,.' ,'' .j ' ..in ir--l- II I ' - ' 1 1 1 1 1 - - - -- - ; r- .- ,i -- ; , , ? ... - , ... .( V ' I' fVVi i " " 1 .j .j i..:.' ' t"1 yjs,arrCT-'i..- j,?.; ..'Tr . . s I i?.t i- s. ..- a.-. .-, . . . r, : .- : - : - .. - . mtm aafj. . i i , , n. published eyery !FBUATf by' At Tbreei Dollars per nriunu or One Dollar and j a' Half for half veartobe paidin advance ADVERTISEMENTS , !ot ;exceeclin fixteen lines, " neatly inserted '?three'time!iforoW-.pollaran-d.Twenty-Five Xents for every sdcceedlngpubjrcation.x Those ;itfafer)eagtb' 1rif the aanle frpoportioh:.Com firriamcationX thankfullyreceiyc'l .Letters to A-"- -"5.- .,'; V '"w..ri yJDAYHH6VEMBEIl 20, 1 827. The" Iislatu e of this State convened yektlrilay, but had not been organized, hen our! papejr was put to press. T4 ;eath:)f hoeiierAble Treasurer of State, which occurred on Sunday, will xen iieitnecessaryj rthetlgislature to 'enobse bme pne tsucceed him. A G vVernor and dpmptrolew have to Senate having jdied during the recess, tha Venice most alsbe filled. t;; on the inst,;6 near ne I' bptween$amuei -P. Carson Esq. a Mem If I Ir;rCnngr8s, from thfs State, and Dr. V. 2i?orilfe opponent at tjie late elpctipni io' which the tatter gentleman was t iSHfrti Carolina, and MVC.Xarson were Mr. Cmon's se oonds,ard Gen;T. Brittain & Mr. B. Pat (on attnrfyajnee At the first fire, Dr. ;Va1vceeceived;:the "ball of v hisantagimist. bcUveen the two last ribs, in a central part f the'jiy,ndvhe expired the next day Va flttpinht waaxnade on the eround to coiriprorniseMieiS xrrew out'of their late contest for a seat in vongress. v.eare iiiiuruicu umiwi. f exposed great satisfaction on being in Jforrnedf thatyMrv Ckrsbn had escaped without injury. - f " i ITow long will the cititens of this tree and Onnslianf country : countenance this . barbarons practice of settling disputes, for the most; part of a trifling nature. :Ve have commenced in to-day's paper, i the repubfication of a series of Essays, from"lhe!Rjchmoiiil Whig, under the sig nature r of " A. Farmer." They have been attributed i to Mr. Madison, but he has publicly intimated that he is not th Author- The writer, whoever he may be, cer tainly holds a masterly pen. He presents facts that must produce strong impres sions upon the mind not deaf to the voice of reason. In relation to these numbers, we have receU-ed a letter from a highly reipectable lilKof Carteret County, of which the folloiving is an extract .; ish mto print for the friends of the Administration, in pamphlet form one thousand copies of. the letter of A farmer" "which' appeared in the Richmond Whiff, r Print them as low aa you possi bly, can and I, will be responsible for the payment. I beg.leave to suggebt to the friends of, the Ad ministration to circulate fhptn frrelv: ihrouffhout the State. Let the DeoDle have light and they will act cor rectly and put adampen on the ambition ol i. l -.-- . . r - i .a notice in . the Advertising. Department, vtjiat iht friiendf of the Administration in Franklin County,- have called a publii V J meeting to appoint Delegates jto the pro r posed Convention in this City. ':Si'ifijm0jAjpa.k has been appointed C 1 erithcWprioc Court of Richmond Ciiu-ntjf,;yc0 Covington, : IeUevilU AarApple Brandy 32 o35tiits:per gal. Bucon 8 to 10 cenfs. feawgmg 2ft tov24 cents; per yartL Coftee )Q "tbaacents Candles. 15 to 17l cent5. Cotton 'to 10 cents. Flax Seed, Rough. 