'I 1. "''ifirali'dftondirjafcfl Lottery Wasbipgtdii' QUy Louisiana; , . U'ttfpan in JFdsMn&nsjmt7ieM$tQcti 1827; ,;: ; V c ; . . scheme. rcJ-:' fv ? 1 Prize W SOOOpUl Prizcof 5,000 - -:;r;50O:M::i,o8o "-5 V'-W 50fft b5': VrS40d , mo; ;od7ov:'joov Tickets 86,'Harf S3, ftbartet Si, 0. t L VV 1 Tjte NyW-York4 Lottery, ; . "; Capi taf PrizV6oW Dollars, t " ; ircihia lateLbtteryi '5,000. ilo11.wl,600,'Ull.'il,224 dolls. Sjor tne benefit Wihe,I)tswai S wamp Canal. f i M ill be drawn in Hi (ihinond, onrWednes juOODMollsS, rrT;ckts ?5,,Half do. J"-5U, Quar.-do.,? 25. era; 'Capital Prr - I Prize iM:iiXiVrtMi ' . : OQQi :V:y: "y 2,000, ' , 10; : . &c. &c. : vTicketsGdoH 50. ) , Orders, trom any tt.ot the United -States, ? ur.lt?sinir the Cash or JTize.Iickets (post paid) : : win he erviPi,onipriYai!ef!aeu to. u noares. teville.' IE::Co'ppn carried on in JL ' Raleigh;: by jranis nf. Keeaerv.& jo. was dissolved on the ITth Jan.-1826. '7 iVi K. SMITH. i ?iAisr.' 28th. 1827 V-.- 95 TqStaimmerers. XI EV. THOMAS P. II UKT. Acrent lor Mrs. V' JLiLeigH and Dr.. C C. Yates, for the States A f North Cftrfliia and Virginia, resides at, the t Brunswick Mineral Springs, Va. 40 miles South ) of Petefsbuifir i Letters ;(post paM) directed to -tinct" articulation-,'' &'e.;'tie' ' ifoUuwiag.. certificates '"This rs to certify, that i have bee it afflicted witli 44e;distasie of siutlteiririg ever, since my, remetn - now on 'ft visit to this place. la a few hours I wa ceniby relieved, . and x to-tay, 1 can read and speak as fluently- as most of men, I are firmly con vinced that it is impossible fpr me to stutter; If Twill ontv ttse; Mrs. ieighs remedy, and that it win oc my own wuii, ii I ever stutteT aeain. Orange JCmmtyi X: C- Jttty ,. ':t "DaVid... Kai"'; am.tWowabou't".. S-.yarso1l. l had been from my infancy a dreadful stutterer, ; beins: obliged to'1 kick and jerk myself, often- v times,, all yerthe, Tpoin before I coukl get out a I r.1' wordJ But 1 don't do so now. VfVave been 'in structed bj tlie Hev Thomas P Hunt, in Mrs ter attendingeohly four days; ,1 can -read and - Speak as other meru I .am confident t-liat any ? iienilv, by?the simpleand rational systemof Airs -till! " -'. ' ; 1 " V ';- . ' ' ' -S'l irlTT V A V' v t j -ivrv s. . 5,'l'am now .nearly fifty-two vears old.' From my ifferst recollection I was a stammerer. "Oftentimes -1;could scarcely .speaii at t all Biit 1 am'nov re T lieved by the Revd. Thomas IVtlunt; On the; -third day after! visited him, J. could 'read aloud . (;4 'coropany ,iU Srfect '. ease'iid,Hflttncy,: .a ; - thing 1 never cpukfdo before. i know that there M no danger 1 of y stuttering again; 4f I pay; the slightest atvention toyMrs igh's; System, and d sincerelybe4iveithat any person may be scared, who will try the same,,r. ' - ' ' ': . v; ' i VV1I T T Alfcf T A T MVP I ;iv:s yfy IMsboi'ougfc& CJufy 21 v 1827.: I ...; i JHns is'tbceruly tjhat'i liavei been ; afflicted member. : : I am now upwards of forty vears old rand Jhad employed jthe usual means of curing impedhnvntt! of.STjeipch vwithout ay. permanent , leiiefi tf4 tt-haye now beenunder the instructinu vof thev lliom vJavsi ; atut ani ewusidelrablyl imnrov5d--K much ?W ;eiverMv iqrpeadnd tread luently; 1 lam C and !permaitentW;uwd-fi nerm: - -.t'-t. X ...vi -f- ,i ri4.MWKCAtNvJr,l- vtisllp niy atlve ,been ntadei ao qtainteH witli Doctor' itroamy'ssystem bfr Uut fronithe 'simplicity Tahd "pliilo 'jswni, oeireve mat i, win nu can uo tor v Doctor Utoadman is. certainly jghorant of Mrs.,1 ?