'Y. iXt thTee Dollars perrtftujnjor One foliar and I va Half lor half; a ye afabetudiif advance. -Kot cxceedinirixtecnl lines, neatly inserted , three tiihes for Oneollar, ;and Twenty-Piye ppntnr Vw iuteceedihff mibi ictiori .Those it '.? of greater len jrthi n fV eiatne proportion'.. " Com I ?un? catfon thaivkfuily receive;!. ..Letters to TUESDAY MAY 29, 1827. The following gentlemen are candidates tovrVpreserrt this - County inj ou r next Le gislature. ,'r Fothe Senate, 'Maj.-Charles liftilinton i Wjhef n&pW orfeoramong, ipuei Wjvitaker rand Alfred Jpnesx Esqs.1 Irs Hi. I. ifle 7?mItwiU "be observed, by the Resolution of the;, Boardbt Director?, which appears Linlto-day's RegUter, that this I natitutioh; has' d ectared a fliv idend of one hal f per cent. 1 ess in on any former oc casionowin& we believe," to the addition- 'I AihinH has Wn inrnrrM . ilurino" that period, in procuring Nortliern funds. It may be wel I to inform such of our read ers as have dealings with this Bank, that the Directors, have resolved after the 1st of August, thatthe -"preference which has, - v.- ,V , ' - TJI, for sum e time pasj, ueen j;jve -m imur payments to -Notes issued by the Principal Bank over- .oUer-currentnotes,' 'will then cease and ten per cent, will be required on all renewals,1 vvhere paynient is made in current notes.- ; ; ;: Tlit Mmmcan Quarterly Review has at length reached us and we are gratified at ythiadditional proof of the literary taste iiancli spirited tfiterprise of the Editors. - S;;Vho reads American Books said a thVpreseht refinement !n Medical Practice, ror Jnere is j as iiion evenm jrnysic ; auu ii new diseases Jio not afflfct the hufiian frame, new names are found for them. Its great est merit howeveris, the investigation, how far the mind infl u ences the effects of. M e dicine on bodilyjdiseases. 'Thus," says the intelligent writer, ''The science of mjndthat science which traces the con sanguinity rto -Medicine from the intimate connection of the mind and body, the in fluence of the passions on health and dis ease;, the power of associations, the force of habit, the effects of temperaments all these, the result of the union of the mind with tnatter, imply the most intimate and reciprocal' connection. Hence, when a Physician is viewing the bodily disease un der which a patient labors, he should ne ver lose sight of the cb-drdinate attention due to the affection of the mind. The in fluence of the mind, always great on the body, is conspicuously manifested in dis ease Pra n&t read I them ?'? is now a question in point We )ad already North-American', a hos Juatsejf suffict to drive ignorance and iiupritioWfri)rft (he literary rankB of our country the Literary Gazette Fort o Foito Mechanics Magazine, and' man? other periodicals , all ed jted with talent, & Ceymcingby their extensive circulation, the -iri'creasing taste for reading. ' Knowledge is Power, said fiord Bacon, and opinion, However refractory must p ventually yield to it, said Dr. Priestly. Knowledge is Gold, said the Sophists, and the value'.of it is incalculable . We wish some one who is well acquaint ed witlJUprature of theJ. States and vto haSIertodical under his control, i the respettable Editor oi the INationai ua- y.ette, for example would furnish a list of American Male arid Female authors,, and xheir works. It would be very interesting, and might excite enrutation. The last arrival rom England brings papers to the 22d. ult Mr. Canning has not yet been able to remodel the Adminis tration. The only positive appointments are Sir J. Copley as Lord Chancellor ; the Duke of Clarence as Lord High Admiral and the Marquis of Anglesea as Master of Ordnance. It will be an interesting fact to know that Sir J. Copley is an American by birth, "being the son of the famous painter of that name. The Turks have been completely dis persed before Athens, and the Greeks have complete possession of that place.. Dealing with Slaves, Meetings of