80 to 85 tents per ljushel; Flour &4 76. Iron g5v50 to Ci'50 per ewt. v Molasses 55 to 40 centsiV Oils 25 to 50 cents per bosh- el ami Sur 1U to ll cents. ssait, L.iver p)r85 to 90 cents.' Turks Island do 80 ceuis. .Tiibacc?), Leaf-S3-25 to 3 50. Wheat 75-La 0 Vents.' .Lime S2 25 to 2 50 pet bask. "Whlakrylsa tolS5 cents per The F.ilt Superior Court Tor this Conntv ' a opened h tMomlay 1 as (P-Judge Ruffiu residing ; luere areno cnnunaixasts on '(C ducke'aud-sVsmall a number of others, tiuu-it, is yipy,(Mesi .UteC'vurt-'wHi 'adjourn i WUul-ayefle, Vpu9. Koufor.such I)o.e, theegislature of , -V' N l IVimeNW-have likrii a ftenwhicli forbids ed to tliat'county from! New-Hanover, was convicted 01 the-murder- of his cousin, Pe- helnpetOrrell, and;5 sentenced by 1 Jmlge Ruffin to be hung on Friday the 7th of next rnonth. This case, is reinaikable for thf reason which is supposed to have prompted the prisoner to the commission of the dread ful crime, viz : that the deceased had re fused to marry jiim. lb. k At the Superior Court held for Cabarrus county last week. Judge Norwood presid ing, Joseph Ve;tr (who hus, for a year or two past, rndereii himself somewhat no torious, by his lawless depredations on the proper yj &c. of the citizens of Lincoln county) was tried on an' indictment fur kidnapping (in stealing sundry negroes in Lincoln county, and running them orT to South -Carolina for sale,) and was found guilty by the Jury Jones, an accomplice .of ..Wear's, turned Stated witness, & was admitted to give evidence against the lat ter. Wear was sentenced by Ju!gp Nr wood, to be hanged on Friday ihe 30' h of this mouth. His counsel prayed an appeal to the Supreme Court ; but we have not learned whether, he has be n able to ive security for the appeal. TVcst. Car. The trial of Robert Spier, charged with the murder of John Williams, -came on rhe last Superior Court of Craven county. At seven o'clock on Saturday-evening the sulicitor closed the evidence in behalf ol the State ; after which the witnesses on the part of the prisoner were examined, and the argument of his counsel was con eluded at twelve - o'clock at night. The term having then expired, "the Jury wre dismissed. The Editors refrain from giv ing the minutes of the trial, because thev understand a question arises, whether? the priaoner is not exempted from a further trial, on account of the term of the Court having expired before a verdict was render ed in the case. Centintl. Execution of a whole Family. On Sa turday la-t, at 12 o'clock, ,Iiey worth and his two sons, who were convicted at the last asizes for this county of a number of most atrocious burglaries, were executed, pursuant to their sentence, in front of the Castle of Lancaster. The spectacle of the execution of a whole familv,. at the same moment and on.ihe same scaffold, was ne ver before, we believe, beheld in Lancaster. London paper. Public Sentiment of the People of Vir ginia. We ha e receivel from friends in different partsof Virginia, as well as through the nespapers of the State, numerous ar counts of public ceunty meetings, in ad dition to those heretofore noticed. The elevated character, as well as the number of the citizens who have attended these meetings: render them truly imposing and justify the hope that this distinguished Commonwealth will, at the approaching crisis of ther institutions ot the Republic, be found on the side which comports with . r it ,. ner ancient lame anu ner unueviaung sup port of free Gonernment. The proceed ings of several of these meetings we have by Bpecial resolutions been requested t publish at large, and we would cheerfully comply, coming as the requests do trout individuals of s much respectability, ma ny of them subscribers to our papery if it were not that compliance would exact al most all the space