-eglrs System. jOt if l.e is acquainted with, i yanmyr o7f tAtn . JItrSCain' had remained v j patient must bring' youcners oi. a goou ci.arac ' ' tefyty lor the; ; sa tisfaction of J persons affl ict eil ' with: the disease of stutt erin sr.' , lispi n p;, " i ndis brance. i am now aoout twentj' seven years oia. " On yesterilay I "attended Mrs.-Jeigh's agent, the tcevi i nomas tv- num. oi wrnnswiCK va.. w no i J.eigh'aystem of curing impediments of speech. sf'flle nrsV day I quit kicking, the second day 1. V.sbegaii to talk and read with ease!: and now, ; af Vmniftt-i.rf.dv &rrirt :K Atrs iJVi pivoN rroui v ashtirctn'ti to the mouth of the Eo f anfjears that out of twenty eight recent t.e'wOT of a'perfectf and tomac, lie states is 'it least 100 miles, ?0e t wcuty-five patients were recovered! SW navigatioh tedious and intricate, and fnnn tKe tail given of the treatment of pa, lW'a!d.Alt . .. . . yL iientsst tins instttutiun, it aDnears that the i.vy Vv.:m.... . i . . . . y "v . .- i r -. y t . " t . r w. mptlimi i in some resiert nw- I n i . JeiS'u s svstcm'-l uFtlier sav. that he it it cure ( tiipnr.p tn AiiTiaijrwift. 14 nnntil ha inilPR. Hi ..... . vis tnecteufc &.navr.tt ami ot its permanency, f itijj:-niipeo!iciMkut iccci-uiit x nave ineu ii 1 Hiid receiyetVoobe'f f'Mm tlt.Tlii tliave now beeumade acquainted systeni by 4 het agentthe lldiotnas ""tldatrof Dninsick; ?Vart haVe iot!itrietl it .ong enouga iu say mat it wui certainly cure me; in:, ttt winch rt fiat done (lbr, others, and that! wUte cured by ti'if it operates as I Have every reasfintobeliivefit-w.il. r ' ?J lielcft meenlire5ySritUttdafk"aboutitiiVl; ft-,t ' f : j Ac ob vakwagenen. -, - V.Ui DHAWIlC . - " 2j 1315, by onler of Mr. :radii:..i tlie Gnv. WhifeFafd thiitffhfej.-Mrfsuftered1 mucli I awouht td Elttr ...lliuni of pitrg anhqiUV, V' i; i " r- ' ' r V K 'pjnncs umler whose nlf Kthe riraft- toirooung tCr ui biatKose-rhumc'coM- niiHE following lare theTnumbw' wV,ch'ire !if ine.mihtia.was niade-, ;Af Mr.r Madison fi$ei! in their Ausc and iid; Poti?!i i WmpnMasachusetts -iLdrawnjnthe New York' cdnSoYxlated iJpt- is on- J ; tthe-edttftrst hof vc have remote aj; dn."Tne Tolwih extract frbtfi upplrnnncpiii)ent of thosb'hent'io&if w-. tery, cia34Koy5,Aor,itTir: - -vi soon aunioritv ior?S9Vin, xouiu. not loot ttis talk is Inim trie .usaco aliazette s I YorlO mosr.nf if. KnWthpnrWil ?VAiirni lr. V v1 "-YATES Sc M'INTYUE, Managers.' D ancjiig7 Amusements. , f is- 4 FRIDAY,. AUGUSTUS 1,. 1S27. , 'J . "J - L t '" ' - ' " ."'. " .- i- . ; "The Fall .Term of our Superior Courts commWcea oh' Monday next, except in jViartin county, whiclr is held, the last week in this month. 4 - " . s It will be recoil ectpd bv our readers, that we copied into the Register some weeks ao, an extract of a letteri from Governor Kent of .Maryland, to a Mend of his in Kentucky) referring to the systematic and yioltnt ' opposition which had of late been made, to the present Administration, and aujongst other things, to Genera! Saunders's attack on Mr.. Clay, during the last session ofCougress, and his inconsistency in mak ing it, as lie (Gen. S.) preferred M r. Adatns to Gen. Jackson, and in proof of it says, that not , ten minutes before the election of President by the House of Representa lives? Gen. Saunders- came to