.. . -s ,. . y . v, . .. -.. . . :f Imperial or Vr-of thedaycro q t- soWd. and' the Hou.j proceeded ;ti con- j iitler the bill f, - the preservation ami re Wrif the Cu .rland'road. ' Mr. Ram- 1 4 "Z ViZ.' " av then rem: i-u m u.c m.uor,.T 7 j ,7- .s.v -f--"7 :P : . , . t v; , Sl -bY Wakin-the ' ,11s specified collect-1 ;VvK'; "VV U -1 V Ours are Ahe plans of.faircigbtfur peace,- 'tC r - -"TSVN lAf Prv tPn instead of twenty miles ' f ? V; vVi 'AjJrp, patty-ragetoiiylike brbthers. s?i ..V buiihe Wotion.was tiegahved by a great , il; -CVrye-Af -VV- V'v fechanan then renewed the motioiihe bad y 4V ,v :!iT A- U.lo nmmittee to amend 'the bilLbv ADf ERTJSEMENTS not exceediitg sixteen Hues neatlf inserted 3 tfmes for aTJplUivit twenty-five nt for ercryucee? dm? publicarfwtf. to the, Staiei throah :.whichjt rrlns, ;oti ; V';J:; . r.'.fe s-.? wc:;: ,J -f . . '-l vAi 'v;.ytlv " 4?-; 'dondjtionffKaVth 5S??l --'TV " ; - .;ir": -: O ? ' - i i it in, repair. 5 and on thts queshon flie ii CarpetltfirS wajlfed i WTO Intf tyi?nte7aSn' da 0 w:bq mucji was jwdjiced and';ri6envere:prrtd;, the;lasea$nn,,7hat wo&enrf'It;de: i - 1 VrJs- JlhlvVithouta recbmmendatoh oranbrietvanrtlShark Fox.- Alerfran J Sea Gull. 'At the cessfulmotjon made by; Mr fiance to df :nRaieTgh;fblO;iB29: ?tr Tv45 ,3t : Tuesday, iFeb. 17.,. c;:1 m -KVnmn''BAfiiititi 'I- J; C: Vriehtfcontihued hfeitiarkrHe, C?flOAiWeAia;-: appofbbs. dmenaiDentoTie niorrs ui iwnmi ni.Mmv MHy'U'HOiiV)rtii Rame,i now open for , the reception 01 ed ffr jhi; Utter 1 to, ine Liejrislaturp ol 1 Boarders ancDTravellera. vZ- C w oerteei tsninfehlitUation'aUni K The premises hae been, lately, completely St'ates Senator. v Beforef.Mr Wright 1!f,re Jtnd, P,nrd T -rn?ve ra ion; made kbviMri jV;:: th'Kthi wil nto- )ropo$ei tiln Teti ted had mot bendt helfnle was negatived- The?fiouesUideil with Fodder arid Grain and faithful Ostlers. nm cr domains uir cuuiccst tucs suu juiovi , aelectd liV, himself in Phi ladel phia and his Lar der will afford at airtimes, the best provisions of cite mai'Kei ana utriicacies 01 me seasons, wuc dimcul jteanttnepconciuuea ni puseryauoqsip ia- h-1s cUarges-wni be'moderate toauit the op of.the,bilK &ittoppositun tMb amenclTi yQf the times.- 'V- ,? - mYnt jtid ?wa'gcfolltived OVM rrH AfTmaijM ; -Havine hadJonsf 'experience in i I wha'iurghedlagnst in Philadelphia, and I . a P w .v; l:ii " ' '.. . A devote his entire attention to this es merit ami 'opposed ihej bill; sAsoon;a te 'questionV which'waseQonde'd by aT ma-, joritvof he House. Y'e ayesf and,"noes tfvere. then Cil led and.orb'ered on.the qaps-; AWilShallV:thetvmairfqoe8Uon't.be:Knor' pu t if w h c h ' w a s ' decid ed j n'. th e. n ega ti v e v, 83,oeft 37: Mr Stprrs then mo-; ed that Jhev nousez respiye umu iniown-mittee'-iof the , ..whole ,tn the Uniph, in rderrtake un the bUtrespectinz r tthe ''fifth fcenJuM bu before the,qQttot;was retaken Vn the; motiohi th House adjourned. 