f V5"r Oart are the. ptani of fair, delightful peace ir Vawtif'd bj party rage td !Ie like brother i'. V FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 50, !Sr. V ; T' - JOSEPH"GAI.ES&SON, " AtlThrUe Dollars per jiftum; or One Uollar and a Half for hal f ; a y eaf b be paid i h advance ; ADVERTISEMENTS " jffot1 exceedlriixteenr tines,, neatly inserted ifcthree times fbOne Dollar; aridTwent-Five 'tlcVnlTorjeteiTlwcce'em publication. Those of ereater length In the same prooportion. Com ?nicationlankfully receiyjei.. .Letters; to '.IIICUIIUIS UIU9t,v . - TUESl) AYNQV Exl BER 27, J 827. :Mfi-'JbnHay son of the I a teiph'n II ay w ood j was je st e r d a v elecfed Sr.of.t1ie..State for 'ininearf tiy a rnajority of 156 votes vhiieliJames Seawell, Esqr; C The balioting for Comptrollertakps pace Jthi W are In 3fiormnalidi firthofficevyizi John Hehdersonj of Salisbury, : (ihe present in--xunibenf Anson, John I !0H Jli faxvThorn as ' BJ ackwel. -of Rocking I liarnVrjavift Ston e,f lh e"hj nie Himze, fofrankii'o,!Samu!ei! S. Downev, of. Gran- f . ?rvill c, 5' A tnbrpse VK. Ra"1 sejr, of Ghatham. ,v M' air; of.Richmodi ::l;v9J?f-nave'eenx a iriodel of a Railway by MrASHour "Engineer which seem pe ulurfy adapted aotihtry like ours. it is wnai is caneq a.sincie eievaTeu tian vay and;roayvbe; alike advantageously u- ' sed ftntrnp ofheavy bur- thens or the rapid conveyance of persons. Its utilitypias beenUesfed inJEhgland, and lt-recommeiildjtseito uson : account of jtseconbirryi The Rail 5a to be of wood "x1p?itnrIronVTtia8tinW'!aid on its surface and key edpt o. itv iot ' th wheels ;)f the carriage to ruhon;It may be ! ofany tleslrabte size according: to thf! ; -probable weight it may havtoutain janld is to be set on posts . ofUJiequ al ; lengt!), -so as t o preserv e a per fect levelyon .tf uniform-inclined plane. Td tlie ts projectinar several;, feet fn ra each side, h that plank can be Iaid!own to form a pat!' to cross raviueH pr any depression of court-, try, thu&y6id ing h e expense of culverts- and embankments. A shed, not unlike ; covered brjdgevcan be put up to prote'e? ' he u hole-work '. frora.lhe weather, the con siueratlon of al ways having. a dry path ti )ueja.s,twell as bieing at all seasons effectu aliysheltered, ;;rhayf counterbalance any feIKON";JKaiisofionstru a double ewacaitoaywhich oh.' different )ao"cTp invented. It'wilt have all the advantages. t)f the single fUaifwajf fojc sheller anQbridgesv and is ;betier: ap?edfiflr the conveyance of large !luf thensftt ccnsists bf two Rails " made inji i jrrspycts iKe toe single one, piaceii . f-'. : ' " '-y . -' . - -- ;'.r. i . - aewvfee apart n tn same level, and pa ralietoneairotKerth On thii Jlall wayj four wlfeej .are to be u ed twid eachRai 1.7 Between the Rail i a bofcis f o! H "at tached to theWKeels whic h are conn ect ed wi t b each other on the Rails s:KH )anidhMbtys attached in thfe same m i iiuu. u. if i rii l iiiiiiiii vriiiKiii-i- in nil iiii ways lii ilvHttad.Ki'fe.. a feral" fri c tioit Vl"ir,s yf iaieo.uie suricein me cusiin may ibe inud. sharper; ' conseq u e n 1 1 y, v t h e iriciiou is sujjifitjiritieqqimmisneu ana ine castiig ar4sS!able flaltetiedSif Ihe&Ithwheeisof - easy out Mjiy.Ji) attcM)ds-.:Tlic of the Rail? hr or'woodaJs ground oat and fixed ah the castlpgs a re' in t enlled 'to be ; 4u t-wbeir t!e whole are fined out wflh -.iron.. there ca hjbnijttQubr. that-we.mc&e jfcio2i??r on the ;PJhyp:aTpu I ley neceSa ry ;tij d raw