him, with an xious countenance, discovering deep con cern, and using these emphatic words, l hope to God you may be able to'terminate the election on tlie fust ballot, for fear jwe from .North-Carolina mar be' forced to vote for Gen. Jackson." - j i have a coihmuni'catiun from General Saunders, denying the truth of the above statement of Governor Kent, irt terms the most positive, declaring that he was decid edly opposed to the election of Mr. Adain and that, after Mr. Crawford; Gen. Jack son was his jchoicea fact, which, he saj's, was well known at the time to all hi&po liUcal friends in Congress. j In justice to General Saunders, we an- nounce this statement ; but we must De excused, froni publishing his commufii tation, as it not only charges ciurseiyes ami the Editors of the InteHrgencer, and all others who are friendly to the Admi nistration, wifh being subsidized, subservi- lent to the will of the Secretary of State, &c. but uses a coarseness of language towards Governor Kent to which we cannot consent b give publicity. Kentucky Election. "Sir. Clarke, the ate member in favor of the re-xileclion of Mr. Adams, has beaten his opponent,, a Jackson man b or 700 votes. General M&.tcalf. of the same way of thinking is also re-elected. - Mr. Buckner a friend of the Adminis- ration, and T. P. Moore, opposed 4to it, arc re-elected. Mr. M'Hatten has beaten Mr. Sanford, by a majority of about 100 j J votes , r We learn that Col. Johnson lost his e- , 11 a Ul yx A lection by two votes,, and that Henry Dan- iels beat Mr. Trimble about S00 votes, j t It said that Mr. Henry from being op- j o nosed by Mr. New, a friend of the Ad-i ministration; nas lost Ins election. Mr. WickliSe and M. Lecompte are re elected. 1 i The contest between Mr. Letcher and . . . - - i Mr. Rhodes,, both friends of Mr.Adamsi is doubtful, '-"'i'. " ; ' . y m Proposed Canal from Anapolis to TFash- mrfUl Art tmn vtnmic uimIah "n Ttil.i. ""6""" r J "uo I"",tl ,1 "vu; uetpnia, aoureses a letter to the teecreta- ry of War, stating, that in a few months tlie Chesapeake & Delaware Canal will be in a navigable state, and will enable ves- sels to pass-from tine GhesapeaW o he aware, urawmg seven ieet watery wiucn wnicn wiu oi course, pronuce a great .sav- mg;of time and expense in the transporta tionof merchandize between' PhiladelrihiaM Waslimgton Getrtiretowh and AUxandria. - j; - - I anueu to mis cnam oi uavigation, wn.cft wotjld b verynter t i'r-BAl.nAND.'PAUTtr. vjUW'funittliedt JtV Shocco Springs on tlie evqnjngi of the th andi5th September, to which. Ticket for JLadies viirbe aistributed in due time. ' ' ' - O 1 - ' ' 7 BY.miK f ANACERS . IpiSJi lr :5 or lients are uniformly treated wUh tlie ' ;ut--.ltiost-d(i -;iiii!es- bT.c'tittihijr; a.;Catial7 frttni most kindness, with a ' v ie w of gaining their either lAtina polts - WAslfrnston'.i-ior is this all, says he, uit iiCiV:ii.t.t :riter,!rter-ehuthert tin jMe:greard vanf tages vynicn woma arise trom sucn a uanai, suggests the- propriety of examining and survevin thp nrhnpd ut. for Jh r.nvJ , - I . jua.uiftcc ov me prwjeeyanu n pracucauie, me expenea oi on blood and carnage i irith tompbsurea and twho could not, pf course, approve t of ; this j ?tduiuci turn uiuuu,ui uitiiiiaiiiciuwuust; iinly crime at, the r,wprst, , wa 5 a mistake of. their d atyi He Ihcrfore probably dec! k ned placing 7amonnhe?nationaItaVchrve the. record of these proceedings -Certain it is;h,aVtheyrwere':retnrnVdAto';Tennes8ee' and are in jJie possession i-?f the friendsof Gen.. .lack SQnUtfioughjibsribhf unknown to Aim.v-'fNot-8rtIt is impossible thai ych a circumstance should be unknown to linn; because the Jackson Committee" published an extract from the Records," whjch ,was certified by, the. General's; adopted son M r Audrevv Jackson : Do na! d son, as a t r u e copy from original records"" placed in his hands by 'Adjutant General Hutle'r 5 and because the fact related by the editors of tte Intelligencer was of 'too tnurh im portance to Gen. Jackson not to be known to him-: . The truth is that Mr. Madison would nut-allow the archives of the nation to be stained ly such bloody proceedings s were detailed in the Record. He there fore returned them to Tennessee, that the sons of those whoiiad been butchered or mutilated, 'might see the proceedings of the court and profit by them. ' This offended Gen. Jackson 1 hence his opinion express ed to Mr Monroe in .1817. Tlie Commissioners appointed to open Books of Subscription to the Stock of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, have de termined to open the books for that purpose oh the first day of October next, It is now to be determined whether this glorious enterprise shall go on. Let evpr man wlv has ft just conception of its mag, nitade -everv CMrpnration which can dis- .cern its interest in the success of it, unite in iue grauu euori 10 accnnpii!Mi n. iu moneyed men, in every part of the coun try, it oflfi-rs an opportunity' of investing capital in the most profitable speculation now opehV leaving to' them the use iof their money until the work is actually begun. Once bgon, we may consider it as done. The slock of this great Company, once subscribed, will, we have no doubt, com mand a premium in the European .market, at least as great as any other stock in the United States. We hope that our brethren: in the seve ral -States' will give notice, of the opening of the books of subscription, and that the friendsof the enterprise will unut no etlorts in its iavor. Aat. Jnt. In the steamboat Potomae, came passen ger from Norfolk, on Tuesday las?, (Oiii. John Rodders, whose return to our city is hailed with general and sincere expressions ot satisfaction, . ' - In the same loatcauws passenger Col. D Brearlv on" a visit to the seat of Govern ment preparatory to his leading the emi grating party of the Creek Indians to Ar kansas. He expects -to set ou t with them from Georgia, we understand, about the 1st day of October next. lb. The following extract from the speech of Mr. Brougham, at the dinner given to him at Liverpool, is worth preserving.; It was spoken in reference to ihe reluc tance which his friends, ther Whigs, had manifested to accept office under the new! ministry lest interested motives might be imputed to them. , ' I am not surprised at the indifference shewn -for office jtjd for power, by my distinguished fneuds. 