1 . , 'iS' T?o ' betra vn ith of - April;-; . k'J(K ' 600 - 10 500V .'.V rW204-,, ; 30r , 1122;. w 2a- t vVi' ... And 11,475 of $10. ''J - ' v wo: wet intending. to tablishment. hV assures the Traveller and the Public, every exerjtion, witn tne aavamage, ot taai experience is nle.d eed for their comtort. renose. and eratifi catiort, and for 'the good management of the Man sion tiotei. present, ti me,": nineteen of v the above; yes- selsir0H in'ordipafy,4 ;and;tyfehiynl in Z commission;' Jn additionVfive :Ships f 1C7. Jarr, T.ith'JcVn I'liilit il.rJ ! napartc.will. at or cfofelhe etpiration tuio ears fro nv tlic above date, b. rorr.o.v edor escape from II13 Iby ' ."Jt. HHc-" ha'Jt is u, nd c i'stpocl betvc; ii& rnrtir'; ; tht afiEona jDartcf should xli e ;av i thi n 'jt I : e , : nbovc 'nerjo'd .of stwoiyenji',fintfz'oi'the!-Ts-Jah of St. iena'r that - Ke' locks' -,MBonap'irte died wit!.i .nthe,tinie"pejci r, . fien; TneiDistn etCouVty-on a special ve r-'V . f diet ga v ej ju dgtp e n t - fo rth e 7,d eFend i n t, - c r Avhich wasjaifirined by ihSaprelhe'.Coiirtio.y;-theChief-Justrce anil Justice Smith 'dis.' sentiHg.' cThe'inajority decfAf eill ; that- weignj,. urweal tU.ir iirircumstancej ...amt?-;:,-. jtaauohiof tfoy- 'perquarc etthVi : maiic ' ; ouV pVin'decejitrX'j qi pvrt t n ent o r, 111 d c J r ? - -caieinai.aM sncn-pei are .ii.eai,-vanii , ; that ioourt' nughtii a'uy-fpiw,' to suU tain a smtZun ;,suchA a wager''; rand thu;' ':IC Seats 'in Messrs. Mallett's Lines of Stages', viz- Charleston; Cjmden and Nortolki canf be taken, at thu Hotel, ' and will.be secured inall other Lines of Stages, leaving Fayetteville i jsayeneyme. jan. , o wzm VTUESDAY FEB. 24, 1829. Vhole Tickets $ldt:Ualves $5, .Quarters $2 SO. i(j' Alt orders promptly attended to.z''-In the last Dismal "Swamp, 7,x -35,; 41 $5000 was sold at this Office i$end vtour Orders tav 1 . ' f i' -v .YATES & McltfTYRE,. . .' '. ' . Richmond,. Va. v Vjtttmbers "drawn iri the; Dismal -Swampl ; VV : -V 42; 2217, 41, 39835. ENSTERTAINMENT. jk " IRUFFIN (formerly of vBaleighO has 0 'X; opened his house in the- Townof: Wadesboi rough, lOOyards west of th Court-House, where uliW is hfeDared to receiveZUOARDERS and ac commodate TR A.VELI.ERS who maycall on him. faction, ' ' ' A' s.1 Wadesboro 23d Feb., . V-49-tf,- tIn the House of Representatives, a, de risive nnstinn hflV' at" Iftno-th -hppn tkn on thebilfto authorise the establishment hear o( important operations of toll gates . on, the Cumberland Road, i? wer wains. - , "v N . . ' - i . ... I An account from the Livernool Cotton ana otner.wise to provme ior Keeping it ir r , c . rf r. - . v i -- , tr.lt , ' , . ; . , . 