an hundrtpoui(dAwiU be, consfderably A mceUoz'of-the-i:iuzenk fott rNewbem. vi r'y helttior uKeurposerof "'emaltzing thricxf jngrcss, pnthe hjectof provitjpr ihfe naV&atio'aVf itht -8 verl sttunUs,.Jsthil(- river f .;wluctaitnpt v,. uifninistii iroiu, what .it is vn- any- plan is supposed may be removed- by the con stant use of Dredging Machines. ; . JInti Jackson meetings. The content plated Meetirg in Carteret, was held as proposed on the 17th inst. and notwith standing that county is cut up by water courses; which are frequenrly impassable, one hundred and twenty friends of the Ad ministration attended. Letters were also received from distant parts of the country, from influential gentlemen who assuted the meeting, that a great majority of the people in their respective neighbourhoods, are friendly to the re-election of John Q. Adams. Our correspondent says, that this county may be put down as decidedly for the Administration. The proceedings tf the meeting fehall have a place in Friday'- paper, if practicable, and we will endea vour to make it so. Dr."'Jaines Manney and William H. Borden Kq. were ap pointed Ddega es to the proposed Con vention in this city. By reference to a public notice in to day's paper, it will bo seen that many of rhe freemen in Wayne County have called m Adrninisiration meeting, to -appoint Delegates. A large Meeting has 'also been held in Camden Countv, -Mid the second "Saturday in nex m nth, is fixd upon for a meeting in Pcrquimons. , Small Pox. The hopes entertained that this Jo ithso:;ie disease had subsided in E- ftlenron. have been dissipated by the qccor- rence ot two new cases, out of the infected premises. , An entire change has been made in the State Officers of Georgia, by1 the Legisla ture, now in session. Hines Holt is the new Treasurer Thacker Howard, Comp troller, Everard Hamilton, Secretary of State, and T. Mi'chell, Surveyor-General. R. II. Wilde is elected a Representative in "'Congress, vice Mr. Forsyth, chosen Go vernor. 1 . . SENATE. . Thursday. Nov. 2. Mr. Gr.jy prenenied a bill to preven the falling of timber in, or obstructing thel run of Car raw ay Creek, iu R ndolph Coun ty. Re;d tle first time a luLpasst d Onntoiin of Mr. Picket, the following references were made )f the various sub jects euibraced in the Governor's Message, viz ; .no. much as to ivlates to Interrud rm prov'tnenr, to Messrs. Owen. Brdnax, Deberry, Williams uf Martin and Be thune So much as relates to Marsh Lands to Messrs. Speight of Greene. MEachin, Ward, Jones, and Askew of Hertford. So much as relates to Public K.duc3tion, to Messrs, Shober, Drake, Joiner, Franklin and Whitfield. So much '.as relates to the Judiciary, to Messrs. Pickett, Bailey, Hintow, Luck, and Reinhardt. So much as relates to procuring from the British Government, documents relating to our Colonial History, Messrs. ..Wilson of Edgecomb. Davidson, M'Millan, Mont gomery and Ramsay. Sy mujcjias relates to the selling and surveyinJ the Liinis lately acqui red front the Clierikee Indians, 2cc. t Messrs. Spaight of Cracn, Alexander, Love, lhompson and Wr.han, of Boau fort. Oh motion of Mr Owen, so niuch ns re lates to the alteration of the Tariff. con- tcmplated by the Woollen'- Bill" was referred to a joint select Committee, con sisting on the pirt of the Senate, v.f Messrs, Owen, Pickett, Speight of Greene, Spaiht of Graven and Bied nax. 