1 do not look upon the possession ot, power as a thinir to be envied - bv anv , wise or good man. Power in itself mere power might i iu uc jwkctu auun u uuy Limit; rawicr iuau era the friend of virtue, ortiietest of merit. It is enjoyed by 'right 1 birth by b'oted despots-- f,uf blood ami slaughter and upheld by tie foulest usurpations and the most pestilential conquests. It is held frtauentlv bv the tenure of sacrifices which reduce the parties below the level ot mani ana is wielded bv the miserable ja ma te ot an bastern Seraglio. But the power to do good to mankind to scatter blessings around you the power which is to enable you to root out ignorance to break the chains of corporator mental slavery, whatever be the color, caste -or creed of the disabled roan the power to bene fit vour kind the power to serve your eountry, and to amend vour race that power, is a pos session u Inch a man might properly desire, nay, an anfffl muMit ttonn firm lit hlf,ht tn t.-iltf tin. I i.: j t j . 1 vjciiciai auu ong cunimueu acuiauiauoiij. It is worth recordinsr : as an evidence of strong feeling against the Duke of Wei ligtoii, that, at tltis dinner which was gen on the 18th June, the anniversary 61 7 f"erW a,VTsl twmlM,,neV ed with disaDt,robatioh and much hoot in2; but, that snbsequentlt a twist to the Heroes of Waterloo," without men Zoning the Duke's name, was- drunk with . r - - -m v -mr m m rea appUuse. i. X. Jimtr. l nnrt ..f th Phs rians if thp Rtrat fr Hartford, Connecticut, it ca used, r " C,,f-7 nuH;l,c u?UW8l Tl&' ness. , V hen confineq the reason and ne- brehend . it,j;j .By ,thii:f coorae' 'of iiite!Iec i tuai management, i says ine itepori it nas been found, as a tin matter of experience, at our iostitQUon, that patients who liad al- I way a been: raving when confined without bef to!j intj refract6rV when commanded instead bf being entreated, soon If halaranted to sell our lands! e would navegot our agent to wnte. to nhe(President. I liave two" men who have: been Artfvet!saii shells cut out the mockasins and oa'd Indians live there.' who will destroy nsi The; lands thertfbelonar ;to them, The Secretary 1 of AV'ar asked us' if we were uuwiumg to letany.oi our,mn go it mey, were' willing ? I told hinY -no. "Hut none- are willing to.go. " I have moved once and suflTered much, and do' not wbh to goaffan'-you tell ,me we will all die here?-! think we shall ail die tliere too. Tim whife'anrt rel ''men are all made by. one bein)f, the threat Spirit, amraU have tu die. I look upon you as rny brother, and if Ifwercf lo give you a talk you did not like voti ' would rift oe pi ease a we nave jast been maRing some, new laws, to gtivtfrn our people and punish those who do wrong, and if they do notrkeep m?acc and five on their lands we shall punish them; I waot you to tell trie President they are learning mnfe senser Some of the officers and white men" are herej I want to kuovv it'they ever heard of my n&viog i wo isiKS. me wnue m:in wao tkl tie President we waoted to go,, told a Ue, and lie ougjit to be whnped. INTERESTING NEWS jTROM LIBEUIA. OJite of thte CtttomzatioQ Socirty, ; .. Washington. Aug. 7, 1827" Intelligence of the. most gratifying" na ture, has just reached this office lrni the Colony of Liberia. ' Our friends ihroiiglir out the country who have been anxiously, waiting for information, concerning theeuu-. grants by the Doris, will peruse wilh heart i - - felt pleasure, the following extract from. Captain Mathews,bearing date Porto Praya, Cape De Verds, July 19th, 1827. - - As Mr. Ashmun may not hive had an op portunity of communicating with the United States since my departure from Mesuradb, I have the honor to inform you, for the information of the .Board of Managers, that we landed all our passengers in excellent health at Mesurado, 4S days after our depnrture from Hampton Heads. I