of our columns. We should feel indeed much pleasure in pub lishing these proceedings at large, as they are in cverv Case, accompanied by address es remarkable for just views of republican government, for their temper and ability, i and every way worthy of the citizens of free and "enlightened State. flat. Intelligencer' Cood Example to Electors. The fol lowing Resolution was unanimonsiy adopt ed at a meeting of the friends of General Jackson; held in Northumberland county, Kentucky : ''J?e9oi;e?,that we wilt through the con test for the Presidential Chair, disapprove of any vulgar, harsh, and unbecoming ep ithets, ir language usd, either in relation to our own candidate or the Adniihistra tion party believing.tliat such things tend to inflame the public mind unnecessarily, tftid have injurious effects upon the morals if mil- rminlrir M , Impeachment of the President The wise and moderate have for months turned their' eyes towards the approaching session of Congress with apprehension. There was but too much reason to fear,,, -that.. the Representatives of the people catching that excitement ivhich unfortunately, blazes so fiercely throughout the country, would fan rather than reduce the fiSme f civil .dis? cord. Many again hoped, that the gene ral apprehension of such an evil, would of itself contribute; to -avert' it, and that pat. riotic members L Congress partiti paling ia the anxiety and fears that- the prevail ing convulsions menace the ve: j.. existence of theguvernment,?puld turn their thoughts .ind,efi'jrt towards '& mi jg thepublic-a- iuauou.S' vvuaiejer leaaun-incic inc of course) requesting the Representatives of that , state in Congress, tof Impeach .the President of the U. States!. Here follows the Resolution. Rksoltkt, That Jhe " Representative in the Congress of thf United States from the State of Tennessee be, and tltev hereby,are requested to prefer charges against John UuinCy Adams, now President of the United States, setting forth char ges & arguments contained in the foregoing pre. amble, and use their endeavors to have the aaid John Quincy Adams, President as aforesaid, im peached and dismissed from the Presidency of the United States. After this it ere in vain to expect heal ing and modente councils from the ap proaching session of Congress, The Legis Iatura of Tennessee have thrown a burning brand into the midst of the magazine. They have rung the tocsin, and the dis mentions of the country instead of being mitigated by Congress, are destined to be increased by ihis last fanatical act of par ty spirit. Richmond Whig. Arkansas. The General Assembly of the Territory, .of Arkansas met at Little Rock, on the 1st ult. Daniel T. Witter was elected President of the Legisla'ive Council, and Ambrose H. Sevier Speaker of-the House of Representatives. , On the 2d. Governor Izard sent his Message. . The Message commences with an expres sion of j he belief of the Governor, that the popul tton of (he Perritory ' had reached that point which, by the laws of the Unit ed States, Territories are entitled to be ad mitted into the Union." The language ol ;he Message on this point is as follows: "That we have reached that point I entertain no doubt ; but notvvitlistnnding the zeal of the officers whose t'uty it is to take the census, the statements are so sparse, nnd the means of access of the country so extended, that it is scarcely t possible to note with precision the increase o our inhabitant". In 1830, hovVever, 1 anticipate vpith security that ihe Star of Arkansas will as- gtnie its rank in the constellation which adorns tin" banner af our