j k ' A- . 1 n rrWTnir V n or nnnntv dy the name cf ,Maedh;Wof tye'Utfds hdejy acqmr&Wy. ; Treaty frotnthe Cherokee lndjai; that 'he, rose son.;this occasion 5 ;0)pt .he aii Id Vnt KeW makingi, fewrreWrly" n Jto this billJIe . frad;beeniurprts.ed; .to F ' J 'it - ' .. - V. t "' r. '.. .- J" - , .. . r 1 . Sir -u .. . - . .. , - .7. ... .... - . - . -' . . V- , . V- . ' Tl 111 I - - I j 1 I Tl Ml I I I - . "1 ur-k ' 1 "AD VERTISEMENrS not eiceeding sixteeo Unes neatly inserted 3timea for a Dollf & twenty-fere cents for eVcry succeeding publicaiion. rerttsing; (agreeable toactCof . Asccdlr,-;i&, SiO acres gtven 1pi by Uboda qar liar ;i 824 & , 20a da e : '. da "jebVe ,Murphrey 1824 & S ' i" SOOdorr doJaiMarpfirey vlKi 4f : CM do do .v. Catu'ik-forter .M8i.3TJL' - ie East wiH 'stU h'aveL'v iajoritj.of JWebb." -WcbsterV Wheeler; Whitfield; .Wbita-I under Heaven, whicf has the right n th;yief .therefore, i they have ,w,Id5IJ wIltinson. Wilson, Wright, and to fhcm that they shall not havea todarVi iYt:"y&e--taSrr making the GtveVnment which hk it shall At be said that the Legislature 'Tipan me sreuiiciiiau .11 uia. . imuiai . vrnu ; Mridftt hiiusel f ttnoiifHS tiarei ReDbhlicalj'l kf V irJriRCinle; complete! v., abandpixuhert 1 23f J ! hn.tKe arKamenfsUtWadeuse on'Jhrs.suV tfothip ' He.ctHeSeeb&etb conaiderjthis bill ras f 1 ; atadding op,the:antvg before th4HusetJi IJjl ocat prejti dices an d;. t const deration s .? Xnk a'rieW .Co'uhlvVout bf'the" Counties, of I Wprp it sol Wii.wnrtfTpr thnt nnp - RtatP " la vBorkendarfcfm ii a low depressed condition.- :He could )iuhthaW?!Lf''ro quite riffe"reMUot; ho veycr admit he representation 4o j rthat nb parallel conidjiedray n betweetN be Correct-N Ie, trusted theLegisUture them.omeentlem broad ,and liberal F i! pill Vnnfmsed'ttt i tie.t former blll.r Were 11 tr nirl ai? a nr! . 1 F. an am r nrnanprfa wil I , fav9fab(eohISi?t vdemnjy, irnplied brighten; and. the character of , oui ; State 'teledibVreU.thterfyjP01111-! wilkrise in the scale of the Union.? Itis Vtyhad been pvqTbj the Le?slature; tn I '181904 abtnirenewed':in; I82ls' And i ;v6fi. kXiX- 'Hlf' FRIDAY, J ANUARt 23, IlS29 ' NO i,55a congress: liitime to dron theaet local feelinsrs of East land Westand listen) to the grievances of JtHliugh;indiVidqalsia fthepeopfe come from i what quarter they' IraVe' of .thisblilsaidM 'antenableClt nad'been objectedto ; be xaiise 6f5the7'eipence at; . jte ndt th e ij. fpymjng c f ' thTa, n ey, Cou n t y fthouelieconsHlered 'gentlemen 'as' en itireiy driyeiSnrom this ground. hai been said ihat H ayi0id; Countyi 'iaC'rjeseritaTSbtt lie uiurc uaft7iau irittwsuuu viciuieuicji new seiner paiUjinio uie: ruunc a reasu Vthe f ! havevpaull mpre ntn tlie :ireasii ry ; eh titaejpve nefbnnAlarrii . .t . u : SENATE. - . v . . 1. ' s Monday ', Jan. 12.. - "The resignation of Mr. Bal eman. from 'NewrXerseyf owing to bid health, was faiii 7 J-hn Ms Clayton, a new member, an"- U?nia has brSht earen tnm Delaware. J i congress to atnenn xne constitution,, so ,XhV protest f the Legislature pf Geor as that the President shall be ineligible 10-say voice m making the Gtvernment which has to rule 'hem as well as others. It 'is impossible tlia.they can submit- to .be classed, with" slaves, and told that ' this , is a rnaHer not for;them,. butr for freeholders tv deter- On the Presidency, county,' the followrnjr traet$.ofJanl; .cr so ipticSi thereof a will be'sufneient to pat tax due, there on,-ibr the yearsr 1524 aud l?2J, tidxstof U V 30 do-;;do S'pieiMurphrey,18 405 do y doWra.4Unls 1824 & VXv 500 ,do . -doVv', Jas.; BMfooker- 1824 & ; V ;22dor 'do VAug. ViUwnU? ! 