'the House of Commons subsequently appointed on then part, Messrs. Settle, Eccles, Fisher, Blount and Wheeler. v . Messrs. Burgin, Speight of Greene, Williams of Beaufort, Jonts ajid Nuttyll were. named as a Committee on . Military Affairs. . ; .. 4 . t . . vMrVBufWn; presented the petition of uddrvinhaut'htit.s f Burke ptavinff an al teration if- the boundary, line-ofthe 1st Regiment, "---Referred to. the MilitaryCom 3 mittee. : ; 4 -x . - nday9 . iVou. 23, Oa tnotion of Mr. Pickett - the Judicia ry Cotnin'mee,; were-instructed to enquire inio ine. cxpetirency or jncreasing me om ciaLBonds of the Clerks : of; the several Courts of Record, of thfs - State, 'and jalso of atnenOins the act of the General Assent bly4providing for 5 the . deposit and safe keeping "of said bonds.'. ' 'rr : j ' Onfiiotion,of;Mr? Sherrard. . the .same yuiuutii ice werejii3irucieu jo enquire ltito; tae:expe.dieily rof sor amendm the laws cor.cer n i n g Uastardy ss t o jgi ve bne;Xus- jiwcut ui t cawc tutupcienik jurisutciion. charge of the Public Buildings and keep them in $ stnte nf preservation, with a., salary of 100 dollars attached to the of fice. . Mr. H. also preentpd the petition of Henry Gorman of this City, praying to be appointed to take 'charge of the Public Buildingswhich Re;dutih and petition were, referred to the Committee on. the Pub lic Buildings. Messrs. Pickett, A-keV of Berfte, Da venport Harrell and Beasly were appoint ed a Committee on the part f the Senate,4 to join th? LpmniUtee on the rucaroru land, named by the House?-' , Mr Shober presented (he petition of Christiana Cruttendan, praying that she may have secured to her, such property as she niay hereafter acquire, and Mr. Db- son presented the petition of John Casie phens of Surry, praying to be restored to credit. Read and referred. Mr. Speight of Greene, presented a bill to repeal an act passed in 1823, concern ing the Roanoke Navigation. R;ad the first time. Saturday, iW24t 1824. The M'''Sage from the Hote of Com mons, proposing to refer to a select p int comovirtee, that jart of the Governor's Mes sage relating J the Cherokee Lands, ,was laid on the table, on moti.mof Mr.Pickett. Mr. Shober. from' the committee of Pro positions and Grievances, to whom the petition of John Castephens, of Surry, was r-f;-rred, reported a but n restore hint to credit, which was read the first and second time. The bill to" prevent the fulling of timber in the run of Caraway creek, in Randolph, passed its-second ard bird readings, and was ordered to be engrossed. Mr. Deberry - presented tue petition of Elizabeth ( ulpej-n M, i f Monfg. -mery, Mr Badey, the petition of-Jonn Si; iye-.tr, of Washington, praying respectively for Di vorces which petitions were read and re ferred. The resignation of J. W. Roper, Col. Commandant of the Regiment of Hyde county, was rea;l ;:id accepted. On motion of Mr. Speight of Greene, the committee on Internal Improvements were instructed lo.enquire and report to the Se nate, what progress has been made towards completing the navigation of the. R .moke, and into rhe practicability o' completing the same bv -locking in, fro;n the basin at Wei don's Orchard, with the, probable expense of (Completing the same, and'tnv. prac ical good which wt)u!d result to the. State from effecting the same. The bill renting to the subject, iniroduced by Mr. Spcigiit on yesterday, was referred to the same com mittee. J. Mr. Montgomery presented a bill toves: he right of electing Slvrirt in the pefple. which was read the first time, ordered to op nrtnted. and made the order of lht l:iv or Wednesday next, in committee of the vhole. