4 vf V;V;;y-v &,,H';r personage? he wa, practical .Statesman irilmAY JUNR 8; -loSr." V. before he heeatne President, directly qual- ' - - . - ified hv In hahf m thnnohf Jenrri nosition. We au Entity J tsf ate that -Joh ind ri4rimcnt; for the Vusiuess' of the ' - !..lv'j:a:v- ,k i .Cabinet When his correspondence sha.I m mwbjse,mi.,,i published, it will Mmcrcwvl mo aPItpoachi,nwletM.oir,'irorja ,,SMt.v,in, e ,ni(ei tWt;, (hi .-lf Gh more Chief House tf Ctrimon&tbf this couri iid de oerf vTtSX- yobBffjna9fw1i;i)!44W charakrfjQt that character; from liavinr presefiteil a d raft at OF THE TIMRS rttvshtirjc (Penn.) Sentinel. 2dain8 'and Jackson. O u ri h the1 late one$fe!j feW;f the friencll of the I . jo U 7 u- ir in ,un;( voiitii i iii. in v-" - . o i v1 v U - I Election t John ymricy stdams. l hev jf f; k i , i . j nxfti on Tuesday,, 2&J ot May instant, tor- ctmVietipiMn ilut:.hrAncIi;add to. its profit. bor lo jembMtk in. manufactures ".The Specie of labor which she;cankI(ne"cornr:an(!; is, too ex- pensive for n even competition with that flier sister-States-Koftb sof tlte Potomac ItJs $p cies of lsibor that raust; be: sapnorted at lfiitv ex pense vf its emptyer even ben .H fihn cease to be prodnctjiTej -and vrhicbi howerer urtfien some it may become; cannot be'shaken ftvtmtil ujsircss arm niinURTCOvenaK-en inose wiiw rc saadied witn it J eatize'd, by finding conceal - ed pojiUecd .a3 "cS1110 ; Stages nntes;;& Inchest lilth he had with him, ,n' rimniett ftt"or tniils nnd lnmlernc nrs lor hflUse&Mnira preparation ftjr extract iiio' inkJ'rQm; paper, &;c. It appears that tfeyiftiWeT was -genii-. i nr but the Iroolui tflisHTbeen al tered from .S5ipjcnifl4ffi3:ThUt the feajne rhanm lately' inipdsed forged checks on theracMj Banks at Washington and Richmond' for 86000 , each, bis person h h s ; bc rt f $e n fid by t li e Ca sh e r of fthft WashiriniiBanfc. . r j 'f Vfi ;ip sert t o-ayy from the Ba 1 1 i more Kpubticart; lheuflicial a'ceountof the pro cetd mg's o f 4 h e at kort Con v c ntion, Jutely , held in that city. ' ! : : A ' I et t e r; ' f r in At r. Maxey in the last Na t i (vnal I n t V) 1 i gen ct fy c 0 n t ra diets the ac qu n.i.p ,?in -a JeJf):e r from BaViimqre, ih- :sertepttiwr, lastrhichstates 4hat it- was ncreed' at the Convention, that Mr. Cal- iiothinp'Wjnuld not be held up at the nextelectiort "for ice-President. ?j?Tnce thelitff ..heavy rains, the Cane Fear t H.is nstn r a nfijui sreaTer man nas ueen ' liiqwn f(ir snme y ar past. InseMyVes Jl3 fn appointed Cor!cnnrrlhe Cp'Atnins for the distm t f NVHlk tfiK V'rmia, .in the place of the Ute B.yPryor, Kvi ' But if is saying too '.firaeb iwfethinlrVio argue that' the protection tbn offered tt domestic roa nufactiires has been injuTimis to the agtictirture of "Virfriniat on -the contrary, it has increased the demand for her products a great pnrt of whicbv if the population employed in manufactiitea were cultivating the soil,uouM perish on her hands for' want of consumers. This is too. clear to be misunderstood by the veriest ' tyro and we con ceive there Is more of fancy thn reality -in the argument, that thetprotecting duties ffre paid by the consumer : it is certain that we now mww acttire s cheap as the British themselves, most of. the articles of common necessity, such as such meet i tiff, and gae notice arcordiiiejv. 