have the satisfaction also to state,, that -at tlie date of my departure from the Cape, the 21st June, all the emigrants by the Doris, had gone through the fever, two young children only fall ing victims to it, and most of them were lockted and working on their farms on the Stockton. I have despatches on. board the Doris, from Mr. Ashmun, for the Hoard, and the Hoii. Secretary of the Navy, which I shat forward -'immediately on 'my arrival ..in Baltimore, for which place I shall sail i n t wo or th ree days. It affords me much pleasure to bear testimony to the thriving and prosperous condition of the Colony. The emi grants by the Doris, with one' or two, exceptions, appear to be highly pleased with their pros pects." . - . - We will only add, as supplementary, to this cheering intelligence, that it is deemed importantjro fit out eariy in the approach ing autumn, one or two expeditions, and thatit is hoped the public liberality, will promptly furnish the means. fiat. Int. The peace between Brazil and Buenos Ayres will open to us an additional markr et for about 40,000 bbls. Flour, and a large quantity of other provisions, besides do mestic manufactures. Some fifteen veil rs ago it was one of the best of the SouthA tnerican markets. The carrying of jerk beet from thence and Montevideo to Ha vanna, made the fortunes of many Ameri cans. This branch may asaiti become Va luable. Phil. Pal ' ; AMERICAN PRESIDENTS. lnaugu- Term e Born. rated. ' fiiredJ Washington, Feb. 22, 1732 1789 66th veur of J. Adao.s, Oct. 19, 1735 1797 do. his age. Jefferson, Arril 2, 1743 1801 do. Madison, March 5, 1751 1809 do. Mdnroe, April 2, 1769fe1817 do. J. Q. Adams, July 11, 17671825 do. if con tinued in orhce the usual periol. Very few coiucidences of a more sur prising character can be named, than that five successive Presidents of the United State, t. e. all who have held and retired from that effice, should have completed their term of service in the 66th year of their age ! Should the present incumbent be continued in office during Ihe usual term of eight years, the coincidence will oe stiu more remarkable, as ne will com plete his term of, service- in the 66th year of his uge.Nati GHz . , ' . .'. : f .-''' Counterfeiters. Various accounts have appeared of late of counterfeit notes of one hundred dollars and twenty dollars, m the Banlc of the United StateSi. We have now th'e satisfaction of stating that the gang em ployed in thi iniquitous business have been arrested, and are in the prison of this city, awaitmg their trials. Their detection re flects the highest honor on the police of um city, wno, alter iracktng mem inrougn all their . windings, for several months, suc ceeded at length in seizing the ringleaders the engraver of the notes, the printer, the signer, and the principal agents in tlie tlis tribution of them. We understand, more over, that, in consequence of these frauds, the Bank, for the security of the commu nity, has caused new notes of one hundred dollars'and twenty dollars to be issued in a sunenor sivh; oi worKmansnin, witn uie . . s , .. -;- "- . . 3.'-- latest. ttnnroveinent irt the art ot enjrraviirjs:. dat.Uazelle- ; Frtt People of Color. A very in te rest ing; debate recently occurred iu the En g-lish House of Commons on thequcsliori of meiioraiMg tne couuiuoa oi iree reopieoi Color in tte.' West-indies. y SbBreiuipor- tatit (and Jo osnovej)'rjractiwro stated. The brown population-' (L ei-free' color ed people). of Jamaica alone'is'Worth prop-i erty to t ne amount, oi ta,uuu, wu. Jey are aaiC to consist of 0, 000 sou lk) ' One; of them, a Dr. Dickenson left at iiis death S600,000 1 another M r. S ainey,? 