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Thursday. Nov.. 22. . A message was received from the Senate, proposing a ballot to-morrow for aTreasurer of -State, rice John Haywood deceased, and stating that John S. Haywood is in nomi nation for that appointment. This propo sition was opposed, but after some debate was agreed to. j A message was sent to the Senate, pro posing to refer to a select joint cornmitiee, so much of the Governors message as re lates to the Tuscarora lands, and naming for this purpose n the part of the Hus, Messrs. Hill, Slurt, White, Blackledge, and Montgomery. . ' A message was received from the Gover nor covering certain Resolutions from the States of Maine and Connecticut on the subject of -Internal Improvements and a Communication from .the State of Ohio, on the amendment of !he Constitution of ihe United States. Thi message also contains a suggestion from the Governor, as to the propriety of reciprocating the civility of ojherbtat.es who ha' e sent us a copy of their Laws, by transmitting to each a copy of ours. Laid on the table until to-morrow. The House proceeded to the appointment of their Standing Committee's, viz : Of Claim Messrs. PVn y, Hardy, For, Dick efson. SV.'VV. Joshes, Glissoiy Husbee, Vebb, (.'len.cnt, M'JLean, Urevod, Clayton, Stewart, Kynom, MI)farirud and T'tonsas. On Agriculture-- Me.-srs. W. V. 'Stedman, Hurke, Nelson, Adams, Leonard, Fovy Smith, Hihiiaker, Hampton, Simpson, Neal, Patterson, Green, Kinc, UiMlerwocd and Seawell. Internal Improvements Messrs. Wheeler, Do- zitr, Benners Blount, Hill, Kerr, Stockard, Law son, Burnett, Fishei, Allen ot Buncombe, Love, Battle, Shine M'Nairand Kccles. Of Privileges & fecfin.-Me$srs. Bateman, Tillet, Kilpairick, Borden, Moore, Miillan, Boon, Donoho, Jones, Vvuliams, Baker, ConraG, -Wilkinson; Cooper, Itoykin andAVadsworth. , Of Proposlfotu f and Grievances. Messrs.' Bar nard, Cherry, . Hastings, Simmons; - Stephens, Lewis, Glasgow, Sutton, Hough, Newland, Gold, Mann, Garv, ; Little and Hodges. " VOn Educat'ionUessn WhiteV Ball, Whitfield, Blackledge, rGUfctpie.Gilmare TylorVN.Std man, M brehead,1" Alexanderi Gordon rittain,' ItTHJ Jones," Ruffin, Marshall and PurceUi' : Messrs; if ool, 'Blount, Moore ; Scott,;. I roy, Miichen, ppruili andiJcclt tornvthe Commitiee of Finance on the part of this House, . -vV ' TAalintiytorc rincra - hsin f hi rlW fnr Vierxs oai wunoat aa election, f - Friday Nov. 23 A "message was received from the Sen ate, stating the vote of agreement-to bal lot this morning for Treasurer, had been reconsideVel ind negatived, and pniposing to ballot for that office on MondaVnext. Agreed to. ' : ; On mo-'ion of Mr. Jones of Warren," Resolved. Tltat so niuch of tle Governor's Message as relates to draining and iclarroing viarsh or Swamp Lands, be retecred to the Com- mittee on Internal Improvement. So much as relaxes to l'uoiic insxrocLipii to tne uomraiueeoii K'lucation, and s mucas relates to the ; Ad- mmisfrj'.tion ot Justice, to the Committee on the Ju iiciary and that they report by bdl or other wise. ; On motion of Mr. Fisher, Rtsohed, That so much ot said Messacre, as relates to a eommumcatioo from the American Minister at London, be referred to a joint select Committee of three members, from each House, u-ith. instructions to enquire what measure this Legislature should take, consistent with consid