country. A brief reference is made to the alarm recett'v excited in the Territory bv a rr- pnri rfisr a pany or American citizens, under ? e direction of the Mexican autho rities, hvd crossed the Red rivr to wage war agairjftt the Camanche Indians, & the Lejjisaiure-js congratulated on the dis. p pearante of this danger, by the dispersion of that body in he Taxes,; of its uwn ac cord The a'iffi ultjes -in the way pfniak iuu; the road to Memphis, in the line pre- I spribed in tin report of the Commission er-. are touched upon, but no serious in convenience is feared from the trivial de viation which mar be necessary. Some changes of a legislative character are ug gested by way ot maKingiue returns nt e lections and the census far more regular and certain, by coVnpetiing officers to per form their duties with more punctuality. Q-her considerations of a local nature -Here submitted to the attention of the Letsia ture. It is stated that the outstanding scrip of the Territory, exclusive of inter est, amounts to 5,054, dollars and it is recommended to raisb a loin to redeem this debt. Jour. WaHrenton, N. C. Nov. 8 liverwort. We have bt en informed that a gemie- mvili in this neighborhood, who is laboring under a pulmonary attack, has been umg the Liverwort fir some short lime, and that it has been attended wiih considerable good effect. Marriage Question. The Presbytery of New York has - unanimously." dvcided to erase the section of the confession of faith forbidding a man to marry his deceased wife's sister. The Presbytery of New Brunswick has come to the same decision, 12 to 5. The Presbyteries of Ohio, Rea stone, Winchester, and Philadelphia, have voted to retain the section.' New York City Election. We think the friends of good order and civil government have not so much t apprehend relative to the N. York City Election as some seem to 'hink. Let it bei borne in mind, that the Jackson party have only got that which has always been conceded to them. From recent demonstration in our favor, it is true, hopes 'were derived that we should prevail, or at least come so near it as to leave the Jackson spirit little' to boast of. And what has the event proved r Allow ing the Jackson ticket mx thousand majori ty, which is the full amount claimed by the most avaricious of she party, and more than many of them expecti and we shall then have received more man seven inou sand votes, which would be a large majori ty of all the votes ever before polled; in the city of NewrYork. Let it be recol lected 'that u pward v.f 20,000 votes were taken, and that 13,000 is ihe highest num ber ever pol I ed . before ! Where t his i m -port ant iucrease ? , Surely not from the in creaVe1 of population ? Where universal su 3 rage prevails, and when the election is of sufficient intet est' to draw out all the votes, we believe that the ratio nf the votes to the population jnay be safe I y calculated jda one . to nine, in commercial cities. ; Al ( lowing 0,000. votes to have been, polled in New-YurkV therefore, according to this estimate, it will give'lhat citj a population of180,000-fUich i probably cerrect made up of foreigners who are not enti tled to vote. We may safely estimate thi population at 20,000, which deducted fron" the gross amount wotild leave 160,000, from which the votes were to.be taken. The proportion of voters to this population wo.uld then to be as one to eight a pro portion altogether unprecedented. J It will be well also to bear in mind; that the city of New-York and a few of the ri ver cities and counties are all that the E 1 hony party ever courited upon. The