to purchase lands. - r Dec. 20. . 1 " ' " -25 3' 4 piIE suhfcriber has just receiireV tnd -no'( H: oilers for sale, a few first quality Philadekv phia warranted Watr Irof9nCator andrrr . sieavcr nuts, eqiiai u nox. bupenor rpT any in.Uie - city U. B. SMITH. Raleigh;. FSb. 6. j UTX WAY from tli! isubscriber on the 14th ' Il ult. a negro fellow j named.' Armsteatlf' He , a" is vcy tail baing six feet high of the seveiy ' -' blank, well , framed,, and . from 22 to 25 'years of I -,'. aire, when inokeil to has a down 'look- 'and k5 s cointtenance atherj,"seTibiis, has -generally but 1 Kttle to's;y of seems less. intelligent. than 4ie rei ' altV is.'; Having jgonejoldur ing the nightunet ; oecielIv-to all and whhont j&oy cause -what ever ' it is probable his design is to get back to Virffii , , ; hia, -uhere he. was brought from" by one -Samuel -v Hobsonof whooil purchased turn, in Novembcf t- f The iabov f reward liill be' given to any-' one-' - wno win secure mm inany jau so can gevnim t, , and it dehvered to me au reasonahle-expcasci ; . WiatUonanjfpa:v : '-'Z Any information, of him tqT.the subscriber coo- -1 veyed by letter or otherwise, will be ttankfuirjrV . recMvd:0fA''tWlLSQK T11IH).-- lC bnoau jof orecneep Warren Co. Geo;? u w. i i tr 1 1 r - . - . r. -v K . t -

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