'i coarse cottons, hats, shoes, &.c. and do actually The li lends l Andrew Jackson, having unnerswi mem m me ioreia marKrx ; so uuu acertait ed the day on which the Adams :""y:.,u v'5. j 1 1 1 r it 1 iiiif uuiirs 10 uirse articles : iiiy iiaYe ejtiuucu meelltiwaS to be heldvhxcd te san.e th.y tje foreign manntanurer; it is true, but it is pos lor their ineelli.jr. Contldeut of iheir itivelv denied that thev have advanced the nrice to the consumer beyond what he w ould have been compelled to p:-y For the imported articles without them. We are decidedly of the opinion that-whatever pressure the agriculturists of the South may labor under at this time, they would be in a woi-sesituation without mHimfactures. ' Nwfolh Ilerkld. ;?r?r.futitfes jh'f the'Monumcnt ' Assnci- lion at Boston lvjvi vted unanimouslv to rveVthe attic of Washington placed in lit .' ' . : .'11'. inTitil A Preside tit judo-e of thef Cftiirt ' oC ComjnifVi Plea, in 13rd fortl County, has f peejn 'pp"W rectoy.Tn,rv.uoy! rnor ,jine 01 Ithei Sufiriptne couSyfPe nn sylvan ia, in the roour of ( r, d eel i n ed . 4. ? mire.'lfiesevv :.rfiie.r'whrclk tie fth'ou-it:tnj' late.if'he couhl cmnmunicale les secret of btingalwayifsisif? f-!Ye$-5repyedsthe,bld man -: iVcaft feach frcfu !ny:erretian4T V 'A 5 -' . .; .: '. . . . Rtrer.gsh, they 'wereainbriious t array their foret-s on the sauief'day, for the sake of ciunparison. ihey rude 'the townships, and used every exrrtion Ut bring out tht ir forct s. The day arrived ; both parlies as sembled ; and the Jacksnnites did not a- mw'Unt to more than one-'hird of the num ber of the friends of the Administration. " New York, May 30. We have received Tne Adam meeting was the most hu- by the schr Hunter, from St. John's N. B. n erous political meetiii" ever held in this papers to the 15th inst. inclusive. The County, not withstanding, it rained nearly he Star, of that date, contain a petition ;f whole day. If these things are iny sign the Chamber or Commerce nf that cry to of the times, Pennsylvania will greatly dis- J the British Government, on the subject of appoini ine nopes 01 uie jppusiuufj. line dhiimi vYrsi-inuia isiaiMis uiiij; sup plied with American produce throu..h lor Administration Meeting in Maryland. feign West India ports. The petitioners, A very numerous meeting of citizens j represent that, if this circuitous trade be friendly to our present National Adminis- permitted, it will operate greatly to the tranou was held at Upper Marlboro , prejudice ot the ltntish Colonies. andsre- (Maryland,) on the 28th May, when a commend the Government to prohibit (ex- Preamble, and Resolutions were adopted 1 cept in extreme cass; the entry otany U. without a dissenting voice. The Hon. produce infn any Bnlish port or place in Samuel Sprigs:, late Governor of Maryland, the West-Indies, from anv port or place was call eu to .toe cnair, anu rmiemon wnateyer crjusn or foreign nouin oi uauiax. hew appointed Secretarv. Gov. Sprig, J. Johnson, Esq. Col. W . D. Beall, Col. Edmifnd B. Duvall, Hon. Robert W. Bowie, Wm. T. Wooten, Esq. and Dr. Da id Crawford, were elected to represent Pi inctf George County in the State Con vention to be held in Baltimore on the 23d of Juiv next. 4 ',. .4 Ib.hVffi taf report, rerer, tfy publish ; t-jpseciling the flforris Canal ", of New -vJVeyifit'prs'.ttiVt- work will fin'h ed'Ht the course' of ihe next year. It is in 'tehdFd tn fiidopt thc-v sVstem of inclined planes; instead, of locks ,to surmount the grea t es.f p4va insp j XI e e;x pen se i s su ppo- sd to be fy ss; crul the avmg ot the time very " , 'it v. if 'Racing. Our neighbor Mr. W.R.John- son, tpjiears to have made a most success ful campaign the present season in N. Yr.k. Besides the match race, for SS000 aside, which he won on Thursday wtek, he has taken three other days at ilie Union Course Long lsiand, where 'he regular.races be gan on the 28ih ult. First, the Jockey Club Purse of 8800, four mile heats, his mare Sally Walker - beatirg he Jersey norse lance and J ew-1 rk mare aannette se A man with as pure a head, and as pure a