. J4.' "' T' ' , f i ' ' ' ' i- , . - . . . . , - Unw&rp u - Jartperanmihi half m rr-'r.cf, r, i, 1 thel ' ;-.':-T, vAts- 1 - . . , . I f,'T1 . . w.i 4. I -fill. I r ii , i " ,C' v " -' ' '"ii" ' - J ; I ' 4, - ML 1 V A D V E IITI 3 H M r.T T "r;';-VNotXceeclinixteenlinefncaUvinserte(it publication ; those of ;;reaU I ftme nranortton;.;. CcmnvnieutUi ' tceivcJ..,Lltfcl,$ to i Editor roust br i -ti ft , ; , -, ADX" V .1 ATION-'MKBTIXGS. vA-tne- n miTnbetfinividasKt from dif ferent i of the- otifttry; fricmlly to the Ufesent Admlnistralioiif ws!ietd m thiAtm, on the 18tb iustjini tli" oblfct mT character f of XjjtprepafmtoTy WeiWbf tbe subscribers, firqrahle to. the pTittcSples and measures of the . fortfterjind present ! jAdmioi$tratioos meeting tailed without the fo matitjr-of general notice, ntliererore ot arropatinff to itseir-the rijclit to direct or'diC'. ate" to theif ellow-citizens who : Were not present and from whom they received no delegated power a Committee of Corres pondence was appointed, to facilihite its object ; two of whom, Hugh Meenan, Esq. and Doct. 13 H: -Duntap, were nnpomted to apprize otir Ke '.presentatives forthwith of the design of this meeting. ' r - The., object, as expressed at the meeting, is to recommend, in the individual capacity of the subscribers, to cur 3 nators and Rt presentatives in-the Legislature, to confer wi'h - hose from Lin coln and Cabarrus, as to this District, and with ,nll others practicable, as to this State, and toflas i t Tj forming an Electoral Ticket fa oi-able to the re elect on of, John Q.. Adams as tlie next President of the U States and to promote .1 mich other measures as may afford a just, fair and Jionorsble expositi n ofthe sentiments of the cit zens at la ge, on this interesting subject,. at - our next election. And farther, to rtqut our re presentatives, or such of tiiem as may feel dispos ed to ct, to give a full and explicit detail of what may be thus done, to the citizens of this county fnvorable to the present admimsttaiion t a gen eral meeting of bom the committee of Corres pondence will notify to take place in Charlotte, , on Friday, the 2 2d of Fe ruary next f at which time they wdl'also request a delegation from Lincoln and Cabarrus. ?$fpi'i It is ordered, that to ofthe Committ e of Correspondence, D6ct. R. Dunlap and.Hugh Meenan, Esq. immediately inform our represent tativea o' our r ftuest, an aso cause a notice of these proceedings to be published in the Cataw ba Journal. A copy . of the foregoing, signed by all who k were present at the meeting, has been forward-T ed Jo our representatives m the Legislature. "Vlie foHw'mg petWmn iMn)c the Com mittee of Corresjwndence : i James Cunninghanrt, Doct. D. R Dnnlap Dr. Toseph Me.Knitt Alexander, Hugh tarks Hugh Meeivtn, William L Davidson, Guy Maxwell, Alexander Greer, Laird H. Harris, Isaac Camp- oeii, Henry Foster, James Dinkms. Robert Sloan Esq James Wilson, William Houston, Esq. John Stitt, Augustus Alexander, i CkarLttel JV. C. Dec. 10. SecbiiiiClah . .THHi Subscriber baing. 8nprint?nded the drawi ng of tlie 1 Grand ConiQlidatrd ' Lottery; Class "-vo'.2,- do hereby certify that 60 numbers (frcm J 'tcr: 60 tj rHjlusi ve) srer severally placed in a jwhet 1 thsday f and that the following were the numbers drawn? . , j '' - , ' ' ift,; sr. sr. ssss, 9, and that the said number's w;re dWTi in the oiv der m which they .stand bove4 -that ia to Jay, No. 14 w s the 1st that was drawn No. 271 was th 2d ; So, 57 w:.s the 31 ; Nok JIS was the,4thi No. 31 was th-5t?i tJ$o& was tbetHh i No. 53 wa thp 7th 5 No. 9 was t etaad No, 5 was'tb- 9th -n'' 1 st. - 'C Witness our hands' at the'fiifg f Wathingtvn, this 22th day of Dcc.,187 r WM. Fu OUT, Cr n CLARKE, V ANDriEWrnAY. YATES k McINTYRE, ' ' - ' -Managers. 