the citizens f . Wilmington, in this State, have lately been held, in order to express their disapprobation of the highly penal law passed on this subject by our ast lLe gislature. A committee was appointed to draft a Memorial to the next Legisla ture praying for a repeal of the iawyor at least its objectionable feature's, so far as regards the town of Wilmington. We are favored with the following par ticulars of the barbarous murder in Ran dolph County, briefly mentioned in our last Register. pert j of a white person; the effect of the acl hi ission of this record would ad mit irtdi rectly that kind of testimony which could not be admitted directly $ and therefore that the record could not be read to the jury as evidence. The prisoner, however, having conserited'to be put on his 'trial, had admitted the conviction of the princi pal to that effect ; it would be necessary for the state, to prove his guilt by compe tent testimony on the present trial. Another question having arisen, as to the confessions of Scott ; the judge deci ded, tnat the confessions, if voluntarily , made, would be proper evidence to estab lish tha guilt of Scott as to this case. The case was ably argued -tyr the counsel, and the Judge delivered his charge to the jury at -considerable length. The jury hen retired, and in two or three hours returned into court and reported that they could inot agree. The Judge then recapi tulated the testimony, and made some comments ; the jury again retired, and in, about an hour returned a verdict of not guilty- The trial commenced on Wednesday morning, and did not terminate until be- ween two and three o'clock on Friday morping. ttreat interest had been excited, and much difficulty was experienced in getting a jury ? more than one hundred; & fifty havingchallenged themselves for cause, and five or six were challenged by the prisoner. 1 he evidence, though not sufiuciently direct, itappears, to convict: the prisoner, is said to have been such as convinced eve ry one present the prisoner was guilty.' A case of some novelty, and which has excited much interest, is now under dis cussion in Baltimore County Court. It is a rule heretofore laid, at the instance of some of the Pewholders, upon the Trus tees of the -Associate Reformed Conirrea tion, of which the Rev. Mr. Duncan is minister, requiring them to shew cauo why a Mandamus should not issue to them commanding and enjoining and prohibiting them from further permitting the ltev. Mr. Duncan to occupy the church, or the pul pit thereof, &c. Mr. Wirt, U. S. Attorney General con eluded the argument in the case of the As sociate Reformed congregation in Tammany-street, on Saturday afternoon, says the Baltimore Patriot, in one of the most elo quent pieces of oratory ever delivered at the bar of our Court. Mr. Wirt was op posed to the prayer of the petitioners, and after dwelling for somefime on the case, concluded wiih the following quotation from Macbelh's soliloquy, which absolutely electrified the whole audience : tune since ilismdsted m a gale, ,weren i port, the former nearlj readj:foK sei,UW later 'waiting ahe arrivatsvrherta!it'i from the Uriited States : the Spanish friH v gateasilda, which was re tii i I jr,o jFC !ia fl csVit ton, it was said, hadbeeq de&patcfiedVoru J tf tliemviJetifXhonpsonv the .mftf' recently captured, belonging vtovliVMiii:-i-v can sqadron were stiUconfineifVoVVT;--": -there was very lifffd prospect of theiVng - speedily exchanged. . "rr-i; 174 -V ' 'Ilie- soldiers who made nn altackr tin Captain M4tof 5few Yorker hve cetit publicly U'htpped - i -- : v-JV The (I.- States' Corvette; JfihlXd&n&;'fc Capt. Wii'kttiio .inured Htl Havanafroul ' a cruise, on the 2d instant! -all wellVmVy;'1 - w;as w sau sooji.