heart, as ever existed, (Anderson, the author of the work on National Industry) denounced that species of impolicy of whcih our Statesmen iiave been guiltr, that is, assuming a hostility ot interests between manufactures anl agricultuies and cearly predicted its ruinous conseqences where ever the baleful idea prevailed : ' To am at separating1 the interest of manu factures from that of agriculture (said he) is like endeavoring1 to separate the shadow from Us sub stance -and every attempt to do this, as h is at the same time. foolish and unjust, must end in the disappointment of its projector, and proves detriment to the interests of those very persons it wan most intended to serve. Never was a prophesy mofe completely fulfilled than tin? has been anion" 1 he farm- ers, and planters, and merchants of this country. All the 'desolation that has so .with-great facility itu consists of.xnoJhin more tnan,inapcimaxing4 1 ngm Ttseni 7' eJs V fif3 liriend :;bffged,hia to ex plain hi msel Lt ? ?KI ost wil i ngly, ? retu rned the Bishop 'Zifa whatever state4 Jiam,, ! first of all IoplC' ptQHeayen, tfiat my principal bu sinesi h e re : ia, to get there t.X then Jook-down upon the earthr and call t6 mind how small a pface I shall occupyjrpit whf ji I icome to fee4 interred I then look abroad . intr the world- and ob serve what tntiltitudes thlieUrewhd in allj respects more unhappy tharfrnyself. xThus I learn' iwhfc true happiness is. placed, where all our cares must end, and wbt lit? tie reason 1 have urepine o$ cumplain.' v In the summer of 1 800, Mr. J. Q. Adams then minister at Berlin, male an excursi on through Silesia and visited the .Grant Mountain, the highe.strland in Germany.-r It wus the 1 ustom -of -travellers, after thev hud visiied it, to write their .names ami some heotiiiient in a book kept in a cottage on the side of the mountain. Mr Adus was the first American.; that hail ascended the mountain, and he thus describes his sensations : . Sentiments of devotion I have always found the hrt.t to take possession of the iftmd on-. As cending lofty .-mountains. 4 At he summit of the Grants's ht-ad, my first thought was turned to the Supreme Creator, who gave existence and liberty to all the objects that expanded before mv view. The transition from this idea to thvt of my own relation, as an immortal soul, with tlieatithor of Nature, was natural ami immediate, from this .10 the recoll'sct'on of mv native couiw try, my pnrents and my oriends, there was bat a single step : From lands beyond the vast Atlantic tide, Celertial Freedoncrs blest abode, Panthrt' 1 climb'dthe mountain's craggy side, And viewed the wond'rous works of Nature's God. , t ; , . Where yonder summit peering to the slties Beholds the earth beneath it with disdain, O'er all the region round I cast my eyes And anxious sought my ruttive home in vain. And to that native home which st.ll enfolds Those youthful fiiendshipsto my soul so dear, Still, you my parents, m its bosom holds, My fancy flew, I felt the starting" tear. Pi-grim forbear ; still upward turn thy miod, Look to the skies, thy native heme istliere." ' tiy, w.u Le.iHl ltvlhe Office oCdi Jircret iryiV " of -State 011 Tuesday veioRH-xt; atolock.' . , rt A pum fualatienftanc is mritVd.V ;f tc'j: -, at the CotimVflonrt of iv.iItiM tZ:L: 2cm he . t hirt: timWJ latof tb City of Ralei-h, aod thcrWoiWreqrtWsia i: -alt peiwns -indebte t to the, Estafqf saiil bi V ceased iftfofteW i and pay.thaVmamVVI ' alt thoat havfng'claims against sd '1Sta'tv f ' - fllffAT IlbdeKrlf tbe'subscriberuallfied Executof tb last Vl wm ana . tesumf nt ot Josiatb Ujifliard; deceasetL v thenticared vithmthe time pncr3ivl ,V for pay roent, 4aerwlsj this' noticed wiTl V uituA' 3 1 in bar of a reepvery." ! ,i , . iykreonniyM&y 2J.n I T0.4ttilP 1 - Conrt nfjEfiulty Spt)ngiTcr;.l$3?'