great body of the people, the yeomanry of th; interior, and the bone, muscle and sinew of the State, are at least ten to oneor the Administration, and when the contest shall lie, as it will rxextfalU betweeo Adams and Jackson, uninfluenced by the local feel ings and preferences of legislative & char ter interests, New-York will be found no bly rallying in the ranks of Light and Li berality. Let us not, therefore, be cast down by this seeming reverse. Let it be borne in mind, that the first returns of the Maryland elections, (those of the city of Baltimore) were also unfavorable to the good cause; but especially let it be recol lected, that the darkest hour is that which preeedes the light of the glorious day. Halt. Fat. In a lafe trial in England; in which Mr. Brougham was for the plaintiff, and Ser- (inant ViEJ fnr lha 1 1 u f' Intif ft jmsrruc were claimed for the negligent manner in which the defendant, a Doctor, had treated a broken leg of the plaioiilPs. Mr. Baron Rullock chat ged he jury, that the defend ant had undertaken, in point of law and in tact, lo attend ihe ptaintitt, and they must decide whether his attention was such us was necessary, and ought to have been ren dered. Verdict damages oa th ground that there" was negligenee. We take this onportuuity io remark, tha' this is (he law ofiour country ; and, consi dering the havoc made among the poor and ignorari', fyy the desperate quacks which infest the interior of our State, itis a mat ter of surprise they have not been arrested in their progress by the application of this taw. renn. Uaz. The following, says the Newburyport Herald, is the last production of the llos rox Bahu : THE DYING CHRIS I IAN. How peaceful is the closing sccnfe. When virtue vields its breath How sweetly beams the smile serene. Upon the chet-fc of death. ' The christian's hope no fear can blight No pain his peace destroy ; . He views, beyond the realms of light, A pure and boundless joy. Oh, who can gaze, with heedless eye, On scene so iair as this t Who but exclaims, ' thus let 7ne die, And be my end like hist' MARRIED, In Rowan county, on the 4th inst. Mr. Joseph Wyatt to Miss Irena Parker. In Iredell county, on the 23d. ult. Thomas W. W ilson, Attornevat L w, of Wilkesborough, to Miss Catharine Cald well, daughter of the late Col. Andrew Caldwell. In Iredell county, on the 6th inst. Dr. Sheldon Lemmort, to Miss Eliza llulj. In Halifax, on the 29th Ult. Mr. Russell Kings bury, to Mrs. Marv T. Osborn. In Northampton county, on the 30th ult. Mr. William Jo'sey to Mrs. Martha Josey. In this counl v, on the 1st inr.t. the Rev. D.taiel W. Kerr to Miss Rebecca Davis. In Iredell county, on the 11th ult. Mr. Jncob Tipps to Miss Matilda C Cowan ; o rt the 22d, Mr. Hiram L.. Sloan to Miss S irah llrevard ; on the 23(J, Mr. James Johnson, of Mecklenburg1, to Miss NancyTorrence, daughter of Alexander Ton enre. ' , In Halifax county, Mr. Richard N Ivey to Miss Sarah Fulgum. - , In Iirunswick count v, on the 26th ult. Mr. William Mitchell to Miss. E. Newell. Mr. m. Jlougall, to Miss Caroline d. McKay of Wilmington". )Trd, In this City, on Friflay niht, afierf. short and distressing illness, Mrs.. Alto ia H. Frster, agel 32, relict -f the late Rev. Aiuho.ny Forster, of Charleston, S C. aiul daughter of the senior Ed tor of this paper- It would not become t, t give vent to our filings on tiiis occasion, but we cannot forbear sying,if the practice of all the virtues which tend to elevate ami adorn the Christian character ; if the mof.t unbounded be nevolence to her fellow c eatrures, or the 6trict performance of the relative duties