1 1 market to the first ot January, i received repair ; ana, tne dim nas passea iw tnira bv a house in this cify via Havre, The stock reaumgoy a majoniy 01-54 yoies In the Senate, the Committee was referred the numerous claiming indemnity for spoliations mitted ort our commerce by French rilHEtSubscriber begs leave to inform rh tfriends and 'the; publiCi. th2t her has purchaa ed thattlafifeand commodious Establishment re cently occupied 'liy haw Millr Eqi. one hundred yarns west or me uou.nMQuse,vuii oirt?eu He tesnectfullv solicits llb'eral 'portion of pub lfcpatronagei b'elieving.from its proximrty to the ,Cotirf-Honseand:other advantaffesZwhish it.pos- v susses,' together, with WsindefatigaWeattention to those 'whomay favor him with; their company; Vreeable Roardin? Establishment. -'f T -rj.4 . His table will.be furnished with -the best the country aft"ords,tvand hH- pricS? will be propor- uonate. io.tne. greai - scarcity pi, moneys Mt m: (f7fTbedIVor of the Newbern, Spectator will insert the abbye three, times, and forward hia'api 5unt ta the subscriber. ' V , w3 B rw'T-. - rtjf. ' .7 cbr. ,uif uniiHi 9intwii ,uc umwuvi ui unm. can perceive Jin- principle Mwnr iunco.i- , ofthemegingates fottr SlobpsJ,, aVTs pVitewe nk:it.rchhnV Wtiichiir pen of Warrer'powbniMin.Ter Cohsti- cil to"pthVfsNorth;Garolijia wiltbe, orlt4 coarts to be Vast fdiMo niti(y jlf o -tutiontTnited States 'and Constellation, great! befVefitWlyihk tehsiob of this maitpirunositW Hi : " v wererauncfied ifland ue theVdest ulTure;4mohg hefoutherne Pivrcratis;' : yesselstii rthcjNiWiVthe'ciSaeJi and 9 rP? 0 ; tu -a V ' '''',',vnn-'iL ,r-" VW. sugar canet'oui.every nanu uijiuyvH " - mpnuon ana cntifyooia conceaj ami 1 John Adanmr on U inthelxtensef regWnrto : rrfrdm which" Ume till ' 1813, an interval 0f usii one-ief ed .(rooi ;jhe producimn kingtheiobI man ! . if:feriyeafs,J ho public, SreSsel Was buiit.JT otan article, to which oursoil and climate adwiUrriotlafi ajodgeJhotd udbet of V . fcV 'I'V'y f:;-;:-V - ire ''adapted; f.iferJ cotton?; the price :,9C a'njind,bot any human 6ein5rVjk;jrc-";: , . "-Great fire 'k(Savannah--ftK the. last bjehmust rise as thequabjtity produced tpverablejn a court p juVtice.' T : ; Southed mail, inforinatidn iceUed of diiaim WWithd Wextensive an distressing conflagration ay on!y; one i d"M l - -j j produced by DouisianaMissisSippi, lori- JosepV HJones,-:a ?hidily resnectab e ; V no 1 Savannah by, which. it issaid upwards da A?abama, and Georgiaarid theXottun mehantb t forty.houses were consumed and much of tforth-Carolfqa Vill find a tnarket" a a, self'this'morhiiig; inis chamber At Heis-v.; -listress1 produced. -( It is supposed to'be price which will pay well for; the Jabour kellVHotel, tfnd .expired portly after.i'. ' ;: ; the work of an incendiary. XJ . J "t onreasonable to hope for such o. f- Mfonas a 4)aWpf England,; and- . "V V,'" --1 ;:' . feet from such a cause ?ie. I ' Fayetteville Jtfarket&Qtton,l$'& . , -j i7Z ' ; He" bad comfelto Chu ciirjaa'-Xisixalto pur