-ior ianianzas. conrrpetition . To the nu mber of fine horses which ; ha v been on the (gnurid ' in; the neighbouthpod 6f the course for sorhe days in training, ,viz ; Jeannette, Lalla jRook'h, Sportsman, and several others also, pass ed over the ferry yestertlay 'morning,., on their way to the course," Mr. Laird's stable of horses, consisting of Lance Splendid, an Eclipse colt, and Corinthian Tom,; an English 4 years old colt, imported r.bout two years since by Captain Davis. Colonel Johnson's and Badger's stable, consisting of Sally Walker, Trumpeter, a sorrel Jims by John Richards, and a gray colt by Sir Hal. jEriel. who distanced ail her com pet i tors at the late great race at Tree lill j near Richmond, is on her way, and may be expected to arrivin a day or two - Qi?er. Adv. . Ihfemperance.--ln the di?coj'rses recent ly published by the Rev. Mr. Palfrey, of Boston, are embodied some of the mostap- palling statements we have ever met wijdhj shewing the havoc which this vice is -mak ing in our country. More than ten thou sand are computed to die annually, of the direct effects or intemperance, and ofthir- y-six thousand deaths it is the remote and an4 proximate cause. The loss of liyes during the three years of our last war was less than fifteen hundred : not one seventh eighth of the commerce of this port is eni-: Pfi i i - .i i i. nave m so doinsr satisfied themselves, that both " niOYeu in me conveyance or snirituous n- iv - - i - i i. ' . quors, or the means ot makintr them. The these vessels mav be nvkle more'iLifW an.l mm?. annual consumption of ardent spirits is not f efficient, than the; largest line ? bittlV bhips- Two Spanish brig? of war' bound 6ha cruise, sailed in coinpdny' withnthc Cvi - lumbus." ' y " , 'y'fu K Steam Skip of. 7r7A-There ik in tfie April T ?s number of Bluckwdoil Magazine 'ays theTJew York American, a tetter by- tvr; Captains :of thei nVi 4 :V. British ria'vy; lu'whieh it is contended tlfat pwinjj? s to the .great improyr ment ind rnoreneraln V;l troduction of feteani bbatStKeyusthejiCeforO;vf constitute the efficient aftii of naval' warfare--; ' and recdmmentling it tlierefo, i an obligation f-- , of duty on all the pfKcersi of tile British navyf t6??2?Zf maice themselves practically acquainted- wjtu tli. Kv naturae aiid power of steam engines w hen 'used , to propel vessels. The writers of lite tette--;1"' less man iorty-nve inunons or gallons, wnwu i tuer vmu, we wrcn f win, unaer ( The amount of money annually expendeil t!,e ntem which" they, refer .tCprea Vi; for ardent spirits in the United States, U tLeX"d' r.c ,i . r i if i i i to tue steamers . - - ..- f i thirty million of dollars, which bears tn the - ; - . MARRIED, expense of inaintaiuiiig thegeneral govern i . i ,i .... j. A i iiwiiv m ail IIJ ill IU1 IMltlliai IIIC Ul DUlll LIUII I V ... . .y-vi . : v ' . 'Mitt k ? f iL c' .:. :l tn this county, on the l(Hh mst. Mfyl Jesse C," lKJ i..oia.c ii umcs Ttareden, of Gumb,Tland county, to Misi . Nanct V" the amount ot the revenue received into p stPnhMinn . AniAirne tntaK znnuT&tf?x the treasurv. arid npailv thrp liiiu1 ihp 1 son. esffc . ' ' r .. , u - - 'J "T. w- I J- amount expended for the support of the annual pauper expenses of the Union for jn, tue intemperate are also computea to be At the residence of John M'fielland Esq.? b&fU ' twelve millions of dollars. In one state, the loth-inst by Cot.'A'bnr 'P.Wldweil,, Oapfij fc iiuuuiu uu i. j a uuc uiuuaitu - unu sixty criminal prosecutions, had their origin m intemperance. 3fassadmsttt& Journal. i Urange County, on t!ie 17tnansj.-byth''k , Daniel G. . Ilauer. Mai r WillianKC5. GarrttV' o , to Miss Nancy M. Holt, youiYgsC dAUghlef Vf U' Michael Wolt. - - . .