.v,f i ' . The CmVitjors .-isf William iliutSfi &-Athert;.f - Tin: becrte of hcVtotoren.IUr i this! cuitsV. ItsivfhV beenrri5ll t!.' T it. fp r V ti'"?- pfthe Court f ?iotu;tv, foTWake:caiiitVvie v the Commissin'tters shall .procetsl'to sell oit " jremis.es,Tii ihc unrot alegU, Ontuesday tq ' d' 2hr of duly, .that well knowfi anr ry -alua&!et;' - me lujg-e.iiptei, longing to,- luffiti."' TtipoprttyhasrfcVin ' t- Teal estate. 'called tl the laTe VfiMiani It so recently in market and jiarncujirly descnhetlTv that the Commissioners ?drem'!iV uhnc"ekHamto ;K say mofe t'preseut lljan that it is jwtVamtag'eoAs lyyituated,.w.jellfimpim'ed, and possessed of nu. I ' ny advantages any otliprlesialishmentof ,f v " the ki"d in thfe put hern Countryf'ToW Jnir'te U , the 'attention Of straiger who cau'sec mJltljjeKt lor inrfnf ivf s." i j 1 ;i erms of Me--.Otie.two- anr the vanf 4 V. stalments, secitted, bhonds, to fcarry JmflVesV i - from the day of s'.le, will "b "required. t V V'"1""' x Tlierfr kfe siilf iihsiilit, S0 or 40 1 .eifr aWrFr- niture, belongint to the EtabR&hmenLThTcKs will be offered for sale imrrie'diately aft;f th'catfe '- ' of Uiefloteh'Ttw 1 :.-r . -L'a $ 5.vtT;u 'r H. M. MlLLKlt, V H. is? laWgh. N. CI J u rie 6. ? ' ' I S Tl ' ' ' '' '.- " QiV 1 Oi r. lim nr.r K, S. "-.'- d citizens, though of opposite were given without -.ny, vahkbM.rsideV. I he . latter, on the contrary, condly ihe IVoitrietor's Purse of g500, his hors Trunipeter beating Philo-Deperier I often, within the last 19 years, fallen so and Jj.-tdy rlmt thirdly Colt sweepstakes' ' heavily on those three classes, has arisen of SOO his colt Medley, beating Mr Jones'? colt Flirt with ease. ret. Int. New Lamp. It is mentioned that of the Lames without wicks lately introduced fiom ''separating the infer est s of mamtfac tures from those of agriculture"- in other words, from perniciously; neglecting the wise admoniuon eo'sveved in the fable of " the Belly and the Members. colbert. ' There i 3 diffVrenee, si vs Dr. Aikin, between taking a part, and becoming a party man' The former denotes only such an occasional, or subordinate interference in party affairs, as is consistent riot only with due attention tonne's private concent with a preservation of the ordinary course of society and civility bet neighbors ai opinions. signifies snrh an attachment to party, as influences the whole character, and ives the tone and color to a man's conduct through life. It is the ruling passion ; and like aH other passions, scorns, the con trol of gowl sene and moderation. To point to a single person under the'full do minion ol it, wouict be sumcient 10 warn you of its -baneful efficiency, in poisoning the comforts- or life, debasing the moral character. PRIVATE SOflGOK Rs. iruM&ii'EN win vopeit ' Vini ;feV;i JJA. young- Children at her Sclfootopnt oh i l t ay euevuie street on. Slonday the 2iih mstf nWr f. V - Raleigh, JuneS.l -jj. 7) .-'j ffTtE oersigexl hatin'jpVtheYrvmri' , fi hand to Williwu How'aixli of Gtiilfjntconnt N ' North-Garolina, Assignee of .Sidney.' Ported 4A sigiu e of Moses Mqndenhall, one forfifty doUavs. .'. 'k ' ' I uimc me im n jauuarv. ic.s. ami Jinf.hn ' . Si thirty dollars; - payable six months after theVst 3 ' inter- of Jatmary, 1828. The piblic V.?e 1 caiitiortetl r ween , 'gainst trading tor said notes or enher-oftitentfaa - - - 4 . ,, .......... j iinvii uir, wiiCTUil MVS 'i it appears that the .invenJioa via'slhit ot unothe'-r man, though the fact wa then" unknown to o' -v The undersigned are no certfin, wjtetber the.t notes were made navahl signt es of Sidney 'Fort Me to William lTnW i j- i lone, or to Wm:;lIonal &.