50,000 dollars ; a Mr. Ringal 1, 1,000,000 dollars $ and a Mr. Benjamin Scott, 1,250,000 dol lars. . All the pirnento plantations' (except one, in the island belong to them ; and yet the..2pec!e wete yuflfering under, the Most v '' .'ill . . th. ' .f . t cnevous icxar oppression, me uet j is Parliament:" eventuated" in nothih:; isfdCtorjt ; state.. South America, 'the .West Indies xjc ririe saie 4rv iec .ier Wi-cinrxi endive. tirtte? ;estabRslmienthaaien; dlscoveredTat' j uucr ivouv4iirvcmar tusiDi iro n. wmjc , of; Ueaihg V - It appear? fiUt.il hid faen Ipng tirhe in use -.there. , I -SrWvi" 5 v; Ty o ;pa cket i ships ' j pst arri vedv b tns:- Liveriftooi. papers to the. 1 6th and t French , papers to the 7wr , :f U v: A Treaty fea jbeen entercd'rnto by Kir . gland; France and Russia;' la dder to ht'?;-v'-minate the- warbetcenTwrkej &pr The offerofmediatioh ahalj b intnediatet- lylmadf, antl , an' AVaiistJcedetnaViled..'. Should the1' Pore WFuse tdfVccept ' therar'i mist ce -which i4"td be in tHe first ihstanccV' proposed, oivshouUfthCsGreeks object; t-jV" it, it is M be arinouiied to' ilnt f s ofv- ; contending parties who shallvbhy to icon? ti nue hosttlities, or to1 bolhi Aetess'ary, that the allleijotend' to uWall-the i nieau1' wliich circmiistauces ,uUy , place 5 at their;" cot it mil ud,' to obtain thecttcct:f 'tiie.prp.y . rKised arntisttce, by pfeyenting, as, far; aijv1 may be v in their power, all . co! liiotij be-i . tween the. belligerents, iwithntat-however' ? taking any art in their hosti!itics'fy8td?':-:;..v. ing Httti or against :thc 'ulKeV; i'husjr, . need br to eupliiV'nnefilcient;itUfvenV both are nbstinately bent' on wa The British Miuisfry Is "newly ' arrailged' as follows: 4 r.J"h --:i'K ( Tlis Grace the Duke of rPortlaid, resTgnt theV . office of Privy Seal, but retains his' scat nn tJiV 1 Cabinet. , There, are several precedents for thia'v, proceeding, i It- will be sufficient to um're v cent one ; that pf Lord Sidmout h., k JLord Carlisle leaves, the Woods 'and J6rest.; and succeeds the Duke of Portland as Lord ftif vy Seal. " " V"' ,V-?'t U; Mr. Sturges Bourne-suceeedk LoM CarliVa" r; First Comuiisiiioner of Voods and Forests, keep V ing his seat in the Cabinet.; '.; v V( ,; 1 he Marquis ot Lausdowne succeeds Mr, Stiir ges Bourne as Secretary of State foT.the HoraeV' : Department.. ' ';Vv: Viscount Dudley and Ward remains at th&FflKv" :4 reign Office, and consequently i Ultice, and consequently - ' , f ' , . Canning continues First I.prcl 'of th'e leaV J' and Chancellor of the Exchequer, v ' n W ur. sury Mr. Spring Hice, it vis said, ywill replace Mr 4 Spencer Perceval as one of the Under i Secreta ries of State at the Home Office.-si',.K -.1 There will be no immediate':cJutngeW''tu;'': Vice Kegal Government of Ireland1 The-Marqui 1 ' mir.11 ...I :. :ii ; - .1 i. ' . ' .. J". il .' - Anglesea, to BosTo..: y: .rPart or the machinery of a'coufttfifcTt b r.Ir ' ui ? cucMcy, ii isf uiuiersooo" remains -a 'tne; Castletill the end of the year, whenjyiri;all pro. v bability, he will be succeeded by thi Marouis Tt ' ' . .n i.V . Lt" i, .s. '..w. ...4.- Fortitude.