? . V ' 1. h .V- A---.-. : . v.-. . ..." . . 1 ... Eft t t I .- 4t. f TT " t,- 'i- - . i .. t . " Ours are the olan 6f fair, ddig hlfal pace, Unwafp'd fcy party rage to live like brother.' : - FRIDAY, SE ITEM B E R I f M 87. - 1 - and ' - ' ,l ,1. . . - . .1 -..i" i-'V;..' , r,. ,r . . ' .. : ' "" ' .. . . tmm MOM E 4 :- ? TOSF.Tti GALES & SON. " AtThfee Dollars per Jnnumr One miliar and a liaii ior naii ayearr-iooc iJiHuiii ",rv ! ADVEltTIStiMKNTS Not exceeding sixteen lihesi neatly inserted three times foi Ojie Dollar, and Twenty-Five Cents for every succeeding publication. 1 nose crfffreaterlenffthintncsarae prooporiion. munications inanniuijv rcnnt ...l.wvv, thesEditors must beVpbst paid. ;j , to 0E?DAY SRPTKMnFR 18, 1827. iXWe have the pleasure of sitting that okj Stanly, rq reacneu mis cjtj ti Safurila? tast, on Hs return home, from hiV'f our . tu the Buncombe and Virginia Springs; The state of hU health is much improved hi9 spirit are scood'-ancl he has Sf far regained the use of his affected fide, as to :alk aboat his room with a little as-8-s'f ncei and as;his"situation is constantly im proving, we Kope he will be able again to take his seat in the Mouseif Cotnunns. at the approaching Session of Our General Assembly. ' : , - -Death of Air. Canning. We announce this sudden a'ld unexpected event v v feelings of much concern. A The last advi- "Cefrom England had informed us that the Premier had been indisposed, from a Rheu matic attack bur was better, and no one !i a d th e re fo re e r 1 1 rr til i n e d a ny a p p r eh ejjSH) n of danker from his illness. We nov!fearn that Mr. Can nliVr died of an inflammation of the liver. This sudden dispensation of Provideoce has produced a great sensation, not only throughout the British dominions, but throughout the civilized World. The event had a momentary eftect on the price pf the British funds, until if was discover ed that the Kinjr was resolved to continue the 5ane caurso 0 policy which had been adopted bj Mr. Cstnnjng, t will be seetu, in the extracts which we give from the "Lorjdon' papers, that L;rd (xoderich is ap pointed Premier, with po-.ver to arrange the Ministry as he thiiiks proper. His Lordship's taleors, though not ofth;it or- der which at once comm ind universal .ad- miration, are said to be of .a high class, &. superior to those of most oinvr public men in life, lit ol illustrious descent, dis- tiiguihed flr hih arid honorable princi pies, sj olless integrity and of gentleman like manners ; and by a peculia-fratSic & manly character, excifes in the mind of - every one an entire confidence in inent. The mind is struck with awe at the con templation, of the succession of Vatastro- phes byfwhich the Chair of the British Pre tnir haseen vacated, within a few years. Mr. Perceval perished by the. hand of an assassin. Lord Castlereagh, who succeed ed hiw fell by hi own hand- The Earl of JLiverpoo.l, who then ascended the seat, ii now lying prostrate in political death, n(er a stroke oT apoplexy and scarcely iiau mi. vauiuug uiauc wis iuiiuienui ar rangements, when he was summoned by. ; he Angel of Death. How unstable and transitory is ail human power. Lord Oas tlereagh denominated the seat of uffice '.a Wd of thorns. ,, We think it mav be more I truly styled abe d of death 4 f account of the Jdath of Mr. Canning.- The Editor of the Telegraph printed .at, Washington finds fault with the New-York Editor, for thus paying homage to the trap pings of royalty. We think oursel ves, that this tribute to the departed Statesman had better have been omitted, but . certainly, Gn.rreen should be the last person to carp, a 1 it for that paper has during the summer, defended the conduct of Mr. Canning in relation to the West India Trade, with a zeal bec ning the most de- v oted minion of the Premier and has lab - ed un rasinglv to place England in the right and America in the Wrong, j Telegraph Intelligence is carried to such perfection in France, that a communication is u-ade 'from Paris to LisJe, a distance of 180 milesin two minutes. A lift of five other route is givennotVuiite so favorable as the first route for the operation, in which cfninuriication are made at the rate of 