11 rawing, of the , ; " j Rhode-hlcm.it -Latterydth Class, is re ceived, and the following were drawn : - 12- 20. S2. ' 14. 27.i 15. ' , Several Prizes of magnitude were soi l at ur Office ; where Cash or Tickets in the Lotteries now before the public can be had. V, -- YATES & SVINTYkE, '' Fayetttiville St Ralttgh. Nov 29 ' , -i 1 LR1CKETTS, Piano Forte Malcer from Bal . timore, respectfully ihformithejCitizensot Raleigh and its vicinity, that e has ?t very stit perior Pi :n Forte for salei which he will sell on agreeable ttrms Jo pewons inclined opurchase, f. H.Thowhb wish to purchase will please to ' make immeriate I application ' to; Mr. Wy att Harrison:.' i Cbtton will be takenin payment. - Priyare Board itig School,' rl,HtS Institution w0 be' o"nfr,3l-fJit. 4Christmis vacation on tl.e 1st .1 er the Uptrint?r.Jercc r f i: v JiriarTi'L under the sup s, Principal-- ?Ir. AV. U University r-frcm 13 1 r : t merousand satisfactcrv, success in .ter.c! ' this country,. t.? T mg that the advanta" qual any in tb'e State, qe adapted to'th-it o' Prom the imremiftiiVaU paid to the morals sndlmpfov: sent tri'this Academy, the-Trt it shall receive a liberal share ef public s-upp it. ! Six or eight . Students can be rcci 1 ! i'By order of the Boird ohTjustees. . 1 ' ' v J. Wamoc e' t f.jflisipp-.. .'.'chare nit-. r ; - - ' '."-. i1z j'ears ; in ".,:rt in; ry- Ml ' :-.v ti.1 c- ' ::-i-, . 3 f f tutle-ta cxr-wCt t'u-t c ! r. r tei L t. -v;n beiisiv" us.-'-c-' ,..d ; ' ... ui:--e'Osraphjv." 51;5 1 - 1 i:tmol'g'-l rarMn-thCo'mpositionof;" ' entence. &ud sim: ie Descriptions...' --r S).K ' t i . 1 3 - ...! - , . iHUlsborbugh. HE, exercises of my School wilLclose on the 30tlt of this month, and be resumed on the first Monday in January. . ;jU r. tV ., J. WITHERSPOON. Board and Tuition $65, per session, paid an ad vance. ;Five orsix more pup da can be received. Nov.27. 22 4w v J. W. State of North-Carplirid. Ftanklin County Superior Court of Equitythe "SdV-Konday aS.;r I the 4th Monday in September, 182ft V;v Jesse Reid, CompLinanV ' v. ""l-r'j. '-':-2S. - George Murphy, Williamson Mufphy,ifrcholas jIurpby, Patience Murphv, Amey;tMnp1iy, Elizaheth Murphy' Darby Thorn-is and.Nancy i bis wife, J oseph Bledsoe and Winifred Ids wife,' William Murnhyf v?Franci M. Murphy & Tepv peranc- IL Murphy ,bV . their Guard an pendente. lite, Samuel Johnson. Clerk & Mister &c" aud " Jesse D vistadministrator ot hii tfe F.lizabetlt, ! wh was Elizabeth Murphy, - Defendants IT appearing to the(Cou't, that Jesse Davis, administr dor of hi$ wife Elizsbeth, who was Elizabeth Murphy, is $ non-resident of this State. It is therefore ordered by the Court, that publi cation be made in .tae Kaleigh Register for six weeks. successively,. that esse Davis, adminis trator of Elizabeth Dvis, fhake his personal ajp pearance at the next. Superior Court of Equity., to be held for the CV-unty of Franklin, at the Courthouse in Louishurg oil the 2d Monday after the 4th Vlon ay in Mafciv next and hen & there to answer, ple:td and ;dt-mur to said bill of com plaint, otherwise judgment pro confesso will be entered against him, ;nd decree made accor liniy ly. Test. SAM'L'JOHNSON, C. M E. , At a meet ing; of a tmrnbtrof,ibc citizens ofCabvrru3, held at the Gourthouse in C'.ncurd, nu Monday, the 3d irisf. Jtgreea- bly in previous notice, for the purpose f selectinir some Dersons to rnresent thi county in the Convention of Delegates ex peeled to meet in Rtlctgh on the 20h inst. to form an electoral Ticket in favor of the re-election of John Qtiinry Adams lo the next Presidency of tiie United Sutea, the fullowins; reRorutvons.were passed : 1. Resolved, 'I'hat we have entire con ftdence in the utestily and ability of John, Quincy Adams, and approve of the leaUf inir measures tf hi administration: arid that we will use all honorable means lo pro-' mote his re-election. ! 