-J: j. 'M. Lindsev, X.' -V J ter. ;. j r- ,f7 . 5 J oh ti M 'Queen - v5 V ? ' v j. cmvtrrunir. 1 tinurraute, iii.i vurue "Bn nuoscnoer in contemnlatidrf -nf : '-Ti ri'; here. 5.700 have been sold bv one dealer 4- ' ? I ...z.u wi ' w.wi r...... ..,:!,.... l-vl -mnval tA k tvi"'r,i:i r:- vv.j - 1 - in ftry-eiglit hours and that large orders The great land ccwe.-This cause involves the .. jves vio-or of frame and trannuility & Cot trt'ofOxfbrctohicbw have been sent to PhiluuMphia where the title to-a very large part of the lands m the: conn- f . . .;,b , ,rUar(iian of vouth and ed. abo.tit 100 Acrea-of.4and 5tJiTferrti:iyitiV ? .0' patentee resides for more.P In a family, ty of Putnam.and a considerable tract m that of ' jf w.tlihvmile8.?f ,h one of these lamp, has been used for se Ru;c f 0, tZtTt !d.aR 1 itii.iiiiiiiii.i 1 alien 1 r mill Mitini v v .1 - nil. w 1 : f.--.i.ii. iaiiii nil .111.11111 .la iiit. m.iji 1 iv w in iinfri inn . m . 1 n ..a 7 v . . - j ----- - . . - . - .1 j vi'vi.ukii.. .wi uai iiuiLiiii-' ciirRii-jriTirin May 19. - Fanjly. Mtrh. of the 'North-East.-On the Norfft'rjEasf, Rrpfessor Ik it t he 1 1 found nnne of the Sh,eli Baiiks which occur upon the" NitjMVeSt Branch cf the Cape-Fear. There is plenty of. shell limestone, contain- ing some tinies large iniermixiures or ciav a"tid sandvJind such therefore as would cot. stilue a true Stone Marie, were its decom position more .1 rapid. . But it resists the "action nfftl.e- eathe? bmg, that it can eer 'b entlf)ctairfert i I ixer- of land. "There are however bipds of Marie of a,dif- !(erenf-descfi))hoh upon this stream, which, ijtixpecteil wilfjri rove' not less valuable 'iao)ioset:pon the North-West.' On ex aniiliing this stiream'a littfe 1elow the vil 7 -iage'of Smith-Washington, both ' 1)1 tie a in I Cvlute'i In its banks . Tliisi?. a rich Marie, .not mt.re-1 hati: one-fifth part of it being Carbo nate, of Lime. It is the same kind- that 1 i es hetu w"-1 lie ishel Is in the nfatu ra I well in 'when -ifemrpyvn nut tlpou the soil,; even t lift '-heavy ,deyy is'sutRcient? to act upon- it, and'fumble,it to powder, so that its fer- -til izi ttg' effects" are i mm'ed iately f e 1 1 . That atAVjisbtngtoii also forms the perendi- vcuiar:mkspf the can be 'taehii'ifo'toaisVfofr transportation, either i irrlr dnwnV.--a& read i! y as if it lay on the ;i4vfiaff$tV.liAr ;V,:'tnigenef1.il'ijl jhe batiks ofjhe s re ams ; and ryersS thatHnust be searched .for Msyle t: ;TUuse,arVg, of f hm v especially lw here tiney present perpenoictnar.oaOKS, exnioii "u;g the nature of the suhstinces" of "which t hry. a r? com posedV i 'lh'e m ode tf' t rave I -J :'. ln.? lne Professor Vas tint snited to this roatl rnns fre- ;J(9uenily,at soine distance from the' rjver, i and (o be coiiiinully 'turning into iti soioe . times without being rewardeil wilh any t discovery, is extremely irksbme, and the numerous k creeks, branches and gul lies, rerifderjit quije impossible to keep down nearjhe,watp proposes,1 during -the Su -Fear hi a boat,i when h.e;hope to i be able ' a r 4 .' i " : - t : ' t . - yeral : nights, and an experiment made by an exact measurement of the quantity of oil. consumed in this, and in a v.ick lamp iffr single burner, and the saving of the oil uy the tormer found io ne-nearly tnree quarters. In' the -use of the glass tube for seven nights it did not appear to be mate rial ly clogged . JBust, CentinaL Subjects Astor huvine purchased a supposed reversion, in these lands, contends' that the parly who were the subjects of the confiscation possessed only a life estate nnd that therefore the state could not convey a fee of the land to a