40 miles a minute. The Velocity of sound is estimated tobe 13 miles a minute; that of a cannon biil to be & miles; so that in formation is conveyed by means of a Tele graph with three times the velocity of sound, and with five times the speed of a cannon ball 11 ! x ! ; The election of Governor and of Mem bers of Congress, took place in Alabama during the last 'month. Governor Murphry iias been re-elected without opposition ; And we. learn generally that Messrs. Owen, Moore, and Mckee, are re-elected to Con gress, the! two first without opposition, and thejast by a considerable majority over 11s opppoiiCiit, Mr. lanar. Gen' Jackson and the Secretary of the Navy. -The correspondence between these eminent citizens has not yet been brought to light, though trorn occasional hints in the public papers, we perceive thut there is yet a possibility of the Public's bejng favored with it. A writer in the .Nation al Journal, who seems to know very welt what he is about, s.-ys that a copy of this correspondence was sent by Gen. Jackson, as long ag(o as in April last, to a support er ot his at Fredericksburg, and is rau to individuals occasionally, accompanied by oral commentaries of their own. A narra tive is given of the circumstances which led to this correspondence, which were, to say the least of it, very ex'raordin.iry, It seems that it 01 ignited m a conversation it a private table, in wriiuh Mr. Southard had the temerity to exoress a doubt of the exclusive agency of Gen. Jatksou in bung ing about the repulse of the Bnlisli at New -Orleans. Mr. Southard, it seems; retained 'some Teeling of respect for the ser vices of , Mr. MoUroe, ( he late President) who,as acting Secretary of War, l;ad an ef ficient agency in preparing the flReuns by which that result was brought aut" j and very naturally he expressed this KOniiment. 1 he. report 01 litis table-tulk being canted to the Hermitage, drew for n a demand from Grn. Jackson for cxp.anationS, which brought on the correspondence. This cu rious correspondence, though it terminated in April last, has not been published by either party. ith me deference to both parties, we think ii belongs to the politi cal history of the day, as well as the mili: tarv history of 1814-15, too materially to be withheld from the public eye. -hit. Cotton Premiums. The merchants of Savannah, desirous of -improving thequali' solicitude for his recovery, we perceive the American Minister is particularly mentioned. We give several extracts from the London papers on thrs 'melancho ly, topic. FROM THE LONDOV CQURIF.U, AUG. 8. Death of Mr. Canning. This is a s ol announcement : and hov little was the country prepared, a week ago, to learn the dismal tidings ! Though not, in the or dinary ;snse of the word, a sudden death, yet the rapid progress of the disease, which terminated thus fatally, gives to the event much of the stunning quaiity of such a calamity. Mr. Canning has left three children two softs and and a daughter,the March io nessof t'lanricade. Hiseldest son is a Cap tain in the Navy ; his youngest son,Charles arrived from Yorkshire the night before last, when he was summoned to attend the death -bed of his illustrious father. He arrived in time toreceive hisfarewell Mr. Canning was in his 57th year, A Cabinet Council has been summoned to assemble to-day at the Foreign Office. Mr Herries was to have embarked yes terday for the Continent ; but in conse quence of the too certain approach of thi ad event which has now taken place, the Hon. Gentlemen suspended his departure. A messenger was sent down to him this Miorning, at his country beat, aud he arri ved in town, in the course of the day. The Marquis of Lansdowne left town at a quarter to three, to wait upon his Majes ty at Windsor. FItOM THE SAME PAPM OF AUO. 9. A large portion of our paper is this day devoted to the one melancholy subject which now engrosses the public mind the death of Mr. Canning. No stronger proof can be given of the estimation in which the departed Minister was held, or of the degree to which the nation carried its con fidence and its hopes than is afforded by the anxiety with which every circumstance relating to his last moments is