erations of just policy, towards the publication of a history of North Carolina : And that they report by bill or otherwise. Messrs. Neu iand.Taylor, Brevard, Mar shall and Montgomery, were appointed a Comhiittee on Diyrcf and Alimony. Messrs. Jones, of VVarren, :Morehead, Settle, Eccles, SpruiM, Scott and Alexati der vvere appointed a Con.mittee on the Ju dietary. Messrs. Mo6re Hill and IXonoho, con stitute the Libjrary Cnmmittee ori the part of this House. . - ' , A message from the Senate, proposing the appointment of a joint selec.r Commit tee on the Public Buildings ind Matning h their part, M.-ssrs. Speight of Greeae, Hinfon, - Burgin, Vadi(fk and Love. 't he proposi'ion was cced?ed to. & Messrs. Lewi, G!is!ii, Gary, Bopiiati and Love, selected on the artd"the House. On motion of Mr. Brv'jrd, Resolved, That the Judiciary Committee be in structed to enquire 'into 4 he expediency of pro viding by law, tor thf final seilemfiot of the accounts of Ex cutorsand -.(Innnistrators .in such m inr.er .is to secure tf creditors, a just and e- au-.il nronortinn of tlieir di bts and demands, sic- i cording to th-ir respective amounts, 6iir of the assetts in the hands of such. Executors or Admin , istrators. O i -notion of Mr, Alexander, Resolved, Th t the same Committee be instruct ed to enquire into the t xpedit-nry f so amend-i in the lw,as t- subjt-ct th. assets in tlie hands ot an Executor or Adtninistrater to 'attachment. Two ballotings vvere had f.r Engrossing, Clerks, on sheiast of which, Wm. J. Cow an was elected. One yet retnaitis lobe ! ele ted. Mr.. Gold presented the petition of John Hardcasile of Ru'herjnrd, praying to be restored to credit & the petition of Charles Lewi of the ame county, on the subject of a public Road. Mr. Clayton present ed the petition of William Featherston of Buncombe, prayings authority to open a practicable way to a pubHc Mill. Mr. Salmon, the .pelition.,of John Powers of Stokes for Divorce. Mr. Allen, the peti tion of William Roberts of Buncombe for Divorce, and "f Thomas Sharpe of the same countv, praying to be placed on the Peri si on R';l!. Mr. Neill, the petition of sun dry citizens of Rutherford, praying for au thority to alter the direction of a public Road. Which, petitions were read, and respectively referred. ' , - - The resignations of R uben Walton, Lieu. Col. of Cavalry, in the 16th Brig ade & of Sauri.Mejrcer, Col. of -'In; 2d Re gimetit of 1st Biigade of Infantry, were read and accepted. . " Saturday, iVov. 24,'i. Tite -names of Jasper, Lilly, Covington, and Hwlges having been withdrawn from the nomination fr Engrossing Clerk, a balloting was h id for the Clerk yet remain ing to be chosen,; which resuiled in the e lection of .'i homas D-ws. Mr. Moore presented the Report of the Commissioners -appointed under direction of an act of the last .Legislature, to ascer tain the practicability and probable expense of uniting the waters of Lock wood's Foil v and Elizabeth river, by a Canal, which was referred to the committee on Internal lm provement. Mr. Barnett presented the petition of Thomas 'Searcy, Clerk of the Superior Court of Rockingham, prating for the pay ment of the costs of a suit instituted lor said Court by the" Adjutant-General, a--gainat Genl. Belhell,in behail . f th Srate,1 Mr. Clayton, the petiiioh of Jane W'llsoi;, of Buncombe, and Mr. A. Williams, thV petition of Phebe, M'K.0 ughan, of Guif ford, praying id havcproperiy secured to mem irom ine ciaim