Bagng,yd.20a24.'Cbffee,al6. Flour "f.?' chaW goods; andentto Nw-yorkboui; V g6 60 av 87j Iron, 5 50 a 6 50 Flax- chigan. Territory lately t into a dispute. .tfinthfaincV: 1 ! seedr 85 a 90. Lime; 2 50 a S. Molassses pPen Court,, and oneof them ejected & beginnirtg.iof TasteeHis frifends we , ' ' a2ia37. Suga common, 10,a if y qu,d of Jobaccp into the other's face;.e understandaVe -prime, 11 a 12 Salt, Liv. "90 a glTSteel, Court should Ahaye ordered foreclosure of bablve cause foe heentable act which' ' i : Amer.a9. . Tobacco, leaf, 2 50 a S3- eoffendea-claMhell. Ap. Brandy, 40a45. Whtskey, 25 a 30: tia said they granted hi rq further repiA; .vV,z :r?Yn r 7. . Wheat, gl 35. "4 ;, " . u e : .C-1 ''f; " .V'?li'fe-. UVS. Bank Notes, H to 2,pr. ct. pre- h j fallowing iff the net account ofpos- ftf rfon mium. Capelear, do. iagc tu u,.g.a, i6 P. ..,uFa.i uvc. day afternoon, about 6faJiorse. attaclied:;V-- , . New. Fork Market; Feb 7- Vlh ll- , ' t cAte pn.The business done in this ar- Mdr t S 1 ! -; 0 t t 5, L' street,ook' fngh n tonK Jus fT?z : ticlet during the week past; has been on a ' ' 966 Ut . very limited scale. Tfie total transac- Newbern. 1 ' ' l.fc08-54 ' alV?Uhe ea. alarm of aU the people, Inons ao not exceeu uuu oaies, constsi-i uaieign,- 1 2,194 1.1 i..iiwiiw4vuip.i.ut... ys; , irig of Nortb-Caroliria Uplands, at 8, 9, ' AVashington, ; t, r. 883 ; 1 diretibp.Two womcn'and amaiC Wre;- o. yi ana nne yf c.is 5 ooui i-aronna anti 1 .-,--. - ,uv 'h,';" "juvrvf ."i. h.v 'vi , 1 .1 Ueorgia uplands at yi, yj, and nne lui .we suctij.M m; 1 gnyM rrtureu ;uuj,va9iu c vci 1 . " 11 1 vl 1 ' . i-. 1 1 1 l it lha ru 1 1 r 1 u a imnnrMnnaitr Mlivattavi la t .aIm Maaws nrBiiinwhiknso Innrtrf nn4n - N'. 1 rTs Aianamfls .vj 'tn. mi- an 1 iripnnsi v miuui .uivV w v. ? v .v.v t uiii y, uicana vi puMe,iuuiaWi, na vh v ' .. v . mon.North-Carolina cts. , ' n doubt greater, than any office m:; the but Jthe horse in passipg oyerturned the' Grain. From 4,000 to 5,000 bushels : but the expense occasioned by its b(;and;'the;boy ; ofVood. Wheat have arrived from WiK bein"ta tnbuting. office, are 9 great as sleigh, wVwas drfiwn with thV greatest V f . ; min;ton, (N- C-) since our last, the most ''F" , ric fUfC speed. forsome aistance, Dearingxne DiacK . . of which, it is understood, sold at 177 sura Fayede. Obs. y - t v ,pale, thffriiJ till it ot :oppdsitc cents per bushel. Rye is in but little TV'ar ' 'r-Wv LemetV,, State: street House,' Vwherr He : ' demand at our auotations, and we do not deaths n the City ojTIfeworkTh jumped; intcikasnow;bankr?and";escapedv or chaoses ""V1. death ,n XK YL unhurt., Tlie York, during the year of 1828, wa' p'e- their courei and,?for auglit-we 4n6i; thousand one hundred and eighty ooe. may .tffcbtfdas The number of males deceased over that - -,. x ''iAoi',', -' .".V "; ' of the females was eight hundred and sixty- " rrbntke 'AWri fjtH'T one. The greatest number of death in a v J' TjJ - tiC t oicouon at Liverpool oi an kmas was Ubicrle month, occurred.ln the montb of Yes lafly, thou lt die..vTHat lip of snowr.V towhompiyVtaies, oemg aoout Jo.ouo nates Augu8t. o.ie hun.ired and -eighty -seven. I n.tna. J?t? '0' , re". v'.e v X ;V.' ; mpmnriiU ,eSii than on the 1st ot Jan. I oe t .a to 8ee theit. 