received With the exception of the demise of the Sovereign himself, we do not believe there al who will be at the head of hi3 TtLtjest v's Government. Beyond this no step" hjis be$n taken : but one, thing, we believe is certain. There will be no change in tb principles npon which Mr. Canning's Go vernment was established. A Cabinet Council was held at the Foreign Office last niht which set from nine o'clock un til half past eleven, at which we may pre sume, those general 'coiisidf ations only are discussed, which would necessarily precede any specific measures. A Mes senger was despatched this morning, by Lord Goderich to the King, communica ting the result. Another evidence of the Kings feelings on this melancholy occasion, is to be found in the order to the Treasury, directing : hem -to bestow the appointment of Com missioner of the Customs, vacant by the removal of Sir F. Watson. to. his Majesty's household, ort Mr. Stapleion, (Mr. Can ning' Private Secret iry.) a3 a mark of respect for 'Mr. Canning's memory. Mr Canning will bs buried in West minster Abbev, as near as circumstances may admit, to the grave of his great mod el and predecessor, Wm. Pitt. The funeral will be a "private one, in the ordinary sense of the word : but from the number of individuals who have altv.idy sent in their names, anxious to - assist-in paying the last tribute of respect to the memory of the illustrious Statesman. It will, no doubt, lilce the obsequies of Mr. box, and the ia'e Marquis of Londonderry, have all the imposing character of a public ceremony." His Grace the Duke of Portland, has ta ken upon himself the charge of directing the arrahgemenfjS, and has already had communications with Dr. Ireland, the Iean of Westminster on the subject. No uav is yet nxeu. - The death of Mr. Canning was known in Paris on Wednesday at three o'clock : and, as may naturally be expected, caused a great sensation The funds had declin ed. mestic Veiatioli' of Fife she was eminently. distin-jr eT;: g-tiished: A's amother sue was tfStreuieljr'arTcc tionnie ana ieiwe; as a rieig,niouriue'waiti! formly kind and oblitrinsr ; humane aWeasy icK entreated 5 and as.a friend hergoaJnesiufcMf ; no inter.nissrqn. Jr:f'' V&-v , tt becomes oar. mournful Tuty (says corres-p-. pondent of the ChstrJottelournal) iO annrtnb: tnVcvV the public the tleceaae of that venerable and lipf thv father in the, church, the Uev!lu:pphrcy4;iVv; Hunter, who on the 21st ult. termoiatel his ear!-:- 5 ly labours at WhreHalt, in Steel-Creek Congrt ,4 -j gation in the 74:ti year of his age. - &vs" ' At his residence m Brunswick County, Vsu.n : the 7th insU Ileverly G." Wychr, Esq. attorney;; i.j; at Lw, agett 29 years. Mr. VV has left ayouhgt ;yf- . widow and many friends to ileploire hia4f',K, '1 DISSOLUTION. 14 Ijitt Co Dartnershm which has exisiea ior; -u IB1...- . ' . .. . JL the last seven years, under the firm ot K..&' W. Harrison was tins day dissolved bv Irs limita-: tioh. Those who are'ihdlebted t-ttie encernv-) either by bond or otherwise, are requested to . t., ."r - Harrison, who will devote his dme. more parucuVV-' ' " larly tu further' the final ctase ofsaid.basires f ROHKRT tlAltltlSONI' -aV - ! ' WYATT HARRISON',- A . i;a ei9n. sent. u. iou .w . .ri O-w 'V' t The Subscriber, will for the f.tturedo Husiiiesa ",v-j i)'"r in his own name, and solicits the putronaje ot- f his friends, and the Dub'ic fl-enertrtv- k it' ii iioccrxr 1 ' . ' Sept. 15. ', . 1003w XV V 1 The-'National Inteilijrencer consratu- Wtes those who rejoice in the progress ot. Internal Improvements, upon the decisive step," which theCrporation of Washing ton has ta ken jto wards the construction., of the Chesapeake aiid Oliio.Canal. It may well be called decisive, -forthey Jiave sub scribed one million of dollars to the Stock. The Intelligencer observes :- , F ; Thij subscription is a serious undertaking on "the part of the City, lt.is one, however? which J can involve, no important responsibility, until the vwork itself begins; and, when begun, the respon whititjf.is onoihich is jubtified hy the advanta ges w hich it offers, and by the prospect' of ample rcnuneralion wttieh it holds ont. Should the work 0 oh, -as we