purchaser. At the last session of ihe Legislature an act was passed dated April 15,' 1827, by, which a soit of compromise was tendered on. the part of the state to Ator and his associates. The first section of this act recites the corvfis cation of the lmds by the attainder of Roger Morris and Mary his wire, and the claim of As tor, and proceeds to declare that as the lands were purchased umlerthe faith of the sfcite, arid are much improved and become verv valuable, justice requires that the possessors should be quieted ani connrmed in- the enjoyment ot their property, The r.rinl sprtinn njirfc. that if Astnrnnd ht ......r..... k , I - . " . . .r? u- V u lv-' u 1 " " H " ' i associates accept tne conditions proposed m mis phasis he ought thoroughly to understand M.ft. wc fiuiiuiioij, ui uwiiuvvi.c v. wiuuii sia mw.nus aner us 111 ,haf 3 U cav hi fullv nerenadeil of hondsforthe nerformance. andexecUtea re ease u,t . "1-. w V - as well as the body, the tutelar goddess of or me premises is not given, as.lf is presumetl i ;s he-it I th, an universal ineuicine oiiire. - j v"v jTuwuucMnjus .i purchasing', wiii taXe " SS IVm ..Tmnlf Skrtrhr an Vnrinus occasion to view them. C V-WI'l JOS t-.rai.viir county, ilan. 28 J8, i82r: S54tf w"1 Comfort. It is a great mark of the cor- A" "AJr00l ardjng'MacH PROHIIjO'I ORY DUTIES. It is known to our readers, (say the Edi tors of the National Intelligencer,) that we have" been averse to prohibitory duties, and to any tariif strained o higli as to im pair the revenue : because we have not believed thai an adequate protectioH of our iujiikmi ur out nam i oiio .iai-iiujjiii as ouw in operaiioo a poyian S 1eep f.i vet1 ' humble us extremely, and excite the exer- Mills, lh (iyO cise of our reason to a nobler and juster T7 OOL Card'e'd by aMaVhinej will enable1 our sense, that we cannot see the use and plea- M farmer's wives foftaVe: more than-Kalfthf ' - ' sure ot our comiorts, out oy tne want or ioour, aii to mnice a nnerana an evener thrtcuV : them. Penn. an? : consequently morfe jaiclothr; ' n t i , u Wco1 ,n Pacers, wjlf be : received nov"1' ' Oraor.--The great rule which the rna- an.s residence, near llafelenijbtheUchSe ' ters of rhetoric press much, can never b'e and brought back,-free -.of Any' exne! t;efotffcni4' V' remembered, that to. uiake a man pjort l-r o lr ...all t.nl rti i ri 11 ii iivtth n " et'n tl t tm- I V enou'rn rtation. Samples ,of ; Rolls may - beseenv Atf ' " itlia'ms8 Drug Store in' Kalelgh.' ' " 'y May 4. - - - ' rVjyX t-: V5tt"(i?Vv.?. tu i iui, njsif inore. .ample ae tails nan ne-nas j etbeeh able'lo coll ect.pj ' 1 r : ; IVe have IwiTnt, -with ;caLisn9that aftr fryqnent corf eVenccf, and tue int'ercrangel of Se vtral official Vnte between Mr. Clay jind" Itbelkvthe CtiafVe & Affaires of theEmpcror ira?o, auci ePtHnatwis and assurances have" b r n hr.de . ii if pi eveutii' lteidccurreppe'at It o'clc janeiro eiKUvugering ttie-peace tirr.barmcj- ihe revenue derived from imnosts. But we do not, on the other hand, denounce all legislation directed to Ihe important pur pose of fostering and protecting our tlo- mestio nianutactunng industry and we are therefore sorry to see our friends, with that ardor of feeling which characterises the South, often running away with the question: info an unreasonable' extreme. From a just objection to monopolies,' they are seduced uuo an opposition to any ta duties, anil to all regulations which iiranv manner affect the pursuits of pri vate industry. In their impatience of what they conceive an oppressive. policy. they spurn thematler entirely, and will. nsreu to no argument on it j not consider ing thai, if we have not a tariff of duties qu-jin posts, we must certainly cohie. to have, a. tariff of duties of .a tnutb more, odi ous sort, levied directly instead, of indi rectly, upon production as . well as upon n;on sum ntion. ' - -' - -. ' . ' i ..The folhiwiosrcalrh and SensibleTemarks fromthe Norfolk. I erald, stvew, we think, :; r - ' t ' 1 - . l " . . '" 1 . 