168 do - do l Jfbivltuff. 1824 & ; . 270 do . Vdo atOVnw Rashnr'v 1824, ti.fc "J 87f do . dtf Henrj' Hett ' t; f t$25 , 140 do do : .i Marv Coward 1824 & 280 ,ao'?do ' 'W&rnep ltei'tfl' . 225 .ddWdo v ReiuHaruEeld ,18- , 125 do da - PopeAlbnuoa" VVrI8 Ax'. 337: do do Jesse llrand'-i y'i -X824sr, v'r i 182 do ;2S dos do . ; ' RiafdfMXibn"l&HV'. - 67 do' 52 do do do Jnn&thtii Fenn 1C25" ' Letnon Esm .1 63 do , do' s Stephen Eason ; 1825; - 3 Mt. Smyth ofVir- OT.'SESESriFJ a' proposition-before I no- do ' vdo lntiThigpen824 r' 1 ox do . oo nuz'tn inigpen iw,6c.- 63rdo h-Th1gp do for Clara Thigpea n824 & 5 ZACIIARIAU EIXIOTT. aria a incr in amtt m fAi i . w. . - - nan r . ' . . - . . . . u-r - w - v ' ? if (oniini'tee.on.'Induti Affairs toieoquire Chief-Justice .Marshall, whp acknowledge WAKE COUIvyy.-v-1 tfre lotjimiiM '"'ot our-, Government. ne. Dareannuai l.nxerf oi lue, j y,uw for Vtheii$laQjfoub ?j ens coast r but liberal th us in other respects -We Have a fine climate and fertile lands, standing oiHhe '-.middle ground,, -between the Extreme Nonh?& South, where we are blessed with all the necessaries and many of the luxuries of life. Nature has there foregone much for ns,. let ns do our part in improving the advantages we possess. Eeirns abandon all narrow party, feelings, and united in pTQ ace Aefhterests ol onr Countryv inChee" peophaye?cqm in a humble arid respectful manner, to ask for redfess--f-they areyery reintefrom the seat of justice and; areutlf ftom; it bv. almost i,mpaiable' we deny them' relief because tKey happen to live irt ascertain part of the ; State ? lie irusieu noi. - , 1 .. lie- regretted that on a former occasion, vhat further provisions bv law are neces-Jed the receipt of it, and gave his appro- saryi to effect with 'the , least delay and ex- bation to the measure, as follows : ' pence, t the remoyal,; wifh their cqosent' of . oJJ rl . he Indians, from the several States and n,,,. i Z' Jl rerritories of the Union. i Ithe resolution ammrlatoT ,of th. r.nntititmn. l ne Senate took Up Mr. resolu- and thank you for sending it to me. I have ions relative to the Si tiki Mr Fund. Public read Jt wltn Kreat attention, and think the DobC &c.rand the ivhole subject was re- ment aSain8t the re-eligibility of the Presjd ierred to' the Committed Fmance. YPJJS1W.S Si 5"' ' . -: : -y.-x- lam disposed to think, in its favor. Some HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. ence may exist respecting the time for which J :T t Monday, JanA&f' the Chief Magistrate ouht to be elected mof Mr. MDuffie, from the committee of Phaps, than on the propriety of his, being re- Ways, and Means, reported a bill to impose I th ,.Mtion 5 li? , . . " " . , I , . . wa v v saw tllLWl vol siva Uv ll- regulations on sales at Auction. ; Cacy ; and is not without difficulty. We may an. cuirrs rrp irieu a qui lor iaKing me i perceive ine inconvenience oi tne present jr- Eifth Census of the United States. rangement much more clearly than those which Thp Hnusft mi'lc iirrihW Kill r iKftMi ma reSu wrt any new and untried system i. - I In 'i ffriir