camiot nowdouht, the city of Washingtonwill' justly atttach the honor of comm.enci.ng the virojrk of which the'great patriot who jive hi.n onnaineto the City was thofirst -jjreayprpjectdt". '. '',''' i- An. x' su passeif by tlie Corpora tion, tor crtating ajStock tdnngi'tet est4 per ce 1 u r t h i f iyy ear s, n ajyi ou n t atl e q uates to saiisfviliet iudWent of ihSiioYemct Hniirr in tavr of CftasUiu Clark, certlleman who drew is an individual now living, whose decease would excite sp deep and general sensa tion. Nor is this intense feeling tobe tra ced merely t- the high station he filled. Many are those who tnight descend to the tomb from the same eminent station, and whose loss, exceptin those political .cir cles where his death would necessarily a wuken ; anxities and pretensions ; would scarcely call forth rriore emotion than that which ordinarily aitaches the extinctions, I of a high omcial personage. Not so with him wii!se death the nation, now deplores in accents of universal sorrow. A mighty and commanding mind has disappeared; tupimdous moral and political' power his heeo withdrawn which guided hot only the interests of our owrEmpire, but which in fluenced, in various degrees, the move ments of surrounding Empires; a States man is no more, with whose prolonged-ex istence the prosperity and freedom of the civilized world was indentined ; a Minis ter has sunk into the grave, who has done more for the glory and honor of his own country, and for the genera! good of man kind, than any one who wielded the pow ers he lately wielded, since the time of Chatham aj;d of his illustrious son. At a comparative age has been snatched away a map "whose brilliant eloquence whose profound agacity ; whose intellectual at tainments ; anil whoe comprehensive wis dom, placed him immeasurably above all who were his contemporaries. Calied to the Chiel conduct of the Ad ministration, he repaired the- exhausted revenues he relieved and invigorated the the commerce ami prosperity ol his coun tryand he re -established the public cred- Laml tor 8 ale. TjIOu Sale, on .accommodating terms, hundred andVmety-two a res of I "J! ? . A I .TTi-l V-.- i 11 Iind, lying..-' 'V r ur'ithin ia mtltt nf i"vfn r r in fljHHVl rntintv . v. -f J- Situation hieh ami healthy ; about 300 acre.- t ciearea ana wen incioseu, ana a cousiaeraow r - portion fresh land. The land gvnerrdfv speakings fJ' -is, well adaoted-to the culture of C;rn, Cotton and Tobacco- Terms made known by the sub - f ' scriber, or if nbsent bv Joseph B. l.ittlejohu,Jf T'', i Dr. Win. V. Taylor or JNatinoi 1 M. Taylor THOMAS BOO Til Oxford, Sept. 1$. . 100 8v i a I ,1- K "ijj . ty of the Upland Cotton in the S-ate of fH on deep and sure foundations Clirk the - gentleman izeof ,S100,000-m th. !lllii.rtu ti Yi l r,I :t ttxi-v' i-lV.-liAT,Vi. v was ubcziled feGiliesr Georgia, have oftVred a Dremium of 50 dol or the best waggon load of Upland Cotton of not less than 8 bales : ISO dol lars for the second best load, of not less than & bales, and 20 dollars for the third best load, of not less than 8. The? exhibi tion to lake place in the City of Savannah' oil the loth oi December next. The trial uf Newbold, for passing Coun terfeit notes, arid of Pledge, as his acces sary, c.i me on before the Examining Court of Princess Ahue. county on r.lnouy last, and resulted in their being remanded to the Superior Court, which commenced its ses sion and their final trial yesterday. These culprits cannot complain of the '" laws de Yiy-Herald. ; ' . VERY LATE FROM ENGLAND. DEATH Ol' MU. CANNING. '"' New IOrA Sept. 8 By the ship United jSiaies, Cap Wil- son, wnicn amyeu last evening, iq me re markably feliort psiigeof tias from LiveriKMit, we have deceived London pa- oers lo the xS tb pi August, and tUt-y are principally niieu viui tne tneuincnoiy ue iaiU of ' the ' deat h of Mr. Catinlhg, ihe King's Prime Minister : A loss whiclf par ticular Ijr ra C thfs:.linaj-rtiuif Mi: severely felt and deplored by -the Bri tish natiolu and itirswe feari irreparable ; but it is&l- .