'i i il . conclusively, rnai mere are iwosiaes to me question, even for Virginia Statesmen, arid we commend t he therefore,' to the calm consideration of our Southern friends gen erally V' V;',; v'1 v ": v i ftlti ' he abstract r- there b no doubt as W the, ruth of this position Virginia as are all her'slsr ter Stater to the South of her, is entirely an agrir? cultural State, and.wbatis worse, neither sue nor of their title to be retained or delivered up as the ase may be, the Attorney General shall use his efforts to hasten a decis'on upon the mer its of the cl um either in the action now penning in the Ciraiit Court of the United States, or in any other action which may be brought against the present tenants. And m ease of a final deci sion of the Supreme Court of the" United J5 tat es i- 1 1- . a,- f- At ...J. in iavour or saia Asior, or ouiers claiming uuuer him, the. Comptroller shall pay over to the said Astor or others a certain amount of stock of this State in full extinguishment of their claim ; viz. $450,000 in case-the Court shall be of opinion that the said Astor . is entitled to the- lands toge ther with the buildings and permanent improve ments, and $250,000 in case the Court isofopin ion that he is only entitled to recover the lands, . 1 I 1 ' " 1 ' . . A on payment tgf sani DUiiomgsano improvements It is provided," ho we ver thatde fore such certifi. cateS of stock shall be isftred, rejease withpo-. per covenants said Astor and It is also prov ejectment, shall be prosecuted to final judgment by the -plaintiffs intheTCircuit'Courftif the Unit ed States, that -the judgments shall be carried tip to the Supreme Court of the United States, and the judgment in any three of the stud five suits sliall be decisive in tavor vt the title ot As or and all that' he says, be fully persuaded of , ' AEYwlfR'R UYIV- L : - . it, and bring himself to have' ihise affec- .rpjiE Sabib'hVa'aofidf reTryififoin'' 1 tiohs which he desires to infuse iti to others. X Cashoke to 'Wyiriojith iWlandvCoifvev.;f: ' He that is persuaded of the truth of ' what ance from Caslioke to Webb JPerrfn Salmon he says, & has a concern about it in his own Cpte: Persons tiavelKng- betweeq; Edenton- r mln.f vif! nrnnni nw with n-Atnrl vtfhe. " "V . yw .uxu.uie aisagreeable-' u.,.,vr ... p.-. - nws ot tne long nd tedOTUwaterfta!ji ,dt" mertcetlmt is lar more lively than all tne vectly acrnssUe Sound, by-way pt tbe mouth if strains that art can lead to. An orator Uoanoke River. 5 : ':$ri$' ,i t " mast an honest man, and speaJtalwaVs Ccnsideri til the rtaih Jaml . fety xnT tht.i" on the side of truth, and study to feel all r?utpaii'd'n? nt,e Son!; wber- that he says, and tlien he wilr speak it so as to make others feel It likewise-C&m- &J 'Jcnred;-,;f when cenerallvJrnnwn ; Will Ki M.r j . . bray $ Dialogues upon Eloquence.. , .The charge for th-Terriage will " be ilxtv , - peals, and I tor the conveyance by land, fifty centl ' Mar h 28. THrtM aqri wic: DIED, Vfi At Philadelphia, Y whither he had gopefor.tbe proui()iiwii 01 ins , ocaiiii, j uii iiuuuv : evening last, at six o'clock, Abraham Bradley-, jr. l.sq .1 W-A-NTEO v V v -y I .1ju:l enh ,f'nf A Krahir Hi-ji1v tTar,1 fTA cuclI - ....... . of warranty shall be, executed by ",7; ... rv nTZiinf intend others, to ihe neonle of the state! ant Potwttr General,) m the o5th year of Ins Sodety ided, that five cfiflerent soita of a&e;f