2. Resolved, Tfuit we appoint rtnd here , by authorise William M'Leiirv and Jolin C Barn hart,- Esquire. Delegates "to repre sent this county in the Convention of Dl- leg;ates expected to nieet in U;leijjh on the 20th inatatit frtrthel!purpoe of aidin2;anfl asitf tow in the formation of a ticket in ft vor of he re-election ofc John Quincy. A- darns to thnext Preatdpiicy of the Umteu fi-R9Q?o&h That a committee of Cor esijKmdencerof 12 ner&tinis be annointed ty tfus oieetinjg:? tor ihe purpose of corresr ;.bq.(llnsttith:'other'itomlnitteeft in other y'f JuntieJn this State, who may be appoint ed:. for that pdrhose," cuiiMtine .ot Jnhri , 'Phifer, P,tul Birnn2er, Christopher Mel 4lw.'--M,llunt;-S4muel -Scotf, Wilira'w Carriage and Gi Making. THE Subscribers takes thw iitff fioit t. mrA known to his friends and the public hat tv- has on hand a ntimbt-r of Pan n el and Stick GigfS, and also a Sulky, finished in handsome style aud of tlie best materials, which be offers-at very low prices, persons wishing lo purchase are invited to call and View them. r(5igs"and Sulkies sent to his s-ho.p to be repair ed or pointed will be promptly attended to and kept in a house to protect them from the wea ther. WESLEY WIHTAKER. Raleigh, November 19, 1827. 18 : R.Pharr, .'Johr. T.-ilwnl ephYuuii : y ; John. N; Pliiferv Al " - - tnder," Arr 'chib'ald Houtoti.iintl amut -ribon.'n ?ro MillirierY and Mantua-Makin o THE Subscribers respectfully mfvm the pub licjf thai Jtltey- have lately received from New-York a very handsome assortment of Articles in the above line of tisiness, and will be pleased to sell for casbvr to, ptmctnal customers, on a short credit! as loV is anv that, can be purchased in this cityfllieir. Gocs" being Hjof the bst quality they hope5 to. be- aJle ' to render entire satisfaction to those. who please;,to call on them. Millinerv Mantua-making "executed by them in uie neatest anaowjsi rasnionaoie manner. ; , vS.S. STMAi E PUl l lAM. NG . 11 TV- leave , qc! " on Ti i.f,i rive in i. win i - thro i:i X ! ,1, ' I. n ii tiia roviie . i i iy t. v.. ' ;s, I -.fV- - iujW io.f 1 'l crn iv ; 2 o'clock i n i 1 1 e ?veiy S;iturdy and rn r.i'r and ar ' 'Tr lays by- 10 torcnoQO-. a passengers, l.ttlemohrth j days ingoing a'(lit;i.,we ot liJU miles -ana .i Z.'.Jn.r CA;?'s AT!:three first of the aborffr c. r.ti ruied, ' tiepgnmliy. Arithmetic continue d Syntactic:d Parking, ' Puuctuatton, Outline" of A strononiv and Use of the.G!oVt-4,VNatural PhtldJ ' Mphy, Mistary. ; of, the United SUtes, and Cora pctlbnvr:w,..tii", '.' -Savfit- CliS i Arithmetic continued, Che misirri-Historv " AVr.i.eftt "tit Mhfli'iii (hVvmn logy,' Mythology,! 