&;bsirjdiaiifill be Tel t by the wftole;t ;iJizetfjJtorlI;J'.; Mrj Catinins 1aiif;iftnesauib! of f'dis- ; It appears by the Lisbon Gazettes, to 30th ultun , received this .naming that there h is bt-en an extraordinary popular movement at Lisiji;, .which continuc-i, through, several day ; but unattended by the violence winch commonly attaches o tumultuous proceedings-wheice the mob attempt 1o act for thfmelves, in oppositi on to the constituted auihoritiesof a State. On the 24th, in consequence of its being understood that General Saldanha had been dismissed, strong symptoms of dis content were manifested by the populace. They, however, limited the expression of neir reelings to slj ut& ot lona live the Kmg,the Charter, and General Saldanha r" They appear to hae waited on the Minis ttr ot Finance, evincing great enthusiasm id the cause of beueral Saldanha ; but without creating any disorder beyond what has been described. They respectful ly lamented ;hat the Princess Regent had been misinformed with respect lo the me its ot the General and called for his res- tora ion toofine. The' Minister of Marine promised to forward their representations o the infants, and it seems to have been the prevailing opinion that they would not De i or wa rued in vain. ! SucH is stited to have been the belief on the 29ih. The excitement, however, con- inaed On,lhe pieceding day, the Coude la Ponte had been app'inied Minister of War and Secretary of State ad interim. The mercantile letters from Lisbon do- not attach much importance to tbel ite oc currences. The Count de Villa Flor had been appointed Cominander-of the Garri son, and it was generally supposed that Saldanha would'be reinstated Minister of War. SMI THFIKLD Male and Female Academy-' -: TUB-third quarter ot t,his Institution Will Com K'v me nee on Monday the 15 h of October next. -5 The subscrib e is happy to be aile to iworm ci S? the public, that he .has employed Miss AD'. Salmon of Fayetteviller to take charge' of thV fx U "iTT. lii llri'iTTltlPnT r - ' Instruction will be griven in all the branches usually taught in Academies. it'.-T' C a. w. kay, I'rmcipjii.. r; - St ph ase invrt th- above once a week for3 AVeeks.?. '?s. " Sent ' . - low ' ",.vv. i qj lie r.'li'o B i ue iewoiTii a'-M jivi vuit- i" lj V who, in their bruta ed language of the him- who, released and from all sense It is these considerations 5 these recol lections associated wiih his imperishable name which have produced the profound public sensation we now witness. 'Even those who, during the last three months, had cast upon him the filthiest abuse enmity, had exhaust; vilest terms to apply to from all moral restraint of shame, hiicl manu factured the morning lie, ihe evening slan der, to traduce his motives and blaspheme. his tame even this crew ot assassin like libellers, are silent over his graie or on iy add insult to injustice by now Speak ing in his praise ' Such is the man whom we have lost ! When shall we see his equal r The first step taken by his Majesty af ter the death of Mr. Canning may bo re gafdeil eminent for its .kindness to the memory of ihe deceased. We allude to hig-sediii for Lord Goderich and Mr. Siurges Hourne, witp a view to the new ar rangement of the Ministry : the forineruf them, that Colleague whooi Mr Catininr had blaced neit to himself, 'as Leaderin the House of Lurds the latter, the oldest personal friend of Mr. Cauuing in the Cabinet. It would .not only be premature howeter uui iti;e 10 talk, a$iret, or wnat may ue the. ultimate' Ministerial .arrangements. Lord Goderich having received his Majes- iy'i commanu to (orm a new . iaoinetvor, vacaucies 6cca daed by the lamented de t of 'Mrt Canni'ngV the Noble Viscuuntirj NOTICE. AN Tuesday the 9th d:ty of October ,at th 9 late dwellinfi- house of Josiah Diliianl, jlee,, ' T.NV in the City of Raleigh, I shall proceed tcre411:; the Property belonging tdr the Estate of said d. . ceusedi consisting of seven likely ierova, jbe$C tj, most of which are young and exccUentr.housiK -? servants, and one of whom is a first raeJdildier V'r1 a Lot of the Public Land neaK the Grave lud,VT. vV. containing three acres subject lo the' widqw!a', , j?' tiller; one small frame House in the back yard'i TV all the Household atid K. tchen Furniture, among "f -(Xj? which are a number otroou new beds ana Jur-n--vjp - tore , and many other articles too tedious to mf n " tion ? all of which will be sold Oq a CTecKt of months the purchaser ifivimr'bond with two: "a ad approved securities, before, the title of the pto'j ie- perty is chanired. The sale .will continue from '-4 V. '' Cay to aay until ail is soui.; mV , j - At the same. time and plabr, the Uoue & aU ii ?r- lately occupied as Tavern.' by the dtvaah'df','- f will be reiited out for the remainder ot theyeav. fAy-t-, Also one other llouse and Lot near the mher..