oi ineir nusoauus which were read aid respectively referred. A message was sent 'to the benafe pro posing "to refer oa select joint committee that purt ot in txccutive Message relat ing fo the Cherokee Lands, -and informing that Messrs. Donoho, Ait en of Buncombe, Allen of Montgomery, Jones juf Rowan, and By nam v form the cm mittee on the part of he House. , ' . V.Vt On motion of Mr, Perry, the Commitiee oitEdocati!! were ipstfucted.'toeiuq'uire, into the state of the Literary Fund, ari make a report thereof at an early day,.'Vs,r yMr. Nedf preseute?! the petitton6f'T1io ' ma Green, ot Burke. Read end referred. The resignations 61 AVnkmson,liuiI Col'ooerbt the second Regiment, and ot WA R-'BulIoc: MajorroLihe; fitsf Regt roent of Edgecomb Mil ilia, were Vead anu occeDled.v-' . i " ':4r - -" - y , ' - occepua.v t . . -? - $ . the 73d yejir of hi " no. eayVoa'B-ci ,uli he Treasurer ott he State,; To the uihabitantrsof V character 01 rvi w - ivuui.iru wiui in.'mnn ai. c . ..... entlematuit is- unnecessarvto . pronounce hn : eulogium .'tot'gttsticeeqiiires vr : that we shcA.d procUiim to the wnri.1.' '. CUroti na,n aa aire of def dcation: Jrniiiik V:. V servant ofqr iortylthree yekrsdm!msferel! V! Iu Treasury with a. virtue ;trulyvRomii $ who;. temarkable ,in,privatejife for the amenitvpf;.;' c.ic iiiauarje or-ni pU0IIC.5Uttes ; uuiiounea in nnnness ot Cato with, the intekriw : i-' tyof,Fibriciu- ' ; :. t :: K-tfi'S We of North Carolina, niay ,with truth' affirm i t ? -histobe . ';.t ji-''V;;' Clarum et veneTablle nomen1: ' - umuuui nosirK quos prouerat rbi; To the influence of his example we oe'tbttV'-;' '':"' elevated stand-rd of official integrity, thafseflVt"- bihty to the sacredness of a pubhc trusty VVtcli' i prevails amongos, and which has f ehdebid peclf' Ja"? uu koowji. in return we oweiiim m(rt.'vti ument more durable than ; brasv,which,shallib6 forever present to our recollection, which car only be erected in our hearts: ." ;r:'Ax Jl ; fglHE Co-pannersl ?p of Ueckwith &neKiersorVr - -V-a. is this day Hisrtvr2 by mutual consent; v x I - i . All persons ih 'Vbted to the Firm' are reqie'v-r s ed tu close their accounts by th first of Jatiuarr :-" J , ' Those who. have laim against .the -FirmiU pleae present them. . -- x ..- v-U' - j Dr. Henderson wilf attend to the liettTement V'-JS' ' ' of the business ; in his absence-.Dr l5eekvT)th;- ' " J- BBCkwiTtirii;;; i ' t i --'xr- MIIfcNDBilsWafev-"i' Raleigh, Nov. 26. - ; r- -y v,-?s hr. n cffcrs for le'ow moderare terms? 1? stron?, wed farmed Dkck -HorseO 7 oVnr A V Mr.'-- 'i old, Avell suited for a Carriage, StapeV.rW'gon- . t, or a ..long journey onjiorsebck. : p sJf'.V , : PUBLIC,- MEB i?ING?-jij A LL the, Freemen tf -Wayne CouAlVl friendly: ! to the re-election .f Jobs QmiT-nLMri' Kf.S the Presidencyof the United State , areVespectCv.'r I fully solicited to m- et" at''inqoait:H-iUinVr','v) vvaynesoorough, on the second Saturday WDeA Hi- 1 cember at 1 o'clock, for. the' purpose; of; elect- ing Delegates to meet in General'- 'jHrirtvnt niv'i'rV-i't :7 the City of Raleigh,- on the fSO hot December, A -PS or at such otbertinie as r;a be ,th'oucht-moV'A' uuy cu FiM,for,ine puroowe ot forming an KlectO- ral Picket for.Mr. Adam, ift Nonh'CKnk;':tAVJu of adoptWsuch other measures a"khallhrn -. 'A J ed most likely to. .