anrl ttntirAWfii wAtiuKliM nvKirt . m ne sta.e,,, .rennaw to '.Jne grant and d "1: NovemSer Term; ,1828, the amduht'ofpaXesipaW particularly to-day, nhat any ;6n'ntleT ,'v.;,J. thing had been said about these -people Ari&itifen11eri us and going tb another State. - .TnainefpresenrvQenaxorio.iLaywwou was; i Coining, except xo xaiK aooux a aivision ..eleo:py;pgj:0teA- more- alarming. .Ana ?Hhef facts urihfecaehfe vet there is sometforce in , the remark- but;tehadri to happen, it would tnanyfreetn something like that, eyer-to-be-regret- jyiaruuorcit asningiuu. .viuiiSv" t tea-i course taKeo: oy , mis vovcrninent en we su;tireq the loss ot that vaiuaDi rritory which now forms the State of iennessee, ;uueoi ine muau unjjoiiiic mca sures that was ever adopted.by this or a ny other Country. . Mr. r said he would only notice one xherslof: aiesquantity'i Xand! upwards of 1 fn" lw.tn'L..,.v'knl niHAn oilnrntrMrl n4iwilitbesold!alsoo ihall;fom i i; --Wiieh the gen from Halifax ob jejetitrrthe torwaton bftlu v cu! HaPaatp vholdersheu atartda on this i : if bu t'atipntali nu.mber'of Con stitu ei(s.' '.i-t'em'emb' bnejbf4the- e lecis inthe tW en is serite -were only :$ Ven"li vHe ' belie v'd5was about the full iuBbefcHf;d this cir- 'umstancby ; for . he iimelf wassenej irotersi but only; tohothltithre ere )ieVmembers;e from ; Hay- 7 -Sh0'eiUMthtVe byva small num 1 . ber of consttnents v.'vi fGentljemen consi a nw.,Cpu nt'al aj siitt lot cheine ' which they ddlnotu lbeunwilljng tb pttrhar !tttoB tickets and fdra froiti thincearlyQpO dollars. jaiese citizens a County, nreferehce, ttir t s'ip aJced . tobe. e- i f ecteil the i?fe4Iri onsed )VLi r parts0ourStaCe had rMbMsed laud drovd intt Wifdernes 'ex pectati oh, afte r aU'the labour an d haid- hipkiatngth pi untiotenioying the ,Diessingsoj;ciy f !'3iltze"d!' Society. ''.K4r liavet these people vasked.fbr'a return of anv'nart nf the mo- neywhich' theyjiave paid into the Trea-, ffury; ;toWk iem roads, or for any o .:ther purpose .No, theyhave,seen-it ji- be ral lyjxxpend e3 n Im proyemen ts i n d i f- feriBnt parts of theStateon the Roanoke, 5 theXCane Fear and:'other' Rivers in fint isliihg.the'Clubfotit, arid Harlow Canal 5 f ' V 1'- ' - O m opening j uoaus,s . surveyui owamp ,La rids, j&c. -"&c. i Fanny Utley, widowofWitl m ..rLai ' : Kara Utley, decd. ' '-H, rr--"feC' : . f- - VPctition for D'owefV"' Thomas,Utley, and others, t , ''A.ir.'.' heirs of said decd jjt" ' " vti , i 1 navinjr uccn mauo lppetr to mc voun, xaw, ? t I ja. one oinuc. ucicuuams, xo wirj 1 nomas xiuejf vt 1 lives beyond the limits of this State, so that, tha:i"V' V j ? 1 ordinary process cannot; be served on htm-1 fX?Tt.tA, yjr,. I It r is therefore ordered by',the Court, that r - vrtisemnt ne matie in ine Jtaietrn Keri&rer tor : iz week?, for .said Thoniaa to coni&Tcar4 uid V- JV answer, &c to'said petition. 'on"or . before . tbo ; next County Court of eas WlvQiurterSe!;": 1 sions, to be he!dt the. Court House in Ralehi' 1 i i'z i Ibe made according to the" prayer orsaVd petrtiohi' ! perfect titles to curiam lands. State of NortlCafoliiaa: Executive power. Yet,J though not Very fond of Mr. La and Mr.. Crocketr spoke in fa- experiments, I should be disposed to trv the'ef- vor of ti :e bill, and Mr. Carson, Mr. Locke fecl of cph6ning the Chief. Magistsate to a single and Mr- W oods against it. The House ter"): then adjourned. 