of life in what ever capacity considered, const'ute a claim to public regard,A?r memory w ill long be cherished. She was pious without' ostentation, and, benevo lent wiihout other hope, of reward th in tiie en- I joyment of those feenngs which are inseparable rroni puruy oi inougui anu eraracccr.v imring her short illness, the priucJples whicJbverued her though life, became more lunynou, andf.er virtues more deeply felt ashe rays of light be come the innre intense, the more Ahey are con centrated. Hut neither the digirifyof virtue, the humility of Christianity or ' the endearing at tachments of friends, 4ald avert; t iie"Urt f the destroyer. The silver, cord has beci 'lddd, the golden bowl ol life has been broken, ; antl he spirit has ascen ed to .the fitwV Wlo j?ave it.- iler virtues are left as a ncli legacy to her be reaved children ami fafnilV ? .. "Al And on Sunday morning, in the 73d- year of of the State.4 which otHce he has tilled for the long term of 41 years,1 with unwearied devo' ion and. a iaithful discbarge of its Jmportanrdttties, for which a parallel cadscarcely be found Our peculiar situation, at this pcriotl, and our limited time for publication,' prevent Us from domg'Jas tice to the character of this most excel lent man. We trust some abler pfen will, at an earlyIay, fur nish ; us'" air ' bltuary - notice, . wort by to . &e rc- tlie present; short ;opporttinity j passes tv V a brief; hut imperfect trihiite "to-hwtvWlhy 'J as we have "knbwji and feh, ti-influence C j M Oiir roott tU . Twvrrr" In' term for-'L It-wX f vears most sffectiouateU annlied 10 him bv.thb' s. who knew him ad sis cunsequencelliTedJfnilif v was distinguished alike by his ttctiveml w!tV .:T,,' virtues. : His charitable hanl ws ever exfemhvl ''fi' to ihe indigent and distresed-his -beni'vpleot . C heart ever open to cnmmiserte the jRicteili''1 iorDearince ana torgirenees ot injuries were pi sy rnpat lose with . the : sutterei ml,. rejoice w jt h 'f ; those who had cu9e for joicinffC Hia't'endrr -V" fess to hlsaraily and hia urbanity 'to'alT ,wittrv whom he hadinteioursel1 was nroverbiLv4liil him distinguished vtrtue..;yet fewc mn .hadT'so -little to forgive n;tlial gfcorrs6 universaHy wis'.; r " he beloved. Goodness Viad f, fiUiip'one ' numcnt," nd I(ing will that life' be, ,Vv'bo sCt nis ii Ke again On the 6th ult. J oh it GrahaEtrVcsqT armemberkV of the legislature otT '-Tennessee from rerrx". county, and a native of Anson county;' iii this i, tate."-. i .- r-:'--'? In Concord, Cabarrus cotintv,? Mr. Georfire IU?- xeaman, ag-ea aDotu years. , He Was formerly, lh atUcheU to the Philadelphia Ctrcu, anJ haa ben,S- ,J extensively known as among the most celebrated , Equestrian performers In the United "States? ' V i Pasquotank, on the 29Ui-ulV'MM0llev;V'v '.; ison, wife df Mr. Uobin Simpson. WC'J Sim lis In Philadflnli . no tUt 'XCi U .Tf UIIKJm': William C. Butler, merchant1 of EHiabetb CftY.' , In Philadelphia, on the , same drv Mr, JosiaKK-V Townsend, a respectable citizen ot PeiuuTiansJVl county. He has left a lanre family to xaoufo i-V V. . i - . . i . ... ....'.,.5 !ir. . : Ner 'Elizabeth city,- on Thursday lastt'trst't-. . Mary Ann Corniok. ". - - -J. U'Vi-yf 1 1 In Mecklenburg coqnty, on the .6th.uistwMrfcNr-i , ( ' John Garrison Alexander, ujre l -bout -$9 rear$, ":.wSr'''H? In HalifRi county, a few days sinceyMtt lVjclti-." rd Epnes, clerk, of the County Court.- 7 Carriage and Gig AlaTdngI 4 v IE Subscribers takes tins method tomake;' Ll'.