c... lli" Iv-'-'mtm "IT 1. Al IIU3IVH, .Ml VBT lil, IUC .1 UU. , J1J1UI1I 1 . I . BvCDPr rr-. Cui?U3 jo take charire of : Xic the School ondentbe patronage and s jer-V- , Philips, in the 78th year of his are' ' Covcrhor Philips' had been remarkable, dui life, for the . act ivev discharge .of of gobdcitizeni -bothiia private and Pk fleeted lie fife. He- -waa for eleven successive years 1 l rf;,. r It will be expected that WhoWet- l -dertite " to teach the Chddrefishairbe -compet - t. to in- roSvA. ? , 1 t A , - l, y ' '1 struct incur n ue JTjainientS ot the F.r - '-'i ! - Philips ltad been remarkable, during a loeg 1 ,tI . vr'1, 1 1 ... . v . ; . .,,0. , 1 eruase, the common rules of Anthmti .itv;;-: r lite, lor tue acttve aiscnaree -.01. me amies cn .MtiK.,iiln, -1? s. .r .., '. V they can, for at least many vears :enter .;exten-4 sivcly . nto- manufiTctuf es Uine-tenths: cf her population:, arecdepe'ndeht solely-4 on"agricuhure, which: must languish in a time of profound peace, J when foreign nations are raisuigiuiugti' ;to,sup pi v; their owo waitf wlthln themselves and jeytn. ellingheir surplus ptoducta of agriculture low er thaq shVcah affordtliemrlf YirginiaVthen, could withdraw a considerable part of her capital ano jnuusuy irom aCTiCTiiiure,- autt i-employ u T . ... - mm , a. ' .1. a PMnmAnnT.AUW , . - . e .1 J J -.t. ' I LJCUVCiuv uuitiiiui ' UMUiCi (Viiuiiviiaoiiuk his associates. It is further provided that" noi . -'i ' --J. r a ' jd,ent tbU be conclave vta t the Ut. in wnica me jLuraissaora niiie ur Hia i iuc . . ,,v a::. lands sliafl have been received in evidence. , . . 1" ""T.- ZWZltl "LETl The third section enacts that the. certificates I v - .. - A . M1Mt r hole period of Governor S ?tff nefe ' At!iVft 1j catett x tne.expence of the Society. 1 ' ' j SSS'SS&S: Asmatt dwelling attached toiheWl onV , nebroftl dertakea i of the stock-shall l-'i.sued.c. m.tbe fanner Xh cr; cureeteaoy. arw. - - ,Mduitf, fiaelity- good judgment: lle9 HrV ." ' appears aix iuomi. iw, " 1 1., ;fet;,,.F oW"h t mAmt " " ' v i:- - Arird:lastre'jdI6wedfoi -the acceptance ofT-the -11777" JTrVr comprome offered by this act We are ,rfortn- f long time habitually devoted much the approaching trial is brought on to enable liim the better to'u'nderstand whethet or "not It is for 'Slblen q tost, i.VS ; his interest toraccept it N Y.-.Even. .Post: Always t fa2.An "Itali fiiruvoiett tni bua:hr.manr"T3ifficulties with out repiningi andjmet.with much oppositipo Tf tliiiwo;iunniertft.ifcu."i ata industry trom agriculture,- auaeropioyjvi , tjie discharge pLblS episcopal Junctions, ?T - - T V---'rr" tnanufactures, site would open a valuable source .:tVt''lPtvinhc- feast imnaiience.- wdlbelamen: The :i6 f Mt witjuij henelf bhShS Ittiil 1 .ntr;iiu,jifctf.-'inrt."-;.-kw-. of :his time and luuCh of his property, to the re- c A "'At -ST-.L i uuutsr. Wing of the distresses of h&fellow'-inen, by.U JS0- .Vap ntaini! 2 j monliWalcoutributwnstoWbl chArities, w jfjl!? rW9 weVw-iOfif . wellU pyequally liberal private acuW ch -2? cent -0 cent.; Treasury. ote a small .. rity; and to the promotion of usefullind benevo- f1 Jote ttf fhompionea-.. Ur KU. trt h-:feTrtn f ihV n.MM ft fo $2ft payable jopc day after tTate, a Judi of exlucation, and oftooral andfeligioiw improve- ment atdTOm? other accounts and Tapers cfno f Wnt;:Hisdeatbiuerefow7be -eM-;Jri-;-, 3: tbat'of a distinguished. piblie 3b"e'nefacto'kml : ?l M P5,n wb?' eUfccc !a will be lamented :as the loss of one of the orna- W? i willmjoij .n tti'apin it eon- . wents of our "Society, arl oneof the brightest fi10 ftrrtj.jf"." he may ' patterns of th'eUristian Tirtuc- jt,; rf' , yl6.:C3 3v;

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