1 With great respeet I am, sir, your obt. servt. . J. MARSHALL. ; The Hon. AiiSXASDsa SxTTH, . Washington. r Superior Court of Law October Tefmi ,165 :f?h TT appearing , to the satisfaction i of tb"CoaTf;.; that Pl'iafilh Hir.Vi th dndftnt' M'tirit Ati 1 --w-- " 1 . --y w is innaoitant 01 xnis a)iaie. u is inereiorr oraereu.' by the Court that publication beroevtbre TUESDAY, JAN. cav C tl 1 ri L C XT . ! nnrnson tr. Uf is lisq. is elected iVJavor t to thedefendant that lie appear at the next bu-vt c , 20, 1829. of Boston, in the plaice of Mr. Ouincv, re- per or Court of law to be holderj in RutnefforoV f ' 1 r signed. On taking the o.ths of office, Mr. I ton on the 3d ' Monday after tbe 4tb Monday te i aiding all.the 0. made a handsome Address, in the con- States Of South- f'u",on ol wnich he alluded tOhis political Xen pro confeaso and adjudged accordingly. c X ?. A ; i. "fe, and made the Tcxplicit, declaration Witness, James Morris, Clerk BfoursVidCottrtU T)' IfllS SUDJCt Mr. 4 hof,.r ftr,f1 onl (Ita .,r,- k ' L t flR.A thm HA VfnnHV Tt tK. 4th lfrwl.v ' "l l i uuu inn auu ili T niai lie, i " w -.w.- . ww . , i 7e; TflriyNotwithst violence exhibited by the Carolina and Georgia on AtM, in his ReKister, iiisists that it isnotlhad never been present at anv delibtrati- September 1828, and of the 53d year1 of; thr;Ia' U, ivate, athong few ,; c JAMES MOBRlSvCIa f;V true that the Tariff laws, so far as theyos, either public or" priyj have a protecting character, are oppressive I01, many which the question of a dig-' on the South. And shews, by reference membcrment of the Union, or the forcible t f . a f- . t .a ; a . Apa win ;Desoia;AS soorasitnisiounr, other retnarK, ana then take nis sear. ihall beltormeaf . V ' Gentlemen had said that , they were op posed to forming any more new Counties 5 tliat thev would rather consolidate, some already in existence. It they be sincere t " r iL- ' : 1 1 1 t in tne,expression 01 mis opiiuoii, ne nop ed theywould evince that sincerity by in troducing a bill tor this purpose. Until this was done, he could not help doubt ing whether they were in earnest on this subiect Mr. F; wished that nothing which he had said in respect to the lines of distinc tion. '"-which are apt to be drawn in, this House, would be taken amiss. He could wish that all such considerations might be laid aside, and tfiat every question which came before the Legislature might be de cided upon its real merits alone. After a few other remarks from Mr. Cooper, Mr. Vail, Mr. Fisher, Mr. Gra ham and Mr. Bfynum, the committee rose, and reported the bill to the House, with out amendment. The bill was then read the second time; and the question being on its passage, 'Mr. ixastori. observed, that it had oc curred, to him, that if this bill passed, an amendment would be proper. It will be recollected, that the deeds for the land sold in this Territory are not given until the whole of the purchase-money be paid, and until the deed is given, the holder of the land pays no taxes for it. This not only accounts for the small number of freeholders in Haywood, but also for the small amoupt ot neyenue paia .into tne Treasury. According to the general law of the State, all persons who enter land, pay taxes.upon it "immediately 5 and he could see nps reason why the same princi ple should not prevail