-V w- - 4 Besides, this JJuucan Hath borne iris facilities &o meek, hath been So clear in his great afftce, that his virtues Will plead like angels, tmmpet-tungued against The deep damn.itioi, ol las taking on. Abijah Smith went to the House of William White Esq. on Monday the 14ih inst. about 12 o'clock, andrpntmued there untd after m.dnight when the 'squire asked him to go to bed which he refosed to do. He was then told to go to bed of Tjoy home ; he refused to do either, with an oath, and commenced abusing Mr. White. He then ordered him out of his house. . Smith went out into the yard, and White with - him, where a Scuffle ensued, in which White received eleverf which were made deep in bis body so that he ami Students of the 1 heOiOgical Seminary. naa to De carnea into tne nouse. eto person iai rnnceioti, ne preacnea agamsit -reeus k si ti r j k k Tc,7r m; an i-ontessions of FaUh.J in bed i He lived hnt ahout 24 hours. Themur-I - It will be recollecte t byisome of our readers that the the offence of which Mr. Duncan is guilty, is, being called upon to deliver a discourse before the Directors 'Hi . ... derer has escaped. Smith is about 50 years of age 7?ic rhtladetpk i a Medical Journal Th) s p "vatuabie work, jist received, at J. Gales & 1; Son's Bookstore, contams amongst much other interesting naiWr, oriin commu nications on different subjects of tnedical science We are pleased to find amongst theui a valuable thesis by one of oir young townsmen, who,- since, the termination of ' his medical studies, has removed to South- Cai iina, " On the connection of other De pat tments of Science with, Medicine, em- broci ngan investigation of their tntluencer IriVc'rard to the modus operandi of roedi- ?. cines," by William' WShaw, MD Raleigh, iThis Essay, containing about 14 pages f the i Jourrial,is ivery elegantly written and is both erudite and interesting, trac ing the progress of the mind, in the ' im- . nrtvTirvfnt nf nipiliral nrMrtict.& its effects , on bodily disease; It, is graced from the the J ories ols Stahl, who inculcated the idea of a secret ana mysterious agent under tne title of Anima MedicaJ which was suppos til to lurk in some chosen niche of the sys len! to pervade its structure, which ljuardcil the;healthy fabric from the incUr- :lon of disease, or mitigated or repaired r-hat it: could not repel." This fojly of medical superstition appears soon to have .Jiassed away, and was " superceded," says ' the writer? ' by the theory of Bokrhaave, the distinguished advocate of the? principal agencyof.the-jutrf - in disease and their )jredoniinant influence in the Operation of remedies." "W e regret- that our limi ts V not per nvt even extracts from this, interesting pa per, which elucidates the practices of Bofi 371m; The Arkansas Gazette informs us that Col. D. BrearU, the Acent hr the Emi- Exccution.-T&ctih the slave of Simeon grating Parry of the Creek Indians, 'in Cochran, convicted at our last Superior kGerria arrived at Little Rock, on the 16th Courtofthemurderof William M, Marshall)! ultimo, accompanied by several Warriors was executed on Saturday last pursuant tojot the Creek Nation, whose obiect is to ex sentence, amid a concourse of three or four plore the couutry the which has been of thousand persons. At the gallows he related the circum stances of the murder, in a tale correspond-! sion ot their lands in Georgia, it is saiu, liberty mjr with that which lias been in circuia- tnat the Delegation appear to be so tar her. Thomas H. Condy to MfahIary Melissa vSteven! " son, of Iredell counryV, f f .m? - 11 J" -1 - DIED, In New York, on the 6th, Mr. Jamell Arattr. son, Printer, former pubKsher of the Nrrtli-Ca-". ' rolina Journal, and late ali inUabitant'tf Ui cUvt '-'r. aeci iiv years. Mr. I'attersoirnatl beei arijicte.l - LATEST FROM BRAZIL. Norfolk, Miy 21 9 A M. The British brig Speedy, Capt. Heppeu- f,r some time past, with a pulmonary complaint,' stall, in 42 days Irom Rio de Janeiro, an concluded, after all hope 'had vaniaheiofa recoV chored in Hampton Roads yesterday. In ery, to return to Easton, Pennsylvania, his native thp Sifpd v. whirh was fiMrf'rptl fur thi town, and had crot so far' on his wav home.Vwhpii nurnose. came nassemrar MrL Oliveira. who rrom ana tne xiisagreeue weather 4ics r r . - ,r n . .. must have exoenenced while at sMiwhirthIi lian Government, to the Legation from the ferimrs. -t Brazils near the Uuiteu