3 Asirdnduli -'- Rhetone," tn Composition.. -i ipsit Those woo are not prepared to enter th- first of these cl-tsv will be5 retained for a time in a 'Preparatory Class. . - . -i Lecttires will lie delivered to the Senior Class em Mental Philosophy Botany and Mintraoy Air. II, has ; collect.on "f Minerals, to wh ch no has eniraged an iniporjiaiit.addi-ion. ffe.has :dso a considerable Bojinical "coMection to Hlistire the interesting jicince of llotai.y, , The recita tions in Natural Philosophy aod Chemistry will be accompanied with the inos important experi ments' -in those sciences, for performing ch the Sch'Kl will be frnished vith t.te necessary Apparatus ana Materials. i'f'h: Will behir?d out,' Ion Wednes day tlie 3d day of January next, near the Market House, ra number of NEGttpES, Men, Buys N omen and Girls, belonging to the K.St ate of Stephen Haywood, d cd. The Subscriber will also offer for de, on th same dtv and & tle sime rdace, 15 or 20 likely NKtiHtJrcf $ a credit of six months -wAl tx- on.-.pprjved negotiable notes bearing interest from day of sale. DELIA HAYWOOD, Ex'rx. ' Raleigh Dec. 24tl 1827. BOARDING SCHOOL ' FOR ' '" Young Ladies. 7jnitE Subscriber, assisted by a competent Fe X male Instructor, intends opening at his own Mouse, on tlie 1 Jtli of January next, a Private Female Hoarding Schcol. The usiial branches of female education will be taught ; but special regard wall be had tu those studies which are of acknowledged utility, and of every day account, j Terms per SessionFive Month. Board - $50 Tuition, higher classes, 15 Ditto, lower classes, 12 j Contingent 50 cents. : W MPIfEETEHS. D.i1aiii ' r) h.omhni T i ftWi Uiat a!) ia day timeI v I have good litt stages, fine teams of Jtofses, and good careful Drivers, and intend to' useny. bestjeaidcavorsjb continue Ihejso; tht nothing sall be. rwaitingf oit' my partib"render,ssengereomlorta , jrj thei.e foreVolicit the 'public to travel with me. - v Front and 'after -the .'1st day1 of January next; my Stage fare will b I? reduced. from 8 lo 6 cents oer rcile. in cnseQuence of the hardness of the times and scarcity of ftfuiey . ' . f -,. Passengers wtji oe aupwi pounas o Dag- rrierr. tint- ' "!t rHiit 'h" hrfi. "lfVflrtf oilft. th'at f i!l not bold mvself account ;ble for tms safe con- ' Jn :the. department of Afiuic, a lady is engaged,. but will endeavor to have the best attention pan to them . I must here ad ran element is the best one - n tie r mte, as it enables me to procure the best public houses between the two places for Passenger , and the r-mte both ways as pertbrm d in tittie more than two days, and that without havingr to ravel in he ntgiit. .-ut. after a litde experience, all will be satisfied wiio re interested. MERIT 1 DILL1ARD, Proprietor. Dec. 8. 25 - i t - sir aiiuriivrii i if iti 1 1 n ri i umv niiri livnriauru vevance ot any Damage or ounaies wuatever, V :. . n . - . .v.,, Iwtnr tnn:.vi the best attention na'd ? eacM" ' instruction mine oiner urmenfal Id, that the- present' ar-1 Bran,f iia hoped," will be equally satisf.K:tc e that has ever beenvet i hep Teachers wdl be e.mployef i . wheneye tne.numner ot.cno'ars stu'ai req tir The Difdpline of the Schoo u ill be so managi. ed as to' stimulate to the. irrcatest. possible xerj titm,' and at the -same time, such as to discouu I have no doubt i tenance envious feelings, rr a i inordinate thirst ' tor praise ie Teguiations w.u extend to thc manners of the youpg ladies, and to their habit -of order and na In ess in their dress and appear ance. I he nours ol jecrcatmn and of st udv will be ar ranged witij d.ie reference, to and i n&rtttn niirimn nrtKi tlm willbe de vctted-ta juudy, under :the immeulate ' 4 t- A Manager? OfficfS, UaUigh VayelteViUe. Dec. 5. fY.