4 threp- score vears and Tow'"0 "tn ti eeuiou wiJi gQ i:,v memonals aprinan .iMp,::. rn nnn U 8e.e l5eV 1 nlle core ) ears anci i .,wh broken hearts jmd blighted flo 'era arc-" ' com. i . ten:" ana or tnese, nity-sevem died oe-4 :not' . vr, 1r ; i com less thnn last year. The market was dull. r .1 ' 'LJ ' 1101 V ' ; 'v l. .Z , 'a,',.v Pi.h5 I xt' i j i ', j , . mcuKvic ;caia in wvj-- BU"--",rV--rvxnoa;ai Urui- New uplands, denominated good in the thirteen at the age of ninety and. one huo ; TherainbbV brihteW but toelt aay, -Vvj sers,,pfeyious to 1800, and relinquished Liverpool standard, were at 6 3-8d. dred f and two at the age of one' hundred sAnd the sweei.sounds hat vander iin theairi'li by treaty,' in consideration of this Govern- iV. Ys Mer. Ad. or upwards. , ut cH the dire,rTow and Uccar'l 1? mept being released from the guarantee h o f JT University t? " w j Ar7 ' , r m' Y;thwilta of theinteority -of thevFrench Colonial r v- L i T V f 7 .Beer. Hyder A. Davie, Esqr.of Ches- .Ttrisduy cold exile forataplace on high, ui wiciueuiy vi tne rreutn oiouidi 0f Virginia has been entirely mterruDted, f.r n;kt.:n e r i.j ; J.Jn ,iA;t ;n,m.. V. vvf,.kv rewing Business on a .large' scd'e ;-and LMelt in the' deeper glories of the'sky- f . oi ,ine aiu- has succeeded in makhTg S rung Beer 4)1 y n0." :"iucr "gM;v' three have an excellent oualltv. He will be. abie to I?nte?i rally dis-Uuiinlv the whole Southern countrvl wftH i i I:rv2Ul.i.j ' uiai-wnuiesome. ana nuincious oeyerae Nor serpents vritnea rou na passions aweetestAi v auch quantities of which' have hpretlre .tnow'ri' W''-Ari beeb shipped from Europe; and the NGrth- r vA"- Prn tnivna. i.n.Urhp nnmPof Atp Pnrrprr Ayer thott wIt;dle and shall linger bere.c '. t re ned. " - - possessions, have reported a bill appro- we are sorry to learn, by an alarm caused priaung two mtutont oi aouara to tnis od- oy a iever, oi wnicn severari iect - , ' ' laents sicicened, and two or vy.,, . ; luieu me resi nave very gene . We perceive in the Washington papers persed to their respective homes a prospectus for publishing a History ofl . n r r j a l v, I ;- . - . V 'r- zp- - . A , 1 Bank Notice to Endorser- A correspon- the-Administration of 7oAn Adams; in . , -t : one volume octavo of about 500 najrp rawuU v,Vu..i u,u8 uunv - c ' , -V 7 r r 7V. ,Vhen. all the b ossortts ot Ztheuhen one volume octavo, ot about 500 pages, recently decided in the Supreme &Vto South, and sold at handsome fD 8e;0n thearinourn wither pt;ice ,83. , rie