-f rpiiE JL Know iown to nis rrienasjina ins puouc-suac Jief . vvl hand a number of Vanned and StVki has on i i of the best material Which he ofteifl atjyery lo L prices, persons' wishing To purchase are' iiivitctl , to call and view them. ' " Gifirs and Sulkies sent to his shoo to be temlfc' V ed or painted will be promptly attended .-Ip' rand A1 kept in a house to.protef, tln-m, fronnhft.rwea ther. WKSLF.Y IWHITAKEH. Hal hirtder at the residence of the Iate? ColV Josnh Hawkins, in the City ofR.deijrtiV a; Ctmsider ibler portion decede the be lUClllVI Willi tiu Mules. Twelve month (lima a hnvp A trill-ira eieh, November 19; 1327. 'J'-18' vVf Z Important Sale. ON Wednesday the 21st day 'jofJvcmbr'i.Y' next, we sliall offer for s";de to tbeih'nrhejrt v, t; ot the I'EltlSHADLE ESTATE' ot ai4 A"VV) (fJ nt,. consisting of a lanre- assortment of jV I V i 1 1 st Household and Kitchen Ftl'rnitufe l kfsutCiV'F-JJ a Carriage and Hamcsst tw o G"i . ovl 1 laniess, v ' a pair of well bnke Horsesinda g.obd rtdinpf Horse, about one hundred a'nd-firrv; iwad of Cau ViViil I with good security, before, the, p'rrtp rryfMer j vered. For all sums cf fire doll a s and"muier K cash will be re'quired, by V VV.tJ - r;.v - WILLIAM X iVillia ms C-jsV?; ; .w J HAWKINS, S v' rA'Xi MIC AJ Ail 1 Or.tober 4. Mrs. Olirieti's hcIiool,V - TT'OR the present Session terminates-orTues- fl. day thel3thTof November, and jllbe.re- -suraed on the 3rd Monday in January: next. P ; ci ma a cioi'tc, vlu " lli7 ijecics.fion.-'v Music Drawih? Sc Painfimr for Hoard and Tuition, including eeryf braiicji 0 , "X Literary and Scientific Kducadoit, Usualljunhi'.!' in Female Serninane.V : " ' - V I'.Hch Yu ng Lady rtruat;. be ' brovidwtVwith .a.'' V Coverlet, blanket, pair of Sheets and tw o Tot..V els ; otherwise a separata cliai ge "far" those,' uiti 1 r' cles will be made. - ' -.,"' -,'.;t wf''".v (LT wisti to employ gome li:K"-(0iieviUi( WjHiamsboroueh. N. C. " '. out a lamny; wen quaiim-ajo Ukc clKrgeor the; Drawing and Painting department. ' Karly fph-1 cation by letter or otherwise,5 to Mrs.O'U or afieu P subscriber, v." ill De prutrVptlv ut! ended tn'l- Oct- 25, 1827. , X JU X. - 'J 'hh''i The Raleigh Register, Kdenton 'Gazette -arul 1 aroorougn r.ree f ress; wtll give tfctf above three . 'K. iiifcninns aim lotjy ara--turn accouHU. 1 . , State Bank of Nor 1 GRBEAHLY to the 2d secOoii,1 of ,thV J.c IX. incorporating the State Hank ofKortli TV rolina, an election of , NiuetcenTlirttort-.ott.e.V -fi Principal B4nk i to take place umu.dTr 'oji hey. rt first Monday in l)eecrh:er. j lieV'stockhoKLrAl Jl of the sa d Bank are therefore ralk-d otmii u meet ana 1101a sauieieciion, ami to atcndtiv -such other business in relation toVthe eeiierifl'J'' interests of t tit institution ak.mav.1tV'..4nr1irpil''iAi'N ------ - -r . " - - V " J h . .' attend, will please to send their; proxIi&?X - 'Cotton Gins; 1 5T! mil K--'Subscriber lias for .ap' t n-W-tiAnW; JL VoUtm urns,- or Uavuisoit s - bet fliliuw. j M . - . " " f'"!!"! ttirect)'nswtn:g of from 35 to 50 8avvsb''tb lrorfv and Cist Steel. d. Ilis prites pera: arc and I $2 50. Oct. 18.1827. ' : -vA9-W)vr4 6 11 li folio wing arc he drawn nuih tv$ i i" thf I. 'New-York CopsoijdAteirjttTy,Oia CI 1st.' 2d. 3d. .41h;: 5th'6th-4 ' To Journey mcu A tioemakeris; oniHFiiibcTber t7;ihe tb emplovtwo or tVire JL J tirbt w Journeyxrieti Sh Croakers, V who? early apiicalioii be made to ' j f l'"- -.tsary, on aionuay mc j.i m ijec.ejnOer :iiext ,. -. at 9 o'clock in; the mornings at t!e HanE iff 'lt&' '' leigh. : '- ' '-) ;- "s ";: ' !f , -h By order of the Kmrd, . -iJ v wm H lLTr.O01VCrdc.?;Uf i ff-? Such StockiioUiers as cannot rvj-n.it- t -i 7 - )- I: 'i, i. it !- l?h, 1H7. ; o -lav 3: :