- 4 v ' Xfc 23 oautf y vk'4thvvUsolved, that a copy;o! - I; feedings be IraiusmiUed to Wuu -. ?l'y 5jh;:JVesolvetl;thaOthe proceeding . .this "tneeiinnrle'seHt fitrfpublicatio'n to t'i"4i" , , waiawui journai atiu v extern t irH',i Notico to tlie Stock hoi tiers of the .Bankof.Uape-Far. m TYD EREAS it is the ; wish? of the directors. in dntv to '. the interests ' of tlie " Stockhdiders. ... rJ - r, ---t T - - 'V . 1 and to tlie just expectation ; of the pubiic,Hiat j tne prospects oj xnis insiuuuoii oe-tinorougiuy canvassed : And .wheteaSj jfrom the smaltnessof the debt due thiBank, andtlie necessity which demands its still progressive '.diminution, while the Instiuit'on is necessarily incumbered with ifs current expenses, ad weighed down by an, out- rous state i ax, a curtailment ot tne proms :u uc Stockholder became unavoidable, and the, expe diency of continuing its .operation 'rendered doubtful : Therefore,! Rtehedt "-Thai the Presil aent oi tnis nans oe airecxea xoxau a meeting ofthe Stockholders, to consider the propriety of surrendering the Charter, and to discuss and act upon all other interests connected with- the Institution-" '.-'".-,' ' T . ' I In accordance Mith the above. Preamble and f ? ,' . . J : ! ., Kesolntion, as taken mjmtlie:,Aiu)utes of"he Hoard of Direotors, and by Virtue of my brHce as President ' of the ltar?k T : Cape-Fear Notice is hereby cnven'tOLthe Stockholders of isaid Cank, to meet at their Banking ' House) in the.Townjof "''i"ir. ;.Tn,ion the first Monday r' JanuaiyrixlT . ? " 8 igncd by-t h e ch ai r in ahfand Secretary ? - : A ItCH'Dv HOUSTON, Clir'n. I A. -1 1. ! e tof onsider of, ' tthings-'"ac to ;ct upon ' . the above November, 3. '. Concord, X C. J)cc 4th, 182 r - . Brolvefthe Jail of .this. County,-" N.the iugt:t of; the 9d instant; WILLIAM ! 9 LOyE And JOSEPH XlllK, c?Sp'v ulio n 1 . .. a lldl of Indictment, has1 been" found i vl'cirro v Ix)ve is a- small" man, about 3Tyears of j .w.1 .yjrut; natr, oiue evca ana a iair.sK.ui." ue h' Ii' a "wife and ne child,iwh ,m he will no doubt x:iK.r m ?i unn..- wis vtje is a "-oca iookjii? c-m :z M'oman.' ,1 t5 crs " . ) ON, President: i ; . Jank of Cape-Feu". C. 'j.--'ryt23 5w 4'- The celebrated Race Horse. WAbHLlJNW i ON, t ..... ; j . ry.BjjrTtmoleon: Out- of the celebrated V,Kace. Mare' A piad jc " ' by L'itizen, will Mar. 4 at Koydton, Mc ck L . . burg, Vai.the env;!- -ss season.' ''Particulars will be given in due'time .l , . . ; ;wi llt a ? 1 to wn e s , -,;,7ym- il bag::!::: ville. Delaware anfl IsfoTth-Carolina CONSOLIDATED LOTTERY. .SKCOND CLASS. ; To be di-awn at Wilmington , fc. 2)ffc. 224 182 : ' SCHEME. Priie of 10,000 j 5,000 1 6 6 6 156 156 156 1' 46a;- 7800r IS 4,000 2,500 2,000 1,600 1,000 750 ; 5U0 50 , 0' IV 5- S 10,000 5,000 4,000 2,500 .2,100. 1.600 6,000 4,500 r ls,t)00 l" 7800 4t630 - .4,680 ' 39,000 In7 this . Schema formed by the tenary pertnutationtif SO rtnbe. , cr.tl the -.draw v r.t t9Lr,baliotm' there ' ill oe 24oi,ini - r.:3 with three of ti. ' . ! numbers on thetn on j 7300 i' i : 936 wilh;tu iw ne crdy of thi Ti:' . r dollar T S.' 1 . ei2 50, Q .1 C5. .d Utinrdrins., Dec. 6, 1827 -J Kit FiftyDdHars -liov, a; d. ,g:m Acaclt 1; ' t : t:nv r. ot Siuay wilt , , their health $ 7 ju ofast:hb"V f : -e imnieuiate ' attention of, one,;ofahe:;tt'HcUefs.';'tJjiie.cf k The terms, will be,' iOplonsi'for'ndarlan1 Tuition in the Ufanchea mentiojted in tlie, list of studies, for 10 months, w Music 40 dolta. Paint ing in water colors ana Velvet J'ainting, 20 dolls French 'or Latin 20 dolls. Projection a id Draw ing of Maps 10 dolls: t he charges for each ses sion to be pakl in advance. For the Lectures, and f.r Plain and Ornamental Needlework, .no additional charge. Hooks and Stationary wilfbe furnished,' if desired, at the Richmond prices.