-.HVv' T , 3 , ' one. The Secretary of the Navy has return- ed to the City from his visit' to the "Virgin. ia pritiS tor the benefit ot his health, lm. I invite the attention bf those who !widvtr commence the-TavertWkeeprlf busmes, 'as thii sate win anoru luem m esccuvin ypnonua ry oj, - -commencing. 1 "V 'J;;"?' MEHUT UlLLiIAUU Bx"or.w;' . r ' . '100 2vr v'- Sept. 12. DRAWING or THS : . .1 metv-York Cohsbltdated.LoUery Class N 0. 6, fotk-IW fic Li rn 3..: j. ...... -. . MARRIED 9 On the 6th instant, by the Hev. Mr. Wither- spoon, CatWton4J' Col Esq. attorney at law, or Macon, vieo. to Susan y . 1 aylor, daughter ot John taylor, Ksq. of llillsboroug'h. In R-sion, the 2d mst. by the Hev. Mr. lireen wood, Rev. John Thornton Kirkland, Ii. D. President of Harvard University,' to Miss Eliza beth Cabot, daughter of the late Theodore Ca bot, Esq. DIED, On Sunday night last, Mr.. Mary Green Scott, oldest daughter of Tbeophilus llunttr, ir'sq. in this vicinity, and wifot Mr. Thomas G. Scott of this City. 'TrnVbeloked'aud amiable young wo man, has long suffered from the incipient attacks of disease, but within a few weeks, symptoms more decided and more gainful wrought upon her already attenuated frame, and m the. piirae of life, and maturity, o(r usefuhie6s hurried her to the grave. All the? tender cohuexions which link' human beings to li(e, ar left to lament her premature deali, and tb rejoice in her iiopes of an unfidm existence iu another aud a better world. " y? - ; ' .1' .; ". " In Fayetteville, on Sunday morning last,F;er an illnesa of 7 days, Mrs. Julia Ann. ieabbdy, mtli,e-2Sth year ofiicr &-' ' ; I ' In Cliarlotte, on die 27ih alt. ,Mr, Samuel Jori ter, cottoi-gin maker. age4 ubout 45 y tars ,;;,al- The following -Prizes drawn in tne order sfatelW, 3, 14, f,3, 49; ! 4V 37, , 10.1 Tickets with 14 32 33 is eutitled "toSSOOCO V - 2 10 37 " 4GC0 14 33 49 33 4249 ' S7 42 49 , iS-'2&4l'';" Any other Ticket having three. draw numbers on, is entitled to if Capital PiizeC tl.)S Tickets with 14 & 32 entitled: g$0 AC' : - 53 & 49 oe 37 & 42; l AO V; -Tickets with any other two of thegV; tjy' drawn "number on entitled to 'vp, y 'Hckefs with any one ofthe drawn VJr'V numbers on . t,4 f-7 .?a YATKS &;5iaNTYJii5, Ua!MrV& Fayetteville .i- Valuable Proper t for tdalA'; TiIIEsubscriberon?; r a'l'nct of Land on Deep - Uiver, containing -3 jgT bfcrcs, on which is-Cfv , pootl terchant -ami tirist 'Mitl, well famiabTsd'v I 'T " with necessarv imchiherv for making- j-lout avl Meal ; a Sair Mill, Oil Mill, and a set of SVtiolJ J Carding Machine, all In good repair, aud water- Xft ufRiii to trve thm all at the same time. u-itlir I .go-l' Dweiliit: Uotse aiul Kitchen a "re. i'f. framed larn and t'oMillef's Houses, witkoihr, Outiioasv-s AppJe twul Veach Orchnl,, ami -a--V '" Also, one mner jraci cuiuaiiunj pc iiurur.a"5t y niwl fifiyacie, yn rouiitl the luwu-ofXew Sai1 ; lent, wjthsevtralT'siu'aal town oujwie oi-4"' which there, a jrood l)wciang IImise,;;borej ul 'is war ;,a-i , - WidX-'f .vri.lliit p-r" . - ;i ao;,mMWeur Jamet Mcn Fhtf ii. Wuithy and reuuectable .0TJhursaybultkt sseatof i)ri jainei orcminrbowaa Coanty;,K C 'Mrsi. ElirsbetbHormbta vious to removing in tl.e countryj MrsJ'HoxmbJow had' resided many je'ari ill the, tbrvieaton; tblhenliabi:ants ?1bfi which-she wasalwuvs Known as one ox ue- ir.osr Kinc nav Denevoseoi isMU tt"' "lucii great C0J w & regirUed as ttiadind: - Veracnt Outliouaes, it beinj' as RooxtV'shd ; for a CvuntryC Store; as ny hrrthese. parts Tbe. f1 Vvtuate in a benlthy "tlace; alt of u hich f wSil be It v . )ldlow and terms of payment mwle -;asy;tJ&r;- :t. - w-nicu,,mppiy . - w".... - . ' " ' - -.QA fir : ' . -r,vtvt