in respect to the landsoId in this Territory When a bill of this kind was before the House on a former occasion, an, amendment of the kind which he now proposed was received-witbput3bbjection He hoped it would nov be'receiyed. It was agreed to. The bill; tlien passed its second read- hich j ' i.ajr,o. iuuuxto . .; bn.faed:bv,the expenditure of Ian;efeum$ 01 money, wniciv weie princi-t fi g urnta,,, Mark Britt-in Brooks, Callowav, pauytnenveu iroiu?."ese; miius,. vmcwier ciavton, Clement, Eccies, uamonstoir, rsnerf S tate of North-Carolina. - . K-: 1 1 : ia ft hr Eatrixx. Fall Term.yAX.DvaSW ErUey Jones J ri stfeV unani jone i nomas jonrs, jane jone?, Tl nyji mas K. Smaw and Nancy t his ife, Charlotte ,c v Jones, by Levi Pagn, her GtiardianVand Frv ; V' ' lev Jones. bv lVflfc. Fairanl Sn. hU fiii"iiw o public Documents, that- the protection 1 Government for a mompnt wiaoriraid uffered by the Tariffhas not advanced th I a , : . re nap not a. 0 Ae Gorernor.-The citizens roinisneo me Kevenue ot the Ui states ; of this town, the personal and political and that it hi8 net interfered with the fo- friends ot our esteemed Governor, John reign demand for Drducta of the Arricul- UwEN tsq. this day engaged in piynghim Tappearine: to tbe satisfaction of the cdurthat I the m (1W t llutlrimiiahAil m. rlc ..I attar, tw.nl 1 hnmtl JATIffa . rtlff Wtthrillt th limits ' W Proposed extensic writer in the Chai the signature ol priety of ex'ending the R-tilroad ! which is! committee would meet and conduct him tot Ki,"tbhn- about to be made 'between Charleston and I town where hi, ftllbw-citizeu proposed Aui est Kiver, a liistance ot little more than 200 The Governorhaving replied miles, which, when the obstructions at the I arrive here this day, the Committee, con- - v 2. o. and respect. At a meeting held a fe l"ea,lie! 'r 'Cv;;.1 lesfrn MercJrr under kV "T."' ?'s"' u' ?u".of-.F.., b !-!!: PWrflPA "l f Clinton, suggests the pro- in Bladen : and that, should he do so a next, Judgment pro ConfessO wiU beltakenA?- J. GOBLET, CM. r) :usta, from the latter Dlace tJ the hbh p.y their respect to h.m at a Collation Mate OT JVomarolmO( , f 1 r . 4, o ue serveti at the Mansion Hotel, mnd a HaUfax Counts vVvsir point of -navigation ' id the Tennessee B4I in the eveningat , he Lafayette Hotel. In Ea"u-FallTe thathewould . WUliam E, Shineomplaina'at;- t K 1 1: 1 Muscle Shoal are removed. (f effvting -t...g ..t Jas. Se.weil. Em, M.g.vrate of "-J- StVph"i'Bu,rowi DrfS? " ",T' ' which Congress ha appropriated 400.000 f!7 M"1 fT .ppSteSrf ' Te ... i i ,. . . ! , qrs.prceeded yesterday afternoon to JL that Robt. F. -W. fi. Perkins reside hevntA' J U acres of fertile land, worth it .ijsupposed M7S.ampbell's, eight miles from town, th toiu-&i 81? i two million; of dollars) will funii an Out wherejlhry met hi Excellencv. The C6urt, that publication be mae !n the fUlcisU . let to the Atlantic Ocean! t'orpsof Flying Artillery, attached to the S8"'"' nontlw,:tht Unlenbe ippearby, ; -t - ! This woold be a reat obiert to the,i,i- Fajefi&il. Ba.talV,,,;, also left this morn- zens of the South be an improvemen i and South wet,& would etl and esrt him 10 towo' nd wilMe ulcena mfw aod set for hearin;:7! , r . the whole are now, as our paper is going x as to him. ,.'v X V Sfptn! Uot national importance. tl, preS8 momently ixWcted to arrive. Witness Edmund.; Freeman Cle andlrV vv i ne reuiainuer 01 tne ijatiaiioQ, anu the vrylr t Wlyr oaicevv? FtVgtma ronrentoi.