States, and pro- On the niht of the 22d in3tinti In pxfdrdyiVt- ceeds tor V ashington this morning, m the tne -resilience Stephen K. Sneed, Esq. that Bin steamboat Potomac- gar oa woman granny Edey, (so called bjratl Capt. li. states, that there had occurred at the South, ol nnme nrtance since our last advic . - . inarKets were had been recen was down again corn were coming m iroin mew nouanu. endured th enmnliiol m'M , p ,1 i. , . I - L . - J 1 1 ......s . vi !.v j,v. - A vessel arrived with a cargo, in p days, she exhibited none of iu weakn TTiduh she-'H A nnlhinrl " vjv.rtivtv wmi ucri suppuacu-u uc -i ' IIUUIUII Dwar(Ja nf one htiltftlW! ? t.Mni HV - (jidie ira- ionff portioh of Which she was a mprnhf-r f th ' - e The Baptist 'denomination;- it yould Jje.vaiiTwere,! ): 'l - dull generally. rV ;uur to arxempi to aescnoe, tne ptety and christian -J tlv sold at 14 dollars, but I fortitude of this venerable monument of 4 t&if. ; - Immense quantities of ?r " STx l u , . VV r kt1 ii ii j Though this old womah had lost her sirht. aha f just before the Speedy sailed, and report- had been fcr a long period sUudingwith oho foot t -thnt ,thpp rarwnps wrp mi thr wav. - o the ocean of eternity, and the other unon ther. V ' ' r " T " J - I . n . . . - - ' J Two Chilian Krigates, wiiicli Had sailed s"re.?' never complains ot ber," from Va!oara,S tor the relief at the ttae-' i2u!!j! Z? J!TW.&.'- nos Ay reans, had me in coming round Cape with 600 men on boarc and every person perished back. No later engagements bet . . i maiwio ui uiauluuc lu liic iiiHi i ii . - n w a v Hiri inp . , - ' t with a rmstortune his mercy in redeeming her from the path's of am (lorn. One of them and death. - v 'ZZlu, !, was lost entirely, Considering the race to whichshebeldngfe 's . the other put cr nun,a,e sian m nrej snes a person i'.. r of extraordinary powers of imd, mVijoratedanVft f ' ween tne DCIIi- Uml conversation with pioui ministers and chri?'!,'V' Itered to them West of the lemtory gerents than those reported by the Moss, tians, who sought and delighted in her company1 of Arkansas under the Treaty for the ces- at Philadelphia. The brig Spark was at Indeed her beautiful illustration of christian failri 'r hut ihP t:ntin wmi ft not receive 1"" cuaruy, ner iorcioie wamingrs to Sinners; ana her pathetic appeals to Heaven in their behalfl J surprised every one who heard them.; --Among-Vpeoplc of her own coW, she was tkeoracletoiV . tion. Himselt and reter commttteQ the 1 pleased wtth the presnectsot the change, Cavtureof the Buenos Jiyrean Jang J- . i.l I J :t" aI. I. rrr n r I f ' . murucr ; uui iwu or iiiree wnue persoiisiauu uiai it tueir report continue to ue ia-i irar rampuru. are implicated as tar more guilty in thel vorable, it is prouable that several thoi niismpss. it. is unnp.cpssnrv rn mpnnon i sand inniana v i pmiantp in thp c,wt theirnames. Though protected by the poli- of the present year. Nat Int ' which was fitted out at Baltimore a few Thil!,pIePar-4 d i pny:itsinS, cv of the laws from merited punishment, I Irnon the execrations of the public will for ever! A large meeting of the friends of the been rest upon them. If he who murders a fel-1 Administration, was held in Baltimore on I mine low being merits ignominy & death ; what the 5th inst. The number present was! We learn from Mr. Force, who came maX ocneht those who are deposed to profit by U, adequate puuishment can be awarded to computed at 1500.- 'The whole chraol nagsenger in the brig Conveyance, arrived I Ve volce or PetopiiT.umaaed.v i i i i. f i e .i . . .