administration, of Mr. n ... Jvr . . r 1 . profit. Mr. Da ie's: brewery afirds:4he The cold,' ihlpsu the beamiful, 1 . . . Court of the United States at Washing- L . ' i i T1"" xr."v: . ' Aaams.nas.existeamroughput a period . i u nf nonillar PYrifpmpnf en omnprtil haf Wa I . I - - .Z. , 1 emafia ; Z 1 .. . On the 26th Mr. Justice vWashington something practical, vpj fl , - . Jc ; 1 dehveredthe opinion of the C of attack and defence, than as the pperar iiatns.zys. the Banlt of the-Ui tions of a great Republic, through its con- It was an action by the Ba jstituted organs ; rather as events affecting g tinstt Williams, as endorser a'Arrt.n.l rno0 r Ati.a gufiable note The only q than of the. community. . To exhibit the doiser. It ' ppeari that the end iransactiona oi.vnis interesting epocn in connected form and with a care and partiality vhich-may assist the future his torianuie.YorK now announcea wui ltter tear" - uie ueaa t. ui-LQrijj argument .wer nave yei seen l ;Ano as life's stars in.iociiiess,uepari,.- , u te from South OfcrolinV jther'e Is jC ThmemoVy 8till.m1dsthe deepening gloom, xi?--. and een in iCH JYu in : i'.r ourt in Wi- isby.the use ot such argumentsanq'such v'zr: " :V .T::" "TT - jtj j ? dted States- alone that ourNiwlhern brethfeu-wili MVVl?;- nk brougiU a-Uhe soonest be broogUtto a sebsef the tm-J .r? &UV J ' ; - upon a ne- policy of their high tariff,meaures;: : 5 ueiUon Was - . . - r. CSf. CarOf. L 'Jlimtvffi fUUir AnnRob-irrU r,.iV' i orser lived " 1 " J ' ; v - Boson, Feb,4.z?A InCumberTandcouhtjon Tuesday evening: a 1 in the; town where the bond was situate Une ot the most dreadful ores with which. ittvurvvonnjiciy ;,?io3eson xoonty; ton z im- and when the no'e catne due and was dis- our neighborhood h4s been visitedJor rtaIw'wary-fiT wie.jona - honored, a .Noury w.ent to the hiiuse-of 1 the endorser to give him notice, found it 111 juZclock. in CharIetown. vThe alarm ,'if'thfchmoniivmitwV!.-.t-'o' - - - r ,( learned that the endorser and his family iiig-h6use, near the head, of Gray V.wharf . in Mecltlenbur countyron the23th ult by ; V llW"8' '(t - - ' were outol town on Ta fisit.The' Notary & that plawwhiVh Gra:-;v flrHW aV -Editor, of the-Nor tb-Carolina Jour- then left a writtennotice'at a' neighbor's together. witha carpenter'' shop, .where H?- llirJF&'z. M'tnthe"besVnde of .matin Winesecbod lialrexultexceedingly' at the election of house, requesting it to be delivered .to the the fire ongina ed; The house.was occpr . -;c)n theJSjh'Wt 'MJamei-FlenminVa Edition. W'AhinetonCity' Prke half-fl Huff Green as Printer to the House of Rei ennorser upon, his .return. .The Court pied by severah families. A distillery; at krs.!KancV Ann PmeL m Lincoln county. : , dMil:W - vptV.Z-V UVese wonder! hel that herefthe house of the endornerJ a; short distance: ook,lire.t ; i 7 I , i: VASlUNGTON COUNTS. J . Is j:4vm.FaniTerm;'X.a828. f -J-... ' ? " ,.m "tJ-. A it 1.