-The Legislature Independent Company, are also under f1 M??awtffro?1 tttrJ f '.Viraini.. ar warn.lv .n in rf.haK arms! to be ..reaentl revieWiul bv the Go. j? y EDM. B. FREEMAN car, a; p ing this question. Variots prlopmdu, vernoree. Ja. 15.'; K ?PfT have been made as to the proper mode oL TiTT"T ; -"-Court of Pleas and Quarter Seaslotis;v . ;M electing Members to the proposed Conven- JJJ,'- v . KoyemberTer828UtXiv. tion ; but as yet no one has b.enlagreed to A At Willkmsborouh,!ln this State, on Thurs. ?etonAbc,8ttt . 7 i j. rtav lstet. Mrs. Sarah Wavpnft nF tk. : ,- - - . V . , - Ohgressional Rt;V Jonn Rayenscbft, iBisho'p. of . bis D wc'ese; . K ?f n1ei??5' !i t fr&L'?? ' of all An acquaintance of some years with thin esti-4 lWV'iT, fjf nV Ul- I wj,. i . i j..: -j ... ... ? v.. ,r.? 1 SnencerD. Cotton and..Theotdiilu14rV 4mrr-rvVj. eacn tneir ad- enablC8 u to bar tes imonv to the nietv xndl i -.rooneuaa UiWkbee.SV iVl. mild i:,d vndeariRg iu.VVT -5 . OOUIT ef neiglibours, and efore, ordered, tp-btoilOirJseinJd- VI, u wr si wces.9 in toe . naieign Urieu that, tin. r r.-" parts'- V' And he .would ask1 gentlemen who re Wresented those'p'artS" of the State which TOey COUIO'llOW, Wlieil UI.SC CIllXJ5..!4 tUltlC f X ii inui, UIUSUU, UVIUUIIr UKIMI"! forward' and 'preSnC tHeir knWncsHtoj?mpt, Hancock, Hester, llodgrs Jasper the Legislature, turn a deat; eatiq yt.n G. t. Moore 'a. Moore, 1 rjis ?V:ift V? 1 " i llrrisv It'Lean,' .M'Mftlani'NeilUJfNew.- r But tbeJ gentfeman.from Halifa.i ats JdtMch6Uo, Potter, Purrelt Raihry, Ruf". theBastfer Wctionif thelSfatJfjk j " 1 -1 :iLT ;kJj Smith, Stephens,' StocJcxrd.Styi on, Swain, . preponderaOug power. m.Jhe "J.K : ir.mdill A. Waddeiiwadswonh, jand they -wilV .keep lt-.i; Do ; .wxvr inev tjj HadcevH Wajker, J. Webb, . E. Williams, cthue here for the purpose" of watching fir a,d ACViliams.-65. 'y rfHv'.. f another one section desiripgly e"er5'i'r' iVJfMessrsi;ila!l,.nasv Battle, Bateman, 1 KtW ,down,;fnstiad of rVlf in . ,M ' .. . , r, Szzt J lliYumi Coopt-r, Cox, Uavenport, Oozier, Dick- U grievances; and oing justice to feti b,, fey; Gary, GilleIe, Gregory, UaV I low-cjtizens ?Thia ought not&p;JM'j ;.er, WG. Jones, Weskyjouts; Kerrltltros, w-Besides the East isin no danpib 4ff tVLathahi. -T. LathWm,M yntgome'Wob: ire itsA present ascendericV; cflt 'tUlpycM'Kie Kelson, t, Pierce PpoVKiicfc I reseat I majority of, "30 votestri mf1:gfe: K?S. Hwraon, ySa. nder. In r-u . TT,.A.-ri f.'ai 'a-i?n-Bharne, L. tt Simmons,, 5. T'Simmon.v s hdlot of thtwoHonsesi Bmitb, SPruUi;'Ste.lman;irn4er4o6Vn ttnty4inaybeadfDjttedrandhpH Ward-Wavford, Wats'n,-Th-' prop tion ; but as yet no one has b County representation, the C district plan, and a representation the white inhabitants, have vocates. The Constitutional fVhis speak-I virtue of the deceased of lnn fhia .old pf. Bv : ! manner, ami of a friendly d j j venscrott was ettmfd hv h tC 1VL .m .. H . A . 