- The youngladies wu! be expect el to bring ocd clothes t to any who prefer it, they will be fur nishedat a an tall additional charge. The - first Session will r.o.nitiertcc on tlie l.st of January and er.d on the lOlh of July, Tfce se cond. will commence on the lOthof Sept.iu;jer, and . cp,ntiuue until jCiinptmas. At the c Use or each -Session' there w-dl be a public Examination, ","Fro)rt the ba!hincs of the place, from its having -th-' advantage of a Mineral Spring of high ly valuable properties; from Us retin-d Si pleasant situation, the extensive accoainiotlations ami t!i2 past experience and Success cf tlie teaclierthdy anticipate u tlh Confidence Jiberal share of tlie public, patrowe.yf:,. , ..- , It is desired Ihat those who expect to join the Seminary: should be preseht on the 1st f .ianu aryi' that they jnay have t:ie advantage of the wAo& cotrt-e of instruction of the class to hiait they may be,4ittached, aiidthat, tliey ntav.iicar lUeJntrhdttcU'y Ltttwrel which will be'dehvered on that day at 12 o'clock. L Those P are nts and others-who may find it convenient are respccU fuily invited to Mttend on that c casion. ; - .-v ; 'EDWAttD IIOLUSTKR. ' , JSitJnlo Spinje,OctS 19, 1827.": -' Jit . .1-, s TOLEN from the St inFrankUncounti', on t!;? 1 ( t instant, a" darkV. Sorrel Mare,--. a'Jout ' " ; t yld. She is rathef under-'the corrur s..- extremely well rnade, a:..I " -foretbp was cat clve"- ; I wi.l wsrdfor the tl.i; fon'cor.-v".:', man, ind half t!;e sum il u cc - t'l J . We have c arr.!r.ed the Testimonial of Mr. , . Viis. I! :t?r, as'-l find them to be numerous . -V aislactory. 'Hie following extract frohjfy t'.j ( :.e f ii. : hed by . Jij, Radmion,' PrciV ' ('-i : cfthj r clio-,1 Co. -;":ttee f Fittietteulle.in ... ' 1 In ::,n. r nry Putter, VrvtAflziit C 1 -' ' "lent to satisfy the ,pub& .' 'I t t f .r r -at;:;. ,3 :-, i::trict yvuibt Y f '-:2 u i ,711 1 reman cotntr.srlsvw tolc charge ;;VRaleigh, Dec. 10, ltZ :fjVor two ytars," 's;.j La; fromlfs 11 irk ley's to F; : ' Tlni veriity ot u l l 1 "ri t: -l - ' yt L4 Gray' M"Ai; E, h .s t -o r:r.HU 1. l!. tri; 1 to is tall -and u e 1 e , es end fair ; . - Ci. Lilklri hO tn .se;; W:th b vc j);.yi'bihc rd.:l:, . I I if nils. j r As thV ,aip r.- . , it it l.o- 7 .';:.iudbtti2en..witlaidin ti:'.Mr;; -- ' '. 'i' ttjatiy,go to Kc.i'uckv, uhi.Met .ey -,.li,nsv ... -y U.-IL WUDCE3. :l 1 1. : 3teleh, - " ? r, :t , Lexingtoji, Iw C; t!.? I ih-rtnstanta.Dark V 16 hands high. -:; . . eacbV)e, which t n a t r : r. ' Hmjj alsoVscar Just.;abovc ihe.hoof .the en cut she h. d when she ' htij svitch;iiiL; white fet ' - --s- ircalkcted-I'anileu. .e xl...l ihe v. ! Id was stojen 1 v a yellov " .: !.i.;HJ; 'iichaT al.Uh T,' solcf I ;.-.rton'a' 1 IlaleighThe --el.-.d . -) uJhV: wiUv'ft, new "r seat t 1 c!Jl p. m n-U-oiis; platcif dragoon'; bridJe, t . e 1 roped. 4wi 11 give regard ,of 4 1 jr thc-Mire arxl all reasonable; expense PAY1U WaGGONEIL Adopted by the IVoard crT 1?"-'-.al roeeting-ih thisT J ile it orduined, tft. f Students shall be TJ- of Coatee i. of Waistcoat' and . c, fi inter of Coat r, dark grev mixtnre. r ThepVf Boc' Commended to t;. Economy and f;ct; nareL- j JTot! :it V 1 . dress c iior ! . who ter, 1 pi'ov' " for . s tit r.te. .i I. t -s . cstero rtth .'r- ' -MA? A BALL will ' l ing nexvthe Lists of Subset: Mr. Lehman's 1 Brethren of 1 spectfully recti: -f.i -fe rl7. Chatlianjcpaaty, Dec I3.;s 2.v ) i iUoaw3w r 1 . C" r' L". V - - t . 5 ,T. 1J "1 M

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