-v... I!. .. -'. n ltuaus Vera acubaya i :u i .l l.:. ... .1. l i I i ' : tu.ii: " c r- . " -iii r A j: .r. i.i-.j -.i Pu .n a . . . .. . m r : : rt X a bait per cent, on the Capital Slock of lhU' nun wno, insieau oi leauing into pains oi ier or ine rneetiiiz says the mitimorelitt rlamoton rectitude a poorignorant wretch, depen-j Patriot, ' was highly satisfiGtory, and af-Uwo days from dant upon him, shall, by persuasion and forded the strongest evidence that the "bone I cresifof T , yesterday, in twenty- Gfo . r xt-ul: iS ' i'S 1' Cruz, that the Cou- 1 -" "i nuiui lyaroi ma,. , had not convened, as! Rd&h'9Mai 24; JLCST' f ' 4 . iwulvbu. i nata Uivii-nri of Th.i.. ;.t. umg oi uioou iiuu me jjiioo ou, preMsui , Aaniinisirauon, ana win give a Mr. torce leu Aiexicu, in consequence o? Bank, be, and the aame H bjfb-y declared foV 4 ' fAcre is a;i 7iCrcaer.HilIsboro' Recorder. triumphant vote for the re-election of Jrio. the non-arrival of some of the Ministers, theia Italf year, paydet IUliig-h; aii the fir l :"V ' Quincy Adams." We have not room for but would probably commence their session Monday in June next,-and at the "cvei Brarich. '3 , . At the Superior Court held in Person the preamble and resolutions adopted at the in three 1 or four weeks. Uur Missrs. csfifteen days hereafler. w rA'l county last week,the Hon. Judge Norwood meeting Uiey are firm but dignified and Serjeant and Poinsett, were iu excellent ? 'W 'H AYWOdp, CatMcr presiding, ' came ,on the trial ot otmeoi form a pleasiug contrast to the violence & I health 1 OXFORD; am 1 - . 1 r . I 11 . .na I - . Uocfiran, muictea as accessary before tne i abuse characienstic ot most ot the proceed- j The differences which recently existed fact in the murder of William M. Marshall. I ings of the . opposition , meetings : and no between Mexico and Texas had been arrao- t ne cjoucuor .ueucrw, .line r. iwauguw uuuui win exert a. saiutary mnueuce o:igea,ana alt expectations oi anarcny, arising jfTiHB rnenur and ' ixatnaniei, j. x aimer, eqrs, tor ineiiae pumic mmu in Maryland, i I rrom the tjlot headed bv the Friars, had! naneaare state ; A. D. Murpheyrand BartleU Yan-L , j . 'beehdisanpointed".' '. , J Examinationa l c fhllteb'to ctv. esas. lor.me bnsoner. , 1 , lhe Arkansas Uaztte ot ; the 10th ult. - - w..mu.v uuuv;,. It being necessary. to show the convic- confirms the account the entire disper-I We have advices, from Havana, by the akrributedon wk&frSMi.,;! tion of the pnncipal in order to put theUion of the Fredonians in .Texas A nura- way of Savanah, as late a the th icst I :v,aftertwlc1i'the!naiion of the 'Female ."r I ' ' i. j e-:' '.if 1j..i.I 4 tii ?iit It.- -i , -i . ,' -.jf t-v tr Male and Female Acadcmvi :i . ! d, Patrons of th hoTi Seitli. j r-;pectfuH invited td attend thft '4 flalarirl'thf. inJ.. hiQ f .1.1 . k a uitAMenplf . Inn IUa. ai An am K..f..An 1am mi council for the state offered as evidence of ot whom have been since released- and was knowu at Havana respecting the oper- cal exhibition, Sc.-on Thursday evening. .? that fact the record othe trial and con- most of the party concerned hadsought re- ations orihe' Mexican squadron,; except victionoottm luge by; aasty xetreat into Louis- what, was derived rom. &-erin pt. ?Stefffi5S aucn u,cfiucut uujcvicu w wu i AuaMu uoiouy nau reiuseu u 19 .join me 1 per.' a f esseii in a snort passage irotn j der'Jaeks D. Johnson;, villominencc on ilon r the part of the prisoner, on the ground thatl reyoluuunists, and , even '.tootL up, arms a- Itey West, which arrived on the "S0tfivlt. I day the tr aoa' . I ' ' ' the conviction of Scott was obtained prin- gainst them. , 1 I rei .- v ?-V -J 'T'Ai .BURTON,, Set. v s t cipally by ntgro testimony-Thedecision - ? f"r vc .,y.r:. UrfConT: iVteT,sii of the spmGat New fbrc i?acche7preparationf theterig? out on cruise. Oafrf WTSSiSoSS al Assembly prohibited the admission .ul which are waking at the Union Course.' ..for Spanish frigates had returned from off tLev 1 1 ueffrO. Ot Indian testimony. vtO the fourth 1 Ihrarp. &vhirhVVrimn1f'no Afhm"llv afrl IVt on.l ta nfUtfn tnr (k..'l.; I . .1 -s .-i.i.v r .i.JL: JJ j -j -K--''---, v v " "4- V ' - 1 wq.w, v uv.v vuuti wi.jian va , t"-iuuii, promise mucn port anu exieojiTej gates, syia me -iguc 'rvnucn was some icouiks jTn5 rsyxwaicr viaju., i-aM"

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