- Fortitude i one )f' ihe noC.; 1lest virtues appertaining to the homah; ;, character, and stamps upon 'those who po-4-'" sess it an unfading lustre, which doea ho'C' iuc w tue name oi inai,Lvjie-'WnO;'jaDorv:.v under the . lash of adveraUyvVandbearktip.; against his misfortunes wjtli a piouVekls natian, must be pleasing Jo tUeSunremet' Being, while his conduct is universaUvTr admired bV his. fellow cttrzen. tvia;.:'.. Dutttinz. A Doctor Chisolm wai post-' V eu in Viiariestun, U. tis a coward tor re-v resnecta ter and family. The IJbctoiU iefemsidufe: 'S lusmg to nght a duel with a Mr. G, J,'Po-v-f hen, formerly a Ctfdet at-West Point, andi a young gentlemah'of respectable' characji not relish nghting at all, and lieing-at V; loss for an excuse, he ioented op$r(ecmp' ly new in thi country, He refu?erd .ttVl; meet his antagonist because he was tfJewgy!t. and a Jew he said was not upqtt A jootin"gA: with him. Had the Doctor refused Jtb fiHV a duel because it wai contrary to tbe prin; v ciplesof a true Chrittifa -iii$:excuseWduldvf have been neither cowardly nor. liied,;. , t '- MARttlfeDr f "In Guilford eountv. tin the 2(itK3 inck;- xr'. , - At vv astung!on City i'on .the 2lst lnsfct; by v tfte -t1 Rev. Dr. Laurie Thomas It n dill, fcaq Jcldgei 'v y the Superior Court o( Middle Tlorldar to Lar Henrietta, eldest daughter ' of: Wm; Wtrt.,5Lt. : Attorney Geacral of the United &itcsJ - Frances Ogburn, wife of'NichoUi 0bu-rt Xiirj. of that county. : -.C, , . r .. ;x A - At Norfolk on the ?0th in her46lb Vcor;- MiJO Sarah S- SincUr, consort ef Commodo'rc ArtUur: l; Sinclair, ot the u. S. Navv. who is now aKnt on a visit, for the benefit of1. bisheaitH,at:- tKr7'C uunaio bpnngs, in Mecxienburg County, iTav- ' those who Vere favored with . the. friendship-' fir ": ?c4uiniance oi.inis woruir. aoy, no terms'- v;. eulogy that we might employ, could enhance tfen ucpi w wi csiiiuaiuii in w wut sue was aeserveaiyV- panegyric, would be , fulsome "Tb yihose wh f ' knewiiet not; it would be onljrtovsay that iti;i-"J lier death, the nvs polished c:rclecf ,our. com-' ;c iiun uucvt uuci pmoeuisJimcTiTS v . -To estimate ber less aa a wife a mother, daU.l-"' ' ter,& s sier, hose only are capable who liave sud-' $ " dehly experienced the privation of one b allied t S tbtUem, whom was centred eVerr quality of m'nd - auu. ut-wv ium wuw t ..ur uer m; ineirr snec " tionc. She leavK hv th:ldrn t - AtRkyrldl, Contecticut, itr; John e'wiL liams, aged 64 years. , The fcircumstance of bis x'Js' death are somewhat singular. Ile had la trou.VV blesome corn on one of l.irtoes, and ;to cure it:t&? cut it i; fT iIth a c!iisiel, and took Cold in it rocil i V ' : after, which prcJuced inflammation i rcvCca1 L ' uon ensuea, anu us a tea our uays. x w . At Os asco, Ne w-Vorlc,ron the 5th inst, Vlr.' ; Conrad Pickard, aged 100 y ears: and n:inthi.--.v . previously, his treati great grand ; child i of ttid'v:-- i fourth generation, & infant twin son of Abrxlaun'J PickardageVl weeks i hota of wbociwere d -ifC4. "-.V- mMMm . . . M.. mm.,mmmmw m . , ; k V -. . .i".1. ...... ir 4 "'9 ' on Monday; Jhe lOtb'dy of Sfep ember btt," at C !. the Courthouse lathTown of Louisburgrahall -",;;; ( proceed to take' the!, benefit ofi -the i lusolrent 1 b Debugs O'atb; r' when and wljei e ybu nuy aUead V -1 fc.. - lortuhateHarrisWnd:htiendstw act iTIonda IhdianXWerse4o a'remoVali- V

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