-idvance the, interest 'of .theVvVU I present Administration. - V V 1t?vr Many Freemen ofr JFavnei r ' li " State of North.CaroIitm:;f J,l(i Northampton County,4. fWjg tfy ; CouTt of Eauitv. Fall TrmA: t. mY.Is'&'1?V I -fjamea Webb, .ComplainantI S "V.fJt, Vv...Uw..n. U..II.U aim Mfuc cjiizaDeiD, jaterEIi2av beth Jenkins.' defendnttta K 4tV. x-i'iY-.rA s . ' - :c j," ; ,w dents of this State, it is ordered thatpnbrjcatS'jriiCA be made in the Kaleigh Reer.'or tk week J successively, that, unless saidT defendant' al.4if.Vl..' appear ai xne next uurt of : Equity to be hekl MPA tor said county, at the Court House irt,ih. tnWi vV3 oui to maice conveyance of Real Estate ' v - H' IT appearing to the satisftction of tli'e'CoiltAti the the defendant inKta--, Ajt'ji tl I of Jackson, on the fifth Mnrlv Offo iw-ji.lrl '. Monda tn MarchnexVand plead; answer or "deV tV ' - -. urn, me same wui -of? neara''-vv " )i : exparte" and a decree made accordingly,' r -VC A copy. Teste. JTn n "a uta -.-Vt-Vi Nov. ' 16, 1827. . Stale of NbrthiCarbUui;:fj-r.f , V "ertie County.;. V f, ",k '.7 Court of Equity September Term "1827. -T i"" . ' 2' ii'iam iieiry, noiomon uiierry, Jfieplicjxerty and Jame H. Cherry, the three latter Mfctfts," Levi 3Vt. Holder and wife Um formed -WrW -r- v ""vii. vuruian,.ana siary - v4? ' Cherry, widow of Solomon Cherry, Petitioners " , - . Cheiry, - j , ' v'; il)efendanta.-J Mention for Sale ofrealJUtdte rf i ''Irif'-reof.era set forth. in thir oetition: hun ired acre-v.adiioinjr the Unds of Stephen died intestate, being- netzcrt and possessed rf tw6 tracts of lai d, to Wit : Pne tract comanrine six hun ired acre-v'-aaiioinff the Urida nf QtA,v 'a and otriers the'diher tract -containing 'aixtyt'H; acr s. adjoining AHnds of Tbotfisn liaryemore,' j - '' i i .-"ilea Lit rrrv npr(i - a- ."."lu jrcinyTcnu otners... i iiat the Clerk ' r and Master Je direciedXa muke sale oj. the said 'V: lands for a division amo;f the heirs it tavuf ih f i s lut Solomon Cfier.-y...A;iiat Levi Jloldtr arid wife:MaryiVformerly l4i7i;herryvhb''ai4'- en titled to a distributive shAe of Midlands, do nntj rcwic ..wKiiui me junsuician;ox.uii,i;otirt j and pray that publicvon be irode'to lhe naitt ifrtiT er and wife, that they be-and appear "at the" next Wi Court, , to be held 01 the thir& Mf ,'n,: y cf irch ,- j uexxj ana pieaa answer or4 cur.. And'jfap iA It elders nd wife be ami appear nbVLext term f' ihm,;i uuui, iv uc uciu in ,v inusorvthetbird'. Testi Cl I A S.-W: J ACOCX Windsor, N C 12th Oct. saia ieri-M. Hotrterana wit- tryVCo r ot reside ' -wiuiin the jurisdiction of ibis Cu lt t there' F ' forer4rid,;,Uwf Hdeigh Register, for weeksK thatutlw m!". Mqmlay ot AI arclijjixU. and plead, ,wVr or ' demur to the saul petitioiii.or that judirmStit nrtk f U confesw be entered attains! llnivnoilv if 111 - The annal jmeejhfS 'of ihe'TnistVefrof the U-Nkt niversrty of Nortli-CaraJina will be , held In h -Vc' n Executive Office tn ,t uw City oh Monday - loth 1 ? ' of December at 7 VclocltP. M: '. , By appointment 6f .the PrtTsIdent; ? ' ' ? Raleigh, 26tb Nqt loV7.V?r VV ---,Cr V. ' ' ii I i i II i ii i I I - . . . . r ... BY order of the Countv CouH Cf Granvfller7 ?i : : rshall expose to Tubiic; Site at-rOxfoitl on V-V chaser kivinff-bond, bearing; intt rest fromiJL-i oaxe, wixn approveu stcor ues And when sail bonds become due, tbr dfawers-of themiftbcV - ' , ' prefer it, can have accommodation in the I New. . , : ? bemBank. , :ri .i ' - " JOltN C. TAYIIOr. ExV " MA .A ----- - ' - -'' tr t Kwjbi xsor , lyr. -. .-. .. , t . -

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