4 ilvMr. Cftl.. f I Klr7'! in lift inminhii : s1am. from.H ri,;. Inl arnn.fil,nl.lort and conn ctntns. She had no children : but her ' "'TrPPciv . . m a a m m a rm a am a a aah a a v a a a bji a . . a a . " - ' -r "ii r ... - iv a- a. a that they compose the m,j,rity of that com- ZZZ.C ,rrcparaD,e f nr mdu.ent munily whom the Bill of Right? declares i rwr county, on! tle 3d instafter a long to posiss the right to amend, alter or a- and painful dlnes Mr Nicholas Filhouer, aged b'!ish the Government ii is matter of a- 68 ye ra, aname of tier many. r.'i--. mazement to uerceivc the ut:et conlemot I" ye.ttevdle on Monday last, Mr.JUkeBow- ; i . r .. . ' aim non-cuu been treated They, are expres rjghVcxcludcd from voting for members of jlsaac Roberdeau, Caief f the Topograpliical conventiuri th -y are by an amendment to jvorP v i he bit), deprived of the privilege h Id J Philadelphia, on the 12th instant, the Rev. n a jjoHf in that aspmht tn hrt v .... . , M,vi.v.u,-.1. r7 " -j , -;-r i cnurcn. - n Alf A Tk Arm. WW - 'MnHnfitrv , ffj f4 1 A a . AWSiaBn.' I -Jr f tllC-J. AtC JiVf "line tClVglllCU 9 r5.liu but for the purpose,, ot being stripped ot the unalienable, and , indefeasible rights iruiran'teed to be theirs in she. Biif of R ghis. ten. tor mutiv n-:.r b un 11 hiiKitunf tt ti,( n.Pi lance wi n wnicti ttiey have Yvn wiJ: i I T' - , i. rn V I'v Hiltsboao' a few :days ago, Mrs, Sloan, at by the House of Dgites. .h., -rivaled of M vi,6 ly, in contravention of all At Washineton Cir Jon the 15h instimt. Cot: at ..the Court of Ples and QuartetSessknny tab f.y 1 - -Keld for the county of Edgecbmbe, at ibe'Coarfc- S V house in T.rborouh, dd the lounb londiy 5-?Jf February next, and replete ami nJeatk ludewtnt :.'Z- by defiult will be takemigainsti and the proper- Individually, we are inqifferentto au ex- Tj'ROHa Lot in, the suburbs of Italeigh, on the tension of the right of sunragej we have t 2?ljllu 7 been r.iber iudispo.ed -to a change ; but JJP Bff with ... r . . wblte 6tr h rorehead, with newShoeson v5 6'uiu.c ai6;iKy& uicuuise. her-hind feet, is 4 feet; 10 inches hi b4aad i make his chauge nt;; a -matter; of, CliDice8tu 10 years okLCTbV other a bright out neces?uy. iv is-iinpossiQie w trunk for ,th$ noD .freeholders to ; subimt duietl mj tne m0Hmg :intimercnt;e witji wnun t he jl are eibo wed out of theiri ight to ; p if i ucipatfc itt4hepropjosetvltfatioD ofvjhe from lias , large oUze m her; face, 2 triadf lea,wh;te is heiit irci uisuy.iuiu a ur,i Tcara oiu.. . . . . - .''' .. ' . ; . ive. jjoiiars Kewaio will 04 given to any per son who will reaore said Mares toJLeTok P tti ford, Raleigh or two dolUra mod i UiJf for either ot tnem . j' - - ' . J recoyeryv , -'r s Witness. Michael lleaht, Clefk of said CoirhA ' at oflice, the fourth Monday of Nort mber, 1823 I1CI1APJ. hk.ARv r r j , 4- 't'A State of Xorth-Carolinap,, Bertie County Court of Pleas and'Anarter Sl V- , Mr. .Term, 1826V ; . , ; I iC- Cullen CapeharTi Judicial attachmenf,returned , V' X'jSt--': - -b t this term; "Levied oq S' r - - : r negro girt; the prtfpcTtV Of, J Chas ineetWDodvhadeyiettwootl.'.' 1-,.- IT appeihgf lothe Wn'sfaCtion f4hetfoo"i ' nhatthedefetidint Gharltrs Fleetwood hj r Vv? moved ithou the llmits"of tMs State; ao Chat' theordiniry process of .cannot be served on , aim t it is.inereiore orjierea ay tne Viotrf, t'X . publlcatioh'be made in.thV Iwileth, lleghterifor three mbnthlaifor tke: aaVd XJftarJei-TLctwoodL .iQ c- um- unie uoppur, uiiuvu w , nd replevv saw.- property, on ot Deiflnrt2e; r , cond Monday of Voruaiy( aesudraeiit by default will b taken Against' LimV inj the pro. jerty lenea on coiaeiDnea,wiit9 u, PlaintiCM v ; f C piVS , j Jan. 19, 1829.