- " it . HrUiam Jones, a nomasMiones,- jane jones, i no 1 rflfas,1l.v maw.andVKancy,: his-wife, Z Cbarlolte Jotles by Ueyi Fagati,. her C'Uard?an"ajid.-Fn--;leyJ bney b WmviFagaieW hia"; Guardian f appearing tqtbe satisfaeddn of the, cOnrt, that J Thomas, Jones "resides ;without the limitaof d at-rthey armdeed par notolefratrm.ceUf: nonc- ;t t9 nt necesiarv -for thP kscert.ined thatseveral neKnnhWid T -t- fc- V .Vs ' V';" --t, . , u' .ba-.. I 1111 Ml V Ml llll ll V , I 11 I I lir T, I .1. , III . ITI W W . II1I.1 VTI I ,111' HIT II II II KM . W r 111 VKIIItT. 3VI1I1' 111 v H TrJewXprKV, ljoquirerr states jthat hice, or leave any written notice, any where) seardrbeing instituted,-the Jiff leas, bodies nthia.Bryan3aughter,af John Bryan'lisq, cf . ' v."po,the":i2thin5tant,finllrur.3wickcDuhtv, A -WnV Hall, Esq.to'ii8s Sarh Vatter; efd..v k, est daughter of Joseph Yattera Ei , -:- C In HOckmgb10 ctu ty, a few' d ays a c, ?Jr tO Hie UllltcU Olalcs ill XX Dill UeXUC I ". v ttit,'t w tuv. wu.tiii, a- -iuu c I v f v i c u j .s j an an urgu ouuwtmijuuii v (' .'Ai : v--5n'e.'.-. aV--: ' . fore afSnned. . : : - i ( - -1 . , . sttempUng lo;eca"pe-fromUhe 'ciiofl.gn.tP Saaiuel,""'!.";. c,:'rnljr,',t,. ."'-'-' ' ir- Lv.'.'i ' ... .V:... - -:.' -V trPfinPfttlVTVrftrflPfl lh0hmitriki! nuiTUu.ipH rff: anil A "nri an -v uhn aro. can I'm q b t- A".,V1t?t'1'..,..rff f . . ; - 'v.,-w -- four of the secondvclass t twelve Slnnni I -An4umnn.m l?onM.i ..',M:,:;i JAiir 1 w c.;! , . k.ii fCiirT Knnt t :. ? .-r 1 1- iL -i .vr.-- -1 . : . r . v. -s Lv. ....... , '.va-i':" - r i t-? v. rT""-k.'"!'a iwvjiv.tvm Tv.t hikiim i tto ouiiuvjv.u.; w- iiuib.uvvu , Uui i i naa- ieiL wiic .anu lunr iii. 11 - nr ucn ore '- v I vel1 :SchbbnersUnd other Tes'-l have amply proved, that not. only thVlands deatb-vrAs a caption to hoose-keepers, it theV WvlKwas omvers,i:7 rejected for h m; , less nj Hppear and Answer te- next ouperiori y, vhr .t.:-.5: . i J - : L I s 7 .f '' Li. r-i, - , - w, . tfonrtot EquityXta4 beheld, ibr.the County; selSrrThe 747s afloatlare the Indepen- wuuwiiaarc, iui aoteior its(cuiture9 we weiLja ooserye,:inat .ws.nre xook, bwwcuw w a . ; ' V-W vvasWpton"bneV.ecpndW; boMj? , Florida; MisMssippi, , Aiabiioa, jts nsefrbirra mvtsidintohichathes i.c:xttJdgmenpco nt?K?W and eyen WruWar6liria; s'fe a!- iteported; rr S- 5 COMAT. E. w.c, , Fiatofloalrtf.hftf nd;?ioridahe culture isxtending wuh CurimIw.Ca ;Meie!nberpth5MethodatKP!sralcurt .ftVaI ?rapdwW;rHu dti nalbeti decide dpremeurt nfe hi recently occupied ;aSta Grocery ,byv Men '-hn Hfnp.flftnJn AnVl v 17.,H V hJ U0et,HttIeu at all interior tO the best West ' " t ft i rv, PhhP , tVM 'shehisb-en asiernii tujh stor'.apjlj, H.'.dayW.two;g, ,made by upon the foUowinS Jnemorandam- :.r;; husVahd. ch'.!.lrer.. incl r. Jl

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